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Home Explore November 2013, Volume 1 - Issue 6 Nov. 2013

November 2013, Volume 1 - Issue 6 Nov. 2013

Published by jennywu0208, 2015-08-05 00:22:24

Description: November 2013, Volume 1 - Issue 6 Nov. 2013


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FREE take oneNOVEMBER 2013WMagMANrichmondWhere the men wear the pants but the women pick them out.3 Sugar and Spice5 Walking the Natural Path to Wellness13 T ips On Eating Healthy During The Holiday16 Shield Your Child Facebook Cover Photo by: Jen Sinclair PhotographyFacebooTkwitter Volume 1 – Issue 6

PROFESSIONAL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHING we only use environmentally friendly cleaners Add a mold/mildew inhibiting wax barrier to keep your home looking clean for up to 2 years! SATISFACTION GUARANTEE(804)338-6763 • • email: [email protected] We also specialize inLicensed & Insured • We accept Visa, Mastercard & Discovery • A+ on Angie’s list and the BBB Driveway Sealcoating and Deck SealingW MANMagrichmond FREE take oneWMag MANrichmond 4Where Come advertise with usJUNE 2013 Talia Osborne pants but the women pick them out. Owner & Publisher HRehlopnMdae!the men wear the 757-256-3750 [email protected] 10 RMGiceivhtermoaowWnadoyman 11 CMHaeantvrReoicIWthAmolmlo?nedn CJeonveSrinPFcahcloaebitorooPkbhyo: tography Volume 1 – Issue 1 Richmond Woman Magazine makes every effort to provide accurate information in advertising and editorial content, however it does not make any claim as to the accuracy of information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and accepts no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information. FacebooTkwitter Published monthly 2013 Richmond Woman Magazine, Richmond, Virginia. The information contained herein is not to be reproduced. Twitter2 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

sugar & spice Your Thanksgiving table will not be complete without one of my specialty desserts!! Spice it up with my delicious Ginger Cookies or Ginger Bars. Satisfy your taste buds with my unforgettable Sweet Potato Croissants. What ever dessert you choose your tastebuds will thank you later!!Place your Thanksgiving Orders before I look forwardNovember 16th. to helping you bring a little sugar and spice and everything niceBe sure to come see me at the to your Thanksgiving meal!!Brunswick Stew Festival or the CloverHill High School Festival, both on Thanksgiving is fast approaching!! NoNovember 2nd. one likes to spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing food, so try this simpleAnd this Thanksgiving make sure you and refreshing dessert!!give thanks to the one who created you!! strawberry delight pie I½1n1¾¾1gbgcrlcocearuauuxdrpgmppijeesecnhtclCrlotoorasalotdw:(co3wbkwlaoeeWatzrretr)hecireirrpsu(pstlapciee shell in freezer temporarily) water,cntartuadasdidntd.eicDraeoencwdf oCamrtoaeioxtre.ltTWhthheheeJiptjeoe.llplMloo.wixsWihthhoeunld Bernie Richardson, Owner Bernie’s Baked Goods | 804-744-1989 | Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! 3

Scrubs Chef Wear Shoes Church Attire Lab Coats Screening Accessories We have in two new lines: Rocky Shoes & Smitten Uniforms by LandauFOR ALL YOUR UNIFORM NEEDS 1555 N. Parham Rd. • Richmond (804) 282-9631 2200 Boulevard • Colonial Heights • (804) 520-8775 Black Girls Rockin VA Maria Chevelle Honoring women for great achievements! “UnbrDeeabkuatblNeoDvel estiny” Email us for the The night my son died, details about the is the night I started to live upcoming award show in Feb. 2014 purchase on and Amazon Now accepting nominations at Connect with Maria [email protected] Entrepreneur | Business Coach | .com/jensinclairphotoNutriU NUTRITION CLUB 400B Southlake Blvd, Suite 100 • N. Chesterfield, VA 23236LOSE WEIGHT NOW! ASK ME HOW!Options for Healthy Weight Loss • Wellness Coach Support • Energy Fitness Digestive Health & More • Relaxing Atmosphere • Private Consultation HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTORCALL FOR PRODUCTS & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY / WEEKLY TRAINING MEETINGS GROUP SUPPORT Joseph Cason Monday-Friday 804-591-8183 5:30 pm-7:30 pm 9:00 am-11:00am4 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

Walking the Natural Path to WellnessA friend told me a long time ago to follow my passion. Well, working in thenatural health care field is that passion for me! Educating people on how theycan utilize natural products and certain techniques is what I love to share! Iwant to share that information with you!To be truly healthy, you must delve into life to make sure the foods you are eatingand be fully engaged in your mind, body, are absorbed properly in your body. Youand soul. I realized that years ago when I are what you absorb, NOT what you eat!decided to go into the natural health care Digestion is absolutely paramount tofield. Our bodies are so remarkable! Given enjoying good health and feeling great!the proper tools, the body has the power Being a certified health and digestiveto heal itself with the optimum nutrients enzyme specialist, I will also help guideand healing techniques available. As a you towards the best protocol.natural health practitioner, I look at thewhole body, which helps me evaluate the My goals for a positive outlook on yourhealth issues you have encountered. Going health are huge, but very attainable. Asthe natural route is basically a balance of I guide you to look at the natural healingphysical, mental, spiritual, and emotional modalities which include Reflexology,factors which allow you to live a rewarding, Herbs, Digestion, Homeopathy, Structuralhealthy, and fulfilling life. Side effects are Body Work, and Bach Flower Essences,very minimal to most natural modalities we will find the best program fit for youravailable, and you can enjoy feeling better in health needs.a shorter amount of time.I love to enlighten my clients on ways to Remember, You Don’t Have To Hurt To Heal.become revitalized, refreshed, and renewedwhile walking the natural path to wellness Marilyn Scott, CNHP, D. PScwith me. These natural modalities are an 804.350.0034effective and safe way to address a wider ange of health issues. 9609 Gayton Rd., Suite 100My main goal is to show you how you Richmond, VA 23238can Make Your Life a Top Priority whilegiving you guidance on how to stay [email protected] utilizing specific protocols whichcorrespond to your health issues.We will also be looking at the importance ofyour health, which include lifestyle, dietary,and environment, as well as how you handleyour stress level. Stress plays an integralpart in everyone’s life. How you handlestress can have a huge impact on how youperform in the workplace and how you feelemotionally, spiritually, and physically.Since 70% of your immune system residesin your digestive tract, it is vitally important Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! Facebook 5

The Executive Consultant.Com “Where women find solutions, motivation and much more….” Ladies, it’s time to take care of YOU! Log on the site and take my “Is Food Your Enemy? Questionnaire™ and find where you fit emotionally when it comes to your daily food choices.Sheena Lyle, LCSW, CEO Need motivation, practical solutions, synergy? Executive Consultant Book me at your next event, workshop, or meeting…log on to the site under “Speaking (804) 240-7603 Engagements” for a portion of my prior workshops including “Women in Charge: Letting Go and Renewing Your Strength” Like us oFnaFceabceobookok at If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Tony RobbinsThe Executive Consultant FollowTwittuers on Like us on WIN DINNERTwitter foFarcyeobuorok Facebook AND A SHOWchance to WIN!! for your chance to WIN!! FOR 2 sponsored by Mama J’s and “What’s a Sistah 2 Do?”RVAMTewtriottWeroman rFicahmcoenbdomeotrkowomanmagazineCan’t Hurry Love Are You Smarter danger • suspense • drama Than A Pastor?Rena Roberts Shipp, Be a contestant on the biblical triviaa local fiction writer, offers her latest riveting teen novel. game show aired on the Christian Women’s Network (CWN).Carly and Lissa are raised by their old-school Nanna. TwittFeorrmore information check our website:[email protected] godsstministry.vpweb.comwww.renarobertsshipp.com804-443-26146 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

Resolving ConflictIs It Okay to Fight?In a one word answer, no. That assumes“fighting” isn’t just disagreeing and expressingnegative emotions. Those things are inevitablein a marriage. But if fighting is trying to resolvethose feelings and problems through abusivebehavior, it’s unhealthy.Conflict occurs when two people have time. Unfortunately, many spouses bringa difference of opinion that hasn’t been two or three issues to an argument, tryingresolved. This can happen when you and your to reinforce their point. This confusesspouse disagree over where to go for dinner, the confrontation and doesn’t allow forwhose family to spend the holiday with etc. understanding and resolution.All of these are normal marital conflicts • C onfront privately. Doing so in publicthat can be worked out. When arguments could humiliate--or at least embarrass--yourturn into verbal or physical abuse, this isn’t spouse. This will immediately put him or herhealthy for any marriage. If you consistently on the defensive and shut down any desire toattack your spouse with statements like, “I’m reconcile.sorry I married you,” “you are so stupid,” and • Seek to understand the other person’s“I hate you,” you’ve moved from arguing to point of view. Try to put yourself in yourabusing. If you throw things at your spouse- spouse’s shoes, an exercise that can lead to-pillows, silverware, pictures, etc. (never hit, understanding and restoration.push, shove, kick, or spit at your spouse) it • S et up a resolution plan. After the two ofonly leads to more conflict and hurt. Conflict you have expressed your points of view andin itself doesn’t lead to divorce. Lack of come to an understanding, share your needsresolution has brought divorce to marriages. and decide where to go from here.Conflict resolution may sound complicated, • Be willing to admit when you’re wrong.but it’s possible. It’s a skill that requires the Sometimes conflicts occur because onecommitment of both spouses and can be person’s behavior was inappropriate. Berefined with practice. willing to confess and ask for forgivenessHear are 10 things to remember about from your spouse if you’ve wronged herresolving conflict without fighting. or him. That process can help to heal the• D eal with disagreements as soon as damage in your relationship. • R emember that maintaining the possible. The longer the conflict stews, relationship is more important than the larger the issue becomes; time tends to wining the argument. Winning an argument magnify a hurt. Ephesians 4:26 at the expense of losing the relationship is• Attack the problem, not the person. a defeat for both of you. Finding a solution Lashing out at your spouse leaves him or that benefits both spouses lets everyone win. her hurt and defensive. This works against What if the two of you just can’t seem to resolving conflict. Let your mate hear what find that solution? When you can’t get past a the problem is from your point of view. Say specific conflict, seek the help of a counselor. something like, “I’m frustrated that the bills Anger is normal, as long as we seek to resolve didn’t get paid on time,” instead of, “You’re the conflict. “If it is possible, as far as it so irresponsible and lazy. You never pay depends on you live at peace with everyone” anything on time.” (Romans 12:18). Instead of fighting, ask• E xpress feelings. Use I statements to share yourself: Are you doing your part to reconcile your understanding of the conflict. “I feel and restore your relationship with your mate. hurt when you don’t follow through.” “It Written by Pastors Taiwo & Renodda Stevenson makes me angry when you tease me in front Kingdom Worship Center of your friend.” Avoid “you” statements like Service on Sundays at 10:30 at Curtis Elementary, “you’re so insensitive and bossy.” 3600 W Hundred Rd. Chester, VA 23831• Stick with the subject at hand. Most people can deal with only one issue at a Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! 7

NOVEMBEREventsRichmond 34TH ANNUAL CRAFTSMEN’S CHRISTMAS CLASSIC ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL Richmond Raceway Complex, 600 E. Laburnum Ave., Richmond, VA 23261 Fri, Nov 01, 2013 (10:00 AM-9:00 PM), Saturday, November 02, 2013 (10:00 AM-6:00 PM), Sun, Nov 03, 2013 (11:00 AM-5:00 PM). Gilmore Enterprises, Inc.: (336) 282-5550, Email [email protected]. www.gilmoreshows. com/craftsmens_classics_richmond_christmas.shtml. Experience the Extraordinary. Features original designs & work by over 450 talented artists 1 and craftsmen from the US & Canada. Find today’s one-of-a-kind treasures for everyone on your gift list and know they will become tomorrow’s cherished heirlooms. Richmond Raceway Complex - Exhibiton, Commonwealth & Henrico Hall Buildings Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5 - Admission in 2011 $8/Adults $1/ Child (6-12) Under 6 Free Free Parking Admission Good All 3 Days With FREE Return Ticket From Show Desk Avance Discount & Group (15+) Ticket Sales Through Promoter Discount Coupons are part of Newspaper Ads. Admission not set for 2012 at this time. Check web for details. 14TH ANNUAL BRUNSWICK STEW FESTIVAL November 02, 2013, 17th Street Farmers’ Market, 804-646-0477 Stewmasters from all over offer their unique version of a tasty fall favorite. Stew 2 available for purchase by the sample or by the quart. Expanded craft market, food trucks, and live music stage featuring Road Kill Roy and Notch 8. Make sure you get there early before the quarts run out! HOVA WINERIES 11008 Washington Hwy, Glen Allen, VA 23059. Saturday, November 02, 2013 - Sunday, November 03, 2013 (11:00 AM-5:00 PM). (804) 550-7516. Email [email protected]. The HOVA Wine Trail wineries celebrate the Harvest with this special trail weekend. Purchase your 2 trail ticket at any of the 6 HOVA wineries (James River Cellars, Cooper Vineyard, Grayhaven Winery, Lake Anna Winery, Mattaponi Winery, and Weston Farms Winery) and receive tastings at each winery. A special HOVA wine trail glass comes with your purchase. For more information, check out the HOVA website: Admission Fee: $15 per ticket per person, includes HOVA wine glass BERKELEY PLANTATION 12602 Harrison Landing Rd, Charles City, VA 23030. Sunday, November 03, 2013 (12:00 PM-4:00 PM). (804) 829-6018. Toll Free: (888) 466-6018. Email [email protected]. Celebrate the 1619 landing of the orginal colonists at Berkeley Plantation. Join us at the 3 site of the First Official Thanksgiving in America, for a day dedicated to history, food and fun with tours of the 1726 manor house, walks in the colorful autumn gardens, Colonial games and activities, musicians, arts and crafts, tribal dancers and a living history program. Nowhere can you find a more exciting, more educational or more enjoyable way to add to holiday traditions than a beautiful fall day at Berkeley. House tours 9:00 - 4:30. Festival 12:00 - 4:00. 7 LIVING ON PURPOSE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Thu., Nov. 7, Fri., Nov. 8 and Sat., Nov. 9. 222-2612. A 3-day women’s conference. A Child Is Born Learning Center, 2696 Williamsburg Rd8 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

8 2013 HOLIDAY SHOPPER’S FAIR 15 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 9, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Fourteen area museum 15 stores present items for holiday shopping. Free. Cultural Arts Center at Glen 15 Allen, 2880 Mountain Road, WEST END, 261-2787 16 16 $1 FAMILY NIGHT 16 5-7 p.m. Sponsored by Target, admission to the museum is $1 per person. Target $1 Family Nights occur the 3rd Friday of every month, excluding 17 December. Children’s Museum of Richmond, 2626 W. Broad St., MUSEUM DISTRICT, 474-7000 22-24 HEART HOLIDAY GIFT FAIR 30 7-9 p.m. and Sun., Nov. 17, 9:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 8706 Quaker Ln, BON AIR/HUGUENOT, 272-0992 HEALTH & FITNESS EXPO Arthur Ashe Center, 3001A N. Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia 23230 For more information on how to have your company’s products being sold at the Expo, call 804-285-9495 x248 or email Meghan Keogh atmeghan@ for an exhibitor’s package. ANTHEM RICHMOND 8K • 7 a.m. 8k start • 7:30 a.m. Half Marathon start • 8 a.m. Marathon start • 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Post-race celebration at Finish Line • 3 p.m. Marathon course closes. CHURCH HILL: FROM SPIES TO PIES 2-4:30 p.m. Powerhouse food tour with chef J Frank. Meet at ERA Vintage. Tickets must be purchased in advance. $50. Era Vintage. 2704 E. Marshall St. BEAUTILLION 2013 PROC Foundation’s signature program is its Beautillion. The Beautillion is the male version of a Cotillion/Debutante Ball. It provides male high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational, social and cultural experiences. Participants also have an opportunity to earn scholarships for college. For more information, please visit the foundation’s website: NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: MACBETH Manchester International Festival’s production of Macbeth. Directed Rob Ashford and Kenneth Branagh. $14 (Discounts for seniors, students and grooups of 20 or more). Modlin Center for the Arts. University of Richmond, 28 Westhampton Way. WEST END. 289-8980 RICHMOND TATTOO ARTS FESTIVAL Flaco Productions, LLC is proud to carry on the tradition of producing one of America’s finest tattoo conventions. We will continue the hard work that Crazy Ace Daniels & Billy Eason started. The Richmond Tattoo Arts Festival will feature a select group of world-class tattoo artists and unique vendors. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit the event’s website: I KNOW RICHMOND: THE BUS TOUR 1-4 p.m. An overview of the history of Richmond, including Court End, the James River and the fall line, Church Hill, Jackson Ward, the Fan and Monument Avenue. Tour drives by St. John’s Church, Hollywood Cemetery, Main Street Station, the Jefferson Hotel and the Museum and White House of the Confederacy. $20-$25. Valentine Richmond History Center. 1015 E. Clay St. DOWNTOWN. 649-0711 Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! 9

Retirement. How do you get there?Nicole Tritaik, Agent Your good neighbor has a roadmap just for you.11057 Three Chopt Rd Richmond, VA 23233 Does planning for your retirement leave you feeling a bit lost? I can get you headed in the right direction. Bus: 804-747-3333 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®[email protected] CALL ME TODAY.1001026.1 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, ILGive a Better View from the Back!! To start the magic go to Create Xtremes with It Works Independent Distributor Eyvette Turner 804-475-9557 [email protected] AFTER 2 MONTHS To start earning go to Individual results can and will vary. These testimonials are not necessarily representative of all those who use our products. All participants giving testimonials utilized the FITworks!™ systems that incorporates the Ultimate Body Applicator™, It Works! dietarysupplements, physical activity, and a reasonable diet. These testimonials are not intended to make claims that these products can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. These claims have not been clinically proven or evaluated by the FDA.10 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

share the love For a lot of people the holiday season is full of joy, laughter, love and family. But for others its a time of mourning, sadness and loneliness.If you are a person or a family blessed our family or on our own. We maintain phonywith abundance in any area of your life, I relationships through social media and hopeencourage you to open your home and your that someone actually cares about our posts (ourlife to those around you that you know are lives). While I believe technology is great, I don’tin need. The Book I read says give and you believe that it can replace face to face contactshall receive. It is amazing what, something and communication. We should be breakingso simple as a Thanksgiving invite, can do bread with friends all year round. How aboutfor someone who is alone and hurting. You this year we start with Thanksgiving? Then let’smight save a life. Or maybe it’s not that try to share more, give more and love moreserious, you could just enjoy time with throughout next year. I think we will find thatsomeone new and get to know them on a we are way more fulfilled and connected thandeeper level. We have to remember that we even Facebook could ever make us. Who willare blessed to be a blessing. you invite to your Thanksgiving table to share the love?If you are a the one who is alone this year,you don’t have to be alone. It is easy to want Talia Osborne – The Richmond Metro Womanto sit in sadness. Maybe you have suffered a 757-256-3750 | [email protected] this year, maybe you have gotten usedto just being alone. Don’t be afraid to askto join or be joined by someone that youlove. Take down your walls and accept aninvitation. I think you will find that peopleare just waiting to love on you.My point is that most of us spend themajority of the year in isolation with just Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! 11

Everything you need for the perfect wedding and beyond…The gift of a perfect Honeymoon will last forever. accommodations, dining, uLikne tihqeFpuaageceeobindoFaoecekabooskContact me & let’s start working Let’s connect on LinkedInon your Honeymoon registry forward to helpingyou with all your travel needs. Exclusive TRAVEL & 804.349.4589 SAMPSON FAMTwitterENTERTAINMENT Wedding, Commercials, Videos, Plays, Etc. LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION(804) 715-8323 WWW.SAMPSONFAMFILMS.COMGet virtually goirngeaoculicsk. Click for Virtual Makeover Evelyn Palmore-Blevins | Independent Beauty Consultant 804-744-0055 | 804-205-0643 [email protected] Call me for a complimentary makeover.12 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

All holidays include eating, Pumpkin Chocolate Chipdrinking and being merry with our friends and families that welove so much. Unfortunately because our family and friends have Muffinslearned throughout the years that food equals love, eating healthy (Gluten Free)around the holidays is challenging to those who are committed tomaking a healthy life style change. Everyone has their own reasons Ingredients:for making this magnificent change, whether it is to lose weight,look and feel better, or for overall health reasons. Every reason to • 2-1/2 cups Gluten Free Pantryeat healthier is a great reason! Muffin and Scone MixAfter years of sitting through these glorious holidays I have found • 1/2 cup softened butter orsome great tips to help get through this time of year and enjoy each margarinemoment of it.• Often people automatically think appetizing means unhealthy. • 2 eggs, plus 4 egg whites,This does not have to ring true. One simple thing I found is to find lightly beatensubstitutions for our higher fat / calorie recipes. Low-fat, gluten-free, or even sugar free recipes are easy to get ahold of and just as • 1 teaspoon cinnamoneasy to make. Especially when it comes to desserts, most guests • 2 cups pumpkin pureenever believe it can be healthy and taste so delectable. Usually they • 1/2 cup chocolate chipsend up asking for the recipe before the night ends.• Overindulgence plays a big part of the most holiday rituals. We Directions:all find ourselves eating more than we plan especially when mombrings out our favorite dish. When you fix your plate try to go for 1. P reheat oven to 350 degrees F.80% vegetables and 20% protein and grains. Your digestive tract 2. In a medium-sized bowl, beathas an easier time breaking everything down, when you combinethe right mix of nutrients. This also helps with that all of a sudden the butter until fluffy.exhaustion we all get after a huge meal mom just made us eat. 3. A dd the egg mixture to the• If you are the host for the delightful gathering, look for healthysubstitutes. Some simple appetizers would be a vegetable platter butter and beat to combine.with low-fat dressings, warm artichoke and white bean dip with 4. T oss the muffin mix withwheat crisps, and a tomato and black bean salsa with baked cornchips. These are all low calorie and low in cost to make. cinnamon and add it to the• Try to have a few different types of low calorie drinks available butter mixture.for your guests. For those who serve alcohol, try a mulled wine 5. Fold in the pumpkin andor apple cider with a dark rum warmed. Non-alcoholic drinks are mix everything to combine.just as easy to fix, from infused waters, blackberry and lime moji- Fold in the chocolate chips ortos, to warm apple cider keeps smiles on every ones faces. raisins.• After all is said and done, please do not forget the most important 6. Spoon the batter 3/4 of thething, ENJOY THE HOLIDAY! way to the top of regular- Happy Holiday Eating! sized, prepared muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes. 7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving. SuperiorBodies4 Training Sessions for $99 13 Offer valid for new clients only. Please Call to schedule your appointment Expires 11-30-13 2406 Charles City Rd. • Henrico, VA 23231 • 804.356.7679 Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!!

ThoauwsaidnedsaurDrsaeyiaoscfcuhpoeuavnltcehturisresHueevose,wriyncylQeuadruintoigc:sfukibclcryeosmsYfyuaolllgyuiatr,Ceaat nDiscover How Quickly You Canstaruestos,immmigFuraneieneedsli,sBohroderemtrsot,necearniswcseureirtse,hcBoevAlel’srcyPuaanlpsdyu,, re!Feel Better with Acupuncture!Thousands use acupuncture every year to successfully treatThousaOndusrumse aiscsuaipowunidcitesurateorreavhyeeroylpfyheyaeoratulothsuiscsceusessfu, lilnyctlruedatinagw: ifdiberaorrmayyaoflghieaa,lthissues, einncTljuoodytinhgga:oatfiuobetsodrtnaoirmmuehdstm,eyosawau,ilmnmgletiemahigad, usiralstsanolroileerndsaeosder,srifom,ssf,ouheicgrornadr:rnademcirn.esore,nsrce,eahconoisvrcsemeurroyenrasee,ncBdiosesmvuleloe’srrsye,P…Baaenlslldy’s,mPsatorlsoryek,.es..tsr,okes, OurDamllMeisaMbsreNioeoNoiRuuinRuZnraZtaitdeasrwerDwCDi.CnitnthTtohDeiheFoiFoCCotihtoioentFMnoenooonehoonbeexxOslTsaaeNpSSjddomssomoutAiSRSuuureeyyZEertErecaeeptolhepndHmgeuarrHdwterDuapCtipdvnoiupvethuiticyehle,eisiocFlcueriocCeoswce“rt,nicodba“emnniFnobnFofaomejeoFtsoLshdceaxRsatsnisSeadytoas,emciieS.uuornccewilaengEsAsnehlrepetlnlooeHdteetrsimttplhofvocuisoiyaetCcflidoa.hlff”cer,ctsl“blnaieme”eohlFnLtsdlrsaaepiio:e.orcacfAonyelnftueotlhcsirnuf:.wrtde”.i“gtnIhaaca“ihaaInpntecuanpaawprytrelnrurhotoi“gohtorhIeuohpaagcewlpriaapalcnrpaihtthentphyyhyhes.”rhoooaisiaoccueuiupglvlartrprreephhoeg,ypgesaorsraoieiunlvasteshcyi,”,rCyaolul rtosduCaffyeartlilontgfio,ndwdahoyauttoehvfeoinrwtdhweoeupctraohnboleewamAsec. upuonf cRtiucLhreLemaerCaonlsrniimnngdinocmrueoparfebooarnuboaatuoptoruupucrtrrlooaospsaeusacrervthshi.c”aiects andw8e0c4an-2ea8s8e y-o3u9r2su7ffering, sefDrovriecoebuLseriaaFcnrlnaadsmrssleioegsrenyaa.utbcpooumt our whatever tChaell tpordoabyletomfi.nd out howTOTA80L4-L28wI Few88ch0-aEa3nt4ee9v-ae2Ws2re8t7yh8oeEu-pr3rsoLu9bffl2Leemr7iNn.gD,EeSbiSFDaseerfbrovlriiecoFeuyasr.arccnlladeosssymeig.sncaout pmONE DAY AT A TIME In-home Personal Training for Women | Get the one-on-one personal attention you deserve.BRANDI FRIDAY | 804.909.2084 | WWW.FITNESSBYFRIDAY.COMNESTA Health Coach | AFAA Certified PersonalTrainer | ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor in knead I Customized Massage Therapy I Hot StoneOffering the ultimate in relaxation I Pregnancy and pain relief massage I Deep Tissue I Fibromyalgia 804.370.2278 I Cancer I Detoxifying Lymphatic Drainage I DoTerra Oil/Aromatherapy Mention this ad and receive $10 off and a free aromatherapy treatment.14 Richmond Woman Magazine - where the men might wear the pants, but the women pick them out!

Full Service RMICEHMDOINAD Marketing TEAM Company• Websites• Community Magazines• Search Engine Marketing• Search Engine Optimization• Online Display• Direct Mail Postcards 804-238-9049 Please tell them you found them in Richmond Woman Magazine!! 15 name is Robert Smith, the Executive Affiliate of Child Shield, U.S.A. for the Richmond Virginia Area. CHILDREN GO MISSING EVERYDAY IN THIS COUNTRY! As of Thursday, August 1st 2013, Virginia was ranked #1 in the nation as it relates to Missing Children in 2013. VIRGINIA HAS A SERIOUS PROBLEM!Child Shield, U.S.A. is a 20 year old, nationwide company. We provide the only “guaranteed” missing child prevention program in the country. Our Primary Goal is to help reduce the alarming number of children who go missing daily! MISSING CHILDREN IN SURROUNDING STATES! Maryland: 50; South Carolina: 11 North Carolina, Tennessee, West Va., Kentucky, Delaware, Washington, D.C., = 8 OTHER STATES: Florida: 89 California: 56 10 Combined States Total: 214 2013 U.S. CURRENT TOTAL: 644 VIRGINIA’S CURRENT TOTAL: 215 33% of All Missing Children In The U.S. Are From Virginia! 105 Children Recently Recovered From Sex Trafficking! 8/1/2013 Va. Has A Problem: If An Enrolled Child Goes Missing: CHILD SHIELD, U.S.A. WILL: 1. Put up a $50,000 Reward 2. Assign A Private Investigator To Your Case 3. Send Flyers and Posters of Our Missing Child All Over The United States. Every Child Enrolled In Child Shield, U.S.A’s Program That Has Gone Missing, ALL Have Been Recovered Safely! Cost: $15.00 per month covers the entire family! We Have A Proven and Guaranteed Program! A Gift of $25.00 will be given to each family whose children are covered by Child Shield U.S.A. Robert Smith, Executive Affiliate, Child Shield, U.S.A. DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE! LET CHILD SHIELD, SHIELD YOUR CHILD! PLEASE CALL US AT 804-516-6991 OR EMAIL US AT [email protected]

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