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Home Explore Comprehension Level 1 (sample)

Comprehension Level 1 (sample)

Published by Lillian Fawcett, 2019-04-14 00:28:13

Description: Comprehension Level 1 (sample)


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CONTENTS PAGE Instructions 2 • Vocabulary …………………….…….…………………….……... 2 • Short Reading Exercise ………………...…………...…….……… 4 • Cloze………………………….…………………………….…….. 4 • Main Idea………………….……………………….……….…….. 6 • Sequencing …..………………….…………….………….….…... 6 • Following Directions …………………………………………….. 6 • Critical Reading …………………….……………………..……... 8 • Extended Reading ………………………………………………… 8 • Reading for a Purpose ………….………………………………… 8 • Dig Deeper .. …………………………………………………….. SAMPLE Week 1: ………………….……………..………………………....…. 10 Week 2: ………………..…………..………….………………..……. 26 Week 3: …………………...…………………..………………..……. 42 Week 4: ………………………………………………………...……. 58 Week 5: …………………..…………..………………………...……. 74 Week 6: ………………………………………………………...……. 90 Week 7: …………….………………………………………...……… 106 Week 8: ……………….………………………………………..……. 122 Week 9: ……………..………………………………………..……… 138 Week 10: …………….………………………………………..……... 154 References: ..……………………………………………………..…… 170 Comprehension Level 1 p. 1

TEACHER USE ONLY VOCABULARY Read Meaning 1st 2nd 3rd boomerang (Aboriginal weapon) Aboriginal (first Australians) weapon (used for killing) return (go back) eagle (a bird) feathers (part of a bird’s wing) young (not old) climb (move up) Yuma (boy’s name) crooked (bent) SAMPLE gently (carefully) elders (the old people) spear (weapon with a pointed tip) sign (mark, signal) tribe (group of people) shelter (safe place) dingo (wild dog) search (look for) succeed (do well) struck (hit) GOALS: • Read the words in 20 seconds • Know the meanings of the words PLEASE RECORD YOUR BEST TIME FOR EACH DAY Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Comprehension Level 1 p. 10

Read the story. Circle the correct answer for each question. Write a title for the story that reflects the main idea. Write a nutshell sentence. TITLE: ____________________________________ PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future (1)A boomerang is a weapon used by Australian Aboriginals for hunting. (2)There are two types of boomerangs. (3)Boomerangs that return and boomerangs that don’t return which are also called SAMPLE throwing sticks or kylies. (4)Boomerangs come in many shapes and sizes depending on where they are made and how they will be used. (5)Mostly, boomerangs that don’t return are used for hunting. Find the facts by looking back in the text. 4. Australian Aboriginals used boomerangs because 1. The two types of boomerangs are a) they lived in Australia. a) returning and non-returning. b) they liked the shape. b) non-returning and kylies. c) they didn’t have guns. c) kylies and throwing stick. 2. The shape of a boomerang Infer by making connections. a) is always the same. b) changes depending on its use. 5. To kill a kangaroo you c) is always different. would use a) a returning boomerang. Predict. b) a kylie. 3. Boomerangs were first made c) an Australian Aboriginal. a) from wood. Connect sentences 3 and 5. b) from plastic. Evaluate by connecting to your own knowledge. c) from metal. 6. Why would it be useful for a boomerang to return? NUTSHELL SENTENCE: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Comprehension Level 1 p. 11

Read all the words in the box. Read the story. Try to fit the words from the box into the spaces. Put a line through each word in the box as you use it. If you don’t immediately know the answer, leave it out and move to the next word. When you have finished, circle all the words you haven’t used in the box. Now read the story again and see if you can fill in the words you missed the first time. __________ boomerang is a weapon __________ by (Need an article in front of the noun.) (The weapon is what? Need a verb.) Australian Aboriginals for __________. There are two SAMPLE (For what? Need a verb.) __________ of boomerangs. Boomerangs that return (Two what? Need a noun.) and boomerangs that don’t __________ which are also (Don’t what? Need a noun.) called throwing __________ or kylies. Boomerangs (Throwing what? Need a noun.) __________ in many shapes and __________ (Need a verb.) (Shapes and what? Need a verb.) depending on where they are __________ and how (When they are what? Need a verb.) they will be used. Mostly, __________ that don’t (What doesn’t return? Need a noun.) return are used for hunting. sticks boomerangs come used hunting made return types sizes a * verb=doing word * noun=naming word * articles=are used in front of a noun to tell us if it is something specific (the) or something general (a/an) Comprehension Level 1 p. 12

SAMPLEMAIN IDEA Find the one main idea and two supporting details in the following passage. The main idea is the big idea or key point. The supporting details provide extra information. Highlight the main idea. Circle the number at the beginning of the sentences which provide supporting detail. (1)The young eagle sat on a branch in a big tree. (2)It had large wings covered in brown feathers. (3)It was a big tree to climb. (4)I liked the young eagle. (5)In its big hooked beak was a snake. Ask: • What is the story about? • What did the story tell you about the eagle? • Highlight the key word(s) in each sentence that show(s) this in red. • Which is the one sentence that provides an overview of all these ideas? That is the main idea. Highlight this sentence in yellow. • Which are the two sentences that do NOT give you extra information about the eagle? Put a line through those two sentences. • The sentences that are left are providing supporting detail. Put a circle around the number next to those sentences. Comprehension Level 1 p. 13

SEQUENCING Read the sentence, circle the clue word that will help you decide the answer and then choose the correct statement. 1. After she went to school, Marlee saw Yuma. d) to The clue word is: a) after b) went c) saw i) Marlee went to school first. ii) Marlee saw Yuma first. iii) Both happened at the same time. SAMPLE 2. Yuma sat with the elders and asked for help. d) elders The clue word is: a) went b) and c) help i) Yuma sat with the elders first. ii) Yuma asked for help first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 3. Marlee had to straighten the tree because the wind had made it crooked. The clue word is: a) had b) made c) on d) because i) Marlee straightened the tree first. ii) The wind made the tree crooked first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 4. I gently stroked the kitten before I gave it milk. d) gave The clue word is: a) stroked b) the c) before i) I stroked the kitten first. ii) I gave the kitten milk first. iii) Both happened at the same time. Comprehension Level 1 p. 14

FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Read the passage and follow the directions. Below are three words. 1. Draw a line under the word that is a weapon. 2. Put a circle around the word that is a bird. 3. The word that is left has two meanings. Write that word: ________ eagle spear sign CRITICAL READINGSAMPLE Determine the relationship between the first two words in bold. Select one of the three listed words that show a similar relation to the third word in bold in each sentence. 1. Spears are used for hunting, but houses are used for a) tribes b) shelter c) weapons. 2. You hold a kitten gently, but you hit a a) ball b) dingo c) boomerang. 3. A red light means stop, but a green light means a) wait b) return c) go. 4. You climb a hill, but you throw a a) feather b) boomerang c) sign. 5. Dingoes have fur, but eagles have a) feathers b) feet c) tails. 6. You read a book, but you search for a) pages b) gold c) windows. Comprehension Level 1 p. 15

THE FIRST BOOMERANG As the student is reading, ask some of the following questions. Discuss the reasons underlying the answers. SAMPLE • Can a dingo (1)It had not rained for a very long time because a yellow make a dingo had made a spell to keep the rain away. “We will spell? send Yuma to search for the yellow dingo,” said the elders of the Aboriginal tribe. “Yuma is young and • What does strong. He will be able to find the dingo and make him go this tell you away. Once the dingo leaves the spell will be broken.” about the story? (2)“I will try my best to drive him away,” said Yuma. He took his spears and set out towards the red hills where the • What is the dingo was hiding. It took him a long time to reach the word that hills and to find the dingo. At last, he saw the dingo on means there the top of a hill. The hillside was very steep, too steep for hasn’t been Yuma to climb. He threw his spear, but it fell short. rain for a Sadly, Yuma lay down in the shelter of a cave to rest. long time? (drought) • Why did it take him a long time to reach the hills? • What does ‘his spear fell short’ mean? Comprehension Level 1 p. 16

• How would (3)The next morning, Yuma looked at the top of the hill for you the dingo, but it had disappeared. He would need to start searching again. As he searched, he found a baby eagle. describe It had hurt its wing. Yuma picked it up gently and put it in the shelter of a rock. He spent the rest of the day Yuma’s searching for the dingo, but he could find no sign of him. The next day, he returned to his tribe. personality? • Why did the SAMPLE drought (4)For another year, no rain fell. “Yuma, you must go and continue? find the yellow dingo and kill him,” the elders told him. “This time, you must succeed.” • What effect would this (5)The young hunter returned to the red hills. Again, he have on the saw the yellow dingo on top of the steep hill, but still he land and the could not reach him. Yuma sat down under the shelter of people? a flat rock to think. • How did (6)As he sat on the rock, he looked up and saw a young Yuma know eagle. It had strong wings, but one of them was crooked. At once, Yuma knew that it was the same eagle he had this was the helped the year before. eagle he had helped? Comprehension Level 1 p. 17

• Ask (7)The eagle dropped three bent feathers from its crooked students to wing, then flew back into the sky. Yuma picked up the explain in feathers. As soon as he picked them up, they changed their own into boomerangs and Yuma heard a voice say, “These words the boomerangs will fly far. Throw them and they will hit meaning of their mark.” this paragraph. (8)Yuma looked up to the top of the red hill. The yellow dingo was still there. The young hunter threw one of the boomerangs. It struck the dingo, killing it before it could run away. SAMPLE • Why did it (9)Yuma picked up his spear and the two remaining start to rain? boomerangs and set off to rejoin his tribe. As he walked, rain began to fall. He had succeeded. • How will the tribe feel? Why? PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future Comprehension Level 1 p. 18

SAMPLEREADING FOR A PURPOSE Infer. 1. According to this legend, a) the dingo has magical powers. b) the eagle is killed by Aboriginal people. c) Yuma is mean. Cause and effect. 2. At first, Yuma could not drive the yellow dingo away because a) he could not reach the dingo. b) the eagle would not let him. c) his spear was not sharp enough. Infer. 3. The young eagle gave Yuma the boomerangs because a) the elders asked it to. b) it wanted the yellow dingo killed. c) Yuma saved its life. Draw conclusions. 4. It started to rain because Yuma a) rejoined his tribe. b) threw a boomerang. c) had killed the yellow dingo. Draw conclusions. 5. This legend tells us that boomerangs a) are very fast and dangerous. b) first came from three bent eagle’s feathers. c) always come back when you throw them. Comprehension Level 1 p. 19

DIG DEEPER A. Some events in the story could really have happened. Mark these as real (R). Some events could not possibly be real. Mark these as not real (NR) 1. Yuma is young and strong. ____ 2. Yuma’s spear falls short. ____ 3. The dingo made a spell. ____ 4. Yuma picked up a baby eagle. ____ 5. The eagle’s feathers turned into boomerangs. ____ 6. Killing the dingo made it rain. ____ B. Match the cause with the effect.SAMPLE Cause Effect 1. The dingo made a spell A. It began to rain. 2. The hillside was too high. B. Yuma put it in a shelter. 3. The baby eagle had hurt its C. The spear couldn’t reach the wing. dingo. 4. Yuma couldn’t find the dingo. D. Yuma returned to his tribe. 5. Yuma killed the dingo E. There was no rain. C. The words on the left go together to make a group. Find the right group from the words on the right. 1. spear, boomerang, throwing-stick • people 2. red, yellow, brown, green • animals 3. dingo, dog, kangaroo • hunting weapons 4. men, women, boys, girls • colours Comprehension Level 1 p. 20

On the front of the card find an antonym, a synonym or an example of a type for each word as directed and on the back write a sentence using the word. boomerang feathers Part of speech: _________ Another bird part: _________ Aboriginal young Part of speech: _________ Antonym: _________ SAMPLE weapon climb Example: _________ Synonym: _________ return Yuma Antonym: _________ Part of speech: _________ eagle crooked Category: _________ Antonym: _________ Comprehension Level 1 p. 21

(part of a bird’s wing) (Aboriginal weapon) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (not old) (first Australians) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (move up) (used for killing) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (boy’s name) (go back) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (bent) (a bird) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 1 p. 22

gently shelter Antonym: _________ Synonym: _________ elders dingo Antonym: _________ Category: _________ SAMPLE spear search Category: _________ Antonym: _________ sign succeed Synonym: _________ Antonym: _________ tribe struck Part of speech: _________ Synonym: _________ Comprehension Level 1 p. 23

(safe place) (carefully) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (wild dog) (the old people) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (look for) (weapon with a pointed tip) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (do well) (mark, signal) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (hit) (group of people) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 1 p. 24

SHORT READING EXERCISE 1. A Purpose: Inform 2. B Tense: Present 3. A Nutshell: ‘(Title)’ describes the types of boomerangs used by Australian 4. C Aboriginals. 5. B 6. Wouldn’t have to go and find it after throwing, less likely to lose, etc. MAIN IDEA Main Idea: 1 Supporting details: 2, 5 SEQUENCING SAMPLE 1. A i 2. B iii 3. D ii 4. C i FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Write: sign eagle spear sign CRITICAL READING 1. B 4. B 2. A 5. A 3. C 6. B READING FOR A PURPOSE 1. A 2. A Purpose: Entertain 3. C Tense: Past 4. C 5. B WORDS AT WORK B C 1. E 1. hunting weapons A 2. C 2. colours 1. R 3. B 3. animals 2. R 4. D 4. people 3. NR 5. A 4. R 5. NR 6. NR Comprehension Level 1 p. 25

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