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Architecture Design Portfolio PFORTXuezhuSun

SUN XUEZHU WORK EXPERIENCE 108 Redlands Street, Boston MA, 02132 DEREK RUBINOFF, ARCHITECT | Junior Architect T: +1 267 670 4175 E: [email protected] 2020. 10 - CURRENT E: [email protected] Boston, US Residential Projects: 707 West Roxbury, 305 Woodcliff St., 10 Partridge St and so on EDUCATION Commercial Projects: 39A Lincoln St., 40 Adams and so on University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US -Modeled the buildings in 3D with Revit; Rendered the options in Enscape -Prepared the Construction documents in Revit, including plans, sections, elevations, area plans, life safety plans, 2016.08 - 2020.05 ceiling plans, site plans, details and schedules; and write construction key notes, -Review the building codes and zoning codes to prepared the Permit set and Zoning set -Master of Architectural Professional Degree (NAAB accredited) -Designed different options for both Interior and Exterior in Revit in order to meet client’s requirements -EBD (Environmental Building Design) Certificate -Got involved in Different phases of the project, from SD to CD -Got involved in Different categories of work, including Programming&Analysis, Project Planning&Design, Project Politecnico di Milano, Milan, ITALY Development&Documentation, Project Management and Practice Management 2012.08 - 2015.06 Atelier JEAN NOUVEL | Intern Architect -Bachelor of Science, Architecture Science 2019.05- 2019.08 Paris, France HONORS AND PUBLICATIONS Urban Project, SD phase: Zhoushan Phoenix Island, China Hart Howerton’s Fellowship Finalist -Modeled the site buildings in Revit according to the CAD drawings; -Produced Facade principle drawings in Revit including plans, section, elevations and axonometry; 2019.03 -Produced detailed drawings for Facade of multiple buildings; New York, US -Modeled both in Revit and Rhino the different options for the floating hotel. Proposal on COMPLETE Environment ISOZAKI + Huqian Partners | Intern Architect Graduate with Honors (110/110 Cum Laude) 2019.03- 2019.05 2015.06 Shanghai, China Milan, Italy Exhibition, Construction: Chinese International Practical Exhibition of Architecture Residential, SD phase: HaiyanTai Residential Complex, China Press Matters IX, University of Pennsylvania -Modeled in Rhino the different buildings in Exhibition according to CAD files; 2019 - 2020 -Modeled the Facade in construction detail for the HaiyanTai Residential Complex; -Used Grasshopper to model facades with a few parameters in order to get the flexibility for the future use of the firm

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE RESUME OPEN Architecture | Intern Architect University of Pennsylvania | Center for Environmental Building + Design | Intern 2018.09- 2018.11 Beijing, China 2020.08 - 2020.10 Exhibition, Construction Site: House Vision Mars Prototype, Beijing Philadelphia, US Public building, SD phase: Ocean Bar & Walk, Qinhuangdao Educational, DD phase: PDS Center, Shanghai Life-Cycle Assessment -Supervised the construction site of house vision for two weeks and communicated with Construction team The job duties include the preparation of a summary report on the research on -Produced 6-7 different design proposals with an intern team for Ocean Bar & Walk Life-Cycle Assessment of biogenic materials, beginning with bamboo -Produced the physical models with paper, wax, gypsum, sand, acrylic and so on; -Refined the technical and presentation drawings for PDS center with CAD and AI, PS Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP | Black Box Sustainability Group Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP | Intern Architect 2018.06 - 2018.08 Chicago, US 2018.06 - 2018.08 Chicago, US Daylight Tools Commercial, SD phase: Shenzhen Webank, China Urban Master Plan, SD phase: Mawan Competition, China -Researched on daylighting strategies -Scripted in grasshopper; -Designed the corner atriums for Webank, considering the daylight effect and landscape; -Learnt about ladybug, honeybee and machine-learning to find the best shading -Designed the landscape with Rhino and produced the renderings with Enscape; strategy in different cities -Researched on the operable facade for the webank project for sustainability; -Designed the different buildings types for Mawan master plan and produced diagrams SKILLS Arch. Ilaria Nava – Studio di Architettura | Intern Architect Language Skills English: Proficient Italian: Basic 2014.10 - 2014.12 Chinese: Native Speaker Milan, Italy Residential, SD phase: Residential Complex in Mozambico Technical Skills -Produced 3D models for residential complex in Mozambico with Rhino; Revit, Maya, Rhinoceros , Grasshopper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illus- -Produce two renderings for the project with Vray and PS trator, Adobe Indesign, Vray, AutoCAD, Maxwell, Enscape, Lumion, Visual Analysis, Ladybug+Honeybee , Diva, Rhinovault, Robot, Python, QGIS, Eddy- 3D+BlueCFD, Raytracing


SOCIETY ACADEMIC WORKS LIVE/WORK _ Tribeca NY Arch 601 Design Studio III (Fall 2017) Hybrid, Conceptual _ New York, TriBeCa in downtown Manhattan - Nature Logic_Frozen Bubble : Inquiring into the regularity, order and unity in nature - Live & Work_ Showroom : If we can understand shapes, we can start to ask questions associated with functions. - Brick-and-mortar retail continues to decline nationwide. Brick-and-mortar has transitioned toward a showroom model 100+ URBAN JUNGLE _ MADRID Arch 701 Design Studio V (Fall 2019) Urban Masterplan_ Madrid Nuevo Norte, Spain - Urban Jungle : to cover the site with over 100% green space - Heterogeneous mixture of landscape and architecture: to create a matrix of combinations of building typolgies - Air Pollution : over half of the population breathes toxic air in Madrid - Car Ban: In order to solve the problem, the project is to develop a car free prototype urban green space LIBRARY _ Parkside Philadelphia Arch 502 Design Studio II (Spring 2017) Library, Conceptual _ Parkside, in Northern Philadelphia - Urban enclaves and edges :three specific categories of edge conditions: stable edge, non-existent edge, and unstable edge - Formal / Operational characteristic : served as a conceptual basis for the future explorations and an inspiration - City as a whole :the library, although a singular architectural intervention, will be seen as part of a larger project on the city. RESTAURANT _ Brooklyn, NY Arch 602 Design Studio IV (Spring 2018) Restaurant, Conceptual _ Brooklyn, NY - To respond to pervasive global issues such as the production of fresh foods in cities. By integrating food production into architecture, we reinforce our rm’s principle that design can solve real problems.

SHIFTING HYBRIDS _ WE WORK/WE LIVE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CRITIC: Hina Jamelle RESEARCH TEAM: Xuezhu Sun, Yiren Weng DESIGN: Individual work YEAR: Fall 2017 TYPE: Hybrid (Residential, Office, Commertial) SITE: New York, TriBeCa in downtown Manhattan LEARN FROM NATURE The bacteria munches on the matter and poops out methane, which turns to white float- ing blobs when it comes into contact with frozen water. The scale of the part to the whole will be attenuated, adjusted with precision and refinement, in order to produce the desired affect. If the scale of the part is too diminutive in relation to the whole, or if the whole is constituted of too many smaller pieces, then WE LIVE/WE WORK The bacteria munches on the matter and poops out methane, which turns to white float- ing blobs when it comes into contact with frozen water. The scale of the part to the whole will be attenuated, adjusted with precision and refinement, in order to produce the BRICK-AND-MORTAR RETAIL DECLINE The bacteria munches on the matter and poops out methane, which turns to white float- ing blobs when it comes into contact with frozen water. The scale of the part to the whole will be attenuated, adjusted with precision and refinement, in order to produce the desired affect. If

MADRID 100+ _ WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE OF LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURE CRITIC: Thom Mayne TEAM: Xuezhu Sun, Yi Lu, Joshua Ketchum,Sirui Chen YEAR: Fall 2019 TYPE: Urban Planning SITE: Madrid Nuevo Norte, Spain URBAN JUNGLE 100+ is a dense urban jungle envisioning a new relationship between the city and na- ture. The project is a car free prototype development covering the site with over 100% greenspace and simultaneously adds more residential, commercial, and facility space than the current proposal for Madrid Nuevo Norte. 100+ is the missing link connecting the new north to the existing parks of Madrid and the green loop providing a much needed urban lung to filter the air of Madrid. HARDSCAPE X SOFTSCAPE The project is to further develope and merge merge hardscape and softscape, the build- ing and landscape, the city and the nature. And we create a matrix of combinations of building typolgies merged with landscape typologies. We will then use this to develope hybrids of the combinations. AIR POLLUTION IN MADRID Over half of the population breathes toxic air in Madrid. In order to solve the problem, the project is to develop a car free free prototype urban green space development to reduce air pollution. And according to the research, in one year, pollution levels have drop 44% in Madrid Central since the car bar.

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