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Home Explore Document Fraud REPORT submitted by Bill Freeman

Document Fraud REPORT submitted by Bill Freeman

Published by william.freeman3, 2018-04-11 16:24:22

Description: Document Fraud REPORT submitted by Bill Freeman.
New, Additional, Conclusive Evidence REPORT


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Signatures on The Side Road Loan Documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Questioned Note The color of the signatures is a by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures strong mismatch with the QPFNAQuestioned Prepayment (discernible to the naked eye).Fee Notice Addendum Questioned Signature on MortgageQuestioned AdjustableRate RiderQuestioned Second Photos SignaturesHome Rider Fraud EXHIBIT 2.5 Signatures on The Side Road Loan Documents 201

Freeman Signatures on the Randolph Avenue Property Loan Documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionLabColor: Questioned Note by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesa=23b=-62 III WILLIAM FREELab Color: Questioneda= 21 Prepayment Feeb=-58 Notice Addendum X IJJ, 'I\~ ] 11: WILLIAM FREEMAN I ILab Color Ink Mismatch = 55 Exact Match in shape X 1N \"I\~ ] 11 :. Mortgage WILLIAM FREEMAN I I Photos SignaturesLab Color:a=62b=-101 The color of the ink in the mortgage signature is significantly different than the Fraud color of the Ink in the questioned Note or Prepayment Fee Notice AddendumEXHIBIT 2.6 The Signatures on the Randolph Ave questioned Note, Prepayment FeeAddendum and Mortgage Ink Color 202

The Freeman Signatures on the Questioned Note, Prepayment Fee Addendum, Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionand Mortgage. Questioned Note by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesWILLIAM FREE IIIThe QPFNA Signature is anexact match to the MortgageSignature. Questioned Prepayment Fee Notice Addendum Signature overlaid on the Mortgage SignatureThe Freeman Signature was copied from the Mortgage and Pasted on the Prepayment Fee Photos SignaturesNotice Addendum. The blue ink color does not match. This leads to the conclusion that theSignature on the Note was also forged. This is consistent with all other evidence. Fraud EXHIBIT 2.7 The Signatures on The Mortgage and Prepayment Fee Addendum are exact copies except for ink color. 203

Lab Color of Doc ~: 00002855 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Recorder's Stamp: Bk: 1002 pg: 267 L=43 a=24 03-2380-069434 295-7 b=-43- - - - - -- - - - (Space Below This Line For Acknowledgementl - -- - -- - -- -STATE OF RHODE ISLAND I by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesCOUNTY OF __P_r_o_v_i_d_e_n_c_e_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ISS. IIn Cranston , on the -'1::..2:::...:t=h-=--__ day of July. 2005before me personally appeared WILLIAM FREEMAN . III .to me known and known by me to be the pers n(sl the foregoing instrument, and(he/~ acknowledge said instrument by (h /~~I$~ xecuted to be (his~~}Q freeact and deed . Photos SignaturesRHODE ISLAND Page 17 of 1773237 (10-02)EXHIBIT 2.8 Color of the Recorder's Stamp Ink on Questioned Mortgage 204 Fraud

Lab Color of Recorder Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionStamp Ink:L=28a=14b=-8 by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesThe color of the in Recorder's stamp in the Unquestioned Photos SignaturesWarranty Deed does not match the color of ink in theRecorders stamp on the questioned Mortgage. FraudThe color distance is 38 which is a very large colormismatch. 205 EXHIBIT 2.8 The Mismatch of the colors of the Recorder's Ink

William Freeman Report Blue ink background This microscope photo Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionNovember 17, 2016 characteristic of ink Jet. shows a blue ink where Black toner cannot as Sang claims that the produce a blue ink ink is Black. background. The photo contradicts Sang's opinion. by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures Photos Signatures 18 Fraud EHIBIT 3.1 SANG Figures Enhanced 206

Black toner particles are black. Inkjet satellite droplets are thin ink that disappears under infra This Sang microscope red light provided that it Photo is evidence that is of sufficient intensity. the initial on page 1 of the Questioned Side Road Note was not made with a ball point pen as Sanger claims. There are no striations, no skips, no gaps, no goop, no pen tracks just a \"mountain of ink\" with the highest part of the mountain in the center of the stroke. Sang stated that the ink was black. This microscope photo contradicts his stated opinion because it shows that the ink as blue.EXHIBIT 3.2 Sang Photo Prepayment Fee Notice Addendum Enhanced 207

The Satellite Droplets are circled and all disappear under infrared light whereas the toner particles do not.Why didn't Sangexamine the SideRoad Note initialinstead of thePrepayment FeeNotice AddendumInitial? Toner Satellite EXHIBIT 3.3 Sang Infrared Photos of Prepayment Fee Notice Addendum (enhanced)

SANG’S SOURCES ARE OBSOLETE Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures1 Hilton, Ordway, Characteristics of the Ball Point Pen and Its Influence on HandwritingIdentification. The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, Vol 47, No 5 (Jan- Photos SignaturesFeb, 1957) pp 606-6132 Conway, James, Evidential Documents, (Springfield: Charles C Thomas, 1959) Fraud3 Kelly, Jan and Lindblom, Brian, , Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, SecondEdition (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006)4 Hilton, Ordway, Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Revised Ed. (New York:Elsevier/North Holland Inc., 1982Reference 1 is 59 years old before Photoshop and commercial Inkjet printers.Reference 2 is 57 years old before Photoshop and commercial Inkjet printers.Reference 3 is 10 years old and does not deal with Photoshop and barely touches on inkjetprinter technology which has greatly advanced since 2006.Reference 4 is 34 years old.There are no references to current research at all.EXHIBIT 3.4 Sang’s Research Sources are obsolete and do not reference Inkjet Printer or Photoshop Technology and how it is used for document forgery 209

Manipulations and Deception of Sang’s Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesForensic Report Photos SignaturesFreeman Matter: Deceptive Evidence recently found in Documents Fraud • Brian Herman and John Sang, alleged handwriting expert, colluded and modified Court EvidenceDr. Kelly’s scientific report on the manufactured, altered and forged mortgagedocuments were not heard by the court in the December 2016 hearing. Dr.Kelley’s report is in evidence now, based on new complaints filled by Mr.Freeman against Brian Herman.Dr. James Madisen Kelley’s analysis contained probative, irrefutable proof,that documents were forged, finding things like duplicated signatures of Mr.Freeman, and ink-jet technology for falsification of signatures.In fact, Dr. Kelley’s report was provided to Mr. Sang, the chosen handwritingexpert from Brian Herman, prior to the hearing. The fact that Herman testifiedthat Sang had the documents in his sole possession, is disturbing, and, mostimportantly, changes to the ‘original’s’ as presented to Dr. Kelley, occurredduring this time when Mr. Sang had access to the files.The following analysis of the Sang report shows the electronic routing andproof of editing designed to mislead the courts, prior to the report beingsubmitted as evidence.These revelations began with an analysis of the metadata Properties andcreation dates of documents, inherent in Sang’s “Report of Forensic DocumentExamination”. The enclosed analysis demonstrates the following facts: 1. Lack of credibility, accuracy, and veracity of Sang’s allegedly, legal report 2. Mr. Herman clearly edited the Sang’s report 3. Mr. Sang could not have scanned the documents, as he claims in the report • The files, attached to the Sang’s report, were created, not by scanning the alleged ‘originals’ as did Dr. Kelley (microscopically), but by the creation of manufactured originals in April 2016 (and other times), by using the powerful capabilities of the Canon iR-ADV 8105 software Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

(which allows unique and powerful document manipulation and creation Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures capability). The Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 8105 - multifunctional printer, copier and scanner, which software allows to combine PDF Photos Signatures files, images and to make ‘on the fly’ changes to any document. • Therefore, the Sang final report was not based on the same documents Fraud as Dr. Kelley examined.The properties, creation dates and metadata of the pdf documents, sent by Mr.Brian A. Herman as Appendix C and D 1.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note consideringTiverton, Rhode Island, 39 Side Road, Little Compton, RI 02837 property andPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4) and the Appendix E & F3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Cranston (spelled cvanston), RhodeIsland, 135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878 property and Prepayment Fee NoteAddendum, 03-2380-069434295-7) to the Sang’s report, may be discovered by aright mouse button click on the files / Properties / PDF or when open the pdf filein Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat program, are as follows:SANG FINAL 4.pdf (Mr. John L. Sang’s Report of Forensic DocumentExamination)Title: Microsoft Word - 89822837_3Author: HERM6909Received: 11/17/2016, 22:04:35Modified: 11/17/2016, 22:04:44Application: Microsoft Word - 89822837_3PDF Producer: Nuance PDF Create 8PDF Version: 1.5 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesAuthor of the SANG FINAL 4.pdf (Mr. John L. Sang’s Report of Forensic Photos SignaturesDocument Examination) is HERM6909, as we may assume, a person with afamily name beginning from Herm (Mr. Herman), who may be born in 1969. The FraudMS Word version and PDF producer is different from two Sang’s documentsmetadata below. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

App A - CV 1.pdf (EXHIBIT A – CURRICULUM VITAE of JOHN L. SANG) Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesTitle: JOHN LAuthor: John L. Sang Photos SignaturesCreated: 01/18/2016, 21:30:02Modified: 11/02/2016, 16:52:05 FraudApplication: Microsoft Word 2010PDF Producer: Microsoft Word 2010PDF Version: 1.5There is totally different author, MS Word version, and PDF producer, as forSang’s Report file, which metadata presented above.App B - List of Cases 1.pdf (EXHIBIT B – Testimony)Title: State of Connecticut, Waterbury Superior Court Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Author: John L. Sang Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesCreated: 10/28/2016, 17:52:35Modified: 11/02/2016, 16:52:23 Photos SignaturesApplication: Microsoft Word 2010PDF Producer: Microsoft Word 2010 FraudPDF Version: 1.5There is the same author, MS Word version and PDF producer, as for the EXHIBITA – CURRICULUM VITAE of JOHN L. SANG. So, these two pdf files were createdby John L. Sang by saving as pdf from MS Word 10.Appendix C and D 1.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Tiverton, RhodeIsland, 39 Side Road, Little Compton, RI 02837 property and Prepayment FeeNote Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4)Created: 4/22/2016, 17:24:18Modified: 4/22/2016, 18:16:30Application: Canon iR-ADV 8105 PDFi DF Producer: Adobe PSL 1.1e for CanonPDF Version: 1.4 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesThe Appendix C and D 1.pdf file (Adjustable Rate Note considering Tiverton, Photos SignaturesRhode Island, 39 Side Road, Little Compton, RI 02837 property and PrepaymentFee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4), attached to the Sang’s November Fraud2016 report as scanned document, was created in April 2016, 7 months beforethe report. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Appendix E & F 3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Cvansten, Rhode Island, Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878 property and Prepayment Fee NoteAddendum, 03-2380-069434295-7) Photos SignaturesCreated: 4/22/2016, 18:42:16Application: Canon iR-ADV 8105 PDF FraudPDF Producer: Adobe PSL 1.1e for CanonPDF Version: 1.4The Appendix E & F 3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Cvansten, RhodeIsland, 135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878 property and Prepayment Fee Note Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Addendum, 03-2380-069434295-7), attached to the Sang’s November 2016 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesreport as a scanned document, was created in April 2016, 7 months before thereport. Photos SignaturesRpt sign pg 11-17-16 1.pdf (Terms)PDF Producer: EPSON Scan FraudPDF Version: 1.4 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Pdf producer of the Rpt sign pg 11-17-16 1.pdf is EPSON Scan, in contrast to Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesmentioned above pdf files. Photos SignaturesMr. Sang, in the SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS part of his report,registered, that “Digital imaging techniques were utilized, the documents were Fraudscanned and high-resolution prints were made.”The creation dates of Appendix C and D 1.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note consideringTiverton, Rhode Island, 39 Side Road, Little Compton, RI 02837 property andPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4) and Appendix E & F3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Cvansten, Rhode Island, 135 RandolphAve, Tiverton, RI 02878 property and Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-069434295-7) clearly shows additional re-manufacturing of the documentsup until several weeks before the hearing.The previously colorized and manipulated pdf files, were enhanced to imitate‘originals’ in April 2016, by using the powerful capabilities of the Canon iR-ADV8105 and attached to Sang’s report as ‘examined documents’ and therefore“originals” could not have been scanned by Mr. Sang by November 2016, butcould be modified by other means. • Herewith content, properties and creation dates of Appendix C and D 1.pdf and Appendix E & F 3.pdf completely match with pdf files, which Mr. Herman sent to William Freeman and attorneys, as high-resolution scans of the alleged ‘original’ Mortgages and Notes. We now know these were created in April 2016, and are the documents Dr. Kelley examined and memorialized in his report.Also please pay attention to the color of ink of William Freeman’s signatures.Two signatures on page 5 of the Mr. John L. Sang’s Report of Forensic DocumentExamination are bright blue color, without any purple or violet hue. This can beobserved by a naked eye. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

page 5 of Report of Forensic Document Examination Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesWhereas William Freeman’s signatures at pages 6 and 8 of the Appendix E & F3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note 135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878. Property and Photos SignaturesPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-069434295-7) has clearly visiblepurple hue. FraudWith using of Adobe Acrobat tools (including magnification techniques) itbecomes visible, that signature at page 6 was assembled from different text andimage pieces.1) Letters ‘ Willi ’ written with plain purple color is without any color definitions,that is possible when using a graphics editing software,2) letters ‘ am ’ in Freeman, is blue-purple color, that imitates a pen ink,3) number ‘III ‘ is written with plain purple color without any color definitions,that is possible when using a graphics editing 6 of Appendix E & F 3.pdf Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

page 8 of Appendix E & F 3.pdf Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesConsidering the above, we seriously doubt that Mr. Sang could have examinedthe identical versions of the Appendix C and D 1.pdf (including the Adjustable Photos SignaturesRate Note Tiverton, Rhode, and 39 Side Road, Little Compton property andPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4) and The Appendix E & FraudF 3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note 135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton Property andPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-069434295-7) as attached by Mr.John L. Sang, in he and Herman’s “sworn“ Report of Forensic DocumentExamination “.The Appendix C and D 1.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note regarding Tiverton, RhodeIsland, Little Compton, RI Property and Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4) and the Appendix E & F 3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Noteconsidering Cvansten, Rhode Island, 135 Randolph Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878property and Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-069434295-7): • Are not normally scanned laser printer generated and signed by a pen pages, as the originals would need to be (see original warranty deed page held by Mr. Freeman) This may be discovered when opening the Herman sent, pdf files in Adobe Acrobat (Adobe pdf editing software), choose Content Editing / Edit Text & Images / and mark checkbox Outline Text and Images. Two images will be outlined on every page. You can easily delete or copy/paste any single image at each page of these documents. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Page 6 of Appendix C and D 1.pdf Showed above page 6 of the Appendix C and D 1.pdf was constructed from such two separate images, puzzled together:Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures

Page 6 of the Appendix E & F 3.pdf was constructed from such two separate images, puzzled together:Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures

Each page of Appendix C and D 1.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesTiverton, Rhode Island, 39 Side Road, Little Compton, RI 02837 property andPrepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03-2380-06908345-4) and the Appendix E & F Photos Signatures3.pdf (Adjustable Rate Note considering Cvansten, Rhode Island, 135 RandolphAve, Tiverton, RI 02878 property and Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, 03- Fraud2380-069434295-7) was assembled from two pictures (text and images on atransparent background), that were placed one at the top of the other to createimitation of a scanned page with text and signatures. This indicates, that thedocuments were scanned several times or were created/edited with graphicsediting software.Files’ properties shown, that these pdf files were created with help of CanonimageRUNNER ADVANCE 8105 - multifunctional printer, copier and scanner,which software allows to combine PDF files, images and to make ‘on the fly’changes to any document.As another example, if you will explore the Rpt sign pg 11-17-16 1.pdf (scannedby EPSON Scan, as you can see at the file’s properties) with help of Adobe Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Acrobat, you will see only one image, that covers a whole page. This is normally Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesscanned a document.And, for example, App A - CV 1.pdf saved as pdf from Microsoft Word program Photos Signatures(as you can see at the file’s properties), is a combination of texts and images,that was created in editing software and saved as editable content without the Fraudintention to imitate a scanned document.Signatures in the Sang’s Report and Appendixes are different by shape and size Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Signatures in Sang’s Report and Appendixes are different colorReport of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures

Summary: Not only are the alleged originals fake, but many other documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatureshave been manufactured. This is a result of not having original documents,which were destroyed. Chase attorneys have been forced to re-create Photos Signaturesdocuments to have any claim to Freeman’s property. It is proven the claims arefalse. Fraud Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Photoshopping - Summary - Explanation of Findings 229

Photoshopping - Summary - Explanation Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesof FindingsThe integrity of many Chase Bank legal documents is compromised,making them invalid. This list documents. is a summary of invaliddocuments presented to the RI Superior Court and to William Freeman, asper his complaints and subsequent discovery requests.There are two categories of the changed documents. One is the forgery ofnotes and mortgage documents. The second is assembly and 'layering' ofdata from various sources, plus the ability to add text as needed, in orderto help 'make their case' for claiming ownership of Freeman properties forwhich they are not the lender or creditor:1. Duplicate signatures2. Ink Jet printer proof of use to recently re-create legal documents - usedfor printing of colorizedsignatures and stamps.3. Pen ink color - replicated documents have same color ink.4. Manipulation and changes to document routing and exception report.5. Robo Signing Cynthia Riley.6. No endorsement stamp until 2013.7. Manufacturer of an unrecorded note, vs the unsigned note found inTiverton Land Records.8. Laurie Erlandson signatures, not the same (January 2012 modification,since rescinded).9. Assignment document assembled, notary invalid.10. Attorney's letters assembled. Photos SignaturesReport of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud 230

Findings of Dr. James Madison Kelley Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesComputer Forensic Examinations(Saratoga, California)Dr. James Madison Kelley, BA, MSEE, Ph.D EECSDecember, 2014 Photos SignaturesReport of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud 231

Loan Number 3013265883 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionWITNESS THE HAND (S) AND SEAL (S) OF THE UNDERSIGNED.Questioned Blank Endorsement by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures Form Number Photos Signatures32859 (11-01) Page 6 of6 LNT60USF (VERSION 1.0) Fraud EXHIBIT 3.0 The Signature Page of the Questioned Note 232

The Questioned Blank Endorsement magnified 4X. Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionThe color is grayscale. K=62%This is the wrong color. It should berich black. by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesThe endorsement was not applied by a manual Photos Signaturesstamp it was printed with an inkjet printer.The endorsement is a computer fabrication. Cynthia Riley was not an officer or employee of Washington Mutual Bank FA in 2007.EXHIBIT 3.2 The Grayscale Image of the Cynthia Riley Blank Endorsement Fraud 233

When the mask is removed from the signature it shows that the signature is a computer fabrication. Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures The Signature on the QNOTE has the patchwork blue ink that did not come from a pen. g10 The mask covers up the evidence that the signature did not come from a pen. Photos Signatures FraudEXHIBIT 3.2 The Signature of William J. Paatalo on the Questioned Note 234

The Signature of William J. Paatalo on the Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Questioned electronic NoteSquare \"Blocking\" artifacts by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturescaused by jpeg compression. The vector mask that covers up the fabrication of the signature. There is no discernible noise inside the \"J. Paatalo\" signature. It has been covered up by the mask in group 7.The blocking artifacts have been Photos Signaturespreviously removed by an earlier mask. The small dots are ringing artifacts Fraud 235EXHIBIT 3.3 The Signature of William J. Paatalo background enhanced to show the computer forgery

Findings of Iren Fedoszejev, Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesAdobe Photoshop expert (Budapest, Hungary,European Union) Photos SignaturesIren FedoszejevGraphic designer, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat expertBudapest, Hungary, European UnionFindings_of_Iren_Fedoszejev_at_William_Freeman_documents.docxForged Signatures of William Freeman on Chase Bank’s DocumentsWilliam Freeman signature imperfections occur on every document sent byChase bank. Here are just four examples of manipulations with WilliamFreeman’s signatures.Letter W is cropped at the top. Signature is colorized as separate parts: thecentral part imitates pen ink with visible pixelization in rectangular areasaround letters, beginning of name Willi and number III have plain purple color,which has no any color gradation and can’t be produced by the pen. This ispossible when colorizing by using a graphics editing software.Signature at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little Compton (pdf file created04/22/2016) has artifacts clearly visible with 400% zoom: Fraud

Letters R and F have gaps when crossing the line. This is possible when the line Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatureswas added over the signature during manipulation at a graphics editingsoftware. Photos SignaturesSignature at the page the page 3 of 1-4 Family Rider, Tiverton (pdf filecreated 04/22/2016) has artifacts clearly visible with 400% zoom: FraudSignature is colorized as separate parts: name William has two tints of plainpurple color, which has no any color gradation and can’t be produced by pen,but Freem III imitates a pen ink. This is possible when colorizing by using agraphics editing software.Pen ink is going over printed line and ink doesn’t interact with color below ina paper version of the document. There are no ball striations too. This ispossible when printing by ink jet printer. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures

Manipulated recorder’s stamps on Legal Documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures • Recorder’s stamps are newly applied on every document page sent by Photos Signatures Chase bank. Fraud • Stamps in the documents sent by Chase bank are typed letters and numbers, not like a real stamp, which comprises small dots. • The stamp has a monochrome purple color, created as a combination of 65% Cian and 58% Magenta colors without any color gradations and other tints at whole surface of the stamp. If these documents were actually authentic, there should be noticeable differences in the stamps’ ink colors. A Dot Matrix or a similar font was used for creation imitation of a recorder’s stamps. See word menu. • You can compare the fake stamp above with zoomed scan of the recorder’s stamp from the original Warranty Deed, signed in July 2005 and held by Mr. William Freeman. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

The real recorder’s stamp is assembled from the small dots, the stamp has Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatureswide color range, it isn’t monochrome, in contrast to the stamp onmanipulated documents sent by the Chase bank. Photos SignaturesManipulated recorder’s stamps on Legal Documents Fraud • Recorder’s stamps are newly applied on every document page sent by Chase bank. • Stamps in the documents sent by Chase bank are typed letters and numbers, not like a real stamp, which comprises small dots. • The stamp has a monochrome purple color, created as a combination of 65% Cian and 58% Magenta colors without any color gradations and other tints at whole surface of the stamp. If these documents were actually authentic, there should be noticeable differences in the stamps’ ink colors. A Dot Matrix or a similar font was used for creation imitation of a recorder’s stamps. See word menu. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

• You can compare the fake stamp above with zoomed scan of the Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures recorder’s stamp from the original Warranty Deed, signed in July 2005 and held by Mr. William Freeman. Photos SignaturesThe real recorder’s stamp is assembled from the small dots, the stamp has Fraudwide color range, it isn’t monochrome, in contrast to the stamp onmanipulated documents sent by the Chase bank.Manipulated notary signature and stamp on William FreemandocumentsIt is irrefutable that Notary signatures and stamp anomalies occur on everydocument sent by Chase bank.For example, signature and stamp on the page 17 of Mortgage, Tiverton (pdffile created 04/22/2016) have anomalous artifacts clearly visible with 400%zoom. It becomes more clear when the microscopic lens zooms it further. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Letters and lines are printed over the signature. In the original document Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures(below) this is not the case. This fact makes the alleged original submitted byMorgan Lewis irrefutably fraudulent Photos SignaturesThe official Seal has very visible part distortions and irregularities, that contain Frauddifferent resolutions and different color tints. This is impossible in a normaloriginal document, that has not been tampered with.Inconsistent pen ink, shifts from bright blue to purple and back to blue. In atruly authentic signature, a shift in ink color can only mean the use of multiplepens, yet no signs of different pen strokes or stopping and starting thesignature, to switch pens are present, indicating an inconsistent colorizationfrom manufacturing of this document.Also, John V. McGreen didn’t place any stamp on the Warranty Deed, heprinted an expiration date and used a serif font for a text, in contrast to theabove document. The alignment of the signature line is out of sync with thepage, when the alleged ‘original' laser printed documents are aligned and theink colors are different. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Manipulated signatures of witness at Chase bank’s documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesWitness’ signature imperfections occur on the documents sent by Chase bank. Photos SignaturesHere is just one example of manipulations with witness’ signatures.Signature at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little Compton (pdf file created Fraud05/18/2009) has artifact clearly visible with 400% zoom:Signature of a witness is cropped on the right side. This is possible when thesignature was added to document by using a graphics editing software.The same signature at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little Compton (pdffile created 04/22/2016) has difference and artifacts clearly visible with400% zoom: Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Signature of the witness isn’t cropped on the right side. Signature is colorized Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures as an imitation of pen ink and was added to a text as low-resolution blurry image with visible pixelization around the signature. Photos Signatures Manipulations with Default Document and Exceptional Report Fraud PDF file doesn’t look like normally scanned documentDDER.pdf The pdf file, which was sent a scanned document, looks like crated from text and images by using editing software and after manipulations were saved as a pdf file. For this reason, we explored this file by using standard computer software: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop CC and MS Word. You can also observe manipulations with the document by the very simple way. File properties: creation date and software, used for saving pdf file You can observe the file properties when open the pdf file in Adobe Acrobat Reader, choose File in the upper menu, after this click at Properties of press Ctr+D at the keyboard. Created: 08/18/2016 22:57:59 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Application: Canon iR-ADV 4045 PDF Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesPDF Producer: Adobe PSL 1.1e for Canon Photos SignaturesThis file was saved as pdf 08/18/2016 at 22:57:59 by using Canon iR-ADV Fraud4045 PDF.Canon iR-ADV 4045 PDF is a software for the imageRUNNER ADVANCE. Thesoftware for the imageRUNNER ADVANCE allows to combine PDFfiles, images, to add text and to make on the fly changes to any document.Each page of the pdf file is the combination of few different images andadded text, saved together as imitation scanned document.Usually, pdf files are reading with Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar readingsoftware.But if you will open this file with help of Adobe Acrobat or pdf similar editingprogram (right click by mouse on the file > choose at the menu Open with >choose Adobe Acrobat from a list of programs), you will see separate piecesof data puzzled together at each page. They are different images and, asignificant part of them looks like added text, saved such way, as to imitatescanned document. In contrast, a normally scanned document is displayed asone single image that covers the entire page.If you will open the file with help of MS Word program (right click by mouseon the file > choose at the menu Open with > choose Word from a list ofprograms), you will discover pieces of editable text, which was combined withimages. The document layout will not see exactly ad pdf from which it wasconverted (images and text may slide down, there may be some error codesshown, etc.), because the pdf file contains a lot of graphics and originally wassaved not from Word, but from Canon software. This way you can observe thetext, which was added to the images and saved such way, as to imitatescanned document. It is impossible to explain this text by scanning with a textrecognition program, because of two reasons: Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

1. Part of text in the document still presented as images in MS Word, because Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesthey are pieces, originally scanned as images. Text recognition programsrecognize all text in a document. Photos Signatures2. These pieces of text are not readable in pdf file, just after conversion toWord. So, the text was added and saved with the goal to imitate whole Fraudscanned document.Separate images and text pieces used for construction of the pdf fileWe’d like to show you different pieces of images and text, from what the pdffile was assembled.Page 1The 1st page may be observed in Adobe Acrobat as a combination of 2 images:Image 1 includes part of logo “Mor a Lew i” at the header at the top of thepage, text “Rhode Island Superior Court No. Nc-2012-0214” at the middle ofthe page, Signature and name of Wayne E. George at the lower part of thepage, a yellow sticker with printed number PENGAD 800-881-8989 and text“EXHIBIT”, handwritten 5 8/18/16 js (or gs) at the bottom of the page. Allelements of the Image 1 have well visible with zoom pixelization and papertexture around the text.Different parts of the text have different color tints: logo “Mor a Lewi” andsignature of Wayne E. George are black-green, text “Rhode Island SuperiorCourt No. Nc-2012-0214” is black-red. So, image 1 was scanned as a colorimage or was created a combination of different images, which were scannedseparately as color images. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

Image 2 includes: part of logo “ g s” (which fill gaps at preview image to create Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures“Morgan Lewis” name) at the header at the top of the page, text of letter fromWayne E. George dated August 16, 2016, contact information of Morgan, Photos SignaturesLewis & Bockius LLP at the footer at the bottom of the page.All text in this image, even letters “ g s” form the Morgan Lewis’s logo has Fraud100% black color with no color tints. That may be possible if the text for thisimage was typed as text and saved as an image, or was scanned as black-and-white image. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

If you will open the pdf file with Word, you will make sure, that text was added separately to such images:Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures

All other information was added as editable text (Word didn’t save the Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesdocument’s formatting):Morgan LewisWayne E. George [email protected] August 16, 2016VIA EMAILChris Lefebvre, Esq. Stephen Wright, Esq.2 1)exter Street The Wright Law Firm, LLCPawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 324 Elm Street, Suite 103B Monroe, Connecticut 06468Re: William Freeman, 111 v, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Rhode Island Superior CourtCase No. Photos SignaturesDear Messrs. Lefebvre and Wright:We write in connection with the upcoming Rule 30(b)(6) deposition.With respect to the document requests attached to the subpoena, we provided writtenresponses on July 12, 2016 and supplemented those responses on July 18, 20.1 6. We haveattached hereto a further supplemental production of documents. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud

Sincerely yours, Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionDBI/ 88813945.1 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures One Federal Street Photos SignaturesBoston, MA 02110-1726 O +1,617.3417700 Unlted States O +1.617.341.7701 FraudPages 2-18There may be observed in Adobe Acrobat, that each page 2-18 is combinedfrom separate images:Image, that covers all page: Chase Logo and table’s headers the top of thepage; date and time, remark “CONFIDENTIAL” in a footer at the bottom of thepage.Few smaller size images with text information and imitation of table cellspuzzled together.Different parts of text at one page have different resolution, contrast, andbrightness. There is no color tint in black color of these images. So, they werescanned or typed and saved as black-and-white images.If you will open the file with Word, you will observe text pieces, which wereadded separately to images at every page to imitate a view of scanned tables.Page 2Page 2 is created from 5 layers, which are outlined in Adobe Acrobat by thingrey lines, puzzled together to imitate a view of a table. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations

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