The raised stamp at the copy of the Assignment of Mortgage doesn’t look Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatureslike a normal embossed stamp. Photos SignaturesThe computer-generated text is printed over the stamp, the hand-writtentext is placed over the stamp too, that is not a common practice of placing Fraudraised stamps. In both cases, if the text was printed and written afterstamping the stamp or if the stamp was stamped at the text, there shouldbe some distortions, roughness at the marked by red color places, wheretext contacts with the raised stamp. But there are no any distortions inprinted and handwritten letters when they overlay the raised stamp. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations 51
All mentioned above confirm, that paper black & white version sent by Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesChase Bank as a copy of the Assignment of Mortgage with a copy of araised stamp of the Town of Little Compton isn’t normal copy of adocument, but manipulated document, that was printed by the Chasebank as imitation of a real document and its certification by the Town ofLittle Compton.4. Analysis of difference between two paper black & white versions ofthe Assignment of MortgageThis fourth black & white version of the Assignment of Mortgage has nocrossed 0 at the loan # and has no 3 marks at the top of the document incontrast of other three versions of the Assignment of Mortgage.All four different versions of the same Assignment of Mortgage sent by Photos SignaturesChase Bank are presented below with highlighted most significantdifferences and manipulations.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud 52
Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations53Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Fraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations54Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Fraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations55Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Fraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations56Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introduction Fraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Manipulated signatures and stamps at different versions of William Freeman loan documents, sent by Chase Bank Attorneys 58
Manipulated signatures and stamps at Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesdifferent versions of William Freeman loandocuments, sent by Chase Bank Attorneys Photos SignaturesPDF files sent by Chase Bank and offered as evidence to RI Superior Courtreveals many changes made to the documents to support fallacious claimsof ownership by JPMCThis Chase pdf files, which were sent as scanned documents, was created byintentional additions text and images. Through the use of group editingsoftware and highly specialized collaborative hardware and software. Themanipulations were saved as pdf files, that looks strange but somewhatnormal to the human eye. As part of the on-going examination of documentssent by Chase, zoomed view was used to examine the manipulations in thedocuments. Signatures and stamps at different versions of the samedocuments, sent by Chase Bank in different time periods, have significantdifferences.For this reason, we explored this files by using standard computer software:Adobe Acrobat Reader.You can also observe manipulations with the documents in a verystraightforward way, by using 400% zoom to compare signatures and stampsat different versions of the same documents.File properties: creation date and software, used for saving pdf filesAt the table below, you can find creation date and software, used for savingpdf files.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud 59
Date and Application, Documents in the Freeman’s Cynthia A. Riley Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductiontime of PDF PDF Producer file, dated signature stamp, otherfile creation Adjustable Rate Note, p.7 black & white, signatures and Prepayment Fee Note p.9 black & white marks Addendum – Tiverton,04/30/2009 200P9dfCompressor, 7/12/2005 p.6 black & white, NO stamp,7:31:47 CVISION Adjustable Rate Note, p.8 black & white, Number “8” at the Technologies Prepayment Fee Note p.1-7 black & left side of p.1 of Addendum – Little white initials, the Note, by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures Compton, 03/11/2005 initials at p.6 with p.7 black & white signature, but no witness signature05/18/2009 200C9VISION Adjustable Rate Note, initials at p.8 with p.6 black & white7:31:47 Technologies, Prepayment Fee Note signature stamp, CVISION Addendum – Tiverton, p.6 black & white, staple marks on Technologies 7/12/2005 p.8 black & white left side of odd Mortgage, 07/12/2005, pages, staple Adjustable Rate Rider p.16 colored, marks on right 07/12/2005, 1-4 Family p.22 unsigned, side of even pages Rider07/12/2005, Exhibit p.25 colored04/23/2014 201C4anon iR-ADV A – Tiverton p.16 colored, p.6 black & white19:01:21 6065 PDF, Mortgage, 07/12/2005, p.22 unsigned, Cynthia A. Riley Adobe PSL 1.1e Adjustable Rate Rider p.25 colored stamp, for Canon 07/12/2005, 1-4 Family p.6 black & white, NO number “8” at Rider07/12/2005, Exhibit p.8 black & white, the left side of p.103/16/2016201C6anon iR-ADV A – Tiverton p.1-7 black & of the Note,20:11:29 8105 PDF, Adjustable Rate Note, white initials, p.6 black & white Adobe PSL 1.1e Prepayment Fee Note initials at p.6 with witness signature for Canon Addendum – Little signature, but no p.17 colored Compton, 03/11/2005 initials at p.8 with signature and seal Adjustable Rate Note, signature of notary Prepayment Fee Note p.6 colored,04/22/2016201C6anon iR-ADV Addendum - Tiverton, p.8 colored p.17 colored17:16:48 8105 PDF, 7/12/2005 signature and seal Adobe Acrobat of notary 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in04/22/2016201C6anon iR-ADV p.6 black & white,17:24:18 8105 PDF, NO staple marks Adobe PSL 1.1e Photos Signatures for Canon04/22/2016201C6anon iR-ADV p.6 black & white18:42:16 8105 PDF, Cynthia A. Riley Adobe PSL 1.1e stamp, for Canon NO number “8” at the left side of p.1 of the Note, Fraud p.6 colored witness signature
It is clear and observable the file properties when open the pdf file in Adobe Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesAcrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat, choose File in the upper menu, after thisclick at Properties of press Ctr+D at the keyboard. You can observe when pdf Photos Signaturesfile was created, modified, what application was used for pdf’s creation.Versions of documents with black & white signatures and stamps were Fraudcreated and presented in 2009 and were used in 2014 too. Black & whitesignatures and stamps were colorized in 2016. Most signatures at differentdocuments, saved as pdf files in 2016, have the same color blue-purple ink andblack ink. There is no evidence of time and damage to documents, that shouldhave been stored since 2005 and were presented as scanned in 2016. Thedocuments in 2016 pdf files look absolutely new. Moreover, staple marks havedisappeared from some documents, on which they were visible on the 2009pdf files.The most significant anomalies visible to the naked eye are highlighted bycolor in the table. Stamp of robo stamper Cynthia A. Riley was not present atthe Adjustable Rate Note considering property in Tiverton in 2009 but wasadded to Adjustable Rate Note in 2014. Color versions of the manipulateddocuments were created on 03/16/2016 and 04/22/2016. In 2006 the pdf fileswere saved by using Canon iR-ADV 8105 PDF. Canon iR-ADV 8105 PDF is asoftware, which allows to combine PDF files, images, to add text and to makeon the fly changes to any document.Chase documents clearly separate images and text pieces used for theconstruction of the pdf files, that can be observed by viewing in AdobeAcrobat or converting to MS Word. Signatures and stamps are used asseparate images, that were included in text documents. Signatures indifferent versions of the same documents have significant differences, thatwe’d like to highlight. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations 61
Analysis of manipulations observed in different versions Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures of Adjustable Rate Note, Prepayment Fee Note Addendum – Tiverton, dated 7/12/2005 Photos SignaturesYou can explore 3 different version of Adjustable Rate Note and Prepayment Fee FraudNote Addendum considering property in Tiverton, sent by Chase bank and thebank’s attorney in pdf files with different creation date:Tiverton-Adjustable_Rate_Note,Prepayment_Fee_Note_Addendum-04302009.pdfTiverton-Adjustable_Rate_Note,Prepayment_Fee_Note_Addendum-04232014.pdfTiverton-Adjustable_Rate_Note,Prepayment_Fee_Note_Addendum-04222016.pdf Differences in page 1 of Adjustable Rate Note, Tiverton Pdf created 04/30/2009 Number “8” at the left side of page 1 of the Note. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Pdf created 04/23/2014 No number “8” at the left side of page 1 of the Note.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Pdf created 04/22/2016 No number “8” at the left side of page 1 of the Note.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Differences at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Tiverton Pdf created 04/30/2009 No stamp.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Pdf created 04/23/2014 Black & white Cynthia A. Riley stamp.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
It is clearly visible at the zoomed view, that stamp with the signature of Cynthia A. Riley was printed.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Pdf created 04/22/2016 Colored Cynthia A. Riley stamp.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
It is clearly visible at the zoomed view, that a central part of the stamp with Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesthe signature of Cynthia A. Riley was colored.There is no Cynthia A. Riley stamp at page 6 in version 2009 year, but the Photos Signaturesstamp appeared on page 6 in 2014 and 2016. FraudManipulations with the signatures may be observed by close viewing withzoomDifferences in signatures at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Tiverton, 400%zoomPdf created 04/30/2009Letter F is curved. The 2nd letter I the 3rd element in number III is cropped atthe right side and are completely straight.Pdf created 04/23/2014 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Letter F isn’t curved. The 2nd letter i the 3rd element in number III isn’t cropped Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesat the right side. Signature color is much lighter than in 2009 version.Pdf created 04/22/2016 Photos SignaturesLetter F isn’t curved. The 2nd letter i the 3rd element in number III isn’t Fraudcropped at the right side. Letter W is cropped at the top. Signature iscolorized as separate parts: central part imitates pen ink, beginning withname Willi and number III have plain purple color, which has no any colorgradation and can’t be produced by the pen. This is possible when colorizingby using a graphics editing software.Differences in signatures at page 8 of Adjustable Rate Note, Tiverton, 400%zoomPdf created 04/30/2009 Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Pdf created 04/23/2014 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesPdf created 04/22/2016Signature is colorized as an imitation of pen ink and was added to a text as Photos Signatureslow-resolution blurry image with visible pixelization around the signature andconnected with it central element of number III. Fraud Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Analysis of manipulations observed in different versions Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesof Adjustable Rate Note, Prepayment Fee NoteAddendum – Little Compton, dated 03/11/2005 Photos SignaturesYou can explore 2 different version of Adjustable Rate Note, Prepayment Fee FraudNote Addendum considering property in Little Compton, sent by Chase bank andthe bank’s attorney in pdf files with different creation date:Little_Compton-Adjustable_Rate_Note,Prepayment_Fee_Note_Addendum-05182009Little_Compton-Adjustable_Rate_Note,Prepayment_Fee_Note_Addendum-04222016pdfDifferences at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little ComptonPdf created 05/18/2009Staple marks on right side of even page. Initials on the page with signature. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Stamp of Cynthia A. Riley has double lines of signature and text. Pdf created 04/22/2016Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
No staple marks.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Stamp of Cynthia A. Riley has double lines of signature and text. Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesManipulations with the signatures may be observed by close viewing withzoom Photos SignaturesDifferences in signatures at page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little Compton,400% zoom FraudPdf created 05/18/2009Letter R is finished above the line, no gap when letter F crossing the line.Pdf created 04/22/2016Letter R is finished under the line with a gap, letter F has a gap when crossingthe line. This is possible when the line was added over the signature duringmanipulation at a graphics editing software. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Pdf created 05/18/2009 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesSignature of a witness is cropped on the right side. This is possible when the Photos Signaturessignature was added to document by using a graphics editing software.Pdf created 04/22/2016 Fraud Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Signature of the witness isn’t cropped on the right side. Signature is colorized Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesas an imitation of pen ink and was added to a text as low-resolution blurryimage with visible pixelization around the signature. Photos SignaturesDifferences on page 2 of Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, Little ComptonPdf created 05/18/2009 FraudStaple marks on left side of the odd page. No initials at the page withsignature, like at page 6. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Pdf created 04/22/2016 No staple marks. No initials at the page with signature, like at page 6.Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic ExaminationsAccounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Differences in signatures on page 2 of Prepayment Fee Note Addendum, Little Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesCompton, 400% zoomPdf created 05/18/2009 Photos SignaturesLetters R and F have no gaps when crossing the line. FraudPdf created 04/22/2016Letters R and F have gaps when crossing the line. This is possible when theline was added over the signature during manipulation at a graphics editingsoftware. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Analysis of manipulations observed in different versions Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures of Mortgage – Tiverton, dated 7/12/2005 Photos SignaturesYou can explore 2 different version of Mortgage, Exhibit A, Adjustable RateRider, Second Home Rider considering property in Little Compton, sent by Chase Fraudbank and the bank’s attorney in pdf files with different creation date:Little_Compton-Mortgage,Exhibit_A,Adjustable_Rate_Rider,Second_Home_Rider–07212010.pdfLittle_Compton-Mortgage,Exhibit_A,Adjustable_Rate_Rider,Second_Home_Rider–04222016.pdfDifferences in signatures on the page 16 of Mortgage, Tiverton, 400% zoomPdf created 03/16/2016Signature is colorized as an imitation of pen ink and was added to a text aslow-resolution blurry image with visible pixelization around the signatureand connected with it central element of number III.The first letter I in name William touches the line. Letter e in the family nameFreem does not have a loop.Pdf created 04/22/2016Signature is colorized as an imitation of pen ink and was added to a text as low-resolution blurry image with visible pixelization around the signature andconnected with it central element of number III.There is a gap between letter W and line. The first letter I in name Williamdoesn’t touch the line. Letter e in the family name Freem has a loop. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Differences in notary stamp and signature on page 17 of Mortgage, Tiverton, Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures400% zoomPdf created 03/16/2016 Photos SignaturesThe stamp has green-grey color tint and well visible parts with different Fraudresolution, that is impossible at a normal scanned document.Pdf created 04/22/2016Seal has magenta-black color tint and well visible parts with differentresolution, that is impossible in the normal scanned document. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Signature at Page 17 of the Mortgage is scientifically different from the real Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturessignature of John V. McGreen, Notary Public at the following scan of theWarranty Deed, approved by the Notary in July 2005 and held by Mr. William Photos SignaturesFreeman as an original paper document. Also, John V. McGreen didn’t placeany stamp on the Warranty Deed, he printed expiration date and used a serif Fraudfont for a text, in contrast to the above documents.Scanned original of Warranty DeedPen ink color has color gradations and is faded, in contrast to the documents,saved as pdf files in 2016, that have the same color blue-purple ink. There is Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
visible evidence of time and damages on the Warranty Deed that has been Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signaturesstored since 2005, in contrast to the documents, saved as pdf files in 2016,that have no evidence of time. Photos SignaturesPage 5 of Adjustable Home Rider, Tiverton is unsigned FraudThere is no signature of William Freeman at page 5 of Adjustable HomeRider, Tiverton at all. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Differences in signatures at page 3 of 1-4 Family Rider, Tiverton, 400% zoom Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesPdf created 03/16/2016 Photos SignaturesSignature is colorized as separate parts: W at the beginning of the name andFreem III imitates a pen ink, but part of name illiam has two tints of plain Fraudpurple color, which has no any color gradation and can’t be produced by thepen. This is possible when colorizing by using a graphics editing software.Pdf created 04/22/2016Signature is colorized as separate parts: name William has two tints of plainpurple color, which has no any color gradation and can’t be produced bypen, but Freem III imitates pen ink imitates a pen ink. This is possible whencolorizing by using a graphics editing software. Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations
Initial color digital examination across sample documents Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesDocument A: Warranty Deed, seller’s signatureDocument B: Warranty Deed, notary’s signatureDocument C: Page 17 of Mortgage, Tiverton, notary’s signatureDocument D: Page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Tiverton, signature of awitnessDocument E: Page 6 of Adjustable Rate Note, Little Compton, signature of awitnessDigital Sampling Technique:1. Documents were magnified to maximum 3200%2. Pixels displaying the most distinct variations in color were isolated and sampled using the Photoshop Eyedropper tool3. RGB color was recorded for each sampled pixel to indicate levels of Red, Green, and Blue which compose each sampled color on a scale of 0-2554. These RGB color results were compared across documents A-EExample of Sampling Technique:
Overview of colors sampled and results: Results: A Photos Signatures A. Sample 1: Sample 2: R 80 G 76 B 99 Sample 3: R 181 G 177 B 202 R 126 G 122 B 144Report of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud
Sample 4: R 121 G 118 B 137 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures R 139 G 134 B 164Sample 5: R 174 G 167 B 209Sample 6: R 184 G 180 B 194 R 229 G 222 B 255Sample 7: R 80-229 G 76-222 B 99-255Sample 8: R 58% G 57% B 61%Color 59%range:Colorvariations,%:AVERAGEvariations:B. Results: BSample 1: R 121 G 123 B 182Sample 2: R 179 G 181 B 240Sample 3: R 210 G 215 B 253Sample 4: R 153 G 160 B 189Sample 5: R 26 G 25 B 91Sample 6: R 202 G 209 B 237Sample 7: R 70 G 66 B 116Sample 8: R 96 G 94 B 144Color R 26-210 G 25-215 Brange: 91-253Color R 72% G 75% B 64%variations,%: 70%AVERAGEvariations:C. Results: CSample 1: R 138 G 148 B Photos SignaturesSample 2: 191Sample 3: R 149 G 146 BSample 4: 217Sample 5: R 164 G 112 BSample 6: 225 R 157 G 127 B 213 R 155 G 129 B 192 R 104 G 114 B 185RReeppoorrtt ooff WWiilllliiaamm FFrreeeemmaann LLooaann DDooccuummeenntt FFoorreennssiicc EExxaammiinnaattiioonnss Fraud
Sample 7: R 142 G 146 B Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures 200Sample 8: R 140 G 139 B 198Color R 138-164 Grange: 112-148 B 185-225Color R 10% G 14% Bvariations, 16%%:AVERAGE 13%variations:D. Results: DSample 1: R 99 G 112 B 162Sample 2: R 113 G 120 B Photos Signatures 176Sample 3: R 95 G 98 B 147Sample 4: R 96 G 97 B 150Sample 5: R 102 G 119 B 192Sample 6: R 101 G 102 B 155Sample 7: R 116 G 116 B 156Color R 95-116 Grange: 97-116 B 147- 192Colorvariations, R 8% G 8% B%: 18%AVERAGEvariations: 11%E. Results: ESample 1: R 109 G 116 B 156RReeppoorrtt ooff WWiilllliiaamm FFrreeeemmaann LLooaann DDooccuummeenntt FFoorreennssiicc EExxaammiinnaattiioonnss Fraud
Sample 2: R 138 G 148 B Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures 205Sample 3: R 117 G 123 B 198Sample 4: R 149 G 158 B 203Sample 5: R 111 G 120 B 160Sample 6: R 105 G 113 B 171Sample 7: R 96 G 127 B 171Sample 8: R 148 G 179 B 221Color R 96-148 Grange: 113-179 B 171-221Colorvariations, R 20% G 26%%: B 20%AVERAGEvariations: 22%Conclusion Photos SignaturesComparing all samples, there is a 59-70% variation in the colors of documentsA-B and just 11-22% variation in the colors of documents C-E. This range of 11-22% is a very consistent lack of variation, which is indicative of a slight colorshift amongst the very disparate samples. Documents C-E were scanned at thesame time with the same technology. The similarity in color, only deviatingslightly, indicates the Photoshop effort was consistent in the colorization ofthe blue ink.Such a consistent color shift in the digital analysis would still point to thesecolors being similar, if not exact matches, in the hard documents.The low variations are small enough to conclude document manipulationoccurred utilizing the same manipulation technique and indicates at leastDocuments C, D, and E were doctored at the same time.If these documents were actually authentic, there should be morenoticeable differences in their ink colors, which would be true for documentssigned by multiple parties on different dates.RReeppoorrtt ooff WWiilllliiaamm FFrreeeemmaann LLooaann DDooccuummeenntt FFoorreennssiicc EExxaammiinnaattiioonnss Fraud
Examinations, Compelling Evidenceand Conclussions - conducted by 4 Different Subject Matter Experts 90
Examinations, Compelling Evidence and Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesConclussions - conducted by 4 DifferentSubject Matter ExpertsReport by Katherine M. Koppenhaver,Certified Forensic Document Examiner(Forensic Document Examiners, Inc.)March 28, 201616Kathy_K_doc_forensic_expert.pdfKathy_K_forensic_expert,revealing_manufacturing_of_document.pdf Photos SignaturesReport of William Freeman Loan Document Forensic Examinations Fraud 91
Forensic Document Examiners, Inc. Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionMarch 28, 2016 by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesWilliam Freeman III Photos Signatures39 Side RoadLittle Compton, Rhode Island 02837RE: Document ExaminationDear Mr. Freeman,On 3/23/16 you engaged Forensic Document Examiners, Inc. to determine whether the blue signature ofWilliam Freeman III on various financial documents were original pen and ink signatures or whether theycould have been applied to these documents by mechanical means. To be absolutely certain if that thesignatures are original pen and ink signatures, a microscopic examination of the original document wouldbe required.I have examined only a copy of the Land American Title Co. Mortgage document 03-2380-069434295-7consisting of 17 page. However, this very limited sample contains significant indications that thisdocument was not assembled in the conventional fashion. Page 16 (the signature page) does not have anycommon line spacing between entries. The spacing of the number 03-2380-069434295-7 differs from thefirst paragraph. The first paragraph differs from the second paragraph. The second paragraph differsfrom the signature line. This is not the normal way in which documents are constructed. See Figures 1,2,and 3 to see how the line spacing is different for each section.Page 1-16 were scanned at 100 pixels while Page 17 was scanned at 150 pixels per inch. This indicatesthat the documents were probably scanned at different times.In addition, the attestation clause and Notary Seal/Signature appear on a separate page. They could haveeasily been included on the bottom of Page 16. The type font of the typed name William Freeman III onPage 17 is different from the font used on Pages 1-16. The obvious difference is in the Capital A whichdoes not have a serif like the Capital A found on Pages 1-16. Note that the entries on this page exhibit aconsistent spacing except for the printed attestation entries. See Figure 4.Please contact me if you need additional information. I am attaching my Curriculum Vitae thatdemonstrates that I have the training and ability to complete this assignment.Sincerely,Katherine M. KoppenhaverCertified Forensic Document ExaminerP. O Box 324 Joppa, Maryland 21085 410-679-8257 FraudFax 410-538-8548 VA 703-671-7347 92
Katherine Mainolfi Koppenhaver Certified Forensic Document Examiner Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionP.O Box 324, Joppa, Md 21085 (410) 679-8257FOUNDER of The Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners (SAFE) in 2012. by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesFOUNDER of The International Association of Document Examiners (IADE) in 2015.CERTIFICATION: Certified by the National Association of Document Examiners (NADE) 1986 – 2012,SAFE from 2013 – 2014, and certified by IADE in 2015. Awarded Diplomate Status by NADE in 1996-2012.BOARD CERTIFIED: Board Certified by the Board of Forensic Document Examiners (BFDE) 2004 – 2014PROFICIENCY TESTING: 2001 - 2008 with FEPL with the highest degree of accuracy on over 2000 samples.COURT-QUALIFICATIONS: Testified in court and deposition over 500 times since 1983 in:U. S. District Court for Maryland Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Anne Arundel Co.U. S. District Court of Virginia Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Baltimore CountyUnited States Court of Federal Claims, Wash., DC Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Baltimore CityTribunal of Gothenberg, Sweden Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Carroll CountyRegional Trial Court of Makati City, Manila Circuit Court for Calvert CountyHigh Court, San Fernando, Trinidad Circuit & Orphans Court of Cecil CountySuperior Court of the District of Columbia Orphan's Court of Charles CountySuperior Court of Sussex County, Georgetown, DE Orphans Court of Garrett CountyChancery Court of Delaware, Wilmington, DE Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Howard CountyArbitration Hearing in Rehoboth, Delaware District Court of Kent CountyCivil District Court for Parish of New Orleans, LA Circuit & District Court of Montgomery CountySuperior Court of Madison County, New York Circuit, District, Orphans Court of Prince George Co.Superior Court of Westchester County, New York District Court of Queen Anne’s CountyDistrict Court of Suffolk Co., New York Circuit Court of Somerset CountyProbate Court of Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada Circuit Court of Washington CountyMiddlesex County & Monmouth County, New Jersey Circuit Court of Wicomico CountyAdams County Probate Court, Gettysburg, PA Circuit, District & Orphan's Court of Worchester CountyColumbia County Court of Common Pleas, PA District Court of Worchester CountyCircuit Court of Alexandria, Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Board, Washington DCCircuit Court of Arlington County, Virginia American Arbitration AssociationCircuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia American Labor Arbitration BoardCircuit Court of Fauquier County, Warrenton, VA Board of Law Examiners for MarylandDistrict Court of Manassas, Manassas, Virginia Inquiry Panels for Attorney Grievance CommissionCircuit Court of Norfolk, Virginia Maryland Vehicle Administrative HearingsKanawha County Family Court, Charleston, WVA NASD Arbitration & Securities Arbitration BoardDallas County, Dallas, Texas Unemployment Hearings, Baltimore City & CountyFarmington, David County, Utah Depositions: Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas,General Court Martial, First Judicial Court, APG Corpus Christi, Texas and Houston, Texas,Orphans Court of Allegany County San Francisco, California, and Woodbury, NJFORMAL EDUCATION• Harford Community College with Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice with highest honors.• Questioned Document Course at N. VA Com. College. & G .W. Univ. taught by Larry Ziegler, Sr. FDE with FBI.DOCUMENT EXAMINATION INTERACTIVE TRAINING PROGRAM Photos Signatures• Commissioned to write the Forensic Document Examination Interactive Training Program for the National Questioned Document Examiners Association in Texas. Completed and copyrighted in 1994. Revised 2004.• Forensic Document Examination Interactive Training Program now privately taught.• Teaching a weekly class 2-year continuing education course on all aspects of document examination using a virtual classroom since 2008. International attendees.• Providing on-going training to the Jamaica Constabulary Questioned Document Section since 2014.BOOKS PUBLISHED Fraud• Evaluating Evidence, 1990• The Business of Document Examination, 1991, Revised 1997, Revised 2015 93• How To Be A Credible Witness or Taking the Fear Out of Testifying, 1992• A Selection of International Penmanship Systems, 1993• Demonstrative Evidence, 1996• Scientific Document Examination Manual, 1997• Attorney's Guide to Document Examination, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishers, 2002• Forensic Document Examination, Principles and Practices, Humana Press, 2007.• A Systematic Examination of Handwriting, 2008.
Curriculum Vitae of Katherine Mainolfi Koppenhaver, CFDE Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionSPECIALIZED TRAINING – Over 70 Seminars and Workshops attended. by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures• Attended Seminars sponsored by NADE on questioned documents annually from 1982 to 2011.• Handwriting Identification by Judith Housley, CDE & Jeanette Farmer, July 24 & 25, 1989, Wash, DC. Photos Signatures• Ink and Paper Analysis by Albert H. Lyter III of Federal Forensic Associates, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.• Document Examination Seminar by Marcel Matley and Ted Widmer, 1992, San Francisco, California.• National Handwriting Seminar, American Board of Forensic Examiners, Aug. 5-9, 1993, Branson, MO.• National Academy of the American Board of Forensic Examiners, Aug. 4-7th, 1994, Branson, MO.• American Board of Forensic Examiners, Expert Witnessing, 7 credit hours, Feb. 22, 1995, Honolulu, HI.• AFDE & International Graphonomics Society Symposium, August 7-11, 1995, London, Ontario Canada.• Court Testimony Professional Development Seminar for Document Examiners by Larry Ziegler, 10/2/96.• Forgery Investigators Association of Texas Seminar, April 18, 1997, Georgetown, Texas.• Holistic Analysis: Physiological & Psychological Foundations, Forensic Applications, Marcel Matley, 8/8/99.• American Academy of Forensic Science, QD General Sessions (1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2004)• Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists, Questioned Document Sessions (1993 thru 1998)• The National Forensic Center Conferences (NFC) ( 1991, 1992, 1995 thru 1997)• Economic Crime Summit, May 9-12, 1999 in Orlando, Fl & May 7-10, 2000 in Austin, Texas• IAQDE Annual Seminar, Sept. 28th, 1995, Kansas City, Kansas; Sept. 24-28, 2002. Sarasota, FL• AFDE & IGS Symposium, Sept. 9-11, 1994, Las Vegas, NV Oct 26-29, 2005 San Antonio, TX, Nov 2-5, 2003, Phoenix Arizona & Oct 20-23, 2004, Rochester, New York• SEAK, June 17-18, 2005 Cape Cod Measurement Science and Standards in Forensic Handwriting Analysis Conf., Gaithersburg, MD June 4-5, 2013• SAFE Seminars and Interactive Workshops, Edgewood, MD, Sept 26-28, 2013, Boca Raton, FL Aug. 14-16, 2014• The International Association of Document Examiners (IADE) Montego Bay, Jamaica, Sept. 9 – 12, 2015SEMINARS PRESENTED – 87 with at least 29 being one full day.• American Institute of Banking: Signature Verification and Forgery Alert.• American Handwriting Association: Business of Document Examination, CA, CO, AZ.• Document Examination Workshop, Los Angeles, CA,• National Academy of the ABFE: Branson, MO, 1993; 1994; 1995.• General Public: Reducing Losses from Forged and Fraudulent Checks, Dallas, TX, 1995.• Law Enforcement Officers: Check Identification and Classification, Dallas TX, Houston TX, OK• National Forensic Center FC: San Diego, CA, Palm Springs, CA, Tampa, FL• ASIS: Desktop Forgery through Scanning, Orlando, FL; Baltimore, MD 2000• IAQDE: The Handwriting of the Blind, A Case Study, Sarasota , FL,• Document Examiners: Presenting A Professional Image, Santa Monica, CA• The School of Forensic Document Examination, Dallas, TX, 2004, 2005• Forensic Document Examiners, Inc: Presenting a Professional Image, Baltimore, MD .2007.• Forensic Document Examiners, Inc, Seminar and Workshop, Baltimore, MD. 2008• Forensic Document Examiners, Inc, Interactive Seminar and Workshop, Edgewood, MD. 2009• Maryland Association of the Judges of the Orphans’ Court Spring Conference 2010, Annapolis, MD• Forensic Document Examiners, Inc, Interactive Seminar and Workshop, Edgewood, MD. 2010, 2011, 2012.• SAFE First Seminar and Interactive Workshop, Multiple Topics, Edgewood, Maryland, Sept 26-28, 2013• AAHA/AHAF Convention Northern Writes, Topic: Rhythm; Quincy, MA, July 17, 2014• SAFE First Seminar and Interactive Workshop, Multiple Topics, Boca Raton, FL Aug. 14-16, 2014• Presenting a Professional Image Workshop through IADE, April 24-25, 2015 MD, Feb. 12-13 FL• IADE First Annual Interactive Seminar and Workshop, The Master Pattern, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Sept. 9, 2015• Official Trainer of the Jamaican Constabulary Questioned Document Section with in-house training sessions conducted from Sept. 15-25, 2014; Sept. 7-9, 2015, plus weekly classes via a virtual classroom since 9/15.FOR THE NATIONAL QUESTIONED DOCUMENT EXAMINERS ASSOCIATION (NQDA)• Dallas, Texas Nov. 15, 1992. • Atlanta, Georgia on Sept. 18 & 19, 1993.• Kansas City, MO, June 11 & 12, 1994. • Dallas, Texas, June 10-11, 1995.• Shawnee Mission, KS, November 7 & 8, 1996. • Dallas, Texas, March 1 & 2, 1997.• Dallas, TX, January 11, 1996 & January 9, 1997. • Dallas, Texas, March 18 & 19, 2000 • Dallas, Texas, March 17 & 18, 2001TOPICS for NQDA INCLUDE: Check Points, Principles of Document Examination, Multiple Personalities and OtherIdentity Problems, Identifying Handprinting, The Telltale Dot and Trash Marks, and SemanticsRevised February 16, 2016. Fraud 94
Curriculum Vitae of Katherine Mainolfi Koppenhaver, CFDE Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionLECTURES PRESENTED AT NADE CONFERENCES• Case of A Promissory Note, 1987. • Evidence, 1989. Impeaching the Expert Witness, 1992• Evaluating Evidence, 1990 • Our Profession and its Problems, 1995 Hired to Criticize, An Ethical Problem, 1997• Red Flags, 1994. • Demonstrative Evidence, 1999 Professional Panic, 2002• PreConference Workshop, 1997. • Distinguishing Between Disguise & Simulation, 2003• Workshop on Qualifying as an Expert, 1998 • Handling Criticism 2005• Development of Children's Handwriting, 2000 • A Systematic Examination of Handwriting 2008 Pre-Conference Personal Training 2009, 2010, 2011• Bond Salon Training in Cross-Examination, 2001 • by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures• How not to Testify, 2004 •• A Systematic Examination of Handwriting 2006 •• Distinguishing Between Court & Deposition Testimony 2009 •MEMBERSHIPS and AWARDS• National Association of Document Examiners from 1982 to 2012, Document Examiner of the Year in 1991. President of NADE 1990 -1994. Re-elected President 2000 - 2005.• Expert Witness Institute, London, England (EWI) since 2001.• Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners since 2012 – 2014 Founder and CEO• Maryland Investigators and Security Association (MISA).• ASTM Main Committee 30 – Sub Committee 02 Questioned Document Section 2004 - 2012.• Volunteer of the Year Award 2001 by the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service.• Lifetime Achievement Award 2013 from the Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners.• Founder and President of the International Association of Document Examiners in 2015.• Maryland Crime Prevention Association as of 9/17/ 2015.PAPERS PRESENTED• Disguised Writing in Anonymous Writing Cases, International Graphonomics Society, London, Ontario, Canada, August 10, 1995.ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE IADE JOURNAL• Enough Exemplars, Spring 2015• Characteristics of Authentic Writing, Spring 2015• Photocopies Versus Originals, Spring 2015ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE IADE NEWSLETTER, UNDER THE MICROSCOPE• Editorials and Book Reviews in the first four issues.• Encyclopedia of Document ExaminationARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE DAILY RECORD• Executive Order Provides Reforms To Improve Efficiency in Federal Court on February 11, 1992.• Impeaching Experts on the Stand on March 16, 1992.• Attorneys Should Ask Themselves Questions When Choosing Expert on Sept. 5, 1992.• Careful Research Necessary Before Engaging in Cross-Examination on Oct. 20, 1992.• Distinguishing Between Disguise and Simulation, 2003OTHER PUBLICATIONS Photos Signatures• Editor of the Communique, quarterly newsletter for NADE from1990 -2009 (approximately 95 issues published)• Published a newsletter for SAFE called Safe Haven –I published 4 issues in 2013. Fraud• Was Co-Editor of The NADE Journal published 3-4 times a year through 1998.• Collecting Documents in Questioned Document Cases, The MISA Messenger, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1997• The Care and Preservation of Documents, The MISA Messenger, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1997• From Graphology to Document Examination, The Vanguard, January-March 2000.• The Document Examiner, The Vanguard, July-September, 2000.• Qualifying As An Expert In Court, The Vanguard, April - June 2001.• Presenting Testimony in Court, The Vanguard, July - September 2001.• How To Help Consumers & Businesses Deter Document Forgery, White Collar Crime Fighter, 7/00.• Outsmarting Today’s High Tech Forgers and Counterfeiters, White Collar Crime Fighter, 6/04• New High-Tech Tools for Busting Forgers and Counterfeiters, White Collar Crime Fighter, 10/04.Revised February 16, 2016. 95
Curriculum Vitae of Katherine Mainolfi Koppenhaver, CFDE Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents SignaturesARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE NADE JOURNAL - 35 articles published:• Do's and Don't's for Accuracy in Suspect Document Cases, August 1983, also in The Daily Record 3/2/83.• Qualifying as an Expert in Court, Nov. 1987.• Handling Cross Examination, May 1988.• Evidence, November 1989.• Preparing Court Exhibits, February 1990.• Identifying Class Characteristics vs Individual Characteristics, February 1990.• Disguised Writing, May 90.• Letter of Opinion, May 90.• Working with Lawyers & Their Clients, Aug. 90.• Evaluating Evidence - A Systematic Examination of Handwriting Characteristics in Suspect Document Cases, November 1990.• How To Be A Credible Witness, February 1991.• Interpreting the Writing Movement for Identification Purposes, May, 1991.• Reducing Losses from Forged and Fraudulent Checks, August, 1991.• Desktop Forgery, August, 1991.• The Karlene Ann Griffith Case, November 1991.• The Techniques of Cross-Examination, May 1992.• The Elements of Fraud, August 1992.• Handwriting Systems of the World, Nov. 1992.• Impeaching the Expert, November 1992.• Fundamental Truths about Handwriting, April ’93• Equipping Your Document Laboratory, Nov 1993.• The Jack the Ripper Diary, February 1994.• Principles of Handwriting Identification, July 94.• Handprinting, July 1994.• The TellTale Dots, December, 1994.• Detecting Erasures in Pen and Pencil Writing, Spring, 1995.• Deposition Testimony, Spring 1996.• Principles of Identification, December 1996• The Care & Preservation of Documents, 1997• Descriptive Terminology, Spring 1998• Why Document Examiners Disagree, Winter 1998• Examination of a Passport, Summer 1999• Demonstrative Evidence, Spring 2000• Enough Exemplars, Fall 2000• The Road to Graphic Maturity, Summer 2001RESEARCH 2. Foreign scripts.1. Penmanship systems throughout the USA - 19th & 20th centuries. 4. Synchronous Writing3. Disguised writing - familiarity with methods of disguise.5. Handwriting of the Elderly.• At the Handwriting Analysis Research Library in Greenfield, Massachusetts with emphasis on various Photos Signatures styles of penmanship historically and internationally.• At the following Libraries: Baltimore Law, Towson State University, New York Research, Library of Congress, Peabody Institute, University of Maryland Resource Library, Enoch Pratt , Baltimore County.TYPES OF CASES I have examined over 3100 cases in the past since 1983. I provide peer review and second opinions forother document examiners on a regular basis in addition to my cases.Revised February 16, 2016. Fraud 96
The Forensic Report on the William Freeman Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures Questioned Loan Documents by Dr. James Madison Kelley Photos Signatures Computer Forensic Examinations (Saratoga, California) Fraud Dr. James M. Kelley, BA, MSEE, Ph.D EECSFreemanCombinedReport (2)-DrKelly.pdf 98
THE FORENSIC REPORT ON THE WILLIAM R. FREEMAN QUESTIONED LOAN DOCUMENTS BY JAMES MADISON KELLEY, PhD OCTOBER 24, 2016 199Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History IntroductionFraud Photos Signatures by 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures
Table of Contents 3 Accounting Microscopic False Notary Photoshopping Examinations Manipulated Duplicates of the Duplicated History Introductionby 4 Experts Signatures, Stamps Same Documents Signatures 4Summary of ConclusionThe Document Examination 4The 39 Side Road LoanThe 135 Randolph Avenue Loan 8Signature 10 List of ExhibitsExhibit 1.0 Curriculum VitaeExhibit 2.1Exhibit 2.2Exhibit 2.3Exhibit 2.4Exhibit 3.0 Standard Guide for Examination of Documents Produced with Liquid Ink Jet Technology Photos Signatures2 Fraud 100
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