Silver Wind POWER Struggle Bug POWER Type: Bug 2 Type: Bug 1 aCCURACY: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Strength Dexterity Damage Pool: Special + 1 Special Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Reduce the Foe’s Increase User’s Strength, Dexterity, 11 Special. 1 Special, Defense and Sp. Defense. Special Defense Sp. Def 1 11 The Pokemon blows a beautiful silver colored wind that harms The Pokemon lays on its back and struggles with the foe, the foe, the performance may give the user a big confidence distrupting the foe's concentration. boost. Spider Web POWER Tail Glow POWER Type: Bug - - aCCURACY: Insight + Stealth Damage Pool: - Type: Bug Special Added effect : Blocks. aCCURACY: Insight + Nature e 3 Damage Pool: - Added effect : Increase the User’s Special. The User quietly releases a web on the field. All foes will be The User emits a strong light. This Pokémon will stare at its trapped. brightness to enter a trance. Steamroller POWER Twineedle POWER Type: Bug 2 Type: Bug 1 aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added effect : Double action. Flinch the foe. Ranged. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Poison the foe per hit. Ranged. The user curls up and rolls at full speed to strike the foe. It may The Pokémon stabs the foe with its sting , claws or spikes leave the target swatted on the ground. infused with poison. Sticky Web POWER U-Turn POWER Type: Bug - Type: Bug 3 aCCURACY: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Dexterity Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Entry Hazard. Foe Added Effect : The user switches out Pokémon that enter the battlefield get a 1 after dealing damage. the replacement Dexterity Reduction. Pokemon with the Pokémon arrives ready to fight. Roll its Levitate ability and Flying Type Pokemon initiative. Switcher Move. are immune to this effect. The Pokémon quickly covers the arena with a sticky web, The user strikes its foe, then quickly goes back to safety while newly arrived Foes will have trouble moving with ease. another party Pokémon takes its place. String Shot POWER X-Scissor POWER Type: Bug - Type: Bug 3 Accuracy: Insight + Nature aCCURACY: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: - Dexterity Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added Effect : Target All Foes in Added effect : - Range. Reduce the Dexterity of those 1 affected. The user shoots a silk string that ties and limits the movement The Po laws as if they were a pair of its foe. of scissors to cut through the foe. 351
Dark Bite POWER Super Effective against: Type: Dark 2 Ghost Psychic aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 It’s Not Very Effective against: Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Dark Fairy Fight Flinch the foe. Dark Types prey on the weak. They rely on hindering the The User lands a vicious bite that may leave an ugly bruise. foe and fighting dirty. These Moves use tricks, lies and negative feelings. Dark Pokémon are vicious and their Brutal Swing POWER Moves very dangerous. They love it, sometimes being nasty is way more fun. Type: Dark 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 All Added Effect : Lethal. Target All foes in Range. Dark Types always try to Battle while putting the foes The Pokémon starts attacking at full force with its claws, at a complete disadvantage. Never underestimate the anyone unfortunate enough to be on its path will end up power of proper planning. severely wounded. Assurance POWER Crunch POWER Type: Dark 2* Type: Dark 3 aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Defense Added effect : If the User has already Added effect : Lethal. Roll 1 Chance received damage from the target this Dice to reduce foe’s Defense. 1 Round, Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool. The user retaliates against the foe, the rush of adrenaline The Pokemon uses its fangs to viciously tear whatever it is allows it to hit harder. biting. Baddy Bad POWER Dark Pulse POWER 3 3 Type: Dark Type: Dark Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 aCCURACY: Insight + Channel e Added Effect : If successful, for the next 4 Rounds the User and Allies will Damage Pool: Special + 3 receive 1 less damage from Physical Attacks. This effect does not stack. Added effect : Targets random foe. If the user of this Move is at its Final Stage of Evolution, this move fails. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. The Pokémon acts like a thug and channels its own dark aura The Pokemon sends a wave of dark feelings that affect those as protection for itself and its allies. who are most vulnerable, hurting the foe and leaving it unable to act. Beat Up POWER Dark Void POWER Type: Dark 2* Type: Dark - aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Insight + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: - 3 AllAccuracy Added effect : If the attack is Added Effect : All Foes in Range successful, add 2 Dice of Damage have the Sleep condition. for every ally Pokémon that spends an action to help the user perform this move, up to 3 allies may join. * The user calls other Pokemon to aid it in battle, together they A portal opens and transports all foes to a world of darkness, give a beating to the foe. inside they can’t see or feel anything, it’s like they are trapped in an eternal slumber. 352
Darkest Lariat POWER Flatter POWER Type: Dark 3 Type: Dark - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Cool + Allure Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Special Added Effect : Ignore the foe’s Added Effect : Increase the Foe’s Attribute Increases that would Special. Confuse the Foe. 1 decrease this Move’s damage. The User swings both of its arms against the target, there’s The User starts flattering and admiring its opponent, it sure no armor thick enough to stop the strike. makes it feel good about itself but why? Embargo POWER Fling POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dark 1* aCCURACY: Tough + Intimidate aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Added effect : The target cannot use Added effect : Ranged. Add up to 4 its held item, nor its trainer can use items Dice to the Damage Pool, depending on on it. the held item thrown. See P. 432 for more info. The User quickly takes out the held item of a Pokemon. It also The user takes its held item and throws it at the opponent. empties the bag of the trainer and forces everyone to stay You may get it back after the fight. away from their own properties. Evil doers master this Move. Fake Tears - Foul Play POWER Type: Dark Sp. Def Type: Dark 3 aCCURACY: Cute + Perform aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - 2 Damage Pool: Foe’s Strength +3 Added effect : Reduce the foe’s Sp. Added effect : S.T.A.B. of the user and Defense. Strength of the foe apply for this move’s damage. The user stops battling and feigns to be crying, disrupting the The user feints attacks then tricks the foe who ends up hurting foe's mood to battle and making it lower its guard. itself. False Surrender POWER Hone Claws POWER Type: Dark 3 Type: Dark - Accuracy: Insight + Allure aCCURACY: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Strength Accuracy Added Effect : Never Fails. Added effect : Increase the User’s Strength and Accuracy. 11 The Pokémon bows in defeat, begging for forgiveness, then The Pokémon sharpens its claws to perform more precise backstabs its guillible foe. attacks. Feint Attack POWER Hyperspace Fury POWER Type: Dark 2 Type: Dark 4 aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Defense Added effect : Never Fail. Added Effect : Never Fails. Ignores the effect of any Shield Move the Foe 1 might have used. Reduce the user’s Defense. The Pokémon approaches the foe disarmingly then attacks The Pokémon opens portals to attack with each one of its suddenly without giving any time to react. arms, bypassing all defenses and making it impossible to escape, however, the user’s defense also gets neglected. 353
Jaw Lock POWER Night Slash POWER Type: Dark 3 Type: Dark 3 Accuracy: Strength + Brawl aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added Effect : Both User and Added effect : Lethal. High Critical. Target are Blocked. The User will capture its foe in a crushing jaw grip. It won’t let The user quickly slashes through the target as soon as it gets go no matter hoy much you try to separate them. The only the chance. The intent to end the target’s life is frightening. way it will release its victim it’s by fainting. Knock Off POWER Obstruct POWER Type: Dark 2 Type: Dark - aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Intimidate Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: - Defense Added effect : The target Pokémon Added Effect : Priority. Shield Move. loses its held item. * If the Foe used a Non-Ranged Physical 2 Move against the user, Reduce the Foe’s Defense. Priority 4 The Pokémon makes a quick tackle that knocks off anything In a reckless action, the User charges against the foe to stop the foe was holding. its momentum and block its incoming attack. Being so close allows the User to reach for weak spots. Memento POWER Parting Shot POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dark - aCCURACY: Will + Channel Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Damage Pool: - Strength Dexterity Damage Pool: - Strength Special Added effect : The user faints. Added Effect : Reduce Foe’s Strength Reduce foe’s Strength, Dexterity, 22 and Special. The user switches out. The 11 Special, Defense and Sp. Defense. new Pokémon arrives ready to fight. Roll Special Defense Sp. Def its Initiative. Switcher Move. 222 The User unleashes all its remaining power to send a wave of The User threatens the foe, leaving it too scared to pursuit the hopeless thoughts to haunt the foe's mind and soul. The target user or overwhelm the ally that just switched in the battlefield. will be left in grief. Nasty Plot POWER Payback POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dark 2* aCCURACY: Clever + Alert aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Special Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Increase the user’s Added effect : Add 2 Extra Dice to Special. 2 the Damage Pool if the target already damaged you this Round. The Pokémon starts plotting on how to defeat the enemy. The Pokémon tackles the target with hatred and vengeance. Its evil laugh reveals the bad intentions. Night Daze POWER Power Trip POWER 3 1 Type: Dark Accuracy Type: Dark Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl aCCURACY: Dexterity + Channel e 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 1* Added Effect : Add 1 Dice to the Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool of this Move for every Attribute increase the user has. Up to 7 Added effect : Roll 4 Chance Dice to Dice may be added this way. (ie. The user has 2 increased points on Defense, add 2 Reduce foe’s Accuracy. Damage dice) The user forms a pitch black wave that hurts the foe. This In the heat of the battle, the Pokémon gets carried away, darkness may remain obstructing the target’s vision. relishing on its own power. 354
Punishment POWER Sucker Punch POWER 1* Type: Dark 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Type: Dark Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Priority Added Effect: This move can only be aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl used after the Target rolls a damaging 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 move. Added effect : Add up to 7 Dice to the Damage Pool for every Increased While the foe is preparing its attack, the user takes advantage Attribute the foe has. (i.e Foe has 1 and strikes. Increased dice in Dexterity & Strength That equals +2 Dice on the Damage Pool of this attack). User Takes advantage of its foe's strengths to use them against it. Pursuit POWER Switcheroo POWER Type: Dark 2* Type: Dark - aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl aCCURACY: Insight + Stealth Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Damage Pool: - Added effect : If the foe is Switching Added effect : User and Foe switch Out or escaping, Add 2 Dice to the 1 their Held Item. If only one Pokémon is Damage Pool and add Priority to this holding an item it gives it away. move. The Pokémon chases the foe to deliver a final blow before it The user quickly switches the held items before the foe can escapes. realize what happened. Quash POWER Taunt POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dark - aCCURACY: Tough + Intimidate aCCURACY: Tough + Intimidate Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added effect : For the rest of the Added effect : The target Pokémon scene, the target will go last in the order can only perform Damaging Moves and of Initiative. Evasion actions for the next 4 Rounds. The user represses the foe with intimidation so it has to The user mocks and teases the target to make it attack in a think twice before acting. raging fury. Snarl PPOOWWEER Thief POWER Type: Dark 2 Type: Dark 2 aCCURACY: Insight + Perform aCCURACY: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Special Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Sound Based. Reduce Added effect : The user steals the the foe’s Special. 1 foe's Held Item. The Pokémon viciously snarls showing its teeth. Its menacing The Pokémon strikes its foe and takes the opportunity to steal look will make the foe cower in fear. whatever the target was holding. Snatch POWER Throat Chop POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dark 3 aCCURACY: Clever + Stealth Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Erase any Increase or Added Effect : The target cannot Decrease on the foe’s Traits, and place use any “Sound Based” Move for the them on the User instead. rest of the scene. The user analyzes the advantages of the foe then makes A heinous attack to a Pokémon’s throat that will leave them them their own. unable to make a sound for hours. 355
Topsy-Turvy POWER Clanging Scales POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dragon 4 aCCURACY: Tough + Intimidate e Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Special + 4 All Added effect : Any Decreases on the Added Effect : Sound Based. foe’s Attributes become Increases and Target all Foes in Range. Reduce Defense visce versa. User’s Defense. 1 The user changes the nature of its target, bad things become The Pokémon rattles the scales of its armor creating a good and good things become bad. frightening noise in the area. Some of its scales fall off as a result, leaving some areas exposed. Torment POWER Clangorous Soul POWER Type: Dark - Type: Dragon - aCCURACY: Tough + Intimidate Accuracy: Tough + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Strength Dexterity Added effect : The target cannot use Added Effect: User deals Damage the same Moves it used during the last to itself equal to Half of its total HP 11 Round. Lasts 4 Rounds rounded down. Increase User’s Strength, Dexterity, Special Defense Sp. Def Special, Defense and Sp. Defense. 111 The user torments and enrages the foe, making it unable to The Pokémon shakes its scales around, to sharpen, shed, and keep using its strategy. rearrange them. It’s a bit rough, but in the end the Pokémon feels more focused for battle. Dragon Core Enforcer POWER Super Effective against: 4 Dragon Type: Dragon Accuracy: Special + Channel It’s Not Very Effective against: Damage Pool: Special + 4 Added Effect : If successful and the target Steel of this Move has already inflicted damage this Round, remove the Foe’s Ability for the rest of the No effect against: Scene. (Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Stance Fairy Change & Shields Down are exceptions) Dragon Types are ferocious and fearsome. They rely on Zygarde shoots a beam that fractures the target to its core, high-power attacks to quickly dispatch the foe. Dragon rendering it unable to sustain even the most basic of its traits. Pokémon are eager to fight, easily angered and don’t show mercy nor respect towards anyone. Draco Meteor POWER They wish to defeat strong opponents, take over large lands, and covet anything they find precious. Type: Dragon 6 Their attacks are very powerful and devastating. Accuracy: Special + Channel e Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 6 1 Added effect : Lethal. Reduce user’s Special Special. 2 The Pokémon calls a comet that falls from the sky to deal a brutal amount of damage. eat demands a lot from the user. Breaking Swipe POWER Dragon Breath POWER Type: Dragon 2 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Strength Type: Dragon Added Effect : All Foes in Range. Reduce the Strength of those affected. 1 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe. The Pokémon will use its tail to make a long swipe at its foes. The user lets out a mystical green breath that hinders the A few cracks are heard, and the foes will limp afterwards. movement of anyone it touches. 356
Dragon Claw POWER Dragon Rage POWER Type: Dragon 3 Type: Dragon - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: 2 Automatic Damage Damage Added effect: - Added effect : Set damage. 2 The Pokemon uses its strong claws to deliver a fierce tearing A dual colored flame that always leaves the same burn marks bl on everything it touches. Dragon Dance POWER Dragon Rush POWER Type: Dragon - Type: Dragon 4 Accuracy: Tough + Perform Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Strength Dexterity Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Accuracy Added effect : Increase the User’s Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to Strength and Dexterity. 11 Flinch the foe. 2 The user performs a vigourous and mystical dance that boosts The user charges rapidly against the foe. The strike may leave the fighting spirit and reflexes. the target gasping for air. Dragon Darts POWER Dragon Tail POWER Type: Dragon 2 Type: Dragon 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Priority Added Effect: Ranged. Double Action. Added effect : Low Priority. The target is hit and knocked back to its 11 trainer, stunned. Forcing the trainer to send another Pokémon. In the wild the target is sent away. Switcher Move. The Pokémon’s head is a nest for its less evolved forms, the This powerful tail strike can knockback anyone up to 100 feet younglings will sometimes be used as projectiles. away! Dragon Hammer POWER Dual Chop POWER Type: Dragon 3 Type: Dragon 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Added Effect : - Added effect : Double Action. 1 The Pokémon swings its body as a hammer and leaves the The Pokémon strikes the foe with two brutal blows. foe nailed to the cracked ground. Dragon Pulse POWER Dynamax Cannon POWER Type: Dragon 3 Type: Dragon 4* Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Special + 4* Added effect : - Added Effect : If the Foe is under the effects of Dynamax, This Move becomes Lethal and you add 4 Extra f Dice to the Damage Pool. The user opens its mouth and sends a powerful wave of The Pokémon shoots a heavy projectile, if the foe is energy. under the effects of the Dynamax phenomenon all the energy will concentrated and explode on the Target. 357
Eternabeam POWER Electric Type: Dragon 7 Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 7 Accuracy Added Effect : Lethal. Must Recharge 1 The Pokémon shoots an incredibly powerful beam towards Super Effective against: the sky. The energy released might keep traveling through Flying Water space thousands of years later. It’s Not Very Effective against: Outrage POWER Dragon Electric Grass No effect against: Type: Dragon 5 Ground Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Electric Type is rather common in big cities. Added effect : Rampage. Targets They feel attracted to power and technology as a means random foe. to increase their own electric charge. Electric Moves will root the foe in place with Paralysis. The user awakens their primal instinct as a dragon and They can discharge their electricity with huge area unleashes its uncontrollable fury, destroying everything in its attacks or affect the room’s ions, electric currents path. After that, the Pokémon is left disoriented and confused. and magnetic fields. They are also able to charge their energy to release more powerful attacks. Roar of Time POWER Aura Wheel POWER Type: Dragon 6 Type: Electric 4 Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Dexterity Added Effect : Lethal. If successful, Added Effect: If successful, the target can’t have any action until next 1 Increase user’s Dexterity. 1 Round. If the user is in “Hangry” Form this Move is considered to be Dark-Type. Through a terrifying roar, Dialga bounds the forces of time on The Pokémon happily runs into a wheel made of electricity a single area, the unfortunate target will be trapped in a time that strikes the foe. If the user is feeling hungry the wheel’s warp, growing old in a matter of seconds. energy is replaced by a dark aura. Spacial Rend POWER Bolt Beak POWER Type: Dragon 4 Type: Electric 2* Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 4 Damage Pool: Strength + 2* Added Effect : Lethal. High Critical. Added Effect : If the Target hasn’t had a Turn this Round, add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage pool. With a flicker of its claws, Palkia defragments the space The Pokémon charges with its beak and pecks its foe, if the around its foe. Those who survive rarely do preserve their foe is not fast it will be zapped a jolt of electricity. original shape. Twister POWER Bolt Strike POWER Type: Dragon 2 Type: Electric 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Accuracy Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice Flinch the foes. to Paralyze the foe. 2 The Pokemon lets out a spiral current that surrounds the foes. Zekrom delivers a powerful tackle while discharging lightning They can’t move until they free themselves from this terrible through its body. The foe is rendered unable to move, either whirlwind. by the strike of the electricity. 358
Buzzy Buzz POWER Electric Terrain POWER Type: Electric 3 Type: Electric - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: - Added Effect : Paralize the foe. Added effect : For the Next 4 Rounds If the user of this Move is at its Final all Electric Attacks will deal 1 Extra Dice of Stage of Evolution, this move fails. Damage. Anyone on the ground will be cured from “Sleep” Status. The Pokémon releases a jolt of static electricity from its fur, The user electrifies the terrain, making it impossible to get a that makes a cute zapping sound. It’s all fun and games until good night's sleep on it. somebody gets paralyzed. Charge POWER Electrify POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric - Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added effect : Add 2 Dice to the Added effect: The Damage from the Damage Pool to the next Electric next attack made by the target will be Damaging move the user performs. Electric Type. The user concentrates all the electricity in its body to be The user hurls an electric projectile to the target, the foe is released. charged with electricity until it is released by the foe’s next attack. Charge Beam POWER Electro Ball POWER 2 Type: Electric 2* Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Type: Electric Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 2* Added Effect : Add 1 Extra Dice to Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e 1 the Damage Pool of the user for every Point on Dexterity it has that surpases Damage Pool: Special + 2 Special the Foe’s. Up to 4 Dice might be added this way. Added effect : Roll 5 Chance Dice to 1 Increase the User’s Special. The Pokémon lets out an electric beam then uses the The Pokémon creates a small electricity orb that is hurled at remaining charge to boost its power. the target. If the user is faster, the impact will be bigger. Discharge POWER Electroweb POWER Type: Electric 3 Type: Electric 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Special + 2 Dexterity Added effect : Area Attack. Roll 3 Added effect : All f Chance Dice to Paralize those affected. Reduce Dexterity of those affected. 1 The user releases its stored electricity in all directions. Shoots an electrified web at all foes to restrict their movement. Walking through this web can be painful. Eerie Impulse POWER Fusion Bolt POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric 4* Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Strength + Channel Damage Pool: - Special Damage Pool: Strength + 4* Added effect : Reduce foe’s Special. Added Effect : Lethal. If the Move 2 “Fusion Flare” has already been used by anyone this Round, add 4 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool of this Move. The user radiates electricity around itself, the foe will think The Pokémon strikes with a devastating electric impact, said twice about attacking. impact will grow larger and stronger if there’s a special kind of fire nearby. 359
Ion Deluge POWER Parabolic Charge POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric 2 Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : For the rest of the Added effect : Area Attack. The user Scene, Normal Type Moves will deal restores HP equal to half the damage damage as if they were Electric Type dealt to one target, rounded down. Moves. The user amplifies all electrically charged particles in the The Pokemon lets go a big electric charge from its body. environment. The results are shocking! The charge comes back to it even bigger. Magnet Rise POWER Pika Papow POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric 0* Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Special + 0 (Up to +5) Added effect : For the Next 4 Rounds Added Effect : Add 1 Die to the the User gains immunity against Ground Damage Roll for every point of Happiness Type Moves. on the User. If the user of this Move is at its Final Stage of Evolution, this move fails. The Pokémon uses the magnetic field of the earth to repel The User lets out its energy in the form of a lightning strike, itself from the ground, allowing it to float for a short period of the happier the user feels the more energized it will be. time. Magnetic Flux POWER Plasma Fists POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric 4 Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Defense Sp. Def Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Added effect : Increase the Defense Added Effect : Fist Based. and Sp. Defense of User and all its 11 If successful, all Normal-Type Moves of Electric and Steel Type Allies. the user will be considered Electric- Type until the end of the Scene. The Pokémon bends the magnetic field around itself, this also The user charges its fists with electricity, upon impact, the affects all allies who are sensible to it. charge materializes into plasma that adds an electric element to all of its Normal moves. Nuzzle POWER Shock Wave POWER Type: Electric 1 Type: Electric 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Paralyze the foe. Added effect : Never Fail. The Pokémon rubs its electrified cheeks against the foe, it The user quickly releases jolts of electricity that are too fast looks very cute but it can be dangerous. for many to react. Overdrive POWER Spark POWER Type: Electric 3 Type: Electric 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added Effect : All Foes in Range. Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Sound Based. Paralyze the foe. The Pokémon uses its own body as an amplifier for the The user tackles the foe, releasing a powerful spark on energizing sounds it produces. contact. 360
Thunder POWER Thunderbolt POWER 5 Type: Electric 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Type: Electric Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 3 Accuracy: Special+ Channel Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Damage Pool: Special + 5 2 Paralyze the foe. Added Effect : Lethal. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe. If performed under Sunny Weather, Accuracy becomes -3 instead. If Performed under Rain Weather, Ignore this Move’s Reduced Accuracy. The Pokemon commands a tremendous lightning to strike a A Strong electric attack that shocks and harms the foe. It can specific point on the ground. It’s quite dangerous. destroy most kinds of electric equipment. Thunder Fang POWER Volt Switch POWER Type: Electric 2 Type: Electric 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to Added effect : The user switches out Flinch the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to after dealing damage, the new Pokémon Paralyze the foe. arrives ready to fight on the next Round. Switcher Move. The user lands an electrified bite on foe. The direct current The User quickly shoots an electricity jolt, then switches may affect the foe greatly. places with an awaiting Pokémon partner at the speed of lightning. Thunder Punch POWER Volt Tackle POWER Type: Electric 3 Type: Electric 5 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Added effect : Fist Based. Added effect : Recoil. Roll 1 Chance Roll 1 Chance Dice to Paralyze foe. Dice to Paralyze the Foe. An Electrified punch to deal a shocking blow. The user surrounds itself with big bolts of electricity, then it crashes against the foe. Thunder Shock POWER Wild Charge POWER Type: Electric 2 Type: Electric 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Added effect : Recoil. Paralyze the foe. A Small electric attack that shocks the foe and may leave it The Pokémon surrounds itself with wild bolts of lighting, then with muscular cramps. Some electric devices hit by this attack tackles recklessly. will malfunction. Thunder Wave POWER Zap Cannon POWER Type: Electric - Type: Electric 5 Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: - Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy Added effect : Paralyze the foe. Added effect : Lethal. Paralyze the 1 Foe. 3 A tide of bright lightning streams from the floor onto the foe. The user hurls a dreadful bombardment of electric explosions. The target’s body will be cramped for hours. Anyone hit won’t be able to move for a very long time. 361
Zing Zap POWER Baby-Doll-Eyes POWER Type: Electric 3 Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Cute + Allure Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Priority Strength Added Effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice Added effect : Priority. Reduce foe’s to Flinch the Foe. Strength. 11 The user hurls itself as a zig-zaging ball of electricity that Before anyone acts in battle, the user looks at the foe with the explodes on contact, this leaves the foe unable to move for a cutest eyes. few seconds. Zippy Zap POWER Charm POWER Type: Electric 2 Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Cute + Allure Damage Pool: Strength +2 Priority Damage Pool: - Strength Added Effect : Priority. This Move Added effect : Reduce foe’s Strength. is always a Critical Hit and gets the 2 2 proper Bonus for it. If the user of this Move is at its Final Stage of Evolution, this move fails. The user zips and zaps from one place to another to strike The Pokémon uses a cute and harmless attitude to make the the foe moving so fast it appears to be teleporting, leaving foe less wary and aggressive. almost no time to react. Fairy Crafty Shield POWER Super Effective against: Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Insight + Nature Dark Dragon Fight Damage Pool: - Priority Added effect : Priority. The User and It’s Not Very Effective against: its Allies are protected from the effects 3 of a Support Move. Shield. Fire Poison Steel The Pokémon creates a magic shield to protect everyone from Fairy Types are cute, sly and deceitful. Most of their the bad tricks a foe might have under its sleeve. Under this Moves play with the foe’s feelings of naivety, sadness, shield, everyone can see dishonesty and bad intentions. happiness, love and anger. They appear to be harmless while they wait for the moment to strike. Dazzling Gleam POWER Not all Fairy Types are nice and pleasant, some of them can be resentful and a lot stronger than they look. Type: Fairy 3 When you meet a Fairy in the wild, you should wonder Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel the meaning of its lovable smile, it may be as ill-natured Damage Pool: Special + 3 as a Dark Type. Added effect : All f The user shines like a powerful flash that hurts the eyes of everyone watching it. Aromatic Mist POWER Decorate POWER Type: Fairy - Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Beauty + Nature Damage Pool: - Defense Sp. Def Damage Pool: - 1 Added effect : Inrease one Ally’s Added Effect: Increase the Defense and Sp. Defense 11 Strength and Special of One Ally. Strength Special 22 The Pokémon showers an ally in a mist with a revitalizing Using some frosting the Pokémon decorates their target to aroma. look bigger, more powerful and incredibly delicious! 362
Disarming Voice POWER Floral Healing POWER Type: Fairy 2 Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Insight + Perform Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: - 1 Added effect : Sound Based. Added Effect : One Ally. Basic Heal. Never Fail. If peformed over Grassy Terrain this move is a Complete Heal. With a charming and manipulative cry, the user deals emotional The user creates a flower crown that heals and relaxes its damage to its opponent. This move always makes the targets wearer. Under the right conditions this move also creates a feel bad. flower patch around its target. Draining Kiss POWER Flower Shield POWER Type: Fairy 2 Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: - Defense Defense Added effect : The User restores Added effect : Increase the Defense HP equal to half the damage dealt, of All Grass Type Pokémon on the field. 11 rounded down. The user sends a kiss with a flirty intention, the foe catches The Pokemon uses a mysterious power that causes flowers to the kiss but it ends up draining the target’s energy. bloom beneath every Grass Pokémon nearby. Flora in this field is more resilient and beautiful. Fairy Lock POWER Geomancy POWER Type: Fairy - Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Dexterity Special Added effect : Blocks. Lasts 1 Round. Added Effect : Charge Move. The user charges, then Increases by 2 22 its Dexterity, Special and Sp. Defense Sp. Def scores on its next Turn. 2 The user moves as if locking a door. It takes a few moments Through a mystical conection this Pokémon absorbs the life before everyone realize they are not really trapped. force of earth itself to increase its power. Fairy Wind POWER Light of Ruin POWER Type: Fairy 2 Type: Fairy 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added effect : - Added Effect : Lethal. Recoil. 1 The Pokémon strikes with a wind covered in fairy dust. By drawing energy from the Eternal Flower, the Pokémon It causes itching. unleashes all of its hurt. A beautiful light surrounds the area, yet the pain inside of its heart remains. Fleur Cannon POWER Misty Terrain POWER Type: Fairy 6 - Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Type: Fairy Added Effect : Lethal. Reduce User’s Special. 1 Accuracy: Insight + Nature e Special Damage Pool: - 2 Added effect : Creatures standing on the battlefield won’t be affected by Status Ailments. Dragon Type attacks won’t add their Power to the Damage Pool. Lasts 4 Rounds. A light beam pierces the battlefield, it deals devastating The user surrounds the battlefield with a mystical mist that damage but leaves newly grown flowers instead of scorched feels protective. Mythical Pokemon find something eerie about earth. The user is left feeling very tired. it 363
Moonblast POWER Spirit Break POWER Type: Fairy 3 Type: Fairy 2 Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Insight + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 3 Special Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Special Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added Effect: If successful, reduce Reduce foe’s Special. 1 the Foe’s Special. 1 Summon power directly from the moon. The Pokemon blasts Sometimes words hurt a lot more than blows. the foe with light. With this Move the Pokémon deals both. Moonlight POWER Strange Steam POWER - Type: Fairy 3 Accuracy: Special + Channel Type: Fairy Damage Pool: Special + 3 Accuracy: Insight + Nature Added Effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice Damage Pool: - to Confuse the Foe. Added Effect : Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. If it’s Night The user releases an addictive sweet-smelling steam, do not or Sunny Weather is on effect, this Move be fooled as it is toxic and has nasty side-effects. becomes a Complete Heal. If Rain/Sand- storm Weather is in effect, this Move only heals 1 HP. The user gathers power from the light of the moon, the energy absorbed can heal most injuries. Nature’s Madness POWER Sweet Kiss POWER Type: Fairy * Type: Fairy - Accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Cute + Allure Damage Pool: Varies. Accuracy Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added Effect : Damage Roll is Half Added effect : Confuse the foe. of the Foe’s remaining HP (up to 10) 1 2 Rounded down. If the remaining HP of the foe is 1, this move fails. Ignore the foe’s Defenses. The forces of nature attack as if they had a will of their own. The Pokémon moves towards the foe and plants a delicate Water will try to drown you, plants will trap you, lightning will kiss on its cheek, then leaves playfully. The foe struggles to come out of nowhere and even your own body will fail you. kn. ow what it meant. Play Rough POWER Fighting Type: Fairy 3 Super Effective against: Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Strength. 1 Strength Ice Normal Rock Steel It’s Not Very Effective against: 1 The user and the foe start a playful wrestle, it soon Bug Fairy Flying Poison Psychic escalates into something not so pretty. No effect against: Ghost Sparkly Swirl POWER Fighting Types battle with honor and face any challenge Type: Fairy 3 head-on for the sake of their friends. They will protect Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel the helpless with all their might. Damage Pool: Special + 3 Accuracy Fighting Moves use direct and powerful attacks to defeat Added Effect : If successful, heal their foes with brute strength and masterful martial arts. any Status Ailment on the User and 1 Their power is only matched by their swiftness. Allies. If the user of this Move is at When used correctly, no one can stand in the way of a its Final Stage of Evolution, this move SCtautrues true fighter. fails. The Pokémon unleashes a swirling and glittery energy that releases a pleasant aroma that soothes the body and has healing properties. 364
Arm Thrust POWER Circle Throw POWER Type: Fight 1 Type: Fight 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Priority Added effect : Successive Actions. Added effect : Low Priority. The target is hit and knocked back to its 11 trainer forcing it to send another Pokemon, in the wild the target is sent away. Switcher Move. The user quickly throws blows of open-palmed thrusts against The user throws the target 60 feet out the battefield. the foe. Aura Sphere POWER Close Combat POWER Type: Fight 3 Type: Fight 5 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Defense Sp. Def Added effect : Never Fails. Added effect : After dealing damage, Reduce User’s Defense and Sp. Defense. 11 The user channels its aura and launches this power in the form The user attacks at a close distance to deal lots of damage. of a sphere. The foe’s aura is hit, leaving the target The foe is also close enough to attack. unscratched but deeply hurt. Body Press POWER Counter POWER Type: Fight 3 * Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Vitality + 3 Type: Fight Added Effect: - Accuracy: Insight + Brawl Damage Pool: Varies. The Pokémon makes a judo maneuver, using it’s body mass Added Effect : This Move can only instead of it’s strength against the target. deal damage if the Foe has dealt Physi- cal Damage to the User this Round. Roll the same Damage Pool as your Foe plus 2 Extra Dice. Ignore the foe’s Defenses. The user prepares to receive damage, then returns that same damage and more. Brick Break POWER Cross Chop POWER Type: Fight 3* Type: Fight 4 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Accuracy Added effect : If a Barrier is in place Added effect : High Critical. on the foe’s side (i.e. Light Screen, 2 Reflect) destroy the barrier and add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool, . The Pokémon uses its palm or claws to perform a one-armed The user delivers a chop with its arms crossed trying to hit a chop that shatters even invisible barriers. weak spot. Bulk Up POWER Detect POWER Type: Fight - - Accuracy: Vitality + Athletics Damage Pool: - Strength Defense Type: Fight Priority Added effect : Increase the User’s Accuracy: Insight + Alert Strength and Defense. 11 Damage Pool: - 5 Added Effect : Priority. Shield Move. Reduce 3 Damage This Pokémon would receive from a Damaging Move. Negate the effects of Support Moves that target the user. Reduce to zero the set damage from a Move the user would take. The Pokémon show cles with intimidating poses to The user detects the intentions of the attacker and acts out to minimize the damage. look bigger and stronger. 365
Double Kick POWER Focus Blast POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fight 5 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy Added effect : Double Action. Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Sp. Defense. 2 Sp. Def 1 The user throws two powerful kicks. The user concentrates and releases a blast of energy. Drain Punch POWER Focus Punch POWER Type: Fight 3 Type: Fight 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Added effect : Fist Based. The user Added effect : Fist Based. Charge restores HP equal to half the damage Move. The User will flinch if it gets hit dealt, rounded down. before releasing this attack. The Pokémon strikes with a powerful punch. Through contact, A brutal punch that requires calm and concentration. it absorbs some vital energy. Dynamic Punch POWER Force Palm POWER Type: Fight 4 Type: Fight 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Fist Based. Confuse Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to the foe. 3 Paralyze the foe. A punch that hits a small pressure point. It leaves the foe A powerful open palm hit that knocks the foe away and may disoriented. leave him unable to move. Final Gambit POWER Hammer Arm POWER * Type: Fight 4 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Type: Fight Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Accuracy Dexterity Added effect : After dealing damage, Accuracy: Will + Athletic e Reduce user’s Dexterity. 11 Damage Pool: Foe's Remaining HP + 4 Added effect : Ignore the foe’s Defenses. The user faints after dealing damage. The Pokémon uses its last strength into an all-or-nothing A mighty arm thrust that leaves the user quite tired. attack, after that, it faints. Flying Press POWER High Jump Kick POWER Type: Fight 3 Type: Fight 5 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Accuracy Added effect : When Dealing damage Added effect : If Accuracy Roll is with this move, it counts as if this move unsuccessful, deal 5 Dice of Damage to 1 was also Flying Type. the User. The user flies towards the foe from the sky in pure Lucha Libre The user lauches itself up and falls down with a brutal kick. It style. might hurt the user if it doesn’t hit the target. 366
Jump Kick POWER Mat Block POWER Type: Fight 4 Type: Fight - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Athletic Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Damage Pool: - Added effect : If Accuracy Roll is Added Effect : Shield Move. Reduce unsuccessful, deal 4 Dice of Damage to 3 Damage The User and Allies would the User. receive from a Damaging Move. This Move only works the first Round the User has been out. The Pokémon jumps and delivers a powerful kick. It might hurt The Pokémon uses a mat or something similar as a shield. the user if it doesn’t hit the target. Karate Chop POWER Meteor Assault POWER Type: Fight 3 Type: Fight 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Accuracy Added effect : High Critical. Added Effect: Lethal. Must Recharge 1 A basic fighting chop that has been practiced and mastered. The Pokémon will make an incredible jump to the sky, then lunge towards the foe at a staggering speed, crashing the ground upon impact. The user is left very tired. Low Kick POWER No Retreat POWER Type: Fight 1* Type: Fight - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 1* Damage Pool: - Strength Dexterity Added Effect : Add 1 Extra Damage Added Effect: Increase the User’s Dice for every 50kg of weight on the Strength, Dexterity, Special, Defense 11 foe, up to 4 Dice may be added this way. and Sp. Defense. Special Defense Sp. Def The user is now blocked. 111 The user kicks the target making it fall, the bigger the foe the No surrender. No retreat. Until victory always. harder the fall. Low Sweep POWER Octolock POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fight - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: - Defense Added effect : Reduce Foe’s Dexterity. Added Effect: Block. Reduce the 2 foe’s Defense and Sp. Defense. 1 Sp. Def 1 The Pokémon strikes the foe’s legs, leaving it unable to walk The user wraps its tentacles to immobilize the foe. Being so normally or run . close enables the user to find weak spots. Mach Punch POWER Power-up Punch POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fight 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Strength Added effect : Fist Based. Priority. Added effect : Fist Based. Increase 1 User’s Strength. 1 The user launches a Punch so quickly that it’s barely seen. The Pokémon uses this punch to test the surface of an object. The user toughens up to deal better blows. 367
UQseuick Guard POWER Sacred Sword POWER - Type: Fight 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Type: Fight Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Athletic Added effect : Ignore any Increases to Damage Pool: - 3 the foe’s Defense. Added Effect : Shield Move. Reduce 3 Damage The User and Allies would receive from a Damaging Move. Negate the effects of support Moves that target The User and Allies. This Move only works against Moves with Priority. The user reacts instinctively and defends itself and its The user slashes its target with a mighty blade that no armor teamates, nullifying the efects of the fastest attacks. can stop. Revenge POWER Secret Sword POWER Type: Fight 2* Type: Fight 3 Accuracy:Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 3 Added effect : If the User has already Added Effect : Apply the foe’s received damage this round, add 2 Extra Defense instead of its Sp.Defense to Dice to the Damage Pool. resist Damage from this Move. The Pokémon fights ruthlessly and may retaliate fiercely An invisible wave cuts through the target, you can feel its against a foe that has hurt the User. sharp edge but you cannot see it. Reversal POWER Seismic Toss POWER Type: Fight 1* Type: Fight * Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Athletics Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Damage Pool Varies Added effect : Add 1 Extra Dice to Added effect: Roll Damage Dice according to the Damage Pool for every missing the User’s Rank. 1 Dice at Starter Rank; 2 Dice at HP the User has. Up to 5 Dice may be Beginner Rank; 3 dice at Amateur Rank; 4 Dice added this Way at Ace Rank; 5 Dice at Professional Rank. Ignore the foe Defenses. The user gathers its mettle to block away the pain and focus The target gets launched up then falls face first into the only on hiting harder. ground, the stronger the user the higher the foe will be thrown. Rock Smash POWER Sky Uppercut POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fight 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Defense Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Added effect : Roll 5 Chance Dice to Added effect : - Reduce foe’s Defense. 1 1 A powerful hit that can crush rocks. Used against a foe it is The user attacks with an uppercut, throwing the foe skyward sure to leave an awful bruise and a crack on its armor. with lots of force. Rolling Kick POWER Storm Throw POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fight 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added effect : If the Accuracy Roll is Flinch the Foe. 2 successful this move becomes a Critical Hit. The user spins in the air landing an impressive kick that may The user impacts a weak spot with a powerful blow. daze the target. 368
Submission POWER Wake-up Slap POWER Type: Fight 3 Type: Fight 2* Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Recoil. Added effect : If the Foe is sleeping 2 Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool. The foe Wakes up afterwards. The user recklessly struggles with the foe to pin it to the A powerful slap that makes even the laziest Pokémon be well ground. awake. Superpower POWER Fire Type: Fight 5 Super Effective against: Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Bug Grass Ice Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Strength Defense Added effect : Lethal. Reduce User’s Strength and Defense. 11 Steel The Pokemon makes use of all its force to deliver a crushing It’s Not Very Effective against: strike to the foe, this demands a lot from the user. Dragon Fire Rock Water Triple Kick POWER Fire Moves are among the most powerful and dangerous attacks; they engulf foes and fields with unyielding Type: Fight 1* flames, turning the room to cinders in a matter of seconds. Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy Fire Types rely on offensive to defeat their enemies at Added effect: Successive Actions. long range. Add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool to 1 These Pokémon and Moves should be used with care since the last kick performed. the people in towns and the creatures in the wild don’t appreciate having their homes turned to ashes. The user throws three or more kicks, leaving the harder blow for the end. Vacuum Wave POWER Blast Burn PPOOWWEERR Type: Fight 2 Type: Fire 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Priority Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added effect : Priority. Added effect : Lethal. Must Recharge. 1 1 The user pulls the enemy closer using the power of its ki. This The Pokémon uses all of its power to deliver an infernal blast traction has a lot of strength and may break anything it pulls. to the foe. The user is left exhausted. Vital Throw POWER Blaze Kick POWER Type: Fight 2 Type: Fire 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Added effect : Added effect : High Critical. Roll 2 Never Fails. 1 Chance Dice to Burn the Foe. 1 The Pokémon awaits for the perfect moment to strike the foe. The user throws a mighty kick engulfed in fire that may leave a bad looking burn. 369
Blue Flare POWER Fire Blast POWER Type: Fire 6 Type: Fire 5 Accuracy: Special + Channel accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy Added Effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice Added effect : Lethal. Roll 3 Chance to Burn the foe. 2 Dice to Burn the foe. 2 Reshiram surrounds itself with giant blue flame that is The Pokémon shoots a giant fireball that explodes on contact unleashed with an earth shattering explosion. Receiving this with the foe, blasting fire in all directions. attack directly might competely engulf you in fire. Burn Up POWER Fire Fang POWER 7 Type: Fire 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Type: Fire Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Accuracy: Will + Channel Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to Damage Pool: Special + 7 Flinch the Foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to 1 Added Effect : Lethal. After Damage is Burn the foe. dealt, the user is no longer considered a Fire- Type for the rest of the day (If its only type was The user breaths fire from its mouth while biting the target. Fire, it is now considered Typeless). Fire-type Moves won’t add their Power to the Damage pool of this Pokémon for the rest of the day. The User unleashes all of its might through a massive blast of raging fire. Although the damage is devastating the Pokémon is left unable to produce more fire for at least a day. Ember POWER Fire Lash POWER Type: Fire 2 Type: Fire 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Defense Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Reduce Foe’s Defense. Burn the Foe. 1 The user shoots a small flame against the target that may With a whip of fire, the Pokémon ensnares its foe, who is left cause a first-degree burn. defenseless and at its mercy. Eruption POWER Fire Pledge POWER Type: Fire 6* 2 accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 6 Type: Fire Added effect : Lethal. Target all foes in Range. Reduce 1 Dice from the Damage accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e Pool for every missing HP the User has. Up to 5 dice may be removed this way. Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : All flammable plants and objects in the battlefield are covered in flames. Roll 1 Dice of Fire Damage at the end of every Round against everyone on the field. A fierce burst of lava coming from the user at full force The Pokémon chants to invoke the power of Fire. Its pledge is charring whatever comes in contact with it. heard, then the flames consume everything around. Fiery Dance POWER Fire Punch POWER Type: Fire 3 Type: Fire 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Perform accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 3 Special Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Roll 5 Chance Dice to Added effect : Fist Based. Roll 1 Increase the User’s Special. 1 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. The user cloaks itself in flames and shoots them while dancing The User can ignite its fists for a brief moment without any gracefully. danger of getting burned. The foe may not be so lucky. 370
Fire Spin POWER Flare Blitz POWER 2 Type: Fire 5 accuracy: Strength + Brawl Type: Fire Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Added effect : Recoil. Roll 1 Chance accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e 2 Dice to Burn the foe. Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Blocks. Roll 2 Dice of Damage against the foe at the end of each Round. Lasts 4 Rounds. The user creates a vortex of fire that remains spinning in the The user sets itself on fire, recklessly charging against the battlefield, trapping the foe within. target with a brutal strike. Flame Burst POWER Fusion Flare POWER 3 Type: Fire 4* Accuracy: Special + Channel Type: Fire Damage Pool: Special + 4* Added Effect : Lethal. If the Move accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e “Fusion Bolt” has already been used by anyone this Round, add 4 Extra Dice Damage Pool: Special + 3 to the Damage Pool of this Move. Added effect : After dealing damage, the user may roll 1 Dice of Damage against two other Targets. A concentrated flameball that bursts on contact with the foe, The Pokémon sets ablaze a swirling pillar upon the target, scattering smaller flames around. said pillar will grow taller and swirl faster if there’s a special kind of charge nearby. Flame Charge POWER Heat Crash POWER Type: Fire 2 Type: Fire 2* accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: Strength + 2* Added effect : Increase the User’s Added Effect : Add 1 Extra Dice Dexterity. 1 of Damage for every 50kgs the user weights above the target. Up to 4 Dice may be added this way. The Pokemon uses its flames as propulsion to strike the foe. The user slams the target with a body engulfed in fire. Flame Wheel POWER Heat Wave POWER Type: Fire 2 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Type: Fire Accuracy Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e 1 Damage Pool: Special + 3 Added effect : Target all foes in Range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn those affected. The user cloaks itself in flames and rolls to tackle the target. The user breathes a giant wave of incandescent air that might set fire to whatever it touches. Flamethrower POWER Incinerate POWER Type: Fire 3 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Type: Fire Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. accuracy: Dexterity + Channel e Damage Pool : Special + 2 Added effect : Target all foes in range. Destroy the held Berries of those affected. The user lets out a powerful fire stream that leaves a scorched The Pokémon releases a blast of fire that instantly consumes trail. small flammable objects. 371
Inferno POWER Overheat POWER Type: Fire 4 Type: Fire 6 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 4 Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added effect : Lethal. Burn the Foe. Added effect : Lethal. Reduce User’s 3 Special. 1 Special 2 The Pokémon sets the foe on fire. These flames rise up to 6 A furious wave of scorching fire that will turn to ashes feet. A very dangerous Move. everything it touches, exhausting the user afterwards. Lava Plume POWER Pyro Ball POWER Type: Fire 3 Type: Fire 5 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Stength + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Accuracy Added effect : Area Attack. Roll 3 Added Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice Chance Dice to Burn those affected. to Burn those Affected. 1 The user shoots up bits of molten lava that fall scattered The Pokémon lights a heavy stone on fire and kicks it while around the field. it’s ablaze. The hit is pretty heavy already, the fire is just for showing off. Magma Storm POWER Sacred Fire POWER Type: Fire 4 Type: Fire 4 Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 4 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Added Effect : Blocks. Roll 3 Damage Added Effect: Lethal. Roll 5 Chance Dice at the end of each Round. 2 Dice to Burn the Foe. Lasts 4 Rounds. The Pokémon shoots a fiery eruption to its foe. Unable to A blazing pillar of rainbow-colored flames crashes upon the escape and surrounded by the unbearable heat the foe’s foe, it burns and cleanses the evil from within. Those with a survival is at risk. pure heart should not fear for they’ll be unharmed. Mind Blown POWER Searing Shot POWER Type: Fire 6 Type: Fire 5 Accuracy: Insight + Channel Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 6 Damage Pool: Special + 5 Added Effect : Area Attack. Recoil. Added Effect: Lethal. All Foes in Range. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Burn those Affected. The Pokémon has had a terrible day and has a very bad The User torches everything around itself in a sudden burst headache, try not to disturb its peace because its head feels of scarlet flames. Everything is brought to cinders in a matter like exploding. of seconds. Mystical Fire POWER Shell Trap POWER Type: Fire 2 Type: Fire 6 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Stealth Damage Pool: Special + 2 Special Damage Pool: Special + 6 Priority Added effect : Reduce Foe’s Special. Added Effect: Lethal. Low Priority. 1 This Move strikes the next time the user is 3 hit with a Non-Ranged Physical attack. This mystical fire not only burns the foe, it also drains its It apparently just buries underground, but secretly the power. Pokémon prepares its shell to detonate; anyone who steps on it will be blown to pieces. 372
Sizzly Slide POWER Flying Types typically fight with ranged attacks high up in the air so land dwellers don’t reach them. They are fast Type: Fire 3 and accurate and benefit a lot from speed. Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Flying Pokémon prioritize Evasion above any other trait Damage Pool: Strength + 3 and they flee from danger more than they fight. Added Effect : Burn the foe. If the user of this Move is at its Final Flying Moves are great for surprise attacks. Ambush Stage of Evolution, this move fails. tactics alongside their speed may end the battle before it even starts. The user slides on the floor as if it was ice-skating, only there is no ice, only a raging fire. Sunny Day POWER Acrobatics POWER Type: Fire - Type: Flying 4* accuracy: Special + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Added effect : Sunny Weather is Added effect : If the User has a Held activated for the next 4 Rounds. Item, remove 2 Dice from the Damage Roll. The pokémon will raise the temperature along with the sun, it The user makes quick and graceful acrobatic moves to hit the doesn’t work at night, indoors, underground or underwater. foe, it will be swifter if nothing gets in the way. V-Create POWER Aerial Ace POWER Type: Fire 7 Type: Flying 2 Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 7 Defense Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added Effect : Reduce the user’s Added Effect : Never Fails. Dexterity, Defense and Sp. Defense. 1 Sp. Def Dexterity 11 The user slams its foe with a V-Shaped flame on its forehead, The Pokémon rises up in the air towards a light source, mo- upon impact, it detonates a terrible explosion and leaves the mentarily blinding the foe. then plummets quickly to attack user pretty vulnerable afterwards. the opponent Will-o-Wisp POWER Aeroblast POWER Type: Fire - Type: Flying 4 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: - Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 4 Added effect : Burn the Foe. Added Effect: Lethal. High Critical. 2 The user calls a floating ember to consume the foe. The victim is trapped in a violently swirling vortex. The strong wind currents make debris fly everywhere. Flying Air Cutter POWER Super Effective against: 2 Bug Fight Grass Type: Flying e It’s Not Very Effective against: Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Electric Rock Steel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Target all foes in Range. High Critical. The user will send out a wave of sharp wind that will harm anything it touches. 373
Air Slash POWER Defog POWER Type: Flying 3 Type: Flying - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: - Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Remove all Barriers, Flinch the foe. (i.e. Light Screen, Reflect etc.) Entry Hazards (Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, etc.) and Terrains (Misty Terrain, Electric Terrain etc.) from the Battlefield. The user will surround the foe with razor-like wind that may A strong current of wind that blows away any fog and even knock it down. invisible barriers. Beak Blast POWER Dragon Ascent POWER Type: Flying 4 Type: Flying 5 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Defense Added Effect: Ranged. Charge Move. Added Effect : Lethal. Reduce the Low Priority. If the User is hit by a Non- 3 user’s Defense and Sp. Defense. 1 Ranged Physical Attack while this Move is charging, Burn the foe.* Sp. Def 1 The Pokémon gets ready to release a boiling gas through its The user rises above the clouds and then comes crashing beak, which gets incredibly hot. The resulting blast sounds down against its foe in an instant. The strike is brutal for both. like a train’s horn. Bounce POWER Drill Peck POWER Type: Flying 3 Type: Flying 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Charge Move Added effect: - While charging this Move, the user will be out of range. Roll 3 Chance Dice to paralyze the foe. The Pokémon will jump 30 feet in the air before landing on top The user pierces the foe with its beak used as a drill. A of the foe. The user won’t suffer any falling damage. dangerous move. Brave Bird POWER Feather Dance POWER Type: Flying 5 Type: Flying - Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Beauty + Perform Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Damage Pool: - Strength Added effect : Recoil. Added effect: Reduce the foe’s Strength. 2 The Pokémon flies straight at the foe at full speed, the A beautiful dance that soothes the hearts of those who watch collision might hurt both of them. it, reducing their aggressive intentions. Chatter POWER Floaty Fall POWER Type: Flying 2 Type: Flying 3 Accuracy: Insight + Perform Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice Confuse the foe. to Flinch the Foe. If the user of this Move is at its Final Stage of Evolution, this move fails. iving orders in human language. With the help of some air balloons, the user jumps up high and It may be extremely confusing for the foes. falls on top of its foe. The use of balloons in-battle is questionable, but the referee will allow them. 374
Fly POWER Peck POWER Type: Flying 3 Type: Flying 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 ab the foe, hurting a Added effect : Charge Move. While Added effect : - charging this move, the User will be out of POWER range, with the exception of the attacks Hurricane and Thunder. 2 The user flies up high in one action, then drops and strikes in The Po the next one. The Pokémon can fly for extremely long periods little bit. of time without getting tired. Pluck Gust POWER Type: Flying Type: Flying 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy:: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added Effect : If the Target is hold- Added effect : - ing a Berry, the User eats it and gains its effects. The Pokémon flaps its wings to strike the foe with wind. The user gives a hard peck and may get something tasty out of the foe. Hurricane POWER Roost POWER Type: Flying 5 Type: Flying - Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added Effect : Lethal. Roll 3Chance Added effect : Basic Heal. Until the Dice to Confuse the Foe. If Rain 2 User’s next action this Pokémon will be Weather is in effect, Ignore this Move’s vulnerable to Ground Type moves. Reduced Accuracy. The user attacks by wrapping the opponent in a fierce wind The Pokémon uses its action to land on the ground and relax. that carries the target up into the sky. Mirror Move POWER Sky Attack POWER Type: Flying * 6 Accuracy: Will + Channel Damage Pool: Same as Copied move. Type: Flying Accuracy Added effect : Copies the last Damaging Move the foe has performed. Accuracy: Strength + Brawl 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Added effect : Lethal. High Critical. Charge Move. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. The user concentrates and manages to imitate the last move The Pokémon darts from the sky with a graceful and lethal used by the foe. strike, propelling with the wind, crushing the foe on the ground. Oblivion Wing POWER Sky Drop POWER Type: Flying 4 Type: Flying 2 Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 4 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added Effect : Lethal. High Critical. Added Effect : Charge Move. * If successful, the foe is flinched while this Move is charging. If the target is a Flying- Type Pokémon or the foe is heavier than the user can lift this Move Fails. A dark wind rises, turning everything it touches into dust to The user carries the opponent to the sky, then drops the target be scattered until nothing remains. People, Pokémon, plants, from that altitude. everything fades like a distant memory. 375
Tailwind POWER Confuse Ray POWER Type: Flying - Type: Ghost - Accuracy: Insight + Nature accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: - Dexterity Damage Pool: - Added Effect : Increase the Dexterity Added effect : Confuse the foe. of everyone on the User’s side of the 2 field. Lasts 4 Rounds. User flaps its wings and casts a turbulent wind that helps the The user flashes a sinister ray of bright light that leaves the team move significantly faster. the target disoriented and confused. Wing Attack POWER Curse POWER Type: Flying 2 Type: Ghost - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Will + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: - Added effect : - Added Effect: Roll half of the User’s HP as Damage Dice to itself, ignoring defenses. The Target will remove 1 success from all of their Rolls until the Curse is lifted. The user flies towards the foe and strikes with its wings. The user mutters words that become an evil incantation, the curse may only be lifted by a medium or through divine intervention. Ghost Type: Ghost POWER Super Effective against: Accuracy: Will + Channel - Ghost Psychic Damage Pool: - Added Effect: Increase the User’s Strength It’s Not Very Effective against: Strength and Defense. Reduce the Dark User’s Dexterity. This effect only works 1 on non Ghost-Type Pokémon. No effect against: Defense Dexterity Normal 11 The Pokémon prepares to deal and receive damage by muttering something not appropiate for kids. Destiny Bond POWER Type: Ghost - accuracy: Will + Channel Ghost Types strike fear and pain on their foes through Damage Pool: - their otherwordly energies and curses. They lurk in the Added effect : If the user faints this shadows, waiting to lunge from the darkness and take Round due to Combat damage, the the living to mysterious places. Pokemon that dealt the damage will faint These Moves will allow the Ghost to haunt safely and at the same time. inflict banes that will torment the victim for a long time. Many people talk about waking up with fresh wounds, The Pokémon creates a mystical bond with anyone that scars and eerie presences following their steps. causes it harm. Whatever ill falls on the user, it will fall on the perpetrator too. Astonish POWER Grudge POWER Type: Ghost 1 - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Type: Ghost Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Accuracy: Will + Channel Flinch the foe. Damage Pool: - Added Effect: The User Faints. The user sneaks close and startles the foe. The Foe loses all its Will points and any effects it got from spending them. The Foe must roll Loyalty at the end of every Round to keep battling. Each Round 1 more success is required. The user leaves an imprinting grudge over the foe, this makes the target unwilling to fight. It may only keep battling if something greater is at risk. 376
HexSpecial + Fight + Channel POWER Ominous Wind POWER Type: Ghost 2* 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Type: Ghost Strength Dexterity Sp. Def Added effect : If the Target is affected by a Status Ailment add 2 Extra Dice to accuracy: Dexterity + Channel 1 1 1 the Damage Pool. Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Special Defense Increase the User’s Strength, Dexterity, Special, Defense and Sp. Defense. 1 1 The user casts a terrible hex over the target, the effects will The Pokémon sends out a goosebump-inducing, repulsive wind be greater if the target is vulnerable that might make the user feel an evil rush. Lick PPOOWWEERR Phantom Force POWER Type: Ghost 1 Type: Ghost 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added effect : Charge Move. While Paralyze the Foe. charging this Move, other Moves will not affect the user. If the Target made a Shielding Action the shield is destroyed and won’t have any effect. The user licks the foe. The saliva can numb the body of most The Pokémon disappears into a dark dimension to infiltrate creatures. even the most impenetrable defenses. It may reappear during its next action. Moongeist Beam POWER Shadow Ball POWER 4 Type: Ghost 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Type: Ghost Damage Pool: Special + 3 Sp. Def Accuracy: Special + Channel Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Damage Pool: Special + 4 Reduce foe’s Sp. Defense. 1 Added Effect: Lethal. If anything on the foe’s side would prevent this move The Pokémon hurls a sphere made of shadow and dark matter from dealing damage (Pokémon Type, to harm the foe. Abilities, Shield Moves, Weather or Barriers) ignore it. This Move cannot be Clashed. A cold reflection of the moon shines upon the target, it doesn’t hurt physically but those who stare directly into the light simply collapse. Night Shade POWER Shadow Bone POWER Type: Ghost * Type: Ghost 3 accuracy: Insight + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool aries Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Defense Added effect: Roll Damage Dice according to Added Effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to the User’s Rank. 1 Dice at Starter Rank; 2 Dice at Reduce the Foe’s Defense. 1 Beginner Rank; 3 dice at Amateur Rank; 4 Dice at Ace Rank; 5 Dice at Professional Rank. Ignore Foe’s Defenses. The user casts a shade with a frightening mirage inside that The bone that this Pokémon uses as a weapon contains a torments the target. spirit, that spirit may cling into a victim, creating openings for its master. Nightmare POWER Shadow Claw POWER Type: Ghost - Type: Ghost 3 accuracy: Will + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Will only work if the Added effect : High Critical. Target is asleep. Deal 1 Damage to the foe. 1 Deal 1 Damage again at the beginning of each Round if the target is still asleep. The user enters the target's dreams to torment it. Claws become semi-ethereal and are able to briefly pierce armor, hide, skin and objects so it can strike the target on any weak spot. 377
Shadow Force POWER Spite POWER 5 Type: Ghost - Accuracy: Will + Intimidate Type: Ghost Damage Pool: - Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Added Effect: Reduce the Foe’s Will Damage Pool: Strength + 5 to 1 point. Reset any effects it got from Added Effect : Lethal. Charge Move. spending Will Points. While charging this Move, other Move will not affect the user. If the Target made a The target feels overwhelmend by feelings of dread. Shielding Action, the shield is destroyed and won’t have any effect. Damage dealt by this Move cannot be healed for 24 hrs. The Pokémon dissapears into a dark dimension to strike its foe at the next opportunity. The blow will hurt the target not on their body but directly into their soul. Shadow Punch POWER Trick-or-Treat POWER Type: Ghost 2 - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Type: Ghost Added effect : Fist Based. Never Fail. accuracy: Will + Allure Damage Pool: - The Pokémon punches through its own shadow. The attack Added effect : Add the Ghost type to comes out from the foe’s shadows as if it were a portal. the Target's Type. (ie. Meowth will now be “Normal/Ghost” Charizard will now be “Fire/Flying/Ghost”) If the Pokémon already has a third type attached, replace it. The Pokemon takes the target Trick-or-Treating. The target gets a ghost costume which somehow cannot be removed without a medium’s help. Shadow Sneak POWER Grass Type: Ghost 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Added effect : Priority. 1 Super Effective against: Ground Rock Water The user sneaks through darkness and strikes out of the It’s Not Very Effective against: target's shadow. The Pokémon can move freely inside shades Bug Dragon Fire Flying as if it were incorporeal. POWER Grass Poison Spectral Thief 3 Steel Type: Ghost Grass Types are serene creatures used to endure harsh Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl situations. Their Moves use their inner energy to provide Damage Pool: Strength + 3 shelter, attack their foes and stop their predators. These Added Effect : If successful, BEFORE powers are renowned for their ability to drain the foe’s the user deals damage with this Move, energy just as they would absorb the sunbeams. Grass steal all Attribute Increases the foe may Moves take the foe down through their vines and spores have. or soothing aromas. Reduced Attributes on the foe remain. These flowers do not like their petals touched. Through the shadows, the user sneaks on its target to steal its life force and consume it, leaving the victim with a sense of grief and loss. Spirit Shackle POWER Absorb POWER Type: Ghost 3 Type: Grass 1 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Special + 1 Added Effect : Blocks. Added effect : The user restores HP equal to half the damage dealt rounded down. While attacking, the user sneakily binds its foe’s shadow to The user absorbs the vital energy out of its foe. the ground, restricting its movement and making it unable to escape. 378
Apple Acid POWER Cotton Spore POWER Type: Grass 3 Type: Grass - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Insight + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Sp. Def Damage Pool: - Dexterity Added Effect : Reduce the Foe’s Added effect : Reduce Foe’s Dexterity Sp. Defense. 1 2 The Pokémon produces a sap from the tart apples it feeds on, The Pokemon covers the foe in cotton, disrupting its if the apples, this sap is acidic and bad bor your teeth. movement speed. Aromatherapy POWER Drum Beating POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass 3 accuracy: Insight + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Dexterity Added effect : Cure User and Allies Added Effect: Reduce the Foe’s from Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison or Dexterity. 1 Sleep. The Pokémon releases medicinal scents and vapors to The Pokémon has a perfectly good drum and you’d think it refresh the user and its allies. would use it. But it doesn’t. It uses it’s foe. Branch Poke POWER Energy Ball POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Special + 3 Sp. Def Added Effect : - Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Sp. Defense. 1 The Pokémon rudely starts poking its foe with a stick. The Pokemon gathers nature's energy in a ball and hurls it at the foe. Trees and bushes may be left opaque and sad. Bullet Seed POWER Forest’s Curse POWER Type: Grass 1 - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Type: Grass Added effect : Ranged. Succesive accuracy: Will + Nature Actions. Damage Pool: - Added effect : Add the Grass Type to The Pokémon shoots seeds rapidly as if they were bullets. the Target's Type (ie. Nidoran will now be “Poison/Grass” Heracross will now be “Bug/Fight/Grass”) If the Pokémon already has a third type attached, replace it. The user calls the forest to lay a curse upon the target, making it grow vines and vegetation around its whole body. The curse will not be easily lifted without a medium’s help. Cotton Guard POWER Frenzy Plant POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass 6 accuracy: Insight + Channel accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: - Defense Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added effect : Increase the User’s Added effect : Must Recharge. Defense. 3 1 The user covers itself in cotton puffs that severely reduce the User roots down and calls the plants to grow in a frenzy impact of physical attacks. around the foe, though it leav xhausted. 379
Giga Drain POWER Grav Apple POWER Type: Grass 3 Type: Grass 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Defense Added effect : The user restores HP Added Effect : Ranged. Reduce the equal to half the damage dealt, rounded Foe’s Defense. 1 down. The Pokémon extracts a great amount of vital energy from The Pokémon rises on top of its foe and drops an apple on the foe’s body. their head. The foe proceeds to eat the apple, distracting it from the fight. Grass Knot POWER Horn Leech POWER Type: Grass 1* Type: Grass 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Add 1 Extra Dice to the Added effect : The user restores HP Damage Pool for every 50 kgs. of equal to half the damage dealt, rounded weight on the foe, up to +4 Extra Dice. down. The user snares the target’s feet with grass, making it fall to The user rams the foe and absorbs some of its vital energy the ground. The bigger the foe the harder the fall. with its horns. Grass Pledge POWER Ingrain POWER 2 Type: Grass - Accuracy: Special + Nature Type: Grass Dexterity Damage Pool: - Heal Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Added Effect : If successful, spend 1 Damage Pool: Special + 2 1 Will point to activate. User heals 1 HP at 1 Added Effect : Area Attack. Reduce the the end of each Round. The User is now Dexterity of those Affected. Dexterity Blocked. Pokémon on the ground that enter any side of the field will have 1 point to their 1 Dexterity reduced until the end of the scene. The Pokémon chants to invoke the power of Grass. Its pledge The Pokemon roots itself to the ground, absorbing the is heard then the soil trembles and the ground crumbles as nutrients and recovering health. vegetation rises to grapple anyone in the field. Grass Whistle POWER Leaf Blade POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass 3 Accuracy: Special + Perform accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added Effect: Sound Based. Put the Added effect : Lethal. High Critical. Target to Sleep 3 The user plays a beautiful and soothing melody that lulls the The Pokémon uses the sharp leaves on its body to cut through target into a peaceful sleep the foe. Grassy Terrain POWER Leaf Storm POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass 6 Accuracy: Special + Nature accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: - Heal Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Special Added Effect : If successful, spend Added effect : Reduce the User’s 1 Will point to activate. Everyone in the 1 Special. 12 user’s side of the field heals 1 HP at the end of each Round. Add 1 Extra Die to the Damage Rolls of Grass-Type Moves. The Pokémon calls upon the healing power of nature to grow a A furious storm of sharp leaves swirls and pierces the target. patch of miraculous grass on its side of the battlefield. The user is left exhausted. 380
Leaf Tornado POWER Needle Arm POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Roll 5 Chance Dice to Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Reduce the Foe’s Accuracy. 1 Flinch the Foe. Accuracy 1 A bush worth of sharp leaves swirls around the foe making it The Pokemon hits the foe with its flailing arms, some thorns harder for it to aim attacks properly. may get stuck on the target like needles. Leafage POWER Petal Blizzard POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added Effect: Ranged. Added effect : Area Attack. The user throws leaf darts towards its foe. The Pokémon showers the battlefield with a raging blizzard of petals and leaves, anyone close to the user will suffer the consecuences. Leech Seed POWER Petal Dance POWER - Type: Grass 5 accuracy: Special + Channel Type: Grass Heal Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy: Special + Nature Added effect : Rampage. Targets Damage Pool: - 11 Random foe. Added Effect : If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. At the end of each Round, Roll 1 Dice of Damage to the foe. User heals 1 HP for every damage dealt this way. Grass-Type Pokémon are im- mune to this Move. The user plants some seeds on the target, the seeds sprout The Pokémon starts swirling petals around in a true display of and restore the user’s health by absorbing the foe’s vital nature’s power, the petals are guided by the wind to strike the energy. foe. Magical Leaf POWER Power Whip POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass 5 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Accuracy Added effect : Never Fail. Added effect : - 2 The user sends out a floating leaf that will pursuit the target The Pokémon violently lashes the foe with its vines or a part until it hits. of its body, acting as a powerful whip. Mega Drain POWER Razor Leaf POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : The user restores HP Added Effect : Target All Foes in equal to half the damage dealt, rounded Range. Ranged. High Critical. down. The user absorbs a big amount of vital energry from the The Pokémon shoots one or more sharp leaves that cut target. through all targets as if they were razors. 381
Sappy Seed POWER Solar Beam POWER 3 Type: Grass 5 accuracy: Special + Channel Type: Grass Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 5 Accuracy: Special + Brawl Added effect : Charge Move. If there Damage Pool: Strength + 3 1 is a Sunny Weather, you skip this Move’s Added Effect : At the end of the Charge action. If performed under Rain, Round, Roll 1 Die of Damage to the foe, Sandstorm or Hail Weather, this Move Restore 1 HP to the user for every damage takes two actions to Charge. dealt this way. If the user of this Move is at its Final Stage of Evolution, this move fails. From a magical bean, the user grows a cute stalk that will The user focuses the sunlight it has absorbed into a attach itself to the nearest target. Once it ingrains, it will grow powerful and devastating beam of light. and grow and grow until it reaches the sky. Seed Bomb POWER Solar Blade POWER Type: Grass 3 5 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Type: Grass Added effect : Ranged. Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 5 The user throws a big seed that explodes on contact with the Added Effect: Charge Move. If foe. there is a Sunny Weather, you skip this Move’s Charge action. If per- formed under Rain, Sandstorm or Hail Weather, this Move takes two actions to Charge. The Pokémon focuses the sunlight on its sharp leaves, then releases the energy with a shattering blow. Seed Flare POWER Spiky Shield POWER Type: Grass 5 Type: Grass - Accuracy: Special + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 5 Sp. Def Damage Pool: - Priority Added Effect: Lethal. Roll 4 Chance Added Effect : Priority. Shield Move. Dice to Reduce the foe’s Sp. Defense. 2 Reduce 3 Damage This Pokémon would 3 receive from a Damaging Move. If the Foe used a non-ranged physical move Roll 2 Dice of Damage against it. Shaymin releases an explosion of pollen and seeds that the The Pokémon covers itself with a thorn filled shell, the foe will foe cannot shake off, leaving it vulnerable. Over time, these be damaged if it hits directly into it. seeds will grow into gigantic trees of life. Sleep Powder POWER Spore POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass - accuracy: Special + Nature accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: - Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added effect : Put the Target to Added effect : Put the Target to Sleep. 2 Sleep. The user scatters powder around, anyone who comes in A powerful somniferous spore that is shot at the target to contact with it will fall asleep. make it fall asleep. Snap Trap POWER Strength Sap POWER Type: Grass 2 Type: Grass - Accuracy: Dexterity + Stealth Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: - Heal Strength Added Effect : Target is Blocked for the Added Effect: Reduce Foe’s Strength. Next 4 Rounds. User Heals HP equal to the Foe’s Current ?1 Strength Score. Healing in-battle limitations apply. The user is so flat that you can barely see it in the tall grass. The Pokémon looks for a weak point on its foe, then feeds on It is just waiting for its foe to get close enough to use its its vital energy. The foe is left feeling feeble. body as a snare trap. 382
Stun Spore POWER Worry Seed POWER Type: Grass - Type: Grass - accuracy: Special + Nature accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: - Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added effect : Paralyze the Foe. Added effect : Until the end of the 2 Scene, Target’s Ability is now “Insomnia”. A blow of dust that paralyzes the target on the spot and The user plants a seed in its foe. It causes a restless cramps its muscles. preocupation that won’t let it sleep at night. Synthesis POWER Ground Type: Grass - Accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: - Super Effective against: Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. If Sunny Weather Electric Fire Poison Rock Steel is on effect, this Move becomes a Complete Heal. If Rain/Sandstorm Weather is in effect, this Move only heals 1 HP. The Pokémon uses the sunlight as energy to regain its vitality. It’s Not Very Effective against: Bug Grass Trop Kick POWER No effect against: Type: Grass 3 Flying Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Strength Ground Types are hardy and lonely creatures. Their Added Effect: Reduce Foe’s Strength. Moves are able to to control the battleground using great 1 area attacks and field Moves that can keep most enemies at bay or risk some serious injuries. The user strikes with an intense and alluring kick. These powers will slow down most pursuers, trap any unsuspecting traveler and cut down paths that would compromise the Pokémon’s safety. Watch your step, Ground Pokémon can be a walking landmine. Vine Whip POWER Bone Club POWER Type: Grass 2 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Type: Ground Added effect : - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added Effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to Accuracy Flinch the Foe. 2 The Pokemon uses its slender vines as a whip against the foe. The user hits the target with a bone, the smack may leave a They are as long as 20 feet. bump on the target’s head. Wood Hammer POWER Bone Rush POWER Type: Grass 5 Type: Ground 1 accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy Added effect : Recoil. Added Effect: Succesive Actions. 1 The Pokémon recklessly slams the foe with a part of its The user quickly strikes the foe with a bone, one blow after rugged body, the user also gets hurt in the process. another. 383
Bonemerang POWER Earthquake POWER Type: Ground 2 Type: Ground 4 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Added effect : Ranged. Double Action. Added effect : Area Attack. Ranged. 1 The Pokemon throws a bone to hit the foe. The bone returns The Pokémon focuses its energy into shaking the ground, like a boomerang, striking a second time. everyone around will be thrown like a rag doll. Bulldoze POWER Fissure POWER Type: Ground 2 Type: Ground - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Area Attack. Reduce Added Effect: Ranged. the Dexterity of those affected. 1 Deal Damage to the foe equal to the 5 Target’s Remaining HP, plus 1 Lethal Damage. The user stomps and tramples the place, breaking stones, The user tears the ground apart in a monstrous display of trees and everything nearby. force, if the foe falls through the fissure it might need a rescue team to get it out. Dig POWER High Horsepower POWER Type: Ground 3 Type: Ground 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Charge Move. While Added Effect: None. charging this move, the User will be out of range. Can be hit by Earthquake, Magnitude or a similar Move. The user digs a tunnel on the ground and attacks while coming The Pokémon rushes towards its target and tramples it without out from below. mercy. Drill Run POWER Land’s Wrath POWER Type: Ground 3 Type: Ground 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Strength + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : High Critical. Added Effect: Lethal. Ranged. All Foes in Range. The user rotates its body imitating a drill and crashes against The earth moves on its own, no attacker in sight. The floor the foe. This attack may pierce through walls and floors with crumbles and the ground shakes engulfing its victims. ease and great precision. From the rubble, lush trees emerge a short time after. Earth Power POWER Magnitude POWER Type: Ground 3 Type: Ground * accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Sp. Def Damage Pool: Strength + Varies* Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Added Effect: Ranged. Reduce the foe’s Sp. Defense. 1 Roll 1 Die to determine this Move’s Power. The user sends out a subterranean wave that bursts on the The user quakes the ground plates. Some plates will move ground bellow the target. It looks like the earth molds to the easier than others. Pokémon’s will. 384
Mud Bomb POWER Rototiller POWER Type: Ground 2 - accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Accuracy Type: Ground Strength Special Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to accuracy: Special + Nature Reduce the Foe’s Accuracy. 2 1 1 Damage Pool: - Accuracy Strength Added effect : Increase the Strength 1 1 and Special of all Grass Type Special Pokémon in the battlefield. 1 The Pokémon shoots a ball made of mud that bursts on the The Pokémon digs around and moves the soil to make it ideal target, some mud may get on its eyes. for plant growth. Mud Shot POWER Sand Attack POWER Type: Ground 2 Type: Ground - accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Reduce the Foe’s Added Effect : The Foe gets 1 success Dexterity. 1 reduced from all its Accuracy Rolls. 1 The Pokémon shoots a stream of mud that covers the foe, The user shoots some sand into the opponent's eyes. obstructing its movement. Mud Slap POWER Sand Tomb POWER Type: Ground 1 Type: Ground 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 1 Accuracy Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Added effect : Reduce the foe’s Added Effect: Ranged. Blocks. Accuracy. 1 At the end of the Round, Roll 2 Dice 2 of Damage against the foe. Lasts 4 Rounds. The user hurls some mud to the face of the foe, leaving it The Pokémon creates a shifting sand pit around the foe, unable to see clearly. leaving it unable to escape. Mud Sport POWER Shore Up POWER Type: Ground - Type: Ground - accuracy: Special + Nature Accuracy: Insight + Nature Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added effect : For the next 4 Rounds Added Effect: Basic Heal. Electric Type attacks won't add their If performed under Sandstorm weather, Power to the Damage Pool. this Move is a Complete Heal. The user covers everything with mud, reducing the The Pokémon gathers the sand around itself to restore its effectiveness of electric attacks made on the field. body to shape. Precipice Blades POWER Spikes POWER Type: Ground 5 Type: Ground - Accuracy: Strength + Channel accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added Effect : Lethal. Ranged. Added effect : Foe Pokémon that 2 enters the battlefield will lose 1 HP, this effect does not stack. Pokemon with the Levitate ability and Flying Type Pokemon are immune to this effect. Giant blades emerge from the earth with every step of the The Pokémon shoots pointy pebbles or thorns around the field user. If you fall into them, they are almost impossible to that deal damage to anyone coming from that side. survive. 385
Stomping Tantrum POWER Aurora Beam POWER Type: Ground 3 Type: Ice 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3* Damage Pool: Special + 2 Strength Added Effect: Add 2 Extra Dice to Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to the Damage Pool of this move if the Reduce foe’s Strength. 1 User failed the Accuracy Roll of the last Move it performed. The Pokémon throws a tantrum all over the place, it becomes The Pokemon shoots a beautiful rainbow colored beam that worse if something has frustrated it earlier. may leave the foe flabbergasted. Thousand Arrows POWER Aurora Veil POWER Type: Ground 3 - Accuracy: Strength + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Type: Ice All Added Effect: Lethal. Ranged. All Accuracy: Special + Channel Foes in Range. If successful, Flying Damage Pool: - Damage and Levitating Pokémon can be hit by Added Effect: User and Allies will Ground-Type Moves for the rest of the receive 1 less Damage from both Physical -1 scene. and Special Attacks. This move will fail if not performed under Hail Weather. Lasts 4 Rounds, even if Hail Weather is over. Out of nowhere, pointy shards come raining from the sky Aurora lights and hail spin around the Pokémon and its Allies, towards the foes, even flying creatures will fall to the ground deflecting attacks. if they are knocked by them. Take cover, this is gonna hurt. Thousand Waves POWER Avalanche POWER Type: Ground 3 Type: Ice 2* Accuracy: Special + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Added Effect : Blocks. Ranged. Added effect : Low Priority. If the All Foes in Range. If the user received damage from the 4 target this Round, Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool. Solid ground becomes a sandtrap, cracked earth will close to The user builds up a lot of snow around itself, if anything ensnare your feet. It’s as if the land itself wanted to trap you. disturbs the snow, it will fall on the attacker like an avalanche. There is no attacker nor escape in sight. Blizzard POWER Ice 5 Super Effective against: Dragon Flying Grass Ground Type: Ice Accuracy Accuracy: Special + Channel It’s Not Very Effective against: Damage Pool: Special + 5 2 Added Effect : All Foes in Range. Roll Fire Ice Steel Water 1 Chance Dice to Freeze those affected. If performed under Sunny Weather, Accuracy Ice Types are very rarely seen in most cities and towns. becomes -3 instead. If Performed under Their bodies have unique abilities that freeze everything Hail Weather, Ignore this Move’s Reduced nearby and help them resist harsh environments. Accuracy; and this Move can’t be evaded. Ice Moves work as powerful and solid single target attacks, capable of defeating most foes with just a single The user swirls a violent gelid wind around the foes. This strike and a little bit of luck. These powers can freeze blizzard may not last long, but it’s tremeandously strong. water, moisture in the air, and living beings alike. Freeze Dry POWER Once the enemy is frozen solid, Ice Pokémon might escape or attack until the opponent faints. Type: Ice 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Added Effect : Water-Type Pokémon are dealt 2 Extra Damage. The user freezes all moisture in the environment, water type Pokémon suffer greatly. 386
Freeze Shock POWER Haze POWER Type: Ice 6 Type: Ice - Accuracy: Special + Channel accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added Effect: Lethal. Ranged. Added effect: Remove all Increased Charge Move. Roll 3 Chance Dice to 1 or Reduced Attributes and Traits on Paralyze the Foe. everyone on the Battlefield. The user appears to become a block of ice, then it releases The user sends out a haze that disturbs all the Pokémon itself from the ice with a devastating discharge. The exploding engaged in battle. It may conceal whoever is inside. ice shards and the lightning fly all over the battlefield. Freezy Frost POWER Ice Ball POWER Type: Ice 3 1* Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 3 Accuracy Type: Ice Accuracy Added Effect: Is succesful, remove accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl all Increased or Reduced Attributes and 1 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 1 Traits the Foe may have. Added effect : Successive Actions. If the user of this Move is at its Final Add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Roll of Stage of Evolution, this move fails. the last Ice Ball hit the user performs. If the Pokémon used Defense Curl this Round, add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Roll of every hit. The user touches its foe while playing “Freeze!”, surprisingly, The user curls into a snowball, rolling against the foe. The ball the foe becomes frozen on a block of ice. Once they realize grows bigger as it rolls. they were just playing pretend the ice disolves into haze. Frost Breath POWER Ice Beam POWER Type: Ice 2 Type: Ice 3 accuracy: Dexterity + Channel accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Accuracy Damage Pool: Special + 3 Added effect: This Move is always a Added effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Critical Hit and it gets the proper bonus for 1 Freeze the Foe. it. The user shoots a gelid breath against the target that sends a The user shoots a freezing ray that greatly lowers the chill through the spine. The sudden change of temperature can temperature of anything it hits. bring anyone to its knees. Glaciate POWER Ice Burn POWER Type: Ice 2 Type: Ice 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Special + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added Effect: Lethal. All Foes in Added Effect: Lethal. Ranged. Range. Reduce the Dexterity of those 1 Charge Move. Roll 3 Chance Dice to 1 affected. Burn the Foe. The air is so cold it hurts to move, to see, to breath. The user appears to become a block of ice, then it releases Escaping should be your top priority, for every second you itself from the ice with a devastating explosion. The exploding don’t your life will be at peril. ice shards and fire blow all over the battlefield. Hail POWER Ice Fang POWER Type: Ice - Type: Ice 2 accuracy: Special + Nature accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Added effect : Hail Weather is Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to activated for the next 4 Rounds. Flinch the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to 1 Freeze the foe. The user summons a hailstorm that will stay on the battlefield The user bites the foe and releases a gelid breath through its for some time. mouth. 387
Ice Hammer POWER Icy Wind POWER Type: Ice 4 Type: Ice 2 Accuracy: Strength + Brawl accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 4 Accuracy Dexterity Damage Pool: Special + 2 Dexterity Added Effect: Reduce User’s Added effect : Target all foes in Dexterity. 11 Range. Reduce Dexterity of those 1 affected. The Pokémon uses its powerful gelid arms and strikes the foe A breeze so cold that it chills you to the bone, making it harder with a swing motion. to move. Ice Punch POWER Mist POWER Type: Ice 3 Type: Ice - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Added effect: Fist Based. Roll 1 Added effect : For the next 4 Rounds, Chance Dice to Freeze the foe. the User and Allies cannot have their Attributes or Traits reduced. The Pokémon delivers a strike covered in ice. The user’s hands The user cloaks itself and its allies within a cold mist with can freeze anything they touch. mystic properties. It may conceal whoever is nearby. Ice Shard POWER Powder Snow POWER Type: Ice 2 2 accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Type: Ice e Added effect : Ranged. Priority. accuracy: Dexterity + Channel 1 Damage Pool: Special + 2 Added effect : Target all foes in Range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Freeze those affected. The user quickly freezes some bits of ice and throws them at The user sends out a wind current full of snowflakes that the target. freeze whatever they touch. This powder can easily turn a room to ice. Icicle Crash POWER Sheer Cold POWER Type: Ice 3 Type: Ice - accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added Effect: Deal Damage equal to Flinch the Foe. 1 the Target’s Remaining HP, plus 1 Lethal 5 Damage. The user drops a big icicle over the foe, the impact may leave The user freezes the foe from the inside out. victims of this the opponent dazed. attack will need urgent medical attention. Icicle Spear POWER Normal 1 It’s Not Very Effective against: Rock Steel Type: Ice No effect against: accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl e Ghost Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Added effect : Ranged. Successive Actions. The user launches a wave of small but pointy icicles towards the target. 388
Normal Types have a great versatility and adaptability. Barrage POWER These Moves are common in all Pokémon and provide basic attacks, impairing effects, support for most Type: Normal 1 situations and even some ridiculously powerful Moves Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl able to bring down any Pokémon no matter their strength Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy or tactic. Added effect : Ranged. Successive Actions. 1 Never underestimate a Normal Move, it may be the most dangerous of all. The Pokémon Throws many round objects at the target, one after the other. Accupressure POWER Baton Pass POWER Type: Normal - - Accuracy: Dexterity + Nature Damage Pool: - Random Type: Normal Accuracy: Special + Channel Added effect 1 Damage Pool: - Added Effect: Switcher Move. User Increase a Random Attribute. If this Move switches out with another Pokémon. is used again, the previous Attribute Any Attribute increase on the user is modifier is removed. passed on the next Pokémon. The user can’t increase its Attributes again until The user starts pushing its pressure points, releasing the the end of the scene. energy that was stored in its body. The user stores part of its power on a twig or a stick, anyone who touch the item will receive its might. After You POWER Belly Drum POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Cool + Etiquette Accuracy: Tough + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Strength Added effect : The Target will go first Added Effect: User deals Damage to in the order of Initiative. Lasts for the rest itself equal to Half of its total HP rounded 3 of this Battle. down. Increase User’s Strength. The user bows and courteously lets an ally or foe use their The Pokémon Roars a war cry while hitting its Belly. action first. Assist POWER Bestow POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Clever + Perform Accuracy: Cool + Etiquette Damage Pool: Varies Damage Pool: - Added effect : Choose one Move Added effect : If target is not holding known by a random member of your an Item, the User gives its own. party. You perform that Move using the Accuracy roll from Assist. The Pokémon hurriedly remembers one action performed by a ers an item, the target will take it partner. Some Pokémon can even do what a human does and assist him with any tasks. and keep it to be polite. Attract POWER Bide POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal * Accuracy: Beauty + Allure Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Varies Added effect : If Successful, Target is Added effect : The User will take the now In Love. This Move fails if target is next 2 hits. After those two attacks, you from same gender as the User or may use this Move again to retaliate with genderless. Strength + Twice the Damage Received from those 2 hits. The user makes use of its good looks and attitude to infatuate The user endures the hit then unleashes an attack even its foe. greater. 389
Bind POWER Captivate POWER Type: Normal 1 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Beauty + Allure Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Special Added effect : Block. Deal 2 dice of Added Effect: All foes in Range. damage at the end of each Round. Lasts 2 Reduce the Special of those affected if 2 4 Rounds. they are from the opposite gender than the user. The Pokémon uses its body to bind the foe, restraining and The Pokémon shows off its attractiveness and even flirts squeezing it. with the opponents, those who fall for its charms can’t focus on the battle. Block POWER Chip Away POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added effect : Blocks. Added effect : This attack ignores Defense and Evasion modifiers on the foe. The user moves swiftly, blocking the escape routes of the foe. The user looks for an opening and strikes directly there. Body Slam POWER Comet Punch POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal 1 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added effect : Successive Actions. Paralyze the foe. The user charges against the foe using its body to knock it The user throws a quick series of punches at the foe. down, leaving the target stunned. Boomburst POWER Confide POWER Type: Normal 6 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy: Cute + Allure Damage Pool: Special+ 6 Damage Pool: - Special Added effect : Area. Sound Based. Added effect : Reduce the foe’s Special. 1 The user creates an explosive sound that deafens everyone in The Pokémon tells a secret to the target. The foe loses its the battlefield. ability to concentrate. Camouflage POWER Constrict POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 1 Accuracy: Special + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Added Effect: For the rest of the Added effect : Blocks. Roll 2 Dice of scene the User changes type to one Damage against the foe at the end of that fits the terrain it is in (i.e. Usar is in a each Round. Lasts 4 Rounds. rocky cave, becoming rock type) The user mimics the environment, it becomes one with the The Pokémon uses its body to hold and constrict the foe. surroundings. It won't let go easily. 390
Conversion POWER Crush Claw POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 3 Accuracy: Will + Channel Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Defense Added effect : The user changes its type at random. Added effect 2 Reduce the target’s Defense The Pokémon downloads the data of a Move to add it to its The user crushes its claws against the foe, it may pierce the code. skin of the foe. Conversion 2 POWER Crush Grip POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 1* Accuracy: Will + Channel Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 1* Added effect : After being dealt Added Effect: Lethal. damage, choose a Type resistant to the If the foe has a Base HP higher than 3, Type of that attack. That’s the Type of the add 1 Die to the Damage pool for every User until it uses this Move again. exceeding point. Up to 9 Dice may be added this way. The Pokémon downloads the data of a move that was used The Pokémon grips the foe and starts crushing it. against it. Change the code of the user to a type resistant to Small targets are difficult to grasp but larger bodies will not that move. be released until they break. Copycat POWER Cut POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 2 Accuracy: Same as copied move Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Same as copied move Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect: Copies the last move the Added effect : May be used to cut foe has performed. down trees and clear paths. The user will closely watch the movements of the target and A slim but precise cut that may slice through anything. will imitate them to perfection. Court Change POWER Defense Curl POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Clever + Etiquette Accuracy: Vitality + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Defense Added Effect: Swap any Barriers (i.e.Light Added effect : Increase the User’s Screen, Reflect etc.), Entry Hazards (i.e. Toxic Defense. 1 Spikes, Sticky Web etc.) and Effects on the foe’s side of the field (i.e. Tailwind, Grassy Terrain etc.) for the one’s on the User’s side. The Pokémon signals the referee for half-time, the referee The user curls like a ball to protect against most threats. complies and both parties swap their sides of the field. Wait. Did we forget something? Covet POWER Disable POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Clever + Stealth Accuracy: Insight + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Damage Pool: - Added effect : If the user is not holding Added effect : The Target cannot use an item, Steal the target's Held Item. the last move it performed. Lasts 4 Rounds. The user approaches with caution, deals a quick strike and The user hits a nerve on the foe, impeding it from performing takes the chance to steal the target's item. its previous action for a short while. 391
Dizzy Punch POWER Echoed Voice POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal 2* Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: Special + 2* Added effect : Roll 2 Chance Dice to Added Effect : Sound Based. This Move can be Confuse the foe. used many times in the same Round. Add 1 Extra Die to the Damage pool of this move for every A swift punch to the jaw that spins the target and may leave it consecutive time you use it. Up to 8 Dice might yell quite dizzy and disoriented. be added this way. Reset this effect if the user performs another move, evasion or clash. The user shouts loudly and the ec louder every time the echo talks back. Double Hit POWER Egg Bomb POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal 4 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy Accuracy Added effect : Double Action. Damage Pool 1 2 Added effect: Ranged. The Pokémon uses the classic “One-Two” to attack the foe. The user throws a big egg with great force against its foe. Double Slap POWER Encore POWER Type: Normal 1 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Cool + Allure Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Priority Added effect : Successive Actions. Added effect : For the duration of this 2 effect, the target will repeat the exact 3 The target must have had an action sequence. Lasts 4 Rounds. The user attacks its foe with two or more slaps in the face. The user claps and cheers at the target to encourage it to repeat what it just did. Double Team POWER Endeavor POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal * Accuracy: Dexterity + Evasion Accuracy: Will + Channel Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added Effect: The User can Now make Added effect : Roll Damage equal to up to 5 Evasions per Round. the Difference between user's Full HP and its Current HP (up to 10). User cannot reduce the target's HP to lower than its own remaining HP. The user moves rapidly around the foe, creating illusory copies With pure willpower, the user struggles with its foe despite the pain. Double-Edge POWER : EWni dure POWER Type: Normal 5 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Will + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Damage Pool: - Priority Added effect : Recoil. Added Effect: Priority. Shield Move. For the rest of the Round, damaging Moves 5 cannot reduce the user’s HP to less than 1. Status Ailments, Weather Conditions, Recoil, Self inflicted damage can still deal damage. The user recklessly slams its foe to deal a lot of damage, but The user gets prepared to receive a fatal blow. It resists the pain despite being seriously hurt. 392
Entrainment POWER False Swipe POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 2 Accuracy: Cool + Perform Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : The target’s Ability is Added Effect : The Foe can’t go replaced by the User’s own Ability. below 1 HP when hit by this Move. (i.e. Luvdisc’s Swift Swim Ability will replace Geodude’s Sturdy Ability). The Pokémon dances with a catchy rhythm. The target starts The user strikes the foe but lowers the power of the blow at dancing too and both connect to a very personal lev the last second. this performance. Explosion POWER Feint POWER Type: Normal 10 Type: Normal 1 Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 10 Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Priority Added effect : After the damage is Added effect : Priority. This Move dealt The user faints ignores any Shielding Move. 2 The user focuses on exploding its body, the explosion deals a The Pokémon feints a strike, then hits for real even if the foe massive wave of damage. A very dangerous move. attempts to protect itself. Extreme Speed POWER Flail POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal 1* Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 1* Added effect : Priority. Triple the Added Effect: Add 1 Extra Die to the Pokémon movement speed. 2 Damage Pool of this Move for every missing Point of HP the user has. Up to 5 Dice may be added this way. The user charges at a blinding speed against the target. The user flails and struggles to survive, the more weakened it is the stronger this attack will be. Facade POWER Flash POWER Type: Normal 3* Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 (or +6) Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added Effect: If the User’s got a Status Added Effect : The Foe gets 1 success Ailment (Paralysis, Poison, Burn, etc.) Add 3 reduced from all its Accuracy Rolls. 1 Extra Dice to the Damage pool. The Pokémon will make an upfront attack, if the user is The user suddenly emits a blinding light around its body, suffering the attack will be stronger. dazing its opponent in the process. Fake Out POWER Focus Energy POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Insight + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Damage Pool: - Added effect : Priority. Flinch the foe. Added Effect : All of the user’s Dam- This move will only work the First Round the 1 agin Moves now have “High Critical”. Pokémon is out in battle. From the second This effects lasts until the end of the round on, it will fail automatically. scene or if the user is removed from battle. While still preparing for battle, the user will suddenly attack The Pokémon’s energy is raised to make all strikes much more the foe. precise. 393
Follow Me POWER Giga Impact POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 6 Accuracy: Cool + Perform Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Damage Pool: - Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Accuracy Added Effect : Until the End of the Added effect : Must Recharge. Round, all of the foe’s Moves will target 5 Lethal. 1 the user. The Pokémon will draw everyone’s attention. All foes are The Pokémon strikes with a brutal force using all its body. The taunted to do their worse. impact leaves the user somewhat stunned. Foresight POWER Glare POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Insight + Alert Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added Effect : The Foe cannot Evade Added effect : Paralyze the foe. Moves performed by the User. 1 User Ignores Ghost-Type immunity to Normal-Type Moves and vice versa. The Pokémon uses its developed senses and mental ability to The Pokémon uses its intimidating glare to paralyze the foe foresee the immediate future. with sheer terror. Frustration POWER Growl POWER Type: Normal * Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Tough/Cute + Perform Damage Pool: Strength + * Damage Pool: - Strength Added Effect : Add 1 Extra Die to Added effect : Reduce the foe’s the Damage pool of this Move for every Strength. Sound Based. 1 missing point on Happiness on the user. A move that relies on how badly a Pokémon has been treated Either by a menacing attitude or cute demeanor, the foe will be to make it vicious and uncaring. unsure about attacking the user with full force. Fury Attack POWER Growth POWER Type: Normal 1 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Strength Special Added effect : Successive Actions. Added effect : Increase the User's 1 Strength and Special. 11 The Pokémon goes at it with everything its got in a rather The Pokémon expands its body, it grows bigger and stronger. disordered way. Fury Swipes POWER Guillotine POWER Type: Normal 1 Type: Normal * Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Accuracy yDamage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Successive Actions. Added Effect: Deal Damage equal to 1 the Target’s Remaining HP, plus 1 Lethal 5 Damage. The user swiflty uses its claws to strike the foe multiple times. The Pokémon uses the sharpest part of its body to almost snap the neck of its foe. It is a devastating attack. The foe must be lucky to get out of it alive. 394
Harden POWER Hidden Power POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal * Accuracy: Vitality + Nature Accuracy: Varies. Damage Pool: - Defense Damage Pool: Varies. Added effect : Increase the User’s Added Effect: The Power and Type of Defense. 1 this Move is decided by the Storyteller. The user stiffens its body and prepares for any incoming Every Pokémon has an unknown power that can be released attack. with surprising results. Head Charge POWER Horn Attack POWER Type: Normal 5 Type: Normal 2 Accuracy: Strength + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Recoil. Added effect : - The Pokémon clashes against the foe using its head as a The Pokémon attacks the foe with its horns, this strike is very boulder. painful. Headbutt POWER Horn Drill POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal * Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Roll 3 Chance Dice to Added Effect: Deal Damage equal to Flinch. May call Random Encounters when the Target’s Remaining HP, plus 1 Lethal 5 hitting trees. Damage. The user strikes the foe with its hard head. Perfect for taking The user stabs the target with a horn used like a drill, the foe down fruits from trees or shake Pokémon out of their nests on is often left in a critical condition. A move to be wary of. treetops. Heal Bell POWER Howl POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Special + Perform Accuracy: Cool + Intimidate Damage Pool: - SCtautrues Damage Pool: - Strength Added effect : Increase the User’s Added effect Strength. 1 suffering from Status Conditions, they don’t need to be on the battlefield to get this effect. Sound Based. The Pokémon chimes a magical bell, legend says the soothing The Pokémon let's out an impressive howl, making it appear a sound has healing properties. lot more menacing. Helping Hand POWER Hyper Beam POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 6 Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: - Priority Damage Pool: Special + 6 Accuracy Added effect : Target Pokémon gets Added effect : Must Recharge. Lethal. 2 Extra Dice on its next Skill, Accuracy 5 1 and Damage Rolls. The Pokémon casts an incredible beam that leaves a giant trail The Pokémon assists an ally. of destruction behind. The user is left exhausted. Together they are stronger. 395
Hyper Fang POWER Leer POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Damage Pool: - Defense Added effect : Roll 1 Chance Dice to Added effect : All Foes in Range. Flinch. Reduce the Defense of those affected. 1 The Pokémon bites hardly into the foe with its powerful fangs. A vicious glare that will make any opponent doubt its own strength in battle. Hyper Voice POWER Lock-On POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Accuracy : Insight + Alert Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: - Added effect : Target All Foes in Added effect : The next attack the Range. Sound Based. user performs has 2 automatic unremovable successes on its Accuracy Roll. The user emits a horrible echoing sound that could burst the The Pokémon’s eyes zoom at a moving target to ensure that ears. the next attack will be dealt with precision. Judgment POWER Lovely Kiss POWER * Type: Normal - Accuracy: Missing Beauty Points + Allure Type: Normal Damage Pool: - Accuracy: Insight + Intimidate Damage Pool: Special + * Added effect Added Effect: Ignore Defenses. This Move is considered to be any Type the user wants. The Pokémon approaches the foe with a kiss. Its ugly face and If something would prevent this Move from awful smooch make the poor creature faint in terror. dealing Damage, ignore it. This Move can’t be Clashed. This Move’s Power and extra Added Effects are decided by the Storyteller. Eventually, everyone gets what they deserve. Laser Focus POWER Lucky Chant POWER Type: Normal Type: Normal - Accuracy: Insight + Alert Accuracy: Special + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added Effect: The next time the Added Effect: User and Allies in range can user lands a hit, it will be treated as it Re-roll one un-successful Die from all their rolls if were a Critical Hit. until the end of the scene. If an opponent would land a Critical Hit, it doesn’t. Out of battle, good things happen at Storyteller’s Discretion. Through its incredible awarenes the Pokémon finds a straight The user chants an incantation to the skies, the beautiful path into a weak point of the foe. The attack that follows is performance grants this Pokémon and its allies divine usually devastating. protection. Last Resort POWER Me First POWER Type: Normal 6 Type: Normal * Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Strength + 6 Damage Pool: Same as copied move +1 Priority Added effect : It can be used only Added effect : Priority. The User after the Pokémon has performed all its copies and uses the Move the target was 1 known moves at least once during the intending to use. It must be a damaging battle. Move. When everything else fails, the Pokémon gives everything in a The user anticipates the next attack so it can hit the target last resort attack. with an. astounding speed. 396
Mean Look POWER Mimic POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Accuracy: Clever + Perform Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added effect : Blocks. Added effect : Copies the last move the target used until the end of the scene, That move replaces Mimic. The Pokémon gives a menacing look that freezes the foe on Making use of its acting talents, the Pokémon imitates what the spot with intense fear. the target just did. Mega Kick POWER Mind Reader POWER Type: Normal 5 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Insight + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 5 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added effect : - Added effect : This Pokémon gets 2 2 automatic successes on the next Accuracy Roll or Evasion Roll against the target. The Pokémon throws a mega powered kick to the foe’s face. The user reads the foe's mind. It knows exactly what to do next. Mega Punch POWER Minimize POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Damage Pool: - Added effect : - Added Effect: The User can now make 1 up to 5 Evasions per Round. The Pokémon throws a mega potent hook towards the foe's The Pokémon compacts its body, appearing smaller than its face. normal size. Metronome POWER Morning Sun POWER Type: Normal * - Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform. Damage Pool: Special + * Type: Normal Added Effect: Roll a die to determine Accuracy: Vitality + Nature this Move’s Power. The appearance and Damage Pool: - Type of this Move are decided by the Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, Storyteller. spend 1 Will point to activate. If Sunny Weather is on effect, this Move becomes a Complete The Pokémon waves its hands with rhythm. The energy Heal. If Rain/Sandstorm Weather is in effect, or around follows the cadence and manifests with an impressive it’s night, or you are indoors/underground this attack Move only heals 1 HP. The sun shines brightly on the Pokémon and makes it feel rejuvenated like early in the morning. Milk Drink POWER Multi-Attack POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 3 Accuracy: Vitality + Nature Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, Added Effect: This Move’s type will spend 1 Will point to activate. always match the User’s first Type. The Pokémon drinks a glass of its own milk, the rich taste and A weird-looking Pokémon charged against its foes, the same nutrients revitalize it. attack released different kinds of energy depending on the disk it was holding. 397
Natural Gift POWER Pay Day POWER Type: Normal 3 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Type: Normal Added effect : User loses its held Accuracy: Dexterity+ Brawl berry. Ranged. See Natural Gift on Damage Pool: Strength + 2 p.432 for more info. Added Effect : Ranged. At the end of the battle give Money to the Trainer Equal The user throws its berry at the foe, the results can be quite to its Rank: surprising. Starter/Beginner - $20.00 Amateur - $50.00 Ace - $75.00 Pro - $100.00 This move grants good fortune, making it more likely to get more money after each battle. Nature Power POWER Perish Song POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Special + Nature Accuracy: Beauty + Perform Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: - Added effect : The type of this move is determined by the environment. See Added effect Nature Power P. 432 for more info. Pokémon who heard the song is not removed from battle, it will receive its remaining HP as damage. The Pokémons makes use of the terrain and asks the nature A song of mourning and despair that resonates on the minds for aid in battle. of anyone who listens. Makes you feel like you are on your death bed. Noble Roar POWER Play Nice POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate accuracy: Cute + Allure Damage Pool: - Strength Special Damage Pool: - Strength Added effect : Reduce the foe's Added effect: Reduce the foe’s Strength and Special. 11 Strength. 1 The Pokémon makes a roar that commands respect and The user starts playing with the foe in a friendly way. This authority over anyone listening. makes the foe reconsider its aggressive demeanor. Odor Sleuth POWER Pound POWER - Type: Normal 2 Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Type: Normal Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Accuracy: Insight + Alert Added effect : - Damage Pool: - Added Effect : The Foe cannot Evade A decent hit to smash the foes. Moves performed by the User. User Ignores Ghost-Type immunity to Normal-Type Moves and vice versa. Out of battle, Add successes of this Move to any rolls for Tracking targets. The Pokémon uses its keen smell to detect the foe. Pain Split POWER Present POWER - Type: Normal * Accuracy: Cute + Allure Type: Normal Damage Pool: - Accuracy Added effect : Roll dice with a 50-50 Accuracy: Will + Channel chance of dealing 2 set damage to the 1 Damage Pool: - target or recovering 2 HP to the target. Added Effect: The user gives its Pain Penalizations to the foe. User ignores Pain The user approaches its foe and gives it a lovely present that Penalization effects on itself. Foe cannot may be nice or may be a prank. ignore them with Will, but can still ignore its own Pain Penalizations. HP on both remains the same. The user shares its pain with the foe. After a short while it becomes excruciating for the target. 398
Protect POWER Razor Wind POWER - Type: Normal 3 Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel Type: Normal Priority Damage Pool: Special + 3 Accuracy: Will + Channel Added effect : High Critical. All Foes Damage Pool: - 5 in Range. Charge. Added Effect : Priority. Shield Move. Reduce 3 Damage This Pokémon would receive from a Damaging Move. Negate the effects of Support Moves that target the user. Reduce to zero the set damage from a Move the user would take. The user creates an energy shield to deflect a blow. A sharp wind current is unleashed against anyone standing Some Pokémon may even perform an amazing parry to block against this Pokémon. the incoming attack. Psych Up POWER Recover POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal - Accuracy: Insight + Channel Accuracy: Special + Nature Damage Pool: - Damage Pool: - Added effect : Copy the Target' Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. Modifiers and keep them until the end of the scene. The Pokémon mentalizes itself stronger than anyone. The Pokémon concentrates on restoring its own cells faster They feel good. They can win. They. Can. Do. This. than anything imaginable. Quick Attack POWER Recycle POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Vitality + Nature Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Priority Damage Pool: - Added effect : Priority. Double the Added effect : The Pokémon reuses Pokémon’s movement speed. 1 etc.) An Item may not be recycled more An attack as fast as lightning. than 5 times. One Pokémon's trash is another one's treasure. Rage POWER Reflect Type POWER Type: Normal 1 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 1 Strength Damage Pool: - Added Effect: If the user receives Added effect : The Pokémon is now Damage after using this Move, Increase 1 user Strength. This Effect can stack up to 3 times. The user gets angry and throws a tantrum at the foe. If the The Pokémon appears to change its own physiology. This attacker keeps on fighting, it will make the user rage even effect changes the Type of the user to match another harder. Pokémon in sight. Rapid Spin POWER Refresh POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Accuracy: Will + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Dexterity Damage Pool: - Added Effect: Remove Entry Added effect : The user cures itself from Hazards (Spikes, Stealth Rock, etc.) and 1 Poison, Burn or Paralysis. Leech seed from the user’s side of the field. Increase user’s Dexterity, The Pokémon spins swiflty to strike the foe, anything near will The Pokémon takes a few seconds to cool down and get back be scattered around. in the game. 399
Relic Song POWER Rock Climb POWER Type: Normal 2 Type: Normal 3 Accuracy: Special + Perform Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: Special + 2 Damage Pool: Strength + 3 Accuracy Added Effect: Sound Based. Added effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to Roll 1 Die to put the foe to Sleep. Confuse the foe. Outside of battle, it may 2 If successful, the User may choose to be used to climb with ease. change its form afterwards. The user sings and dances to a melody so beautiful you The user climbs on top of the foe. This may be confusing for won’t notice you were crying while listening to it. some Pokémon. Retaliate POWER Round POWER Type: Normal 3* Type: Normal 2* Accuracy: Dexterity+ Brawl Accuracy: Special + Perform Damage Pool: Strength + 3* Damage Pool: Special + 2* Added Effect : If an Ally fainted in this Added Effect: If the user and an ally or the previous Round, add 3 Extra Dice to are able to use Round. Both may choose the Damge pool. This effect can only be to do it at the same time. If they do, add used once per Ally. 3 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool of both Pokémon. A powerful attack. It will be even stronger if the user just The user attacks the foe with a song, if a teammate joins the suffered a great loss. song the attack will be stronger. Return POWER Safeguard POWER Type: Normal * Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity+ Brawl Accuracy: Special + Channel Damage Pool: Strength + * Damage Pool: - Added Effect : Add 1 Extra Die to the Added Effect: For the next 4 Rounds Damage pool of this Move for every point User an Allies are immune to Status Ail- of Happiness on the user. ments (Paralysis, Burn, Poison, Freeze, Sleep). Staus Ailments previously inflicted remain. If the Pokémon is treated with care and love, it will return that The Pokémon creates an energy shield that protects everyone affection by giving all it’s got in battle. from harm. Revelation Dance POWER Scary Face POWER Type: Normal 3 Type: Normal - Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Damage Pool: Special + 3 Damage Pool: - Dexterity Added Effect: This Move’s Type will Added effect : Reduce the foe’s change to match the User’s first Type. Dexterity. 2 The Pokémon performs a dance, the dance’s energy influences By making a frightening face, the Pokémon makes others the Type of this Move. think twice about coming near. Roar POWER Scratch POWER Type: Normal - Type: Normal 2 Accuracy: Tough + Intimidate Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl Damage Pool: - Priority Damage Pool: Strength + 2 Added effect : Low Priority. In the wild Added effect : - the battle ends, in an official fight, the 6 Pokémon switches out, if its the last or only Pokémon the move fails. The Pokémon uses its sharp claws to scratch the enemy. Switcher Move. A mighty roar that scares the foe. 400
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