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Dealership NOVEMBER 2016 TM A David Lewis & Associates PublicationTailoring your Structured Sales Process How to Sell Cars for the Holidays?Christmas is for Selling Accessories Getting Referrals in a Digital Age

Publisher’s Note Dealership TM Message from David A David Lewis & Associates Publication November is the start of the winter NOVEMBER 2016 holiday season and it’s a great time to take advantage of what PUBLISHER Thanksgiving and Christmas can do for David Lewis your business. The old idea that this time of the year is the worst for selling [email protected] cars is not something that should be a part of your equation. Many dealerships GRAPHIC COORDINATOR and salespeople do fantastic during this Brian Smith season because they treat it with a specialapproach that makes things happen. [email protected] one, the holidays give you good a reason to contact your previous SALES DIRECTORCustomers and thank them for doing business with you. People love to Mary Mannellaknow they are appreciated and you may just jog their thoughts if theyare at all in the market for a new car, or if they want to bless themselves [email protected] a family member with a nice holiday present of a new vehicle. TRAINING LIAISONBut, don’t just make it a friendly Thanksgiving or Christmas card and Priscilla Youngleave it at that. Let them know that this is a great time to buy a car andthere are special opportunities that come with the end of the year. Be [email protected] and find ways to incentivize them for coming in to see whatyou have to offer. CIRCULATION / SUBSCRIPTIONS Jennifer PotterMany college students will be home for the Christmas Season and itcan be a good time to encourage parents who may want to get them a [email protected] or used car to take back to school with them. You may be brokespending all of your money on Christmas and the holidays, but that CONTRIBUTING WRITERSdoesn’t mean they are. Sometimes just asking can make a difference. Dino DeLucaHow many cars are sold just by making the right suggestion at the righttime to the right people? [email protected] is also a good time to consider boosting your capabilities and skills Becky Nixonfor this business. Our 3 DLA Training Centers and Online Courses aregoing year round and if you want to get some additional training now’s [email protected] good time to think about that as well. Whether you are in Sales,Service, F&I or Management, we have specific training geared to take Brian Shermanyou to the next level in your career. Take some time to check out ourroster of courses on the website. It is never a bad time to ‘up your [email protected]’ in the career you have chosen in retail automotive. Bill TaylorAll in all, November and December are great months to pay specialattention to every Customer and do some creative prospecting. You [email protected] be surprised what you can stir up in the way of Customers, bothnew and old alike. Make sure you don’t fall into the comfort zone Dealership OverDrive magazine makes every attempt tothat sometimes comes at this time of year where you rely on historical ensure the accuracy of all published material. However itnorms to decide how things are going to go. It’s a good time to shake cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or factsyourself by the collar and remind yourself, “If it’s going to be it’s up to me.” supplied herein. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. AllYou still have two months left in the year and there’s no telling what rights reserved. The publisher encourages you to submitcan happen if you shake the bushes and stir things up. That’s especially suggestions. Submitted materials become the property oftrue if you realize that so many salespeople will be cruising at this David Lewis & Associates, Inc. and will not be returned. Sendtime so you can probably pass everybody else if you are the one that’s material for publication to 10 Suntree Place, Melbourne,hitting the gas pedal. FL 32940. The editor reserves the right to edit material; submission of material constitutes permission to editGo for it! and publish that material. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regardDavid Lewis - President, David Lewis & Associates, Inc. to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering2 Dealership OverDrive legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.

contents 4 Tailoring your Structured Sales Process 7 How to Sell Cars for the Holidays? 10 How Much Is One Customer Worth? 13 Christmas is for Selling Accessories 16 Professional Salesperson: What Does It Mean? 20 Getting Referrals in a Digital Age 24 New Innovations In Automotive Seating 26 Infamous Criminals and the Cars They Dealership OverDrive 3

Tailoringyour StructuredSales ProcessHaving a Structured Sales Process is tactics for selling cars that are based on the best definitely the way that most true practices in the industry. The many testimonies professionals operate in this business. we receive from former students telling us of theirNearly every car dealership today either sends newfound success let us know that these thingstheir new hires out for training or has some “Steps really work if they are put into the Sale” process they use to train them to usethe preferred method of their Sales Manager. There is however, an important step that makes the best training practices even better, and thatOur DLA Sales Training courses offer proven is when they are personalized to fit the one who4 Dealership OverDrive

is doing the selling. It cannot be overstated how the car business usually include Pressure andimportant someone’s unique personality plays such Manipulation and a negative view of the important part in the sales process. Learning It is imperative that you totally eliminate thesehow to mesh dynamic selling principles with your from your sales process. If you don’t they willunique personality and incorporate them into your come back to bite you and, in many cases, keeppresentation is absolutely critical key for making you from developing a loyal base of Customersan inspiring sales presentation. who come to you over and over again when they are in the market for a car.Too often, people think anyone with the gift of gabcould make a good salesperson. That may be true Negative tactics like ‘Trial Closes’ and ‘Todaywith people who are just slick talking shysters Only Deals’ are the things that have given us thewho overwhelm their Customers with fast jive bad reputation we have in the public marketplace.and big promises, but true salesmanship is as They should be left behind forever to go the wayprofessional as anything gets. The better someone of the Traveling Medicine Shows of the at inspiring their Customers and making the case They may be fun to watch in a Wild West moviefor their products, the more successful they will be but they hurt customers and reinforce the badin the long run of a great career. reputation car salespeople have in the public view.People buy products because they need them Often the perception some customers have ofor want them. People buy from a professional our business causes them to drop obstacles andbecause they LIKE them. They don’t usually objections on us as defensive mechanisms tosuffer Buyer’s Remorse after the sale because they maintain control of their own decision making.weren’t pressured into something they didn’t really The best way to respond to such things is to havewant or need. Learning how to personalize your your own relatable scripted replies or word trackssales process requires a solid grasp of the right that are part of your own experience and have beensteps and a solid connection with the Customer. internalized so that they are natural and logical.You must learn to read their body language and Scripting out the kinds of responses that showfacial expressions while LISTENING intently to empathy to the Customer can often make a bigwhat it is they are trying to accomplish. If they difference in easing their defensiveness andlike you they will not take a defensive posture and opening them up to your sales process.will allow you to genuinely help them with theirshopping process. Having a well structured process can keep you on track so that things like this won’t get you offEmpathy is an important key for connecting with center when you must deal with them. You shoulda Customer. Placing yourself in the Customers always be prepared to respond to the Customer in ashoes is often the best way to understand what natural way when they have questions or concernsthey might be feeling and why they feel that and, after you have done that, flow right back intoway. When Customers are defensive it isn’t just the next step of your process to keep things goingsomething they do, it is connected to a specific in the right direction.perception they have, a past experience that wasnegative or it may be just fear of loss when facing The structure is not there so you can be mechanicalsomeone who is a professional in sales. By asking like a robot but because each step plays anyourself how you would feel or have felt in similar important part of the sales process. When somethingcircumstances you can access genuine empathy is left out or unnecessarily bypassed it can depriveand respond in the proper manner. the Customer of the full benefit of what you have to offer.The methods that have been used for so long Dealership OverDrive 5

HOW TO INCREASE YOURDEALERSHIP PROFITS BY$50,000+ PER MONTH FOR DEALERS & GM’S ONLY! NOVEMBER 10, 2016 • 9AM - 5PM at the DLA King of Prussia Training Center Areas That Will Be Covered: SALES • F&I • BDC • FIXED OPS • EXPENSE CONTROL STAFF RETENTION • REVENUE GROWTH “Since signing up with David Lewis & Associates Training, our profits have doubled. Our results have been beyond belief. Our volume is up over 60%, our profits have doubled and my staff loves the sales process we learned from David and his Trainers.” Scott Casebeer, Dealer – Capital Auto GroupTaugbhytDeaxvcildusLievweilsy To reserve your spot for this informative event, call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or email her at [email protected]

How toSell Carsfor theHolidays?Most online car buying consultants will Selling cars during the Thanksgiving and Christmas tell you the best time to get a great deal holiday season is really a mindset more than on a car is during the last couple of anything else. You must be willing to do thingsweeks in December. There are a lot of reasons that others are not doing and make the extrathey give for this, but suffice it to say, the dealers effort to come up with ways to show theare eager to close out the year with a bang and Customers some real benefits for buying. Here’sthe manufacturer’s support that idea by offering something to think about: if consultants andspecial bonuses for dealerships that can move the automotive websites are pushing the season asremaining current year models before the New the best time to get a deal, then buyers will be outYear starts. Historically, auto manufacturers there looking for deals. In most cases, they willspend hundreds of millions promoting Christmas be supported by financial institutions eager to doads for year-end sales that start around the third business during the holidays as well.week of November and continue through thefirst week in January. Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 7

How to Sell Cars for the Holidays?, continuedWe all know about the Thanksgiving and Black who have bought there in the past and give them aFriday Sales with long lines, eager shoppers good reason for coming back now for the holidays.camping outside of department stores and all the Create a special coupon or gift card that can beother insane things people will do to catch a good used to give them a special discount during thedeal. If you have never been to one of those it can Holidays and make it something that is reallybe like a feeding frenzy. The stores heighten the special and only for previous Customers. Peopleanticipation by offering prices that can sometimes love to be appreciated and that is one way to showbe almost unbelievable. People love good deals you are still grateful for their past business.and this shows how much they will go out of theirway to get them and stretch their budgets if it can With Christmas coming, there is a lot to think aboutsave them some money. in the way of preparing something special for holiday shoppers. Creativity is the name of theHere’s the good news about that for car dealerships. game and if you want to move your inventory toThanksgiving car sales are becoming more and close out the year in a big way, you should try tomore popular these days and the sooner you start get the ball rolling right after Thanksgiving. Lotspreparing to get your share of the business, the of people buy cars as gifts for family and othersbetter. A lot of people will begin their shopping during the Christmas season. According toprocess online by referencing automotive websites Oregon-based CNW Marketing Research, morefor ideas and visiting websites of dealerships in than 17,000 new cars and 41,890 used vehiclestheir area to see what specials they are running. were given as gifts in 2010 alone.This tends to be more convenient for them and itmeans that car dealerships will probably see a lot That is quite a lot of sales when you think of it. Itmore traffic over the entire Thanksgiving weekend. is also a good reason for contacting prospectiveThis kind of shopping preparation should play a Customers to see if they have anything like thatbig part in driving the November car sales this year. in mind themselves. But, don’t wait until the last minute as there are certain things that must beSome Dealerships opt to take their cars to the done first. If you want to offer car gifting as apeople on the winter holidays, especially in states suggestion, you also want to let them know whatwhere the weather is conducive for an outside is required by their state as far as the title, finance‘Holiday Sale’ event. For salespeople, it’s a great and insurance is concerned. Waiting too long toopportunity if they really know how to take have that information can frustrate someone outadvantage of the moment. They should look the of doing it altogether.part and make sure they are putting on their bestholiday face for those who come to the event. So, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, nowThough some salespeople don’t like to leave the is the time to start putting your plan together. I’mcomfort zone of the dealership and can be pretty sure your Management team is already workingcrabby when these kinds of events come up, don’t on the dealership plan, but how about you. If yoube one of them. Make it fun and make it a holiday are a salesperson you need your own strategyevent full of excitement, celebration and all the for parlaying these special days into a win/wintrimmings. Don’t forget, buying a car is often an situation for you and your Customers.emotion driven experience and emotions usuallyrun very high during these particular holidays. Don’t wait until the last minute to figure out what you want to do to separate you from the competition.The pre-holiday season is a good time to start Get started now and you can turn the holidays intoputting a bug in the ear of your past Customers. a great time for making extra money for the thingsOne way to do that is to have a Customer Loyalty you want to do to make the Christmas season evenSale. Promote specials to previous Customers better for you and your family as well.8 Dealership OverDrive

Grow Your Bottom LineF&AdIvCaonucersdes For today’s business manager who wants to continue their education through highly developed F&I concepts. Please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at:

How Much Is OneCustomer Worth?At David Lewis and Associates we often lifetime. Of course, some cars are passed down use the term ‘Customer for Life’ as a from family members, inherited, or gifted by way to justify our opposition to the way someone else or some organization at no cost topressure is often used to sell cars. In other words, the owner. To factor that in I will use 10 insteadif pressure is used to sell a car and the buyer of 12 as our average number of cars purchasedchooses to shop somewhere else the next time per individual.they buy, for the salesperson who sold that carthe Customer is worth the commission they AutoNation is currently the largest dealership inreceived on that single sale and no more. the U.S. with 269 new and used car franchises of both foreign and domestic brands operating inEvaluating how much a Customer is really worth 2015. In 2012, AutoNation sold approximatelyis not as difficult as it may seem if we take a 280,000 new cars with an average profit of $2,160simple logical approach like this and use known per car. The profit was probably $1,600 to $1,800averages to follow our process to its logical end. per car on each unit sold which calculates to an average new car commission of $400-500. ForFor instance, the average person living in the the sake of avoiding exaggeration, we will useUnited States will own about 12 cars in their the lower figure of $400 as our average.10 Dealership OverDrive

By now, the reader can probably already see salesperson. That isn’t counting the bonuses theywhere I’m headed with this. A car salesperson made from how those sales affected reaching theirwho manages to satisfy his or her customers and monthly sales quotas throughout their career. Norkeep them as loyal buyers for even half of the does it figure in used car sales, which are usuallycars they purchase will earn a lot more money more profitable in commissions to a salesperson.per Customer than one who has a history ofdissatisfied Customers that only buy 1 car from Now, let’s look at another reality affecting thethem and move on to another salesperson the salesperson who follows ethical practices andnext time they purchase a vehicle. satisfies their customers who then become loyal multiple vehicle buyers. Every dealership has atNow, let’s take things a little further. The average least one of those working in their sales staff. Ifcouple in America has around 3.25 children in you have been around long enough to notice,their lifetime. If each one of those children grows they usually spend less time chasing down newup and purchases the average number of vehicles customers every day and more time writing dealsover the span their lifetime, that’s just over 30 for the loyal customers they already, not including the children they will raiseand the vehicles they will purchase. How many less miles of walking the lot does that equate to over a 30 year career? That’s a little bitAs you can see, the value of one Customer grows more involved for an article of this kind but youexponentially over time and, if they happen to get the picture I’m sure.have a favorite car Salesperson who handles halfof the parents’ purchases and even a third of those So, let me save you all that calculating of timesold to their children, using $400 as the average and money so you don’t wake up at 2:00 am incommission that totals about $6,400 in value that the morning screaming at the top of your lungsone Customer brings to the Salesperson. That isn’t throwing darts at a picture of David Lewis:even counting the money made on their trade-ins ifthey are sold by the same salesperson, the bonuses Suffice it to say, there is a lot more money to bethey make or the referrals given for the friends and made and a lot less energy to be spent if you focusneighbors who end up purchasing a car from the you career on winning loyal customers rather thansame salesperson. having to find new ones to sell to every day. And the best way to have this happen in your careerThrow all of those figures together and use the depends totally on how you treat the very nextsame process on each potential referral and the customer you talk to.number becomes a long running stream ofcommissions paid throughout the life of that one Have a great day! Dealership OverDrive 11

Dealership Sales, Service and Management TrainingIt’s time to take charge of your Dealershipand provide professional real-worldtraining to your most valuable asset... Your People!FACT The nation’s highest volume dealerships provide on-going sales and management training to their entire staff.FACT You spend 20 times more on advertising than you do on professional training, why?FACT If you don’t make a change today and start training your people, they will eventually leave and so will your customers.FACT Your total solution to sales and management training is just a phone call away. We can help you get the deals and profits your dealership deserves.FACT The sooner you call, the quicker we can get started providing world-class training to your staff. . .3 Convenient Training OptionsIn-House Training Online Training DLA Training Centers Philadelphia - NY/NJ Metro - Pittsburgh CELEBRATING 1986 2016 30 YEARSFor information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at: www.davidlewis.com12 Dealership OverDrive

Christmas is forSelling AccessoriesThere are so many great accessories on or someone else a new vehicle to put under their the market for cars and trucks today it has tree. When it comes to up-selling accessories become a five billion dollar annual industry during the car sales process you don’t want to doin America. This doesn’t mean that accessories it until they’ve already agreed to buy the vehiclewill sell themselves, but it certainly isn’t something and settled on the price. But, neither do you wantthe salesperson or service advisor wants to get to wait until they have already been to the financeaggressive about either. They key to selling office before you start introducing the idea ofaccessories is all in the presentation. Knowing additional accessories. When people leave F&Ihow and when to present them to the Customer after signing the papers, they usually want to drivefor the best chance of success is an important part off in their new vehicle and don’t want to hearof the process. about spending any more money at that point. Trying to sell them on accessories after the fact isChristmas is a great time for selling accessories; not usually a winning way to approach the subject.especially to someone who is getting themselves Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 13

Christmas is for Selling Accessories, continuedAccessories are things that need to be shown rather than hearing.than talked about or just explained from a catalogor price list. You really want your customer to Don’t wait for the Customer to ask about what yousee what their vehicle would look like with the have. Put them on display in your service loungeaccessories you are trying to sell. Maybe a set of and showroom. Make sure that all the salespeoplereally snazzy wheels or a bed liner, running boards and advisors know what is available and how toor grill cover for their new truck. If you can let demonstrate to Customers the benefits they havethem see what it will look like with those items to offer.already installed it can make a big difference intheir willingness to step up and buy them. Christmas is a great time for selling accessories but you want to start planning for it now. Don’tElectronics are great accessory items that make wait for the middle of December to start thinkingwonderful Christmas gifts. Upgrading the stereo about what you want to do. Get a plan and putsystem or adding a mobile video camera system or it into action and you should be able to add aGPS tracking device to models that don’t normally substantial increase to your year-end revenueshave them in their option packages can be very just through the sale of accessories alone.appealing to Customers as well. These can beexceptional offerings for new or used car And, for those salespeople wanting to sellaccessories and can add certain features the accessories, make sure you present them beforeCustomer might want without having to purchase the customer goes into F&I and let them knowa whole option package that includes things they they can add them to the deal if they are financingare not interested in buying. the vehicle. In most cases, it won’t make much of a difference in their monthly payment but itRun a Christmas accessory sale from your service can certainly make a big difference in the vehicledepartment and contact all of your previous and how much more they will appreciate drivingCustomers as well to let them know what you have it with these additional accessories as part ofto offer. People are looking for good gift ideas the package.for family and friends. What young personwouldn’t want some sporty wheels or fancy bodyaccessories to go with the car they are driving ifthey were to get them as a Christmas gift?Hands free Blue Tooth items are big today asthey allow drivers to keep their hands on thewheel while they use their car phone. There isa big market for these where drivers are allowedto use them but most customers won’t know aboutthem unless they are told they can be installedas accessories.There is a lot of revenue to be made selling www.davidlewis.comaccessories during the Christmas season butyou have to make the effort if you want to besuccessful at it. Set up your Service Lounge asa holiday showcase where customers can seewhat is available and visualize what these itemscould do to improve their vehicle appearanceand/or function. In this business seeing is better14 Dealership OverDrive

The DLA Training Centers are your one-stop trainingfacility for the entire Dealership! Hundreds of students go through our doors monthly. Are you one of them?If not, become a member and join today!When you think Training, Think DLA!w22ww.davDidelaelwerish.ciopmOverDriveDealershwipwOwv.dearDvirdivlewis.co12m5

ProfessionalSalesperson:What Does It Mean?If someone took the time to research the root at their career in a similar way, taking a vow of meaning for the word “Professional,” they sorts to dress and carry themselves in a way that would find it was first used in the 15th century said “Professional” to the customers they describe someone going into the Priesthood or Until the last 20 years or so, most new carsome sort of religious order. The word ‘profess’ salespeople would wear a suit or at least a shirtinitially was used to describe taking a vow of sorts and tie and dress immaculately as a sign of respectto follow certain rules, disciplines and a certain for their customers and as part of recognizing thatmoral lifestyle and behavior. Later, in the 1800’s, they were in a profession that called for a certainthe noun “Professional” began to take on its quality of style and appearance. Unless you knewcurrent secular meaning of “one who makes a what they did for a living, many could have beenprofession or business of any occupation.” taken for bank managers, stock brokers or some other profession that would have required thatIn reality, professional car salespeople used to look type of appearance.16 Dealership OverDrive

Today however, many of the proprieties of the past Dealership OverDrive 17have been set aside and not as many salespeopletake those things into consideration like they oncedid. Right or wrong, that’s the way things go andit’s not uncommon to find car salespeople todaydressing more business casual with nice polo shirtsand a less formal appearance altogether. Part ofthat is because there are so many variations andtypes of cars being sold and not all of them servecustomers that would demand or even expectthat kind of style from the salespeople who servethem. That’s not to say that there isn’t a place fordressing extremely well, but in most cases youwill only find that being the standard at high leveldealerships selling luxury cars to buyers with veryexpensive taste.There are however some professional standardsthat must never change and it is important to keepthat in mind if you plan to have a successful careerin this business. People still want to be respectedand they should be treated as valuable assets sincethey are the ones who ultimately pay our check bythe purchases they make.Honesty Is Always the Best PolicyTrue professionals rely on honesty as a primarydisplay of integrity and respect for their customers.You don’t have to lie or exaggerate unnecessarilyto sell cars. The old line about a used car being “aone owner only driven by an old lady to churchand back” certainly does no one any goodincluding the salesperson. Lying to customers is asign of disregard at the highest level and it is oneof the reasons buyers give for why car salespeopleare often held in contempt by the public.Professionals don’t need to lie to sell cars. Theywant their customers to come back again and theywant the service they provide and the vehicles theysell to meet and exceed customer expectations.Pressure and Manipulation Are Not the Sameas PersuasionSelling is an act of persuasion and there is nothingwrong with that. But, using pressure and falsehoodto intimidate or manipulate Customers is a

different matter and should never be a part of a They are trying to build a customer base that willsales presentation. Nor should it be encouraged or follow them throughout their career and will yieldallowed by a dealer organization or management a good living for them along the way. That is thethat truly wants to serve their customers well. way all of us should view the careers we have and the customers who make us successful. We wantThe Greek philosopher Aristotle held that there the best for ourselves and we should want the bestare three modes of persuasion which are furnished for those who buy our the person speaking and the words used whenthey speak: Professionals Never Stop Learning and Advancing Their Skills“Persuasion is achieved by the speaker’s personalcharacter when the speech is so spoken as to make You are what you eat and when you stop eatingus think him credible.” you stop growing. It is the same with the skills and abilities you adapt to become a Master of“Secondly, persuasion may come through the your trade and a True Professional. David Lewishearers, when the speech stirs their emotions.” and Associates came into existence in 1986 as a result of seeing the need for a new way to do this“Thirdly, persuasion is affected through the speech business. A new way to earn a fantasticitself when we have proved a truth or an apparent living while maintaining the integrity andtruth by means of the persuasive arguments suitable professionalism that customers deserve fromto the case in question.” those who serve them.This was the brilliant mans description of the art Ethics, honesty, integrity and exceptional serviceand value of persuasion which he included in is what we teach in all of our training courses andwriting on ‘Ethics’ in 350 BC. It still stands today our students continue to tell us how much they valueas a valuable model of how we should deal with what they have learned and how it has helped themour hearers, and for us, our customers. in their career. There can be nothing more precious to a teacher than to know that what they teach isWhen you treat people honorably by speaking having a positive benefit on their students. Wetruthfully and persuasively they will usually always look forward to hearing how well thosereturn the respect and place value on what you who follow our methods and principles are doinghave to say. in their business. It is the thing that continues to drive us forward in our search for excellence.True Professionals Have a Long Term View oftheir Career So, what does it mean to you to be a professional in this business? Do these things strike a chordThe fact that most shoppers think we only care with you and give you the desire to move yourabout selling them a car today is backed up by the career to the next level? If so, I hope you willfact that many who sell cars for a living “only care contact us and let us know how we can help raiseabout selling them a car today!” Like it or not, it the level of your success in the retail automotiveis the common perception that most people have business. Our goal has always been to helpof our business and, in many cases, it doesn’t take to raise the level of professionalism in the carmore than a visit to a car dealership during the business and to teach Quality Customer Serviceshopping process to reinforce that opinion. as the means to achieve that goal.Professional car salespeople care about themselves If this is something you desire in your own careeras well as their Customers and are not willing to please contact us at 1-800-374-3314 or email ussell out their integrity just to make a deal today. at [email protected] Dealership OverDrive

Internet/BDC TrainingThis complete program for both internet and inbound phone leads. Expert Training from the initial contact with your customer through long term ongoing sold and unsold customer follow-up. Everything starts with the customerFor information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. or visit us at: Dealership OverDrive 19

Getting Referrals in a Digital AgeIf you are someone who works in sales, yet themselves a sales pro ― fear of rejection is a finds prospecting and asking for referrals to powerful force that often keeps salespeople from be one of your most difficult tasks, you may asking for referrals as a regular part of their dailyhave a new friend in this digital age of the Internet. business process. Mastering prospecting andWhere once the all powerful resume and business referrals is often considered the ‘Holy Grail’ thatcard were seen as the standard method of only a few sales experts ever really conquer. Inintroducing yourself and your expertise, social truth though, it is certainly the most practical thingmedia is now taking its place as the ice-breaker to do if you want to connect with someone youof the modern business introduction. don’t know who knows someone you do know.Asking for referrals would of course be easier if According to a recent New York Times article, 65it wasn’t for the reality many of us face with the percent of all new business comes from referrals,fear of rejection. Though sometimes hard to admit and nearly two-thirds of today’s consumers maketo ― especially by someone who considers20 Dealership OverDrive

buying choices based on the recommendations of have any downside when used properly and in apeople they know and trust. The “know and trust” non-aggressive manner. Sure, there is a potentialpart of that assessment is what makes social to get rejected if you get too pushy or expect moremedia such a great place for getting referrals. than you should from such a broad based platform,On Facebook for instance, knowing and trusting and of course there’s the occasional nut cake thatsomeone doesn’t necessarily mean you have ever shows up who complains about everything andmet that person. Many times it just means they everyone. But, it still provides a great location forbecome “Friends” via referral by another friend connecting with someone and letting them knowor colleague. what you do and what you have to offer.Well, isn’t that the preferred source of a referral What digital media offers is the ease of use itanyway? provides and the clear understanding that most people today stay connected in some way orPlatforms like LinkedIn provide a networking another on an almost constant basis. This meansplatform for business professionals to connect with that the ability to make a connection on at leastothers who may need their services or expertise. some level is as easy as joining a social mediaNow available in 24 languages and having over platform and learning how to use it properly or400 million registered users, LinkedIn is a great being invited into it by someone who knowsreferral resource to connect with potential what you are trying to achieve and how best tobusiness prospects. accomplish it.Of course, for referrals you would think that a So what does all this mean to you and what dodirect messaging service like Instant Messenger, you need to do to get started reaping the benefitsSlickText, Sumotext or even Google+ would be for your efforts to gain good referrals?the most reliable and most effective. However,depending on what you are trying to promote To start with I would recommend that you setand whether it is a one-on-one connection you yourself up a LinkedIn Account. It’s free and easyare trying to gain, other platforms might work to use and you can do this at better. When you first arrive on their website you will immediately be offered a “Sign Up” form that isHow common is it today for someone to ask if simple and easy to are a Facebook user? Avoiding the lecturesthat often accompany someone who finds out you Once you are signed up and have an account, youaren’t connected might be harder than just making can connect with others you may know by doingthe effort and signing up. Yes, it can be challenging a simple search for their name. You may alreadyand time consuming to keep up with what is have people who tried to connect with you beforeconsidered normal usage by some who are heavy on LinkedIn and if they did that they are liable topromoters of the site. But the potential for getting come up immediately on your screen with a datereferrals and introductions from your network of when they tried to send you a message.friends is almost too easy, and most people are notat all uncomfortable with sharing that information Once you have completed filling out yourif there is a potential benefit for themselves or professional profile you may start receivingsomeone in their network of Facebook friends. messages from other members who are interested in buying a vehicle. The more likely scenarioThe fact of the matter is that social media is though is you will just start getting messages fromprobably the most valuable resource available people who want to connect with you on LinkedIntoday for ice-breaker contacts that doesn’t and you can start building your networking Continued on next page Dealership OverDrive 21

Getting Referrals in a Digital Age, continued your dealership, or the way they have been serviced. Don’t take that as rejection, but rather asby accepting them as friends. Be creative and take an opportunity to correct the problem and regainthe time to build a good profile. Over time it can their confidence in you as a car salesperson.really pay off as you learn how to use the site forreferrals and connections.Facebook is also a great place for referrals if you Remember, you’re not there to push yourselflearn how to participate in conversations with on anyone. Let it happen naturally but make surethose who become friends with you there. Take people know that you are in the business andthe time to search out people you know and send will help them in any way you can if they have athem friend requests so you can begin building transportation need.your network of Facebook friends. You don’t needto live on the site to get the benefits it offers, but Well, that’s how it works in a nutshell. Byyou do want to get involved with conversations taking a little time to learn how to use today’sso people start finding out what you do. Avoid technologies and the Internet for getting referralsthe temptation to get into aggressive promoting and prospecting, you may open up a whole newor selling on your personal FB page. network of resources that you never knew were out there to be found. If you are someone who avoidsTry to find your previous Customers by name and getting involved with new technologies, you mightsend them a ‘Friend’ request. Before you know it ask yourself “why?” Settle the fact that it’s thethey will be letting their friends know about you future and it’s going to get even more important asand you may start getting referrals through the time moves on. Take the time to get this resourceones who know someone looking for a car. But, working for you and you won’t regret any effort orbe aware, there’s a downside if people you dealt expense it required to move yourself into the newwith before were not happy with their vehicle, ‘Digital Age.’22 Dealership OverDrive “This beauty just came in, it’s a repo.”

DLA Salespeople, Internet/BDC, Service Advisors and Administrative staffRECRUITINGSuccess has two ingredients:People and Training.DLA gives you both!For information, please call Mary Mannella at Dealership OverDrive 23800w-w37w.4d-a3v3id1le4wies.xcotm. 215 or visit us at:

NEW INNOVATAIOUNTSOThis coming July 25th, automotive room” atmosphere complete with entertainment manufacturing representatives from around for children through the use of 2nd and 3rd row the world will gather to attend the ‘10th seating and advanced telematics systems. TheAnnual Automotive Seating Innovations Summit’ science of telematics is where telecommunicationsin Detroit. This three-day event is a high and information processing converge to enablepriority for those who design and create seating for functions like GPS Navigation, hands-free cellthe vehicles your customers sit in, and those that phones, wireless communications and automaticwill grace the cars you will sell them in the future. driving assistance systems for emergency navigation. This probably includes seatingUnlike a typical automotive event for the public, for driverless cars, which makes sense sincethis is not a summit for people who want to try out someone has to drive if everyone is sitting inthe latest car seats to see what they will feel like. the vehicles living room playing video gamesIt is, in fact, a high level event with attendance or watching movies.prices ranging from $2k to $3,500. So, just in caseyou decide you want to attend, plan to bring your Seriously though, auto manufacturers are alreadyPlatinum or Gold Credit cards along as it will get beginning to explore the potential for installingquite pricey for sure. some very sophisticated new features in automobiles of the future. Things like seat sensorsAdvances introduced in previous conferences have that can provide medical monitoring and advancedalready been changing the functions of automobile safety features including EKGs and devicesseating in the areas of luxury and smart for monitoring driver fatigue and enabling seattechnologies. New designs and functions will vibrations to alert the driver of safety hazards likeinclude such advances as creating a family “living drifting into another lane. Though Gen Y drivers24 Dealership OverDrive

Tucker:SOMINOTIVE SEATINGThe Dreamer and His Carsdemand advanced electronics and luxury styling, designers and local regulations, this will continueOEM’s are not ignoring the challenges older to challenge the industry as it ushers in the nextdrivers face in the way of physical limitations, wave of seating innovation.seating height and roadway visibility. Thisincludes the ease of vehicle entry/exit, and the Of course, for American soccer mom’s there willability seniors or disabled drivers will have to still be a lot of unanswered questions that willreach instruments and seat adjustment controls. probably have to wait for next year’s conference: questions like how to keep the kids from fightingMaking seats from lighter materials is also a in the back seat or why there isn’t an automaticprimary concern for auto manufacturers. Their clean up system for the grape juice they justengineers want to know how best to incorporate spilled on the new seats. And for dad: a telematicplastics and low alloy steels into seat system that will read her mind and supplyconstruction without sacrificing safety and precise back seat driving instructions to thecomfort. This includes the issue of the correct husband who can’t keep the car under the speedtime and circumstances under which they should limit without her help. All things consideredupdate their manufacturing processes to meet though, those engineers are already doing prettythese needs. well. We haven’t quite reached the age of the Jetsons, but we’ve definitely come a long wayAddressing the political reality of international since dad sat on a bench seat with a steering stickconsumption, conference sessions will also deal between his legs while mom sat precariously nextwith the complex problems of globalized product to him holding her parasol. Oh well! All thingsdevelopment. With the already existing in their proper time I guess.complexity of supply chain players, engineers, Dealership OverDrive 25

Infamous CriminalsathnedCars They DroveIt seems that most famous criminals took a flashing lights, a siren and police-band radio real liking to certain cars they either used in receiver. The cars bulletproof windows could be their crimes or drove while they were in the raised to reveal holes through which machine gunslimelight. Once the horseless carriage made its could be fired, while the rear window could bedebut into the marketplace, it wasn’t long before dropped to let his henchman fire on those chasingcriminals were discovering the value a fast them through the streets of Chicago.getaway vehicle could bring to their chosen career.Some of the most infamous bank robbers, In his short seven years as boss of the infamousbootleggers and other wrongdoers drove their way Chicago Mafia, Capone amassed over $100into history in the front seat of their favorite cars. million as a crime boss. The car managed to outlive its mobster owner who died in 1947 in hisAl Capone’s Bullet Proof Caddy home in South Florida after serving several years in Alcatraz for tax evasion. In 2012, it was soldOne of the first major criminals who had an at auction for the tidy sum of $341,000.affinity for fancy cars was Al Capone. His 1928Cadillac Town Sedan boasted a big V-8 engine and John Dillinger – Public Enemy #1was fitted with over 3,000 pounds of steel armor.The car was painted green with black fenders Depression era gangster and bank robber Johnto mimic a police car and came complete with26 Dealership OverDrive

Dillinger drove many different cars in his Henry Ford telling him thanks a lot for makinginfamous bank robberies and chases across the such a powerful vehicle that made such a greatMidwest trying to outrun Federal Agents. At getaway car. The letter supposedly was used bythe time of his highest criminal activity he was Ford to promote his new V-8 Lineup at the time.considered Public Enemy #1 by the Federal Though it was long thought to be a fake, researchlawmen of his day. has shown that the letter was actually found to be real during a records search of some of Ford’sHis cars, either bought or stolen, consisted of a personal paperwork.1931 Desoto sedan, a 1933 black Plymouth sedan,and his famous 1933 Chevrolet maroon coupe John Dillinger died on July 22nd, 1934 at the agecomplete with red wire wheels. He eventually of 31. He was shot in the neck in a blaze of policepainted the car green, but kept the red wheels, and gunfire as he exited the Biograph Movie Theatreused it on Monday, July 17, for the Commercial on Chicago’s North side where he and two ladyBank of Daleville robbery with Harry Copeland, friends went to see ‘Manhattan Melodrama’netting $3,500. This is the only known instance starring William Powell and Clarke Gable.where Dillinger used his personal vehicle to pulloff a bank job. Adolf Hitler’s 1935 Mercedes 770K LimousineHis 1932, a black Studebaker Commander wasused to transport him and his gang for robbing the Hitler didn’t actually know how to drive, but heCentral National Bank of Greencastle. This vehicle liked to be driven around in a Mercedes Limois currently on display at Historic Auto Attractions because he thought it created an “imposing” andin Roscoe, Illinois. “commanding” presence. As if the vehicle itself wasn’t imposing enough already, Hitler had eachAnother interesting Dillinger car was his black of his 770Ks outfitted with armor-plating until1933 Essex-Terraplane 8 which came equipped they weighed 10,000 pounds. The vehicle was alsowith a Belvedere trunk providing additional room outfitted with a mine-proof floor and 4cm thickfor his gang members to ride in the open seated bulletproof glass to thwart would-be assassins.trunk space. Of course, this additional weight made the Fuehrer’sBetween September 1933 and July 1934, the FBI car of choice a gas guzzler getting just three milessays Dillinger and his gang killed 10 men, wounded to the gallon. Still today there are six of the originalseven others, robbed police arsenals and about a Hitler owned vehicles held by collectors.dozen banks. His first bank heist was of $10,600from National Bank in New Carlisle on June 10, Hitler’s 1935 Mercedes-Benz 770 Grosser Series1933. They staged three jail breaks and struck II W150 Cabriolet was a long car at 20 feet 6terror in the Midwest. inches with a wheelbase of 155 inches. It was 6 feet 7 inches wide and 5 feet 2 inches tall.On March 3rd, 1934 Dillinger, used a fake wooden Weighing just less than 5 tons after modifications,gun to fool the guards and escape from the it could hold up to eight passengers including thesupposedly escape proof Lake County Jail in driver and produce a maximum speed of 105mph.Crown Point, Indiana. He then stole Sheriff Lillian Its Daimler 7.7 liter supercharged inline overheadHolley’s brand new Ford V8 and used it in a crime valve eight cylinder gas engine boasted 230hp.spree across the upper Midwest, including gunbattles in Wisconsin and Minnesota. This was certainly a monstrous car equipped to carry the chief monster and his fellow Nazis.There is a story that Dillinger wrote a letter Dealership OverDrive 27

Infamous Criminals and the Cars They Drove , continued World War II. The car used a conventional chassis on which was mounted the slab sided body. TheThe Kray Brothers chassis was later used by the Triumph 2000 roadster. It had an independent suspension at theThough many Americans have never heard of the front with coil springs, and a live axle and leafKray twins they were once known as the most springs at the rear. Front and rear anti-roll barsdangerous men in Britain. Ronnie Kray and his were included in its chassis Reggie ruled East London with iron fistsof brutality back in the sixties. These two thugs The Vanguard went through many unique bodynever shied away from the public eye and even styles even designing a utility pickup typeflaunted their power and wealth openly, once vehicle during their short production period fromappearing on a series of posters alongside The 1947 – 1963.Beatles and Mick Jagger. The Krays also owned a couple of Ford ZodiacsSome of the Kray twins’ cars included an for which I have no specific information of theArmstrong Siddeley Sapphire, a large luxury year or models. Suffice it to say that the Zodiac’svehicle that was in production for only 8 years were a unique looking beast in the ‘60’s with afrom 1952 to 1960. One of Britain’s most unique squared off oversized grille in the front and a bodycars it was considered and executive lineup resembling a cross between a 1964 Rambler and asporting a unique V-shaped radiator grille with mid 70’s Volvo Wagon.the Sphinx motif mounted on it. Just a littleover 10,000 were built and there has not been a Well, that’s a short journey through some of thesuccessor since production stopped in 1960. most infamous criminals stories and the cars they drove. Many of them are still to be found inAnother Kray vehicle was a Standard Vanguard collections in various places around America,so named in honor of the British Warships of the Canada and The Vanguard was named after the HMSVanguard, the last of the British Battle ships of HITLER CAPONEDILLINGER KRAYS28 Dealership OverDrive

UpcomingCourses Philadelphia Training CenterNOV 11/1 Understanding Your Customer DEC 12/5 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) (9-1pm) 12/6 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) 11/2 Common Mistakes Salespeople 12/9 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) 11/7 Make (1-5pm) Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (1-5pm) 11/8 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) 12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Business Etiquette (1-5pm) 12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Advanced Sales: Level 1 12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 11/9 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 11/10 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 11/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 11/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) How to Increase Dealership Profits by $50,000 per month 11/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 11/17 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 11/18 Entry Level Sales (Day 5)“I had been working for 4 weeks beforeattending this class. While working thelot for UPS, I would always stumble atgetting people in the demo drive andmy manager always told me that thiswas something that I needed to work on.This class gave me all the tools I need tobe much better at this. I can’t wait to getback to Chapman and start appl;ying allthe new skills I have learned. Thank you.”- Mike Long, Sales at Chapman Chrysler Dodge Jeep RamFor more information call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 29

UpcomingCourses NY/NJ Metro Training CenterNOV 11/7 Advanced Sales: Level 1 DEC 12/5 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 12/6 Business Etiquette (1-5pm) 11/8 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 11/9 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 12/7 Objections: Level 1 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 12/8 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm)11/10 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3)11/14 Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (9-1pm) 12/9 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Understanding Your Customer (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4)11/15 Business Etiquette (9-1pm) 12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Negotiations for Salespeople (1-5pm) 12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3)11/21 Advanced Service Advisor Techniques 12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 1) 12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5)11/22 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) Advanced Service Phone Techniques (1-5pm) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2)11/23 Effective Service Walk-Arounds (9-1pm) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3)11/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 1)11/29 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)11/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 3)“Becky Nixon was very informative inher presentation on Business Etiquette.Too often we take ourselves and ourclients for granted and may blame thewrong method for the cost opportunity.Taking a step back and embracingthe right technique or process breedssuccess. Thank you Becky for teachingme the simple things I personally tookfor granted.” - Brian O’Callaghan, Sales at Conicelli Toyota For more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and details.30 Dealership OverDrive

UpcomingCourses Pittsburgh Training CenterNOV 11/1 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) DEC 12/5 Advanced Service Advisor Techniques 11/2 Common Mistakes Salespeople 12/6 Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 1) 11/3 Make (1-5pm) Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) 11/4 Service Advisor Phone Techniques (1-5pm) 11/7 Advanced Service Management Concepts Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 1) AUTOMOTIVE TRAINING CENTERManagement Service Advisor Training (9-1pm) Advanced Service Revenue Creation (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 2) Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) 12/7 Effective Service Walk-Arounds (9-1pm) Advanced Service BDC Concepts (1-5pm) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3) 12/8 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) 12/9 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 3) 12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Advanced Sales: Level 1 12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1)11/8 Objections: Level 1 12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5)11/9 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3)11/10 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4)11/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 1)11/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)11/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 3)11/17 Entry Level Sales (Day 4)11/18 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Pittsburgh, PA11/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 1)11/29 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)11/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 3)“Very informative and refreshing to learn somethingnew. Being in the business for just under three yearsthis is the first time I have been taught the properway to handle a phone-up! I look forward to using mynew skills to see how much my sales will rise! I lookforward to more sessions! Thank you!!” - Candace Carney, Scott HondaFor more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 31

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