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Home Explore Play-Review-Google-Docs


Published by Aj Inion, 2021-03-15 03:16:18

Description: Play-Review-Google-Docs


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INTRODUCTION The play is called “Rated: PG” which is all about implying positive discipline. The Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) through its ARTS Zone Project with the use of theater for the cause of education and development. A play all about positive discipline is written by Liza Magtoto, directed by Mae Quesada-Medina and the music was composed by award-winning composer Vincent A. De Jesus. PLOT Rated: PG is a play that tells the story of Joselle, an entrepreneurial and multitasking mother of two. She is struggling to decide whether to take a job abroad and leave her youngest child or to stay in the country while struggling to take care of everything she currently has. She also has a loving husband named Romy. Romy is always preoccupied with his job and leaves the children to his wife. While Joselle tries to accomplish her tasks but her teenage daughter Rosalie has also her concerns like an upcoming street dance competition. Their youngest Child which is Tonton is also like other kids, is very playful and at the same time gets into much trouble. Just like every other parent Joselle and Romy are tempted to resort to physical discipline but also like every other parent they don’t want to do this kind of discipline. So they tried to find ways to discipline their child more positively.

Themes And Issues The theme of the play is all about resorting to positive discipline for children. We are used to doing physical discipline which in some aspects has bad effects. It can lead to injuries and mental health problems for children. The play teaches us how to discipline children properly without harming the child physically and mentally. The theme also revolves around the family of Joselle and her struggles as a parent. The life of Joselle shows how she is hardworking as a mother, struggles and hardships as a parent. One of her struggles is on how to properly discipline her child. Since the theme is about positive discipline we can also see the point of view of the children who experience physical discipline and how it affects them as a child. We can see the struggle of the child who experiences physical discipline in school from their teachers and their homes from their parents. One of the main issues of the play is that when people discipline the younger generation they tend to abuse their children. They always think that because they are older they always know what’s right as an adult. Some hurt their child physically which leads to injuries to the child, some hurt their child through painful words which mentally hurts the child. The play also gives a lesson on how to properly discipline a child more positively without hurting the child in any way. Analyse Characters Joselle - Is a mother most mothers can relate to. Joselle has a loving husband named Romy, but he is almost always preoccupied with his job and leaves the children's moral upbringing to his wife, like taking them to school or helping them do homework. Joselle tries to delegate tasks.

Joselle also decides to go abroad to apply for work, to support her family, and to secure a good future for her children as they grow up. Joselle’s objective is to not be like their parents that use physical punishment as a form of discipline on Tonton. Because of this Joselle was traumatized as a child of her parents using physical punishment as a form of discipline on her also. Tonton - Is the child of Joselle and Romy and also the family’s youngest child. Tonton, like any other child, is a playful child that always gets into trouble or causes trouble. Tonton’s objective is to try to be helpful to his parents but always end up messing it.

Evaluate The Performer Raye Baquirin (Joselle) - Raye Baquirin or also known as Joselle in the play portrayed her character perfectly. Her character makes the audience laugh by her performance and also makes the audience cry at the same time. She has also displayed a highly consistent level of performance in her work and a very detail-oriented person that reflects positively on her work and on her acting.. Gilbert Onida (Romy) - GIlbert Onida or also known as Romy has flawless timing, but even with his non-stop funny lines he doesn't distract the audience from the play's seriousness. Gilbert Onida’s performance was also gripping, it was very well acted and many more.

Elements of The Production The sounds in the play work synergistically with the other elements. The sound and lighting help captivate the audience and bring them in another realm. The sound and lighting also helped deliver information, it emphasises what’s on the play and indicates the mood for the play. The lighting also helped with how it drew people's attention and also revealed the mood in play.

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