NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . 46th Annual NABA National Convention & Expo 2017 CPE & Education Session Descriptions June 6 – 10, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . Accounting and Audit Increase your fluency in the language of business. From tried and true generally accepted accounting principles to the latest analytics applications and industry trends, enhance your ability to ethically and efficiently protect the bottom line. Topics include effective auditing, ethics, revenue recognition, analytics, risk management and information privacy. Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study LevelEthics: 50 Shades of Gray Basic Ethics should be a black and white issue. However, if you Behavioral ask most CPAs, they would say ethics is a very gray Ethics area. Why is this? It seems like at least once a month there is an article written in the Wall Street Journal about someone committing fraud to big corporations failing in their corporate governance responsibilities. We will discuss real-world cases such as Wells Fargo, Theranos, and the most current case of ethics violations in the news. Also, we will debate this topic - ethical considerations and webinars, webcasts and self-study. At times during this session, we will put a humorous twist in our discussion of ethics.The Ethics of OOPS! Slips, Everybody says, “We learn more from failure than Behavioral BasicMistakes, Failures and Your success.” But most of us would still prefer the latter to the EthicsFuture former. Because few seek failure, we’re tempted to avoid it at all costs — and that’s often where the ethical issues arise. How we deal with failure, in ourselves and others, can have wide-ranging behavioral, cultural and ethical impact — for better or for worse.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study LevelRevenue Recognition ASU 2014-09 (and subsequent related ASUs) is one of Accounting BasicBefore and After US the most monumental changes in U.S. GAAP to everGAAP: Case Studies of the occur – and it impacts every entity out there, regardlessImpact of Applying of nature, size and complexity. This course will use anChanges in Accounting illustrative example approach to clearly demonstrate theand Financial Reporting impact on revenue recognition under existing and changing U.S. GAAP.Critical Skills for Being an Engagement, Time and Client Management Best Auditing TBDEffective Auditor Practices Sound client and engagement management can influence both the effectiveness and efficiency of any engagement. This session will provide guidance on how to maximize return on time spent with critical tasks, such as proper time budgeting, scheduling, client assistance, delegation, project planning and wrap-up. OR Applying Professional Skepticism and Addressing Fraud Risk on an Audit The public places high value on an independent audit, as it directly enhances the degree of confidence intended users can place on the financial statements to make economic decisions. A proper mindset, including professional skepticism, is a critical feature of a high- quality audit. Professional skepticism is an essential attitude that enhances the auditor’s ability to identify and respond to conditions that may indicate possible material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. This session will explain the traits of a skeptical auditor, as well as define fraud and explore fraud indicators.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . Finance Return on investment is the name of the game. Whether you manage an investment portfolio or help an organization get the greatest yield from leveraging its assets, learn how to hypercharge your analytical ability, provide guidance, and generate buy-in for your recommendations in your central role as a fiduciary steward.Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study LevelStrategic Skills for Finance You know that strategy is important! According to a Communications Intermediate 2011 Deloitte survey, strategy setting has doubled in importance for CFOs. Yet 75% of CFOs indicate that their staff needs training to perform in a strategic role. So how do you change your focus from historical financial presentation to future strategic planning. Get you and your team prepared for the challenges by learning how to analyze data, define decision-making options, present effectively, gain consensus, and develop action plans.Financial Storytelling: The Are you responsible for presenting financial information Communications IntermediateKey in Growing Your to your organization? If you're a CEO, CFO, financialOrganization to the Next analyst or a manager needing to communicate financialLevel information in an impactful way, this session will give you the necessary tools to tell more effective stories with your financial data. Bring financial information to life and use it to communicate a story to an audience, with a focus on simplicity and ease of interpretation. This is accomplished through a mix of financial data, visualization, storytelling theory, best practices, and practical application.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study LevelThe Most Common Whether performing audit, other attest or nonattest Accounting IntermediateAnalytics Used to Interpret services, public accountants must be well-suited toFinancial Statements assist clients with analyzing and interpreting financialResults results for useful purposes. This course will provide insights into the most common ratios and trends used to analyze financial information to be a more value- added business advisor.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .Leadership and ManagementThe future will reward individuals and organizations who boldly sail into the unknown, and they are looking to you as thenavigator. Dare to lead others into the future you envision by winning their trust, championing innovation and adaptation,and steadying the ship through the storms sure to come. Topics include change management, listening skills and reachingobjectives. Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level BasicSmarter Decision-Making and Business professionals need to be able to respond CommunicationsProblem Solving for Leaders to today's rapidly changing business environment by making quick and smart decisions. This interactive course will help you understand and build decision- making, critical-thinking, and creative problem- solving skills. You will cover methods of assessing and resolving problems and learn to ask the right questions during the process.At the Helm in the Storm: These are difficult times. Professionals and their Personal IntermediateSeven Survival Strategies for firms face special challenges. Never has leadership DevelopmentLeaders in Turbulent Times been so important — or seemingly so dangerous. With the press full of stories of fallen leaders, it seems like being a leader is both a risky and lonely position to hold. However, opportunities for leaders abound and there are many ways to weather the storm.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level BasicListening For Leaders: Ask the There is no more powerful skill in building enduring PersonalQuestion, Discover the Need, and profitable relationships — with clients, members DevelopmentWin the Trust of your firm and others in your life — than listening. Yet listening is incredibly difficult, even if you are trying hard. This course teaches tips and tricks for mastering this most difficult and rewarding skill.Striking the Right Balance A balance of short-term profitability and long-term Business BasicBetween Leadership and viability are important objectives of any well-run Management & BasicManagement – Adapting Your organization. This course will provide invaluable tipsBehaviors to Succeed at Short for striking the right balance between the distinct, yet Organizationand Long-Term Objectives complementary, actions of pushing people to do what needs done in the moment and pulling people to want to strategically do them.Dare to Lead: Know the Way, Dare to Lead: Know the Way, Go the Way PersonalGo the Way \"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, Development and shows the way.\" John C. Maxwell. This session will motivate, encourage and challenge participants to step up to lead with a commitment and explore why some leaders stand out from the rest. It will push new leaders to go further and faster with more focus.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .IT and CybersecurityTechnology is accelerating the pace of change, and your skills and knowledge must accelerate even faster. Examine thetools you can use to increase productivity, accuracy, speed and effectiveness, as well as the safeguards you’ll need tomaster to protect personal and corporate data in an age of hackers and cyber espionage. Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level BasicOneNote - Master OneNote is rapidly becoming one of the most popular applications CommunicationsOrganization of in the Microsoft Office and Office 365 product suites. The reason BasicYour Notes & for this becomes pretty evident when you learn about all that youCorrespondence can do with OneNote to record and manage notes, to do lists, meeting agendas and much, much more. This course will provide a thorough review of all of the features of OneNote so you can master them in order to organize all of your activities and communications in one central place. You will be amazed at how powerful and yet simple to use this application is.Introduction to Excel is the #1 data analysis tool for accountants. Yet most ComputerData Analytics and accountants have never learned the basics of data analysis using ScienceMicrosoft PowerBI Excel or the tools that Excel offers to help with data analysis.Tools Those that learned to analyze data using PivotTables, soon learned there were many weaknesses in PivotTables that resulted in elaborate calculations in order to perform simple tasks. In 2010, after much development and little hype, Microsoft released Power Pivot, a new data analytic tool that removed the weaknesses of PivotTables. This single product took Excel from a low-end data analytic tool to one of the most sophisticated and comprehensive tools. Since 2010, Microsoft has continued their development of end-user data analytic tools. This entire suite of products is called PowerBI. In this session, we will provide an overview of the various PowerBI tools and discuss Microsoft's PowerBI Strategy.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level We will begin by explaining the challenges faced by many accountants when it comes to analyzing data in Excel. You will learn how each PowerBI tool reduces the challenges and improves your data analytic skills. You will also gain a complete understanding of when to use which tool. This session is an overview of the various Microsoft PowerBI tools and should be your first step in learning the complete set of PowerBI tools.Microsoft PowerBI Before you can analyze data, you first must get the data. This Computer Intermediate- Get Started with course focuses on getting data into a data model and then Science Basicthe Right Data working with that data. Attendees will learn the importance of having data in a data model versus in a spreadsheet. We will Computer introduce some of the basic features of Power Query (or Get and Science Transform in Excel 2016) and how it removes many of the roadblocks to getting data. You will learn how you can eliminate the use of the resource sucking VLOOKUP function by using the efficient Relationship feature. After this class, you will finally be able to get the data you need to perform data analysis.Office 365 - At last count, there were over 20 unique applications available inSoftware the Office 365 bundle. These range from the traditional OfficeApplications desktop applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc., to aLightning Round whole new generation of cloud-based applications such asReview OneDrive, SharePoint, Yammer, Delve and more. These newer cloud-based applications will help you transform to a digital business model. This course will provide a round robin review of all of the Office 365 applications available so that you will understand where they fit into your overall strategy to create digital business processes and collaborate via the cloud. This will also provide you with the appropriate knowledge necessary to determine which subscription plans are appropriate for your team members.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . Personal Development | Consulting Services | Communications Your internal and external clients count on you, and you count on your knowledge and confidence. Grow as a leader by learning how to guide an organization through change and evolution and embracing your inner genius. Topics include, overcoming mistakes, increasing your energy and self-empowerment. Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level BasicEmbracing Your Inner Leadership demands many different skills and traits such as CommunicationsSuperhero communication, listening, accountability, inspiration, Basic creativity, passion, focus, and leading by example. As leaders, we must bring our superhero to work with us everyday in order to achieve our goals. What happens if your inner superhero takes a week off – or even a day? How productive and profitable are you and your team? How does this affect your personal time or family life? By using the principles of improvisational comedy, I will demonstrate how you can unleash your inner superhero on a daily basis and maintain high energy and productivity at work and at home.Above the Waterline: On a boat, there are two kinds of mistakes: above-the- PersonalMistakes You Should waterline mistakes and below-the-water-line mistakes. You DevelopmentDare to Make learn from the former; the latter sink the boat. Confusing the two can spell disaster; understanding the difference can mean innovation and growth — even in storm-tossed seas of change. This course offers a liberating approach to risk and reward that can help individuals and organizations deal with their toughest challenges.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study Level IntermediateGetting UP! Accomplish more in less time. Reduce stress. Balance your PersonalSupercharging Your career and lifestyle. Greg Conderacci, author of Getting UP! DevelopmentEnergy Supercharging Your Energy, can help you, your team or your company dramatically increase performance. Lots of people promise better performance…Greg proves it. Using his energy techniques, in 2015 he rode a bicycle across America in just 18 days — averaging 150 miles a day. Not bad for a 66-year-old with a heavy training, consulting and teaching schedule! What could you do with that kind of energy?
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C . Tax Tax policy is a moving target. Get ahead of coming changes, explore new ramifications for individuals and corporations, and learn how technology is revolutionizing the field. Session Title Brief Session Description Field of Study LevelTBD* *Tax sessions are being finalized and will be available shortly.
NABA, INC.“Lifting As We Climb” N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F B L A C K A C C O U N T A N T S , I N C .
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