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Home Explore StoryBook


Published by abratt, 2017-10-06 14:08:11

Description: StoryBook


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The Tale ofWealth Management

Once upon a time, there lived a creditunion with big dreams named Tulsa Efseeyew.Tulsa wanted to go on adventures, explorenew places, and meet new people.

So one day, Tulsa set out on the road to themagic city of Wealth Management.Before long, Tulsa’s path crossed the dustymain road. This was the road that all the otherbanks and credit unions traveled to reachWealth Management. 3

There, Tulsa saw the other banks stompingalong, bellowing about investment longevityand market instability, bumping into peopleand scaring them into following them downthe main road.

But Tulsa was looking for something new,something better.It had some great ideas that the old roadcouldn’t lead to. Instead of trying to scarepeople to follow them down the dusty mainroad, Tulsa shared stories about othermember’s adventures to the magical landsover the horizon. 5

They talked about plans: imagine the potential Once you know where you’re going, it’s easier to get there. Prepare your retirement strategy today.

They talked about saving:imagine the potential Give them wings so they can fly. A College Savings strategy can get them started. 7

They talked about their legacies: imagine the potential Give them something that can take them to a better world. Make a plan for your estate.

They talked about finding new places: imagine the potential If you invest in your dreams, they can take you places. We can help you find the way. 9

As they walked and talked and listened,people were inspired by the stories and beganto see their own potential.In the company of friends, the miles wentby quickly, and before they knew it, theywere passing through the gilded gates of themagical city of Wealth Management, wherepotential could become reality.

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