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Drs. Gunarhadi. MA, Ph.D
Learning English through Special Education Copyright © Gunarhadi Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-undang All Rights Reserved Cetakan kelima, September 2019 Penulis : Gunarhadi Editor : Muhammad Rohmadi Rancang Sampul : Muhammad Kavit Tata Letak : Deni Setiawan Pracetak : Wahyu Saputra Fitriyanto Penerbit: Yuma Pustaka Jl. Samudra Pasai No. 47B, Kleco, Kadipiro Surakarta 57136 Telp. 0271-5863084/2088181. Fax. 0271-654 394, Hunting 08122599653 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: @Yuma Pustaka x + 125 hal, 17 cm x 24 cm ISBN: 978-623-6000-02-1 Percetakan dan Pemasaran: Yuma Pressindo E-mail: [email protected] Telp. 0271-9226606/085647031229 Dilarang keras memfotokopi atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh buku ini tanpa seizin tertulis dari penerbit. Isi di luar tanggung jawab Penerbit dan percetakan.
Pengantar Penerbit Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi saat ini juga menyentuh bidang pendidikan. Salah satunya pendidikan luar biasa. Perkembangan tersebut menyebabkan pendidikan luar biasa semakin berkembang kajiannya. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tersebut berpengaruh pada materi yang dipelajari oleh mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa. Mereka juga diharuskan mempelajari bahasa asing, seperti bahasa Inggris. Buku ini disajikan dalam bentuk uraian materi yang menjadi kajian mahasiswa program tersebut. Sebagian besar materi dalam buku ini merupakan kajian terhadap pendidikan inklusi yang menjadi bidang mereka. Buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di program studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa. v
Penerbit menyampaikan terima kasih kepada penulis atas kepercayaannya untuk menerbitkan buku ini. Tiada gading yang tak retak. Penerbit menyadari bahwa penerbitan buku ini belum sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penerbit mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari pembaca untuk perbaikan penerbitan buku selanjutnya. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Salam sukses dan luar biasa. Surakarta, November 2013 Penerbit vi
Kata Pengantar Puji syukur kepada tuhan penulis ucapkan atas terselesaikannya sebuah buku yang berjudul Learning English through Special Education. Buku ini berisi wacana- wacana dalam bahasa Inggris yang memuat pengetahuan- pengetahuan tentang pendidikan luar biasa. Penyusunan buku ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Luar Biasa (PLB) dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian, materinya banyak disesuaikan dengan bidang mereka yang pelajari. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang tertarik atau berkecimpung dalam dunia pendidikan untuk menambah wawasan dalam bidang ini. Seiring jalannya waktu, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terlihat pula pada pendidikan luar biasa. Dalam buku ini, penulis mencoba menyuguhkan vii
sisi perkembangan yang menyangkut keberadaan pendidikan luar biasa dari segi hakikat, kategori, pendekatan, dan strategi layanan, serta intervensinya. Semua itu merupakan usaha untuk mengurangi masalah belajar dan sosialisasi anak. Masing-masing wacana diikuti sejumlah latihan untuk mengembangkan kosakata, peristilahan, dan pengetahuan- pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam wacana tersebut. Penulis sepenuhnya sadar akan berbagai kekurangan dalam buku ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis terbuka terhadap kritik dan saran pembaca yang tentunya akan bermanfaat terhadap penyempurnaan buku ini dan khazanah ilmu bagi kita semuanya. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Surakarta, Oktober 2013 Penulis viii
Daftar Isi Pengantar Penerbit............................................................v Kata Pengantar..................................................................vii Daftar Isi...........................................................................ix Chapter I Special Education.............................................1 Chapter II Visual Impairment...........................................11 Chapter III Hearing Impairment.......................................17 Chapter IV Mental Retardation .......................................23 Chapter V Physical Handicap...........................................29 Chapter VI Maladaptive Behavior....................................39 Chapter VII Learning disability........................................47 Chapter VIII Giftedness....................................................57 Chapter IX Multi-handicaps.............................................65 Chapter X Mainstreaming (Part I)....................................75 Chapter XI Mainstreaming (Part II).................................83 Chapter XII Inclusive Education......................................91 ix
Chapter XIII Early Intervention.......................................97 Chapter XIV Individualized Educational Plan.................105 Chapter XV Helen Keller (Part I).....................................113 Chapter XVI Helen Keller (Part II)..................................119 Reference..........................................................................125 x
Chapter I Special Education Special education is education for the exceptional children. The study of exceptional children is the study of differences because an exceptional child is different in some ways from average children. Exceptional children may have problems or special talents in thinking, seeing, hearing, speaking, socializing, or moving. More often than not such children have a combination of special abilities or disabilities. Because of special abilities or disabilities these children require special education and related services to help them realize their full human potential. They need specially designed instruction that can fulfill their unique needs. To help the exceptional children special materials, teaching techniques, equipment, and/or facilities may be required. Visually impaired children for instance, may need 1
reading materials in large print or Braille. Hearing impaired children may need hearing aids for instruction in manual communication. Physically handicapped children may need wheel-chair, ramp and other equipment. In addition to their individual facilities, they also need special services such as special transportation, psychological assessment, physical and occupational therapy, medical treatment, and counseling. All these can make special education effective. Special education services may take place in two ways: integration or segregation. In the integration service, the exceptional child is treated together with normal peers in a certain range of integration setting depending on the child’s ability and degree of his or her problems. On the contrary, segregation follows the other way. An exceptional child is treated in a special school with other children of the same kind of handicapping conditions. Segregation can also be conducted in an institution where children with different handicapping conditions get over all kinds of services. This kind of institution is considered as a place for rehabilitation center. Grammar Focus: Verb ‘be’ Look at these examples: a. Special education is education for exceptional children b. Exceptional children are different in many ways 2
Auxiliary Verb To show ability: can, could, be able to Learn this: - She can lift the chair by herself - She could lift the chair by herself when she was young - She is able to lift the chair by herself 1. To show permission a. may b. can 2. To show obligation, advisability a. should b. ought to 3. To show necessity a. must b. have to 4. To show possibility a. may A. New Words Match the words with the closest meaning from the list! special berbeda exceptional rata-rata different kelainan average khusus talents bakat 3
thinking melihat seeing bergerak hearing mendengar speaking berpikir moving berbicara combination kemampuan ability memerlukan require pelayanan services gabungan realize mewujudkan instruction peralatan unique alat bantu equipment pengajaran impaired tersendiri aids cacat ramp terjadi assessment terpadu take place terpisah integration penilaian segregation jalan menurun B. Fill in the blank of each statement with the word from the given list! disability service average therapy unique counseling 4
print peers manual handicaps treat conducted 1. To help an exceptional child is to help the problem of _________ 2. Because the child has specific problem, the child also has_________needs. 3. An exceptional child is different in some ways from the _________children. 4. Friends of the same age in the same group are _________ 5. A child is called exceptional when he or she is different from the average peers. He or she has certain disabilities or _________ 6. Psychological help to solve personal problem or difficulty is called _________ 7. Specialeducation _________ cantakeplaceinintegration or segregation settings. 8. In addition to special education, exceptional children also need specific services like medical treatment, counseling, physic, and occupational 9. A child with low vision, may need reading material in large _________ and/or Braille. 10. To _________ the exceptional children means to give help them with different services. 5
C. Say whether the following statements are True or False. When false, explain the reasons. 1. The study of special education is the study of education for the exceptional children. 2. The handicapped children are exceptional because they are different in some ways. 3. Exceptional children my have problems and never have special talents. 4. Handicapped children do not have any ability, that’s why they need special education and related services. 5. Special education is specially designed to fulfill the child’s unique needs. 6. Related services may not be needed if the exceptional child has got special education. 7. Hearing impaired children cannot communicate with other people because they cannot speak a language. 8. Medical treatment is needed only by the physically handicapped children and mentally retarded children. 9. Ramps might only be useful for the physically handicapped children to access a certain building. 10. Children with handicapping should go to special schools because special schools are designed only for the exceptional children. 6
D. Choose the b est o ption to answer the f ollowing statement 1. Special education is education for the exceptional children. Exceptional children are those who _________ a. study in special school b. have physical problems c. are different from the average children 2. Exceptional children are not different from their normal children in a sense that _________ a. both have problems b. both need education c. both have special needs 3. Exceptional children are different from their normal peers in a sense that all exceptional children _________ a. have unique needs b. need education c. have special talents 4. In teaching the handicapped children what we need to do is that the instruction must be _________ a. the same as the one for normal children b. adjusted to the children’s age c. especially designed for their needs 5. To help the exceptional children, the following things are important to consider, except _________ a. special environment b. special teaching techniques 7
c. special equipment’s or facilities 6. SLB/A is a special school for _________ a. visually impaired children b. hearing impaired children c. mentally impaired children 7. SLB/C.1 is a special school for _________ a. children with severely physical handicaps b. children with mildly retardation c. children with severely mental retardation 8. Which of the following statements belongs to segregation setting of special education service _________ a. Exceptional children study and socialize together with normal peers b. A special education teacher visits a regular school to help the exceptional children c. Exceptional children got to special school together with peers of the same problems 9. Which of the following statements belongs to integration setting of special education service _________ a. Exceptional children have a special room for specific treatment in a regular school b. Exceptional children study in a special class in a regular school c. Exceptional children study and live together in an institution 8
10. SMLB is a new type of special school for the exceptional children in _________ a. elementary / primary school b. junior high school c. senior high school E. Discussion 1. How many categories of exceptional children are there in Indonesia? 2. What kinds of school and level for exceptional children are there in Indonesia? 3. What do you know about children with autism? F. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 9
Chapter II Visual Impairment Most visual problems are the result of errors of refraction. That is because of faulty structure or a malfunction in the eye that can decrease the visual acuity. The light rays are not focused correctly. The most common visual problems are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (blurred vision). These conditions can usually be corrected with glasses. Some other problems like disease can even cause blindness. The educational definition says that the blind are those who need to be taught to read Braille or aural methods. The partially sighted are those who still can read print even though they need to use magnifying devices or books with large print. The conceptual abilities of blind children are different from those of the sighted children. The sighted children are 11
able to organize a number of elements into a whole from the various parts by all their senses. The blind children or the visually impaired children, on the contrary, have to learn about the world by the tactual mode. So the most important ability for them is mobility and orientation. These two things can be achieved when the children have high motivation, proper attitude and learning experiences. Educational experiences in the classroom are frequently visual in nature. But with some modification in methods, the principles of teaching can be applied to both sighted and the visually handicapped children. Braille system of reading and big letter print or magnifying glasses may be necessary for them. Moreover nowadays there has been a dramatic increase in some special electronic devices that can be used for teaching the blind; such as Optacon, Kurzweil Reading Machine, and talking calculator. Grammar Focus: Simple Present Tense Look at these examples: a. Water freezes at 0 C b. Light rays travel very fast Auxiliary Verb To show permission: may, can - May john come to the movies with us? - Can I borrow your car for a year? Make a daily conversation with your partner using “may” or “can” like in the above example! 12
A. New Words Match the words with the closest meaning from the list! rays penglihatan visual awas blurred kabur sighted sinar refraction pembiasan senses indra tactual mobilitas mobility metode dengar in nature secara alami aural method sentuhan modification cetak print penyakit disease ketajaman devices alat acuity perubahan B. Fill in the blank of each statement with the word from the given list! magnifying farsighted tactual blurred modification vision glasses orientation refraction device 13
1. Many visual problems are because of ________ 2. He can only read from long distance. He is ________ 3. Partially blind children may have ________ 4. Hyperopia can usually be corrected with _______ vision. 5. Sighted children are those who have normal ________ 6. Blind children need spatial _____ to know direction. 7. Teaching the visually handicapped children can be the same with teaching the sighted children with some ________ in methods. 8. We can use ________ glasses to read a very small letters. 9. Talking calculator is an electronic ________ that may be useful for the blind. 10. Instead of other senses the blind children have a powerful ________ mode to learn things. C. Say whether the statement is True or False. When false, give the rasons! 1. Partially blind children have low vision. 2. Sighted children always need magnifying glasses. 3. Teaching blind children it the same with teaching the sighted children. 4. Astigmatism is a problem with the blurred vision. 5. The faulty structure or malfunction can cause the loss of visual activity. 6. Visually inspired children have lost their tactual mode. 7. Tactual mode is only owned by the blind children. 14
8. Blind children can only read Braille. 9. The sighted children not need to be taught mobility and orientation. 10. Braille is an electronic device for the blind children. D. Answer these questions! 1. What are the common visual problems? 2. Why is the mobility important for blind children? 3. How do the blind children learn about the world? 4. Why is modification in methods important to teach the blind? 5. What are some electronic devices useful for the blind children to learn? E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 15
Chapter III Hearing Impairment From the point of view of education, children with hearing impairment are those who have a certain degree hearing loss. The loss affects the ability to speak and develop language. When the degree of hearing loss is high, the person can be deaf. And when the intensity level is not too high the person is considered hard hearing. The hearing loss can be divided into some thresholds. The measurement or the hearing loss is decided by the use of audiometer. The mild hearing loss is 26 – 54 dB, moderate is 55 – 69 dB, severe is 70 – 89 dB and profound is 90 dB and above. The cause of hearing loss is based on the location of parts of the ear. Conductive losses are impairments in the conductive pathways in outer or middle ear. Conductive 17
losses are usually caused by empirical problems. When the problems happen in the inner part of the ear, the impairment is called sensory- neural problems. These are usually caused by hereditary factors. Children with hearing impairment usually have problems in social and personality development. This is because of their disability in communication both in expressing and receiving the messages. And to help them, there are two basic approaches; oral and manual approaches. Oral approach trains them to use their ability to understand and speak. While manual approach teaches them to use sign languages for communication. But nowadays these two approaches tend to be combined. This combination is called total combination. The educational program for the hearing impaired children is basically possible for the academic development. But some people tend to emphasize more on vocational skills. These two possible programs can be chosen depending on the ability and capability of the impaired child as an individual. Grammar Focus: Past Tenses Look at these sentences a. The first generators produced only direct current b. The eclipse happened at 8.20 pm on 1 day July 1963 Auxiliary Verb To show obligation, advisability: should, ought to Learn this: 18
- You should do your homework - She should eat less if she wants to lose weight A. New Words Match the words with the closest meaning from the list! hearing loss mengakibatkan impairment kecacatan affect kehilangan pendengaran intensity kekuatan hard hearing kurang pendengaran hearing threshold batas dengar conductive bagian dalam pathway bicara speech lorong inner part hantaran empirical ketidakmampuan hereditary gerak disability ucapan oral keturunan manual perolehan total communication bahasa isyarat sign language pendekatan capability keterampilan approach kecakapan skill kontal 19
B. Say whether the statements are True or False! 1. Children with hearing impairment are always deaf. 2. The degree of hearing loss affects the language development. 3. Deaf persons have hearing loss of 90 dB and above. 4. Audiometer is an instrument for measuring the degree of intensity of sound. 5. A person with the degree of hearing loss between 70 – 89 dB hears the normal speech. 6. A person with the intensity level of hearing between 26 – 54 dB needs hearing aids to be able to hear in the communication. 7. Conductive impairment is usually caused by the hereditary factors. 8. Problems in the outer and middle parts of the ear can cause conductive impairment. 9. Total communication is another word for sign language. 10. Hearing children are possible to have academic skills in their school. C. Fill in the blank of each statement with the word from the given list! audiometer manual conductive oral sensor neural ability hereditary impairment threshold deaf 20
1. The limit of hearing is called hearing 2. Sign language is used in trailing of the children to increase their to communicate. 3. Gesture or body language is important in _________ approach. 4. We use the _________ the measure the degree of hearing. 5. Total communication uses both manual and _________ skill. 6. When a problem happens in the inner part of the ear, it can cause _________ impairment. 7. Any problem that cause the ability to hear is called hearing _________ 8. Deaf can also be caused by _________ factors. 9. When the degree of hearing loss is very high someone can be totally _________ 10. _________impairment is commonly caused by some problem in the outer or middle part of the ear. D. Answer the Following Question! 1. When is someone called hard hearing? 2. What is the difference between conductive and sensor neural impairment? 3. What people does someone have if he cannot hear? 4. How many approaches are there in helping the hearing impaired children? Which one is today the best way? 21
5. Cognitive academic are still given to the hearing impaired children in school. Why? E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 22
Chapter IV Mental Retardation Children with mental retardation are those who are subnormal in intelligence and also socially incompetent. It means they have both deficit intellectual function and adaptive capability. If person has low intellectual function but he has adequate adaptive behavior, then the person is not considered mentally retarded. The retardation is manifested during the developmental period before or after birth. Mental retardation is not a disease though the cause can be. Mental retardation is caused by many kinds of factors. It can be due to the generic factor like Down Syndrome or because of the brain damage. Brain damage can be the result of infectious disease – for example, meningitis, encephalitis, or accidents. Mental retardation can also be caused by poor environment. This cause is considered to be culturally – familiarly retarded. 23
Some educators classify the mental retardation into educable mentally retarded, trainable mentally retarded, severely or profound handicapped, but most professionals prefer to use the term ‘mild’, ‘moderate’, ‘severe’ and ‘profound’. These terms minimize negative stereotype of mentally retarded children. Mentally retarded children need education with different individual orientation. For the mildly retarded the preschool and early elementary school is for readiness skills such as following directions, developing language, and self-help skill. On the intermediate level, the emphasis is on functional academic for the purposes of independent life. For the moderately retarded the education is even less academic but more functional. Beside the self and vocational skill, the sheltered workshop is a vital part of the moderately retarded person depending on the capabilities. Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Tense Learn this: Active : The new microscopes have arrived The examinations have not begun yet Passive : All the acids have been identified A description of the new alloy has recently been published Auxiliary Verb To show necessity: must, have to Learn this: 24
- We must obey the law - This is an excellent book. You have to read it A. New Words Match the words with the meaning on the other list! retardation di bawah normal subnormal cukup intelligence tidak mampu incompetent kecerdasan adequate kecacatan manifested faktor genetik genetic factor radang otak brain damage kerusakan otak encephalitis lingkungan environment muncul educable berat/parah trainable ciri khas severe/profound ahli professional mampu latih stereotype mampu didik mild petunjuk moderate keterampilan kerja direction menolong diri self-help ringan vocational skill sedang 25
B. Fill in the blanks with the word from the list! subnormal stereotype Down Syndrome skill adaptive functional brain capability retarded self-help 1. A person with low intelligence is usually called mentally __________ 2. The mentally retarded children may have a problem with __________ behavior. 3. When the intelligence is sub-average it is __________ 4. Moderately handicapped child needs the academic to be __________ so that he can practice the skill in his life. 5. The profoundly retarded person may have very poor __________. He almost cannot do anything. 6. The activity to help him or her self is __________ activity. 7. Special behavior owned by the retarded child is called __________ of the retarded child. 8. Mental retardation may also be called by __________ damage. 9. Mongoloid is another term of __________ which is not used anymore. 10. Instead of academic skills, the moderately handicapped child prefers vocational __________ 26
C. Say w hether the statements are True or False. When false, please give the reason! 1. Mentally retarded children are those who have mental deficit. 2. Mentally retarded children are also the characterized by proper social competence. 3. Low intelligence is one of the characteristics of mental retardation. 4. The only cause of mental retardation is brain damage. 5. Besides low intelligence, a mentally retarded child may have problem with adaptive behavior. 6. Down syndrome is a result of genetic factor. 7. Stereotype is a specific behavior different from the normal one. 8. Academic skill is more important for the children with profound handicap. 9. Vocational skill and shelter workshop are two things needed by the moderately retarded person. 10. Profoundly retarded children also need to develop the readiness skill for academic purposes. D. Answer the following question! 1. What is the main indication of a mentally retarded person? 2. What are the causes of mental retardation? 3. When is someone identified is a mentally retarded? 4. How do the educators classify the mental 27
retardation? 5. Why is self-help education necessary for the mentally retarded children? E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 28
Chapter V Physical Handicaps Physically handicapped children are those with physical limitation or health problems. The limitations interfere with the learning and because of these limitations they need special services, training, equipment’s and other facilities. The most common conditions and diseases that cause physical handicap are neurological impairment, musculoskeletal conditions and congenital malformations. Neurological impairment is the damage or deterioration of the nervous system. The example or this impairment is Cerebral Palsy (CP). This condition is characterized by paralysis, weaknesses, incoordination, and other motor dysfunction. Spina Bifida and polio are other examples of neurological impairment. Spina Bifida is a congenital defect 29
of opening in the bony spinal column that fails to close during the fetal development. Children with spina bifida may have paralysis at the lower limbs. Poliomyelitis is a disease that attacks the nerves along the spinal cord or brain. Musculoskeletal conditions are the defects or disease of the muscles and bones. These conditions involve problems at the legs, arms, joints or scoliosis due to the disease or accidents. These problems can make the children difficult to walk, stand, sit or use their hands. Congenital malformations are defects because of the genetic factor contributed by the mother and/or father. These defects may be caused by faulty chromosomes. This malformation is characterized by the missing limbs or phocomelia, the example of which is the extremely short limb. Children with physical disability need certain devices like wheelchair, braces, and other facilities. They need opportunity to develop educationally, socially and emotionally for their lives in as normal conditions as possible. For their daily activity, they also need special assistance in term of mobility and occupational skills. Grammar Focus: Relative Clauses Learn these sentences! 1. The man teaches chemistry. He is a graduate of Delhi University. Ø The man who teaches chemistry is a graduate of Delhi University. 30
2. The room has only one small light bulb. The room is 6 x 8 meters Ø The room which 6 x 8 meters has only one small light bulb. 3. An object is left in the sun. It becomes hot. Ø An object which is left in the sun becomes hot. Present and Past Tense Learn the change of the verb in the two following sentences! - We have an English class on the third floor this week - Last week, we had lecture in the second floor? Give five other examples like the above two sentences! 1…………………………………………. (Present) >…………………..................................... (Past) 2………………………………………….. (Present) >………………………………………….. (Past) 3…………………………………………. (Present) >………………………………………….. (Past) 4………………………………………….. (Present) >………………………………………….. (Past) 5………………………………………….. (Present) >………………………………………….. (Past) 31
A. New Words Match the words with the meaning from the other list! limitation mengganggu interfere penyakit equipment keterbatasan common peralatan disease umum impairment kerusakan congenital kecacatan malformation bawaan neurological penyimpangan deterioration neurologis nervous ditandai is characterized kelemahan paralyses syaraf weaknesses tulang belakang spine lumpuh close janin fetal sumsum tulang belakang limb ruas spinal cord anggota badan joint menutup contribution menyimpang faulty bantuan missing dalam hal assistance diperoleh in term of hilang 32
B. Say whether each of the statement is True or False. When false, please give the reasons! 1. Children with visual problem are also physically handicapped. 2. For learning the physically handicapped children need more facilities. 3. Neurological impairment can be the condition of physical handicap. 4. Physical handicap is always caused by congenital malformation. 5. Scoliosis is the result of the damage in the nervous system. 6. Inco-ordination is the result of musculoskeletal condition. 7. Spina bifida is the same as cerebral palsy. 8. Cerebral palsy is manifested at the old age. 9. Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal condition. 10. Scoliosis is caused by hydrocephaly. 11. Poliomyelitis is the result of faulty chromosomes. 12. Phocomelia is caused by genetic factors. 13. Amputee is also phocomelia. 14. Poliomyelitis is a kind of condition caused by a disease. 15. Genetic factors are usually related to chromosomes. 33
C. Discuss with your classmates! 1. What are the conditions of physical handicap? 2. What are the causes of physical handicap? 3. Mention special devices to help the physically handicapped children! D. Choose the answer! 1. Children with health problems belong to _______ a. hearing impaired b. mentally handicapped c. physically handicapped 2. Children with physical handicapped need special _______ a. guide b. devices c. hearing aids 3. Scoliosis belongs to _______ a. neurological impairment b. musculoskeletal impairment c. congenital malformation 4. Neurological impairment is caused by the damage of the _______ a. astomach b. head c. nervous system 5. Cerebral palsy is the condition caused by _______ a. accident or stroke b. nervous system dysfunction c. disease or virus 34
6. Spinal bifida is the handicapping condition of the _______ a. pine b. limb c. head 7. Poliomyelitis is the result of _______ a. disease b. drug/poison c. accident 8. Musculoskeletal impairments are the condition of _______ a. central nervous system b. muscle or bone deformity c. low intelligence 9. Congenital malformations are defects because of the _______ a. accident b. disease c. genetic factor 10. Phocomelia is a malformation of the a. head b. limbs c. spinal cord 11. Missing limbs happen to born baby as a result of _______ a. genetic factor b. premature c. disease 35
12. A child born extremely short limbs is usually _______ a. cerebral palsied b. congenitally defected c. brain damaged 13. Wheel chair is mostly useful for a child with a. paralysis b. phocomelia c. hydrocephaly 14. Physically handicapped children usually need special assistance in their occupational skills and _______ a. communication b. socialization c. mobility 15. The physically handicapped children need to develop their lives in as normal condition as possible educationally, socially, and _______ a. emotionally b. genetically c. culturally 36
E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 37
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