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Home Explore D-2483 DG's Newsletter November-December 2016

D-2483 DG's Newsletter November-December 2016

Published by Dijital Rotary Kampüsü Kütüphanesi, 2023-07-26 08:25:33

Description: D-2483 DG's Newsletter November-December 2016


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DG Velibor ZOLAK GOVERNOR'S NEWSLETTER No. 5 - November/December 2016 New District Officials LEADERSHIP TEAM RENEWED The District leadership team has started the second half of the Rotary year refreshed by new members. Petar Pavasovic has been appointed as the New Club Development Chair, Aleksandar Radojicic as the Rotary Global Rewards Chair, Dragan-Purko Ivancevic as the Public Image Chair, while the District Rotarians have already been informed about the appointment of Srdjan Vasic as the ADG for the Belgrade clubs (Sava, Zemun, Vracar and Dedinje), and Nikola Mitic as the District Secretary. The previous District Secretary Olivera STEVANOVIC has given birth to a wonderful baby girl. Many thanks to Olja for the great energy she shared as a District Secretary! NEW CLUB DEVELOPMENT CHAIR PETAR PAVASOVIC is a founder of the company Bel Systems Beograd; born on 25 December 1954 in Belgrade. Graduated from the Electronics Department of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. He was a director of the Rohde & Schwarz branch office, sales manager of Tektronix in Vienna, and a development engineer at Ei Pionir in Belgrade. Married to Aleksandra with children Ana, Tamara, Nikola and Natalia. Speaks English and French. Member of the RC Beograd Dedinje. Office address: Bel Systems, Tose Jovanovića 7, tel.: +381 11 3055025, e- mail: [email protected]. Mobile: +382 63 201 190, e- mail: [email protected]. ROTARY GLOBAL REWARDS CHAIR ALEKSANDAR RADOJICIC, National Key Account & Regional Sales Manager at the company TDR. Born on 7 November 1971 in Belgrade. Acquired Bachelor and MA degrees from the John Nesbitt Faculty of Business Studies. Married with children Anastasija and Simona. He was a sales director at the companies Dr. Oetker and ITM Group. Worked as a regional sales manager at Henkel company, and a project leader at Mobilkom Group Austria. Speaks English language. In his spare time, plays tennis and golf. He has been a vice-chair at RC Beograd Skadarlija, and elected as the Chair for 2017/2018. Achieved notable results as a Global Grant project leader, donating equipment to schools in Obrenovac. Office address: Bul. Mihajla Pupina 165 g, 11.070 N. Beograd. E-mail: [email protected], +381 63 378 672. 

 Page2    PUBLIC IMAGE CHAIR DRAGAN IVANCEVIC, Director of \"Queen Management\" doo Budva, economist; born on 17 September 1957 in Budva. Graduated from the Faculty of Banking and Trade in Belgrade, specialized in the United Kingdom. Married to Ljiljana with daughter Jovana and sons Marko and Blazo. Worked at the hotels “Adriatic” Budva and “Marko Polo” Korcula, at the “Kompas” and “Montenegroexpress” agencies as a manager, at BCC Budva as a director. Served as the Member of Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro, the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Montenegro, the Director of the public enterprise Maritime Estate of Montenegro, Director of the hotel and tourism company “Springer & Pletzer” and the Director of \"Queen Management\". Speaks English and German. Office address: Narodnog fronta bb, 85310 Budva. E-mail: [email protected]; + 382 67 222 442. Chartered member of RC Podgorica and RC Budva; PP RC Budva. ASSISTANT GOVERNOR SRDJAN VASIC, owner and director general of “Satelit Premium Group”, born on 24 April 1976 in Belgrade. Acquired Bachelor and Master degrees from the Faculty of Engineering Management in Belgrade. Worked as a representative manager at the British company “TWL Marketing”; owner of the Satelit Premium Group (eight corporate members) since 2000. The best known members: “Klub Satelit Zlatibor“, \"Klub Satelit Kosutnjak – Event Centar Satelit\" and a Woolmark-licensed company in Serbia and Macedonia. Satelit Premium Group employs more than 200 people. President of RC Beograd Skadarlija in the Rotary years 2013/14. During his term of office a Rotaract Club was established, while the value of humanitarian actions exceeded €130,000. Member of Presidency of the Serbian Lobbying Association and member of the Russian Business Club. Winner of the Business Partner 2014 and 2015 awards. Licensed partner of \"The Woolmark Company\". Speaks English and Macedonian. Office Address: Milentija Popovića 5, N. Beograd. E-mail: [email protected]; phone: +381 63 444-428.  DISTRICT SECRETARY NIKOLA MITIC, co-owner of the IT company COFA Media (Internet presentations and mobile applications). Born on 30 March 1978 in Belgrade, graduated from the school of electrical engineering “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade. Married. Owner of the COFA Games studio for development of video games. Worked at Sky Music as a designer and programmer, at TV Pink’s IT Department as a web developer, at the foreign company VAST as an analyst and R&D project leader. Before becoming an entrepreneur, he had achieved notable results at a global level in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). Successful in leading the teams of different profiles, while covering the areas of programming, design, marketing, planning and business development as a consultant. One of Nikola’s major interests are global market-oriented start-ups focusing on technological innovations, President of RC Beograd Metropolitan in 2016/17. Speaks English language. Office address: Osmana Djikica 9, 11060 Beograd. E-mail: [email protected]; +381 64 172 48 62  

 Page3     Failure to pay dues RC BEOGRAD BALKAN TERMINATED RC Beograd Balkan was ter- minated on 18 November 2016 for failure to pay dues. The deadline to reinstate the Rotary Inter- national membership is 17 April 2017 (150 days from termination). In order to reinstate the status of a Rotary Club, the club needs to pay €1,424 to the Rotary Inter- national (€954 debt plus €480 fine), and a €2,003 debt to District 2483. After this deadline, it will not be possible to reinstate the RC Beo- grad Balkan in its previous form. On the last day of reinstatement deadline RC STARI BECEJ REINSTATED In late October, RC Stari Becej reinstated its membership in the Rotary International, which was terminated in the last Rotary year (18 May 2016). As a result of great efforts, the Club paid all dues, a fine and filled out a Reinstatement Application. We wish the President Dragan Gligoric and the Secretary Sanja Basic a successful Rotary Year, and to keep clear of the zone of deadline violation as much as possible. National Rotary Day of Serbia BELGRADE AND NIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT The National Rotary Day of Serbia has been observed by many clubs, which organized appropriate art and cultural events, press conferences, academies, and lectures on Rotary. The greatest attention was attracted by the events in Belgrade and Nis, as they were results of joint efforts of all Rotary clubs. The District has financially supported these events jointly organized by clubs. HE ROTARY CLUBS OF BELGARDE organized a National Rotary Day at the “Fabrika” club, under the slogan “Get to Know Rotary – Join Leaders”. The social event was attended by around 300 Rotarians, Rotaracts, representatives of nongovernmental organizations and institutions the Belgrade clubs cooperate with, and many friends of Rotary. It was also attended by the Rotarians from the E-Klub, the Rotary Club Pancevo, the Rotary Club Pancevo Pupin, The Rotary Club Cacak, and the Rotary Club Valjevo. Many nongovernmental organizations, including JCI, the Red Cross, AIESEC, Serbia on the Move, ESTIEM, Blue Circle, MENSA, UNITAS, FORTUNA ROTA, were presented on the stands set up at the same venue.

The event, which was moderated by Nikola Mitic, the president of the Rotary Club Beograd Metropolitan, and DGN Vladimir Matic, the Charter President of the Rotary Club Beograd Cukarica, featured an address by DG Velibor Zolak, as well as the thematic and ignite presentations, musical performances and donations. THE ROTARY CLUBS OF NIS, RC NIS, RC Nis-Konstantin Veliki, RC Nis- Centar, and RC Nis-Medijana, observed the National Rotary Day, with the assistance of all five Rotaract clubs, in a two-day event. On the Rotary Day, 2 December, the activities were organized in the centre of the city, while a humanitarian concert by Nikola and Bojana Pekovic: “To Receive is Human, to Give is Divine” took place on the following day, 3 December, at the National Theatre in Nis. The event was announced by the billboards displayed several days earlier in the centre of the city and on a busy street next to the Health Centre. The forum “Why am I Part of the Rotary?” was organized at the Media Centre. Three Rotarians of different professions and age, well-known to their fellow citizens, Spomenka Kovacevic, Miroslav Jovic – Misa “Gros” and Nikola Pejovic – Dica, talked about their Rotary membership. An exhibition of photographs, taken during the actions of the Rotary and Rotaract clubs, was opened at the gallery of the Tourism Organization of Nis, located in the pedestrian zone at the very heart of the city. The photographs attracted a great interest of the visitors, as they gave a retrospective of the actions that had taken place in the recent period in Nis.  Page4

A personal viewpoint of a past president Page5 ROTARY - METROPOLITAN STYLE I asked the past president and my assistant Lola Stanic to describe how the idea of Rotary is practiced at RC Beograd Metropolitan, the club with outstanding initiatives and actions. What follows is Lola’s article. It’s worth a read! \"Rotary is an organization of the accomplished professionals and business people gathered around the idea of doing good. It is a noble goal and the reason for existence of all Rotary clubs, including the Rotary Club Beograd Metropolitan. How we achieve that goal is what makes us different. It is an honour to be in Rotary, but it is also a great fun. We at the Metropolitan have come to realize that we can also have a lot of fun while doing good deeds. From an overview of the activities carried out by our club, one might think that there is an army of people working hard on the organization of events, different actions, promotion of the club, etc. The truth is that there are just over twenty Metropolitans, and that we are at the age when our jobs and families take a great deal of our time, yet we are one of the most dynamic and liveliest clubs. The secret is, therefore, in the commitment and sacrifices we make in terms of our spare time. There are a couple of things Metropolitan has become known for: 1. Excellent and numerous LECTURES. The club has hosted historians, famous authors, artists, ambassadors, globetrotters and many others. It has organized the forums featuring businessmen, Rotarians from the country and abroad, representatives of nongovernmental organizations. We have introduced a new form of five-minute ignite presentations. Result: meetings are always attended by over 100 people. 2. That a meeting does not necessary have to be lecture only we have shown by organizing the events attracting a great public attention. A FASHION SHOW is the last in a series of these events. The stories covering this show were broadcast by Studio B, TV Pink, Edu TV, TV Prva, and published by the print media (Kurir, Story). Result: Rotary increased its visibility, we had an opportunity to explain who we are, and break the taboo surrounding our organization. 3. We often SOCIALIZE OUTSIDE THE MANDATORY MEETING VENUE. We take a boat ride down the river, visits museums, theatres, and wine cellars. We are sometimes joined by non-Rotarians, which gives them a good opportunity to get to know and like us. The result of the frequent informal social events is the members of RC Beograd Metropolitan becoming a big family. Frequent trips abroad to visit our sister Rotary clubs played a particularly important role in this process.

4. HUMANITARIAN ACTIONS have not been neglected. As a matter of fact, all events hosted by the Page6 club, including those seemingly prosaic like parties at the floating river clubs, always have a humanitarian background. We use every opportunity, trying in every possible way to do good, be it by donating money, material things or ourselves and our time. The donations awarded by the club are worth tens of thousands of euros a year. 5. PROMOTION. We have come to realize that there is only so much we can do on our own. In order to attract other Rotarians, as well as other successful people outside the Rotary, we had to go public. We needed the people to hear about us. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to use the media to promote our actions and events but, in our experience, the greatest success came as a result of our Facebook promotion. Whatever you might think of this social network, it has done wonders for the promotion of the club. Regular page updates (on a daily basis), meticulously planned, present us in the best possible light. For example, we never take pictures of full plates, because we do not advertise dinners. We make sure to keep our photos diverse – we are not always dressed formally, we sometimes roll up our sleeves and work. Our favourite photos are those taken during our activities.

There would be many more stories to share, but we have to keep some secret ingredients to ourselves :) The fact that as many as four club members are part of the District Leadership Team, one of them as a District Secretary and one as ADG, confirms that we are good. And no, we are not at risk of becoming conceited, we have to live up to high expectations, and we are getting ready to do even more\"  ADG Lola Stanic PP RC Beograd Metropolitan New governance documents CLUB CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS IN SERBIAN As of 1 July 2016, a new Manual of Procedure of the Rotary International, which includes the main governing documents of our organization, is in effect. Since the clubs are obliged to adopt new Rotary Club Constitution and Bylaws, the District has asked Aleksandar Urosevic, the President of RC Valjevo and owner of the Foreign Language Centre “Kontext” to translate the Constitution, the Bylaws and the Rotary Code of Policies into Serbian language until 20 January 2017. In that way, we shall avoid differences in translations and misunderstandings in interpretation of the ground rules. According to Aleksandar, the translation will be completed ahead of schedule. The translated documents will be sent to all clubs.   Page7

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