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Home Explore D-2452 DG's Newsletter June 2015-Part 2

D-2452 DG's Newsletter June 2015-Part 2

Published by Dijital Rotary Kampüsü Kütüphanesi, 2023-07-09 09:58:11

Description: D-2452 DG's Newsletter June 2015-Part 2


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Service Above Self Governor’s Newsletter District 2452 June 2015 Part 2/2 Mr. Gary C K Huang Mr. Khalil Alsharif RI President District Governor The Last Newsletter of The Best Class 2014-15 “Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” - Lionel Hampton Dear Fellow Rotarians, I express my gratitude and appreciations for the tremendous support and cooperation that I have received from you in order to make the Rotary Year 2014-2015 a successful year. I salute to your dedication and efforts and I affirm your contribution to my success. We shared warm fellowships and I hope everyone will utilize this opportunity of camaraderie to advance Rotary values for the betterment of ourselves, our club, the community and communities beyond. I wish you good lucks in your future endeavors. Continue to ‘Light Up Rotary’ and ‘Be a Gift to the World.’ Adieu friends with memories stored in my heart ! Khalil Alsharif District Governor 1

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 District 2452 Handover Ceremony Amman, Jordan, 15th June 2015 “No matter how well you lead, if you don’t make sure you pass the baton, you will not leave the legacy you desire.” - John C. Maxwell 2

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 Private Dinner Hosted by DDG Yaseen M. Jaffer , UAE to honor DG Khalil Alsharif 5th June 2015, Dubai, UAE “Rotary Day” in Gyumri & Yerevan by The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency. Rotary Club of Yerevan conducted 2 “Rotary Days”, one in Shirak region, Gyumri the other in Yerevan. More than 150 children between the age of 12-16 from Yerevan, Abovyan, Armavir and Shirak, Gyumri (orphans, disabled, from vulnerable families, from fami- Rotary Club of Yerevan organized “Rotary Day” with a slogan “Professional orientation support of vulnerable group of children”. The pr ogr am is being suppor ted lies at risk, children living and studying in care facili- ties), are getting support in professional orientation, the aim of the project is that the children have strong desire to study, be professionals and in future can choose suita- ble job to their individual abilities and become useful members of the society. 3

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Disaster Relief between District 2451 & District 2452 4

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 Disaster Relief Lebanon 5

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 JUNE - ROTARY FELLOWSHIP MONTH June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of inter- national fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vo- cational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase un- derstanding of this program. The RI Board encourages these groups to celebrate Ro- tary Fellowships Month through projects, activities, and events. (RCP42.010.9.). MOP 2013. What are the benefits for Rotarians in joining the Rotary Fellowships? Fellowship provides opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. There are many Fellowships that would be of interest to our members, and they are detailed on You may find many extensive activities of the Rotary Fellowships that your profession, business or industry area has already established. If not, why not think about starting one yourself! Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Interested Rotarians can join a Rotary Fellowship by clicking: Rotary Fellowships Handbook (729) or even start a prospective Rotary Fellowship if their recreational or vocational interest is not in the list of ap- proved Rotary Fellowships. The Rotary Fellowships are expected to facilitate communication among their members and maintain regular communication with RI. ‘CYPRUS DAY’ - RC Kyrenia Liman & RC Limmasol Berengaria Cosmopolitan The greatest of all achievements ... are the result of the combined effort of heart and head and hand working in perfect coordination.” - Paul Harris 6

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter June 2015, Part 2/2 ROTARY FELLOWSHIPS Fishing Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotarians, Rotarian Go spouses, and Rotaractors who join together to: Home Exchange  (sports, hobbies, etc.) HHoonrsoerabraycCkoRnisduilns gkafprapnenz.bgeilrlgieerro@[email protected]  others of the same profession Internet  Make new friends around the world Italian Culture  Jazz  Have fun and enhance their experience in Rotary Lawyers Examples of Rotary Fellowships Literacy Providers Magicians Tennis Flying Magna Graecia Marathon Running Scuba Diving Canoeing Motorcycling Music How Rotary Fellowships Operate: Old and Rare Books  Past District Governors PPoholictoegarnadphLearws wEnwfowr.cifermp.einnftow/ structure. Pre- [email protected]  tMareimanbse, rasnhdipRiontfaerlaloctwosrhs.ips is open to Rotarians, spouses of Ro-  in at least three countries.  Each fellowship elects at least three officers to oversee the Railroads  Rotary Global History Some Benefits of Rotary Fellowships: RRoottaarryy  friendships outside of their own club, district, or country.  Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understand- ing and peace. Scuba Diving  Singles SSokiciniagl Tennis TTroatvael lQAugaelintytsMwawnwag.reomtaernyttrawvwelwfe.rllootwarsyhtiqpm.o.rigt WWeinllenewsws [email protected] Start a New Fellowship Rotary Fellowship. Contact RI staff: Rotary Service (PD210) Fax: 1-847-556-2182 E-mail: [email protected] Download Download copy of Rotary Fellowship Hand- book ROTARYFELLOWSHIPSHANDBOOK.pdf Join a Fellowship: tthhee ggrroouupp’’ss dweesbigsnitaet,eodr cuosnettahcet oeffi-mcaeirl.address provided to contact Amateur Radio Authors and Writers Bird Watching CCaanraoveainnngisnigtews.wgowo.grolet.acroiamn/ssciatera/cvaannoneiningg.orrogt.aurkians Chess Computer Users Cricket Curling Cycling Doctors Doll Lovers Editors and Publishers 7

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