District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page District Governor’s Newsletter Issue 5 November 2017 District 2452 Rotary International Christina Covotsou-Patroclou Ian H.S. Riseley Governor 2017-2018 President 2017-2018
DG Christina’s Monthly Message District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 2 Dear Fellow Rotarians of our Great District 2452, What is so special about November? Rotary has dedicated it to the Rotary Foundation. So, what is so special about our Foundation It is our Project bank. It is the oil that feeds our engine. It is our tool to make ‘Good in the World’. 100 years ago when Arch Klumph started an ‘Endowment to Make Good in the World’ I’m sure he never thought that one day it would become the ‘World’s Outstanding Foundation’, that it would play such decisive role in eradicate such a crippling disease and END POLIO, that it would enable clubs from all corners of the globe to join forces, plan and complete projects that give dignity and value to the life of those who have been born less fortunate. How many people lack Basic Education and Literacy to have a chance in life, how many need Disease Prevention and Treatment to survive illness? How many children can be saved with good Maternal and Childhood Health? How many families and communities can benefit from the opportunity of Economic and Community Development? All people are entitled to clean Water and Sanitation, just as they are entitled to Peace and Conflict Resolution. And all for a better chance in life. The main source of income for OUR Foundation is what each and every club, each and every Rotarian can fundraise or personally contribute. Without our continuous individual support, the foundation could not fund the projects or the Districts. As clubs we can only benefit if we have a culture for annual contribution to the Rotary Foundation. In return we get the ‘best interest rate for our investment’ through the grants. We can achieve bigger humanitarian projects through the Rotary Foundation and we can really ‘Make a Difference’ and’ Good to the World’. Imagine it all started with $26.50 and a visionary. DISTRICT ROTARY FOUNDATION SEMINAR LARNACA, CYPRUS, 2 DECEMBER 2017 Register here
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 3 Presidential message - November 2017 Ian H.S. Riseley President 2017 In many ways, The Rotary Foundation is an invisible presence in our clubs. Most of what we do in our clubs and our districts, on a weekly basis, we do without the active involvement of the Foundation. But our Foundation is invis- ible in our clubs in the same way the foundation of a building is invisible when you're in it: Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not holding you up. The Foundation that enabled Rotary to take on polio is, in many ways, the foundation upon which our Rotary service is built. For 100 years, since it came into existence with a first donation of $26.50, the Foundation has supported and strengthened our service, enabled our ambitions, and allowed us to be the organization that we are. Because of the Foundation, Rotarians know that if we have the ambition and put in the work, very little is truly beyond us. You will find President Ian’s full message here President Ian’s invitation to the Presidential Peace Conference in Beirut 16-18 February 2018 Meet President Ian Riseley President Ian’s Theme Speech
District 2452 Events District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 4 ROTARY FOUNDATION DDIISSTTRRIICCTTMMEEMMEEBBRRSSHHIIPP DISTRICT SEMINAR SSEEMMIINNAARR LARNACA, CYPRUS, 1 to 3 DECEMBER 2017 AMMAN, JORDAN 19A&M2M0 JAaNn,uJaOryRD20A1N8 Register here 19&20 January 2018 District 2452 Proud Host of a Presidential Peace Conference Register HERE Click here for more details
District Calendar at a Glance District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 5 Governor’s Visits, District and Related Events Grant Management Seminar* 9 September 2017 Nicosia, Cyprus Lebanon-1st visit UAE - Dubai 26 – 30 September 2017 Armenia District Public Image Seminar 4 – 7 October 2017 Georgia Zone 19&20B Institute 12 – 16 October 2017 Jordan – 1st Visit Palestine 14 October 2017 Yerevan, Armenia Rotary Foundation Seminar Lebanon 2nd Visit 16 – 20 October 2017 Jordan 2nd Visit District Membership Seminar 3 – 6 November 2017 Cluj-Napoca, Romania DTTS 2018 Lebanon 3rd Visit 10 – 15 November 2017 Presidential Peace Conference Bahrain 21– 24 November 2017 PROVISIONAL 5th District Conference Sudan Visit 1-2 December 2017 Larnaca, Cyprus Cyprus 4 – 8 December 2017 17 – 21 January 2018 19 – 20 January 2018 Amman, Jordan 1 – 3 February 2018 Batroun, Lebanon 4 – 8 February 2017 PROVISIONAL 16 – 18 February 2018 Beirut, Lebanon End of March 2018 26 – 29 April 2018 Pafos, Cyprus PENDING Between DGs Trips in the District – Details with DDG-Cyprus * The District Grant management Seminar is expected to be Broadcast on the Dis- trict Website Clubs are urged to participate. For participation please contact District Secretary PP Litsa Aresti on [email protected]. Directives to connect will be issued by the webmasters PP Nicos Apostolides and David Zein in due course NOTE: The DG Visit Program may change as circumstance may dictate.
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 6 Engage in the Challenge PLANT A TREE BY APRIL 22, 2018! Here's how you can get involved • Develop projects with Rotaract and Interact Clubs • Collaborate with community partners and local experts Create international partnerships where tree planting can lift up entire communities WHY PLANT Trees are engines of economic development • High nutrition foods for humans, animals, wildlife and insects • Sustainable building materials and fuel • Canopies in urban areas to cool, reduce energy use, absorb pollution and increase property values Trees protect our environment • Increase ground water recharge, prevent runoff and loss of soil • Create habitat for wildlife • Produce oxygen, use carbon dioxide, improve public health • Slow global warming by storing carbon Trees and woodlands provide spiritual renewal and life • Walking in the woods stimulates the mind and soothes the soul • Trees and woodlands provide homes for birds, and many other species Send your reasons for planting trees to [email protected] TREE PLANTING PRACTICES & PRINCIPLES • Consult local professionals • Carefully plan the project • Evaluate the site: sunlight, water, wind, temperature, soil, fertility and security • Select trees adapted to the site and pestand disease resistant • Plant at the right time using proper planting techniques • Establish a maintenance schedule Care for the trees until they are established and flourishing TREES BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER What are other Rotary Club and Districts doing? Click Here What global and local resources are available? Click Here How can we get started? Click Here Do you need ideas? Click Here Do you want to read success stories? Click Here Do you have a question? Write to [email protected] Are you ready to report trees planted? Use our Trees Planted Counters
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 7 Making a difference during Rotary Economic and Community Development Month According to the United Nations, nearly 2.2 billion people live below the poverty line of $2 per day, and the world needs 30 million new jobs every year to keep up with the growth of the global work- ing-age population. During October, Rotary Economic and Community Development Month, take action within your communities to address root causes of poverty: unemployment, underemploy- ment, lack of economic opportunity, lack of appropriate training, and the absence of social safety nets. Read on for ideas to help grow local economies. Generate income and savings Partner with a local microlender to improve access to financial services and provide financial infrastructure in a community. Offer training on mobile banking resources. Mobile phones, which can be used to make de- posits and transfer funds, can increase access to banking systems in developing communi- ties. Empower members of your community through jobs and entrepreneurship Provide training in skills and leadership for young people and women. Send a vocational training team to teach business leaders in developing communities how to create a business plan and maintain accurate financial accounting. Check out Rotary Showcase for projects that other Rotary members have taken on to grow their local economies and communities! Newly Updated Rotary Club Central Now Available Click here for more details
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 8 The power of a garden Learn More > Rotary members in Harvard, Illinois, USA, have teamed up with community groups to help alleviate hunger and bring the community together. As many as 250 needy families benefit from the 10,000 pounds of vegetables that are grown in a community garden and donated every year to the local food pan- try. With only seven members, the club has had an impact far beyond its size, amplifying its efforts by partnering with others.
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 9 Click here to read the History of the Rotary Foundation
Rotary International News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 10 Meet 6 Champions of Peace Honorees will be recognized at Rotary Day at the United Nations in November Six Rotary members and Rotary Peace Center alumni will be honored this November as People of Ac- tion: Champions of Peace. Their commitment to creating peace and resolving conflict will be recog- nized during Rotary Day at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The honorees, which were announced on International Peace Day, are all involved in projects that ad- dress underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tension, lack of access to edu- cation, or unequal distribution of resources. Click here to read more World Polio Day event praises unsung heroes After another year of dwindling polio cases, Rotary leaders, top health experts, and celebrities said on 24 October — World Polio Day — that the paralyzing disease has never been closer to being eradicated globally. A special livestreamed presentation — End Polio Now: Countdown to History — featured the people who work tirelessly to end the disease and reviewed the progress that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has made. Read More New service partners build on Rotary's strengths Habitat for Humanity and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness join with Rotary to im- prove lives. Learn more about our new service part- ners and how your club can work with them to strengthen your projects. Read More Links to Rotary International Newsletters Rotary Leader Vocational Service Newsletter Manage your subscriptions to Newsletters Our Foundation Newsletter The Rotarian
From the Rotary Calendar District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 11 November Rotary Foundation Month The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world. Why should I donate to The Rotary Foundation? Your donation makes a difference to those who need our help most. More than 90 percent of donations go directly to supporting our service projects around the world. How does The Rotary Foundation use donations? Our 35,000 clubs carry out sustainable service projects that support our six causes. With donations like yours, we’ve wiped out 99.9 percent of all polio cases. Your donation also trains future peacemakers, supports clean water, and strengthens local economies. What impact can one donation have? It can save a life. A child can be protected from polio with as little as 60 cents. Our partners make your donation go even further. For every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2. Financial structure The Rotary Foundation is organized as a public charity operated exclusively for charitable purposes and governed by a Board of Trustees. The operations of Rotary International, a member organization, are overseen by its Board of Direc- tors. The headquarters of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are in Ev- anston, Illinois, USA. We have associate foundations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Read highlights from the past year in our annual report. Rotary Foundation named World's Outstanding Foundation Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair-elect Paul Netzel accepts the Award for Outstanding Foundation, on Rotary's behalf, at the Association of Fundraising Professionals 2017 conference. Find out more
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 12 Publications of the District District Awards for the Rotary Year 2017-2018 will be: 1. Club Administration Award 2. Community Service Award 3. Membership Development and Rotary Awareness Award Rotary Foundation Award 1. Youth & Vocational Service Award 2. District Conference Attendance Award 3. Public Image Award (please see note 1 below) Find out more NOTES: 1. There will be Public Relations and Rotary Image Award(s) which will be derived from the overall performance of the Clubs through the awards they will apply for. ACCESS THESE DOCUMENTS HERE
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 13 One of our own in The Rotarian
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 14 1st District Public Image Seminar, Yerevan, Armenia The 1st District 2452 Public Image Seminar successfully completed at Marriot Hotel in Yerevan Armenia, under the auspices of DG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, on October 14th 2017. DG 2483 Bane Rangelovic, RPIC of Zone 20B Katerina Kotsali-Papademetriou, ARPICs Nijad Al Atassi and Gunes Ertas, ARC Jamil Mouawad as well as District PR Committee Chair, PDG Kevork Mahdessian and Deputy District Governors Ashot Karapetyan and Ahmad Husseini participated in the Seminar, which may be considered as a milestone for the promotion of Rotary Public Image in D2452. The Seminar was extensively covered by the media. Participation reached around 100 Rotarians from 11 countries with the Lebanese group reaching the staggering number of 32 Rotarians and friends More photos and the presentations available here
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 15 1st District Public Image Seminar, Yerevan, Armenia
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 16 DG Christina and the International delegation of Rotarians in audience with his Excellency Karen Karapetyan, Prime Minister of Armenia On the occasion of D2452 Public Image Seminar in Yerevan, a delegation of Rotarians had the opportunity to visit his Excellency Karen Karapetyan, Prime Minister of Armenia, thus establishing channels of communication between Rotary and the Armenian Government
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 17 ...DG Christina and the International delegation of Rotarians in audience with his Excellency Karen Karapetyan, Prime Minister of Armenia More here
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 18 Joint Meeting RC of Nicosia and RC of Nicosia-Aspelia SPEAKER: MR ANDREAS PAPACHARALAMBOUS, MAYOR OF NISCOSIA Presidents: P Christodoulos Ellinas, of RC Nicosia-Aspelia and P Nada Savvidou of RC Nicosia with the Speaker. In the background PDG Kevork Mahdesian. Photo credit: PP Nazo Davidian On Friday 20th October the Mayor of Strovolos was the guest speaker at a joint Meeting organised by RC of Nicosia and RC of Nicosia-Aspelia. The Mayor, Mr Andreas Papacharalambous gave a very lively and humorous presentation of the day in the life of a Mayor – especially of such a big and dynamic municipality. The municipality is the sec- ond largest in Cyprus and covers all social/economic categories of population: From large refugee housing estates, to the historic centre, to industrial/business quarters to the very luxurious new hous- ing estates. He spoke about the budget and development plans. He also said that a large part of his time is spent in engaging with citizens who feel that they must speak to the Mayor for their com- plaints and requests. The Mayor also spoke about the Municipality’s Green Policy. The Municipality has been awarded the Green Office and he hopes that it will be recognised with the Green Leaf: This is an award for municipalities with under 100,000 population and entails using less energy, less water, paper both sides etc. The Meeting was well attended and very inter-active with many many questions during and following the presentation.
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 19 Green House Project by RC Sulmaniya On October 25, 2017 the Rotary club of Sulmaniya launched the Green House Project for the second year running at the Hawarat A'ali Agricultural Development Center. The Project was launched with the participation of Al Rahma Center for Youth Care and Bahrain Associ- ation for Parents and Friends of the Disabled. The project centres around involving children with special needs in the agricultural process of planting the seeds earlier in the season and harvesting the crops once ready.
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 20 Rotary Club of Sulmaniya visit the Prime Minister office The Rotary club of Sulmaniya made an official visit to the office of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa the Prime Minister of Bahrain. The delegation was led by Past President Amira Ismail with the board member and many other club members. The Prime Minister praised the great work the Rotary club of Sulmaniya has done for the community and people of Bahrain. He praised the many im- portant projects the club has done to improve the lives of people.The Prime Minister encourages voluntary work, and its importance in improving the community in conjunction with government work. He highlighted the role of Bahrainis doing voluntary work in improving the society. Below is a link to an YouTube video on the Bahrain News Authority the official news portal for the Bahraini government: www.bna.bh/portal/news/806708
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 21 Run for Liban Vert - Beirut Marathon 2017 Run with us while planting trees The winner of the best cheering station during the Beirut Mara- thon 2016, are organizing the registration logistics for the fourth consecutive year. We, at the Rotary Club of Beirut Metropolitan, are looking for- ward to have you in our champion’s group during the Beirut Marathon that will be held on Nov 12, 2017. We will guarantee that you will have the most enthusiastic day filled with joy You will get a distinctive branded cap and T-shirt with the Rotary giant exposure You will help the Lebanese farmer by distributing their col- lected apple during the race day We will plant four trees in the Lebanese Land with every reg- istration The opportunity to take a selfie with the Lebanese Basket- ball Champions Share the joy with the Lebanese Orphans and run with them What to do ? Beneficiary: Rotary Club of Beirut Met- ropolitan LB73 0022 0000 0000 1400 Please download and fill the following registration form found in the link below: IBAN: 4586 1000 http://rcbmetropolitan.org/ rcbmetro/documents/ BMA% 20REGISTRATION%20FORM.xlsx It would be great to get your friends and family on Deadline for registration is October 23rd , 2017 board as well to run under the name of the Rotary. Drop the amount of 40.000 LBP per registration at Should you have any questions about the registra- any Bank Med Branch under the following: tion form, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bank: Bank Med Branch: Spears Let us be numerous in our participation in this activ- ity, lets year we have planted 20.000 trees, our tar- City: Beirut get for this year is 30.000 trees. Country: Lebanon Account Number: 458610
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 22 The 2017 Euromeeting in Paphos hosted by The RC Paphos Aphrodite 13-15 October 2017 Since 2002, the Rotary Euromeetings, have contributed a lot to bring Rotarians of different nationalities togeth- er in an environment of cultural diversity, mutual respect and recognition. This year it was time for Paphos and the island of Aphrodite to organize the host. Participation was open and the visitors included rotary clubs from Sweden, Germany, UK, Italy, Ireland, France, Belgium and Cyprus. From Thursday to Sunday, a lot of activities took place, like excursions to the Aphrodite’s Rock and other Limassol sites, a tour to Paphos archaeological sites, a visit to a winery at Vasa and a monastery at Omodos village. The official welcome was made by the Mayor of Paphos representative on Friday afternoon and visitors had the opportunity to experience Cypriot hospitality. On Friday evening the Paphos Aphrodite Rotarians hosted for dinner all the European Rotarians at their homes. On Saturday evening a sumptuous dinner was offered including presentation by the participating clubs as well as the handover to the next organizing club in Bochum- Germany. Each club donated an amount towards a specific charity project. Paphos Aphrodite Rotary Club has decided that the money received will be offered for the local project, directed towards the Cyprus Rotary Mega project – the Cancer Detection unit for children at Karaiskakion.
District 2452 News District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 23 Rotary Club of Manama donates 100 ‘Smart Canes’ for the blind Media Advisory From the Rotary Club of Manama ___________________________________________ Attention News Editors Rotary Club of Manama donates 100 ‘Smart Canes’ for the blind Thursday 12th October 2017, 9.45 am At the offices of the Friendship Society for the Blind Building 31, Road 39, Block 941, East Riffa The Rotary Club of Manama (RCM) have presented 100 ‘smart canes’ to the Friend- ship Society for the Blind on 12th October, on occasion of “The World Sight Day” - an annual event which focuses global attention on blindness and vision impairment. These 100 canes at a cost of more than $7,000 are in addition to the 20 smart canes donated to the society earlier in the year. These canes have been donated by Rotary Club of Manama and some of its members. These hi-tech electronic devices fit on the top fold of an ordinary white cane and work as an outdoor navigation system for the blind and the visually impaired. News Editors: For more information please contact Chetan Bhatia, Head of Communications, Rotary Club of Manama. Email: [email protected]. 36325000.
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 24 DG CHRISTINA’S OFFICIAL VISITS ARMENIA 12-15 OCTOBER DG visits RC’s Yerevan, Yerevan International, Yerevan Ararat Moments of Fellowship in Armenia
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 25 DG CHRISTINA’S OFFICIAL VISITS ARMENIA 12-15 OCTOBER Visiting Rotary Club and the city of Gyumri
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 26 DG CHRISTINA’S OFFICIAL VISITS Georgia 16-20 OCTOBER Exchange of Club Banners Gala Dinner in Tbilisi Dinner at In the Shadow of Metekhi with Above: AG Nina Enukidze, RPIC Katerina Kotsali- Fellow Rotarians from all over the world Papademetriou with DDGashot Karapetyan and PP Patroclos Patroclou below: Sightseeing in Tbilisi
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 District 2452 News Page 27 DG CHRISTINA’S OFFICIAL VISIT in Georgia 16-20 OCTOBER Chartering RC Batumi International in Georgia Batumi city
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 28 JULY 2017 JANUARY 2018 APRIL 2018 1 July - Start of new Rotary officers' Vocational Service Month Maternal and Child Health Month Year of Service 14-20 January - International 1 April - Rotary Award for AUGUST 2017 Assembly, San Diego, California, Excellence in Service to USA Humanity nominations are due Membership and 26 - 29 April - District 2452 New Club Development Month FEBRUARY 2018 Conference, Papos, Cyprus 28 April - Presidential SEPTEMBER 2017 Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Peacebuilding Resolution Month Conference: Maternal and Child Basic Education and Health and Peace, Taranto, Italy Literacy Month 10 February - Presidential 30 April - Rotary International Peacebuilding Convention registrations and OCTOBER 2017 Conference: Environmental ticket cancellations are due Sustainability and Peace, Economic and Community Vancouver, British Columbia, MAY 2018 Development Month Canada Youth Service Month 2-8 October - Rotary Alumni 17 February - Presidential Reconnect Week Peacebuilding Conference: Water JUNE 2018 and Sanitation and Peace, Beirut, 14 October - Public Image Seminar Lebanon Rotary Fellowships Month Yerevan Armenia 2 June - Presidential 23 February - Rotary's anniversary 24 October - Rotary's World Polio 24 February - Presidential Peacebuilding Conference: Basic Day Livestream Event Education and Literacy and Peace, Peacebuilding Chicago, Illinois, USA 30 October-5 November World Conference: Disease Prevention 23-27 June - Rotary International Interact Week and Treatment and Peace, Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Coventry, England, United Canada NOVEMBER 2017 Kingdom 30 June - Last day for Rotary and Rotaract clubs to report goals for Rotary Foundation Month MARCH 2018 the Rotary Citation 1 November - Service Award for a 30 June - Rotary Foundation Water and Sanitation Month Distinguished Service Polio-Free World nominations due 12-18 March - World Rotaract Award nominations are due 1 November - Service Above Self 30 June - Rotary Alumni Global Week Service Award nominations (from Award nominations due 17 March - Presidential zones) are due 3-5 November - Rotary Institute 30 June - Rotary Alumni Peacebuilding Conference: Association of the Year Award Zones 19&20B– Cluj Napoca, Economic and Community nominations (from zones) are due Romania Development and Peace, Sydney, 11 November - Rotary Day at the UN New South Wales, Australia 31 March - Preregistration DECEMBER 2017 discount ends for the Rotary International Convention Disease Prevention and Treatment Month Rotary Foundation District Seminar 15 December - Early registration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention
District Newsletter Issue 5 – November 2017 Page 29 Governor’s Office Contact Details Tel: +357 25 875888 Mobile: +357 99636250 Fax: +357 25 875506, 25 875507 Email: [email protected] Website: rotaryd2452.org Dear District 2452 Clubs, If you would like your club activities to appear in the monthly Newsletter please send us your brief article and max 4 pictures (Jpeg/Png) [email protected] We would like you to note that: We always publicize what information we have in hand. We trust that what we receive is correct and fair to all concerned. We request that projects which involve more than one club are a joint article agreed by all clubs involved and submitted by the leading club. PDDG Themis Themistocleous Chief Editor 2017-18
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