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D-2452 DG's Newsletter November 2014

Published by Dijital Rotary Kampüsü Kütüphanesi, 2023-07-09 09:55:37

Description: D-2452 DG's Newsletter November 2014


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District 2452 Service Above Self Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 Mr. Gary C K Huang Light Up Rotary Mr. Khalil Alsharif RI President District Governor NOVEMBER - ROTARY FOUNDATION MONTH: The present scenario of the world is grave. Despite universal efforts to improve the situation through modern and advanced technologies, people are still suffering from malnutrition, diseases, hunger, lack of clean water, illiteracy and armed conflicts, all over the world. Through our voluntary commitments of “Service Above Self”, we as Family of Rotary can be one of the str ong sour ces of hope in br inging the wor ld to order. Therefore, we must continue to support The Rotary Foundation and empower it more, to feed the hungry, to cover the naked, to heal the sickness, to clean water and environment, to eliminate illiteracy, and to bring peace in the world. “ We have in Rotary and the Foundation vast resources that teach us how to serve others, and we must utilize those resources in our daily service activities in makes it honorable for a order to make our efforts effective. man to build up a fortune in the community, because I urge all Rotarians in the District to contribute to their best ability as well as it provides the means for participate in all programs of The Rotary Foundation and make it stronger in the return of that fortune order to continue Doing Good in the world… as a whole, or in part, for the permanent service of Good luck and Light Up Rotary through your invaluable contributions. humanity.” Khalil Alsharif - Arch C. Klumph District Governor “The greatest of all achievements ... are the result of the combined effort of heart and head and hand working in perfect coordination.” - Paul Harris 1

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE GARY C.K. HUANG PRESIDENT 2014-15 NOVEMBER 2014 Four months into this year of working to Light Up Rotary, I am more excited about Rotary than ever before. I've been to 22 countries, visited dozens of cities, and met thousands of Rotarians. I've seen amazing projects and been inspired over and over again by the terrific work Rotarians do all over the world. And I've been privileged to be part of all kinds of Rotary events, from club meetings to Rotary institutes, from Rotary Days to Foundation dinners. Every event is memorable. I feel especially honored when I am invited to share in club celebrations. To me, taking part in a Rotary club celebration as Rotary International president is like being invited to a family event as an honored guest. Indeed, Rotary is the biggest family in the world. You could say that Rotary is built of service: Each project is another brick in the big building that is Rotary. If our service forms the bricks, then there is no question that friendship is the mortar that holds those bricks together. I see this every day, but nowhere more clearly than at some of the most special Rotary club events: their centennial celebrations. Being president of Rotary International in its 110th year, I've been lucky to take part in a number of these. It is natural, when visiting long-serving clubs, to want to know what their secret is – because I have always no- ticed that the longest-serving clubs are also some of the most productive. They are large, they are active, and they do great work. Not only that, but they have a great time doing it. Of course, that is their secret: In Rotary, strong friendships and great service go hand in hand. When we en- joy our work, we want to do it. We want to work harder, and we want to work better. We look forward to Ro- tary meetings. Even when our lives are busy, we make Rotary a priority – because we want to see our friends, and we want to serve. That is why Rotary is still here, after more than 109 years. In Chinese, we say: 如果人生没有朋友,就等于没有太阳. A life without a friend is a life without sun. Our Rotary friendships give light to our lives, and it is Rotary friendship – as well as service – that lets us Light Up Rotary. 2nd District 2452 Conference Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain From 19th to 22nd March 2015 To register please visit http:// or contact us at: Tel.: +973 17180688, Fax: +973 17740346, E-mail: [email protected] 2

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 TRUSTEE CHAIR’S MESSAGE JOHN KENNY TRUSTEE CHAIR 2014-15 NOVEMBER 2014 It is surely the wish in all our hearts that there is peace in our world. Our Rotary Foundation is endeavoring to advance this with the establishment of Rotary Peace Centers in various parts of the globe. The Rotary Peace Centers are the premier educational program of the Founda- tion, and this year I am asking Rotarians to foster world understanding, goodwill, and peace by promoting and publicizing the program so its work is enhanced. The program funds up to 100 Rotary Peace Fellowships per year, for fellows to study at one of the Founda- tion's specially chosen universities. Fellows can earn a master's degree in peace and conflict resolution or a related field at Duke University and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in the United States; University of Queensland in Australia; Uppsala University in Sweden; University of Bradford in England; and Interna- tional Christian University in Japan. Additionally, our professional development certificate program in peace and conflict resolution is offered through Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. The idea of the Rotary Peace Centers is to create a cadre of individuals who are dedicated to peace and conflict resolution, and who have been given the tools to succeed in their efforts. Since the program began in 2002, nearly 900 peace fellows have been engaged in peace activities throughout the world, working for nongovern- mental organizations, government agencies, the World Health Organization, World Bank, and others. To fund the program, the Rotary Peace Centers Ma- jor Gifts Initiative has set a target of US$125 million by the end of this Rotary year. This is an achievable goal, but it needs your continuing financial support. This is a program pertinent to the 21st century, and one worthy of all Rotarians' support. In these days of anger, of anguish, of uncertainty in our world, it is important to remember that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. 3

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 DISTRICT 2452 MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR 18th October 2014, Beirut, Lebanon View the full seminar on YouTube: 4

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 DISTRICT 2452 MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR 18th October 2014, Beirut, Lebanon View the full seminar on YouTube: 5

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 District Governor’s 1st Visit - Lebanon 6th to 12th October 2014 6

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 District Governor’s 1st Visit - Lebanon 6th to 12th October 2014 RC Beirut Cedars RC Beirut Cadmus RC Beirut Center RC Saida Governor’s Official Visits to Clubs in District 2452  Armenia & Georgia : 17th - 25th September 2014  Bahrain  Cyprus : 28th , 29h Sept. & 1st Oct. 2014  Jordan & Palestine : 29th October - 8th November 2014  Lebanon : 1st & 2nd November 2014 Country Seminar : 22nd - 30th November 2014  Sudan : District Foundation Seminar - 29th Nov 2014  UAE : 6th - 12th October 2014 : 18th - 23rd October 2014 : 18th October District Membership Seminar : 21st - 23rd December 2014 : 7th - 10th December 2014 7

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 DG’s Official visits to clubs in Bahrain: 28th September 2014 - Rotary Club of Manama 29th September 2014 - Rotary Club of Adliya 1st October 2014 - Rotary Club of Sulmaniya 8

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 District Governor’s 2nd Visit - Lebanon 18th to 23rd October 2014 RC Chouf Rotaracts (RC Baabda) RC Beirut Cadmus Water Filtration Project Inauguration May School 9

District 2452 Governor’s Newsletter November 2014 District Governor’s 2nd Visit - Lebanon 18th to 23rd October 2014 RC Maarad RC Tripoli RC Beirut Cedars RC Upper Metn Hammana RC De Beyrouth Reception by PDG Hazem Finge World Polio Day - RC Yerevan, Armenia epidemics of infectious diseases worldwide, includ- ing Polio. A special section of the presentation has The Rotary Club of Yerevan, Armenia has celebrat- been devoted to the Rotary International’s role, con- ed the World Polio Day by hosting a very special tribution and commitment to eradicate polio. guest speaker Prof. Vladimir Davidyants, MD, PhD, ScD, Chief Epidemiologist of the Republic of Arme- On 21st June 2002 World Health Organization de- nia Ministry of Health; Scientific Consultant at clared that the transmission of Indigenous Wild Po- World Health Organization and Science & Policy liovirus has been eradicated in the entire region and Advisor, CBEP US/Armenia. the European region is Poliomyelitis Free. Thanks to Prof. Davidyant’s thorough presentation, the Club members had a very vivid and interesting virtual tour on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Epidemics and Immunization. The presentation captured the history of immuniza- tion, talked about the current situation with different infections, Immunization and Vaccination to combat 10

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