Dawson Times May 2022 Edition #PatriotProud Principal Notes: I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff, parents, community members, and PATRIOTS of Dawson Elementary for an AMAZING first year. It has been my pleasure to serve as principal, and create lifelong memories. As we countdown to summer vacation, be sure to review each page of our May Newsletter to stay up to date with our campus happenings. I wish you all a fun and safe summer. We’ll see you back in August for more memories! - [email protected] MAY Countdown To Summer! 5/2 - 5/6 - Teacher Appreciation Week 5/5 - Talent Show 5/11, 5/12, 5/18 - STAAR Testing Dates 5/12 - PTA: STEM Night 5/13 - School Nurse Appreciation Day 5/19 - PTA: Ice Cream Social 5/24 - 5/26 Awards Assemblies 5/26 - Kindergarten Roundup 5/27 - Field Day 5/30 - Memorial Day - No School 5/31 - End of Year Class Parties 6/1 - Last Day of School SLIDESMANIA.COM
COUNSELOR CORNER MAY 2022 Page 3 CKH Character Trait Integrity is the ability and willingness to live with honesty and excellence. People who act with integrity make a choice to do the right thing, no matter who is watching. Integrity is the foundation on which we build relationships and trust. SLIDESMANIA.COM\\ Contact our Counselor, Ms. Alonzo for assistance Ext. 47412
SLIDESMANIA.COM ·Parent Portal· Events: If you have a child who will be enrolling in kindergarten next school year, please plan to attend our Kindergarten Round Up. Kindergarten teachers will be sharing important information for preparing your student for elementary school, and giving out free resources to all attendees. Thank you to all who supported our Donuts with Dads event. It was great to see so many Patriot Families enjoying some quality time together. Attendance: Thank you to all of our parents who continue to ensure your children are present daily and arrive on time. We truly appreciate your support with our attendance goal of 95%. We are still having many students getting here well after 7:50 AM. Please be sure to get here on time daily so they aren’t counted as partial absences. Students with perfect attendance for the 6th grading period will be invited to a popcorn and movie party on the last day of school. You don’t want to miss it! Contact our Parent Liaison, Mrs. Martinez at Ext. 47419
WE NEED YOU! Please be on the lookout for the PTA Interest Form. SLIDESMANIA.COM
·Monthly Flyers · SLIDESMANIA.COM
Good Times Dawson Patriots celebrate Donuts with Dads! SLIDESMANIA.COM May 2022 PAGE EIGHT
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