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Statistics in India

Published by zaslamlko79, 2018-06-29 06:40:16

Description: Statistics in India


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HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE STATISTICS IN INDIA 2017 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India

HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE STATISTICS IN INDIA 2017 Statistics Division Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 20174

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Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017 CONTRIBUTORS Dr.Vishnu Kant Srivastava - Chief Director(Statistics) Biswajit Das - Director (Statistics) D.P. Awasthi - Programmer Ms. Sonu Singh - Junior Statistical Officer Rakesh Bisht - DEO Gr. ‘B’ Comments/suggestions may be sent to : Statistics Division MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011 (INDIA) Telephone :011-23062288, 23062647, 23062943 e-mail:,[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Also available at /

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017AbbreviationsAIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeAHS Annual Health SurveyANC Antenatal CareANM Auxiliary Nurse Mid-wifeANC Ante Natal CareAPL Above Poverty LineARI Acute Respiratory InfectionASHA Accredited Social Health ActivistAWW Anganwadi WorkerAYUSH Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and HomoeopathyBCG Bacillus Calmette GuérinBE Budget EstimatesBMS Basic Minimum Services ProgrammeBPL Below Poverty LineCBR Crude Birth RateCDR Crude Death RateCES Coverage Evaluation SurveyCHC Community Health CentreCNAA Community Needs Assessment ApproachCPR Contraceptive Prevalence RateCPR Couples Protection RateDLHS District Level Household SurveyDPT Diphtheria, Pertussis and TetanusDT Diphtheria and TetanusEAG Empowered Action GroupECR Eligible Couple RegisterEmOC Emergency Obstetric CareFP Family PlanningFRUs First Referral UnitsHIV Human Immunodeficiency VirusHMIS Health Management Information SystemsICDS Integrated Child Development ServicesIDSP Integrated Disease Surveillance ProgrammeIDDCP Iodine Deficience Disorder Control ProgrammeIIPS International Institute for Population SciencesIEC Information, Education and CommunicationIFA Iron and Folic AcidIMR Infant Mortality RateIPHS Indian Public Health StandardsIUCD Intra Uterine Contraceptive DeviceIUD Intra Uterine DeviceJSK Jansankhya Sthirtha KoshJSY Janani Suraksha YojanaLHV Lady Health VisitorMCTS Mother and Child Tracking SystemM&E Monitoring and EvaluationMIES Monitoring, Information & Evaluation SystemMIS Management Information System 11

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017 MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MNP Minimum Needs Programme MoH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MPW-F/M Multi Purpose Worker – Female / Male MTP Medical Termination of Pregnancy NACP National AIDS Control Program NACO National AIDS Control Organisation NCP National Commission on Population NFHS National Family Health Survey NGO Non-Governmental Organization NLEP National Leprosy Eradication Programme NIHFW National Institute of Health and Family Welfare NNMR Neonatal Mortality Rate NPCB National Programme for Control of Blindness NPP National Population Policy NPSF National Population Stabilisation Fund NRHM National Rural Health Mission NHM National Health Mission NSV No Scalpel Vasectomy NVBDCP National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme NUHM National Urban Health Mission Obs/gyn Obstetrics and Gynaecology OP Oral Pills OPV Oral Polio Vaccine ORS Oral Rehydration Solution PC&PNDT Pre-conception & Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques PHC Primary Health Centre PHN Public Health Nurse PIP Programme Implementation Plan PMG Programme Management Group PMU Programme Management Unit PNC Post Natal Care PPP Public Private Partnership PRCs Population Research Centres RCH Reproductive and Child Health RHS Rapid Household Survey RKS Rogi Kalyan Samiti RGI Registrar General of India RNTCP Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme RTI Reproductive Tract Infection SBA Skilled Birth Attendants SC Sub Centre SC/ST Scheduled- Caste / Scheduled- Tribe SRS Sample Registration System STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases STI Sexually Transmitted Infections TBA Traditional Birth Attendants TFR Total Fertility Rate TT Tetanus Toxoid UIP Universal Immunization Program12

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017 CONTENTSForeword 4 5Preface 7 8Acknowledgement 11 21Prologue 94Abbreviations 95 96Executive Summary and overview of Health and Family Welfare Programme in India 98(Hindi & English version) 100 101Section A: Population and Vital Statistics 103 104Table No. Title 105 107 Population 108 110A.1 Population Growth, Crude Birth and Death Rates & Sex-ratio : Census 1901-2011 111 112A.2 Number of administrative units - Census of India, 2011 113A.3 Distribution of Population, Sex Ratio, Density and Growth Rate of Population - Census, 2001 & 2011 114 115A.4 Rural and Urban Composition of Population: Census - 2001, 2011 116 117A.5 Total Population, Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and their proportions 118 to the total population - Census 2011 119 120A.6 State-wise information on Slum Population in India - Census 2011 121 122A.7 Child Population in the age-group 0-6 years by sex - Census 2001 & 2011A.8 Population aged 7 years and above - Census 2011A.9 Literates and Literacy Rates by Sex - Census 2001 & 2011A.10 Sex ratio of total population and child population in the age-group 0-6 and population aged 7+ years : Census 2001 & 2011A.11 State-wise percent distribution of population by age-group - Census 2011A.12 Percentage of population in selected age groups, adolescent, young and adult - India, Census 1991-2011A.13 Projected population characteristics as on 1st March: 2001-2026, INDIAA.14 Proportion of Population in Age-groups 0-4 and 5-9 years, Child Women Ratio and Dependency Ratio, Census 2011A.15 Number of married couples (with wife aged between 15-44 and 15-49 years), Census 2011 - All IndiaA.16 Percentage distribution of married couples (with wife aged between 15-44 and 15-49 years) by age group - Censuses 1961 to 2011A.17 Number of Married Females By Age, Census 2011A.17.1 Number of Married Females in Rural Areas By Age, Census 2011A.17.2 Number of Married Females in Urban Areas By Age, Census 2011A.18 Estimated number of eligible couples per 1000 population - 2011 CensusA.19 Expectation of life at birth (in years) by sex and residence, India*, 1970-75 to 2011-15A.20 Expectation of life at birth (in years) by sex and residence, India and bigger States, 2011-15A.21 Projected levels of the expectation of life at birth (eoo), 2001-2026A.22 Mean age at effective marriage (Female), India and Major States (SRS), 2006 to 2015 13

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017A.23 Mean age at effective marriage of females, by residence - India and Major States (SRS), 123 2006 to 2015A.24 127A.25 Percentage of Females by Age at Effective Marriage by Residence, India and Major States 132A.26 (SRS), 2006 to 2015 133A.27 134A.28 Time series data on Crude Birth Rate (CBR) & Total Fertility Rate (TFR), 1971 to 2016 - India 137A.29 139A.30 Crude Birth Rates in Rural and Urban Areas (SRS), 1981-2016 140A.31 141A.32 Crude Birth Rates in Rural and Urban Areas (SRS), 1981, 1991, 2001, 2005 to 2016 143A.32.1 148A.33 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) by residence (SRS), 2006-2015 153A.34 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of smaller States/Union Territories by residence - SRS 158A.35 166A.36 Fertility Indicators (SRS), 2006-2015 - India 167A.37 172A.38 Age Specific Fertility Rates (ASFR) and Age Specific Marital Fertility Rates (ASMFR) - SRS : 173A.39 2006-2015 - India 174A.40 177A.41 Fertility indicators for major States (SRS) - 2006 to 2015 178A.42 181A.43 Fertility indicators for major States (SRS) - 2006-15 (GMFR) & (TMFR) 182A.44 184A.45 Estimated Age Specific Fertility Rates (per 1000 population in the same age-group) by major 186A.46 States(SRS), 2006 to 2015 189A.46.1 Total Fertility Rate & Age Specific Fertility Rates by Educational Level of Women (SRS) : 192 2006-2015 - All IndiaA.46.2 195A.47 Percentage Distribution of Births by Order of Births by Residence(SRS), 2006 to 2015 - India 198A.48 201A.49 Percentage distribution of live births by order of birth (SRS), India and Major States, 2006 to 204A.50 2015 207A.51 210 Percentage of ever married women (aged 50 and above) with no live birth - Census 2011 Percent distribution of live births by type of medical attention received by the mother at delivery of residence(SRS), 2006 to 2015 - India Sex ratio of child at birth(SRS) - India and bigger States Time series data on Crude Death Rate (CDR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) (SRS), 1971 to 2016 - India Crude Death Rates in Rural and Urban Areas (SRS), 1981, 1991, 2001, 2005 to 2016 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) by Sex (SRS), 1980 to 2016 - India Mortality Indicators by residence(SRS), 1980 to 2016 - India Infant Mortality Rates by Sex(per 1000 live births), 2005 to 2016 - India and all States/UTs Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births ) by residence, 2006 to 2016 - All States/UTs Estimated Age-Specific Death Rates (per 1000 population of same age-group) by Sex, 2006- 2015 : Total Estimated Age-Specific Death Rates (per 1000 population of same age-group) by Sex, 2006- 2015 : Rural Estimated Age-Specific Death Rates (per 1000 population of same age-group)by Sex, 2006- 2015 : Urban Neo-natal Mortality Rates by residence, 2006-2015 Early Neo-natal Mortality Rates by residence(SRS), 2006-2015 Peri-Natal Mortality Rates by Residence, 2006-2015 Still Birth Rate by residence, 2006-2015 Trends in Under-Five Mortality Rates (U5MR) (per 1000 live births) by residence - India and bigger States - 2008 to 201514

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017A.52 Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1,00,000 live births) 213A.53 Percentage of death by causes related to child birth and pregnancy (Maternal) SRS 214 1985,1990,1995, 1997 & 1998 - All India (Rural) 214A.54 Causes of Maternal Deaths (%) from 2001-03 Special Survey of Deaths 215A.55 Percentage distribution of deaths due to specific causes under the major group “Causes Peculiar to Infancy” for selected States - 1996-98 216A.56 Top 10 causes of death in India (age below 1 Year as %): 2010-13; Total, Male and Female - 217 India 218A.57 Top 10 causes of death in India (age below 1 as %): 2010-13; EAG States & Assam and 219 Other States 220A.58 Top 10 Causes of Deaths in India (age below 1 year) during (2004-2006) and (2010-2013) 222 224A.59 Distribution of Deaths by major Cause Groups in India 225 226A.60 Top 10 Causes of Death in India (all ages) during (2004-2006) and (2010-2013) 227 228SECTION B : FAMILY PLANNING 229 230B.1 Family Planning Acceptors by Methods - India 232B.2 Sex Wise Break-up of Sterilisation Performed - India 234B.3 Year Wise Achievement of Targets of Family Planning Methods -India 237B.4 State-Wise Achievements in respect of Sterilisations 238 239B.5 State-Wise Achievements in respect of IUD Insertions 240 241B.6 State-Wise Achievements in respect of Condom Users 244B.7 State-Wise Achievements in respect of Oral Pills Users 245 247B.8 State-Wise Vasectomies, Tubectomies and share of Tubectomy in total Sterilisations 249 251B.9 State-Wise Number of Laparoscopic Tubectomies along with Total Number of Tubectomy 253 Operations Performed 256 258B.10 State-Wise Number of Mini-Lap Tubectomies along with Total Number of Tubectomy 260 Operations Performed 262B.11 Number of Condom Pieces and Oral Pill Cycles Distributed - IndiaB.12 State-Wise Distribution of Condom PiecesB.13 State-Wise Distribution of Oral Pill CyclesB.14 Year-Wise Medical Termination of Pregnancies Performed - IndiaB.15 State-Wise Medical Termination of Pregnancies PerformedSECTION C : MATERNAL HEALTHC.1 Year Wise Targets and Achievement of Maternal Health Activities - IndiaC.2 Tetanus Immunisation for Expectant Mothers (II+Booster)C.3 Prophylaxis against nutritional anaemia among women (IFA full course completed)C.4 Number of pregnant women received 3 ANC CheckupsC.5 Number of women having Hb level <11 (tested cases)C.6 Information relating to Maternal Health (ANC, Institutional and Home Delivery)C.7 Number of newborn visited within 24 hrs of home deliveryC.8 Number of women received post partum check-up within 48 hours after deliveryC.9 Number of women discharged within 48 hrs of delivery from public facilityC.10 Number of women given TT2 / Booster 15

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017C.11 Information on Pregnancy outcome and Still Births 264SECTION D : CHILD HEALTH 268 271D.1 Year Wise Achievement of Targets of Child Health Activities - India 273 275D.2 D.P.T. Immunisation for Children (III Dose) 277 279D.2.1 Polio (III Dose) 281 283D.2.2 B.C.G. (Below 1 Year) 285 287D.2.3 Measles (Below 1 Year) 289 291D.2.4 DT/DPT5 Immunisation for Children 293 295D.2.5 T.T. (10 Years) 298D.2.6 T.T. (16 Years) 300 303D.2.7 Prophylaxis against Blindness due to Vitamin ‘A’ Deficiency - Ist Dose (Below 1 year) 305 306D.2.8 Prophylaxis against Blindness due to Vitamin ‘A’ Deficiency - 5th Dose (less than 3 years) 307 308D.2.9 Prophylaxis against Blindness due to Vitamin ‘A’ Deficiency - 9th Dose (under 5 years) 309 312D.3 Live birth reported and Newborns Breastfed within 1 hour of Birth 314D.4 Live births reported and Newborns weighed at Birth 316 317D.5 Number of Newborns having Weight less than 2.5 Kgs 318 319SECTION E : SURVEY FINDINGS ON HEALTH & FW KEY INDICATORS 320 322E.1 Population Profile - NFHS-4 (2015-16) 323 324E.1.1 Household Profile - NFHS-4 (2015-16) 325 326E.1.2 Marriage before 18 years of age by State and Residence 328E.1.3 Adolescent girls (10-19 years) ever married - RSOC (2013-14) 329 331E.1.4 Fertility and Mortality - NFHS-4 (2015-16)E.2 Birth Order 3 and aboveE.3 Current Use of Contraceptives by currently married women (%) - NFHS-3 (2005-06)E.3.1 Current Use of Contraceptives Methods by currently married women (%) - DLHS-3 (2007-08)E.3.2 Current use of Family planning methods ( %) - DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13)E.3.3 Current use of Family planning methods (Currently Married Women age 15-49 years) (%) - NFHS-4 (2015-16)E.4 Unmet need for family planning (%) - NFHS-3 (2005-06)E.4.1 Unmet need for family planning (%) - DLHS-3 (2007-08)E.4.2 Unmet need for family planning (%) - DLHS-4/AHS-3(2012-13)E.4.3 Unmet need for family planning (%) - NFHS-4 (2015-16)E.5 Any ante-natal check-upE.6 Atleast 3 ante-natal check-up - NFHS-3 , DLHS-3, CES , DLHS-4/AHS-3 & RSOCE.6.1 Mothers who had at least 4 antenatal care visits (%)- RSOC (2013-14) and NFHS 4(2015-16)E.7 Mothers who consumed IFA Tablets for at least 90 daysE.7.1 Pregnant women who consumed 100 or more IFA Tablets/Syrup equivalentE.8 Currently married women/Women(aged 15-49) who had last live birth/still birth received two or more TT injections during pregnancyE.8.1 Pregnant women/mothers who received at least one TT InjectionE.8.2 Full ANC (receipt of 3+ANC, atleast 1 dose of TT and consumption of 100 IFA tablets/syrup)E.8.3 Pregnancy outcome by State/Union Territory - NFHS-4 (2015-16)16

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017E.9 Institutional Delivery 332E.10 Safe Delivery - Births assisted by Doctor/Nurse/LHV/ANM/Other Health Personnel 334E.11 Percentage of Delivery by Caesarean section by residence - DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13) 336E.11.1 Births in a private and public health facility delivered by caesarean section (%) NFHS-4(2015- 338 16)E.11.2 Any delivery complications (Normal, Caesarean by instrument or assisted) - DLHS-4 (2012- 339 13)E.11.3 Women (aged 15-49) received check-up within 48 hours after delivery, DLHS-3 (2007-08) 340E.11.4 Women (aged 15-49) received check-up within 48 hours after delivery DLHS-4/AHS-3(2012- 341 13)E.11.5 Received PNC within 48 hours of discharge/delivery - RSOC (2013-14) 342E.11.6 Other Maternity Care Indicators (for last birth in the 5 years before the survey) NFHS-4 343 (2015-16)E.12 Percentage of women age 15-49 and pregnant women with anaemia (%)-NFHS III (2005-06) 345E.12.1 Percentage of women and pregnant women age 15-49 with anaemia - DLHS IV (2012-13) 346E.12.2 Percentage of women and pregnant women age 15-49 with anaemia - NFHS-4 (2015-16) 347E.12.3 Nutritional status of women(age 15-49) NFHS-4 (2015-16) 348E. 12.4 Clinical, Anthropometric and Biochemical (CAB) Survey, AHS States - 2014 349E. 12.5 Prevalence of anaemia among Children and adults in different age group in the AHS States 357 - 2012-13E.13 Vaccinations (children aged 12-23 months) % - NFHS 3 (2005-06) 358E.13.1 Vaccinations (children aged 12-23 months) % - DLHS III (2007-08) 359E.13.2 Vaccinations (children aged 12-23 months) % - CES(2009) 360E.13.3 Vaccinations (children aged 12-23 months) % - DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13) 361E.13.4 Vaccinations, NFHS-4 (2015-16) Vaccinations in Public and Private Health Facilities, NFHS-4 362 (2015-16)E. 13.5 Full Immunisation (%) (children aged 12-23 months) by residence 366E.14 Micronutrient intake - Percentage given Vitamin-A Supplements - NFHS III 2005-06 368E.14.1 Percentage of children aged 12-35 month received Vitamin-A and Hepatitis-B Injection - 369 DLHS III 2007-08E.14.2 Percentage of children aged 12-35 month who received Hepatitis-B vaccine - CES 2009 370E.14.3 Percentage of children aged 12-35 month received Vitamin-A and Hepatitis-B Injection - 371 DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13)E.14.4 Percentage of children aged 6-59 months received Vitamin-A_Iron Folic Acid_Deworming 372 Medicine - RSOC 2013-14E. 14.5 Children age 9-59 months who received a vitamin A dose in last 6 months (%), NFHS-4 373 (2015-16)E.15 Nutritional Status of Children (%) - NFHS-III (2005-06) 374E.15.1 Nutritional Status of Children (%) - DLHS 4 (2012-13) 375E.15.2 Nutritional Status of Children 0-59 months (%) - RSOC (2013-14) 376E.15.3 Nutritional Status of Children (%) - NFHS 4 (2015-16) 377E.15.4 Nutritional status of adolescent girls (15-18 years) - RSOC (2013-14) 378E.16 Anaemia among children(6-59 months) by haemoglobin level(%) - NFHS III (2005-06) 379E.16.1 Nutritional anaemia among children (%) - NFHS 4 (2015-16) 380 17

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017E.17 Children who started breastfeeding within one hour of birth 381E.17.1 383E.17.2 Children who received exclusive breastfeeding 385E.17.3 Breastfeeding / non-breastfeeding children receiving solid/semi-solid/adequate diet- NFHS 387 4(2015-16)E.18 389 Percentage of children (age below 36 months) with low birth weight (Below 2.5 kg) – DLHS-4/E.18.1 AHS-3 (2012-13) / RSOC (2013-14) 390E.18.2 Percentage of children who suffered from diarrhoea and sought advice/treatment - NFHS 3 392 (2005-06)E.18.3 394 Percentage of children who suffered from diarrhoea and sought advice/treatment - DLHS IIIE.18.4 (2007-08) 395E.19 397E.19.1 Percentage of children who suffered from diarrhoea and sought advice/treatment - DLHS-4/ 398E.19.2 AHS-3 (2012-13) 399E.19.3 400 Morbidity - Percentage of children aged 0-59 months who suffered from diarrhoea and soughtE.19.4 advice/treatment - RSOC (2013-14) 401E.20 402E.20.1 Childhood Diseases - Diarrhoea, NFHS-4 (2015-16) 403E.20.2 404E.20.3 Treatment of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) % - NFHS III 2005-06 405E.21 406E.21.1 Treatment of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) % - DLHS III 2007-08 407E.22 409 Treatment of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) % - DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13)E.23 410 Morbidity - Percentage of children aged 0-59 months prevalence of symptoms of ARI andE.23.1 sought advice/treatment - RSOC (2013-14) 411E.23.2 413E.23.3 Childhood Diseases - Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), NFHS-4 (2015-16) 415E.24 416 Percentage of children aged under 3 years received check-up - DLHS III (2007-08)E.25 417 Percentage of children aged under 3 years received check-up - DLHS-4/AHS-3 (2012-13)E.25.1 418 New born who received first check up within 24 hours of birth /discharge - RSOC (2013-14)E.26 419 Childhood Check-up, NFHS-4 (2015-16) HIV prevalence by State (%) - NFHS-3 (2005-06) Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among Adults (age 15-49 years) NFHS-4 (2015-16) Number of persons per 100,000 usual household residents suffreing from any Tuberculosis - NFHS-3 (2005-06) Number of women and men age 15-49 per 100,000 who reported that they have Diabetes - NFHS 3 (2005-06) Blood sugar level among adults (15-49 years) NFHS-4 (2015-16) Hypertension among Adults (age 15-49 years) NFHS-4 (2015-16) Women Age 15-49 Years Who Have Ever Undergone Examinations of : (NFHS-4 (2015-16) Number of women and men age 15-49 per 100,000 who reported that they have Asthma - NFHS 3 (2005-06) Number of women and men age 15-49 per 100,000 who reported that they have Goitre or other Thyroid Disorder- NFHS 3 (2005-06) Percentage of women and men age 15-49 who reported that they have Diabetes, Asthma, Goitre or any other Thyroid Disorder, Any Heart Disease and Cancer- NFHS-4 (2015-16) Source of health care ; Percentage distribution of households by the source of health care that household members generally use when they get sick- NFHS 3(2005-06)18

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017E.27 Percentage of households that do not generally use government health facilities when they 420 are sick and the percentage giving specific reasons for not utilizing a government health facility according to state, India -NFHS 3 (2005-06), NFHS 4 (2015-16) 421 425E.28 Women’s Empowerment and Gender Based Violence (age 15-49 years) - NFHS-4 (2015-16) 430E.29 Tobacco Use and Alcohol Consumption among Adults (age 15-49 years) - NFHS-4 (2015-16) 496SECTION F : ANNUAL HEALTH SURVEY AND CONCURRENT EVALUATION OF NRHM 500 501F.1 Annual Health Survey 508 509F.2 Comparison of indicators from SRS & AHS 510 511SECTION G : INFRASTRUCTURE 512 513G.1 Number of Sub-Centres, PHCs & CHCs Functioning 514G.2 Key Indicators District Household and Facility Survey, DLHS-4 (2012-13) and 515 DLHS-3 (2007-08) 517G.3 Health Worker [Female] / ANM at Sub Centres & PHCs 520G.4 Doctors+ at Primary Health Centres 521G.5 Total Specialists at CHCs 522G.6 Number of Sub-Centres without ANMS or/and Health Workers [M] 523G.7 Number of PHCs With Doctors and without Doctor/Lab Technician/Pharmacist 524G.8 State/UT wise Number of Govt. Hospitals & Beds in Rural & 525 Urban Areas (Including CHCs) In India (2015*) 526G.9 State Wise Details of Medical Colleges and MBBS Seats for the Year 2015-16 (As on 22.09.15) 528 530G.10 Drinking Water Facility-Census 2011 531G.11 Latrine Facility Type-Census 2011SECTION H : NSS 71ST ROUNDH.1 Per 1000 number of persons reporting ailment (PAP) during last 15 days and number per 1000 of persons hospitalized during last 365 days in each State/UT: Rural, UrbanH.2 Per 1000 distribution of spells of ailment treated on medical advice over levels of care in each State/UT for each genderH.3 Percentage of spells of ailment treated through allopathic system separately for each State/UT and genderH.4 Per 1000 distribution of hospitalization cases during the last 365 days by type of hospital for each State/UTH.5 Average medical and non-medical expenditure (Rs.) on account of hospitalization per hospitalization case for each State/UT, gender and sectorH.6 Per 1000 distribution of births to women aged 15-49 years by place of childbirth during last 365 daysH.7 Average total medical expenditure (Rs.) for treatment per childbirth during stay at hospital (as inpatient) over last 365 days by type of hospital for each State/UTSECTION I : SC, ST, OBC KEY INDICATORS FROM DIFFERENT SURVEYSI.1 Statement of IMR and U5MR for Total, SC, ST and others as per NFHS-3 (2005-06)I.2 Assistance during delivery and post-natal care - India SC, ST, OBC, Others (NFHS-3, 2005-06)I.3 Nutritional Status, prevalence of anaemia among children and women, India and SC, ST, OBC, Others (NFHS-3, 2005-06) 19

Health and Family Welfare Statistics in India 2017I.4 Percentage distribution of birth among ever married women age 15-49 years according to 533 selected background characteristics and birth order by Religion and Casts/Tribes (DLHS-4)I.5 -2012-13 534I.6 Percentage of currently married women aged 15-49 years who are currently using specific 535 methods according to Caste/Tribes (DLHS-4)-2012-13I.7 536 Percentage of women ( aged 15-49) who received any antenatal check - up (ANC) duringI.8 pregnancy Casts/Tribes (DLHS-4) -2012-13 537I.9 Percentage of women (aged 15-49) who received at least three antenatal check-up (ANC) 538 during pregnancy by Caste/Tribes (DLHS-4) -2012-13I.10 539 Percentage of women (aged 15-49) who had Institutional Delivery by Caste/Tribes (DLHSI.11 -4) - 2012-13 540I.12 Percentage of women (aged 15-49) who had safe delivery (either institutional delivery or 541I.13 home delivery assisted by skilled person) Castes/Tribes (DLHS -4) - 2012-13 542I.14 543I.15 Percentage of Children aged 12-23 months who received Full Vaccination by 545I.16 Caste/Tribes (DLHS-4) -2012-13 546I.17 547I.18 Children aged below 5 years whose birth is registered and have birth certificate - RSOC 548I.19 (2013-14) 549I.20 550 Percentage of women aged 20-24 years who were married below age 18 years - RSOCI.21 (2013-14) 551I.22 Adolescent girls (10-19 years) ever married - RSOC (2013-14) 552I.23 553 Maternal Health Indicators, RSOC (2013-14) Annexure - I 556Annexure - II Received PNC within 48 hours of discharge/delivery - RSOC (2013-14) 558Annexure - III 560Annexure - IV Percentage of children aged 6-59 months received Vitamin-A, 566Annexure - V Iron Flic Acid, Deworming Medicine - RSOC 2013-14 589Annexure - VI 590Annexure - VII Nutritional Status of Children 0-59 months (%) - RSOC (2013-14) 592Annexure - VIII 594 Nutritional status of adolescent girls (15-18 years) - RSOC (2013-14) Institutional Delivery, RSOC 2013-14 Safe Delivery - Births assisted by Doctor/Nurse/LHV/ANM/Other Health Personnel, RSOC 2013-14 Percentage of children(age below 36 months) with low birth weight (Below 2.5 kg) and Percentage of children (0-35 months) with low birth weight (Below 2500 grams out of those weighed)- RSOC 2013-14 New born who received first check up within 24 hours of birth/discharge - RSOC (2013-14) Full Immunisation (%) (children aged 12-23 months) by residence, RSOC 2013-14 ANNEXURE Demographic Indicators Demographic Estimates for Selected Countries, 2017 List of High Priority Districts District-Wise Rural Urban Population by Sex, Census 2011 Year-Wise BE, RE and Actual Expenditure Relating to Department of Family Welfare/NRHM Definitions Important Health Days Observed Key Indicators, SRS 201620

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