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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook Tarun Sontam 2A

Body Systems Flipbook Tarun Sontam 2A

Published by tarun.sontam.575, 2016-11-03 11:49:04

Description: Body Systems Flipbook Tarun Sontam


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Structures ● Nephron - Functional unit of the kidney ● Ureter - Narrow tubes that carry urine from kidneys to bladder ● Urinary Bladder - Hollow muscular organ that stores urine until it is excreted ● Urethra - Tube that extends from bladder to outside the body to excrete urine ● Urination - The process of excreting urine ● Urochrome - A pigment that gives urine its yellow-amber or straw color ● Renal Cortex - Outer layer of kidney ● Medulla - Inner layer of kidney, contains most of the urine collecting tubules ● Urea - Major waste product of protein metabolism ● Homeostasis - A state of equality that produces a constant internal environment in the body Table of Contents

Diseases ● Nephrolithiasis - Also known as a kidney stone, the presence of abnormal mineral deposits in the kidney ● Hydronephrosis - The enlargement of the renal pelvis of one or both kidneys ● Uremia - Also known as uremic poisoning, a toxic condition caused by excess urea in the urine ● Dysuria - Difficult or painful urination Table of Contents

Professions ● Nephrologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the kidneys ● Urologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the urinary system in females and the genitourinary system of males Table of Contents

Reproductive Table of Contents System(Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions

Key Terms ● cervic/o - cervix (neck of uterus) ● salping/o - fallopian tube ● ov/o - egg, ovum ● orchid/o - testicles, testes ● oophor/o - ovary ● men/o - menstruation, menses ● mamm/o - breast ● gynec/o - woman, female ● colp/o - vagina ● prostat/o - prostate gland Table of Contents

Functions ● Male: ○ Produce sperm and deliver them to unite with the eggs of a female to create new life ● Female ○ Produce eggs to be fertilized with sperm, uterus provides support for child, breasts produce milk to feed children Table of Contents

Structures ● Sperm - The male gametes that hold the father’s DNA ● Gamete - A reproductive cell; men have sperm, women have ova ● Scrotum - A layer of skin that protects, encloses, and supports the testicles ● Testicles - Two small egg-shaped glands that produce sperm ● Penis - The male sex organ that transports the sperm into the female’s vagina ● Vagina - The muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus ● Ovum - Also known as an egg, the female gametes that hold the mother’s DNA ● Ovaries - A pair of almond shaped organs that create ova ● Uterus - A pear shaped organ that enlarges when a sperm fertilizes an egg and an zygote is formed ● Menstruation - The normal periodic discharge of a bloody fluid from the nonpregnant uterus Table of Contents

Diseases ● Impotence - Also known as erectile dysfunction, the inability of a male to achieve or maintain penile erection ● Anorchism - The congenital absence of one or both testicles ● Anovulation - The inability to ovulate ● Metrorrhexis - The rupture of the uterus Table of Contents

Professions ● Neonatologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of a newborn child ● Obstetrician - A physician who specializes in providing medical care to pregnant women Table of Contents

ConclusionIn essence, the human body is vast and there are many aspects that we may beunaware of that completely change our world. It is important to take care of thebody, for we would not be able to do countless tasks without the body working toits full potential. Table of Contents

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