Body Systems Flipbook
Tarun Sontam 2ACoach Martinez
Table of Contents 1) Introduction 2) Integumentary System 3) Musculoskeletal System 4) Nervous System 5) Special Senses 6) Cardiovascular System 7) Respiratory System 8) Digestive System 9) Urinary System10) Reproductive System11) Conclusion
IntroductionThe human body is the most complex machine known to mankind. From allowingus to breathe and move to allowing us to create buildings and vehicles, the humanbody is capable of feats that we are not aware of. But how does our body work?What makes it so unique compared to other animals? In this flipbook, we will delvedeep into each body system that in culmination allow us to live. Table of Contents
The body is limitless, so let us begin! Table of Contents
Integumentary Table of Contents System(Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● Derm/o - Skin ● Kerat/o - Horny, Hard, Cornea ● Xer/o - Dry ● Xanth/o - Yellow ● Erythr/o - Red ● Pedicul/o - Lice, Louse (Singular) ● Onych/o - Fingernail, Toenail ● Myc/o - Fungus ● Pil/o - Hair ● Lip/o - Fat, Lipid ● Rhytid/o - Wrinkle ● Albin/o - White Table of Contents
Functions ● Protection from UV rays and pathogens ● Storage, Absorption, and Excretion ● Regulation of body temperature ● Sensory reception ● Production of Vitamin D Table of Contents
Structures ● Sebaceous glands - Glands that secrete sebum, which lubricates the skin ● Keratin - A fibrous, water repellent protein, primarily found in hair and nails ● Epidermis - Outermost layer of skin, cells are constantly shed and replaced by new cells ● Dermis - Thick layer of skin directly below the dermis, contain connective tissue, blood vessels, hair follicles, nerves, glands ● Collagen - Tough yet flexible protein material found in skin ● Subcutaneous Layer - Layer just below the skin that connects the skin to the surface muscles ● Sweat Glands -Tiny, coiled glands found on almost all body surfaces, secrete sweat ● Mammary glands - Modified sebaceous glands that produce milk ● Hair Follicles - Sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers ● Unguis - Also known as a nail, the keratin plate covering the dorsal surface of the last bone of each finger and nail. Table of Contents
Diseases ● Acne Vulgaris - Inflammation of the sebaceous glands ● Dermatitis - Inflammation of the skin ● Verrucae - skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus ● Eczema - Acute or chronic skin inflammation caused by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, and itching Table of Contents
Professions ● Dermatologist - A person who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin ● Cosmetic Surgeon - A person who specializes in the surgical restoration and reconstruction of body structures Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal Table of Contents System (Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● my/o - muscle ● myel/o - spinal cord, bone marrow ● oste/o - bone ● cost/o - rib ● cran/i - skull ● -pexy - surgical fixation ● chondr/o - cartilage ● arthr/o - joint ● -plegia - paralysis, stroke ● kinesi/o - movement Table of Contents
Functions ● Provides framework, movement, and protection ● Calcium is stored in bones ● Red bone marrow produces blood cells ● Muscles generate heat ● Muscles help move fluids, blood, and food through digestive system Table of Contents
Structures ● Cartilage - smooth, rubbery blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones. ● Ligament - a band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another ● Tendon - a band of fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone ● Axial Skeleton - 80 bones that protect the major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems ● Appendicular Skeleton - 126 bones that make body movement possible and protect the digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs ● Skeletal Muscles - Muscles attached to the bones of the skeleton and allow movement ● Smooth Muscles - Muscles located within the walls of internal organs ● Cardiac Muscles - Muscles that form the muscular wall of the heart ● Kinesiology - Study of muscular activity and the resulting movement of body parts ● Range of Motion - The change in joint position that is produced by muscle movements Table of Contents
Diseases ● Ataxia - Inability to control the muscles ● Muscular Dystrophy - group of inherited muscle disorders that cause muscle weakness without affecting the nervous system ● Osteoporosis - Marked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity ● Talipes - A congenital deformity in which the foot may be turned outward or inward Table of Contents
Professions ● Chiropractor - A person who specializes in manipulative treatment of disorders originating from misalignment of the spine ● Rheumatologist - A person who specializes in treating disorders that involve the inflammation of connective tissues including muscles. Table of Contents
Nervous Table of Contents System(Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● Neur/o - Nerve ● Encephal/o - Brain ● Myel/o - Dry ● Ambul/o - Walk ● -esthesia - Sensation ● Mening/o - Meninges ● Psych/o - Mind ● Concuss/o - Violently Agitated Table of Contents
Functions● Coordinates all bodily activities● Maintains homeostasis● Communicates between body parts Table of Contents
Structures ● Central Nervous System (CNS) - The brain and the spinal cord ● Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - The 12 pairs of brain nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves ● Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) - A division of the PNS, includes outside neves of spine ● Neuron - Basic cell of the nervous system ● Nerve - A bundle of neurons that connect the brain and spinal cord with other body parts ● Impulse - Wave of excitation transmitted through nerve fiber cells ● Stimulus - Anything that activates a nerve and causes and impulse ● Reflex - An automatic response to some change ● Cerebrum - Largest and uppermost part of the brain, controls thought, judgement, memory, and distinguishment ● Lobe of the Brain - A section of a hemisphere of the cerebrum (4 sections) Table of Contents
Diseases ● Cephalalgia - Also known as a headache, it is pain in the head ● Alzheimer’s Disease - A degenerative disease that leads to progressive memory loss, impaired cognition, and personality changes ● Concussion - A violent shaking of the brain ● Insomnia - The prolonged inability to sleep Table of Contents
Professions ● Anesthesiologist - A physician who specializes in administering anesthetic agents that makes a patient unconscious before and during surgery ● Neurosurgeon - A physician who specializes in surgery of the nervous system Table of Contents
Special Senses Table of Contents (Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● Irid/o - Iris, Colored part of the eye ● -cusis - Hearing ● -opia - Vision condition ● Ot/o - Ear, Hearing ● Tympan/o - Tympanic membrane, Eardrum ● Ophthalm/o - Eye, Vision ● -metry - To measure Table of Contents
Functions ● Receive images and transmit them to the brain so they can be processed ● Receive sound impulses and transmit them to the brain so they can be processed ● Inner ear helps maintain balance Table of Contents
Structures ● Orbit - Also known as the eye socket, the bony cavity of the skull that contains and protects the eyeball ● Eyelids - The upper and lower folds of the skin that protect the eyeball from foreign matter, excessive, light, and impact ● Globe - Also known as the eyeball, a one-inch sphere with walls made of 3 layers (sclera, choroid, and retina) ● Sclera - The white of the eye, the fibrous tissue outer layer of the eyeball ● Choroid - The opaque middle layer of the eyeball ● Retina - The sensitive inner layer of the eye ● Tympanic Membrane - Also known as the eardrum, vibrates in response to sound waves ● Labyrinth - The inner ear, equalizes air pressure in the middle ear with that of the outside atmosphere ● Pinna - The external portion of the ear that catches sound waves ● Auditory ossicles - Three small bones found in the middle ear (The hammer, anvil, and stirrup) Table of Contents
Diseases ● Blepharoptosis - The drooping of the upper eyelid ● Conjunctivitis - Also known as pinkeye, the inflammation of the conjunctiva ● Otalgia - Also known as an earache, pain in the ear ● Deafness - Complete or partial loss of the ability to hear Table of Contents
Professions ● Audiologist - A physician who specializes in the measurement of hearing functions and the rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments ● Ophthalmologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the eye Table of Contents
Cardiovascular Table of Contents System (Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● cardi/o - heart ● angi/o - blood, lymph vessel ● hem/o, hemat/o - blood ● brady- - slow ● tachy- - fast, quick ● thromb/o- clot ● -emia - blood condition ● leuk/o - white ● erythr/o - red ● arteri/o - artery Table of Contents
Functions ● Circulates blood throughout the body ● Transports oxygen and nutrients to body and collects waste from organs ● White blood cells fight pathogens ● Blood regulates heat ● Maintains fluid balance in body Table of Contents
Structures ● Erythrocyte - Also known as a red blood cell (RBC), transports oxygen, nutrients, and waste ● Hemoglobin - The iron containing pigment found in an erythrocyte that gives the cell its red color ● Leukocyte - Also known as a white blood cell (WBC), protects the body against harmful invaders ● Artery - A blood vessel in the body that carries oxygen rich blood away from the heart ● Vein - A blood vessel in the body that carries oxygen poor blood back to the heart ● Aorta - The largest artery in the body, the main trunk of the arterial system ● Venae Cavae - The two large veins in the body that carry oxygen poor blood into the heart ● Capillary - The smallest blood vessel in the body, connects the arterial system to the venous system ● Atria - The two upper chambers of the heart, all blood vessels enter here ● Ventricles - The two lower chambers of the heart, all blood vessels leave from here Table of Contents
Diseases ● Atherosclerosis - The hardening and narrowing of arteries due to plaque build up in the arteries ● Myocardial Infarction - Also known as a heart attack, a blockage of flow to the heart ● Leukemia - A cancer of blood forming tissues, hindering the body’s ability to fight infection ● Arrhythmia - Irregularity or loss of normal rhythm of the heart beat Table of Contents
Professions ● Cardiologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the heart ● Hematologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the blood Table of Contents
Respiratory Table of Contents System(Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● bronch/o - bronchus, bronchial tube ● cyan/o - blue ● laryng/o - larynx, throat ● -oxia - oxygen collection ● oxy- - swift, sharp, acid ● pleur/o - pleura, side of body ● pneum/o - lung, air ● pulmon/o - lung ● thorac/o - chest ● trache/o - trachea, windpipe Table of Contents
Functions ● Take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide ● Exchange gases between the lungs and the bloodstream ● Produce airflow through the larynx to allow speech Table of Contents
Structures ● Upper respiratory tract - The nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, and windpipe of the respiratory system ● Lower respiratory tract - The bronchial tree and lungs of the respiratory system ● Pharynx - Also known as the throat, a pathway for air and food ● Larynx - Also known as the voice box, manipulates pitch and volume to allow speech ● Trachea - Also known as the windpipe, connects the larynx to the bronchi, provides airflow to and from the lungs for respiration ● Bronchi - Tubes that shuttle air from the trachea into and from the lungs during respiration ● Alveoli - Also known as air sacs, the area where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange inside the lungs ● Diaphragm - The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen, its contraction and relaxation allows for air to enter and exit the body ● Inhalation - The act of taking air into the body, the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward ● Exhalation - The act of breathing out excess air out of the body, the diaphragm relaxes and moves upward Table of Contents
Diseases ● Asthma - A chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty ● Emphysema - The progressive loss of lung function due to the decrease in number of alveoli ● Influenza - Also known as the flu, a highly contagious bacterial infection spread by respiratory droplets ● Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi, usually caused by infection or smoking Table of Contents
Professions ● Otorhinolaryngologist - Also known as an ENT, physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the ears, nose, and throat ● Pulmonologist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the lungs Table of Contents
Digestive Table of Contents System(Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● cholecyst/o - gallbladder ● enter/o - small intestine ● col/o, colon/o - colon, large intestine ● hepat/o - liver ● gastr/o - stomach ● or/o - mouth, oral cavity ● -pepsia - digest, digestion ● chol/e - bile, gall ● proct/o - anus or rectum Table of Contents
Functions● Intake and digestion of food● Absorption of nutrients from digested food● Elimination of solid waste products Table of Contents
Structures ● Upper GI Tract - The mouth, esophagus, and stomach of the digestive system ● Lower GI Tract - The small intestine, large intestines, rectum, and anus of the digestive system ● Esophagus - A tube that breaks down food and leads from the pharynx to the stomach ● Peristalsis - The muscular contractions of the esophagus that break down food ● Small Intestine - Absorbs nutrients from food, consists of 3 sections ● Large Intestine - Absorbs minerals and water, food is processed into waste ● Liver - Removes excess blood sugar and stores it as glycogen, produces bile for digestion ● Gallbladder - Stores bile produced by liver ● Bile - A bitter greenish-brown juice that aids in digestion ● Pancreas - Synthesizes and secretes pancreatic juices to aid in digestion, produces insulin as well ● Digestion - The process in which complex foods are broken down into nutrients Table of Contents
Diseases ● Cirrhosis - Chronic damage to the liver from a variety of causes, mainly from drinking ● Gastralgia - Also known as a stomach ache, a sharp sense of pain in the stomach ● Obesity - Excessive accumulation of fat in the body ● Constipation - A decrease in frequency in the passing of stools, usually the stools are dry and hard, most commonly a result of dehydration Table of Contents
Professions ● Gastroenterologist - Also known as a GI, a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the stomach and intestines ● Internist - A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the internal organs Table of Contents
Urinary System Table of Contents (Click on the specific content you want to explore) Key Terms Functions Structures Diseases Professions
Key Terms ● -cele - hernia, tumor, swelling ● -lysis - breakdown, destruction ● cyst/o - urinary bladder ● nephr/o - kidney ● ren/o - kidney ● -uria - urination, urine ● -pexy - surgical fixation ● -ectasis - stretching, dilation, enlargement ● pyel/o - renal pelvis, bowl of kidney Table of Contents
Functions ● Maintain proper balance of water, salts, and acids in the body ● Filters blood to remove urea and waste ● Converts waste in urine and excretes urine Table of Contents