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Home Explore Salud Coomeva Magazine December - January

Salud Coomeva Magazine December - January

Published by El Colombiano, 2017-12-13 15:27:57

Description: Set your goals, give them a deadline and be specific about them, either by yourself or as a family. This will give you
the opportunity to take control of your life and the habits you want to include in it. Your health is your greatest
gift as this new year begins.

Keywords: Coomeva,Salud Coomeva Magazine,Magazine,benefits, health, feeling good, smoking, newborns, healthy eating


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COOMEVA MEDICINA PREPAGADAISSN 1692 - 5556 Diciembre 2017 - Enero 2018 - Edición 138 PROYECTA 1 NUEVOS RETOS SET NEW

Issue 138 PLAN FOR 2018December 2017 - January 2018 WITH HEALTHY HABITSRevista Salud Founder According to the World Health cal health but on our mental health. ByGilberto Lotero Muñoz (q.e.p.d.) Organization, at least 60% of using our network of specialists, servi-Chairman of the Board the world’s population does ces and the advice you find in our cam-José Vicente Torres Osorio not perform the physical activity nee- paign Your Health and Loving Yourself,Executive President Of the ded to obtain health benefits from it. committing to these activities descri-Cooperativo Coomeva Business Group This is the result of the sedentary bed is one of the challenges of the newAlfredo Arana Velasco behavior of staying seated in the year that we here at Coomeva PrivateCEO Coomeva Sector Salud workplace without taking necessary Healthcare propose to you.Gilberto Quinche Toro active breaks; or the use of means of Set your goals, give them a deadlinePrepaid Medicine CEO transport that, while they furnish grea- and be specific about them, either byJorge Alberto Zapata Builes ter comfort and save time, help to yourself or as a family. This will give youNational Director of Strategy reinforce passive habits. the opportunity to take control of yourand New Business Walking to get from one place to ano- life and the habits you want to includeMauricio Castillo Pérez ther instead of using the car, taking the in it. We invite you to write down andNational Director of Marketing stairs to go from one office to another, carry out a plan that gives you the pos-Sector Salud and getting up early three times a sibility to live longer with a better qua-Camilo Ernesto Diusaba Perdomo week to do some kind of physical acti- lity of life. Your health is your greatestGeneral Manager vity for at least half an hour all have gift as this new year begins. MerryDavid Montes Canal positive effects not only on our physi- Christmas and Happy 2018!Editorial Committee Editorial and Graphic Direction, Magazine General Editor Journalists CommercializationPascual Estrada Garcés prepress and printing Paula Andrea Montoya T. Isabel Vallejo Jiménez El ColombianoNational Director of Prepaid El Colombiano Magazine Editor Natalia Ospina Cali: Marisol MonsalveHealthcare Tel.: (4) 331 5252 Natalia Estefania Botero C. Ingrid Cruz 310 544 2354Hernán Darío Rodríguez [email protected] Graphic Editor María Clara Restrepo [email protected] National Director Hugo A. Vásquez E. Adriana Yepes Bogotá: Ana María EchandíaBlanca Inés Vélez Design Liliana Klinkert 3183764776National Director of Oral Health Margarita Ochoa Gaviria Diana Milena Ramírez Medellín: Mónica GómezSandra Viviana Muñoz Rodríguez Photography 312 202 7269Director of Epidemiology ShutterStock - Cortesía [email protected] Lucía Varela RojasJefe Nacional Auditoría MédicaMartha Liliana CifuentesCoordinadora Nal. deRelacionamiento con PrestadoresJulián VillegasNational Chief of RiskManagement in HealthEditorDavid Montes CanalEditorial CoordinatorMelissa Arce PérezCollaboratorsGina Isabel Massi AmbardViviana Trujillo Jiménez The contents of all Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. magazine articles are illustrative in nature and/or for general knowledge. In no case are they meant to replace the advice or guidance of a physician. Readers shall not use this information in order to self-diagnose and/or perform an analysis, diagnosis or treatment of a disease or health problem without consulting with a certified physician. The product and service offers made in the ads published in the Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. magazine are the sole responsibility of the advertisers. Also, the company is not liable nor obligated to provide its affiliates the services, procedures or treatments described in the contents of articles that are not included in the coverage offered by Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A., nor shall they be obligated to include them in their plans and services. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form or system. © 2017

CONTENTSDecember 2017 - January 20187 23 45 65( ) ( )( ) ( )WITHYOURMIND WITH YOUR BODY WITH YOUR WORLD CORPORATE8 Prevention 24 Prevention 46 Focus on 66 Prevention Make this the year! Allergies. An Smoking Routine medical Achieving your new overreaction in exams, a healthy habit year’s resolutions your system 48 For her Mothers and daugh- 68 Institutional12 Harmony in health 26 Harmony in health ters: Bridging the gap Pioneers in biometric Parents and children: Processed and ultra- through trust authentication parents, not friends! processed foods: knowing how to choose 52 Grandparents 70 Special14 Your generation Vitality: Not a matter When it comes to Learning from 30 Your smile of age treating diabetes, pre- frustrations Habits that are dama- vention is key ging to the palate and 54 Prevention18 For him to occlusion Goal-planning with 74 Directory Learning to express pen and paper New providers and your emotions, a 32 Infographic updated contact healthy habit How to treat an injury 58 Little giants information at home Caring for your newborn: Myth-free 36 Keep in mind Keep an eye out for 62 Together ocular bleeding Meditation 40 For her 64 Games Pain-free fingernails Crossword and sudoku and toenails

Ahora con OTZ 10 PROTECCIÓN ANTIEDAD Protección Radiación Infraroja UVA/UVBRADIA CIÓNIR Terapia preventiva a temprana edad,cLoa nrasdt iiat cuiyóne I R l Tienednelapceanpeatcraidr ad Las pieles jóvenes50% e generando hábitos de cuidado a capas más profundas son más susceptibles frente a los efectos nocivos de de la piel. al daño solar. los rayos solares.del espectro solar. Pharmaderm & skindrug

Ahora tienes un Modelo de Atención según tus necesidades.En convenio con los centros ambulatorios CHRISTUS SINERGIA Salud nuestros usuarios tienen un modelo de atención diferencial con servicios y beneficios exclusivos:$Tarifas preferenciales Disponibilidad cita con Programa Consulta Profilaxis personalizadoen Copagos y Especialista* y médico general multidisciplinaria** Odontológica de saludvacunas en menos de 24 horasSolicita tu cita llamando a las siguientes líneas: Barranquila: 385 4249 • Bucaramanga: 697 3536 Bogotá: 390 7617 • Cali: 489 6083 • Medellín: 604 4191 • Pereira: 340 0663 • Tuluá: 235 9546. Resto del país: 01 8000 942 029 o ingresa a Aplican condiciones y restricciones *Medicina Interna, Ginecología, Pediatría **Previamente solicitado por médico tratante. Equipo multidisciplinario: Medicina interna, nutrición, deportologo o educador físico, Psicología, enfermería)

)WITH YOUR MIND ( )WITH YOUR MIND4,4%OF THE WORLD’S POPULATIONSUFFERS FROM DEPRESSION,ACCORDING TO THE WHO, AND ITIS MORE COMMON AMONG WOMEN,YOUTH AND THE ELDERLY.STRESS, ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION ARE DIFFERENT MENTALCONDITIONS. TO PREVENT OR MANAGE THEM, THE FACTORSTHAT CAUSE THEM MUST BE TREATED.EVERYDAY DEPRESSION STRESS IS CHRONIC ANXIETY DOESN’T GO AWAYDepression is characterized as sadness Stress is the body’s response to an Generalized anxiety disorder is the stressthat sustains over time. Another symp- external factor that interrupts your that continues when what generates ittom is a loss of interest in your favorite everyday routine and requires a quick has gone away; it is almost a constantactivities, or insomnia. response, causing anger and making tension or worry. people feel out of balance 7


( )WITH YOUR MIND beforeEs el momento para enumerar sus anhelos y sueños,algunos en familia y otros individuales. Paraconcretarlos es necesario motivarse con objetivosrealistas y disciplina. Planear es importante.It is the time of the year to make a list of your dreams and wants.Whether your goals are personal or family related, it is time to identifywhat they are and motivate yourself with realistic goals and plenty ofdiscipline. Make planning a priority.ASESOR ADVISORJUAN CARLOS POSADA JUAN CARLOS POSADAPsicólogo PsychologistLa llegada de un nuevo año trae consigo With the new year comes new emo- nuevas emociones, dudas y promesas. tions, questions and prospects. En esta época, los deseos son más gran- During this time, people’s aspira-des y la convicción de lograr un objetivo se tions are greater and they are more convictedvuelve mayor. Además, aparece un presenti- to achieve their goals. This is also a time ofmiento inquietante que puede traer consigo unresolved feelings that can bring many ques-muchas preguntas. Y aunque responder a tions. While for many, answering these ques-algunas es cuestión de instinto, para otras es tions is instinctual, for others, it is best torecomendable conocer el trasfondo, abrir el have an understanding of one’s background,diálogo con otros o consigo mismo y estar engage in dialogue with others or yourselfabierto a escuchar las múltiples posibilidades and be open to hearing the many opportuni-que presenta la vida. ties life has to offer. Juan Carlos Posada Mejía es psicólogo clí- Juan Carlos Posada Mejía is a clinical psy-nico con especialidad en espiritualidad en chologist that specializes in spirituality inBangladesh, India y Tailandia. Para él, prepa- Bangladesh, India and Thailand. For him,rarse para un nuevo reto implica determina- preparing yourself for a new challenge invol-ción, seguridad y fortaleza espiritual, pero ves determination, confidence and spiritualademás, mucha disciplina. Indica que existen strength. It also requires a lot of discipline,diferentes tipos de propósitos, algunos están however. As he explains, there are differentconectados con el amor o con la familia; en types of new year’s resolutions: while sometanto que también hay otros más individua- are love or family related, others are morelistas, si se quiere, enfocados en la búsqueda individualistic and may focus on the searchde un nuevo empleo, terminar una carrera, for a new job, finishing a degree, finding aencontrar pareja o asumir definitivamente la partner or accepting the permanence of soli-soledad como una etapa. tude as part of a phase. El consejo del especialista en temas de In terms of love, Posada’s advice is to tho-amor se basa en evaluar muy bien lo que se roughly evaluate what it is that you want. Forquiere conseguir. Si, por ejemplo, lo que se example, if you want to try to get through abusca es tratar de mejorar un difícil momento difficult time in a relationship, the recommen-de pareja, la recomendación es “buscar juntos dation is to “…discover what you want together 9

WITH YOUR MIND( )before qué quieren, para luego hacer una reparación y poste- in order to later make amends, and then make a plan riormente, un plan de mejora”, precisa el psicólogo. to improve the situation,” the psychologist explains. ES CUESTIÓN DE PROPONERSE A MATTER OF SETTING GOALS Es importante tener en cuenta que cuando se It is important to consider that when you are dealing trata de una relación de pareja, existen dos com- with an intimate relationship, there are two compo- ponentes que juegan un papel muy importante: el nents that play an important role: romantic love and amor romántico y el erótico. “Como estos dos erotic love. “Because both of these feelings are invol- sentimientos están de por medio, hay que tratar ved, it is important to be more rational. I believe that de ser más racionales. Soy de los que pienso, que living together is destructive to love, which is why it la convivencia mata el amor, por eso hay que tener is important to not expect too much of each other los pies en la tierra y amar al otro como es”, and love the other for who they are,” states Posada. comenta Posada Mejía. With family life, when trying to improve a situa- En cuanto a la vida familiar, cuando se trata de tion or reach a goal, it is important to recognize that mejorar o alcanzar un objetivo, hay que tener pre- this also involves two or more people. “If you want sente que esto también congrega a dos o más perso- to make a change as a family, it is crucial to nas. “Es primordial contar con que existen varios acknowledge that there are several individuals invol- individuos implicados si se quiere realizar un cam- ved. First, be sure that all the family members are bio en familia: primero asegúrese de que todas las ready and willing,” he explains. partes estén dispuestas” aclara. On the other hand, if you want to reach a Si, por el contrario, el deseo se basa en alcanzar career goal, give yourself the opportunity to disco- un objetivo laboral, regálese la oportunidad de bus- ver what it is that you like. “With a job, beyond car lo que le gusta. “En el trabajo, más allá del dine- financial compensation is moral and spiritual ro es la remuneración moral y espiritual, en ocasio- compensation, which at times is more important,” nes esto es más importante”, remata el especialista. the specialist concludes. PARA ALCANZAR LAS METAS ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS Pregúntese, ¿qué quiero? Posada Mejía enfatiza en la Ask yourself: what do I want? Posada emphasizes the importancia de tener claras las metas que se desean importance of being clear about the goals you want cumplir: “Cuando una persona sabe lo que quiere, to achieve, “When someone knows what they want, puede hacer una planeación más estratégica de su vida”. they can make a more strategic plan for their lives.” Mis metas 2018 Mi pareja Mi trabajo Mi familia Mis sueños10

( )WITH YOUR MINDMETAS SÍ, PERO REALISTASPóngase metas retadoras, pero alcanzables y que no sean muchas, con una o dos es suficiente yseguro logrará sus objetivos con más facilidad. Además, automotívese todo el tiempo: piense enpositivo, es importante rodearse de personas agradables, de lugares tranquilos y no pierda elrumbo, no decaiga, puede ser difícil con el tiempo, pero con disciplina, podrá lograrlo.HAVE GOALS, BUT MAKE THEM REALISTICMake challenging, but reachable goals. Don’t make too many; having just one or two isenough, and this amount makes it more likely for you to reach them. Also, keep yourselfconstantly motivated: think positively, surround yourself with people you enjoy, put yourselfin places you are comfortable in, and do not get distracted or get off track. It may bedifficult over time, but with discipline, you can do it. Luego, esfuércese en el objetivo, usando la crea- Next, work on your goal with creativity and love.tividad y el amor. Esto se conecta directamente con This is directly connected with what you want, butel deseo, pero además de las ganas que tenga por in addition to the desire you have to reach this goal,alcanzar ese objetivo, se deben poner en marcha specific planning-based strategies should be used,ciertas estrategias basadas en la planeación y es ahí which is where time plays a vital role. “Specify howdonde el tiempo juega un papel vital. “Especifique much time you are going to spend on your dreams,”cuánto tiempo le va a dedicar alcanzar sus sueños”, Posada advises. This will help you keep track of youraconseja. Esto le permitirá hacerle seguimiento a goals with a specific timeline.sus metas en un tiempo definido. Take advantage of the different opportunities Aproveche las diversas ocasiones que se le presenten you have to work on your goal; if they do not exist,para trabajar por su meta y si no existen, créelas. Buscar create them. Discovering what you love will bringlo que se ama, le traerá un placer infinito, es una parte you endless satisfaction and is an important part oftambién importante para fabricar la vida que quiere. building the life you want.PREPÁRESE PARA MATERIALIZARLO PREPARE YOURSELF TO MAKE IT A REALITYAhora que ya tiene claro cómo alcanzar sus sueños, esté Now that you know how to reach your goals, youdispuesto a cumplirlos. ¿Cómo lograrlo? Lo primero es must be ready to follow through with them. Buttener voluntad. Para el psicólogo, el anhelo de lograrlo how? You must first have the will to do so. Forestá estrictamente conectado con “el arranque y adicio- Posada, the desire to reach a goal is immediately rela-nalmente, debe estar compuesto por la disciplina, un ted to “…starting; it must also include discipline, aelemento que es primordial en el proceso”. fundamental element of the process.” Es necesario también construir un cronograma, con It is also important to establish a timeline withindicadores de desempeño y fechas, asimismo realizar benchmarks and deadlines, as well as a checklistun parámetro de seguimiento de tareas para cumplir of the tasks that must be achieved to meet yourcon los logros propuestos. A este sistema de planifica- goals. Some refer to this timeline as a “treasureción, también se le conoce como ‘el mapa del tesoro’ o map” or yearly planner. Remember that this time-el planeador anual. Recuerde que este debe estar siem- line must always be visible. As tools, use a specialpre visible, use una agenda especial con mensajes inspi- planner with inspirational messages or your cellradores o su celular como herramienta, no olvide poner- •phone, and don’t forget to set alarms and create•le alarma y crear notas que le recuerden sus tareas notes that remind you of your tasks 11


( )WITH YOUR MIND armony in health When it comes to raising children with rules and values, having authority and being able to teach are non-negotiable aspects, and are things that friends cannot provide.MEDICAL ADVISOR To say that parents from this generation ( A relationship based GLORIA HURTADO are unlike those from the one before on mutual respect sets the foun- would be a redundancy. There is dation for ties of trust to be CASTAÑEDA something to be said, however, about one of built, which does not compete Psychologist the main differences between the two: the with having authority. type of relationship they have with their kids. Older generations had a completely hierarchi- society. This goes for family as well, as not all mem- cal relationship, one of authority and subordi- bers are equal, and not all have the same position.” nation. This has become more relaxed over the last generation, however, turning more A good example, Hurtado explains, is when into camaraderie and almost friendship. But two family members work together at a bank; one can parents be friends to their children? may be the manager and the other, a teller. The teller confesses to his brother (the manager) that Children can have many friends. Just think back one night, when everyone had gone home, he took to your own childhood and you will realize all the advantage of the situation to steal some money. children that were in your peer group with whom How should the manager react? Should he report or you exchanged secrets and got into mischief with. protect him? Of course, he should act ethically: That is what friendship is about; they are partners in report him. First comes the authoritative rela- crime and the ones who have each other’s backs. tionship, then the parental one. There can only be two parents, however. No “When parents try to be their children’s one else can play this role, whose purpose is to set friends, they fall into a trap, as they are sending the limits and give them a pathway they can take, one message that they are their confidants, who support that comes with rules and privileges. The main role them in their mischievousness. The simple fact that of parents is to support, guide, raise and teach their mothers and fathers are born before their children, children; while the role of friends is to be a partner naturally puts them in a hierarchical position. When in crime and a companion to go on adventures with. we try to be equal to our children, parents and chil- dren then become the same, which is when children Psychologist Gloria Hurtado believes that for begin to set rules for their parents, something that several years, there has been an effort to try and dis- shouldn’t have to happen. My children can have 500 miss a concept that has served every society well: friends, but just one father or mother.” the notion of the authority figure. “We are creating societies without hierarchies because they scare us When the role of the authority figure in the and we think they are dangerous. We live in a family disappears, so does respect for the rules, society that seeks equality and wants to be equal, Hurtado says, “…which is why we have so may kids but we forget that hierarchies give structure to the throwing tantrums, shouting at their parents, or organization of any institution.” even threatening to hurt or sue them.” If there is no According to our expert, while we are all equal •authority, the child also loses the opportunity to in regard to our identities as human beings and in that sense, no one is above another we are different learn social protocol to live well in society because we play diverse roles so that we can live easy-going, successful, interrelated lives. “We are not all equal, not because we are more superior or inferior than others, but because we each have a place, offer a skill and play a role in the structure of 13

WITH YOUR MIND( )generation LEARNING FROM FRUSTRATIONS Youth should be prepared to face unexpected life situations from when they are kids. MEDICAL ADVISOR Who gets taught how to lose? their need and don’t give the baby a chance CAROLINA CARVAJAL MÉNDEZ How many people are raised to build up tolerance to their frustration: with the idea that one’s future the ability we have to overcome and recover Psychologist is a matter of chance or that you have to from a circumstance that doesn’t necessarily work hard to achieve your goals? In an era turn out how we want,” explains psycholo- when it is believed that the will to achieve gist Carolina Carvajal Méndez. your dreams is enough to accomplish them, it is difficult to raise a generation to UNDERSTANDING LIMITS AND LOSING be prepared for defeat and ready to deal One tip that our expert shares with us, is to with failure. allow them to explore what it means to be unsatisfied at an early age, as this is the way The first thing that needs to be clarified they are going to deal with not knowing is that tolerance to failure and frustration what to do about an unmet need, a feeling begins in the first stages of a human’s life, that repeats throughout life and that when the child is building their first emotio- everyone experiences at any given moment. nal ties to their mother when they are fed. This is when babies begin making requests “Whether youth can tolerate frustra- and must learn that not all their needs can tions or not, largely depends on parents. be satisfied immediately. This must be done early on, as when they grow up and face frustrations at school, it “There are some parents, who as soon as will be more difficult as they will reach their baby begins to cry, they rush to fulfill14

( )WITH YOUR MINDDEFENSEMECHANISMSIN TEENAGERS► Anxiety: this sensation can be released with physical behaviors such as moving the legs frequently, eating the nails, being impatient or not feeling comfortable in any environment or situation.► Rationalization: looking for logical reasons to understand what was failed.► Projection: downloading the fault of the deficiencies, errors and bad actions in others and to these attribute impulses, thoughts and unacceptable desires.► Aggression: release frustration against another person or object.► Peer pressure: arises from the attempt to avoid negative events, sometimes can cause more stress than the facts.this phase believing and thinking that inthis egocentric phase they are the onlyones that exist, and they will clash withthe other kids that are in the same situa-tion. This is when they realize that thingsaren’t always how they want. This can beavoided by restricting their privileges,saying “no” to some of their requests forgifts and especially because of the age welive in today by avoiding raising them asthe ones in charge at home and thateveryone lives to cave into their everywhim,” Méndez adds. When a child has serious difficultiesaccepting that the world is not made tocater to their every need, behaviors thatthey are not well-adjusted can arise suchas throwing tantrums, getting into fightswith their peers, punching, biting, beingrude to authority figures, and having a 15

WITH YOUR MIND( )generationgeneral attitude of opposition anddefiance. When they are taught at anearly age to be tolerant, however, theybegin developing a proactive and positiveresponse to adversity.ACCEPTING THE WORLD FOR HOW IT IS “The challenge comes when theybecome teenagers, a time of many chan-ges. When teens have enough strategiesor resources to deal with their frustra-tions, the is more likely to bounce back.For example, they should be ready forthe first time that a girl or group of peersrejects them. When teens cannot dealwith their frustrations, they tend to tryand overcome them via other means suchas through substance abuse and addic-tions to technology, which is consideredhigh risk behavior,” states Méndez. Nobody is ever completely ready forthis phase, it is the parents’ responsibi-lity to prepare them for the world, howe-ver; things are not always what we wantthem to be. This also helps the child andfuture teen to create their own world,and have their own safe places, hobbiesand interests as well as friends they havethings in common with which will serveas a support during those times when•things are not easy to accept TEENS: DEALING WITH FRUSTRATION Clinical psychologist Silvia Russek, mind such as, “It shouldn’t be this way,” “It’s too much,” “I can’t take it,” or specialist in behavioral therapy, offers the “Everybody else can, why can’t I?” It’s about learning to change erroneous following suggestions: beliefs that only make the problem worse. ► Ask people who are close to you if the ► Channel efforts and energy to achieving emotional reaction to what happened a different goal. was an exaggerated one. Try to see things from another point of view and ► Identify the errors or the reasons why it reflect on behavior. was not possible to reach the objective. Have a plan B that offers another option. ► Avoid repeating mistakes from the past. ► Ignore ideas and beliefs that come to16


( )WITH YOUR MIND LEARNING TO EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS, A HEALTHY HABIT Even though the way we express how we feel is different among men and women, we all must do this assertively and accordingly to avoid causing harm to others.18

MEDICAL ADVISOR ( )WITH YOUR MIND ALEJANDRA para ellos GONZÁLEZ 19 PsychologistSome people are unshakable. It seems as though nothing can make them cry or laugh. When asked how they feel, theyrarely respond with something other thanthe usual: “good,” “fine,” or “okay.” Often,these are people who have difficulty expres-sing their emotions, a condition psychologyrefers to as alexithymia. Holding one’s emotions back is not theonly challenge a person may face withthem, however. The expression of one’semotions can also be exaggerated, wrong,exorbitant, or they may intentionally hidewhat they really want to express. The way an emotion is expressed is gene-rally conditioned by people’s environmentand by how they are raised from when theyare little. It is therefore no coincidence thatchildren grow up and take certain phrasesto be true: “Don’t be a crybaby, men don’tcry,” “You have to be strong” or “You’reprettier when you’re quiet.” Alejandra González, PhD in psychology andfamily therapy, believes that more than anything,even though emotions come spontaneously,how we express them is a matter of gender. “As a result of social and educationalmodels, emotions in men and women aredifferent. We are taught to feel or repress emo-tions in different ways. Both girls and boys aretaught what they can and should feel. Girls aretaught to be delicate and sweet; and perhaps tobe more careful with their feelings and emo-tions. Boys are entitled to be rougher andstronger, to know what they want and toexpress their emotions and desires.” According to our expert, statistics on disor-ders that affect mental health can support thispoint. They show that women suffer morefrom depression, anxiety and phobias; whilemen suffer more from difficulties with contro-lling their impulses, hyperactivity and pro-blems with being active.

WITH YOUR MIND( )for him BEING ASSERTIVE: ESSENTIAL TO EXPRESSING YOUR EMOTIONS Another key factor for expressing your emo- tions adequately is to be assertive. Psychologists claim that it is very important for every human being to have the ability to freely state what they want, and for the res- ponse to not be conditioned by societal or cultural pressures. (Feelings can be expressed verbally (by talking about them) or non-verbally (by acting upon them). It is very important that being embarrassed, shy or being scared does not inhibit the expression of feelings. EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS ARE DIFFERENT Emotions are not the same as feelings. According to psychologist, Alejandra González, emotions are spontaneous and have to do with something circumstantial that tends to make people feel sadness, anger, melancholy, shock, fear, etc. Feelings tend to refer to a permanent experience and the sig- nificance behind it; they are the continuance of an emotion and refer to admiration, love, jealousy and compassion, among others.20

CHANNELING YOUR EMOTIONS ( )WITH YOUR MIND Since having emotions about something, 21whether positive and negative, is as naturalas breathing, our expert asserts that irrita-ting or harming others as a result of not con-trolling in emotion can be avoided by “…identifying and managing our emotions andnot letting them control us.” While culture conditions how we expressour emotions, the potential threat of increa-sing mental health illnesses is a call to moti-vate children from when they are young andapplaud them when they consistently andadequately express their emotions instead ofrepressing them. Parents are the one respon-sible for this. They are also responsible forthe actions and examples they set to not per-petuate cultural practices that repress or con-dition their emotions. Daring to show emotion, or doing it at theright time, is also important in adulthoodand can be learned with the advice andsupport of professionals if the barriers todoing so are serious. According to Dr. González, it can be hel-pful to avoid those people referred to as toxic(and those who are always criticizing or arenegative), and to surround yourself with thosewho are positive. “Having positive thoughts,being optimistic, thinking “Yes, I can!” belie-ving that life has many positive elements to itand that you have to enjoy those who are closeto you, increases your ability to control youremotions and helps you be a better person.” Practicing meditation, any form ofspirituality and taking moments to be silentcan also help. It is also important to manage stress. Ourexpert says that you have to, “Slow downwhen you start going fast, because if we gothrough 30 thousand tasks a day, at the end ifthe day, we can feel irritable, deception or self-criticism. And it’s hard to understand whatyou feel when you’re going full speed.” One step forward is to learn to say whatyou feel without offending others, andunderstand that not doing this may adverselyaffect your mental health. Silence is the lan-•guage of the wise, but not always

( )CON TU MENTERealiza el pago anticipado de tu estado de cuenta de Coomeva MedicinaPrepagada, Coomeva Emergencia Médica (CEM), Coomeva Salud Oral yaprovecha los descuentos que tenemos para ti.Plan Asociado Plan Familiar8%hasta 7%hasta de descuento de descuentoPregunta en nuestros puntos de experiencia, comunícate con nuestras líneas deatención o ingresa a cuidarteesquererte.coEl descuento de 8% y 7% es aplicable siempre y cuando el pago anticipado sea por 12 meses.Campaña válida para contratos activos. Aplica para el titular del contrato de los planes Familiar y Asociado. (Los titulares del PlanAso2c2iado deben estar al día en su factura de Estado de Cuenta de Asociatividad). Aplica para las líneas de Coomeva EmergenciaMédica, Salud Oral y Medicina Integral.

)WITH YOUR BODYIRON IS 11 mgESSENTIAL FORHEMOGLOBIN TO TO 18MG OF IRON IS HOW MUCHFORM IN RED IRON ADULTS NEED ON A DAILY BASIS.BLOOD CELLS.LOW IRON LEVELSCAN CAUSEANEMIA.IRON OXYGENATES THE BODYThe overall wellbeing of the brain isrelated to this as it stimulates activity,prevents cognitive disorders andhelps in processing mental tasks.NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCYIron deficiency can occur in infantsand adolescents due to the needs forthe mineral that are tied to growth.NUTRITIONThe body absorbs about 25% of its ironfound in meat, fish and chicken.It can also be found in vegetables,grains and fruits.

WITH YOUR BODY( )prevention ALLERGIES AN OVE YSTEM RREACTION IN YOUR S A runny nose, sneezing, When responding to allergies, the body expe- itchiness or rashes. riences a sort of internal fight between the Everybody reacts tolerance and intolerance it has with stimu- differently to lus. “When tolerance wins, symptoms decrease; when environmental intolerance wins, symptoms increase,” explains and genetic factors. Alejandro Mario Carreño Pérez, allergist and immuno- logist. So how can you identify an allergy and why does MEDICAL ADVISOR it only affect some? According to the specialist, allergies ALEJANDRO MARIO CARREÑO PÉREZ are a hypersensitive or hyperreactive response of the Allergist and immunologist, practitioner at immune system, which protects the body from foreign agents. Carreño adds that allergies are also a combina- Coomeva Private Healthcare tion of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic fac- tors include the genetic inheritance or predisposition of the parents, while environmental factors are more related to changes in a living situation, “Nowadays, we live in smaller spaces with more couches and carpets. Now homes are not as big, and the majority of the time we must be exposed to air conditioning and live behind closed doors and windows, increasing the concentra-24

( )WITH YOUR BODYtion of allergens, the most common one being dust.” dition that presents in the form of rashes or eczema According to the National Institute of Allergy and around the folds of skin around the elbows, knees and neck; however, it may occur anywhere on the body.Infectious Diseases, other factors that trigger allergies “Because the skin becomes rough, dry and itchy, thisinclude pollen, animal dander, some foods, insect bites used to be known as skin asthma. This condition isand even medications. more common in children and generally goes away, but some adults have more severe cases of it due to how When it comes to allergies, identifying the cause difficult it is to manage. It’s initially related to having ais priority, which is why experts suggest getting a food allergy,” explains Carreño.consultation and getting diagnostic exams topinpoint what the allergen is. It is also important toavoid self-medicating, as this can have side effectsthat doctors would need to detect.THE MOST COMMON ALLERGIES WHAT CAUSES ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK?Allergic rhinitis (or “hay fever,” as it is commonly refe-rred to) is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The most common causes of this are:Its symptoms include a stuffy nose, sneezing, nasal itch ► Insect bites (wasp bites, for example)and rhinorrhea (clear nasal discharge). These symptoms ► Medications (penicillin, for example)can range from minor to severe, which is considered to ► Contrast dyes used for radiology an occurrence of four times a week. It can happen ► Foods such as nuts.throughout one’s life and may require specific treatment. FATAL REACTIONS Another common allergy is bronchial asthma. It is While allergies clearly can cause a series of symptomsalso inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and its such as sneezing, a runny nose, itchiness andsymptoms include difficulty breathing, wheezing when inflammation, among others, some reactions, whilebreathing, pressure in the chest, coughing, and intercos- more severe, are less common. Anaphylactic shock cantal retractions (which is when the muscles between the be fatal as it can cause hypotension, fainting, confu-ribs pull inward). “When this inflammation is uncontro- sion, loss of consciousness and difficulty breathing.lled, episodes can become more common. With this type “These are signs that someone’s life is in an imminentof allergy, the passage the air goes through becomes risk. In such cases, it is important to see your doctorincreasingly narrower, so the person can inhale the air, immediately. Once the allergen is identified, you canbut has difficulty exhaling it,” adds Carreño. learn how to administer your own injection or use This type of allergy is more common in children •emergency medications, but always under the guise ofthan in adults. In fact, among the children that expe-rience wheezing before age six, this condition will go an allergy specialist,” the allergist explainsaway with 70% of them and the remaining group willhave it for the rest of their lives and should be monito-red for it, the expert states. Another condition, atopic dermatitis, is a skin con-ALLERGIC RHINITIS RONCHIAL ASTHM TOPIC DERMATITI A FATAL REACTION A B 25 A S

WITH YOUR BODY( )harmony in health PROCESSED AND ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS: KNOWING HOW TO CHOOSE Choosing the right foods and learning how to include them in your diet is the secret to preventing them from harming the body. MED-ICAL ADVISOR Going to the store and not knowing bute (in the case of milk and yogurt), and MAXIMILIANO whether to buy processed or ultra- even to give them flavor or color. Some KAMMERER processed foods, or how much or processes also reduce the chances of having Nutritionist how often to bring them home is a a food allergy, of getting food poisoning, dilemma faced by many; as it’s no secret and allow for vitamins and minerals to be that there is no shortage of these foods at added in order to meet certain nutritional grocers and convenience stores. But not requirements. This is the case with cereals paying attention to them or avoiding that contain iron, and with milk that con- them completely is not an option. The tains vitamins and minerals. idea is to be smart about how to choose them. But how? Nutritionist Maximiliano Ultra-processed foods contain many Kammerer offers some advice. additives, however, such as salt, satura- ted fats and preservatives. These foods WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN are highly manipulated, and it is best THESE FOODS? to avoid them. “All processed foods have gone through It’s not about being afraid of processed some change before they are digested. You foods. It is normal to eat them, and they would think that they are all bad, but they are commonly found at supermarkets. It is aren’t. Foods are processed different ways best if the majority of your diet is as natu- for different purposes: to preserve them for ral as possible, however. Try to identify longer periods of time, to eliminate bacte- what the food contains by reading the ria to make them easier to digest and distri- nutrition label to know and be aware of what you are eating.”26

HOW TO READ THE NUTRITION LABEL ( )WITH YOUR BODY“There is a part that says % DV (percentDaily Value) on the label and reflects how 27much of a substance or nutrient is in afood. When it has between 15% and 20%,this means that it provides a good amount,but when this amount is higher you haveto be careful. If it is high in sugar, sodiumor cholesterol, it is best to not eat it.”WHO CAN EATPROCESSED FOODS?“It is important to consider a person’sphysiological condition. For a personwith diabetes, high cholesterol or highblood pressure, these types of productsshould not be consumed. But for a heal-thy person that eats vegetables or cannedtuna, for example, it is okay to eat themon occasion. Overall, if the person has nospecific medical conditions and eats theseproducts, it isn’t a problem. What shouldKEEP AN OUTFOR KIDS“In terms of ultra-processed foods, it wouldbe best if nobody ate them, especiallychildren. It is okay, however, for children todrink a box of juice occasionally, forexample. But if this becomes a habit, it maybe harmful, given the amount of sugarthat they contain, which turns into agreater chance of being overweight or ofsuffering from obesity.”

WITH YOUR BODY( )harmony in health definitely be avoided are ultra-processed tain types of this disease, but it is a little foods, often called “snacks,” and those risky to try to confirm this as it would with added ingredients. Although it’s require long-term research. With cancer, okay to eat them every now and then.” it’s not always about cause and effect. This condition has several causes. The WHAT ABOUT PROCESSED MEATS? consumption of these types of foods can “These are considered processed foods be a predisposing factor, especially if con- as well and can be consumed two to sumption occurs in large quantities.” three times a week by those individuals who do not suffer from a disease, as they WHAT DISEASES contain a little more sodium used for CAN THEY CAUSE? their preservation. Lean veal sausage “Often times, because they are so high in (chorizo de ternera) and low-fat turkey fat, sodium or sugar, these foods are not deli meat are alternatives to add some balanced with vitamins and minerals, in variety to your diet.” which case nutritional deficiencies may develop, causing osteopenia and osteopo- ¿ES CIERTO QUE DAN CÁNCER?IF IS IT rosis. If someone’s diet is based on these TRUE THAT THEY CAUSE CANCER? “Processed meats have been tied to cer- •types of foods, they will be lacking a signi- ficant amount of nutritional elements.” MAKING AN INFORMED CHOICE Depending on the process they go Odone and Martín Piña in the book through, foods may either be: Mitos y verdades de los alimentos ► Organic: Foods without (Literal translation, “Myths and Truths about Foods”). The risk is preservatives, added chemical when these amounts exceed what is products or other types of fertilizers permitted. or pesticides. Their growth and ► Ultra-Processed: These are made production processes are therefore with industrial ingredients and do environmentally friendly, and they not contain fresh food products. do not damage the soil. According They include foods like potato to the NOVA food classification chips, or junk food, candy, canned system, vegetables, fruits and soups and carbonated beverages. legumes are included in this group. They can cause an addiction to ► Processed: These foods contain intense flavors and lead to fatigue. additives, “Substances that and are It’s best to make informed not considered a food themselves decisions about additives that may nor have any nutritional value and be harmful in order to know what are added to foods and beverages food products to eat. in minimal amounts,” state Sebastián28


( )WITH YOUR BODY HABITS THAT ARE DAMAGING TO THE PALATE AND TO OCCLUSION When children use pacifiers, teethers and toys to chew on, or when adults have habits such as chewing on pencil tops, among other things, this can be damaging, cause deformities and compromise oral health. MEDICAL ADVISOR JUAN LÓPEZ ARTEHAGA Dentist, specialist in cosmetic dentistry and oral rehabilitation30

( )WITH YOUR BODY for your smileAs medical evidence suggests, what ► How children treat their phonation problems (pronunciation), diffi- parents often hear about preven- mouths when they are little culties swallowing and breathing problems. ting any medical conditions with can lead to damagingtheir palate and occlusion (bite) is true: effects on their facial According to our expert, people whochildren should not get used to sucking structure development have palate deformities often becometheir thumbs. Evidence also shows that and to their dentition. mouth breathers, as the nasal cavitychildhood is the most critical period for becomes so compressed that thecaretakers to prevent certain habits ► Children are more amount of air that enters is not enough,from causing oral problems that can susceptible to developing and the mouth must therefore be usedotherwise be avoided. malocclusions as they for breathing. This condition increases develop, which is why the risk for respiratory conditions as a “Habits that may damage the palate preventative measures result of the poor function of the nasalgenerally begin in childhood, as in the should be taken during cavity, which is the cavity responsiblefirst years of life, this area is very suscepti- this phase. for filtering different microorganismsble to being affected by external agents, that enter the body.agitating other tissues in the mouth,”emphasizes Dr. Juan López Artehaga. Palate deformities also change how moist the mouth is, which can lead to Sucking on devices such as pacifiers, changes in the tissues, making them moreteethers, toys, blankets and pencils as well susceptible to infections and thereforeas thumbs are therefore some of the main increasing the chances of getting a cavity.problems responsible for damages occu-rring in these areas of the mouth. The teeth also are at risk when there are occlusion problems; when you do not “The prolonged use of pacifiers or the chew properly, they can wear down orhabit of thumb sucking, or sucking other experience fractures. Having an incorrectthings, over several years, changes the bite also complicates oral hygiene andshape of the palate, sometimes causing it increases the risk of getting cavities, ato deepen and leaving the teeth in diffe- main cause of tooth loss. “Bite conditionsrent positions. This can cause malocclu- can even cause temporomandibular jointsion (bad bite) and muscular and skeletal problems, leading to damage or deteriora-problems that can only be fixed with tion and muscle discomfort or strong hea-orthopedics, orthodontics or maxillofa- daches from the affected tissues, especia-cial surgery,” he states. lly the muscles,” explains López Artehaga. You might think that after childhood, While the habits that are unhealthy forwhen the tissues are no longer soft, this the palate and occlusion can compromiserisk and goes away. Continuing the habit the health of children and have lastingof placing objects in your mouth as an effects through adulthood, it is most impor-adult, however, actually exacerbates the tant to just prevent them from happening.problem and reduces the chances of treat- If you think there might be a problem, con-ment being successful. sult with an expert who can assess how extensive it is and design a treatment plan.MAIN CONSEQUENCESPalate deformities and occlusion problems Our expert dentist cautions that it isare more than just an issue of esthetics, not about “demonizing” the sucking onhowever. Both in children and adults, this pacifiers or fingers, it is about conside-condition can trigger other problems such as •ring that they may not be as necessary after age of two 31

WITH YOUR BODY 1( )infographics 1 Make a general assessment: It isHOW TO TREAT important to verify if the patient isAN INJURY breathing well, isAT HOME conscious and is not bleeding, and toSplinting an arm or a leg for protect them eithera dislocated joint, fracture from overheatingor sprain requires having some or hypothermia.basic knowledge to prevent Get emergencya more serious injury. medical assistance: Request immediate MEDICAL ADVISOR medical attention CAMILO DÍAZ JARAMILLO by making a call. Professor at the Simulation Laboratory, KEEP IN MIND University of Antioquia With back injuries, the recommenda- TYPES OF INJURIES: tion is to not move the patient and secure the person’s head in order to Sprain: Occurs when a tendon protect the cervical column. is overstretched, causing it to become inflamed. With burns, it is best to cool the wound with water. This cleans out Dislocated Joint: When the any remaining infectious agents. joint separates where two Then, cover the burn with a cloth bones meet and becomes out that has Vaseline on it and be of alignment. sure to protect the areas o f the skin’s folds. Fracture: Occurs when there is a break in the bone, causing The best way to stop a bleed is to an interruption in its structure. put pressure on the wound. Open Fracture: Occurs when the bone becomes exposed.

HOW TO SPLINT A LEG: STEP BY STEP 2 OBSERVE THE SITUATION3 USE CARDBOARD • Identify what type of musculos- AND RAGS keletal injury there is. Determine whether there is a sprain, dislocated joint or facture. General signs of all three situations include pain, loss of leg function, inflammation, hematoma (bruising) or deformation. • Gather what you need to splint the leg Use cardboard, a stick or a board and adjust it to fit the injury; it should extend from the joint above to the joint below the injury (knee and ankle). Use rags to fill in the areas that have curves or spaces that remain after splinting the leg. SPLINT4 • Be careful when splinting. Get the help of another person to hold the outer parts of the leg, to prevent it from moving. In the meantime, place the splint below the leg and explain what is happening to the patient. TIE THE KNOTS5 • Close the splint. Secure it with rope, a bandage or cord. Make a knot in the upper part of the splint and reinforce it with a loose tie to prevent the knots from sliding on top of the injury, avoiding pressure from being placed on it.

WITH YOUR BODY( )X-ray MENOPAUSE 1 This phase of life occurs when the EFFECTS ON THE BODY YEAR AFTER A ovaries cease to function, which reduces WOMAN NO LONGER the production of female hormones GETS HER PERIOD IS WHEN A WOMAN CAN (estrogen) and is the phase that marks the DECLARE HER end of a woman’s reproductive years. MENSTRUAL CYCLE HAS ENDED. The reduced amount of estrogen can affect the vaginal mucosa, causing vaginal dryness and making it difficult to have sexual intercourse. Urinary issues can arise for the same reason. Another effect is reduced bone mineralization, which can accele- rate the onset of osteoporosis. HORMONAL ADVISOR 50 CHANGES JORGE ENRIQUE ARISTIZÁBAL DUQUE Gynecologist, Professor at the University of Antioquia YEARS OF AGE IS THE This is a physiological state that AVERAGE AGE has a few side-effects, the most common of which are MENOPAUSE BEGINS. neurovegetative symptoms such as IT IS CONSIDERED hot flashes. These occur as the result of a change in the body’s NORMAL, HOWEVER, ability to control its own tempe- TO OCCUR AS EARLY rature, making the skin turn red and causing a feeling of AS AGE 40. extreme heat and sweat that varies in intensity and duration. Some women benefit from using estro- (KEEP IN MIND) Symptoms such as experiencing gen to deal with their symptoms. Its use emotional reactions or a decrease Practicing healthy lifestyles and in libido are more a part of the nor- is not recommended, however, in the accessing certain treatments are treatment of bone-related issues. mal aging process. potential alternatives for this stage of life.34


WITH YOUR BODY( )keep in mindOPEN YOUR EYES TO THEOCULARBLEEDINGWhether from a artery or vein and becomes deposited in time and by itself, the AAO warns thattraumatic event or the surrounding tissues. A hemorrhage this process can take days or weeks,due to the poor mana- can happen in the eyelids, in the ante- depending on the size of the red spot, “Ifgement of underlying rior segment of the eye (the conjuncti- your eye feels irritated, you may use arti-diseases, subconjuncti- va), the inner eye or in the different ficial tears.” If the problem is recurrent,val hemorrhages requi- layers of the retina,” explains ophthal- you should be evaluated by a doctor inre medical attention. mologist Álvaro Echeverri. order to identify causes and treatment. MEDICAL ADVISOR If you compare it to what happens to WHY DO THEY HAPPEN? ÁLVARO ECHEVERRI - Ophthalmologist the skin, these types of hemorrhages are They may be caused by anything similar to a hematoma and generallyIf any part of the body is bleeding, we appear as a red dot or several red patches from a trauma, such as getting hit or are quick to react, as the main concern on the white of the eye. According to the having surgery, to underlying diseases, is too much blood loss; but when American Academy of Ophthalmology such as high blood pressure, arterios-blood appears in the eye, the situation is (AAO), this redness comes from a concen- clerosis, coagulation, diabetes or reti-different. Why? Perhaps because this tration of blood below the conjunctiva, nal detachment.organ provides us with one of the most which is a transparent membrane thatimportant senses humans have: sight. covers the white of the eye and the inside As experts explain, other commonWhile some subconjunctival hemorrhages of the eyelids. “These blood spots can causes even include coughing, sneezingare visible because the eye turns red, look scary. But subconjunctival hemo- or making any effort that temporarilyothers may not be as visible and may only rrhage is almost always harmless and often raises your blood pressure. It can evenbe identified from a medical assessment. heals on its own. Usually the only symp- occur from rubbing your eyes too hard. tom of subconjunctival hemorrhage is a “These occur when blood leaves an red spot in your eye. In fact, you may not It is also important to understand that know you have it until you look in the the excess use of blood-thinning medica- mirror,” the AAO states. tions can also cause them. Last, as the AAO points out, other less-common rea- While most cases do not need to be sons for subconjunctival hemorrhages treated, as the red patch disappears over include blood clotting disorders or other systemic blood problems.36

( )WITH YOUR BODY Dr. Echeverri suggests consul- WHENting with a doctor anytime there is SHOULDa hemorrhage, as sometimes people A DOCTORcan lose their vision if the blood is BE SEEN?covering their visual area. “Somecases require the removal of the ► If the hemorrhage is small,vitreous humor, getting the under- treatment may notlying disease under control, be necessary.or getting surgery or laser treat-ments. To identify the right treat- ► One option is to usement, it is also crucial to determine ► eye patches or gauze to keepwhen, exactly, the person firstbegan to bleed, how they have pro- the eye closed. Never placegressed and to what point they can pressure on it.restore their vision.” ► Avoid using pain relievers as they can exacerbate Leading a healthy diet and lifesty- the bleeding.le are key aspects of managing and ► When lying down, keep thetreating the underlying disease that head elevated in order to aidcan cause this type of bleeding, such the draining of the high blood pressure, clotting pro- ► Rest.blems, diabetes and even glaucoma. ► If the hemorrhage reappears“Yet another reason to eat well and after a short period of time, ifinclude physical activity in the lives the pain intensifies, or if visionof those who have these types of is completely lost, seekdiagnoses, as they are more vulnera- emergency medical care.ble to subconjunctival hemorrha-•ges,” Echeverri emphasizes 37

¿Cómo tliumppiieals?Una adecuada rutina de limpieza con Pharmaderm & skindrug

Piloskin Piloskin Piloskin Piloskin Piloskin PiloskinTratamiento Anticaída Anticaspa y Anticaída Con Plus AcondicionadorCapilar Cabello Graso Anticaída BIOTINA AnticaídaIntensivo Cabello Normal Piloskin Ultra Anticaída Piloskin Piloskin Tónico Capilar Forte Piloskin Reparador Capilar Pharmaderm & skindrug

WITH YOUR BODY( )for herPAIN-FREEFINGERNAILS AND TOENAILSNails are exposed to potentially harmful situations,making them vulnerable to several diseases. MEDICAL ADVISORS Fingernails come into contact with of fungus is causing the infection.” MARÍA ISABEL many different objects and substan- Before this test is taken, lotions should ces. Toenails encounter moisture, not be used, nail polish should be remo- ARREDONDO OSSA and heat and friction from their contact ved, and the use of foot powders or per-Dermatologist at Pablo Tobón with shoes, making them susceptible to fumes should be avoided. different conditions. The most common Uribe Hospital nail conditions are onychomycosis (fungal The most common symptoms of this are NATHALIE MORALES infections), onychocryptosis (ingrown toe- leukonychia (white spots on the nail), chro- nails), paronychia (inflammation of the monychia (a yellow, purple, black or green RESTREPO border of the nail), Beau lines, leukonychia coloring) and hyperkeratosis (thick nail). Dermatologist (white spots), onychoschizia (peeling nails), at Universidad CES brittle nails or nails with dark pigmenta- To prevent this condition, you must tion, which can be indicative of a tumor. wash and dry your hand and feet well, not The recommendation is to see a doctor to share nail or cuticle cutters, and bring a ste- determine what treatment should be rilized nail kit and your own nail polish if followed in each case, therefore preventing you are going to get a manicure or pedicure. more serious conditions from developing, further damage or loss of the nail. INGROWN TOENAILS These mainly occur on the toenails, ONYCHOMYCOSIS specifically the big toe, as it has more This condition is most common in the contact with the shoe. Its symptoms toenails, especially the big toe. It is cau- include inflammation, pain, bleeding, sed by the moisture and heat they are pus discharge and difficulty walking or exposed to, which makes them ideal sites putting a shoe on. for fungus to grow. They may also occur from any direct blow to the nail, causing They are caused by: nails not being part of it to detach and a fungus to grow trimmed properly, from wearing shoes in the cavity that remains. Mabel that are too tight or too narrow at the toe, repeated impacts or blows from pla- Alexandra Rosero, a nurse with trai- ying sports, biomechanical problems ning in podiatry, affirms, “When (the weight of someone’s walk or their a patient has onychomycosis, a posture), a thick nail or change in the KOH test should be taken to bone structure (bunions, claw toes or determine whether the condi- hyperextension) and when nails dig into tion is caused by a fungus, shoes, making it more likely for them to and then a culture should be grow inward. Mabel Rosero explains performed to know what type that “Nails should be cut straight: file the tips and never go down the sides.”40

PARONYCHIA ( )WITH YOUR BODY It occurs mostly on the fingernails. Its symp- xxxxxxxxx toms are a painful blister and the secretion of 41 pus discharge from around the nail. It is cau- ses by removing the cuticle or part of the side of the nail. To prevent it, you must wash and dry your hands well and not make any deep cuts in the cuticle or a alongside the nail. A specialist recommends not using acrylic nails or dark nail polish, as these can stain the nails.RECOMMENDATIONNail polish should be worn for no longer than eightdays. After this period, an 8 to 15-day break shouldbe taken, at which point they can be painted again.When people are under nail treatment, however,their nails cannot be painted because the layer ofnail polish makes the medication ineffective. ONYCHOSCHIZIA This is a weakening of the nails, and happens more with the fingernails. It occurs when they break (peel) due to too much con- tact with water or due to vitamin deficien- cies. Dr. Arredondo suggests using gloves when cleaning the house and using nail polish that strengthens the nail plate. BEAU LINES AND BRITTLE NAILS As dermatologist Nathalie Morales explains, “Beau lines in the nails are caused by a shoe- related trauma, systemic or dermatological diseases, viral infections and medications that cause a temporary change and affect the nail matrix (under the skin, where the nail starts).” •Brittle nails are related to excessive moisture or an iron or vitamin deficiency

CON TU CUERPO( )xxxxxxxxx THE ROLE OF FIBER IN AIDING YOUR APPETITE It is good for In terms of nutrition, it is crucial to According to Amida Carvajal, its proper- your digestion, understand the properties of the ties retain large amount of water and crea- foods we eat. It helps people to be te a kind of viscous gel in the body, which helps control aware of how important healthy eating serves to delay the absorption of fats. your appetite, is for our bodies, in which fiber plays a and regulates fundamental role. The second type, insoluble fiber, is cholesterol and found in foods such as wheat bran, vege- glucose levels in Amida Carvajal Guzmán a clinical tables and whole grains. It is important nutritionist at the University of because it increases the stool bulk due to the blood. Antioquia, a diabetes educator and a spe- its ability to hold water, it has a laxative cialist in the management of metabolic effect, it does not break down easily, and ADVISOR diseases says there is something unique requires lots of chewing, which increases AMIDA CARVAJAL GUZMÁN about this ingredient, which is not actua- the feeling of fullness. lly a nutrient. For this reason, the body Nutritionist does not digest it, which helps to improve According to our expert, the excess of bowel movements. high-fiber foods may be harmful to some vegan diets, hindering the absorption of The specialist therefore believes that calcium, iron and zinc. To avoid this, it is the main function of fiber is to avoid best to consult with a nutritionist, who constipation, and help prevent diseases can recommend supplements that will such as colon cancer and ulcerative coli- not create an imbalance in the body. tis. It also plays an important role in con- Fiber therefore becomes a great aid in lea- trolling irritable bowel syndrome, lowe- ring cholesterol and balancing car- •ding a healthy and balanced diet that is bohydrates. Among its negative effects are abdominal pain, hemorrhoids and not too hard to establish as a habit diverticular disease. CONTROLLING YOUR “If you want to lose weight, fiber is EATING HABITS great in aiding your diet. Its ability to keep you full helps keep your appetite ► When should you take fiber supple- under control. It also prevents the accu- ments? Before using a commercial mulation of toxins in the body and alternative to achieve a change in your decreases the absorption of fats and digestion, it is always best to try using sugars by regulating cholesterol and gluco- natural sources first, increasing your se levels in the blood,“ says Carvajal. intake of it. If this does not work, in addition to changing your eating TYPES OF FIBER habits in the case of constipation or There are two types of this substance: diverticulosis, fiber supplements can be taken along with plenty of water.. soluble and insoluble fiber. The first type is found in oat bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and in some citrus fruits.42



)WITH YOUR WORLD50%OF THE POPULATIONHAS GREY HAIR BYAGE 50.HAIR COLOR COMES FROM A PIGMENT CALLED MELANIN WHICH ISPRODUCED AT THE HAIR’S ROOT AND ALLOWS FOR IT TO GROW.IT IS RELATED TO AGING MORE COMMON IN MEN A BALANCED LIFESTYLEThe ability of hair follicles to produce They tend to go through this phase befo- Nutritional supplements do not stop howmelanin reduces naturally over time, cau- re women do, and white or Asian women fast grey hairs appear, but healthy lifestylesing grey hairs to appear. often have completely white hair once habits can prevent this process from pro- they enter old age. gressing quickly.

FOCUS ONSMOKING Cigarette use is a worldwide public health problem. Quitting this habit requires( )willpower and special support. ADVISORS JEFFERSON ANTONIO BUENDÍA RODRÍGUEZ Pulmonologist GABRIEL RESTREPO Resident at the Toxicology Clinic At you can find more information on tobacco use. Source: Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the World Health Organization

P eople that want to stop smoking must first recognize main cause of preventable deaths in the world and is the culprit they have an addiction that affects their health, their of diseases such as lung cancer, tracheal cancer, bronchial ade- life and the lives of those that surround them. Seeing noma and of cancer in the airways in general. It is also relateda specialist can help to treat this problem. It is therefore to coronary artery disease, strokes, kidney failure and otherextremely important to not practice this habit in places chronic conditions. Some recommended activities to help youthat are shared with others, especially with children, as quit smoking include changing your routine, beginning to dothey are bound to be affected by second-hand smoke in exercise, practicing some type of sport (preferably a water sport),some way as passive smokers. avoiding the consumption of liquor and coffee, and drinking water and fruit juices between meals. As the World Health Organization explains, smoking is theWHY IS IT 18DISCOURAGED? TO 62 YEARS IS THE RANGE OF Smoking changes the neurobiology YEARS OF WHEN SMOKING CIGARET- of your central nervous system’s regulatory pathways, leading to TES IS MOST COMMON, A HABIT addictions and making it difficult to THAT IS MORE FREQUENT AMONG quit. This is why toxicologists are helpful in treating the problem as an MEN THAN WOMEN. illness and not as a habit. 10%TOXICINGREDIENTS TO 12% OF COLOMBIA’S MOR- TALITY RATE IS CAUSED BY Tobacco contains more than 7,000 toxic ingredients. It is not just about nicotine, CIGARETTE USE. which causes dependency and gives it a pleasant effect; tar and carbon monoxide THE SITUATION (among others) are also involved, leading to IN COLOMBIA other diseases, including cancer. According to the National Study on the 25% Consumption of Psychoactive Substances by the Ministry of Health, of Colombia’s three millionIS THE PERCENT BY WHICH CIGA- smokers, 20% are from Medellín and its surroun-RETTE USE MAY REDUCE BY 2030 ding metropolitan area, and 16% are from Bogotá.AS A RESULT OF TAX INCREASES The departments with the least percentage of smokers are Córdoba and Atlántico. ON TOBACCO.

( )WITH YOUR WORLD MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: BRIDGING THE GAP THROUGH TRUST Being a mother to a daughter involves understanding that her personality is different than the person that is raising her. Communication and open dialogue between the two is key. ADVISOR LUCY PÉREZ Cognitive behavioral psychologist, practitioner at Coomeva Medicina Prepagada. The notion that conflict will always exist between gave her emotional support or if there was good mothers and daughters is not always true, some- communication,” Dr. Pérez specifies. times there are no problems in the relationship. However, when difficulties arise, many factors are invol- Other influential factors include how the mother ved, states Dr. Lucy Pérez, cognitive behavioral psycho- adapted to changes in her life, her experience with sexua- logist and specialist in clinical evaluations and emotio- lity, how she integrated into a social group, whether she nal disorder interventions. had academic opportunities or not, as well as other res- ponsibilities she has as an adult that affect her ability to One of the factors that can affect this relationship is make her own decisions and solve problems. the mother’s background of what her upbringing was like. “This background is built upon cultural processes IN CONTEXT that affect the relationship with her daughter. For Many the conflicts that exist in mother-daughter rela- example, her childhood experiences, the relationship tionships are due to fulfilling gender roles, what the she had with her parents, the example they set for her, mother hopes her daughter will become as a woman, whether there was violence, and whether her parents and even what she expects of herself in the role of a48

woman. “She is expected to be obedient, organized, ( )WITH YOUR WORLDattentive and pleasant to others. Due to this, girls begin para ellasto experience subtle forms of mistreatment, such as 49expectations for how she should dress, how much sheshould weigh, what size she is, how she expresses her-self, and her way of talking and walking. If she doesn’tmeet these expectations, others will never approve ofher,” says the psychologist. Being the mother to a woman is not the same asbeing a mother to a man. Men have less expectations ofthem, are taught to believe in themselves and to bestrong and handsome however they want to be. Themother and son relationship lacks these tensions andexpectations and is there is more tolerance involved. Everything can influence how a woman raises herdaughter. Sometimes, the phases a young woman goesthrough become the main barrier to her having a rela-tionship with her mother, as she may have the desire tolive her own life. “There are two problems here: mothers who aretired of their daughters being disobedient, and daugh-ters who are exhausted from the demands of theirmothers. Some mothers try to overcome these types ofconflicts by being aggressive, a very quick way to makeothers do what you want. But this is proof that themother has not had the skills or emotional intelligenceto be convincing to her daughter and make her followthe rules without being aggressive.” One of the important aspects of raising a daughter isto be aware that she is different from her mother, has herown and personality and will probably not lead a life simi-lar to that of the person that raised her. Rather, mothersshould make the responsible decision of trying to unders-tand these conditions and raise her child without requi-ring her to have the same patterns of behavior.“DADDY’S GIRL”Conversely, if a daughter’s father spoils her, this alsocontributes to creating conflict between mothers anddaughters. Psychologist Lucy Pérez asserts that, “Manyof the issues children have are caused by the parents’poor behavior,” in the sense that they themselves areunclear about how to raise their children or what rulesshould be established. If either parent loses authority, this creates space forconflict because the one that enforces the rule, beginsto be the bad parent, and the one that provides rewardsor takes away punishments from a “daddy’s girl,” beginsto be the good parent.

WITH YOUR WORLD( )for her Having a good relationship as a couple and having opportunities to enter into dialogue with clear agree- ments about the goal of raising a child are key. “Even though there are mothers that lose credibility with their daughters on their own, for example when they say, ‘Wait until your father gets home, then you’ll see,’ which immediately gives the impression that the mother is not able to enforce a rule, or for example, when they give their child an ultimatum and do not follow through with it,” the psychologist states. COMMUNICATION IS KEY Both sides contribute to communication-based con- flicts: either because a mother’s expectations for what she wants for her child are not met because there is not adequate and sincere communication, or because the daughter begins to act independently. Many times, these difficulties arise not only because of the mother’s upbringing, but because they are single mothers or were daughters with absent fathers. In the struggle to play the role of both father and mother, or for her daughter to not live what she went through, the mother may not tell the truth to not hurt her daugh- ter’s feelings or prevent reliving a painful past. In these cases, a mother’s demands maybe too much for the mindset of the teen. Her demands may be met more easily if the mother talks directly with her daughter, without hiding anything and making her understand the importance of good behavior. This will build trust and also allow the daughter to communicate in a natural way. •This will give them the space and opportunity to create or strengthen their relationship HOW TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION ► Provide a good example when expressing emotions and and allowing them to feel at ease and express their solving problems. feelings as well as establish opportunities to be heard so that the daughter realizes her emotions are important to ► Promote mutual trust by not judging, denying or others, in this case, her mother. invalidating who your daughter is as a person, boosting ► Keep mental health in mind. If problems cannot be solved with your own skills, or without harming her self-esteem and self-love. others or yourself, it is important to seek the support of a mental health professional. Together with the ► Try not to compare her with her siblings or peers and help of a specialist, the search can begin for learn to respect differences. different alternatives that focus on more positive childrearing models. ► Leave subtle forms of mistreatment behind, such as discrediting her or wanting her to fit a set mold. ► Foster opportunities for validation and the expression of emotions. Validation involves valuing another’s emotions,50

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