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Published by El Colombiano, 2016-10-06 12:53:39



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ISSN 1692 - 5556 October-November 2016. Edition 131COOMEVA MEDICINA PREPAGADA LIVING A HEALTHY LIFE WITH CANCER TEACH WITH LOVE MENTE With diseases like cancer, prog- improve survival rates. We have made SIN LÍMITES noses are less favorable the our campaigns stronger such as with LIMITLESS MIND later the diagnosis. This is the Health Challenge in order to redu- why at Coomeva Private Healthcare, we ce risk factors. In this campaign we pro- promote the early detection of a condi- mote increasing the consumption of tion that affects all of us, independent of fruits and vegetables, increasing physi-Edition 131 age, race or gender. According to the cal activity and watching body weightOctober - November 2016 World Health Organization (WHO), 30% (Body Mass Index). We also promote of cancers can be prevented by living a tobacco cessation given that, accordingRevista Salud Founder healthy lifestyle. to WHO, tobacco use causes 20% ofGilberto Lotero Muñoz (q.e.p.d.) In promoting this early detection, we cancer-related deaths throughout theChairwoman of the Board specifically emphasize breast cancer world and causes 70% of deaths due toMaría Eugenia Pérez Zea and promote methods like breast self- lung cancer throughout the world.Executive President Of the exams and mammograms, especially Putting an end to this habit amongCooperativo Coomeva Business Group with the female population insured by adults and adolescents is key, as well asAlfredo Arana Velasco Coomeva Private Healthcare. Early preventing second-hand smoke indo-CEO detection means a greater chance of ors, including in the home.Coomeva Sector Salud survival, which is why we have included International Breast Cancer AwarenessGilberto Quinche Toro the inspirational testimonies of women Day will be celebrated during the monthPrepaid Medicine CEO in this edition who have taken on this of October. We will be there to bringJorge Alberto Zapata Builes disease after having undergone periodic awareness to all women to develop self-General Manager exams which allowed them to detect care habits that can help to improveXiomara Iveth Campo this disease early. treatments and expectations not just inEditorial Committee We are convinced that we can improvePascual Estrada Garcés the quality of life of our enrollees and •regard to the number of years one survi-National Director of PrepaidHealthcare ves, but to the quality of one’s lifeHernán Darío RodríguezMEC National Director Editorial and Graphic Direction, Magazine General Editor Journalists CommercializationBlanca Inés Vélez prepress and printing Paula Andrea Montoya T. Isabel Vallejo El ColombianoNational Director of Oral Health El Colombiano Magazine Editor Ana María López de Mesa Cali: 310 544 2354Joas Benítez Tel.: (4) 331 5252 Natalia Estefania Botero C. Ingrid Cruz [email protected] of Epidemiology [email protected] Graphic Editor Daniel Rivera Bogotá: (1)4156764 ext. 1504Claudia Patricia Erazo Hugo A. Vásquez E. Maria Isabel Abad Medellín: 312 202 7269Atención Sinergia Salud National Design Photography [email protected] Chief Carolina Salazar L. ShutterStock, Colprensa 313 570 7356Bertha Varela Rojas [email protected] Nacional Auditoría MédicaMartha Liliana Cifuentes The contents of all Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. magazine articles are illustrative in nature and/or for general knowledge. In no case are theyCoordinadora Nal. de meant to replace the advice or guidance of a physician. Readers shall not use this information in order to self-diagnose and/or perform an analysis, diagnosis orRelacionamiento con Prestadores treatment of a disease or health problem without consulting with a certified physician.Claudia Alexandra García The product and service offers made in the ads published in the Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. magazine are the sole responsibility of the adverti-Coordinadora Nacional de Prestación sers. Also, the company is not liable nor obligated to provide its affiliates the services, procedures or treatments described in the contents of articles that areSinergia Salud not included in the coverage offered by Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A., nor shall they be obligated to include them in their plans and services. All rightsJuan Fernando Saavedra reserved. May not be reproduced in any form or system. © 2016National Director of Marketing andAdvertisingJulián VillegasNational Chief of RiskManagement in HealthMauricio Castillo PérezInternational Business ManagerEditorPaula Lilián Henao BermúdezEditorial CoordinatorEvelyn Catalina Morales HenaoCollaboratorsMarco Emilio Ocampo OsorioGina Isabel Massi AmbardAna María Correa Montaño

CONTENTSOctober – November 2016 7 21 33 63( )WITH YOUR WORLD ( )WITH YOUR MIND ( )WITH YOUR BODY ( )CORPORATE8 For him 22 For her 34 Little giants 64 A healthy mind Men and their need The right amount The myth of “no” Looking deeper for a best friend of vanity into cancer12 Trends 26 Couples 40 Infographic 68 Special It is possible to stimu- Hey couples! Bring Healthy teeth Early detection can late the brain back the spark! help you win the fight18 Grandparents 29 Prevention 42 Harmony in health 74 Directory Fascinated with Getting quality sleep Yoga for your life Income of professio- technology nal staff and updated contact information 50 Focus Obesity 56 Your generation Scar-free acne 58 Eating naturally Milk and acidic juices, a mix that works

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)WITH YOUR WORLD ( )WITH YOUR WORLD THINKING 7 POSITIVELY INFLUENCES PHYSI- CAL AND MENTAL HEALTH AND STRENGTHENS CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM. IT AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH Thinking positively improves the car- diovascular and circulatory systems, keeping blood pressure at levels that the body needs to remain healthy. BREATHE MORE PEACEFULLY It helps people to feel relaxed, con- centrated and alert. It stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain, which increase the feeling of pleasure. GET PERSPECTIVE It increases your abilities to be creative and solve problems. Pleasant feelings come with constructive thoughts.60THOUSAND THOUGHTSARE THE AVERAGEAMOUNT OF THOUGHTSPEOPLE HAVE A DAY.

WITH YOUR WORLD( )for himMEN ANDTHEIR NEEDFOR A BESTFRIEND While men Some academics including anthropo- ned by nature to operate differently sometimes appear logists, sociologists and psychologists which also includes the energies inside to be cryptic in their have conducted in-depth studies on us that make us different.”romantic relationships, an ongoing issue among couples: while women often prefer the intimacy of clo- The anthropologist from the United they tend to seek sed-in spaces during times of reflection, States, Helen Fisher, has claimed that opportunities for men want to be out of the house, to go women are gatherers and that men are having conversations out and think, to see the world with the hunters. Jiménez explains Fisher’s with their friends. tranquility that comes with fresh air and theory, “This means that men are more they want the company of a friend. general in nature, are objective and MEDICAL ADVISOR think in the long term. As women, we ANA ISABEL Psychologist, Ana Isabel Jiménez, are more precise and specific, we are recalls the statement from the well- about color, shape and detail. Men hunt JIMÉNEZ CASTRO. known book written by John Gray, a psy- for the herd and women gather and Psychologist, chologist from the United States, titled focus on the color of the fruit, which Men are from Mars, Women are from was an indicator of whether it was good practitioner at Coomeva Venus, “This means that both ideologi- or not. This is why we like detail and Private Healthcare cally and hormonally, men and women focus on the little things. Men, on the are different. Men and women are desig- other hand, are not like that.”8

( )WITH YOUR WORLDRECONCILING DIFFERENCESThese differences among genders arereflected in friendships. Many times it isdifficult to explain why men can be silentin relationships, or why they want to resol-ve everything by going out for long drivesor having a beer with that friend that thewife is sometimes jealous of. Men preferto go out with their best friend or go for awalk, and many times women prefer to bein controlled environments. It is sometimes thought that men havedifficulties opening up to conversationwith people, and that the macho culture ofmen where they take on all the challengesthat life throws at them is stronger thantheir need to relate to another. Jiménezexplains that this is not true, “I believe that 9

WITH YOUR WORLD( )For him 2 OUTINGS A WEEK WITHit isn’t that difficult to have friends. Men their partner. Keeping certain spaces pri- FRIENDS HELPS CONTRIBUTEhave friends and they say that they are like vate where you can breathe is important.” TO THE WELL-BEING OF MENbrothers to them, they go through a lottogether and share many things with each SPACES ACCORDING TO A STUDYother that we wouldn’t accept as women. Ana Isabel Jiménez believes that someti- FROM THE UNIVERSITY OFWhen there is betrayal in a male mes problems arise when men want to gofriendship, however, there are very few out with their friends because, “As OXFORD IN THEways to repair it, and what is left is hurt.” women, we want our partners close by. It UNITED STATES. is recommended for both men and Problems tend to arise among couples women to have their own spaces. Men on the same wavelength. Time amongwhen the man wants to go out with his sometimes need to crawl into their man men and women are important, but so isbest friend to play soccer or to watch the cave, while women may want to talk, and time spent with others as a couple.”game of some remote team from Europe. when men don’t talk, we think he is upset.It is good to keep some common grounds, Men spending time with other men help Friends are some of the best catalystshowever. Psychologist, Luz Amparo them to release specific hormones which for wanting to return to be with our part-Salazar explains, “It is always good to helps to stimulate their erotic side and ners. After exchanging a few words, pla-maintain your friendships. It is all too makes them want to be with their partner. ying sports or sharing a few beers, onecommon for a newlywed to push their As women, we feel welcome when we arefriends away and become possessive with •returns to their roots, to what is impor- tant, the same as women do10

( )CON TU MUNDO CEREBROES POSIBLE ESTIMULAR EL THE BRAIN CAN BE STIMULATED Sabemos que a lo largo de la vida el cerebro no se desgasta. Hablamos de un órgano cuya mayor característica es la capacidad de cambiar constantemente. It is known that throughout life, the brain does not wear out. The greatest characteristic of this organ is its ability to constantly change. ASESOR ALEJANDRO VILLARRAGA. Neurólogo, adscrito a Coomeva Medicina Prepagada. ADVISOR ALEJANDRO VILLARRAGA. Neurologist, affiliated with Coomeva Medicina Prepagada.12

( )CON TU MUNDO tendenciasAquello de que solo usamos el 10% The belief that we only use 10% of our de nuestro cerebro, o que que no brain or that we don’t really know sabemos realmente cómo funciona, how it works, is a myth. The truth ises un mito. La verdad es que, con los avan- that with current advancements in science,ces científicos que se han dado en la era we have been able to learn the details ofactual, se ha logrado conocer su función a how brains work.profundidad y lo que sí es seguro es el dina-mismo de este órgano; su capacidad de What is clear to us is how dynamic thiscambio, de potenciación; lo que conoce- organ is and its ability to change andmos como plasticidad neuronal. to strengthen, what can be referred to as neuroplasticity. “Todo el mundo usa el cerebro según lascapacidades que tenga. Si adquiere más capa- “Everyone uses their brain according tocidades lo va a usar más, el cerebro va a cam- its abilities. The more abilities it has, thebiar y va a estimular otras partes del mismo more it will be used; the brain will changepara esas funciones o va a especializar una and stimulate other parts of the brain toparte para eso que está aprendiendo. Esa es la perform these new functions or it will selectplasticidad”, explica el neurólogo clínico, an area for that which it is learning. This isAlejandro Villarraga Peña. called brain plasticity,” explains clinical neurologist, Alejandro Villarraga Peña. Así como cuidamos nuestro cuerpo físico,buscamos mantenerlo en forma y darle más Just how we take care of our physicalaños de utilidad, ¿por qué no estimular nues- bodies, keeping it in shape and making ittro cerebro? Este es uno de los retos que tiene last for more years, why not do the same forla neurología para los próximos años. No se the brain? This is one of the challenges fortrata solo de prevenir o reducir las tasas de neurology in the upcoming years. This fieldenfermedades neurológicas, sino de lograr does not just seek to prevent or reduce theque el cerebro se mantenga joven por más rates of neurological conditions, it seeks fortiempo y, así, retrasar la aparición de enferme- the brain to stay younger for longer, therefo-dades neurodegenerativas como el Alzhéimer. re delaying the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Y es que la inteligencia —o el desarrollocerebral— no está marcada solo por facto- Genetics is not the only factor thatres genéticos. En ella entran en juego ele- influences intelligence or brain development.mentos ambientales que determinan la Also involved are environmental factorsevolución neuronal. which determine neuron development. Si nos referimos a la inteligencia como la If we just refer to intelligence as the abi-capacidad de tomar decisiones y que estas lity to make decisions, and correct ones atsean acertadas, es verdad que por genética that, it is true that the genetics of the indi-una persona viene con una inteligencia defi- vidual’s intelligence come pre-established,nida, pero también entra en juego todo lo however everything that happens afterque pasa después del nacimiento. Como birth also plays a role. As this specialistexplica el especialista, no es lo mismo los explains, children that have to fend forniños que deben valerse por sí mismos, con- themselves, obtain food, and work, are not the same as those who do not have to do 13

CON TU MUNDO( )tendencias 20 AÑOS APROXIMADAMENTE ES LA EDAD HASTA LA CUAL SE GANAN NEURONAS NUEVAS. 20 A PARTIR DE ENTONCES LO QUE SE HACE ES POTENCIARLAS. YEARS IS THE APPROXIMATE AGE AFTER WHICH NEW NEU- RONS CAN NO LONGER BE DEVELOPED. AFTER THIS AGE, THEY JUST BECOME STRONGER. seguir su comida y trabajar, que los que no lo so: “For those who are exposed to an envi- tienen que hacer. “Digamos que en quien ronment that is considered to be hostile, está expuesto a un ambiente entre comillas their abilities to survive and make deci- hostil, las capacidades para subsistir y tomar sions will be much greater. Over time, with esas decisiones van a ser mucho mayores. regard to obtaining knowledge and skills in Pero a largo plazo, en cuanto a adquirir cono- other intellectual areas, someone who did cimientos y habilidades en otros aspectos the same thing their whole lives is not intelectuales, no va a ser lo mismo alguien going to be the same as someone who que siguió haciendo lo mismo toda la vida didn’t.” By learning, the brain continues to que alguien que no”. Con el aprendizaje el challenge itself, developing new connec- cerebro continúa retándose, desarrollando tions and gaining skills that will help achie- nuevas conexiones y logrando destrezas que le ve a higher quality of life. ayudarán a tener una mejor calidad de vida. But can our brain continue to Pero ¿nuestro cerebro puede seguir improve and create new neurons mejorando y creando nuevas neuronas a throughout our lives? lo largo de la vida? The brain does experience a developmen- Lo cierto es que sí existe una etapa evolu- tal stage that consists of several different key tiva del cerebro con varios periodos determi- phases. The first is the prenatal stage. The nantes. El primero es el prenatal; el segundo second, and perhaps most important phase, y quizá más importante, es el nacimiento, is birth as there are many complications that pues si hay complicaciones en ese momento occur at that time that can turn into neuro- pueden desencadenarse problemas neuroló- logical problems. The third stage is gicos, y el tercero es la infancia, la época en childhood, the period of time during which la que más se puede estimular el cerebro. the brain can be most stimulated. Según la publicación Principios de la According to the publication Principles of Neurociencia, de Eric R. Kandel, a partir de Neural Science, after the age of 20, by Eric R. los 20 años no ganamos más neuronas, pero Kandel, we no longer develop neurons, but esto no quiere decir que ya no podamos esti- this does not mean that we can no longer mular el cerebro. “De ahí en adelante lo stimulate the brain. “From that point on, que se hace es potenciarlas, aumentar su they can be made stronger; neurotransmis- transmisión para que se vuelvan más pro- sion can increase in order to make them last longadas y se genere mayor número de longer and develop more synapses,” sinapsis”, puntualiza Villarraga. Villarraga explains.14

( )CON TU MUNDO xxxxxxxxx(La plasticidad es el aprendizaje en sí. Aprender patrones de movimiento, caminar, usar los cubiertos, expresarse ade- cuadamente; capacidades que el cerebro antes no tenía. Es todo lo que aprendemos.(Plasticity is learning in itself. Learning movement patterns, walking, using silverware, expressing oneself adequately skills the brain did not have before, it is everything we ever learn.NEURONAS LIBRES DE HUMO SMOKE-FREE NEURONSEntre los hábitos no saludables para el cerebro, el cigarrillo es uno Of those habits that are not healthy for the brain, smokingde los más perjudiciales. is one of the most harmful. The use of cigarettes is relatedSu consumo se ha asociado con problemas cerebrovasculares, to cerebrovascular issues, causing for an increased risk ofteniendo un mayor riesgo de desarrollar trombosis. Además las developing thrombosis. People who smoke also experiencepersonas que fuman van produciendo pequeños infartos cerebra- small strokes that can lead to an earlier onset of cognitiveles que pueden llevar más rápido al deterioro cognitivo. degeneration.Por eso evitar el consumo de tabaco, así como buscar espacios This is why avoiding tobacco use as well as seekinglibres de humo son unas de las recomendaciones claves a la hora smoke-free areas are some key recommendations when itde poner en práctica las tácticas de estimulación cerebral mencio- comes time to protecting our mental health and puttingnadas y proteger nuestra salud mental. the mentioned brain stimulation activates into practice.El simple hecho de respirar aire puro mejora nuestro cerebro. The simple act of breathing pure air improves our brain.Ejercitarse en un parque, montar en bicicleta, encontrarse con sus Exercising in a park, going for a bike ride, meeting up withamigos en lugares abiertos y libres de contaminación o salir de vez your friends outdoors and in unpolluted areas, or occasio-en cuando de la ciudad en busca de espacios verdes no solo des- nally leaving the city to nature, not only clears the mindpeja la mente sino que permite una respiración más pura y consigo but also allows you to breath clean air and improve theun mejor funcionamiento del cerebro. functioning of the brain. 15

CON TU MUNDO( )tendencias¿CÓMO POTENCIAR EL CEREBRO? HOW TO IMPROVE THE BRAIN?Sí es posible aprender nuevas cosas en la It is possible to learn new things as an adult,vida adulta, pero como explica el doctor but as Dr. Villaraga explains, it is a matterVillaraga, es cuestión de dedicarse.” Si quie- of focusing on the activity. “If you want tore ser bueno en ajedrez toca jugarlo, leerlo, be good at chess, you have to play it, readestudiarlo”, afirma. about it and study it,” he states. Y no se trata solo de aprender por el hecho It’s not about learning just to gainde adquirir nuevos conocimientos o técnicas knowledge or acquire techniques for a speci-para una necesidad puntual; es cuestión de fic need; it’s about stimulating the brain,estimular el cerebro, de permitir que esa plasti- allowing for this neuroplasticity to continuecidad siga dándose para tener una vida más to develop in order to live a more active life,activa y, así, apuntarle desde joven a una vejez and thereby, from a young age, seek rea-más exitosa. Pero, ¿qué factores pueden favore- ching old age successfully. But what factorscer el aprendizaje? can facilitate your learning? Actividades lúdicas intelectuales. Leer Playful intellectual activities, readinglibros, ver obras de teatro, películas de cine books, going to see a play, and watchingque requieran concentración y análisis. Pero, movies that require concentration andcomo recomienda el especialista “comentar- analysis are all ways to stimulate learning. Aslo es lo bueno, hacer de eso una actividad the specialist recommends, “Talking about itintelectual”. Es ahí cuando el cerebro se esti- is what is good, turning it into an intellectualmula, porque ese ejercicio de razonar sobre lo activity.” That is when the brain is stimula-que se acaba de leer o ver y debatir con sus ted. The exercise of thinking about what youpropios argumentos potencia las neuronas. just read or saw, or debating using your own arguments is what strengthens neurons. Los pasatiempos como crucigramas, con-cursos de preguntas y respuestas, sudokus, Games such as crosswords, trivia ques-también son un claro elemento de estimula- tions, and Sudoku are also ways to stimula-ción cerebral pues requieren un estado men- te the brain as they require the mind to betal alerta, despiertan neuronas en diferentes alert, they wake up neurons in differentpartes del cerebro y mejoran el procesamien- parts of the brain and they improve mentalto mental y la memoria. processing and memory. Asímismo es fundamental el ejercicio y la It is also essential engaging in exerciseactividad física. Una cuarta parte de la sangre and physical activity. One fourth of theque bombea el corazón se va para el cerebro blood that the heart pumps goes to they cuando una persona se ejercita aumenta el brain and when a person does exercise,gasto cardiaco y por ende el flujo sanguíneo their cardiac output increases resulting incerebral. Así se incrementa la capacidad de blood flow to the brain. This is how neu-las neuronas para usar el oxígeno y establecer rons increase their capacity to use oxygen,más eficientemente la conexión entre ellas. allowing them to establish a connection bet- ween them more efficiently. Salir a trotar, practicar un deporte conotras personas con las que se pueda interac- Going out jogging and practicing sportstuar y crear conexiones, beneficia el cerebro. with other people that you can interact andEstudios canadienses y estadounidenses make connections with is also beneficial tosobre la prevención del deterioro cognitivo the brain. Studies from Canada and thehan demostrado que entre las actividades United States on preventing cognitivelúdicas una de las que más impacta es el impairment have shown that of all thebaile, al ser una actividad física que requiere recreational activities, dancing makes the16

( )CON TU MUNDOun aprendizaje, en cuanto a los pasos y ruti- greatest impact as it is a physical activity thatnas de baile, y que además es divertida. requires you to learn, as with its steps and routines, and it is also fun. Por último, es importante desarrollar nuevasdestrezas que impliquen un esfuerzo real. Finally, it is important to develop newAprender un nuevo idioma es una de las accio- skills that demand a real effort Learning anes que más estimula la plasticidad cerebral. El new language is an activity that most stimula-solo hecho de incorporar palabras nuevas a tes brain plasticity. The simple act of incorpo-nuestro vocabulario, significados diferentes de rating new words in our vocabulary and lear-cosas que siempre se han entendido de una ning different meanings for things that havemanera pero que en otro idioma se pueden always been understood one way but that ininterpretar de forma diferente, como es el con- another language can be interpreted diffe-cepto del amor, llevan a que nuestro cerebro rently, such as with the concept of love, leadcambie. Tocar un instrumento o aprender tec- our brain to change. Playing an instrument ornologías cuando nunca se ha hecho, va a llevar learning new technology, if you have nevera que neuronas que estaban poco activas des- done so, make neurons that were not verypierten y se dé un cambio en nuestra capacidad active to activate and changes our mentalmental. Es cuestión de elegir un conocimiento capacity. It is all a matter of choosing a skill or•o actividad que realmente nos rete y dedicarse •activity that truly challenges you and seriouslycon compromiso a este committing yourself to itREGENERAR NEURONAS NEURONS CAN BEES POSIBLE REGENERATEDCuando se han perdido neuronas por una enfermedad o When neurons have been lost due to a disease or an acci-accidente, es posible estimular el cerebro para que estas se dent, the brain can be stimulated in order to regenerateregeneren. Sin embargo, aclara el doctor Villaraga, que no van them, however Dr. Villaraga explains that they will not be thea ser las mismas. “Una neurona tiene miles de conexiones, si same, “A neuron has thousands of connections, if one is lost,se pierde una no solo se pierde la neurona sino las miles de not only is the neuron lost but its thousands of connectionsconexiones”. Estos son los casos más llamativos: are lost as well.” These are some of the most salient cases:Eventos isquémicos cerebrales StrokeSi el paciente pierde la parte que domina una mano, con las If the patient loses the part of their brain that controls theirterapias de neurología se logra que otras partes del cerebro hand, neurological therapy can allow for other parts of thesuplan esa función. brain to replace this function.Esclerosis múltiple Multiple sclerosisEsta enfermedad autoinmune causa dificultad para mover las extre- This autoimmune disease makes it difficult for the limbs tomidades y alteraciones en la sensibilidad. Con el tratamiento se move and alters the body’s sensitivity. By regenerating thebusca recuperar esas funciones regenerando el sistema nervioso. nervous system, treatment can be applied in order to esta- blish these functions again. 17

( )WITH YOUR WORLD SENIORS FASCINATED WITH TECHNOLOGY While they initially fear them and believe that they will not know how to work them, seniors can learn to use different devices and digital applications with the right type of help. ADVISORS ROSA ISABEL CORREA ARBELÁEZ, Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist, practitioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare. ADRIANA MORALES, Computer Teacher.18

( )WITH YOUR WORLD grandparentsInspired by her granddaughter’s trip online courses, playing games on websites can ask questions several times without abroad and with the help of her family, and engaging in mental exercises to fearing being judged.” an 86-year-old woman began to use a strengthen their memory. In this way,tablet to talk over the Skype video call “…they are socially and mentally active.” PATIENCE AND TOLERANCEapplication. She also learned to use audio There is nothing that could be furtherchat to talk with her daughters. “How did She also points out, “Since they are from reality than thinking that seniorsI not know about this sooner? To think of learning new skills, accessing these tools have nothing to learn. “You have to letwhat I was missing out on!” she said. activates the brain and they age well, pre- them know that life isn’t over, there are venting mental illnesses from developing.” always new opportunities,” Morales states. Another 74-year-old woman admittedthat before, she was reluctant to learn A computer teacher for seniors, Adriana Since this population was not bornabout technology, but then she got the Morales adds that learning keeps them with technology, incorporating this tool ismotivation to take classes and now she sharp and active because it raises their self- a process that requires time and energy.uses e-mail, watches videos and is learning esteem and keeps their mind attentive. “You have to explain them the most basichow to use a cell phone. She goes to clas- steps and not saturate them with informa-ses because she gets to share with her For them, the first obstacles to overcome tion. Go slowly and teach them withpeers and always learns new things. when learning to use technology are fear patience, tolerance and a positive attitude. and thinking that it is complicated, difficult The best people to do this are older For Rosa Isabel Correa, clinical psycho- and that they will not be able to use it. Rosa adults,” Correa shares.logist, neuropsychologist and Director of Isabel Correa suggests that family membersthe Clínica de la Atención y la Memoria are those that can inspire interest in them Another option is for them to take an(Awareness and Memory Clinic), techno- by sharing messages and the photos of on-site course with a teacher and otherlogy is important for older adults. In addi- family members and friends sent through students that can share with each othertion to being able to interact with their the network. “Show them that using these and help each other out. “You have tofamily and friends through video calls, tools is easy and simple and explain the pass these concepts on clearly, and abovechats, social networks and e-mail, they benefits of staying in touch, learning and all, motivate them with positive attentionalso keep their minds active by perfor- entertainment to them,” states Adrianaming Internet searches, participating in Morales. She adds, “You have to put trust •so that they feel confident and capable of in them and allow them to feel like they learning,” Morales addsDEVICES AND APPLICATIONS► WHATSAPP: This is a mobile ► TABLETS: These are a good option ► SKYPE: An application that is application. The option of because they have a touch pad perfect for communicating with recording an audio and sending that makes them easier to manage. children or grandchildren that live it makes it easier to communi- The majority of these include a in other cities or countries by cate because they do not have camera and apps that serve as making a video call through a to deal with a keypad. For entertainment. They are easier to phone, tablet or PC. those with physically visible ail- look at and to read on due to their ments, audio chat is also recom- size, use of images and information. ► FACEBOOK: It is the most popular mended; and for those with social network out there. It is per- hearing problems, text and ima- ► CELL PHONES: They are now fect for connecting with people or ges are best. bigger and lighter. One that is mid to reconnecting with groups of friends, high-end is most suitable for older colleagues and family members.► COMPUTERS: Having a larger adults because they are easier to keyboard, mouse and screen is handle, come with the option of ► E-MAIL: This allows them to write helpful for seniors that have making its icons and font size larger more extensively and to attach vision or fine motor problems. and have virtual keyboards. images and documents. 19

WITH YOUR WORLD( )trendsKNOW MOREGENETICS CAN HELPYOU TO LEARNANOTHER LANGUAGESuccess with learning a second language in NEURALaddition to your native language, is related to NETWORKSyour genes and to the structure and dimen- STIMULATEsions of the brain. The study Success in MEMORIESsecond language learning linked to genetic andbrain measures conducted by the University of ► The study Bidirectional switch of theWashington in the U.S., made this discovery, valence associated with a hippocam-which was published by the scientific journal pal contextual memory engram con-Proceedings of the National Academy of ducted by the MassachusettsSciences. Research shows that in a foreign lan- Institute of Technology in the U.S.guage class, the final grades were able to be explains that there is a neural net-predicted of a group of 79 university students work that connects memories withfrom China, with an average age of 20, based positive or negative emotions.on a combination of genetic variations and onthe communication network in the brain. ► It affirms that the connection bet- ween the amygdala (located in the 34% cerebellum) and the hippocampus OF COLOMBIANS SNORE (associated with episodic and spatial OCCASIONALLY AND 19% DO memory) is key in the relationship SO ON A DAILY BASIS AS THE between feelings and memories, MINISTRY OF HEALTH DISCLOSES. which is why it therefore may be very useful for treating, for example, Post-TASTEINMUSICDETERMINED SOCIALLY HEALTHIER Traumatic Stress Disorder.BYONE’SENVIRONMENT According to the study Friends ‘better than (KEEP IN MIND)Our taste in music is not pre-program- morphine,’ published in the journal Scientificmed in the brain, it is rooted in culture. Reports, people with a more extensive network Mnemonics, or techniques usedThis is what was concluded by the study of friends demonstrate having a greater toleran- for memorizing, are one of theIndifference to dissonance in native ce to pain due to endorphins, which are neuro- ways to exercise the mind andAmazonians reveals cultural variation in transmitters, and act as a natural analgesic formusic perception conducted by the the body, helping to bring pleasant feelings to it. make it perform faster.Massachusetts Institute of Technologyand Brandeis University, both located inthe U.S. The study suggests that in musi-cal genres ranging from classical to pop,some combinations of musical notes aremore pleasant to the ear than others.20

)WITH YOUR MIND ( )WITH YOUR MIND 80% OF THE BRAIN IS COMPRI- SED OF WATER, WHICH IS WHAT MAKES IT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO KEEP HYDRATED.THE BRAIN IS WHERE ALL OF OUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AREDIGESTED. IT IS A COMPLEX SYSTEM THAT REQUIRES TAKINGCARE OF ONESELF WITH A BALANCED DIET AND DAILY EXERCISE.UNDER CONTROL MILLIONS OF CONNECTIONS HIGH ENERGY CONSUMPTION 21The brain consists of 2% of our The brain is home to approximately 100 Between 20 to 30% of the calories thatbodyweight. It is the organ that controls billion neurons. Each day, 10 thousand enter the body pass through the brain,the release of hormones, body movement neurons are lost, but it has the capacity which is why it is important to chooseand is also where our thoughts are located. to regenerate them throughout our lives. balanced and nutritional diets.

( )WITH YOUR MIND THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF VANITY It is healthy to love yourself, but in excess, that love no longer becomes effective and can turn into a never-ending quest for the approval of others. MEDICAL ADVISOR The line between self-esteem and wanted to look like nobility, now these ABELARDO MUÑOZ excessive vanity is thin and there stereotypes change month after month. are few who react quick enough This is a huge industry that constantly GONZÁLEZ. once they fall into this vicious cycle. reinvents itself in order to survive so that Psychiatrist, practitioner people throw out what they have and Coomeva Private Healthcare Compulsive buying, a multitude of quickly move on to a new model of shoes plastic surgeries and exaggerated diets are or accessories, for example,” psychologist some of the habits that are part of trying Carlos Naranjo states. to reach the one objective of looking good for others when in reality, they are not DIFFERENCES AND CHANGES very happy with themselves. These actions Psychiatrist Abelardo Muñoz González are generally inspired by models and pro- explains it is one thing to get ready in the totypes that impose a minute by minute morning to go out, go to work or to an industry of consumption. Having the per- appointment and it is another, very diffe- fect measurements, clothes from the best rent thing to live thinking about how to brands, out-of-control spending and extre- please one’s social circle to feel admired me thinness is the central daily focus of a and popular. “When vanity gets out of vain individual. This world is one that is control, it can even cause personality no longer exclusive to women, where it disorders, anxiety or eating disorders such tends to have its greatest hold. as anorexia or bulimia in which the indi- vidual has a lack of self-esteem and an uns- “Today, we are hyper-connected in real table emotional state. This is how what time. We see how everything moves along in a frenzy. While in old times, people22

( )WITH YOUR MIND for her BREEDING VANITY Psychiatrist Lucrecia Ramírez Restrepo explains that being vain about our bodies in our society is a synonym of femininity. This is what make women make alterations to their bodies, search for tutorials about how to put on makeup and is why they want to be in fashion, from which this ever-evolving industry makes a profit. Lucrecia defines the current model of beauty has having three main characteristics, which in her opi- nion, are difficult to fulfill. “It’s impossible,” she says. They include the following: ► Being thin: not having curves ► Being toned: doing exercise all the time ► Being Sexy: characterized by having curves “Meeting this standard is what makes women get surgery and spend a lot of money to try and fit the prototype of beauty and its rigid parameters,” the spe- cialist concludes.used to be a character trait ends up being (There is a part of vanitya dysfunction,” Muñoz González shares. that we refer to as self-esteem, which protects us and makes us take care of Nutritionist Amida Carvajal adds that ourselves, but when this virtue beco-abrupt changes in one’s diet are often the mes distorted, it can turn into a vice.consequence of the influence this worldhas on people, as many decide to modify be educated, to teach their children to lovetheir nutritional behavior in order to fit themselves, to take care of themselves, tointo smaller and more standard sizes. “If not follow the standards that society placeswhat you want is to gain or lose weight, it on them. Passing on values such as love,is best get the advice of an expert. Health respect, trust, tolerance and bravery arerisks due to changes in the diet and eating determining factors when it comes todisorders can be very serious and lead to facing varying concepts of beauty.”long-term deficiencies. It is best to not getcarried away by fashion, take care of your According to clinical psychologisthealth properly, be realistic and accept Alberto Montero, it is difficult for someoneyour body,” the nutritionist states. who is vain to seek professional help due toFINDING SOLUTIONSThe question here is how to acquire self-esteem and confidence when the outlookseems so grim. Muñoz González adds tothis by saying, “It is essential for parents to 23

( )CON TU MENTE (People fall into a world of vanity rant to frustration, being obsessive, being without realizing it until their family members, impulsive and being a perfectionist. These friends or social group inform them with force individuals go to specialists to find solu- that they have gone too far. tions, but for their stress, panic, work or relationship issues, among others. the fact that they cannot recognize their own condition. “Since we’re dealing with The reality is that it is never too late to people that need a lot of attention, they learn to accept and value yourself uncondi- develop this vanity to an extreme in order tionally, acknowledging your successes and to hide their feelings of insecurity. This is your failures without comparing yourself what motivates them to continue doing the to others or depending on the approval of things that raise their self-esteem; it won’t society. The key is to take responsibility for be easy for them to address the issue.” your own life, find other interests, and Some common personality traits among learn to discover other sources of happi- these types of people include being intole- ness, success and acknowledgement. In conclusion, vanity has always exis- ted. According to the definition provided by the Royal Spanish Academy, it is mani- fested through, “arrogance, presumptuous- ness or conceit,” or more accordingly, as an impulse to strengthen the ego and fos- •ter creativity. What makes it an issue or not, lies in the limits that it is given24

( )CON TU MENTEKEEP IN MINDSocial institutions such as family, schools andchurches play important roles in constructingthe beauty standards of an individual.SELF-ASSESSMENTA person with good self-esteem has the followingcharacteristics. They:► Feel good about themselves► Express their opinions in front of others► Are not scared to talk with others► Know how to identify and express their emotions to others► Like and do not fear challenges► Take interest in others without trying to serve a personal interest► Are creative and original► Fight for getting what they want► Enjoy life► Share their feelings with others► Are aware of their own qualities and try to over- come their flaws► Are responsible for their actions► Are natural leaders that collaborate and do not impose upon others 25

( )WITH YOUR MINDHEY COUPLES!BRING BACK THE SPARK! MEDICAL ADVISOR ROSA GUEVARA QUINTERO- Psychologist and Sexologist, practitioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare26

( )WITH YOUR MIND couplesWhile there are more and more treatments out there for dealing with issues around intimacy,many of which are of dubious origin, the solution is closer than you think: it is within each of us as a couple.All couples come to that exhaustive How am I doing? What worries me? What TRULY LISTEN desert where there seems to be no do I want? How do I feel today? oasis on the horizon and where 1 Get to the root of things: If youdesire seems to drown in routine, in bills “It’s not helpful to tell your partner fight about the little things, stopto be paid, work, or in responsibilities. For what made you feel good in the past. At this pattern and find out what issome, this desert can be devastating and this moment, there is only the love that you behind it. It can be the begin-after passing through it there is nothing feel now. During these encounters it is ning of a conversation that leadsleft except for routine. Others dare to face good to let the creativity of the present help to new territory, such as, to survive, to seek that flourishing land you because one plus one is never two withof desire of being happy as a couple. your partner. First come parents, family 2 Have empathy: With sensitive and then previous partners, which weigh issues it is important to stay This issue is as old as the earth is, and down on the relationship and you have to away from incriminating eachso is the image of the man running around know how to break away from that.” other. It is best to ask and toto try and solve this problem. There are a understand. Perhaps by puttingvariety of remedies used in Colombia for Reflecting on the past and remembe- yourself in another’s shoes, youthis: borojó juice (Alibertia patinoi), chon- ring a time when you were happy can be a will have a better understandingtaduro (peach palm), malt beer with eggs mistake because sometimes you fall into and come to an agreement.or a good-size portion of seafood. But as promises that are founded on somethingthe famous song of Ricardo Arjona goes, that will not work, “‘Maybe my partner 3 Be careful not to judge: Havingthe best aphrodisiac is love. wants to have anal sex because they tried it a preconceived idea is to be before it and liked it. I’m not comfortable biased, and reinforces beha- According to psychologist and sexolo- with it, but in order to please them I’ll do viors that are not always cons-gist Rosa Guevara Quintero, it is natural it.’ This can be a bad situation because I’m tructive. Make an effort to seefor couples to not look elsewhere, but to infringing upon what I want just to please the other in the true reality andwhat they have, to what once sparked that what someone else wants. Sincerity should context that surrounds them.excitement in the relationship. “The first come first,” Guevara Quintero says.thing you can try to do is to use your ima-gination, use fantasy, and to be honest Before exploring other sexual practices,and genuine. One challenge among cou- which should be agreed upon before doingples is that they believe that speaking so, a trust-based, ongoing conversationopenly in front of their partner, exposing should be held. The same applies for whenthemselves or sharing their private intima- external support is sought, such as thecies is beneficial; when actually, this is the help of the psychologist or expert; thereworst thing you can do. Share what you should be an agreement established befo-feel here and now.” rehand. The same goes for watching por- nography together or using sex toys, which The key is here and now. The past is in the end are accessories and dependencytoo far away to change and it has already on them should be avoided. Help shouldmade us who we are; we have no control be temporary, whatever kind it is, asover our future, so we are left with the pre- everything should come from within.sent. In order to solve these issues in arelationship, in order to recover that desi- “Some people use sex toys when they arere that is in “off mode,” work on the now: intimate because it is the only way for them to be aroused. They should only be used 27

WITH YOUR MIND( )coupleswhile learning how to touch each other or be with me; but surprise, she doesn’t want 90%while telling the other how they like to be to, who said that she was asking for that,”touched or stimulated, but the toy should Guevara Quintero shares, painting this pic- OF THE SEXUAL PRACTICES OFnot become part of our lives, almost as if ture of when the partner does not want COLOMBIANS INCLUDE KISSINGusing Viagra. Before it existed, what happe- what the other prepares themselves toned with erections? One had confidence expect. This is how a history of revenge, AND CARESSING, ACCOR-with what they had and that’s what they anger and covert chastisement begins. DING TO THE NATIONALworked with,” Guevara Quintero explains. Remember, these are adult rela- SEXUAL HEALTH When you are not in sync with your tionships. Understand the spaces and SURVEY.partner, respect them and their desires care- needs of the other, and live in the present.fully. Problems in bed can turn into criti- People change and so do their preferences.cisms and many times, into unhealthy rela- Talk, engage in conversation with eachtionships with a hint of paternalism. “If I other. Look within, the spark can comewant to, it’s not a requirement that my part- back and be revived, and you are the onener wants to. If I brought you these apples, that can light it. If you believe that expertthis dress, if I take you to a party than theminimum I can expect is for you to want to •help is needed, talk first with your partner, listen to them, there is always a solution28

( )WITH YOUR MINDQGEUTTAINLGITY SLEEP While the brain is less active when we sleep, sustaining this physiological state helps us relax and nourishes the health of our minds and bodies.MEDICAL ADVISOR ¿ How is the quality of your sleep? How Bernardo Uribe García has the answer, “It BERNARDO many minutes to does it normally take is a phase in which the brain does not you to fall asleep? How many times in stop working. It consolidates information URIBE GARCÍA. the last month did you wake up in the midd- and memories that were received Clinical Neurologist le of the night? Have you taken any over-the- throughout the day and releases chemical counter products or prescribed medications substances that improve your circulation, in order to get a full night’s sleep? in addition to other activities.” Answering these questions may help you better understand the quality of your sleep. Sleeping is therefore not an interrup- tion of your body’s vital functions at To start, it is important to establish a night, but rather recharges you with definition for sleep. Clinical neurologist energy. This is why sleep disorders affect 29

( )WITH YOUR MIND 59% OF COLOMBIANS ARE AFFECTED BY SLEEP DISORDERS.people not just at nighttime, but also (On average, babiesmainly during a day’s activities. should get 17 hours of sleep; children and adolescents, 10; and adults, 7. A lack of sleep can cause fatigue, atten-tion deficit disorders, affects concentra-tion and memory, makes people irritableand leaves them in a depressed moodwhen doing their daily activities. Nothaving replenished sleep is also one of themain causes of traffic accidents as thestudy Prevalence of sleep complaints inColombia at different altitudes reveals,published in the Sleep Science journal.This study measured the impact of sleepdisorders in over 5,000 people from diffe-rent altitudes throughout Colombia.DIFFERENT TYPESOF SLEEP DISORDERSAccording to Uribe García and theAsociación Colombiana de Medicina delSueño (ACMES, the Sleep MedicineAssociation of Colombia), there are about100 different types of disorders that affectthe quality of one’s sleep. They can be clas-sified into four groups: insomnia, a disor-der that affect one’s ability to fall orremain asleep; hypersomnia, excessive,constant and involuntary sleep; heart ratedisorders, changes in the biological clockof sleep; and parasomnia, being constantlywoken up by nightmares and night terrors. People that are overweight, have respiratoryproblems, a tendency to be depressive, worknight shifts, as well as those that take anymedications, are more likely to suffer fromsleep disorders. These are situations that ingeneral, can be corrected and even cured pro-vided that the individual is aware of the situa-30

( )WITH YOUR MIND preventiontion and chooses to become involved in posi- (People who take naps,tive sleeping habits on a daily basis. considered to be a short period of sleep during the day that does not lastPRACTICE GOOD PERSONAL CARE longer than 20 minutes, have a lowerUribe García adds that, “Some practices that risk of heart disease.can help you sleep well include going to bed atthe same time, not eating or working in bed, COMMONmaking sure the temperature of the bedroom SLEEP DISORDERSis comfortable, and trying not to fall asleepwhile watching television.” Also, avoiding the ► INSOMNIA: Occurs when it is very difficult to fallconsumption of caffeinated drinks at nightti- asleep, or when the person wakes up in the midd-me and foods with a high calorie content can le of the night and cannot return to sleep afteralso help you to fall asleep. more than a half hour. According to ACMES, sleep disorders ► SLEEP APNEA: Is when there are one or moreare more common in adults over the age breaks in the individual’s breathing when theyof 55, the average age in which the pro- sleep. This causes people to go from deep to lightduction of melatonin reduces considera- sleep. Solutions to this consist of otorhinolaryngo-bly, the hormone associated with regula- logic treatments and using small oxygen tanks thatting sleep. Fifty percent of the world’s allow for air to continually flow in and out of thepopulation has had a sleep disorder at lungs while sleeping.some point in their lives.Some practices that contribute to getting ► NARCOLEPSY: Extreme sleepiness during the day.good sleep are doing exercise (but not over-exceeding), avoiding long naps after 3:00 in ► SLEEPWALKING: Getting out of bed in the midd-the afternoon, and not drinking more than le of deep glass of alcohol before going to bed.Whether it be insomnia or sleep apnea, itis important to pay careful attention togetting good sleep. This issue has evenbeen the inspiration for a new medicalsubspecialty called Sleep Medicine, whichdiagnoses and treats sleep disorders. Ifyour days seem to feel long and youcannot seem to focus, evaluate what yournights are like. Before self-medicating,think about whether you might be suffe-•ring from a sleep disorder and if so, seekout the support of a specialist 31

WITH YOUR MIND( )prevention HOW SLEEPY ARE YOU? How often do you fall asleep in the following situations? Even if you have not done one of these activities recently, try to imagine how they might affect you. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used in Sleep Medicine to identify certain sleep disorders. USE THE FOLLOWING SCALE AND SELECT THE SCORE NUMBER THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU IN EACH SITUATION. 0 = Have never fallen asleep 1 = Slight possibility of falling asleep 2 = Moderate possibility of falling asleep 3 = High possibility of falling asleep SITUATION 1. Sitting and reading 2. Watching TV 3. Sitting, inactive during an event (watching a play for example) 4. In the car, as a copilot during an hour-long trip 5. In the afternoon 6. Talking with someone while sitting 7. Sitting after having eaten a meal (without having consumed alcohol) 8. In your car after being stopped for a few minutes because of traffic 9. Total score: ANALYZE 0-7: It is unlikely that you are very sleepy YOUR SCORE 8-9: You experience an average amount of sleepiness during the day. 10-15: You may be excessively sleepy depending on the situation. Consider seeing your doctor 16-24: Find the help of a specialist.32

)WITH YOUR BODY ( )WITH YOUR BODY30 33 MINUTES OF RIDING A BIKE EACH DAY INCREASES ENERGY LEVELS RIDING A BIKE IS A FULL-BODY EXERCISE THAT HELPS KEEP A BALANCED BODYWEIGHT AND MAKES THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM STRONGER. REGULATES THE HEART Strengthens the heart: Your heart rate increases and your blood pressure decreases, lowering the risks of having a heart attack. COMPLETE WORKOUT Both your upper body gets exercise (chest, back and shoulders), and your lower body (thighs and calves). EASY ON THE BODY Is easy on your knees and other joints as the body’s weight does not fall completely on them and is ins- tead supported by the bike seat.

( )WITH YOUR BODY THE MYTH OF “NO” MEDICAL ADVISOR GABRIEL TÉLLEZ JARAMILLO Pediatrician, Neonatologist, practitioner of Coomeva Private Healthcare34

( )WITH YOUR BODY little giants (Parents and adults represent both affection and authority. Being consistent as a parent by setting limits allows for children to turn into responsible adults. Raising children is According to the pediatrician and neo- their lives and therefore, lose their abilitya balancing act that natologist, Gabriel Téllez Jaramillo, to choose. Parents can instill freedom in setting harsh or extreme limits with their children as a treasure that comes requires parents children may lead to them having negative with responsibilities.and adults to gauge reactions to regulations. Doing the oppositechildren’s limits and however, removing limits and the word “no” LEARNING DURING CHILDHOOD in their upbringing, may raise them to be What are these micro-decisions that freedoms. It is adults that are not capable of keeping parents can take? Dr. Téllez answers this difficult to find the commitments, establishing boundaries or question, “It of course makes sense that acknowledging others. depending on the age group, different right balance. limits for the commitments that parents Any extreme Parents and adults represent both affec- have with their children, and children with measure, however, tion and authority, which later manifests their parents, should be established, such can be harmful. in different settings such as at school, at as: their schedules when they go out, when work or in society in general. they return, limiting their TV time, video- game time, etc. The issue of setting limits It is the daily micro-decisions made at begins from when they are very little with home from which children begin to disco- chores related to taking care of the home, ver their limits and learn to handle their play times, homework or bedtimes.” freedom; a freedom without responsibi- lity, which ends up taking its toll. Those Being consistent as a parent by setting who use their freedom irresponsibly end basic limits, not just with oneself over up reducing the number of choices in 35

WITH YOUR BODY( )little giantstime, but also with one’s partner or with routines, giving priority to the child’s 3close adult relatives, makes it easier to homework and the practice of “child-cen-impart the concept of rules in children trism;” where parents believe they must YEARS OLD IS THE PERFECTand prevent the idea of them avoiding res- do everything for their children, preven- AGE FOR PARENTS TO BEGINponsibilities to grow in them. If agree- ting them from developing developmen- TO STRENGTHEN AND REIN-ments are clear, consistent and followed tal skills on their own. FORCE FOLLOWING RULESby all, they will also be this way for chil-dren and overtime the rule will be interio- Even though affection is an important AND PROPER BEHAVIORrized in the child, more than it will be part of a child’s growth, almost as important IN THEIR CHILDREN.externally enforced upon them. as food or sleep, children also must expe- rience boundaries, challenges and chores. Current child-rearing practices, howe-ver, tend to show a different trend. While Raising a child is an everyday taskthe exclusive focus on children has that requires persistence, consistencebrought a greater awareness to the indivi- and presence. Parents are what mostduality of each child, it has also created influence children, and as Dr. Téllezoverprotected parents hidden in the form explains, it is not healthy to delegateof “excess” affection, which makes chil- the responsibility of raising a child todren weaker over time. schools or to others that have no direct influence on the family and that This trend in raising children has turn them into confused adultsbeen called “hyper-parenting.” It refers toraising children without limits, without •without the tools to be responsible with their freedom36

FIVE MYTHS OF ( )WITH YOUR BODYPARENTING CHILDREN 371 CHILDREN DO NOT UNDERSTAND. False: Children can identify the consistencies and inconsisten- cies of parents and adults.2 SAYING “NO” DAMAGES THEIR CHARACTER. False: Setting limits shapes the will of a child and gives them the opportunity to decide.3 CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE BORED. False: Getting bored is part of the process of learning to be with themselves.4 CHILDREN ONLY HAVE PRIVILEGES. False: Children can also have chores and respect the rules of living together.5 CHILDREN ALWAYS HAVE PRIORITY. False: Children must learn to respect what they are told when spoken to by their parents and should have chores.

WITH YOUR BODY( )life todayKNOW MOREREDUCE KNEE SOFT DRINKSPAIN UNDERWATER CONTRIBUTE TO ABDOMINAL FATOsteoarthritis is a chronic disease characte- 68. They found that doing aquatic exerciserized by pain in the joints and limited move- brings special benefits for people with dege- ► Over time, fat accumulates easily inment. Researchers from Cochrane that nerative arthritis in the knees and hips. the abdominal region. According tostudy musculoskeletal diseases, a group Researcher Else Marie Bartels explains, “The research from the Prevención conbased out of Norway and Denmark, conduc- pain is likely to improve, it has a slight effect Dieta Mediterránea (Prevent with theted tests on more than 1,100 patients, the on function and helps to improve the quality Mediterranean Diet) study, diet and amajority of which were women older than of life immediately upon ending treatment.” lack of exercise are the main factors that contribute to this. 20% ► The research also found that drinking OF THE POPULATION SUFFERS more than five glasses of sugary or FROM IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, sweetened drinks a week can increase A CHRONIC CONDITION THAT abdominal obesity, blood pressure and MOSTLY AFFECTS WOMEN. reduce good cholesterol.RED HAIR AND PEOPLE SKIPPING BREAKFAST IS ► The study analyzed the data of 1,868WITH FRECKLED SKIN NOT SUCH A GOOD IDEA participants with cardiovascular riskARE MORE VULNERABLE factors between the ages of 55 and 80. According to a study from the University ofIn the study Red hair gene variant drives up California (San Diego, U.S.A.) about 80% of (KEEP IN MIND)skin cancer mutations, researchers from the your stored energy is used while you sleep,Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the and if no food is eaten in the morning, your The concept of hygiene does notUniversity of Leeds (both in the United metabolism slows down, which is why kee- only refer to maintaining andKingdom) revealed that the genetic variants ping this habit is important as it allows your cleansing the body, but also toassociated with red hair, fair skin and body to get ready for the day. having a healthy household.freckles are related to a number of geneticskin cancer mutations. Researchers analyzedthe DNA sequences of tumors from morethan 400 people with these characteristics.38

NUEVO OTZ 10 ANTIEDAD Protección Radiación Infraroja UVA/UVBRADIA CIÓNIR Las pieles jóvenes Terapia preventiva a La radiación IR Tienen la capacidad temprana edad,constituye el son más susceptibles de penetrar generando hábitos de cuidado 50% al daño solar. frente a los efectos nocivos de a capas más profundasdel espectro solar. de la piel. los rayos solares. Pharmaderm & skindrug

( )CON TU CUERPOHEALTHY TEETHUsing a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash as part ofyour daily hygiene regime is the best way to maintainoptimal oral hygiene.MEDICAL ADVISOR MARGARITA ESPITIA, Dentist TOOTHPASTE It is recommended to brus three times a day and spen In the market there are toothpastes that in addition to a little more time doing th containing fluoride, also have other ingredients that provide antibacterial protection, help fight sensitivity and cavities, at night. and some are specifically for whitening your teeth. Ask your dentist what toothpaste is right for you. For children under age five, toothpaste should not contain fluoride.40

( )CON TU CUERPO HOW TO BRUSH 3 months YOUR TEETH is amount of time that your toothbrush 1. Gently move the brush should be from the gum to the edge changed. GENTLENESS of the tooth AND COMFORT 2. Do this while placing Add an interdental brush Choose the right toothbrush. There the bristles of the brush to your oral health kit. is a wide selection available on the at a 45º angle. They are helpful for market. It is best to use a brush with soft bristles, is comfortable patients with and whose size fits the shape of the teeth. Hard bristles may affect tooth 3. Continue by cleaning orthodontics, fixed the surface of the molars prosthesis and with enamel and gums. with a forward and back spaces between their motion. teeth as tooth plaque sticks to it more easily. HOW TO USE IT A balanced, healthy and complete 1. Cut a 12 to 18-inch piece diet that reduces sugar of dental floss. consumption and increases fruit consumption helps to prevent cavities and plaque and promotes oral health. FLOSS 2. Wrap it around the end 2 times of your index fingers leaving The use of dental floss is critical, about 1.5 inches in between. a year is how often especially at night if it is too difficult Pull it tight. the dentist should be visited in order to get to use during the day. It eliminates 3. Slowly slide the floss between your teeth until a professional cleaning the accumulation of bacterial it reaches below the gum line, make a C-sha- and general check-up pe with it and move it from side to side plaque, preventing cavities from between the teeth in a sweeping motion. forming between teeth as well as Repeat these steps with each and every tooth. gum BRUSH YOUR MOUTHWASH nd TONGUE It is recommended to use mouthwashhis two times a day to keep your teeth and After flossing and brushing, it is important to gums healthy as well as fight bad brush your tongue from top to bottom with breath. Some mouthwashes require a the bristles of your toothbrush. Use light pressure and finish with mouthwash. prescription. 41

( )WITH YOUR BODY YOGA FOR YOUR LIFE A practice that strengthens your body and mind. Keeping it as an ongoing routine improves your wellbeing. Learn about its five basic poses. ADVISOR Each asana, or yoga pose, has a the mind, developing intuition, impro- LINA BREMEN. physical, emotional and mental ving balance and breathing, and gaining Yoga Instructor effect. Practicing it does not just greater awareness of the body and mind. result in weight loss, as with aerobics; in A practice that began over 5,000 years greater flexibility, as with stretching; or ago in India, it can develop into a way of in an improved physical state, as with any approaching life at its deepest level. Yoga exercise. It does not just benefit the is appropriate for people of all ages, body. Its other benefits include quieting physical conditions and religions.42

( )WITH YOUR BODY harmony in health1SUN SALUTATIONS REVITALIZE This is a complete sequence for starting the day full of vitality. Breathing is an essential part of it. Remember to breathe in when stretching or spreading your body out, and to breathe out when moving back or contracting. It is important to focus your attention on the present.2 SLEEP WELL WITH THE SEATED FORWARD END Postures that work the pituitary gland help you to fall asleep. This gland is located in the brain where the hormone melatonin is produ- ced. In Paschimottanasana, you lift your arms, stretch them towards the sky and bring your core and arms towards your legs as you exha- le. This pose calms the mind. 43

WITH YOUR BODY( )harmony in health 3ASANA FOR STRESS RELIEF Jumping forwards is part of Uttanasana, a pose that starts by inhaling to stretch and bend over, bringing your hands to the ground and then bringing your head as close as possible to your knees. If you have a back injury, use caution. (In the West, techniques that derive from Hatha Yoga are practiced: spiritual techniques, such as with Kundalini Yoga, or physical4 and demanding techniques, such as Bikram Yoga. POSES FOR IMPROVING YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Twists, inversions and backbends help to improve your digestive system. In the Ardha- Matsyendrasana pose, it is important to keep your back straight and chest open. Hold for 30 seconds while continuing to inhale and exhale.44

5 ( )WITH YOUR BODYBREATHING TO ENTERINTO A CALM STATEChanging how we normally breathe to a speci-fic pattern can help us achieve different objec-tives. The Nadi sodhana pose, for example,brings on calmness and serenity.In order to practice this type of breathing youmust alternate inhaling air between each nos-•tril. It is important to sit with a straight backand with relaxed shoulders 45

WITH YOUR BODY( )together EATING HABITS 5 A balanced, varied and plentiful diet, A proper diet is not just about the MEALS A DAY: amount of food consumed, but of BREAKFAST, MOR- together with the quality of food, and maintaining NING SNACK, LUNCH, engaging in physical a proper balance of nutrients. It is AFTERNOON SNACK recommended to include servings AND DINNER. activity is the best of fruits and vegetables as well as method for staying servings that are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. It is in shape and also a good idea to pay attention to living healthier. the serving size. Use moderation. MEDICAL ADVISORKEEP A BALANCE CLAUDIA MARÍA ARANGO URREA.Maintaining a balanced diet and prac- Nutritionistticing physical activity allow for thebody to function properly, both in the GESTHAINPE PHYSICALphysical and mental sense. This also ACTIVITYprevents the onset of disease, signs of 27%premature aging and the occurrence WHO defines physical activity asof other symptoms that affect the OF THE CASES OF DIA- any body movement that is gene-quality of people’s lives over time. It is BETES IN THE WORLD rated by the muscles. This inclu-important to establish goals for your ARE A RESULT OF des activities performed at work,health and be disciplined and accura- PHYSICAL INACTIVITY. play, travel, house chores andte to achieve them. recreation. Regular physical acti- vity such as walking, riding a bike or playing sports is considerably beneficial to the health for all ages, making people more active throughout their day.46

WITH YOUR BODY( )preventionKNOW MORE REDUCING SALT INTAKE PREVENTSHUMAN GENOMEASSOCIATED WITH THE RISK OFDEPRESSION HEART PROBLEMSFor the first time, scientists from ► WHO recommends reducing theMassachusetts General Hospital in the intake of sodium to lower bloodUnited States have identified 15 regions of pressure and the risks of cardiovas-the human genome that are related to cular disease, strokes and coronarymajor depressive disorder or unipolar heart disease in adults.depression in individuals of European des-cent. According to the study Identification ► An individual consumes an average ofof 15 genetic loci associated with risk of 10 grams of salt a day. This figure ismajor depression in individuals of European twice the recommended amount: lessdescent, this condition, which includes than 5 grams, or a teaspoon, a day.symptoms such as changes in mood and indiet, is one of the most common mental ► It is even suggested for children bet-disorders. The study, published in Nature ween ages 2 and 15 to consume evenGenetics, is the first step to understanding less, and that their energy needs bethe biology of this disease, which will help adjusted as they develop new treatments. (KEEP IN MIND) 45% Fiber, which is found in fruits, OF INFANT DEATHS ARE RELATED vegetables and grains, helps to TO ISSUES OF MALNUTRITION, prevent gastric problems and ACCORDING TO THE WHO. lowers cholesterol.SODIUM CAN ALCOHOL INFLUENCES THEFIGHT MALARIA DEVELOPMENT OF CANCERA team of scientists from the United States According to a meta-analysis performed byfound that sodium is the common denomi- researchers from the University of Otagonator that makes the current pharmaceuti- (New Zealand) on dozens of studies on thiscals that fight malaria effective. topic, the consumption of alcohol has beenThis study from Drexel University in found to be directly related with seven typesPhiladelphia brings hope for fighting this of cancer: oropharynx cancer, larynx cancer,disease, a worldwide public health pro- cancer of the liver, colon cancer, rectal can-blem. According to the World Health cer, breast cancer and esophageal cancer.Organization, malaria resulted in thedeaths of 438,000 people in 2015, 90% ofwhich occurred in Africa.48

( )CON TU CUERPO FOCUS ON OBESITY( )Physical inactivity is a determining factor of being overweight, which beyond its aesthetic aspects, causes serious health problems. MEDICAL ADVISOR GLORIA PATRICIA ABAD. Nutritionist and Dietician.T he increase in obesity registered use of mobile devices, videogames and In the United States, for example, it from the last three decades has social networks, remove them from physi- was found that every hour of televi- led to what is being considered cal activity. This leads to conditions like sion showed 23 commercials that pro-by many today as not just an epide- obesity, which used to be an exclusive moted unhealthy foods.mic, but a central health problem of characteristic of the adult world, yet nowthe 21st century. is a serious concern for children. While a large percentage of cases of obesity are a result of genetics, the Lifestyles changes that have occurred Several studies show a relationship truth is that environmental causes areduring this period perpetuate the situa- between the rise in obesity and the two- actually greater. Obesity can be foughttion. The most serious problem is with fold problem of television: by providing education on good eatingchildren, who with the latest technology habits during childhood and by takingare becoming less and less active. the number of children that spendTelevision, together with the rise in the hours sedentary in front of it, in addi- •actions that lead people to have more tion to their exposure to commercials. active and healthy lives50

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