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Home Explore Salud Coomeva Magazine April - May

Salud Coomeva Magazine April - May

Published by El Colombiano, 2019-04-11 12:43:32

Description: Health is a human right, but also a responsibility we owe ourselves. Getting to know our body, understanding the signals it gives, getting medical check-ups, deciding to exercise and eat in a healthy manner as well as promoting Eustress (positive stress) and smiling at life are personal decisions.

Keywords: Cuidarte es Quererte,Coomeva Medicina Prepagada,Autocuidado


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MEDICAL ADVISOR ( )CON TU MENTE JULIANA VERGEL NOGUERA 51 Psychiatrist Those compulsive and obsessive ideas that appear suddenly with some persistent and illo- gical thought and then install in the mind to the point of causing emotional discomfort in the per- son, “Are more frequent than most of us think.” says Psychiatrist Doctor Juliana Vergel Noguera. Obsession for order and symmetry – organizing clo- thes for their colors or by specific wear, cleaning and cleanliness, feeling dirty the entire time, a constant washing of the hands and cleaning everything one mani- pulates to avoid bacteria- are some common obsessions. Nevertheless, these situations provoke compul- sions and incite those who suffer from them to commit and repeat actions to mitigate the anguish that the situation causes them. One can say that it begins to transform into an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD. This is a type of anxiety that if not detected and treated on time will begin to interfere with work, school and personal relations. The National Mental Health Institute explains it in the following way: “there are moments when we all feel the need to revise things. But where there is an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, those uncontro- llable thoughts begin to cause us anxiety making us check out things repeatedly or making us carry out routines and daily rituals that can be alleviating for the anxiety but only temporarily.” THE ORIGIN Juliana Vergel explains that even as a clear cause is not known, the hereditary factor can play an important role in the appearance of the symptom. The National Library of Medicine of the United States indicates, “This affection comes from a family tendency. Frequently, the symptoms appear in childhood or ado- lescence. Other reasons are associated to external situa- tions that promote compulsive sentiments such as an experience lived during the day or some unresolved task that is important. There are not many options for the prevention of OCD as suggested by the Mayo Clinic. The most convenient thing to do is to consult with a spe- cialist when there are signs of alarm. Behavioral therapy is especially useful in treating this disorder.

WCOITNH TYUOMURENMTINED ( ))prevention HOW DOES IT MANIFEST? The National Institute for Mental Health provides some signals of alarm. THE OBSESSIONS INCLUDE: COMPULSIONS CAN MANIFEST AS: Fear of germs or contamination. Excessive cleaning and washing of some part of the body. Anxiety of losing or misplacing something. Keeping or storing unnecessary objects. Worry that something bad will Ordering and fixing things in a peculiar and happen to oneself or to others. precise manner. Undesired thoughts and taboos about Proof-checking things repeatedly such as making sure sexuality, religion or other things. the door is closed orthat the oven is turned off. Procuring of symmetrical things •Querer ser tranquilizado that are in perfect order. constantemente 52


WCOITNH TYUOMURENMTIEND ( ))current living KNOW MORE EATING IMPROVES GREATER MENTAL YOUR STATE HEALTH IF YOU OF MIND DISCONNECT After analysis of dozens of studies in the ► An investigation published in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Australia and Clinical Psychological Science review the United States in which 31,000 people states that addiction to intelligent participated, a team from the University of phones may cause severe damage London concluded that processed foods and to mental health. those containing large amounts of sugar or fat lead to what is called “systemic inflammation.” ► According to scientific findings According to leader of the analysis Camille adolescents with little to no social Lasalle in an article published in Molecular interaction and elevated Psychiatry, “These diets can directly increase communication on the social media the risk of depression in a meaningful way as present with greater symptoms of they affect the neurotransmitter molecules depression and must therefore come responsible for the regulation of our state of under treatment according. mind.” Opting for a traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the possibility of suffering from ► The classic symptoms of this disorder this disease, scientists indicate. are the feeling of uselessness and unhappiness associated with the 1 excessive use of the telephones. SECOND OR LESS IS THE TIME IT TAKES ► In Colombia people spend an average THE BRAIN TO PROCESS IMAGES ACCOR- of 12.2 hours a week on the Internet, DING TO THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE while among the generation of millen- OF TECHNOLOGY, MIT IN THE US. nials this indicator reaches 14 hours. POSITIVE EFFECTS HEALTHY WORK (TAKE INTO ACCOUNT) OF GRATITUDE ENVIRONMENT The left hemisphere of the brain Gratitude offers one of the strongest liaisons There are factors in the work environment, controls language, logical thinking with mental health and the satisfaction of life the WHO explains, that affect mental health. even more so than optimism, hope or com- The risks are due to the inadequate interaction and writing. The center for passion. This is what the researchers between the type of work and the surrounding speech is found there also. of the Center for Emotional Intelligence of directives, the aptitudes and the skills. Yale University have indicated. They explain Becoming aware of that helps employers to that this emotion makes human beings mitigate the impact on the employees. conscious of the things others have done for them as well as what is useful to improve relations with others and to motivate to social contributions. 54

)WITH YOUR WORLD ( )CON TU MUNDO O2v0er0 Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte55 MUSCLES ACTIVATE SIMULTANEOUSLY WHEN RUNNING. BEFORE RUNNING A MARATHON ONE MUST FOLLOW A TRAINING PLAN THAT ALLOWS THE RUNNER FOR A GOOD PERFORMANCE IN THE SAME. GENERAL CHECK-UP It is key to submit to a previous medical and nutritional revision to assess possible disease and minimize risk to our health. PREPARATION 24 hours before the race we suggest running 4 kilometers as a warm up without running excessively and sleep between 7 to 9 hours. FUNDAMENTAL HABIT It is recommendable to take small sips of water or liquids containing mineral salts and avoid intake of foods one is not accustomed to.


( ( )WITCHOYNOTUUR MWUONRDLOD little giants Singing to babies before they are born has multiple benefits MEDICAL ADVISOR ÉRICA MARTÍNEZ Psychologist with a Major in Musical Therapy Sing during pregnancy, during all those people that will take care of him. INTONATING childbirth and in their first months Lulling is suggested at a slow harmonic DURING of life. Lulling a baby is a process LABOR that can initiate from way before birth pace accompanied by song, unhurriedly. with surprising physical, emotional and “If this is done quickly the message that While the woman is giving neurological effects. It relaxes, tranquilizes they are sending the child is being lulled birth, prenatal song is a the newborn infant and reduces its emo- because the person carrying him needs for good therapy that benefits tional discomfort. him to calm down and the effect can be both the baby and the quite the contrary,” she indicates. mother. “Sound is like Even though not a widespread techni- providing oxygen. It is que prenatal songs bring important bene- HOW TO SING TO THEM better than screaming.” fits in the strengthening of the liaison bet- The psychologist also recommends that the Erica recommends that ween parents and child and in the child’s song be sung in one specific tone, with low the father, if he is present, bodily and cognitive development. and sweet notes. Lullabies, for example, are be the one to sing at that medium and low tones with slow tempos. time because his low “It is a tool that allows the mother and She adds that benefits differ if the voice is voice helps in the father to generate emotional harmony masculine or feminine. The first is graver production of endorphins along the pregnancy and in childbirth, and impact the development of the lower in the mother and especially. It facilitates the coming into region with effects on walking and stability. therefore diminishes pain. this world,” explains psychologist Erica The second that is more acute helps to opti- Martinez, Masters in Musical Therapy mize the development of the upper area of 57 and expert in this subject. She offers cour- the body, from the waist up including some ses to pregnant mothers and until their neurological aspects of the brain. babies are three months old. She teaches In general, lulling them from the first them to sing even inside the womb so that weeks of pregnancy awakens in them a sen- they can recognize the notes, voices and sibility to vibration given that the sense of melodies when they are born facilitating touch is the first one in developing. In that their adaptation to the world. way, the more they hear tones of voices and songs they begin to recognize them Even though the transition process can making them familiar producing a feeling be carried out with only movement, Erica of confidence in birth. This gives them recommends accompanying it with a musi- back the security that accompanied them cal routine. It will be a more pleasant expe- since conception. rience for the babies and will connect them through laughter, babbling or crying with

WITCHOYNOUTRU WMUONRDLDO ( ( )peqluitetñleosgigaingatsntes HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT ► Lulling must also have limits so that the baby learns to see the world from different perspectives beyond the arms and faces of his caretakers. ► This song relaxes the nervous system of the child and calms him when he is crying. Soft Movements represent a rhythmical stimulus that calms him down because it is similar to the sensation of being in the mother’s womb. It also stabilized his heart frequency and gives him rest, harmonizing his breathing. So movement, constant sound and the warmth of his parent’s arms are the perfect scenario for the healthy emotional and physiological evolution of the child. A GOOD LULL Here are some guidelines for producing it given by the National Council for Educational Promotion: 1 Pick the baby up 2 The adult’s body 3 The baby must be 4 If you are going to 5 Once you are softly; avoid brusque must be a support, snuggled up with pick the baby up, carrying the child, his head higher it is important to •talk to him, sing to movements in order by carrying the than the hold his head him and rock him rest of the body. with one hand. not to scare him and weight of the baby never pull him by the on your chest and hands or feet. in your arms. 58


WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD ( ) )keep in mind TAIVDATREES NTHAELBIONDYAny stimulus produces it in even a C minimum dose. A Exercise and certain emotions enhance it. MEDICAL ADVISOR CARLOS ANDRÉS OSPINA Sportsman 60

( )CON TU MUNDO (Before you initiate practice of any exercise we suggest you carry out a supervised assessment from a sports physician to determine the levels of adrenalin that the organism can handle. Stress, a scare, an emotion or sports prac- oxygen that such practice entails. tice are stimuli that in human beings In extreme sports such as skydiving, produce a hormone and a neurotransmi- rappel, bicicross, parkour or paragliding the tter called adrenalin. Its function is to increa- production of adrenalin is higher so that the se heart frequency, to take blood and oxygen person can have better control of the body to the organism, and to prepare the body to when practicing these sports. In football react and be alert in the face of certain situa- where the sportsperson has to run in an unex- tions. Has it ever happened to you that music IF THE GYM IS pected manner or jump to hit the ball with produces terror in you in certain movies or THE OPTION the head or in automotive sports where the that you feel an emptiness in the abdomen pilot must exert strength with his feet and when you see your loved one. You even neck,” explains sportsman Carlos Andres paralyze in the face of a possible threat. This Select a place endowed Ospina. In patients with certain diseases, occurs because any external stimulus makes with a qualified team of doing exercise improves their condition the body liberate this substance, informing specialists that can carry because adrenalin increases sweating to a the brain so that it can react in the best way. out a complete evaluation degree that depends on the intensity or the of your state of health and stimulus. It also stimulates and increases the HOW IT WORKS WITH SPORTS can supervise your training. filtration of the kidney, improves the produc- When you exercise adrenalin makes the It is recommendable to pay tion of insulin and the contractility of the vessels close in certain parts of the body a yearly visit to the sports heart among other benefits. such as the face and sends the blood to the physician for a revision. brain and the muscles so that they work bet- An amateur sportsperson OUT OF BOUNDS ter. The amount of glucose is also increased; should consult a high Each individual produces the necessary quan- this is the energy that is used in muscular performance sportsman tities of this hormone depending on the day, contraction both when you play chess and permanently. on his routine, the hour at which he practices, when you do Crossfit. In this way there is a his sport and on his physical fitness. better response to movement. Nevertheless, one must worry when the acti- When adrenalin is produced it benefits sports practice, for vity or the stimulus he receives surpasses the levels his organism example, motorcycling where greater reflexes are required and an is able to withstand. This would cause excessive secretion, increa- enhanced vision to react with greater rapidity. Thanks to its se of the heart frequency and later, overload of the heart. action the pupil dilates and allows for a greater reception of light. Hypertension, chronic stress, headaches, anxiety, nausea, dizzi- In addition, the body is better ventilated because it increases the ness, insomnia and temporary vision disorders, irritability and •respiratory system’s capacity in the face of a greater demand for heart disease are some of the consequences 61


( ( )WITCHOYNOTUURMWUONRDLOD trends Both men and After one overcomes taboos and the 40 years of age and the main reason for its women consult with religious conception of sex, in appearance is a dysfunction of the produc- which they believed that the only tion of testosterone, a sexual hormone experts on topics having to do with purpose of intercourse was reproduction that may suffer some instability. “It has performance. – the re-population of earth ad infinitum- been this way in every generation. There is MEDICAL ADVISOR sex has become the center of life. It a certain change, because people realize MARIO ALBERTO PEÑA Sexologist and Psychiatrist appears in advertising, in the movies, in more and more that a fulfilling sexuality is the TV series, in songs. It is well known important and that life is too long to and it has been proven that enjoying a renounce that essential part of life at 40 healthy sexuality is one of the keys to or 50 thinking that it finished,” he adds. happiness and wellbeing. This is why there is increasing preoccupation in peop- AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES le, both men and women, to offer and There is a chemical solution to this pro- receive pleasure, hedonism and desire. blem. There is a supplement to try to level This same dynamics has led indivi- testosterone to appropriate levels. duals to stop worrying about other’s per- “Sometimes you can do it and sometimes formance as it used to be done years ago you cannot. If this does not work it is when the blame of bad experiences was necessary to look into other alternatives. put on the couple. “Now, processes have Nevertheless, this is usually due to age and become inverted,” says sexologist and psy- the ovarian dysfunctions due to menopau- chiatrist Mario Alberto Peña. “More fre- se or, in men, because the function of the quently people come for consultation on testicles is directly related to blood circula- complaints of the syndrome of dimi- tion,” he says. Sexual appetite and its nished desire. This is the loss of interest disappearance is the uncertainty for which in sexual life.” men and women most come to consulta- Peña says that numerically speaking the tion,” says the expert, “But in addition, disease has not changed with the passing each one is worried about his own perfor- of time. Nevertheless, there are more mance, for his own sexual health.” What questions and more openness to the complaints do women consult for? What (topic. It is a phenomenon that begins at complaints do men consult for? The sexologist recommends that men learn to read the body and the necessities of women. In this way they can understand what women want and expect from a sexual relation. 63

WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD WOMEN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ( ) )tendternecniads MEN The sexologist says that this issue is RELATION related to age. “When they reach 50 WITH PAIN years of age, half the men begin to suffer from dysfunction. There are Dyspareunia is intense pain during many variants: people who never get penetration. “There are women with an erection, others that only have narrowness or that have resulted them when they masturbate. In some that way after childbirth because the cases it is due to psychological issues stitches they got at the closing of the such as anxiety or insecurity. vaginal wound was badly performed.” It can be the result of both physical PREMATURE and psychological causes but also a EJACULATION pelvic disease or a urogenital infec- tion. It is a situation that requires There are different types, men medical treatment. that have them ad portas, the most complex case that can be the result of FAILURE IN eager anxiety for intercourse. Another LUBRICATION case is hormonal dysfunction due to a hypersensitivity of the glans, ending in This is the equivalent to erectile dys- a very quick ejaculation. “When function in men and “usually presents someone ejaculates under two minu- with age. Many women suffer it during tes time, it is considered premature. menopause. This is due to a decrease in Moreover, if someone is going to have estrogen levels and tends to appear a quick relation, in a hurry, it is normal after childbirth or breastfeeding. There that it ends soon. In every situation are some that do not lubricate when they are about to have intercourse, •perception is fundamental. When is it maybe also from anxiety or stress.” a problem of time for the patient? 64


WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD ( ) )games CRUCIGRAMA HI J KL SUDOKU A B C D E FG SOLUCIONES 1 Nivel fácilHorizontales 2 Adrenalina-Bio-Surco-Desayuno-An-Ota-Oido- 3 Nivel medioMa-Legumbres-Ira-Nomo-Caries-Le-Sa-Ro-So- 4 Duelo-Es-Ori-Memoria-Lata-Nit-Arrullo-Re- 5 Seriado-Oreo 6 Verticales 7 Abdomen-Roles-Dieta-Ol-Ra-Rosa-Meditar- 8 Lio-Ari-Er-Sem-Ra-Aru-Ga-Ale-Ud-Om-Lo-Iso- 9 Mear-Oil-Nu-Ob-Roer-Oo-Ar-Ir-Sin-Cadetes- 10 Aire-Monos-Sos-Teo 11 12 13 HORIZONTALES VERTICALES 1. El cuerpo activa esta hormona frente a A. La grasa se aloja en esta zona del cuerpo estímulos como el estrés o al hacer ejercicio. debido al sedentarismo y la mala alimenta- ción. Entender los cambios de estos en las 2. Prefijo de vida. Arruga profunda sobre parejas evita conflictos en las relaciones. el rostro o el cuerpo. B. Régimen alimenticio. Sufijo alcohólico. Amón. 3. Es el alimento recomendado para recargarse C. La reina de las flores. Se trata de una técnica de energía. Prefijo negativo. que purifica la mente, dándole más tranquili- 4. Ave rapaz. Órgano de la audición. dad y equilibrio. 5. Voz cariñosa. El consumo de ellas es D. Conjunto de cosas atadas. Esposa de Amenofis. imprescindible en una dieta equilibrada. E. Terminación verbal. Hijo de Noé. Radio. 6. Cólera. F. Archipiélago malayo. Galio. Tipo de cerveza. 7. Enano. El exceso de dulces puede causar Ustedes, abreviado. G. El amén sánscrito. Neutro. esta enfermedad en los dientes. H. Certificado de calidad. Orinar. 8. Forma de pronombre. Clase de sociedad. Francés antiguo. I. Océano primordial egipcio. Río de Rusia. Sílaba que arrulla. Interjección arriera. Corroer. Doble vocal abierta. 9. Reacción natural ante la pérdida de cualquier J. Desinencia de verbo. Iridio. No incluido. K. Alumnos de una academia militar. Viento. persona, objeto, territorio o situación. Existe. L. Rubios. Señal de auxilio. Prefijo divino. 10. Juego de niños. Proceso mediante el cual un ser almacena, codifica o recupera la información. 11. Envase hecho de hojalata. Cédula tributaria. 12. Se le conoce como canto prenatal. Nota musical. 13. Realizado de forma sucesiva. Soplo ligero de aire. Nivel medio Nivel fácil 66

( )PREPÁRATECON TU MUNDO PARA DISFRUTAR TU NUEVO CARNÉ Accede a todos los servicios de Coomeva Medicina Prepagada con tu nuevo carné, que podrás tener de manera física y también virtual. vCiratrunaél Descarga o actualiza nuestra App y mantén el carné siempre en tu dispositivo móvil. Carné Te lo enviaremos a la físico dirección donde recibes tu estado de cuenta. PLATA ORO JÓVEN PLUS PLAN PLAN PLAN FECHA DE NACIMIENTFOECHA DE NACIMIEINNITCFOIEACHA DE NACIMIEINNITCOIA INICIA Recuerda: a partir del 1 de julio de 2019 no podrás utilizar ningún carné antiguo para acceder al servicio. Cuidarte es quererte 67

( )CON TU MUNDO ROLESMUTUALLY AGREED ON Today couples are involved in new dynamics. It is important to understand them, especially in the handling of money, a critical issue. MEDICAL ADVISOR Nevertheless, in this context, there are cha- the role of housewife, self-esteem is highly CHIQUINQUIRÁ BLANDÓN llenges that members of the couple must affected in the long run.” face through dialogue, love and honesty. Psychologist If this decision is arranged and in the The most outstanding transformations understanding that this is a new reality, It is not strange to see that men today appear in the economic sphere as psycho- there must be a change in attitude on stay at home taking care of the chil- logist Chiquinquirá Blandon comments. both sides in order not to fall into circles dren and that the woman goes out to It is normal, currently, that they agree to of negative interaction in which one sim- work. Nor is it strange to see men who the man staying home taking care of the ply goes on the defensive feeling humilia- work also wash, cook and help the chil- children according to the income both ted or ashamed for the change in roles.” dren with their homework when traditio- receive or the type of contract they have. nally these were thought of as exclusively Our advice for the person staying at “They must continue to believe that they woman’s responsibilities as conceived by home is that he not totally abandon his both count on each other, they are a social conventions. In general, couples “productive role and that he value the common strength, even through difficul- think of themselves in a different way and money he can contribute” because this ties,” she adds. All changes need time so this is not exclusive of new generations. will give him dignity. If one remains in they can integrate into the DNA. But some- times the woman feels that the man can 68

( ( )WITCHOYNOTUURMWUONRDLOD couples IN ORDER 1 In order not to judge or be judged. TO TAKE The accumulation of complaints may unleash ON THE greater discomfort. One must keep one’s communication very effective and affectionate. CHANGES 2 Understanding that the most important thing is the wellbeing of both and therefore to implement together the adjustments required. 3 Committing and assuming the decisions, free of prejudice and in the certainty that this is what is convenient for the couple. grow comfortable in this house role and really able to go (…) Couples who grow thick and thin. The couple is a common that is burdening for her similar to what economically are the ones who work as a fund for difficult moments with which happened to men previously. To have the team. We cannot fall into the uncons- both feel well and backed up.” burden of supporting the home and also cious game that exists in the relation of the emotional one is difficult when there is the couple where they establish that one The tendency is to more equalitarian anger or deprecating commentaries.” of them is a spendthrift and the other relationships. “This change in conscien- one stingy and this turns conflictive.” ce,” says Blandon, “is enhanced by WHO IS THE MANAGER? youngsters who experience changes in Change in roles can also involve the In general, there is some decorousness their roles in a natural way and move asministration of the money. The psy- when talking about economic issues; tal- others to do so, i.e. their own parents or chologist is emphatic in saying that eco- king assertively, clearly about how much grandparents, to make adaptions, to nomic decisions must be taken by both they earn and how much each will contri- study, to go out more and to distribute of them after an open dialogue. “Having bute. It is necessary to talk it out and the tasks, to have a new sense to life. So clarity as to what it is you really want define it. A clear budget must be made. age is not important, “Holding fast to with respect to money and how far I am Finally, a couple is a partnership and we are called on, as such, to be there through •what was before is not viable,” is Blandon’s closing statement 69

WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD ( ) )bperfeovreention AN EMBRACE COMFORTS THE SOUL A giving attitude and shows of Losing your job, the end of a relationship, the step affection are helpful to getting towards a new vital phase, such as elderly adult life can also through and accompanying unleash a process of mourning. “This is a natural reaction others in their mourning. to the loss of a loved one, a pet, land property or a situa- tion in which the person has felt loved, comfortable or MEDICAL ADVISOR valued,” as Coordinator of the Unit for Mourning of the JUAN SEBASTIÁN ACOSTA San Vicente Funeral Home Juan Sebastian Acosta explains. Psychologist An experience of this type especially when the decea- No instruction manual or perfect phrases. Whether the sed is a close relative, requires a gradual adaptation and deceased is one’s own or someone close, mourning is on occasions needs the help of a specialist to overcome a personal situation. Nobody can feel what someone each phase the experience brings (denial, anger, negotia- else is suffering physically or emotionally. Nevertheless, there tion, sadness, depression and acceptance) to recuperate are guidelines for getting into the other person’s skin and hel- one’s equilibrium in this way. So, understanding that ping the process flow in a better way. A loving embrace and death is part of the life cycle is a fundamental step in pas- an adequate amount of silence also bring consolation. sing the mourning process to help others recuperate from this inevitable moment. LIVING EACH STEP CALMLY, BUT WITHOUT STOPPING Swiss Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross published a book in 1969 called “On Death and Dying” in which for the first time she describes the five phases of the mourning process that are as follows: DENIAL ANGER NEGOTIATION This is a natural process The end of negotiations is The individual here after the death of a associated to feelings of clings to hope that loved one; often, frustration and impotence something will change though, it may lead to with respect to the ability to and tries to influence a state of shock or modify the consequences of the situation he is going emotional torpor or the loss. This leads to the through in some way even cognitive torpor surging of anger and the either through religion search for a factor to blame. or the promises he makes to himself. 70

( )CON TU MUNDO DEPRESSION ACCEPTANCE (When mourning comes after terminal In this stage the person This is the coming illness, it usually evolves begins to assume reality of a state of calm into a retrospective in a definitive way and related to the com- reflection about one’s this generates feelings prehension that death own life. Listen to the of sadness and despair and other losses are mourner if he needs along with other natural phenomenon to be listened to. symptoms such as of human life. social isolation or lack of motivation. 71

WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD WHAT TO SAY TO THE MOURNER? ( ) )abpnertfeovsreednetion HOW TO FACE YOUR MOURNING? 1 Recognize the phase of the process you are in and 1 Magic words do not exist. An embrace can convey many its characteristics. It is a fact that mourning ceases things. Be open to listening without judging, or moral to be a natural process given the false mandate of criteria or religious biases. always “being well.” 2 Offer the other person something concrete: “Can I 2 Turn for help to groups such as family, friends, accompany you.” Or “Can I book an appointment with the neighbors or partner or in the religion you profess. doctor?” Or “Can I get some groceries for you, cook for Admit that the mourner may also need the you?” Or “Would you like to go out for dinner?” It is not accompaniment of psychologists, doctors or psychiatrists. useful to say, “If you need something, let me know.” Many people do not have the courage to ask for help. 3 Demystify common beliefs about mourning. Do not associate weakness, i.e., that one is strong Ask sincerely, “How are you?” Listen to the answer. if one does not cry; do not feel remorse or guilt. Every person reacts differently in the face of loss. 3 Questions that are useful include, “What do you need? How are you feeling? How did things happen? Can I be 4 Accept and face your pain; of help with something?” feel the right to be sad and cry. 4 Say, “I’m so sorry.” Or “I feel your grief.” This means: 5 Avoid making decisions hurriedly like moving to “I am here for you.” Express it in the way you look another house, donating personal belongings of the at the person and your attitude. deceased, selling the house, changing jobs or relocating to another city. Such reactions can be Leave aside clichés such as “Why are you crying so much painful when the mourning process has finished. 5 if you were a good daughter.” Or “ He is happy in heaven.” 6 Be alert to symptoms that can be warning signs Or “Flowers are better in Life.” One can say these things such as turning to alcohol, getting absorbed in thoughtlessly and they may be imprudent. work or study, somatizing pain, not eating or eating excessively. Always look for help if you feel that 6 Conversations, even trivial ones, can reduce anxiety. It is the situation is getting out of control. natural to speak about the deceased to validate his story. 72 7 Do not make decisions for the person such as not taking her to the funeral, calming her with medication, taking out •the belongings of the deceased. It is better to include the person and she must be the one to decide

)CORPORATE 50 g OF SUGAR IS THE RECOMMENDED DAILY AMOUNT OF INTAKE. THIS IS EQUIVALENT TO AROUND 12 TEASPOONS. REDUCING SUGAR INTAKE IN YOUR DAILY DIET REQUIRES YOU TO IDENTIFY THE PRODUCTS THAT CONTAIN IT, BOTH ADDED AND NATURAL. ADEQUATE DOSE ESTABLISH THE DIFFERENCE BALANCED DIET Sugar presents naturally, for example, Added sugar is added during the It is important to learn to check out in lactose, some fruit and vegetables. processing of a food product. This not only the labels on food products in order to Take it in the recommended servings. happens in soft drinks, candy and sweets diminish intake of sugar thus avoiding but also in yogurts, cereals, cookies diseases, overweight and diabetes. and other such. Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte

( )CONTIGO 8HABITS TO HEALTHCARE FOR YOUR Being conscious of our wellbeing allows one to take actions to favor integral care. Challenges in health issues are 1 many. Promoting mental wellbeing, a balanced nutri- KEEPING A tion and practicing physical activity HEALTHY DIET are key to reaching the desired wellbe- ing. This is why on April 7 of each Your diet must include a variety of foods, year the World Health Organization intake of fruit and vegetables, reduced commemorates the World Health Day intake of saturated fat and sugars, eating to call on society to work on com- adequate servings according to age, plying with this objective and compro- weight and daily expenditure of calories. mising leaders to take concrete action to promote it. From Coomeva Prepaid Medicine we invite our users and their families to adhere a routing of healthy habits on a daily basis as great oppor- tunity to create greater conscience based on self-care and the importance of preventing before curing disease. Practicing the following actions will help you achieve this. 74

2 3 ( )CONTIGO KEEPING HAVING YOUR 4 PHYSICALLY VACCINES UP ACTIVE TO DATE NO SMOKING In general, physical activity must be Prioritarily, parents must have a follow up of Eradication of this habit increases carried out 30 to 45 minutes a day at the vaccination agenda of their children to life expectancy and diminishes least 5 times a week and for a span protect them from transmissible disease and the risk of heart disease, cancer guarantee their wellbeing while they grow. of the lungs, throat, esophagus 5of at least 10 minutes minimum to or bladder. 6 make them efficient. A CUSTOMIZED CONTROLLING PLAN AVOIDING STRESS INTAKE OF In “Mi historia Cuidarte es ALCOHOL It is important to control an accelerated Quererte” you will find an rhythm of live, a high level of demands at accompaniment based on a Reduces brain damage, behavioral work and preoccupations as for example, confidential and safe self- misconduct and memory disorders. to avoid consequences in your daily diagnosis that will orient you in In excess it may cause hemorrhage the adoption of healthy habits 8routine and in relationships with others. to have a better quality of life. 7of the stomach, esophagus, inflammation HAVING GOOD Download the application on and affectation of the pancreas and liver. SLEEP HYGIENE your cell phone from the Android or Apple store. From HAVING PERIODIC Getting up at the same hour, your computer you can login to: MEDICAL do not stay awake in bed more time CHECK-UPS than necessary or take abundant meals before going to bed. Check the adequate These include blood tests, for example, temperature of the room. These are some to know the indicators of glucose, guidelines to reach this goal. cholesterol, creatinine or level of leucocytes or white globules to study the immunological system. 75

( ))CORNPTOIGROATE special HANDSHEALTH IN YOUR You can generate These are the big questions that Salutogenesis seeks to ans- greater wellbeing wer: How can we keep healthy? Why can one person stay healthy and another cannot even as they are in the same from your work circumstances? This concept of Salutogenesis proposes a change environment. in the paradigm of health as it seeks to go beyond the origin and cure of disease, to invite each person to participate and be res- Introduce yourself ponsible for his wellbeing through preventive measures, to Salutogenesis. knowledge of his life history and awareness of the habits he wishes to modify to benefit his wellbeing. MEDICAL ADVISOR SANDRA YANIRA OCAMPO SARMIENTO In other words, each person has the ability to improve his own health and his quality of life. Salutogenesis is a term Coomeva Private Healthcare National approached from the different programs for Promotion and Manager of Human Administration Prevention as established by the medical population of in the Health Division Colombia in the framework of public health. It is an integral part of the strategies in the Human Administration areas. 76


( ))CORNPTOIGROATE DENTAL PATROLLING special PROTECTS SMILES Thus, through actions to promote self-care among collabora- Cariotón, our character, is always stalking and his tors with long-term impact it has determined that health favorite hobby is to eat up children’s teeth such as depends on each worker (co-responsibility). This allots him a the one Pablito who forgets to brush his teeth after protagonist role so that he can bring awareness and be self-cri- enjoying many sweets. His favorite ice cream is tical about his behavior in such important areas as nutrition, vanilla and when he eats it this is the perfect exercise, healthy habits, appropriate rest among others. situation for ill-tempered and ill-bred Cariotón to enter his mouth. One day Pablo got a toothache For companies the issue of absenteeism from illness is conti- and his dentist explained to him that if he brushes nuous concerns in two directions: the first involves preventive his teeth three times every day his dental health action and, the second one, the way to improve the state of will be protected. Captain Fluor with his strength health of people suffering from disease. This seeks to transcend and leadership, Marvelous Floss with its softness the measurements of the index rates and only taking corrective and care of the gums and Mr. Mouthwash with his actions for impact that frequently have only short term effects. fantastic and fun personality are always ready for action. They defend children from this oral enemy This is why Salutogenesis is an alternative that facilitates and protect thousands of smiles. These are the employee’s approach to a different and innovative methodology. characters of Coomeva Oral Health who teach It is possible to foresee that with articulated actions, this theory children, youngsters and the entire family the best not only intervenes in the state of health of the individual but guidelines for oral hygiene to avoid cases such as also influences his degree of motivation and commitment with Pablito’s from presenting by using self-care based his work. This entire scheme allows for the construction of an on prevention. ! Get to meet them, you too! environment where positive experiences are shared as well as a shared and improved vision of the future involving a team and •not simply the traditional employees-employer scheme. TAKE INTO ACCOUNT Human Administration seeks to leverage Salutogenesis from several disciplines to get collaborators to resume control of their health and to find the tools to administer their life in a positive way. This has repercussions on the work and personal spheres and also on the general ambiance of a company. 78

( )SI TUS DIENTES QUIERES CUIDCAONRTIGO A LA PATRULLA DENTAL DEBES ESCUCHAR Esccdoaennteluaa cceeálmlcuólaadrriago ¿Aún no estás afiliado? Ingresa a y acompaña a la Patrulla Dental de Coomeva Salud Oral ¡porque a Cariotón vamos a derrotar! 79

( )CONTIGO NEWS 80 IN OUR MEDICAL NETWORK UPDATED CONTACT INFORMATION BOGOTÁ ext. 400 – 318 8 222401 Colonoscopy, Ultrasound, Digestive Endoscopy, Pediatrics Gastroenterology, Stase Ramute Slotkus Velavicius Hepatology, Nutrition Address: av. Los Zipas, Bojacá and Dietetics, Physical Therapy township, lots 20-23, Clínica Marly Patricia E. Álvarez Jorge Cavalier Gaviria, IPS LCM S.A.S office 406 Address: cra. 14 # 127-11, Phones: 6532000 ext. 9452 – 2717303 office 502-503 Phones: 3503189966 - 3907147 VILLAVICENCIO Pathology General Surgery Unidad de Diagnóstico S.A.S and Digestive Endoscopy Address: cra. 40 # 24-65 sótano 1 Camilo E. Pachón Garrido Phones: 6675899 – 6708783 – Address: cra. 13 # 49-40, 3132528980 office 320 Phones: 3436600 ext. 1383 - 2320864 – 3153329600 Otorhinolaryngology To access the Coomeva Private Jaime A. Avendaño Arambula Healthcare Medical Directory Addresses: in detail login to: cra. 18 # 48-40, office 603 oficinavirtualmp.coome- cra. 9 # 48-40, office 601 Phones: 5700053 - 5700054 - 3402638 or scan the following code OR on your mobile device Pathology Diagnostics Unit S.A.S Address: cra. 19A # 82-85 office 209, Country Medical Center Phones: 7953780 – 3214643685 CHÍA Download our Coomeva MP APP Lithotripsy and Urology Uromin S.A.S Address: av. Los Zipas # 24-85, office 410 – 411 Phones: 3108155029 – 8708703- 8621102

( ) )CCOONRTPIOGROATE directory We are inviting you to become familiar with the new presentation of our Medical Network with updated data of the health care lenders in the Eastern-Central area of the country. ADMISSIONS (Remember: available for you Arauca are over 1.250 professionals and BOGOTÁ 380 health care lending entities in Hand Surgery this area of the country. Rafael A. Brunicardi Hurtado Address: cra. 23 # 45C - #1, floor 2, office 1 Phones: 7420542 – 5727777 Address: calle 97 # 32-37, office 515 Phones: 6421367 - 6421363 Julián Suárez Gómez Address: av. 19 # 114 -65, office 213 Phones: 6377927 – 6377926 Orthodontics La Dorada Tunja Yopal Fernando Zárate Cadena Address: calle 105A # 14 – 92, Duitama Zipaquirá Sogamoso office 409 Phones: 3002176861 – 6191673 Chía Sopó Madrid Bogotá Facatativá CHÍA Cajicá Soacha Funza Neurosurgery Ibagué Mosquera Daniela Carolina Rico Cortés Espinal Girardot Puerto Gaitán Address: av. Paso de los Zipas, Bojacá township, Jorge Cavelier Gaviria, Acacías Clínica Marly, office 301 Phones: 3002176861 – 6532000 Neiva Castilla La Nueva NEIVA Pitalito General Medicine Florencia Sofía del Pilar Villadiego Ruiz Address: calle 25 # 6 -88, office 302 Phones: 8643838 ext. 3 YOPAL Endodontics Cristina del Pilar Sierra Carvajal Address: calle 6 # 21 – 49, floor 1 Phone: 3142587309 81

( ))CORNPTOIGROATE insintisttuitcuiotinoanlal TUSEOOURCAPOP NNECT It is possible to transact several services, among them our virtual ID, through the Coomeva MP App. We renovated this to make things easier for you. Our Coomeva MP has renovated to offer you more services and benefits and also to allow for permanent connectivity. This application makes it possible to book appointments with the Ambulatory Units of Christus Sinergia Salud, to request and consult authorizations of Doctor’s orders, to access the nationwide medical and odontological directory, to have your virtual ID, to visit the Salud Coomeva Review, to consult on health issues with Dr. Felix and to chat with your virtual assistant, Sara, who answers your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The majority of these schemes for virtual atten- tion are of free access; nevertheless, login to some of them requires you be a registered user of Coomeva Prepaid Medicine. We invite you to •download or update it so you can enjoy all its bene- fits that make life easier for you UPDATING YOUR ID As of July 1 all users must have their new Coomeva Prepaid Medicine ID to access the different services. If you still don’t have it, this document can be transacted physically at the points of attention or you can make use of your virtual ID now available in the Coomeva MP App. 82

( )CONTIGO Porque todos somos diferentes, necesitamos cuidados diferentes Shampoo para el ideal Tipo De Cabello C UCIDa pAiDl aOr para cada PaSClmAoWentto ANTICAÍDA ANTICAÍDA Efecto Cabello Graso Relipidizante ANTICAÍDA ANTICASPA ANTICAÍDA Mayor DUiasroio & Poder Anticaída ANTICAÍDA SeborAecgciuólnadora 83

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