COOMEVA MEDICINA PREPAGADA LEARNING FROM THE YOUTH ISSN 1692-5556 Abril - Mayo de 2019 - Edición 146 1
COOMEVA MEDICINA PREPAGADA APRENDER DE LOS JÓVENES ISSN 1692-5556 Abril - Mayo de 2019 - Edición 146 DAILY COMMITMENT TO OUR HEALTH Issue 146 April - May de 2019 Jorge Alberto Zapata Builes Revista Salud Founder General Managers Gilberto Lotero Muñoz (q.e.p.d.) Chairman of the Board Health is a human right, but also wellbeing. Educating yourself in self- José Vicente Torres Osorio a responsibility we owe oursel- care is crucial in the prevention of Executive President of the ves. Getting to know our body, disease and in lending support to our Cooperative Coomeva Business understanding the signals it gives, loved ones in their growth. These are Group getting medical check-ups, deciding to the fundamental reasons why we have Alfredo Arana Velasco exercise and eat in a healthy manner created a universe of useful customi- CEO Coomeva Sector Salud as well as promoting Eustress (positive zed information that is only a click Gilberto Quinche Toro stress) and smiling at life are personal away where we offer different approa- Prepaid Medicine CEO decisions. All these commitments are ches among which are the Web App Jorge Alberto Zapata Builes in line with the Health World Day sche- and My Story mobile. This helps you National Director of Strategy duled by the WHO for April 7. In that create your own digital clinical history and New Business same framework lies our promise of and also access the counselling of an Mauricio Castillo Perez the value that “Self-Care is Self-Love” interdisciplinary team. This allows for a National Director of Marketing slogan represents. Under this concpet short and long term personal plan with Sector Salud we are inviting our affiliates to adopt a routines the fit your needs and goals. Camilo Ernesto Diusabá Perdomo life-style involving regular practice of Health Division Human Administration positive habits that will benefit their •We invite each user to commit to his or National Manager Sandra Yanira Ocampo Sarmiento her family’s health and their own General Manager Xiomara Iveth Campo Editorial and Graphic Direction, Magazine General Editor Journalists Commercialization Editorial Committee prepress and printing Paula Andrea Montoya T. Isabel Vallejo Jiménez El Colombiano Pascual Estrada Garcés El Colombiano Natalia Ospina Cali: Marisol Monsalve National Medical Director Tel.: (4) 331 5252 Magazine Editor Diana Ramírez 310 544 2354 Blanca Inés Vélez [email protected] Natalia Estefania Botero C. Liliana Klinkert [email protected] National Oral Health Director Graphic Editor Felipe Ortergón Bogotá: Ana María Echandía Diana Cristina Sánchez Ramírez Hugo A. Vásquez E. Photography 318 376 4776 Service Eperience National Director ShutterStock - Cortesía Medellín: Mónica Gómez Bertha Varela Rojas Design 312 202 7269 National Chief of Medical Audit Luisa Fernanda Vélez [email protected] Julián Villegas National Chief of Riks Management El contenido de los artículos de la revista Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. está destinada a la ilustración y/o conocimiento general. En ningún in Health caso deberá sustituir el asesoramiento o las indicaciones de un médico. El lector no podrá usar esa información para diagnosticar y/o realizar el análisis, Mabel Irina Calero diagnóstico o tratamiento de una enfermedad o problema de salud sin consultar a un médico certificado. Chief of Brand Integral Medicine, Oral Las ofertas de producto y servicio realizados en los avisos publicados en la revista Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. son responsabilidad Health and International Business exclusiva de los anunciantes . Así mismo, los contenidos de los artículos que describen servicios, porcedimientos o tratmientos que no estén incluidos Juan Fernando Saavedra Aulestia en las coberturas que ofrece Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. no obligan a la empresa a prestarlos a sus contratantes o a incluirlos dentro de cal- Jefe National Head of CEM Brand, quiera de sus planes y servicios. Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total bajo cualquier forma o sistema. © 2019 Conecta and Lenders Martha Liliana Cifuentes National Coordination of Lender Relations Sandra Viviana Muñoz Rodríguez National Epidemiologist Colaborators Marco Emilio Ocampo Ana María Correa Montaño Alexandra Arango Rojas Érika Ximena López Macías Juan Pablo Barba Castañeda Viviana Trujillo Jiménez Hugo Ricardo Campo Cardona Jessica Montes Díaz Dyllan Camilo González
TABLE OF CONTENT April - May 2019 Cuidarte es quererte SIGUE LA RUTA DE Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte 7 29 55 73 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )WITH YOUR BODY WITH YOUR MIND WITH YOUR WORLD CORPORATE 8 Nutrition 30 Your generation 56 Little giants 74 Prevention Have breakfast for Listen to the centen- Lulling is a 8 Habits to care more energy nials, a hyperconec- language of love for your health ted generation 12 For her 60 Keep in mind 76 Special An ally for bone care 36 Harmony in health Adrenalin activates Health in your hands Knowing oneself the body 16 Infographic and enhancing our Calm comes with self- sesteem 62 Trends 80 Directory meditation Clear your doubts News in our medical 40 Focus on about fulfilling sexuality network Memory 18 For him 44 Grandparents 66 Games 82 Institutional You can lose Alert ears to learn Crossword Use our app to abdominal fat from those who have and sudoku conect lived longer 22 For your smile 68 Couples Sweet temptation for 48 Trends Mutually agreed your teeth Placebo and its effect on roles on the mind 24 Go natural 50 Keep in mind 70 Prevention High in vegetable pro- Freeing yourself from An embrace comfort tein content obsessions to live better the soul 4
)WITH YOUR BODY ( )CON TU CUERPO CARING FOR 7 YOUR HEART IS A DAILY ENDEAVOR; CONTROLLING STRESS AND PRACTICING SPORTS ARE ACTIONS THAT ADD TO THIS IMPORTANT PURPOSE. IN CONTROL Take blood tests at least once a year to know your levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. IN MODERATION Decrease your intake of artificial beverages sweetened with sugar as this prevents heart disease and weight gain. SLEEP WELL Resting enough at night, even after exercising and eating allows this vital organ to rest. 150 MINUTES OF MODERATE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY A WEEK SUPPORT THE HEART’S HEALTH. Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )nutrition HAVE BREAKFAST FOR MORE ENERGY The quantity and 15 schedule for the first meal of the day depends TO 20 MINUTES ON AVERAGE IS on each person’s THE TIME YOU SHOULD TAKE activities, tastes and needs. TO DEDICATE TO THIS HABIT. MEDICAL ADVISOR ÁNGELA FRANCO CASTRO Nutritionist, Universidad de Antioquia Unit for Promotion and Prevention in Feeding and Nutrition The reason for being of breakfast is to break levels in the blood stable, improves appetite con- fast as soon as possible, hence the name. trol, improves the feeling of satiety and reduces Performing this habit in the correct the consumption of foods that are really not heal- manner is a daily nutritional challenge with ends thy such as packaged and fried foods. to providing the organism with the energy it needs to start the day and live in the best of atti- Mrs. Franco suggests including a serving of pro- tudes. “When I have not eating for 12 hours the tein such as eggs or cheese in this first meal of the body begins to use the muscular mass as a reserve day as well as a serving of carbohydrates such as of energy. This brings about loss and impacts the cereal, cookies of whole wheat bread, fruit or a lac- movement of the body, its posture and the main- tic beverage in this way obtaining the expected tenance of the bones.” equilibrium in the provision of nutrients. Explains nutritionist Nevertheless, these recommendations may vary Angela Franco from according to necessity or sensibility of each indivi- the Unit for Promotion dual to foods. Following are three low-sugar, low- and Prevention of sodium and low-fat recipes to prepare in the first Feeding and Nutrition from the University of hour of the day. Antioquia. In that order of ideas, the recommendation is, “Do not skip a meal.” One must break fast with juice, coffee and crackers or a serving of fresh fruit. Regularity in this habit helps metabolism to work better, helps weight control, enhances potency in intellectual performance, keeps sugar 8
( )CON TU CUERPO One egg provides proteins as well as phosphorus and potassium. The whole wheat bread provides fiber, benefitting the digestive processes and giving a sense of satiety. OPTION 1 INSTRUCTION: EGG SANDWICH - Wash and disinfect the coriander. Chop finely. - In a non-stick frying pan, pour a bit of oil; add SERVING SIZE: 100 G the coriander, salt and egg. Heat for 5 minutes stirring the entire time. Kcal: 215.4 / Protein: 9.2 g / Total fat: 10.1 g / Remove and reserve. Cholesterol: 191.3 mg / Calcium: 27.1 mg / Iron: 0.7 mg / - Place the egg on the slice of bread and cover Fiber: 2.3 g / Carbohydrates: 21:7 g with the other slice. - Cut in half to form two triangles. Serve and eat INGREDIENTS: quickly. Remember to check the expiry date on the bread. 1 Small bunch of coriander 2 Slice of whole wheat bread C/n Canola Oil C/n Low-sodium table salt 1 Type a hen’s egg Suggested drink: Orange juice. Squeeze 1 or 2 oranges to get one glass of juice. VEGETARIAN OPTION 9
( )CON TU CUERPO THIS IS A LOW- OPTION 2 CHOLESTEROL MEXICAN CORNBREAD RECIPE. SERVING SIZE: 160 G The cheese provides calcium, a mineral Kcal: 307.7 / Protein: 10.4 g / Total fat: 10.1 g / fundamental for Cholesterol: 14.5 mg /Calcium: 168.5 mg / Iron: 1.1 mg / Dietary fiber: 1.1 g / Carbohydrates: 43.7 g bone care. The avocado helps prevent INGREDIENTS: cardiovascular and 1 Thin corn bread degenerative diseases. 1 Slice mozzarella cheese Use as a substitute for butter. 1/2 Hass avocado 1 Tablespoon of margarine 3 Un seeded dried prunes INSTRUCTION: - Place the corn bread on a grill or non-stick frying pan and heat to medium. Let brown on both sides. - On a separate plate cut the avocado in half removing the skin and the nut or seed. Mash with the help of a fork until you obtain a type of puree or guacamole - Cut the cheese in thin slices or grate. - Spread the guacamole on the corn-bread, add the cheese and decorate with the three dried prunes. Suggested drink: Mocha Coffee. Pour 200 cc of water into a saucer, 200 cc of semi-skimmed milk, a tablespoon of powdered coffee and a tablespoon of powdered cocoa and add an individual bag of sucralose 10
( )CON TU CUERPO OPTION 3 STRAWBERRIES AND BANANA WITH BUTTERMILK SERVING SIZE: 170 G Kcal: 355.6 / Protein: 12.9 g / Total fat: 13.7 g / INSTRUCTION: Cholesterol: 23. 2 mg /Calcium: 304.5 mg / Iron: 1.8 mg Dietary fiber; 3.0 g / Carbohydrates: 48.6 g - Wash, defoliate and disinfect the strawberry. - Cut the fruit in slices from top to bottom INGREDIENTS: and put aside. - Peel the banana and cut in slices and the 10 Strawberries cheese in small cubes (or grate if preferred). 1 Common banana - On a deep plate place the cheese, then the granola, add the buttermilk and top with the 200 cc Buttermilk 1 1/2 Small cup granola •strawberries and bananas. 3 Roasted almonds 1 Slice of curd cheese - Decorate with three almonds and serve Bananas are potassium-rich fruit that helps nerve transmission and contraction of the muscles. If you belong to our THIS MENU IS GOLD OR GOLD PLUS PROGRAM FAVORABLE TO A HEALTHY you have unlimited access to the telephone chef. Terms HEART. and Conditions apply. 11
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )for her ABNOALNLY FEORCARE Vitamin D serves as a vehicle for the absorption of calcium in the organism. 12
MEDICAL ADVISOR ( )CON TU CUERPO JULIÁN HURTADO 13 General Surgeon, practitioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare Vitamin D offers countless benefits: it prevents fractu- res, bone pain, obesity, and diabetes and arterial hypertension. It also improves heart function and helps maintain your equilibrium, increases muscular mass, strengthens defenses and prevents colon, rectum and breast cancer. It has a retardation effect on premature ageing. The skin is the main producer of Vitamin D and it is acquired through exposure to the sun. Deficit of Vitamin D is considered a public health issue in Colombia. From 20% to 50% of women in reproductive age present with such deficiency meaning those 20 to 25 years of age. GENERAL PANORAMA General Surgeon Julian Hurtado explains that the defi- ciency of this vitamin can generate, “retardation in chil- dren’s growth, pain and weakness in the bones and mus- cles, risk of fractures of the spinal column, wrists, hips and legs, a sensation of fatigue and muscular spasms.” To avoid such conditions this professional recommends a diet based on meat, fish, seafood and other foods such as eggs, milk, liver and cheese. It is also important to include orange juice, cereals and yogurt. If one person is worried about not getting enough Vitamin D it is recommendable that he consult with his doctor to assess the need for a supplement. The amount the body needs may vary depending on the weight, the genes, the color of the skin and of the patient suffers from any chronic disease and even the geographical area in which he lives and the contact with the sun. 10 % OR LESS OF COLOMBIANS TAKE FISH, EGGS AND DAIRY PRODUCTS ON A DAILY BASIS ACCORDING TO THE COLOMBIAN ASSOCIATION OF DIETITIANS AND NUTRITIONISTS.
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )pfaorar heellras A VITAMIN-D-RICH MENU ► At breakfast ► At lunch Eggs are a suggested food. Dr. Hurtado 100 grams serving of Trout comments that “With two eggs in the contribute to 38% of the daily morning a person will obtain 50% of amount of this Vitamin. It is also the Vitamin D that he needs during the a source of Omega 3 as are day.” Including cheese that supplies shrimp also rich in vitamins and with protein and calcium and is also a minerals. One serving of this source of Vitamin D: it provides for food contains approximately 38% 13% of the daily recommended intake. of the required daily amount of In reference to cereals, it is estimated Vitamin D. Regular intake of this that two cups contribute at least with food reduces cholesterol and 50% of the daily amount. A glass of improves bone health. orange juice supplies us with 17%. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS KEY The best form of exercise for the bones is the one requiring support of ones own weight as it demands that the person work against gravity. For example, weight lifting, walking, trekking or walking, running, climbing stairs and dancing. Other recommended sports for muscular strengthening are swimming, tennis, athletics, cycling and Crossfit with professional vigilance and accompani- ment. The frequency and routing depends on each individual. •Nevertheless, experts’ advice is to carry out physical activity at least three times a week 14
( )CON TU CUERPO LEARN THIS MEDICAL ADVISOR 5TECHNIQUE JOHANNA IZQUIERDO Practitioner of meditation IN techniques for over 15 years STEPS 16 1 CAMLMECODIMEST WAITTHION It is a practice 2 that connects 3 with one’s Self. 4 It promotes concentration and teaches that the key lies in breathing. 5
Sit with you back THE IMPORTANCE 4( )CON TU CUERPO straight, shoulders and OF YOUR BREATH face relaxed and eyes QUESTIONS closed. Hands in chin Breathing quiets the mind and TO DEMYSTIFY mudra (thumbs and index regulates your emotional response. THIS PRACTICE fingers touching and One technique is to inhale through palms up). Cross your the nose while you count to 4 mentally. 1 Can any given person meditate? legs if that suits you. Hold your breath for 7 seconds Yes. Meditation is a simple and then exhale to a count of 8. process that purifies the mind Once you are stable in your to face your every-day life in posture, take your attention to greater calm and balance. your breath. Inhale profoundly and be aware of the air 2 What is the best time to practice? coming in a going out until it At dawn or at sundown. It is better becomes imperceptible. between 4:00 am and 7:00 am when the mind is calm after resting. The There are two options for calming the THE MANTRAS important thing is regularity in the mind. One is thinking of one or several time and place. positive words such as “I am peace, I am They are high frequency light, I am love” while you breathe. The vibrations that provide 3 How can I prepare? other option is to concentrate in the way equilibrium and have It is recommendable to be fresh the air enters the body from the nose to incidence on the nervous and clean and also the clothes you the lungs and in the opposite direction. system. They are a blend of wear. Some people opt for a vibration, rhythm and breath comfortable specific outfit. Do not force the mind to calm and are powerful in balancing down. Distractions will appear. the mind and body. If you do 4 What do I need? Observe your thoughts as if they not have your own mantra The only thing you require is good were a movie. Turn your attention use the universal “OM”. will to give yourself some minutes of once again to your breath, concentration and peace preferably to the mantra or to the point in a special place at home where of concentration. Be patient nobody will interrupt you. until you come by it. Coordinate 3 1 Stimulates the 2 Develops 3 It is an option the repetition of sensation of concentration, to reduce the mantra with BENEFITS well-being, attention and levels of your breath. FROM inner peace, conscience. stress. MEDITATION stability Finally, and calm. the capacity to be present. Source: Guide to the Course of Meditation provided by Atman Yoga 17
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )paforar ehlilmos YOU CAN LOSE ABDOMINAL FAT Increase of the abdominal volume has aesthetic implications as well as physical and sexual ones. MEDICAL ADVISOR SANDRO GÓMEZ MAQUET Nutrition Specialist Doctor 18
( )CON TU CUERPO There is nothing so discouraging as to TRATAMIENTO DE look at oneself in the mirror and see- ing this prominent belly as if it were SUDORACIÓN AXILAR saying, “Here I am!” More than an aesthe- Y MAL OLOR AXILAR tic issue this protuberant paunch can be the most visible signal of cardiovascular Por medio de Microondas alterations and even sexual ones, especially in males. Can there be something worse ELIMINE este molesto than this for masculine pride? So, whatever way you look at it, decreasing abdominal problema con tecnología de perimeter is the wisest thing that every per- son can do. Women do not escape that ÚLTIMA GENERACIÓN y situation either. ALTA EFECTIVIDAD Nonetheless, beyond mere form, what Miradry es un tratamiento one needs to understand is that abdominal efectivo aprobado por la fat is equal to visceral fat. This is an expres- FDA para el manejo de la sion that for some is worthy of extra atten- Sudoración axilar y el mal tion as it refers to the fat around the abdo- olor axilar ( Hiperhidrosis y minal organs. This is the way an article of Bromhidrosis axilar) . the Harvard Medical School explains it, “What makes abdominal fat a strong mar- Medellín Cali ker for risk of disease is that the fat surroun- ding the liver and other abdominal organs, Visítenos called visceral fat, is metabolically very acti- ve. It liberates fatty acids, inflammatory agents and hormones that, ultimately lead Contacto to higher levels of LDL cholesterol, triglyce- +57 3156703225 rides, blood glucose and arterial pressure.” +57 3164784086 +572 6821000 Ext 15002 USE YOUR METER To begin with, it is necessary to know that [email protected] there are measurements taken at belly button level that allow one to identify Dr. José Pablo Velez , MD. whether the abdominal perimeter lie within average or whether it is time to slim the belly down. The World Health Organization points out that for men this perimeter must be under 90 centimeters and for women under 80. Specialist Sandro Gomez Maquet warns that if such measure- ments are excessively high they can lead to presenting with diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, high triglycerides and, obvious- ly, cardiovascular disease. In other words, something experts call metabolic syndrome.
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY (The larger the waist of a man ( )ppaafroraareehllillmooss the greater risk he will have of developing sexual impo- Even as this excess fat in both men tence and urinary disorders. and women have the same causes: seden- tary life-style, bad eating habits, altera- 5 KEYS TO KEEPING FAT tions of the hormones, lack of sleep and UNDER CONTROL stress, the specialist points out that, even though women can accumulate fat in the 1 Diminish intake of refined abdominal area, it is more frequent for sugars: deserts, cake, ice women to accumulate fat on the hips cream, pastry, other pastry which explains why they have less pro- products, sweet beverages blems with visceral fat, but are not and table sugar. exempt either. He adds that the inciden- ce of abdominal fat is somewhat greater 2 Avoid re-usage of oil. in women over 60 years of age due to the hormonal changes that are responsible 3 Reduce intake of fried foods. for the presence of fat in the body. 4 Have a nutritional plan oriented by On its part, our current life-style also specialists: one you must adhere to. accounts for the fact that children and youngsters increasingly present with high 5 Physical activity. abdominal perimeter. The expert also warns that an “Increase in Type 2 Diabetes in the younger population is due to the increase in visceral fat.” LIPOSUCTION IS NOT THE SOLUTION. In their eagerness to get quick results without a lot of effort, for many, the operating theater is usually the first option that comes to mind. There are even those who turn to thermal gels, or to plastics around the abdomen to “sweat off the fat”, lemon juice before breakfast in order to “cut the fat” and every offer the market puts out promi- sing miraculous results. Nevertheless, Doctor Gomez Moquet in emphatic in saying that, “The only way to reduce abdominal fat is with physical activity and a nutritional plan that fits the needs of each individual person. It must be clear that, in order to reduce abdominal fat - the most diffi- cult one- it is first necessary to lose weight. With liposuction the abdominal •wall loses fat but visceral fat, with such procedures, stays there.” 20
( )WCIOTHNYTOUUCRUBEORPDOY ppraaardrxaai-oreegallrylloaosfsía UP-TO-DATE VACCINES This is an efficient measure for immunity of children in the face ACCESS of infectious diseases that could result in TO THE disorders, severe disability and that otherwise VACCINATION SYSTEM reduces the mortality rate. 94,6 % All those under six years of age in this country are entitled to receive the vaccines included in the natio- nal scheme endorsed by the OF CHILDREN FIVE-YEARS- Ministry of Health that comprises 21 OLD IN COLOMBIA HAVE immunizations and prevents 25 BEEN VACCINATED diseases. Upon application pain in ACCORDING THE DATA the injection site, fever or rash may PORTAL OF THE NATIONAL present, but these symptoms GOVERNMENT. disappear within hours. EFFICIENT ACTION SOURCES 2 to 3 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) MILLION DEATHS A Vaccines interact with the immune AND HEALTH MINISTRY OF COLOMBIA YEAR ARE PREVENTED system of a person and produce a BY VACCINES response similar to the one genera- ( TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ) AGAINST DISEASES ted from natural infections without SUCH AS DIPHTHERIA, causing the disease or putting the MEASLES, PNEUMO- individual at risk of suffering NIA, ROTAVIRUS, RUBE- possible complications. Not LLA, TETANUS AND getting vaccinated or not POLIO, ACCORDING taking the complete dose TO THE WHO is life threatening. The most habitual method For long and/or short trips, for administering all travelers must learn of them is vaccine regulations of the place injection. they will be visiting. It is important that parents have In youth and adulthood reinforcements are their child’s Vaccination Card to necessary according to individual needs of each patient. Consultation with a medical keep control of the ones he receives and the ones pending. doctor is highly recommendable. 21
( )WCOITNHfoTrYyUOouCUr sURmEBilReOPDOY SWEET TEMPTATION FOR YOUR TEETH Caries can cause pain and in some cases inflammation of the gums. Prevention must be started from childhood. MEDICAL ADVISOR ÁNGELA CARRILLO - Pediatric Dentist Most of the food that children Studies in Pediatric Dentistry of the DRAWING THE LINE receive when they stop breast- Pontificia Javeriana University Angela feeding contains significant Carrillo high consumption of this substan- Eat one small portion of candy a day amounts of carbohydrates such as sucrose, ce causes erosion and wearing away of the combining it with intake of other traditionally known as table sugar. This enamel promoting greater facility for the foods. Brush your teeth after intake: substance is the main cause of the appea- bacteria that give origin to caries to affect these are the two tips the specialist rance of dental caries, nevertheless, this premolars, molars, canines and incisors. gives to prevent the presenting of this disorder not only affects children: appro- pathology. ximately five million, 5’000.000 people in “Teeth get damaged when sweets the world present with caries reason for its remain for a long time in the mouth, spe- Intake of celery, carrots, apples and being catalogued as the most preventable cially between the gums. The most other crunchy vegetables and fruit helps chronic illness in the planet. harmful foods are the ones that adhere to cleanse your mouth after savoring sticky the teeth’s surface such as ‘candy’ or lolli- candy. Generally speaking, it is funda- The World Health Organization, pops. The ones causing least problems are mental to have adequate habits to main- WHO defines it as an affection that, if not those that dissolve quickly such as choco- tain your dental hygiene. This includes treated on time, can cause pain, infection lates or sugarless chewing gum. But all a correct washing of the teeth three or even the loss of the tooth. But, what are these affect in one way or the other, and times a day, the use of dental floss and the negative effects of sugar on oral health? yet it is not about eradicating them com- periodic visits to the dentist. This is the According to Coordinator of Graduate pletely” the professional emphasized. •way in which one can keep bacterial pla- que under control 22
( )CON TU CUERPO 6 GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING CARIES 6 Alfonso Escobar a pediatric dentist and professor of the Odontological Faculty of the CES University 1 2 3 4 5points out that they key is to always have good oral hygiene. Do not introduce Diminish the It is important to take Carry out an Begin control with It is recommendable sugar into the diet frequency of con- into account the adequate oral the dentist from for pregnant women of a child until he is sumption of free amount and hygiene. This the first year to reduce sugar two years of age. sugars (substances frequency of intake includes brushing of age and intake to a minimum that are added to of sugar. Being expo- your teeth three continue these because it may beverages, deserts, sed to intake of such times a day and visits at least generate predisposi- cereals and sweets). foods several times a the use of twice a year. tion in the baby day increases the dental floss. during gestation. risk of caries. 23
( )CON TU CUERPO HIGH IN PRVEOGETTAEBLIEN CONTENT Legumes spring from nature and their culinary use has breached frontiers providing important nutritional advantages. 24
MEDICAL ADVISOR ( )CON TU CUERPO SANDRA ALFARO - Dietitian Nutritionist, prac- titioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare 25 Yes, the majority of people in Africa, Asia, America, Europe and Oceania know about legumes. They know recipes that they combine or use as main ingredients such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, string beans or broad beans. Likewise, they are known as grains or seeds and for many families they are a must on their grocery list. Nevertheless, how much do they know about their valuable nutritional contributions? In a balanced diet, for example, it is recom- mendable to include them twice or three times a week. “They are of great value in the culinary art of the Vegans, they are vegetarian for their high protein content but, now-a- days, youngsters and regular consumers of meat have forgotten them.” Says nutritionist Sandra Alfaro. In general, legumes are high in protein content, rich in nutrients, group B vita- mins, antioxidants that combat natural ageing, and in minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc as well as carbohydrates containing starch; they are also an energy-providing substance. VERSATILE AND DELICIOUS Their high fiber content helps improve the response to insulin. Intake generates a sensation of satiety in the organism and contributes to establishing sugar levels in the blood becoming a suggested option for people suffering from diabetes and those who wish to improve and control their weight. “We are facing a pandemic of obesity and overweight affecting over 50% of the population as well as the inci- dence and prevalence of malnutrition and undernourishment,” adds Alfaro.
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )go natural GAWCEIODENNIGIENTRHROTOULS SEEDOPSRFOTTHEECHTIEOANRTTheir low-fat and high-fiber 1content increases the sensation of satiety and helps PREVENTION2in adequate intestinal transit. OF ANOMALIESThey are a source of vitamins such as Folate that decreases risk ofTheir highly soluble fiberTAKE INTO ACCOUNT content (known for its congenital malformation of the neural tube wherein the brain, spinaleffect on diminishing ► Legumes are long-range cholesterol) reduces conservation foods so 3column and spinal chord in the fetus are structured.the risk of coronary that once stored in heart disease. tight-sealed containers, LTAOAVHFCOEIYKRIDON 5TTPOHROEQYTUEAAINDLDITYTheir high content of this they can last for months They are special for and even years without mineral makes them a growth and development. losing their nutritional nutrient that prevents The protein quality of the value. anemia in women and vegetarian diets improves children. We suggest when legumes are taken ► Intake of soy is not combining them with food along with cereals such as widespread as a grain rice, quinoa, rye or maize but is widely used as 4containing Vitamin C in in the adequate portions. soy-based milk, cheese, yogurt, fermented order to improve foods and desserts. absorption of iron. TNAHLULETEYRRIATGILIOELNESVAILATE PTHROEYTECTSince they do not contain ► These crops are highly OUR HEALTHgluten, intake of the same is efficient. This condition, jointly with their ideal for those who are allergic important nutritional values, places them 6 7to protein or present with celiac as a sustainable food disease, a digestive disorder. to attend the global •population of the future They prevent diminution of cognitive faculties, reduce the symptoms of menopause and enrich bone health. 26
( )WCOITNH TYUOUCRUEBROPDOY sets 25 Wash your hands TIMES AN HOUR IS THE AVERAGE NUM- DAILY HYGIENE BER OF TIMES THAT PEOPLE INADVER- Wash your hands with TENTLY TOUCH THEIR EYES, NOSE AND soap and water after Contact with other people, surfa- MOUTH ACCORDING TO THE UNITED using the restroom or ces and objects along the day pro- STATES CENTER FOR CONTROL AND before intake of food, vides for accumulation of germs on PREVENTION OF DISEASE. this protective action your hands. A good hygiene redu- prevents propagation of ces contagion of diseases such as WASHHAYNODUSR disease and infection. diarrhea, intestinal parasitism and LIFE HABITS pneumonia as well as infection of the eyes. Incorporating this habit 20 seconds is the minimum time you from childhood helps in the forma- must spend when wetting your hands tion of more aware and trained in with running water and using liquid, solid or powdered soap on your self-care youngsters and adults. hands, scrubbing the palms with the palms and all the rest of the surface of GENERAL 80 % the hands including the wrists and WELLBEING under the fingernails, rinsing and OF THE GERMS ACCUMULA- drying with a clean towel is the recom- Washing of the hands is fundamen- TED ON YOUR HANDS ARE mended washing routine. Alcohol- tal before preparing your food, or ELIMINATED BY WASHING based disinfectants that do not require eating, or dressing wounds, or caring YOUR HANDS ACCORDING the use of water are an alternative for a sick person, placing your con- TO THE WORLD HEALTH when no water is available. tact lenses, as well as after using the ORGANIZATION. restroom, changing diapers and being with animals, blowing your SOURCE nose, coughing, sneezing and mani- WORLD HEALTH pulating residues. Other situations ORGANIZATION also merit this washing of the hands, nevertheless, only each person can determine this according to his or her daily activities. 27
WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )prevention TO KNOW MORE LIFE EXPECTANCY SMOKE FREE LUNGS GROWS IN COLOMBIA May 31 commemorates of the World Without Tobacco Day that focuses its ► A study carried out in 194 countries message on tobacco and lung health in demonstrated that life expectancy in order to bring awareness to the risks of Colombia would increase by three this habit and its effects. Lung cancer, years in the next two decades placing chronic respiratory diseases, tuberculosis the country in 44th place. and air pollution are the long-term effects that smoking and being a passive smoker ► Japan, Switzerland and Singapore are brings with them. This date was promoted in the first three places on the chart by the WHO and is a call to action that took into account the sanitary through the furthering of policies to conditions and the mortality rate, effectively control sales and consumption. among other factors. Take into account that even though smoke may be invisible and odorless, it remains ► The report written by the Metrics and in the air for even up to five hours. Health Assessment Health Institute of the University of Washington in the 2 grams United States found that expectancy PER DAY IS THE AMOUNT OF SALT could be increased up to five years of RECOMMENDED FOR CONSUMPTION ACCORDING risks such as obesity, smoking and TO THE WHO. CONSUMPTION IN EXCESS alcoholism. OF THIS MAY CAUSE ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. (PLEASE CONSIDER) PUSH-UPS MEASURE THE GOAL IS TO WALK THE HEART’S HEALTH AT A RATE OF 5 TO 7 Take care of your heart in all KILOMETERS PER HOUR stages of the human cycle by Researchers in Harvard University came up observing healthy measures that with a proposal for health assessment: they Studies in the University of Sidney published in turned to physical exercise specifically by the British Journal of Sports Medicine conclu- will last you a lifetime. counting how many push-ups one can do. de that walking at a rate of 5 to 7 kilometers Results suggest that middle-aged men who per hour – between 8.5 and 12 minutes per lift an amount equivalent to their own kilometer- is beneficial to cardiovascular health, weight over 40 times are less likely to suffer increasing the cardio respiratory capacity and from heart disease. The conclusion was rea- decreasing the risk of coronary disease. ched after analyzing data from about 1,600 firemen over 18 years of age who performed physical tests in a Clinic in Indiana USA between the year 2000 and 2007. 28
CON TU MENTE ( ))WITH YOUR MIND 20 YEARS OF AGE IS, ON AVERAGE, THE AGE UP TO WHEN NEW NEURONS ARE PRODUCED. FROM THEN ON, NEURONS ARE ENHANCED. MENTAL GYMNASTICS THROUGH STIMULATION AND TRAINING OF THE COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS FAVORS EMOTIONAL WELLBEING. TRAINING SKILLS IN ACTION DAILY ACTIVITIES Carrying out word games, crossword Weight lifting, climbing trees, Attention span, perception, memory, puzzles, Sudoku, reading, calculus running barefoot, walking thought and intelligence among exercises and conversation backwards among other physical other fundamental processes are some possible exercises. routines can help keep you fit. are benefitted from stimuli. Cuidarte es quererte Cuidarte es quererte29
CENTENESCUCHE A LOS LA GENERACIÓN LISTEN TO THE CENTENNIALS, ASESORA Los centennials llegaron para desafiar personas con diferentes estilos de vida GLORIA HURTADO CASTAÑEDA la creencia de que todo tiempo pasa- que pueden catalogarse según la edad o do fue mejor y para enseñarles a los hitos que de sus etapas de desarrollo. Psicóloga, adscrita a Coomeva otras generaciones un nuevo sentido de la Medicina Prepagada vida. Algunos consideran que son la gene- La firma Nielsen, especializada en este ración de la esperanza, pero no es tan fácil tipo de estudios, especifica que en la Cuestionan la entenderlos: son individualistas y no están actualidad convergen en el mundo cinco tradición y no siguen muy dispuestos a acatar órdenes, aunque tipos de generaciones: la silenciosa o los aspiran a la equidad y a un mundo más tradicionalistas, los baby boomers, la X, la órdenes, pero les sostenible. Esto hace que convivir a su lado Y o los millennials, y la Z o los centennials gustan las causas represente un reto, sobre todo para quie- (ver recuadro). Las personas más jóvenes sociales y cuidar la nes abogan por preservar las tradiciones. están en el último eslabón, que incluye a ¿Cómo lograrlo sin dejarse derrumbar por los que nacieron a las puertas del nuevo naturaleza. Son la forma en que ven el mundo? milenio (1995 o 1996). El Dane estima nativos digitales y no que unos 17 millones de personas se ubi- Aunque aún se especula mucho sobre can en este rango de edad en Colombia. hacen nada sin el cómo serán estos chicos de adultos, por- celular a la mano. que apenas están llegando a la universi- Su principal distintivo frente a otras dad y acercándose a la vida laboral, un generaciones es que son nativos digitales, primer paso es reconocer aquello que, es decir, las nuevas tecnologías han estado según los estudios, los hace tan únicos. siempre presentes en su existencia y les es Son características descritas en las clasifi- difícil imaginarse la vida sin un celular. caciones generacionales que realizan Lo que hace que sean más propensos a estudiosos del mercado y de los compor- pasar tiempo frente a las pantallas y no les tamientos sociales, las que especifican asuste la soledad ni el sedentarismo. que en una sociedad conviven, al tiempo, Pero lo anterior apenas son rasgos ele- mentales de su perfil. Lo que sorprende 30
( )WITH YOUR MIND your generation NNIALS, HIPERCONECTADA A HYPERCONNECTED GENERATION MEDICAL ADVISOR The centennials arrived for challen- experts, which specify that in any society GLORIA HURTADO CASTAÑEDA ging the belief that every past time simultaneously live together individuals Psychologist attached to Coomeva was better and to teach other genera- with different life styles, who can be catalo- tions a new sense of life. Some of them con- ged according to their ages and the milesto- Prepaid Medicine sider they are a generation of hope, but it is nes that marked their development stages. not easy to understand them: they are indi- They question the tradition vidualists and are not ready to accept The Nielsen Firm, specialized on this and don’t follow orders, but orders, although aspiring to equity and to a kind of studies, specifies that currently they like social causes and more sustainable world. All the above converge in the world five types of genera- nature. They are digital natives makes that living with them represents a tions: the silent one or the traditionalists, challenge, especially for those who defend the baby boomers, the X, the Y or the and do nothing without a the preservation of traditions. How to millennials, and the Z or the centennials cellular phone on their hands. achieve this without allowing them to (see chart). The youngest ones are in the shock you down, as a result of the way in last link that includes those who were which they see the world? born at the doors of the new millennium (1995 or 1996). The Dane estimates that Although there is still much speculation some 17 million of individuals are located about how these kids will be when adults, in this range of age in Colombia. as they are just arriving to the university and starting their work life, a first step for Their main distinctive in front to having a harmonic living together with other generations is being digital natives, them is acknowledging that thing that, as it meaning, the new technologies have has been studied, makes them unique. always been present in their existence That thing involves some characteristics and it is difficult for them to imagine life described in the generation classifications without a cellular phone. Such fact made by market and social behavior makes them to be more prone to passing time in front of screens and they are not 31
WITH YOUR MIND ( )your generation de estos nuevos seres, a la luz de profesio- 35% afraid of solitude or sedentarism. nales como la psicóloga Gloria Hurtado But the above are just elementary featu- Castañeda, quien admite que es muy DE LA POBLACIÓN MUNDIAL pronto para especular sobre sus estilos de FORMA PARTE DE LA GENERA- res of their profile. What is surprising vida, es su conexión con la naturaleza, la about these new beings, under the light of que puede resultar exagerada. «Es como CIÓN CENTENNIALS, SEGÚN professionals as Psychologist Gloria si sus genes estuvieran predispuestos para LA CONSULTORA INTER- Hurtado Castañeda, for whom it is also very ser sensibles a todo lo que implique cui- NACIONAL KANTAR soon to speculate about their life styles, is dar el medio ambiente y los animales». CONSULTING. their connection to nature that can result Así, es frecuente encontrar que un exaggerated. “It is like if their genes were pequeño cuestione asuntos como el con- 35% predisposed to be sensitive to all that sumo de carne, en especial de pollo, y implies caring for the environment and the por ello se encuentren numerosos casos OF WORLD POPULATION IS animals”. It is then frequent to find a kid en los que, desde muy tempranas edades, PART OF THE CENTENNIALS questioning subjects such as meat consump- se inscriben en el vegetarianismo. GENERATION, ACCORDING TO tion, especially chicken, and this is why a También son afines a las causas sociales y, KANTAR CONSULTING, AN number of cases are found in which, since en general, muestran más sentimientos very early ages, they inscribe themselves in de empatía frente al dolor de los demás. INTERNATIONAL CON- vegetarianism. They are also akin to social SULTING ENTITY. causes and, in general, show more empathy MÁS INDIVIDUALISTAS sentiments in front of others’ pain. En contraste con su sensibilidad social, está el hecho de que la familia no es una MORES INDIVIDUALISTS prioridad. Lo que puede explicar por qué In contrast to their social sensitiveness, the son más solitarios e individualistas. “Se fact that family is not a priority appears. criaron en familias más reducidas y, en This can be explained because they are muchos casos, son hijos únicos. Por esto more solitary and more individualists. manejan mejor la soledad”. Entonces, “They were raised in more reduced families ¿cómo logran padres y personas del entor- and, in many cases, they are only children. no establecer una comunicación con seres A reason why they manage solitude better”. tan diferentes? Aunque es complejo, hay Then, how parents and people around can que estar dispuestos a ceder en que no establish any communication with so diffe- quieren seguir haciendo las cosas como rent beings? Although complex, we must be está preestablecido. ready to accept that they don’t want to con- tinue making things as preestablished. “Más que estimularlos o motivarlos, a los centennials hay que acompañarlos y “More than stimulating and motiva- escucharlos. En lugar de darles órdenes, ting them, the centennials have to be lo que se puede hacer es entregarles una accompanied and listened. Instead of información y discutirla, darles herra- giving them orders, what can be done is mientas para que la entiendan”, asegura providing them information and discuss la psicóloga. Complementa que es clave it, and giving them tools for them to no obligarlos ni presionarlos para que understand such information”, assures obedezcan en todo, sino optar por estra- the Psychologist. She adds that a key is not tegias diferentes. No se trata de que no obliging or pressing them to obey, but se ajusten a las reglas ni que las incum- choosing different strategies. The subject plan, simplemente es tomar el camino is not that they don’t adjust to rules or fail de los acuerdos. El desafío es aceptarlos them, it is simply to use a path of agree- y estar abiertos para conocer lo que nos ments. The challenge is accepting them enseñarán. Es cuestión de abrir la and be opened to know what they will mente y saberlos leer. teach us. It is a question of opening our minds and learning how to read them. 32
LÍNEA DE TIEMPO GENERACIONAL ESTILOS DE VIDA, SEGÚN CLASIFICACIÓN* GENERACIÓN Silenciosa o Baby boomers X Y o millennials Z o centennials tradicionalistas AÑO DE 1949 1966 1981 1996 NACIMIENTO 1948 a 1965 a 1980 a 1995 en adelante GENERALIDADES o antes Llamados así por Actualmente ocu- Son muy afines al la explosión de la pan cargos mundo digital. El Es la primera Son austeros y natalidad tras la medios o altos, uso de las nuevas generación cien muy tradiciona- Segunda Guerra están aún activos tecnologías es por ciento digital. les, producto de Mundial, los boo- laboralmente, son parte de su estilo Se considera que que vivieron mers todavía son muy afines a la de vida. Son muy la integran perso- sucesos que mar- muy activos en el música y a la tec- activos laboral- nas más realistas caron la humani- mercado laboral nología (a pesar mente, pero des- y pragmáticas, y dad por su com- en diversos cam- de haber nacido precian lo rutina- con una visión de plejidad, como la pos de liderazgos. sin internet) y rio y esperan mundo más sus- recesión de 1930 Conocieron el son los padres de espacios para ser tentable frente al y las guerras mundo digital en los millennials y creativos. En consumo. Les mundiales. Creen la adultez, pero centennials. Es la general, cuestio- tocó nacer en en las institucio- han sabido sacar- primera genera- nan las institucio- medio de cam- nes como la les provecho a las ción en la que nes y prefieren bios drásticos, familia, la escue- nuevas tecnolo- mamá y papá no inscribirse en como el del la y la iglesia. Los gías. Son tradicio- salieron al merca- movimientos polí- modelo de fami- roles de género nales, aunque en do laboral, lo que ticos. Están lia, que es hoy de esta época su juventud surgie- necesariamente teniendo menos completamente acentuaron el ron movimientos empezó a cam- hijos y viajando distinto. Una gran machismo. sociales que bus- biar el modelo más por el cantidad de ellos caban romper con de familia. mundo. son hijos únicos. las costumbres. TENER Casarse y Casarse y Casarse y Disfrutar la vida. Disfrutar la vida. tener hijos. tener hijos. tener hijos. ÉXITO LEALTAD Para toda la vida. Lealtad. Largos períodos Necesidad de Aún no están de permanencia. cambio cada en el mercado AL TRABAJO dos años. laboral. ACTIVIDADES Ver televisión. Ver televisión. Ver televisión. Escuchar música. FAVORITAS Leer. *Fuentes: Nielsen, Merca 2.0 y Díaz S. C., López L.M. y Roncallo L. L. 33
WITH YOUR MIND ( )your generation GENERATIONS LINE OF TIME STYLES OF LIFE, ACCORDING TO A GENERATION CLASSIFICATION* GENERATION Silent or Baby boomers X Y o millennials Z o centennials traditionalist YEAR 1949 1966 1981 1996 OF BIRTH 1948 to 1965 to 1980 to 1995 and after CHARACTERISTICS or before So called due to a They currently They are very natality explosion hold middle or much connected This is the first They are austere after the Second high-level posi- to the digital 100% digital and very traditio- World War. The tions, are still world. The use of generation, consi- nal, as they lived boomers are very laboringly active new technolo- dered to be cons- events that active in the work and like music gies is part of tituted by more marked the market and and technology their life style. realistic and prag- humanity due to assuming diffe- (although having They are laborin- matic individuals, their complexity, rent leaderships. born without gly very active, and their vision such as the 1930 They knew digital internet), and but despise routi- of the world is recession and the world when adults they are the ne and wait for more sustainable world wars. and have known parents of the spaces to be regarding con- They believe in to use it with millennials and creative. They in sumption. They institutions such as advantage. They the centennials. general question were born in the the family, the are traditiona- This is the first institutions and middle of drastic school and the lists, although generation in are not involved changes, such as church. The during their youth which mom and in political move- the family model gender roles of social movements dad participated ments. They are that is currently a this time accented appeared that in labor market, having less chil- completely diffe- machismo. sought breaking which necessarily dren and trave- rent one. Many of customs. changed the ling more around them are only family model. the world. children. SUCCESS IS Get married Get married Get married Enjoy life Enjoy life and have children and have children and have children MEASURED IN … LOYALTY For ever Loyalty Long periods of Need to change They are not TO WORK Watching TV permanency. each two years. still in labor market. FAVORITE ACTIVITIES Reading Watching TV Watching TV •Listening to music *Sources: Nielsen, Merca 2.0 y Díaz S. C., López L.M. y Roncallo L. L. 34
WITH YOUR MIND ( )harmony in health It is common to face moments in life that invite us to use our internal resources to get ahead. MEDICAL ADVISORS ZAMIRA MONTOYA CAMARGO Psychologist, practitioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare ELIZABET RUIZ ZULUAGA Psychologist KNOWING ONESELF In this modern world where there is so much talk of being happy it is ever ASNED LENFHA-NECISNGTOEUREM more necessary to undertake a jour- ney inside to discover in ourselves the tools to nurture our self-esteem and to urge us onward to a fuller life. “What happens,” explains Psychologist and Master of Arts in Psychology and Mental Heath Elizabeth Ruiz Zuluaga, “is that we are so outwardly focused that in order to streng- then our self-esteem one must undertake a conscious process of thinking about oursel- ves. So then we go inward and we don’t like what we find there and so we tend to avoid it. We put on this mask and heed what society tells us, instead: “You must be happy and this happiness we measure in terms of money, trips, luxuries and beauty.” As we look further outward, self-esteem is affected when people, for example, do not comply with physical standards and ideals, or economic ones or ideals of success implanted in the collective imaginary. Continuous comparison gives origin to emotions that may unleash anxiety, depres- sion and even nutritional disorders. A very low self-esteem leads to doubting our own capacities even in the most ordinary every- day situation. Everything becomes an ordeal. But there are strategies that will help one reach a more harmonic relation with our own self and with others.
( If we strengthen Nuevo Servicio with emotional tools to face situations we will be able to take TOMOSÍNTESIS > them on and work them in a positive way even learning from them. SÍGUENOS: PBX. (4) 444 0019 / (4) 325 7070 HOW CAN WE FACE THE Medellín - Colombia EVERY-DAY CHALLENGES? If we see difficulties as opportunities to improve and grow, here are some recommendations to get ahead in problems that affect our self-esteem as proposed by Psychologist Zamira Montoya Camargo. ► It is important to try to “distance ourselves from the problem” to better understand in a more objective way this problem. Describe the situation as it is, without adjectives or judging. ► Identify the thoughts that came about with respect to the problem. Ask yourself is there is real evidence or whether it is a “thought of mine, an interpretation of mine.” ► Be assertive, express yourself, clear your doubts and do not act under suppositions. Think: if the situation happened to someone else, what other variables would there be, what strategies would you ask them to analyze. ► Understanding life does not work in black and white. There is a great assortment of angles. Avoid victimizing yourself and do not take a standpoint where one sees that it is the world that attacks us.
( ))WCOaIThrNmaHromTnYoíUaOnyeMUsinsREahlNeuMadTltIhEND ACCEPTTOYOOULBROSEXLFFOR NURTURING OUR SELF-ESTEEMThis is none other than getting to know When you don’t know what oneself and be conscious of the strengths you want you feel despair. and weaknesses. Understanding that one Understanding where you are going brings security. If we 1 CONSTRUCT Ais not perfect and that one can start know ourselves well, we can establish realistic objectives, processes that help overcome the thing desired ones that allow one to know to what level one LIFE PROJECTthat is still limiting us. Each one is can push oneself. responsible for one’s own process. One of the great problems today is The option of that families are raising their children consulting with PTHILELATRHSREE 2The three pillars are self-respect, with low tolerance to frustration. professionals to One key word to use is “No”. undertake processes self-concept, and self-confidence. When you always get a “Yes” of self-knowledge, No miracle will work on the and then the “No” comes, they are acceptance and outside while the process does confronted and they fall apart. pardon will always not evolve on the inside. It is vital exist. It is also Be conscious that you have important to know TOLERANCE TOto treat yourself well with love fears and difficulties. When that there are you detect your fears and support networks 3 FRUSTRATIONand care of body and mind. One accept them you can generate strategies, look for expert help must change one’s thoughts and if need be and do not hide. The thing is to identify what 4tune in with the positive. 5SEDOVOENPRE’YTRTTSHAOIKNNEGAL FACE YOUR FEARS 7SNUEPTPWOORRTKS“That is why,” the psychologist such as family and reiterates, “people must learn to be tolerant and to get frustrated. One must understand not everything 6one says will be accepted by others without controversy and not you are afraid of: of making a everything the other person mistake or of being judged? •friends to face manifests is directed at me. adverse situations 38
( )CON TU MENTE FOCUS ON MEMORYThe universe is information and human ( )memory processes this information through storage, codifying or recuperation. MEDICAL ADVISOR LUIS GUILLERMO MEJÍA JARAMILLO General Surgeon Learn more about the memory at 40
(( )WCITOHNYOTUURMMENINTDE focus on Learning, skills and memory are the repetition of information is not even identical to what we experienced. It changes and is that we store in our memory. But we must not understand influenced by emotions that we have at the moment of remembe- this to be something encapsulated in the brain that we open ring. What for one individual can be a happy remembrance; can and close every time we need to. It functions under electrical and mean the worse memory for another. It is inexact, but a convenient chemical stimuli that help us recreate memories and on which reconstruction of the information and fixed in our memory in a science has alleged that brain centers act. Therefore, what the brain permanent way. Literature Nobel Prize Gabriel García Marquez really stores when it remembers are frequencies, amplitudes and described it as “Life is not what one lived but what one remembers sequences of such circuits. In other words, memories are not and the way one remembers it to tell the story.” Since the universe lockers, they rather activate when this information is codified. •is information when human memory fails this has in some way The remembering process is so complex that the past we recall modified our way of being.” THE BRAIN’S HEART 2 The hippocampus is a fundamental organ in LAYERS OF NEURONS ARE the process of remembering as it allows for ACTIVATED IN THE mediation in the generation and recuperation of memory much like an on-off switch. This is HIPPOCAMPUS WHEN MEMORY why it is called the brain’s heart. This organ FIXES, AS EVIDENCED IN THE begins to degenerate when there is loss of SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF memory or a situation of dementia. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS OF SPAIN. TO A GREATER OR LESSER DEGREE 3 In so far as we do not remember without recreating TYPES OF MEMORY ARE events, registering of information that is stored is not REFERENCED IN DIFFERENT carried out with identical processes. Rather the greater or lesser intensity as well as its permanence STUDIES: SENSORIAL, depends on factors such as stimuli, emotions and SHORT TERM AND LONG experiences. We do not store information of all we have lived or withhold everything we store. TERM MEMORY. 6 ASSIMILATING MEMORIES HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY IS THE RECOMMENDATION ► Sleeping is essential to allow our body rest but it also has direct influence on the process OF THE WORLD HEALTH of storing information constitutive of memory. ORGANIZATION FOR PROPER ► Not sleeping or not sleeping well affects the CARE OF ONE’S PHYSICAL capacity to form new memories. This is the AND MENTAL HEALTH. reason why one currently studies the extent to which the different phases of sleep influence the fixation of what we remember. 41
WCOITNH TYUOMURENMTIEND ( ))grandparents ALERT EARS TO LEARN FROM THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED LONGER Having It is a global truth that human beings that is a productive one, the elderly adult conversations and are living longer. Currently for the passes on to a second plane,” explains relating to elderly first time in history the greater part of Psychologist and Master of Arts in the population has a life expectancy equal Psychology, leader of educational pro- adults in family to or greater than 60 years of age. The cesses for the elderly from the Luis Amigó dynamics is World Health Organization, WHO holds Catholic University Hamilton Fernandez that as true in its 2018 declaration Velez. Loneliness and in some cases isola- fundamental to their “Ageing and Health”. This extension of tion, in this context, deteriorates his mental and the life expectancy offers opportunities physical and emotional state. not only for the elderly adult but also for emotional wellbeing. their families and their communities. Yes, The specialist explains that it is neces- one can live longer, but sometimes the sary for the elderly to have a more prota- MEDICAL ADVISOR quality of life is less good that is why the gonist role and that his presence not only HAMILTON FERNÁNDEZ VÉLEZ elderly adult is a concern for the social inspire loving conversations, full of groups: the elderly’s knowledge and expe- memories but that they become the trans- Psychologist rience should be a source of wealth for versal axis of family liaisons. society. They have a lot to contribute even though they have to adapt to new realities Doubtless, in some cases it is possible such as retirement. “The family sees in they will not manage to prepare a recipe or the elderly adult someone who has to be fix something at home but they have the taken care of. In addition, in our society, knowledge and the capacity to orient these activities. Even small tasks will help them “recuperate their self-esteem, self-image 44
WCOITNH TYUOMURENMTIEND ( ))grandparents 2020 THIS WILL BE THE YEAR IN WHICH THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE WILL BE GREATER THAN CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEARS OF AGE, ACCORDING TO THE WHO. and self-valuation,” adds Fernandez Velez. the WHO, new activities can be underta- time to undertake new adventures. It is “There is still more to learn”, he com- ken such as continuation of studies, initia- therefore vital to open familiar spaces so tion of a new profession and resuming old that they can talk about that, to ask them ments, “from the positive experiences exis- hobbies. Nevertheless, the span of these what those projects are or to exhibit their ting in the world in which elderly adults opportunities and contributions depends work. This will inject them with the continue to occupy spaces in companies greatly on one factor: health. It is therefo- motivation required to move forward. for example as trainers of incoming person- re important to keep healthy habits along nel. Their retirement is made in a more one’s life and to sustain them in old age. “It all amounts to,” this professional progressive way, not so abruptly so he does “Projects in life end only with death.” says believes, “an only key issue: becoming not simply become a number in the list of Hamilton Fernandez Velez. “As long as retirees who is at a loss at what to do.” there is Life we will be wishing for •aware that the elderly adult, as any per- something or dreaming of something. This This same elderly adult, on occasions, obviously depends on the historical process son might, needs plenty of love.” realizes that he is distancing himself one has. I have a been someone who has from his loved ones in order not to bur- had the opportunity of living experiences, den others. “The idea would be, preci- of having access to information and of sely, to abolish this stigma and turn him having good family and social liaisons. I will into a productive person not only econo- be promoting the carrying out of projects.” mically but also emotionally, affectively This stage in life is, then, an opportunity and family-wise.” to fulfill the goals I had not reached and to develop skills. The elderly have free LIVE DREAMS During those years of life, according to 46
( )CON TU MENTE (Learning something new makes the brain activate its potentiality and plasticity and keeps it active and fit inspite of the passing of time. 47
WCOITNH TYUOMURENMTIEND ( ))trends Under medical supervision this type of treatment may have multiple impacts on health. MEDICAL ADVISOR JAIME ADAMS DUEÑAS Psychiatrist, practitioner at Coomeva Private Healthcare Probably the expression having the effect does not allude to a single result only kind of stimulus similar to the one anti- greatest placebo effect is “Put your but rather implies a series of effects produ- depressants provide, on a neurobiologi- faith into it, that will make you ced on health with ends to alleviating or cal level,” he explains. well!” Many people have been exposed diminishing pain. Science has not explai- to that phrase and one could say it is not ned exactly how the organism behaves. This type of medicines can come in bad at all because, beyond alleviation or presentations such as pills, syrups or cure with chemical compounds, thin- Psychiatrist Dueñas indicates that its ampoules and are activated through the king plays a very important part in the origin goes far back in time and at the doctor- patient relation. On this last rela- recovery of most human pathologies. beginning even religious features were tion, Damien G. Finniss an associated What is the reason for this? Jaime attributed to it. In medicine this attribu- professor of the University of Sidney in Alberto Adams Dueñas, Psychiatrist, tion was done empirically. “Placebo Australia indicates that such interaction, explains that every disease has an impor- medicines are inert substances, in other along with the desire to recover is very tant psychological by-product. “Even if words, they do not harm the organism powerful in improving one’s health. At the ‘treatment’ with placebo is a tempo- and therefore do not have side effects or the same time, he warns that this effect rary measure, in urgent cases or critical produce alterations. On the contrary, is related to the substances the body ones it may be used for all pathologies in they generate wellbeing.” itself produces and that alleviate pain. general, albeit prudently and always That is why the sole fact of thinking that under medical supervision.” In this way, when a specialist adminis- taking medication will help in the reco- ters them in a controlled manner, the very makes the brain reacts automatica- Nevertheless, talking about the placebo patient activates a region of his brain lly as if it were already being alleviated. generating a positive response. “It is a 48
( )CON TU MENTE PLACEBO ces that do not pose risks to health, pla- cebo medication could be dangerous AND ITS EFFECT when taken in excess and may end in ON THE MIND intoxication. That is why Adams recom- mends that the patient be informed of (The placebo effect occurs when there is a such characteristics of this medication. change in the symptoms of the patient receiving this type of treatment. In general, the result is Doctor Carlos Celedón agrees with positive even though it may not last long. this. In his paper “Criteria for the Use of Placebo: Ethical Aspects” he points out In this line of thinking there exists the DO NOT ABUSE! that it is possible to consider the use of a nocebo effect. Contrary to the placebo placebo “when there is no established effect it is characterized by the fact that But, how can thinking change the treatment for a given disease or otherwise people arrive with negative ideas about brain’s perceptions? Science has still when the current therapy has had too the effects of a given therapy or medica- found it difficult to explain. Nevertheless, many undesirable effects and one needs to tion. This may contribute to worsening the British journal The Lancet propose a new therapy whose benefits one the perception in the course of the per- acknowledges that the placebo effect is must explore. There should not be any son’s recovery and even on his cure. more powerful that previously thought. ethical problems in the use of placebo in any circumstance, given one explains ’Even though this deals with substan- clearly to the person that it is about the use of a placebo and that the person authorize and sign the informed consent.” It is probable that years must elapse before science finds a solid scientific support to explain what happens in this relation between body-mind. In the meantime let it suffice to know that pla- cebo medication has positive effects in the face of pain albeit in specific cir- cumstances. The emphasis is on the fact that placebo must be taken under super- •vision and specialized accompaniment to avoid adverse situations 49
CON TU MENTE ( )xxxxxxxxx FREEING YOURSELF TOFLROIVM EOBBSEESSTIOTNES R If there is an absurd thought that is persistent and involuntary and that is affecting your quality of life this may mean you need help. 50