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Home Explore English Teaching Method lesson plan

English Teaching Method lesson plan

Published by phasatangpate312201, 2020-07-24 01:33:24

Description: English Teaching Method lesson plan


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Worksheet 1 (Module 1, Lesson 28) Segmenting ກດິ ຈະກຳ 1 ຈບັ ຄຄູ່ ຳຖຳມຂທ້ໍ ີ 1 - 4 ໃສກູ່ ບັ ຄຳຕອບ a - d. ຄຳຖຳມ ຄຳຕອບ 1 segmenting (ກຳນແຍກສວູ່ ນຂອງສຽງ) ແມນູ່ a ຍົກນ້ີວມືຂອງພວກເຂຳົ ຂີືນ້ ເພອື່ ສະແດງຈຳນວນຂອງສຽງຂອງຄຳ ຫຍັງ? ສບັ ແລະ ຫງັ ຈຳກນນັີ້ ຊໃີ້ ສູ່ແຕູ່ລະນີ້ວມໃື ນຂະນະທື່ີພວກເຂຳົ (elicited) ດຶງເອຳົ ແຕູ່ລະສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ. 2 segmenting (ກຳນແຍກສວູ່ ນຂອງສຽງ) ຊູ່ວຍເຫອື b ແຍກຄຳສບັ ອອກເປນັ ແຕູ່ລະສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ. ນກັ ຮຽນແນວໃດ? c ສຳມຳດຊ່ວູ ຍນັກຮຽນໃນກຳນສະກົດຄຳ ແລະ ຂຽນຄຳສບັ . 3 ແມ່ນູ ຫຍງັ ທີ່ືສຳຄນັ ທື່ີຕອ້ ງຈຈື່ ຳໃນເວລຳທ່ືີ segmenting (ແຍກສູວ່ ນຂອງສຽງ) ຄຳສບັ ? d ເພື່ອແຍກສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ບ່ໍແມນູ່ ແຍກຕວົ ອັກສອນ. 4 ຄສອນໄດເ້ ຮັດຫຍງັ ກັບມຂື ອງພວກເຂົຳໃນເວລຳທີ່ື ພວກເຂຳົ segmenting (ກຳລງັ ແຍກສວູ່ ນຂອງສຽງ) ຄຳສັບ? ກດິ ຈະກຳ 2 ອຳູ່ ນ ແລະ ແຍກສວູ່ ນຄຳສບັ ລມູ່ ນ.ີ້ ຂຽນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສໃູ່ ນຫອ້ ງຕຳູ່ ງໆທຢືີ່ ຂູ່ ຳ້ ງແຕລູ່ ະຄຳສບັ . 1 it 6 coat 2 mat 7 three 3 sad 8 shirt 4 food 9 Sunday 5 ring 10 sister 11 alphabet

Worksheet 2 (Module 1, Lesson 28) Blending and Segmenting Summary Blending (ກຳນປະສມົ ສຽງ) Blending (ກຳນປະສມົ ສຽງ) ແມູນ່ ກຳນເວົີ້ຳແຕູ່ລະ (1) ___________ ຢ່ໃູ ນຄຳສບັ ໃດໜງື່ ເພອ່ື ຊູ່ວຍເດັກນອ້ ຍໃຫ້ ‘ໄດຍ້ ິນ’ ແລະ ອຳູ່ ນຄຳສັບ. ກຳນປະສົມສຽງສຳມຳດຊູວ່ ຍເດັກນ້ອຍ (2) _________ ຄຳສັບໃໝໆູ່ . ແຕູ່ນກັ ຮຽນຄວນຝກຶ ປະສົມສຽງຢູ່ຳງ ດຽວ ຫື ຟ້ອງສຽງຄຳສັບທບ່ືີ ນັ ຈສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນທຕ່ືີ ົນເອງນ້ນີັ ໄດຮ້ ຽນຮ້ມຳແລ້ວ. ໃນເວລຳທເີ່ື ຮດັ ເປນັ ຕົວແບບກຳນປະສມົ ສຽງ, ທູຳ່ ນຄວນເວຳີົ້ (3) ____________ ສຽງຕົວອັກສອນແຮງກວູຳ່ ສຽງອື່ນໆ ເພື່ອຊວູ່ ຍໃຫ້ນັກຮຽນຈຈື່ ຳສຽງງຂອງຄຳສບັ ທືີ່ຂນ້ືີ ຕົີ້ນ. ຈຳກນັ້ນີ , ເວ້ຳົີ ສຽງຕວົ ອັກສອນອນື່ ໆຢ່ຳູ ງຫຽູ່ ນໄຫ ແລະ ນມ້ີ ນວນ. ຕອ້ ງໄດຈ້ ວື່ ູ່ຳບໍ່ໃຫ້ຕື່ມ (4)______________ ໃສູ່ໃນສຽງຕົວ ອັກສອນ – ຈດປະສງົ ເພືອ່ ‘s’ ບໍ່ແມ່ນູ ‘suh’. ນັກຮຽນອຳດຈະຕອ້ ງກຳນກຳນຝກຶ ຊອ້ ມຫຳຍໆ ເພອ່ື ພັດທະນຳທັກສະກຳນປະສົມ ສຽງ. ມັນເປນັ ສືິ່ງທີືສ່ ຳຄັນທນີື່ ກັ ຮຽນເຂີົຳ້ ໃຈຄວຳມໝຳຍຂອງຄຳສັບທເີື່ ຂຳົ ເຈຳົີ້ ປະສມົ ສຽງ. Segmenting (ກຳນແຍກສວູ່ ນຂອງສຽງ) ກຳນແຍກສູ່ວນໝຳຍເຖງິ ກຳນຈດັ ແບູງ່ ຄຳສັບໃດໜື່ງອອກເປັນ (5) ________________ ສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ຕົວຢູຳ່ ງ, ຄຳສບັ book ບນັ ຈມີ 3 ສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ, b-oo-k. ກຳນແຍກສວູ່ ນສຳມຳດຊວູ່ ຍໃຫ້ນກັ ຮຽນຮໄ້ ດວ້ ທິ ີ (6) ____________ ຄຳສບັ ຕ່ຳູ ງໆ. ໃນເວລຳທເ່ີື ຮດັ ເປນັ ຕວົ ແບບຂອງກຳນແຍກສູ່ວນຂອງສຽງ, ທູຳ່ ນຄວນຖຳມນັກຮຽນວຳູ່ ມຈີ ກັ ສຽງຕົວອັກສອນຢູ່ໃນຄຳສບັ ໃດ ໜື່ງ ຈຳກນ້ີັນຍກົ (7) _________ ຂອງທຳູ່ ນຂີືນ້ ເພອ່ື ສ່ືເຖິງສຽງຕົວອັກສອນນ້ັີນ. ຕົວຢຳູ່ ງ, ມຈີ ັກສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນຢໃູ່ ນຄຳສັບທື່ີ ວູ່ຳ cat? ດງຶ ເອຳົ (elicit) ສຳມສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ ແລະ ຍກົ ນ້ີວມື 3 ນວີ້ ຂ້ນືີ ໃຫ້ສງ ແລວ້ ຊີ້ໃສູ່ນີວ້ ມືນວີ້ ທຳອິດ ແລະ ຖຳມວູ່ຳ ສຽງ ຫຍງັ ເປນັ ສຽງທຳອິດໃນຄຳສັບທ່ີືວູ່ຳ cat? (c). ຊ້ີໃສູ່ນີ້ວມືນີວ້ ທຳງກຳງ ແລະ ຖຳມວູ່ຳສຽງຫຍັງເປັນສຽງທສີ ອງໃນຄຳສບັ ທ່ືີວຳູ່ cat? (a). ຊໃີ້ ສູ່ນວີ້ ມືນ້ີວສດທ້ຳຍ ແລະ ຖຳມວູ່ຳ ສຽງຫຍງັ ເປັນສຽງສດທຳ້ ຍໃນຄຳສັບທືີວ່ ຳູ່ cat? (t). ມນັ ສຳຄັນທີື່ຕອ້ ງແຍກ ສ່ວູ ນ (8) _____________ ໃນຄຳສບັ ບແໍ່ ມູ່ນແຍກສວູ່ ນຕົວອກັ ສອນ, ຕົວຢູ່ຳງ, ຄຳສັບ morning ແມູ່ນໄດຖ້ ກື ແຍກສວູ່ ນ ອອກເປັນ m-or-n-i-ng ບແ່ໍ ມນູ່ m-o-r-n-i-n-g. ຄກື ນັ ກັບກຳນປະສົມສຽງ, ນກັ ຮຽນຄວນແຍກສວູ່ ນຄຳສັບທີບ່ື ນັ ຈສຽງຕົວ ອກັ ສອນທື່ພີ ວກເຂົຳໄດຮ້ ຽນຮ້ມຳແລວ້ .

Lesson 29 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: Teaching English 1 Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: A Phonics Lesson Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics in English lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - explain Steps 1-3 in a phonics lesson Resources Assessment Letter sound page from the textbook (display on Worksheet activity – order the lesson projector or print as a handout) steps for Step 2 and 3. Worksheet 1 – Teaching a Phonics Lesson Worksheet activity – record notes Worksheet 2 – Phonics Lesson Steps about each stage of the lesson. Activator (5mins) Guess the letter sound: - Divide teacher trainees into 3 or 4 teams. - Do a letter sound action. - Ask teacher trainees to guess the letter sound. The first team to say the correct sound wins 1 point. - Continue the game for 5 minutes. The team with the most points wins the game. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (5mins) - Explain that during this lesson and the next lesson, you will demonstrate a Grade 3 phonics lesson. - Write the main steps of a phonics lesson on the board: • Step 1 - Review letter sounds • Step 2 - Teach new letter sound • Step 3 – Teach letter formation • Step 4 – Blending or segmenting activity, • Step 5 – Review learning - Explain that the first step in a phonics lesson is to review and practise letter sounds that students have previously learnt. This can be done using an activity like the activator game Guess the letter sound. Activities (30 mins) - Tell teacher trainees that you will demonstrate Step 2 – Teach the new letter sound. - Give out Worksheet 1 – Teaching a Phonics Lesson and explain that as they watch, teacher trainees should put the steps in Activity 1 in the correct order. - Demonstrate how to teach a new letter sound following the steps below. Note: The Grade 3 materials have not been produced yet. For this semester there is a sample of what a letter sound page will look like. But next year real samples from the book will be included – explain this to teacher trainees during this step.

Demonstration: Teaching a new letter sound 1) Display the letter sound page from the textbook. 2) Point to the picture and ask What can you see? Elicit things in the picture, e.g. Seun, snake, stones, grass, sun, a path. 3) Read the mini-story. As you read, emphasis the s sound in words that start with this sound. 4) Check understanding by pointing to the picture, using mimes, actions and Lao to explain the meaning. 5) Say the letter sound s and do the action move your hand like a snake. 6) Ask teacher trainees to repeat the letter sound and copy the action. 7) Choose individual teacher trainees and asks them to say the sound and do the action. - After the demonstration, ask teacher trainees to check their answers to the activity with a partner. Then elicit feedback and check the answers. Answers 2 Student name things they can see in the picture 1 Teacher holds up the textbook, points to the picture and asks What can you see? 4 Students listen. 6 Teacher says the letter sound and does the action. 3 Teacher reads the mini-story or plays the audio. 7 Students repeat the letter sound and copy the action. 5 Teacher checks students’ understanding by pointing to the picture, using mimes, actions and Lao to explain the meaning. 8 Teacher chooses individual students and asks them to say the sound and do the action. - Before demonstrating how to teach letter formation, review teacher trainee’s knowledge by writing tactile activity on the board and asking them to show a partner a tactile activity they remember. - Briefly elicit feedback -tactile activities include air writing, writing the letter sound with your finger on your hand, desk, partner’s back, making the letter sound using different materials. - Tell teacher trainees that you will demonstrate Step 3 – Teach letter formation and explain that as they watch, teacher trainees should put the steps in Activity 2 on the worksheet in the correct order. - Demonstrate how to teach a new letter sound following the steps below. Demonstration: Teaching letter formation 1) Says the letter sound and models how to air write it describing the movements. Make sure you have your make to the class when you model air writing so the letter is formed in the right direction. 2) Ask teacher trainees to say and air write the letter sound. 3) Ask teacher trainees to do a tactile activity to practice letter formation by using their finger to write the letter sound on their: - palm - desk - partner’s back 4) Draws four lines on the board and number them. 5) Write the letter sound on the lines and describes the movements.

6) Chooses individual students to write the letter sound on the board. 7) Ask teacher trainee to s practice copying the letter sound in their notebooks. - After the demonstration, ask teacher trainees to check their answers to the activity with a partner. Then elicit feedback and check the answers. Answers: 2 Students say and air write the letter sound. 4 Teacher draws four lines on the board and numbers them. 1 Teacher says the letter sound and models how to air write it describing the movements. 3 Students do a tactile activity to practice letter formation by using their finger to write the letter sound on their: - palm - desk - partner’s back 5 Teacher writes the letter sound on the lines and describes the movements. 7 Students practice copying the letter sound in their notebooks. 6 Teacher chooses individual students to write the letter sound on the board. Summary & assessment (10 mins) - Give out Worksheet 2 – Phonics Lessons Steps and ask teacher trainees to make notes about what the teacher did in Steps 1-3. - Discuss Steps 1 – 3 and ask teacher trainees to share what they recorded in their notes. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: • Worksheet 1 – Teaching a Phonics Lesson • Worksheet 2 – Phonics Lesson Steps

Worksheet 1 (Module 1, Lesson 29) Teaching a Phonics Lesson ກດິ ຈະກຳ 1 ເບງິ່ ຄສູ ຳທດິ ບຳດກຳ້ ວທີ 2 – Teach the new letter sound (ສອນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃໝ)່ . ຈດັ ລຽງບຳດກຳ້ ວຕຳ່ ງໆລມ່ ນໃີ້ ຫຖ້ ກື ຕອ້ ງຕຳມລຳດບັ . ບຳດກຳ້ ວທີ 2 – Teach the new letter sound (ສອນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃໝ)່ . _______ ໃຫນ້ ັກຮຽນບອກສ່ິງທີ່ິພວກເຂຳົ ສຳມຳດເຫນັ ໄດໃ້ ນຮບູ ພຳບ _______ ຄູສອນຍົກປມື້ ແບບຮຽນຂນ້ືີ , ຊໃີ້ ສ່ຮູບພຳບ ແລະ ຖຳມນັກຮຽນວ່ຳ ພວກນ້ອງສຳມຳດເຫນັ ຫຍັງແດ?່ _______ ນກັ ຮຽນຟງັ _______ ຄູເວົີ້ຳສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ແລະ ສະແດງທ່ຳທຳງປະກອບ _______ ຄູອຳ່ ນນິທຳນເລອ່ິື ງສນ້ີັ ຫື ສຳຍໂອດີໂອ (audio) _______ ນກັ ຮຽນເວົ້ີຳຄນື ສຽງຕວົ ອັກສອນ ແລະ ຮຽນແບບທຳ່ ທຳງປະກອບ _______ ຄູກວດເບິງ່ ຄວຳມເຂ້ີຳົ ໃຈຂອງນກັ ຮຽນໂດຍຊໃ້ີ ສ່ຮບູ ພຳບ, ໃຊທ້ ່ຳທຳງປະກອບ, ສະແດງທຳ່ ທຳງ ແລະ ໃຊພ້ ຳສຳລຳວ ເພອື່ິ ອະທບິ ຳຍຄວຳມໝຳຍ. _______ ຄູເລືອກເອຳົ ນກັ ຮຽນແຕ່ລະຄນົ ແລະ ໃຫພ້ ວກເຂຳົ ເວີຳ້ົ ສຽງ ແລະ ເຮັດທຳ່ ທຳງປະກອບ. ກດິ ຈະກຳ 2 ເບງິ່ ຄສູ ຳທດິ ບຳດກຳ້ ວທີ 3 – Teach letter formation (ສອນຮບູ ແບບຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ). ຈດັ ລຽງແຕລ່ ະບຳດກຳ້ ວລມ່ ນໃີ້ ຫຖ້ ກື ຕອ້ ງຕຳມລຳດບັ . ບຳດກຳ້ ວທີ 3 – Teach letter formation (ສອນຮບແບບຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ) _______ ນັກຮຽນເວ້ີົຳ ແລະ ຂຽນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນກຳງຫຳວ (ເທງິ ອຳກຳດ). _______ ຄູສອນແຕ້ມເສ້ັນີ 4 ເສນ້ີັ ໃສ່ເທິງກະດຳນ ແລະ ໝຳຍເລກໃສ່ແຕລ່ ະເສ້ັີນ. _______ ຄູເວຳ້ີົ ສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ແລະ ເຮັດເປັນແບບຢຳ່ ງວທິ ີກຳນຂຽນກຳງຫຳວ ແລະ ອະທິບຳຍກຳນຂີດຈຳກຈດນໄີ້ ປຫຳຈດນັີ້ນ. _______ ນັກຮຽນເຮດັ ກິດຈະກຳສຳຜັດ ເພ່ອິື ຝກຶ ຊອ້ ມສ້ຳງຮູບແບບຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ໂດຍນຳໃຊນ້ ີວ້ ມືຂອງພວກເຂຳົ ຂຽນສຽງຕວົ ອັກ ສອນໃສ່: - ຝຳ່ ມື - ໂຕະ - ຫງັ ຂອງໝູ່ (ຄເູ່ ຮັດກິດຈະກຳ) _______ ຄູສອນຂຽນສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນໃສຕ່ ຳມເສັນ້ີ ແລະ ອະທິບຳຍກຳນຂດີ ຈຳກຈດນໄີ້ ປຫຳຈດນ້ີັນ. _______ ນກັ ຮຽນຝຶກກຳນຂຽນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສ່ປມື້ ຂຽນຂອງໃຜລຳວ. _______ ຄູສອນເລອື ກເອຳົ ນັກຮຽນຈຳນວນໜງ່ິື ເພື່ິອຂຽນສຽງຕົວອັກສອນໃສ່ເທິງກະດຳນ.

Worksheet 2 (Module 1, Lesson 29) Phonics Lesson Steps Step Notes Review letter sounds 1 (ທບົ ທວນສຽງຕົວອັກສອນ) Teach the new letter 2 sound (ສອນສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນໃໝ່) Teach letter 3 formation (ສອນຮບູ ແບບຕົວອກັ ສອນ) Blending and / or segmenting activity 4 (ກຳນປະສມົ ສຽງ ແລະ/ຫື ກດິ ຈະກຳແຍກສ່ວນຂອງສຽງ) Review learning 5 (ທບົ ທວນຄືນກຳນຮຽນຮູ້)

3 Say the letter sound Ss One day, Seun was walking. Suddenly Seun saw a snake. 3

Lesson 30 Subject: Teaching Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes English 1 Sub-topic: A Phonics Lesson Topic 2: Teaching Learning outcomes: -At the end of the Phonics in English lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - explain steps 4-5 in a phonics lesson Picture and letter cards (prepare one set) Assessment Activator (5 mins) Check teacher trainees can explain the difference between blending and segmenting. Worksheet activity – record notes about each stage of the lesson. Review the letter sound - Running game - Organise teacher trainees into 3 or 4 teams. - Explain that you will sound out some words. Teacher trainees have to listen and work out the word. One person from each team has to run to the board and write the word. The first team to write the word correctly, wins a point. - Sound out the following words: red (r-e-d) fan (f-a-n), duck (d-u-ck), eat (ee-t), look (l-oo- k, men (m-e-n), sing (s-i-ng), ship (sh-i-p), hello (h-e-l-oa), Monday (m-u-n-d-ai) - The team with the most points wins the game. - Note: Check teacher trainees understand the meaning of the words they write on the board. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (5 mins) - Write Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5 on the board. - Elicit Steps 1 to 3 of a phonics lesson (Step 1 Review letter sound, Step 2 Teach a new letter sound, Step 3 Teach Letter formation) - Explain that in this lesson, you will demonstrate Steps 4 and 5. - Ask teacher trainees what they remember about blending and segmenting. Elicit their ideas and write them on the board. Activities (30 mins) - Demonstrate a blending and segmenting activity using the steps below but DO NOT tell teacher trainees which activity is the blending activity and which is the segmenting activity. Blending activity - Put the six pictures on the board. - Use the letter cards to make the word cat (c-a-t). - Choose a teacher trainee to go to the board and sound out the word. Then ask him or her to point to the picture that matches the word. - Continue the activity for the words, dad (d-a-d), hat (h-a-t), bag (b-a-g), pen (p-e-n), dog (d-o-g), pig (p-i-g). Segmenting activity - Show the picture of a cat and ask What’s this? Elicit the word cat. - Ask teacher trainees, How many sounds are there in cat? (3) Hold up three fingers, point

to the first finger and ask What’s the first sound? (c) Point to the middle finger and ask What’s the middle sound? (a) Point to the final finger and ask What’s the final sound? (t) - Continue the activity for the words, dad (d-a-d), hat (h-a-t), bag (b-a-g), pen (p-e-n), dog (d-o-g), pig (p-i-g). - After the demonstration, ask the teacher trainees to discuss the two questions below in pairs: • What was different between two activities? • Which skill did each activity practice? - Elicit feedback. - Suggested answer: In the first activity, teacher trainees put the individual letter sounds together to read the word – this was a blending activity. Blending helps students sound out and read words. In the second activity, teacher trainees separated the individual sounds in the words – this was a segmenting activity. Segmenting can help students spell words. Note: In the curriculum, students would not start blending and segmenting immediately after learning their first letter sound s. They learn more letter sounds before this step is introduced into lesson. When the Grade 3 materials are produced, the sample letter sound will be from a later unit but at the moment the materials have not been produced. Explain this to students during this step. - Explain that now you will demonstrate Step 5, Review Learning. - Demonstrate this step by asking teacher trainees What letter sound did you learn today? (s) What’s the action? Can you air write the sound? Can you think of any words that contain the sound? (sun, snake, grass) - Ask teacher trainees to discuss what you did with a partner and briefly elicit feedback from the whole class. Summary & assessment (10 mins) - Ask teacher trainees to look at Worksheet 2 – Phonics Lessons Steps (from the previous lesson) and make notes about what the teacher did in Steps 4 and 5. - Discuss Steps 4 and 5 and ask teacher trainees to share what they recorded in their notes. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Picture cards – a dad, a dog, a cat, a pig, a hat, a bag, a pen Letter cards – d, a, o, h, e, b, t, i, c, g, n, p

dd ao he

bt ic bn


Lesson 31 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: Teaching English 1 Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Multisensory Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics in English Approaches in Phonics lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - identify multisensory approaches in phonics instruction Resources Assessment Worksheet – Multisensory Approaches in Phonics Classroom observation Jigsaw group cards (one card per student) Student interaction (doing activities and answering questions) Activator (5 mins) - Play Hit the board. - Write the letter sounds s, o, p, ei, th, ai, ch, t, ou, a, c, e on the board. - Organise teacher trainees into five teams and ask each team to stand in lines in front of the board. Elicit a team name from each team and write the names on the board. - Explain that you will say a letter sound. The person at the front of the line for each team has to try and hit the correct letter sound on the board. The fastest teacher trainee to hit the correct letter sound wins a point for their team. - Play the first round and record the point on the board. Then ask the teacher trainees who were at the front of the line to go to the back of the line and continue the game. - At the end of the game, add the points and name the winning team. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (5 mins) - Organise teacher trainees into pairs. - Write the questions on the board to review multisensory approaches. 1. What does a ‘multisensory approach’ mean? 2. What are the main three senses children learn from? 3. Why do we use a multisensory approach to teach young children? 4. What senses did you use when you played Hit the board? - Ask teacher trainees to discuss the questions in pairs. - Briefly elicit feedback. Suggested answers: 1. A multisensory approach means approaches that give children an opportunity to learn through more than one sense. 2. The main three senses children learn through are visual (see), auditory (hear) and kinesthetic (touch / movement) 3. People often have preferences about which sense they learn through. Using multisensory approaches gives children more than on way to try and understand a new concept. 4. In Hit the board teacher trainees see the letter sound written on the board, hear the teacher say the letter sound and move to hit the correct letter sound. Activities (35 mins) - Explain that teacher trainees are going to do a jigsaw discussion. Jigsaw discussion - Part 1 - Give each teacher trainee a card. Explain that: • the green cards are visual, the blue cards are auditory and the yellow cards are kinaesthetic • each card also has the letter a or the letter b.

- Tell teacher trainees that they need to make groups according to the colour and letter of their card. There should be six groups: green a, green b, blue a, blue b, yellow a and yellow b. - Write the following question on the board: How do you children learn through your sense during a phonics lesson? - Ask teacher trainees to discuss the question for the sense shown on their card with their group. Tell them to make notes about they main points in their discussion. - Monitor and support the discussion Jigsaw discussion - Part 2 - Explain that teacher trainees have to make new groups. Each group should contain a green a, green b, blue a, blue b, yellow a and yellow b. Ask teacher trainees to form new groups. - Ask teacher trainees to share the main points from their discussions in part 1 with their new group. - Then give out the Worksheet Multisensory Approaches in Phonics and ask teacher trainees to complete it with their ideas. Summary & assessment (5 mins) - Briefly elicit feedback and ask teacher trainees to share what they wrote on the worksheet with the rest of the class. Suggested answers Visual – students see the letter sound action, students see the shape of the letter when it is written, students see the pictures in the letter sound story Auditory – students hear words that contain the letter sound, students hear the letter sound Kinesthetic – students do the letter sound action, students practice air writing the letter sound, students do tactile activities, students make the letter sound out of different materials, students trace the letter sound in their textbook, students write the letter sound. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Worksheet – Multisensory Approaches in Phonics Jigsaw group cards (one card per student)

Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 30) Multisensory Approaches in Phonics ຈົ່ງຕື່ມຂໍ້ມູນກ່ຽວກບັ ວິທກີ ານທປີ່ື ະສາດສາພັດແຕ່ລະອນັ ເຊົ່ັນ: ການເບງືີ່ (ແນມເຫນັ ), ການຟັງ ແລະ ການສາພັດຈັບບາຍຕາ່ ງໆຖກ ນາໃຊ້ ໃນບດຮຽນການອອກສຽງ.

Jigsaw Cards for (30 people) aa aa a aa a aa a aa a bb a bb b bb b bb b bb b b

Lesson 32 Subject: Teaching Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes English 1 Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Phonics Micro- Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics English teaching lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - apply learning to plan and teach a Resources phonics lesson Letter Sound Page – s (one per group) Assessment - Observe teacher trainees planning their micro-teaching and check their lesson plans. - Observation of micro- teaching. Activator (5 mins) - Write Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5 on the board. - Organise teacher trainees into pairs and ask them to discuss the steps and how to teach each step. They can refer to the notes they made on the worksheet from Lesson 30 and 31. - Elicit feedback – ask teacher trainees to tell you what each step in a phonics lesson is and how to teach it. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (5 mins) - Organise students into groups of five. - Explain that teacher trainees are going to micro-teach a phonics lesson and each person in the group will teach one step and they will have three minutes each to teach their step. Ask teacher trainees to decide who will teach which step. Activities (35 mins) - Explain that teacher trainees have 20 minutes to prepare for the micro-teaching. Each teacher trainee will have three minutes to teach their lesson step. - Give out a copy of Letter sound page for s to each group. Note: When the Grade 3 materials have been produced a range of letter sound pages will be provided for this activity. But the materials have not been produced yet, so for this semester teacher trainees are using the sample version from the book. - As teacher trainees prepare their micro-teaching, walk around the classroom to observe and support them. - After 20 minutes start the micro-teaching activity. Ask each group to nominate a timekeeper and remind students they have three minutes per step. Observe the micro- teaching and make notes about things the teacher trainees did well and areas they need more support with. Summary & assessment (5 mins) - Write the following questions on the board: • Did you remember all the steps? • What was the microteaching activity easy or difficult? • Is there anything you could improve? - Ask teacher trainees to discuss the questions with their group. - Briefly elicit feedback. Then give teacher trainees your feedback based on your observations of their micro-teaching.

3 Say the letter sound Ss One day, Seun was walking. Suddenly Seun saw a snake. 3

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