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English Teaching Method lesson plan

Published by phasatangpate312201, 2020-07-24 01:33:24

Description: English Teaching Method lesson plan


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- Give feedback Feedback: Generally we have different types of objectives. For example, grammar aims, skills aims, topic objectives or vocabulary aims, so one lesson could have both objectives and more than that it depends on what you need your students to achieve at the end of the lesson. 3

Resources: AFTER THE LESSON ▪ Work Sheet ! Consider the chart and answer questions ☺ BEFORE THE LESSON Has the language ?? ? LESSON: (Can communicate)  Aim New Lesson Doesn’t have the language: (Can’t communicate) Questions: 1). what happens before and after teaching? 2).How do students feel? 3). Were the lesson aims achieve? 4).How do we know? Aassessment Task:Different Types of aims Read the statements on the left and put types of lesson objectives on the right Sk for Skills (S, R, L, W) T = Topic, G = grammar, V = Vocabulary No Lesson Objectives Types of Objectives 1. Students compare using Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses 2. Students learn to English songs and missing words on a gap fill worksheet 3. Students discuss school rules and say if they are agree or disagree. 4. Students learn the names of things in the classroom. 5. Students describe people’s personalities using adjectives of character; for example, shy, kind, broad-minded, active, helpful…. 6. Students talk to each other about what they do every Weekend. 7. Students practice quickly reading different short texts to find different information. 8. Students match pictures of clothes with words 9. Students learn to give directions around the city tour map. 10. Students complete application form 4

▪ Key Answers AFTER THE LESSON Solution chart of before and after lesson ! BEFORE THE LESSON ☺ ?? ? LESSON: Has the language (Can communicate)  Aim New Lesson Doesn’t have the language: (Can’t communicate) Students DON’T KNOW the The Ss WILL LEARN Students KNOW the vocabulary of the face and CAN’T vocabulary of the face vocabulary of the face and and to make sentences CAN make sentences using make sentences using have/has got. using have/has got. have/has got. Read the statements on the left and put types of lesson objectives on the right Sk for Skills (S, R, L, W) T = Topic, G = grammar, V = Vocabulary No Lesson Objectives Types of Objectives 1. Students compare using Simple Present and Present G Continuous Tenses 2. Students learn to English songs and missing words on a gap Sk (L) fill worksheet 3. Students discuss school rules and say if they are agree or T, Sk (S, L) disagree. 4. Students learn the names of things in the classroom. V V 5. Students describe people’s personalities using adjectives of character; for example, shy, kind, broad-minded, active, helpful…. 6. Students talk to each other about what they do every Weekend. Sk (S) 7. Students practice quickly reading different short texts to find Sk (R) different information. 8. Students match pictures of clothes with words V 9. Students learn to give directions around the city tour map. T, Sk (S, L) 10. Students complete application form Sk, (R, W) 5

Lesson Plan 4 Subject: Teaching English Module: I Time: 50 minutes Learning outcomes: Topic 1: Sub-topic: 4 Overview of English Planning effectively for Student Teachers will be able to set up a Language Learning language learning: clear lesson objective(s) of a part of a D. Setting a clear lesson lesson given. Resources objectives Assessment - Set up a lesson objective - Teacher Training Manual for STC key Trainers, 2004, pp. 106-141. (Read and decide which types Objectives are relevant to those lesson - Work sheets objective(s) given. - Observation - Key answer - Word cards of key components Activator Brainstorming (10 minutes) - Tell the ST work in group of six by counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 work in one group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 … - Give each group member a card of different key components that need to be considered when planning a lesson such as lesson objectives, new language, stages of teaching, Teachers /student activities and timing. -Explain them the task, they need to consider a card in their hand and put it in the correct order in accordance with it importance: 1st, 2nd, 3rd…. Example: Objective(s) New language Stages of teaching Teachers/student activities Resource Timing - The ST come up in free space of classroom and stand in correct order. - Ask a representative of 1-2 groups give reasons about their stance. - T and the ST wrap up by go over the lines Feedback: 1st Objective(s) 2nd New language 3rd stages of Teaching 4thTeachers/Students Activities 5th Resource 6th Timing Teaching and Learning Activities: Introduction (5 minutes) - Ask the whole class a question about the different between objective and new language. Question: What do you need to think about 1st, 2nd, 3rd …..? - The ST turn to their friends who are next to them. - Elicit the answers from the whole class and put key words on board. - T and the ST wrap up by go over the note on board. Aim: General (What do we need our Ss will be able to do after the lesson) Feedback: New Language: Specific (New vocabulary of …., Grammar structure which we will teach in 1

Giving a clear aim (20 minutes) - Tell the ST work in the same small group of 6 as above activity. - Give the ST work sheet and explanation; comments on three teachers describing the same lesson, and decide which teacher has the clearest idea of the lesson objective. - The ST share ideas, and write their reasons on flip chart and stick on the wall around the room. - When finish, tell the ST walk around and read the reasons and put comments on the one that chosen. - Wrap Up by showing solution through flip chart or Power Point. Feedback: Teacher A: has thought about what language is being taught in the lesson but hasn’t thought about what the students will be able to do at the end of the lesson. Teacher B: is not thinking about the aims of the lesson but just sees it as a lesson in the book that has to be done. Teacher C: has the clearest idea of the aim of the lesson. She is thinking about what language she will teach and what the Ss learn to do in the lesson. Conclusion 05 minutes - Ask the whole class a question about thing we learnt from above activity. Question: What can we learn from this information? - The ST turn to their friends who are next to them and exchange the answers. - Elicit the answers from the whole class and put the key words on board. - T and the ST wrap up by go over the notes on board. Assessment 15 minutes - Ask the ST work in a small group of 3 by counting 1, 2, 3 work in one group, then 1, 2, 3 … and… - Give them worksheet and explanation of assessment task; the ST need t consider a part of a lesson that they are suppose to teach and write the lesson objective. Question: What’s lesson objective? - Call a representative of 2-3 voluntary groups to report the class about their group discussion. - Wrap up by asking volunteers to sum up what the lesson objective is … - Give feedback Feedback The objectives of a part of a lesson taught are: 1. Students will learn to describing places by using adjectives 2. Students will practice their ‘Reading, Speaking and Listening Skills’. 2

Resources: ▪ Task: Giving a clear a lesson objective(s) Look at the comments of three teachers about the lesson and consider which comment is the clearest. A. We’re going to practice present simple questions with ‘When….’, and time expressions. B. We’re going lessons 15. It’s a question and answer practice using substitution table. C. We’re going to practice asking and answering questions using present simple, so that Ss learn to talk about everyday activities and when they do them. Assessment: Example of a part of a lesson will be taught Consider the task and set up a lesson objective(s) Match the questions with the answers, then practice the conversation 1.What’s Luang Prabang like? a. Oh really? It’s so crowed but it’s green Is it an interesting place? and clean. It has a lot of high buildings and many shopping centres. 1. Do you Do your like your b. Yes, many times. It’s a very modern hometown? capital, but it’s too hot in summer though. 2. What’s Vientiane like? c. Yes, it’s very exciting. It’s an old and I’ve never been there. small. 3. Have you ever been to d. Sure, it’s small and quiet , but people are Bangkok? kind and helpful. 3

Match the questions with the answers, then practice the conversation 1.What’s Luang Prabang like? a. Oh really? It’s so crowed but it’s green Is it an interesting place? and clean. It has a lot of high buildings 1. Do you Do your like your and many shopping centres. hometown? b. Yes, many times. It’s a very modern capital, but it’s too hot in summer though. 2. What’s Vientiane like? c. Yes, it’s very exciting. It’s an old and I’ve never been there. small. 3. Have you ever been to d. Sure, it’s small and quiet , but people are Bangkok? kind and helpful. 4

Lesson Plan 5 Subject: Teaching English Module: I Time: 50 minutes Topic 1: Sub-topic: 4 Learning outcomes: Overview of English Language Planning effectively for The Student Teacher will be able to Learning language learning: explain the different stages of E. Stages of a Lesson teaching. Resources Assessment - Teacher Training Manual for STC key Trainers, 2004, pp. 106-141. - Matching (Match the different stages of a - Work sheets lesson with its description). - Key answers - Word cards of the stages of a lesson. - Class Observation Activator: Brainstorming (10 minutes) - Give the ST word cards of the stages of a lesson. - Explain the ST the task; the ST need to find their classmates who get the different part of the stages of a lesson, then rank them in the correct position. It means 5 people in one group. - When they can find all their group members, they have to yell ‘Finish’ loudly. Example: 1. Introduction (Greeting, Revision, ….), 2. Presentation, - Teacher and the TT wrap up. Answers: 1. Introduction (Greeting, Revision, ….), 2. Presentation, 3.Practice and Production, 4. Conclusion, 5. Assessment Teaching and Learning Activities Introduction (5 minutes) - Introduce ST the task, they need to go over the worksheet and put the parts of the stages of a lesson (Introduction (Greeting, Revision, ….), 2. Presentation, 3.Practice and Production, 4. Conclusion, 5. Assessment) into appropriate statement and one word could be used more than once. - Give them the worksheet. Put the parts of the stages of a lesson into appropriate statement below. (one part could be used more than once). Example: The teacher shows the control ______Presentation__ 1. The teacher gives some advice about riding a bicycle. ___________________ 2. The student tries the controls to see what they do. ___________________ 3. The teacher rides the bicycle with the students on the back so that the student can see the bicycle working. ___________________ 4. The student rides the bicycle alone. ___________________ 5. The student rides the bicycle slowly with the teacher on the back to help. ___________________ 6. The teacher asks student about their previous experience ___________________ of rides a bicycle (Have you ever ridden a bicycle? Who teach you? …..) 7. The student explains the steps of riding a bicycle to their classmate. ________________ 1

Presentation: Different parts of a lesson (20 minutes) - Tell the ST work in a small group of 4 – 5 by counting the number from 1 – 5, then ask the same number be together in five groups (G -1, G- 2 and …). - Ask the ST to imagine that they are teaching someone to ride a bicycle. Here are some of different parts that they would use in the lesson. The different parts of the lesson are: 1. Introduction (Greeting, Revision, ….) 2. Presentation 3.Practice and Production 4. Conclusion 5. Assessment - The ST work individually for 10 minute then share the answer with their friends. - Teacher elicits the answers and put them on bb. - Teacher shows the answers on flip chart or write on board. Answers: 1. Presentation 5. Practice 2. Practice 6. Introduction 3. Presentation 7. Assessment 4. Production Conclusion 05 minutes Teacher asks TT work in a small group of 3-5 and summarize the main stages that they have to remember for planning the lessons and give the reason of which stage is the most important. - Teacher puts chart of the main stages of a lesson plan and gives explanation The Main Stages of a lesson Plan P1 - Presentation 3 Ps P2 – Practice P3 – Production Feedback: 3 Ps is well-known as a key stages of planning a lesson that teachers should remind themselves when they are planning the lessons. However, before the presentation stage teachers need to introduce them the lesson, it might start with a revision, brainstorming or checking homework and at the end of the lesson teachers also need to give students homework. Assessment: Stages of a lesson 10 minutes Teacher gives the teacher trainees worksheet (attached document) and asks them to do matching exercise in a small group of 3 about things to remember of each stage of a lesson. - T elicits the answers and puts on bb. - T gives feedback and explanation about the stages of a lesson plan and the points to remember Key Answers: 1. D , 2. E , 3. A , 4. C , 5. B 2

Resources: Put the parts of the stages of a lesson into appropriate statement below. (one part could be used more than once). Example: No 1 The teacher shows the control ______Presentation__ 1. The teacher gives some advice about riding a bicycle. ___________________ 2. The student tries the controls to see what they do. ___________________ 3. The teacher rides the bicycle with the students on the back so that the student can see the bicycle working. ___________________ 4. The student rides the bicycle alone. __________________ 5. The student rides the bicycle slowly with the teacher on the back to help. ___________________ 6. The teacher asks student about their previous experience ___________________ of rides a bicycle (Have you ever ridden a bicycle? Who teach you? …..) 7. The student explains the steps of riding a bicycle to their classmate. ________________ Assessment Task: Matching (Match the lesson Stages with key point to remember) Stages Points to remember about the stage A. a. The teacher helps the SS a lot. 1. Introduction b. A variety of activities which practice the four skills - Greeting (especially writing). - Checking homework - Revision c. The Ss use the new language using their own ideas. - Brainstorming d. The Ss have time to communicate with other. 2. Presentation B. a. Check what the Ss have learnt or reach their objective of learning. b. The Ss use their new knowledge with new context. c. The teacher reflect their own teaching 3. Practice- Production C. a.The Ss do some activity or explain key aspects. b.The teacher sum up the key points of the lesson. 4. Conclusion D. a. Checking student’s previous experiences or knowledge. b. Guiding students to a lesson. c. Creating good learning atmosphere. d. Checking homework 5. Assessment E. a. Show the language that you want to teach (meaning, form and pronunciation). b. Short and lively. c. Reference for Ss to see on the board. d. Elicit information from the Ss. 3

Key Answer: Put the parts of the stages of a lesson into appropriate statement below. (one part could be used more than once). Example: No 1 The teacher shows the control ______Presentation__ 8. The teacher gives some advice about riding a bicycle. ____Presentation___ 9. The student tries the controls to see what they do. _____ Practice______ 10. The teacher rides the bicycle with the students on the back so that the student can see the bicycle working. ____ Presentation____ 5. The student rides the bicycle alone. ____ Production_____ 11. The student rides the bicycle slowly with the teacher on the back to help. _____ Practice _____ 12. The teacher asks student about their previous experience ____ Introduction__ of rides a bicycle (Have you ever ridden a bicycle? Who teach you? …..) 13. The student explains the steps of riding a bicycle to their classmate. ____Assessment ___ Assessment Task: Matching (Match the lesson Stages with key point to remember) Stages Points to remember about the stage 1. Introduction D. a. Checking student’s previous experiences or knowledge. - Greeting b. Guiding students to a lesson. - Checking homework - Revision c. Creating good learning atmosphere. - Brainstorming d. Checking homework 2. Presentation E. a. Show the language that you want to teach (meaning, 3. Practice- Production form and pronunciation). b. Short and lively. c. Reference for Ss to see on the board. d. Elicit information from the Ss. A. a. The teacher helps the SS a lot. b. A variety of activities which practice the four skills (especially writing). c. The Ss use the new language using their own ideas. d. The Ss have time to communicate with other. 4. Conclusion C. a. The Ss do some activity or explain key aspects. 5. Assessment b. The teacher sums up the key points of the lesson. B. a. Check what the Ss have learnt or reach their objective of learning. b. The Ss use their new knowledge with new context. c. The teacher reflect their own teaching Key Answers: 1. D, 2. E, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B 4

Lesson Plan 6 Subject: Teaching English Module: I Time: 50 minutes Learning outcomes: Topic 1: Sub-topic: 4 The Student Teacher will be able to Overview of English Language Planning effectively for define the teaching and learning Learning language learning: activities. E. Teaching and Resources Assessment Learning Activities Class Observation - Teacher Training Manual for STC key Trainers, 2004, pp. 106-141. - Work sheets - Key answer - Word cards of key components Activator: Brainstorming (10 minutes) - Tell the ST work in group of five by counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 work in one group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … - Ask them questions Question: 1. What’s teaching activity? 2. What’s learning activity? - The ST discuss the answer with their group members and put the answers on simple ‘Mind Map’ - Which group finish stick the ‘Mind Map’ on the board. - Ask ST walk around as a clockwise and add some comments - Each group take their ‘Mind Map’ back and discus the comments. - Wrap Up the activity base on the ST’s ‘Mind Map’. Teaching and Learning Activities: Introduction (5 minutes) - Ask the whole class a question about the different between objective and new language. Question: 1. What do you need to think about 1st, 2nd, 3rd …..? - The ST turn to their friends who are next to them. - Elicit the answers from the whole class and put key words on board. - T and the ST wrap up by go over the note on board. Feedback: Teaching and Learning Activity (20 minutes) - Tell the ST work in group of five by counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 work in one group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … - Give each group member a card of different key components that need to be considered when planning a lesson such as lesson objectives, new language, stages of teaching, Teachers /student 1

activities and timing. -Explain them the task, they need to consider a card in their hand and put it in the correct order in accordance with it importance: 1st, 2nd, 3rd…. Resource Feedback: Conclusion (5 minutes) - Ask the whole class a question about use of teaching thing we learnt from above activity. Question: 1. What can we learn from this information? - The ST turn to their friends who are next to them and exchange the answers. - Elicit the answers from the whole class and put the key words on board. - T and the ST wrap up by go over the notes on board. Assessment (10 minutes) - Ask the ST work in a small of 3 by counting the number 1, 2, 3 work in first group, 1, 2, 3 work in second group, and …. - Explain the task, the St discuss among their group and put the sentence cut in the correct order. - Give them the task. - The ST consider a part of sentences and put them together. - Call a representative of 2-3 voluntary groups to report the class about their group discussion. - Wrap up and give feedback Feedback 1.Teaching activities refer to the strategies that teachers use during their teaching. 2.Learning activities refers to the teacher guided instructional tasks or tasks for students. 2

Resource Reading: Teaching and Learning Activities Teaching activities refer to the strategies that teachers use during their teaching such as the structure, system, methods, techniques, procedures and processes; these strategies are used to help students meet their learning objectives. Learning activities refers to the teacher guided instructional tasks or tasks for students. They are designed or set up by the teacher to bring about, or create the conditions for learning. Some learning activities stimulate experiential learning, others mobilise conceptual thinking, while still others prompt students to engage in analytical discussion. Referring to two descriptions mentioned above, the teaching and Learning Activities means the instruction and tasks that teachers use to assist and stimulate students learn in the class. Assessment Task: Scramble Sentence (Put the words in the correct other) 1. the strategies during Teaching activities their teaching that teachers use Timing refer to 2. the teacher or tasks guided instructional tasks refers to for students Learning activities 3

Lesson 21 Subject: Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Teaching English I Sub-topic: Learning Outcome: Topic 2: At the end of the lesson, teacher What is phonics and why do we trainees will be able to: Teaching Phonics in English teach it? - explain what phonics means Resources: and why we teach it - PowerPoint - Handout – Introduction to Phonics Assessment: - Worksheet – Letter Sound Activities - Class Observation - Student interaction (sharing ideas, answering or asking question(s). Activator (5 minutes) - Tell teacher trainees that they will play game about their first letter sound of their name. - Ask teacher trainees to make groups with other students whose names start with the same letter as their name. - Check the letter of each group, e.g: group 1: N, group 2: S, etc. - Says the letter sound for each letter (/s/, /n/, /th/) and asks the groups to raise their hands if the sound matches the letter their names start with. - Ask the groups to repeat the letter sound their names start with. Teaching and Learning Activities Introduction (20 minutes) - Write 5 questions on key concepts on board and tells teacher trainees that they should try to answer them through the lesson and they will be discussed in the summary (See slide 3). Questions: 1. What’s phonics? 2. What’s phoneme? 3. What’s grapheme? 4. How many English letter sounds do you learn? 5. Why do we teach the phonics? - Introduces the name of lesson: What is phonics and why do we teach it? - Shows Slide 4 or writes words below on the board and teacher trainees read those words. Ailuropoda melanoleuca Bambuseae - Teacher asks the whole class 2 questions about words they have read the teacher trainees can share their answers in pair with someone who is next to them. 1. How did you read the words? 2. Did you understand the meaning of the words? - Teacher shows Slide 5 or ask them read the information on Worksheet 1. Ailuropoda melanoleuca This animal has a white body with black patches around its eyes and ears. The Ailuropoda melanoleuca is native to China. Its diet consists of 99% bambuseae.

- - Refer back to 2 questions above again and asks the teacher trainees to explain how they read and understood the words this time. - Show slide 6 or explains reading process ‘Comprehending and decoding’ the on the worksheet. - Teacher presents the key concepts of ‘Phonics’ using the PowerPoint slides 7 and 8 or worksheet. - Teacher clarifies the key phonics terms (phoneme and grapheme) using the PowerPoint or by writing the terms on the board and explaining the meaning. Activities (15 minutes) - Ask teacher trainees to do Activity 1 and 2 on Worksheet 2. In Activity 1, they need to identify the three letter sounds in each word and write them into the table. In Activity 2, they need to underline the ‘ee’ sound in the words. - Elicits the answers and give feedback. Answers are provided on Powerpoint slides 9 & 10. Activity 1 Answers 1 23 Activity 2 Answers h at p en f i sh th i s b ir d t ea ch Words Spelling three ee me e pretty y Chinese e_e medicine i_e sea ea money ey ceiling ei believable ie

Summary and assessment (10 minutes) - Teacher summarizes phonics role in reading by showing PowerPoint slides 11- 13. - Teacher tells the whole class discuss the 5 questions from the Introduction stage. - Teacher elicit answers and gives feedback (See slide 14). Suggested answers 1. What’s phonics? Phonics is the relationship between the letters or letter combinations in written language and the individual sounds in spoken language. 2. What’s phoneme? Phoneme is an individual sound in a word. 3. What’s grapheme? Grapheme is a grapheme is the ‘symbol’ or letter(s) representing a sound (phoneme). 4. How many English letter sounds do we learn? We learn only 42 English letter sounds. 5. Why do we teach the phonics? We teach the phonics because it helps children learn to read or develop reading skill, but children cannot read sounds alone. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Handout – Introduction to Phonics Worksheet – Letter Sound Activities

Handout (Module 1, Lesson 21) Introduction to Phonics ການອອກສຽງແມນ່ ຫຍງັ ? • ໂດຍທວົ່ ໄປ, ການອອກສຽງແມນ່ ເນັ້ນໃສ່ letter sound relationships (ການພວພັນລະຫວ່າງສຽງໃນຕວອັກສອນ). • ການສອນການອອກສຽງແມນ່ ຊວ່ ຍໃຫນ້ ກັ ຮຽນເຂາ້ັ ໃຈວາ່ ມກີ ານພວພນັ ກັນລະຫວາ່ ງສຽງຕາ່ ງໆຂອງພາສາເວາັ້ ແລະ ຕວອັກສອນ ແລະ ການສະກດຄາທໄີ່ ດສ້ ະແດງໃຫເ້ ຫັນສຽງເຫ່ົານັ້ນໃນພາສາຂຽນ. ເປນັ ຫຍງັ ພວກເຮາຈງີ່ ສອນການອອກສຽງ? • ຖ້າເດັກນ້ອຍເຂາ້ັ ໃຈວາ່ ຕວອກັັ ສອນ ແລະ ສຽງຕ່າງໆມກີ ານພວພນັ ກັນ, ເຂາເຈ້າັ ຈະສາມາດນາໃຊຄ້ ວາມຮນ້ ກີ້ັ ັບຄາສັບທີ່ຄນ້ ເຄຍີ ແລະ ຄາ ສັບທີ່ບ່ໍຄນ້ ເຄຍີ ເພອີ່ decode (ຟອ້ ງສຽງ) ແລະ ອາ່ ນຄາສັບເຫາ່ົ ນັ້ນ. • Decoding (ການຟອ້ ງສຽງ) ໝາຍເຖງການເປງ່ັ ສຽງອອກມາເປນັ ຄາສບັ -ໂດຍເວາ້ັ ອອກເປັນສຽງແຕ່ລະສຽງໃນຄາສບັ ນັນ້ ແລະ ໂຮມເຂາ້ັ ກັນເພ່ອີ ໃຫ້ ‘ໄດຍ້ ນ’ັຄາສັບ. ສີ່ງສາຄນັ ນັ້ນກຄວ່າ ຄາສບັ ຄາໜງີ່ ແມນ່ ເປັນພາກສ່ວນຂອງພາສາເວັາ້ ຂອງເດກັ ນ້ອຍ, ຖາ້ ບ່ໍດງ່ົັ ນັນ້ , ເດັກນ້ອຍ ຈະຟອ້ ງສຽງຄາສບັ ໄດແ້ ຕ່ພວກເຂາຈະບໍ່ເຂັາ້ ໃຈຄາສບັ . ສບັ ສະເພາະ Phoneme – sound ສຽງແຕລ່ ະອັນໃນຄາສັບໃດໜ່ງີ . • ໃນພາສາອງັ ກດແມນ່ ປະກອບມີ 44 ສຽງທ່ີປະກອບເຂາັ້ ໃນຄາສັບໃດໜີ່ງ ຫ ສຽງຕາ່ ງໆ ແຕ່ໃນເວລາທ່ີພວກເຮາສອນການອອກສຽງໃຫ້ ແກ່ເດັກນ້ອຍ, ພວກເຮາສອນພຽງແຕ່ 42 ສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນທສີ່ ະແດງຢູ່ໃນຕາຕະລາງລມ່ ນ.ັີ້ s at i pn c/ck e h r m d g ouf lb ai j oa ie ee or z w ng v oo OO y x ch sh th th qu ou oi ue er ar Grapheme – ແມ່ນສນັ ຍາລກັ ຫ letter(s) (ຕວອັກສອນ) ທສີ່ ະແດງເຖງສຽງຕາ່ ງໆ (ແຕລ່ ະສຽງໃນຄາສບັ ໃດໜງ່ີ ). • ບາງສຽງແມນ່ ສະແດງອອກດ້ວຍຕວອກັ ສອນຕວດຽວ ຕວຢູ່າງ, ສຽງ ‘t’ັແມ່ນສະແດງອອກດວ້ ຍຕວອັກສອນ t. • ບາງສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນແມນ່ ສະແດງອອກດ້ວຍສອງ, ສາມ ຫ ສ່ີຕວອັກສອນທີ່ຂຽນເຂ້ັາກັນ ຕວຢາູ່ ງ, sh. • ສຽງຕວອກັ ສອນຕາ່ ງໆສາມາດສະກດໄດ້ັັຫາຍກວາ່ ໜ່ງີ ວທ.ີ ໃຫເ້ ບີ່ງວທີການສະກດທ່ີແຕກຕ່າງກນັ ຂອງສຽງ ‘ee’ັໃນ green. teach – ea be – e radio – i happy - y key – ey serene – e_e machine – i_e believe – ie recieve - ie

ການສອນການອອກສຽງ • ໃນເວລາທ່ີພວກເຮາສອນການອອກສຽງໃຫເ້ ດກັ ນອ້ ຍ, ພວກເຮາຈະສອນເຂາເຈ້ັາພຽງແຕ່ການສະກດຄາຢູ່າງດຽວສາລບັ ສຽງຂອງແຕ່ລະຕວ ອກັ ສອນ. • ໂດຍປກົ ກຕແລັວ້ັ ໃນບດຮຽນການອອກສຽງໃດໜງີ່ , ນກັ ຮຽນຈະ: • ຮຽນຮສ້ ຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນໃດໜ່ີງ ແລະ ປະກອບເປນັ ທາ່ ທາງ; ການປະກອບເປັນທ່າທາງແມ່ນຊວ່ ຍໃຫເ້ ດັກນ້ອຍນກັ ຮຽນຈຈ່ີ າສຽງຕວ ອກັ ສອນໄດ.້ • ຝກຶ ໄຈແ້ ຍກສຽງຂອງຕວອັກສອນ. • ຝກຶ ຂຽນສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນ. • ການອອກສຽງປກົ ກະຕແລ້ວແມນ່ ຈະຖກສອນໂດຍການນາໃຊວ້ ການຮຽນຮໂ້ ດຍຜ່ານອນຊີສາພດັ (multisensory approach)- ເດັກ ນ້ອຍນກັ ຮຽນເຫນັ ສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນ, ໄດຍ້ ນສຽງຂອງຕວອັກສອນ, ແລະ ຮສ້ ກຶ (ຮບັ ຮ)້ ໄດຮ້ ບຮາ່ ງສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນຜ່ານກດຈະ ກາຕ່າງໆ. ບດບາດ ແລະ ໜາ້ ທຂ່ີ ອງການອອກສຽງໃນການອາ່ ນ • ການຟອ້ ງສຽງໂດຍນາໃຊກ້ ານອອກສຽງແມ່ນຈາເປັນສາລບັ ນກັ ອາ່ ນທີ່ກາລງັ ເລ່ີມອາ່ ນ ເພາະວ່າມນັ ແມ່ນວທີ ‘wordັattack’ັ(ການຈ ໂຈມຄາສັບ) ທີ່ນກັ ຮຽນສາມາດນາໃຊໃ້ ນເວລາທີ່ພວກເຂາເຫັນຄາສັບໃໝໃ່ ດໜງີ່ . • ໃນຕອນຕ້ນັ ຂອງການຮຽນອາ່ ນ ການອອກສຽງແມນ່ ຊວ່ ຍໃຫນ້ ກັ ຮຽນພດັ ທະນາໄດຢ້ າູ່ ງໄວວາ. • ເຖງແນວໃດກຕາມ, ການຟ້ອງສຽງຢູ່າງດຽວແມ່ນບໍ່ພຽງພໃນການອ່ານ ເພາະວາ່ ການຟ້ອງສຽງບໍ່ສາມາດຊ່ວຍໃຫຜ້ ຮ້ ຽນຮເ້ ຂາັ້ ເຖງຄວາມ ໝາຍໄດ.້ • ການຊອກຫາຄວາມໝາຍແມນ່ ‘reward’ັforັreading (ລາງວນັ ສາລບັ ການອາ່ ນ). ຈດນແີັ້ ມນ່ ສັາຄນັ ແຕ່ຖາ້ ຫາກບ່ໍມລີ າງວັນສາລບັ ເດກັ ນ້ອຍນກັ ຮຽນ ເຂາເຈັ້າອາດຈະບໍ່ມີແຮງກາລງັ ໃຈໃນການອາ່ ນ. • ການອອກສຽງແມນ່ ໜີງ່ ໃນຫາ້ ອງປະກອບທີ່ເດັກນ້ອຍນກັ ຮຽນຕ້ອງການ (ຕອ້ ງມີ) ເພອ່ີ ທີ່ຈະກາຍເປນັ ນກັ ອ່ານ. ອງປະກອບຂອງການອ່ານ ການຮບັ ຮ້ສຽງງ ການອາ່ ນເພອ່ີ ຄວາມເຂ້ັາໃຈ ການອອກສຽງ ຄາສບັ ຄວາມຄອ່ ງແຄ້ວ

Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 21) Letter Sound Activities ກດຈະກາ 1 ຄາສບັ ໃນຫອ້ ງຕາຕະລາງລມ່ ນັ້ີ ແມ່ນມີ 3 ສຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນ. ແຍກຄາສບັ ເຫົ່ານອີ້ັ ອກເປັນສຽງ ແລະ ຂຽນສຽງຂອງຕວອັກສອນໃສ່ໃນຫ້ອງຕາຕະລາງ. hat pen fish this bird beach 1 23 h at ກດຈະກາ 2 ຄາສັບທງັ ໝດໃນຫ້ອງຕາຕະລາງລມ່ ນແີັ້ ມ່ນມສີ ຽງຂອງຕວອກັ ສອນ ee. ຈ່ງົ ຂດີ ກອ້ ງສຽງ ee ໃນແຕ່ລະຄາສັບທີ່ຢູ່ໃນຖນັ ທາອດ ແລະ ຂຽນຕວສະກດໃນຖັນທສີ ອງ. Words Spelling three ee video radio sea Chinese medicine pretty money ceiling believable

Lesson 22 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Sub-topic: Letter sounds (1) Subject: Teaching Learning outcomes: At the end of the English 1 lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: Topic 2: Teaching Phonics in English - pronounce 21 letter sounds and do the actions. Resources Assessment PowerPoint - Observation Letter sound cards – first 21 letter sounds (prepare one set) Handout – Letter Sounds and Actions (1) Activator (5 mins) Say some simple words and asks students to segment and count the sounds in the words. Suggested words for this activity are: in (i-n), sit (s-i-t), fun (f-u-n), yes (y-e-s), see (s-ee), red (r-e- d) Teaching and learning activities Introduction (20 mins) - Explain to the students that they probably know the English alphabet. The alphabet has 26 letters. When we say the alphabet – we say the letter names. When we speak English, we use 44 different sounds. All words are made using these sounds. When we teach phonics, we teach children 42 sounds. - Show the PowerPoint slide of the 42 letter sounds. - Tell teacher trainees that today we will study just 21 letter sounds. - Hold up the letter sound card, say each letter sound and do the action. - Ask students to say the letter sounds and do the actions. - Ask teacher trainees - Why do we teach an action with the letter sounds? - Teacher trainees try to answer the question. - Explain that the action helps students remember the letter sound. Activities (15 mins) - Organise teacher trainees into groups of 4 or 5 and give out the handout. - Ask teacher trainees take turns saying the letter sounds and the rest of the group should do the action. - When everyone in the group has taken a turn, ask teacher trainees to repeat the activity but this time one person should do an action and the rest of the group should say the letter sound. Summary & assessment (10 mins) - Hold up the letter sounds cards and teacher trainees say the sounds and do the actions. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson:

Handout (Module 1, Lesson 22) Letter Sounds and Actions (1) ສຽງຂອງ ທາ່ ທາງປະກອບ ຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ s ເຮດັ ເປນັ ຮບູ ຮາ່ ງຄືກນັ ກບັ ງູໂດຍໃຊ້ມືຂອງທາ່ ນ a ໃຊນ້ ວິ້ ມືສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເປນັ ມດົ ທໄ່ີ ຕ່ຂືນ້ິ ແຂນຂອງທາ່ ນ t ໃຊມ້ ືຂອງທາ່ ນສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເປັນເຕາົ່ ລອຍນ້າ i ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເກົາຂາທຄ່ີ ັນຂອງທາ່ ນ p ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງປອກໝາກຮງ່ n ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງຂ່ີລດົ ຈັກ c/ck ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງກາລງັ ໂທຫາຜໃູ້ ດຜໜູ້ ືີ່ງໂດຍວາງມຂື ອງທາ່ ນໃສ່ປາກຂອງທາ່ ນ e ສະແດງທ່າທາງທບັ ໄຂ່ h ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງກນບາງສງີ່ ບາງຢ່າງທ່ີເຜັດ r ສະແດງທ່າທາງລມົ ໂທລະສັບ m ສະແດງທ່າທາງລບູ ໜາ້ ທອ້ ງຂອງທ່ານ d ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງຕກອງ g ສະແດງທ່າທາງກັບໂກກ້ າລງັ ໄຕຝ່ າ o ສະແດງທ່າທາງເປດີ ປິດ u ສະແດງທ່າທາງກ້ິັງຄັນຮົ່ມ l ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເລຍ ice cream f ສະແດງທ່າທາງຕກເບດັ b ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງຕບົ ບານ (ລ້ຽງບານ) j ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງກະໂດດ z ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງບນຄເື ຜິ້ງື ໂຕໜງ່ີື w ສະແດງທ່າທາງພັດຄກື ບັ ລົມ

sa tp in

ce hr md

go uf lb

jz w

Lesson 23 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: Teaching English 1 Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Letter sounds (2) Learning outcomes: A the end of the Phonics in English lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: Resources - pronounce 21 advanced letter sounds and do their actions. Assessment Large letter sound cards s, a, t, i, p, n, c, e, h, r, d, Observation m, g, o, l, f, u, b, j, z, w (prepare on A4 paper) Handout – Letter Sounds and Actions (2) Worksheet – Letter Sound Listening Activity Activator (5 mins) - Put the large letter sound cards on the floor. - Ask teacher trainees to take turns jumping over the letter sounds - for each letter sound they jump over they have to say the letter sound and do the action. - After the activity, pick up each letter sound card and ask the whole class to say the sound and do the action. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (25 mins) - Remind teacher trainees that there are 42 letter sounds and in the previous lesson, they studied the first 21 letter sounds children learn. Explain that in this lesson, teacher trainees will study the other 21 letter sounds. - Note: Not all of the actions for the second set of letter sounds have been finalised yet. If there is a letter sound with no action, just practice pronouncing the letter sound. The actions will be finalised by the next year. Explain this to teacher trainees. - Hold up the letter sound card, say each letter sound and do the action. Ask students to say the letter sounds and do the actions. - Then show the letter sound cards and choose individual students to say the letter sound and do the action. - Give out the handout – Letter Sounds and Actions (2) and ask students to practice the letter sounds and actions in pairs. Note: Explain about the missing actions on the handout. Activities (15 mins) - Tell the teacher trainees are going to do a multiple- choice listening activity. - Give out the Worksheet – Letter Sound Listening Activity and explain that, for each item, you will say one of the letter sounds a, b or c. Teacher trainees have to listen and circle the sound they hear. - Do number 1 together as an example, say the letter sound y and ask teacher trainees to listen and circle the sound they head. Then elicit the answer (b). - Continue the activity for items 1-9. Note: You can choose which letter sound to say for each item- but keep a record so that you can check the answers. - Once you have completed the activity, do feedback and elicit the answers.

Multiple choice listening activity 1. a) v b) y c) x c) th 2. a) ch b) sh c) qu c) ie 3. a) th b) ng c) oo c) ue 4. a) ai b) ou c) ou 5. a) ee b) or 6. a) OO b) oi 7. a) er b) ar Summary & assessment (5 mins) - Ask teacher trainees to practice saying the letter sounds on the Worksheet and doing their actions. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Handout – Letter Sounds and Actions (2) Worksheet – Letter Sound Listening Activity

Handout (Module 1, Lesson 23) Letter Sounds and Actions (2) ສຽງຂອງ ທາ່ ທາງປະກອບ ຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ (ທາ່ ທາງເພອ່ື ປະກອບຈດຸ ນແີ້ ມ່ນຍັງບໍ່ເອກະພາບເທ່ືອ) v y ສະແດງທ່າທາງຫ້ີນໝາກ yo-yo x (ທາ່ ທາງເພ່ອື ປະກອບຈດຸ ນແີ້ ມ່ນຍັງບໍ່ເອກະພາບເທື່ອ) ai ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເອາົ ມຂອງທາ່ ນໄປໃສ່ຫູ ທາທາ່ ຄທາ່ ນກາລັງຟງັ ຢູ່ oa ສະແດງທ່າທາງຕື່ນປະຫາດໃຈ (ເອາົ ມຂອງທ່ານອັດປາກຂອງທ່ານ) ie ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງນອນລົງ ee + or ຍົກມທງັ ສອງຂອງທ່ານຂນ້ີ ຄກນັ ກັບຫຂູ ອງຕົວລາ ແລະ ເວົ້າີ ສຽງຂອງຕົວອັກສອນ ee ແລວ້ ພັບມໄປທາງໜາ້ ແລະ ເວາ້ີົ ສຽງຂອງຕົວອກັ ສອນ or ng ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງຮ້ອງເພງ ສະແດງທ່າທາງເຄອ່ື ນຍາ້ ຍໄປທາງຫງັ ແລະ ເຄື່ອນໄປທາງໜາ້ ຄກນັ ກບັ ນົກກາເວາ່ົ ໃນໂມງ oo + OO ນກົ ກາເວົາ່ ໃນຂະນະທື່ທາ່ ນເວີ້າົ oo + OO ch ສະແດງທ່າທາງໄລໄ່ ກ່ sh ວາງນີວ້ ມ (ນວີ້ ຊ້ີ) ໃສ່ສບົ ຂອງທ່ານເພື່ອບອກໃຫ້ມດິ ງຽບ th ເອົາລິ້ນີ ຂອງທ່ານໃຫ້ຕິດກັບແຂ້ວຂອງທາ່ ນ th ເລລ່ ນີິ້ ຂອງທ່ານອອກມາທາງນອກ qu ສະແດງທ່າທາງເຮັດສົບເປັດດວ້ ຍມຂອງທາ່ ນ ou ສະແດງທາ່ ທາງເຮັດໃຫ້ນີວ້ ມຂອງຕົນເອງເຈັບໂດຍວາງໄວ້ເທງິ ເຂັມ oi ເອາົ ມຂອງທາ່ ນສາພັດໜາ້ ຜາກຂອງທາ່ ນ ue ຊ້ີເພື່ອສະແດງໃຫ້ ‘ທ່ານ’ er (ທາ່ ທາງເພ່ອື ປະກອບຈດຸ ນແ້ີ ມນ່ ຍງັ ບໍ່ເອກະພາບເທ່ືອ) ar (ທາ່ ທາງເພອ່ື ປະກອບຈຸດນແ້ີ ມ່ນຍັງບ່ໍເອກະພາບເທ່ືອ)

Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 23) Letter Sound Listening Activity ຟງັ ແລະ ຂດອີ້ອມສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນທພ່ື ວກນອ້ ງໄດຍ້ ນິ . 1. a) v b) y c) x 2. a) ch b) sh c) th 3. a) th b) ng c) qu 4. a) ai b) ou c) ie 5. a) ee b) or c) oo 6. a) OO b) oi c) ue 7. a) er b) ar c) ou Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 23) Letter Sound Listening Activity ຟງັ ແລະ ຂດອອ້ີ ມສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນທພື່ ວກນອ້ ງໄດຍ້ ນິ . 1. a) v b) y c) x 2. a) ch b) sh c) th 3. a) th b) ng c) qu 4. a) ai b) ou c) ie 5. a) ee b) or c) oo 6. a) OO b) oi c) ue 7. a) er b) ar c) ou

vx y ch sh th

th ng qu ai ou ie

ee or oo OO oi ue

er ar oa

Lesson 24 Subject: Teaching Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes English 1 Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Consolidation of Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics in English letter sounds lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: Resources - use their knowledge of letter Paper, pens, scissors, glue, etc sounds to identify words that Activator (5 mins) contain target sounds and create a poster. Assessment Observation - Think of a simple word, e.g. hat. Do the action for each letter sound in h-a-t but DO NOT say the letter sound. Ask teacher trainees to watch the actions and work out the word. Do two or three examples like this. - Organise teacher trainees into groups. Ask one person in the group to think of a simple word and do the action for each letter sound in the word. The rest of the group should try to guess the word. - Continue the activity until every teacher trainee has had a turn at thinking of a word. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (5 mins) - Explain that teacher trainees will work in the same groups. - Ask each group to choose 3 letter sounds. - Ask each group to share their letter sounds with the rest of the class – they should say the letter sounds and do the action for each sound. Activities (25 mins) - Explain that each group will make a poster for their 3 letter sounds. - They have to think of words that start with or contain their 3 sounds and make a poster showing their letter sounds and categorising words that contain their letter sounds. - For example, s – sun, sock, strawberry, snake, grass n – noodle, fan, hand, nest, nine, nose e – egg, bed, elephant, red - They can design their poster any way they want – they can use words or pictures or both. - Hand out the materials - paper, pens, scissors, glue, etc. - As groups are working, check that they have chosen words that contain the correct sounds, e.g. the word eye contains the letter e but the sound is ie, the word easy contains the letter e but the sound is ee. Summary & assessment (15 mins) - Ask each group to put their poster on the wall. - Explain that students will do a gallery walk – one person from each group stands by the poster – the other students walk around and talk about their work.

Lesson 25 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: Sub-topic 5: Learning Outcome: Teaching English I ‘Tuning in’ to English At the end of the lesson, teacher Topic 2: trainees will be able to: Teaching Phonics in English - identify and manipulate sounds Resources: in words - Worksheet -Tuning in to English - name up to five activities that Activator (5 minutes) help students ‘tune in’ to English Assessment: - Class Observation - Student interaction (doing activity, answering question(s). - Choose one letter sound, e.g. ‘s’ and explain to the teacher trainees that you will say some word. If they hear the letter sound in the words, they should clap. - Say the words, e.g. sun, sit, look, snake, hat, nose, bag stand up, listen, book, say. - Repeat this activity two or three times with different letter sounds and words. Suggested letter sounds and words p -book, pen, pencil, ten, bag, pink, hand, pot, leg, clap, e dad, egg, red, pen, mum, ten, elephant, sad, the. Teaching and Learning Activities Introduction (5 min) - Show the slide or copy the diagram onto the board. - Explain that: • Phonological awareness is understanding of how language can be divided into individual components – sentences, words, syllables, onset and rime • Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in words • It is important to help students ‘tune in’ to English – this means helping them listen and become familiar with the sounds and rhythm of English so that they can hear, identify and manipulate different sounds • Skills that help students ‘tune in’ to English include: syllable awareness (ການຮບັ ຮກູ້ ຽ່ ວກັບພະຍາງ), sound identification (ການຈໍາແນກສຽງ/ລະບຸສຽງ), rhyming words (ຄໍາຄອ່ ງ/ຄາໍ ສບັ ທີ່ມີສຽງເກາະກາ່ ຍກັນ), sound substitution (ການສັບປ່ຽນສຽງ) and oral blending (ການຟ້ອງສຽງ/ປະສມົ ສຽງ) Activities (30 minutes) - Explain that teacher trainees are going to try out some activities to help them ‘tune in’ to English. - Show the worksheet -Tuning in to English and explain they have 30 minutes to try the different activities on the hand out in groups. - Organise teacher trainees into groups, give out the worksheet and ask them to try the activities. - As groups are doing the activities, walk around to observe and support them.

Summary and Assessment (10 minutes) - Ask each group to demonstrate one activity from the handout of the tasks from the handout. - Write the following questions on the board: 1. Did you find these activities easy or challenging? Why? 2. What can you learn from those activities? - Ask teacher trainees to discuss them and then elicit feedback.

Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 25) Tuning in to English ໃນເວລາທ່ີເດັກນ້ອຍກາລງັ ຮຽນອາ່ ນ, ຈາເປນັ ທ່ີພວກເຂົານນັ້ ຕອ້ ງພດັ ທະນາຄວາມສາມາດໃນການຟັງ ແລະ ໜູນໃຊສ້ ຽງແຕ່ລະສຽງໃນຄາສບັ ນັນ້ ໆ. ມຫາຼ ຍໆທກັ ສະທ່ີທາ່ ນສາມາດສ້າງຂັ້ນ (ພັດທະນາຂ້ນັ ) ເພອ່ີ ຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ນັກຮຽນນ້ນັ ຄ້ນເຄຍກບັ ສຽງພາສາອງັ ກິດ. ທກັ ສະຕາ່ ງໆທ່ີຊ່ວຍໃຫເ້ ດກັ ນອ້ ຍຄນ້ ເຄຍກັບສຽງພາສາອງັ ກິດປະກອບມ: • Syllable awareness (ການຮັບຮພູ້ ະຍາງ)– ແຕກຄາສບັ ອອກມາເປນັ ແຕ່ລະພະຍາງ • Sound identification (ການຈາແນກສຽງ) – ຈາແນກຄາສບັ ທ່ີຂັ້ນຕນົັ້ ດວ້ ຍສຽງດຽວກັນ • Rhyming words (ຄາຄ່ອງ)– ຈາແນກຄາສບັ ທີ່ເກາະກາ່ ຍກັນ • Sound substitution (ການສບັ ປ່ຽນສຽງ) – ການປຽ່ ນສຽງໃນຄາສັບໃດໜີ່ງເພ່ີອເຮັດເປັນຄາສບັ ໃໝ່ • Oral blending (ການປະສົມສຽງ)– ການຟັງສຽງ ແລະ ການນາເອາົ ສຽງດັງ່ ກາ່ ວເຂົັ້າກນັ ເພີອ່ ສ້າງເປນັ ຄາສັບໃໝ.່ Try it out! Work in a group. Read the instructions and try the activities to help you ‘tune in’ to English. ກດິ ຈະກາ 1 ການຮບັ ຮພູ້ ະຍາງ ເວາັ້ົ ຊຂ່ີ ອງທາ່ ນ ແລະ ຕົບມຕາມພະຍາງໃນຊຂ່ີ ອງທາ່ ນ. For example: Manoly Man o ly Phasit Pha sit ກດິ ຈະກາ 2 ການຈາແນກສຽງ/ການລະບສຽງ ສຽງ ເລອກສຽງໃດໜີ່ງ. ປ່ຽນກັນຄິດຫາຄາສບັ ທ່ີຂນ້ັ ຕັ້ົນດ້ວຍສຽງນັນ້ ໆ. ເລອກສຽງຈານວນໃດໜງີ່ ຕມີ່ ອກ ແລະ ເຮັດຕາມກິດຈະກາແບບທໄີ່ ດເ້ ຮັດຜ່ານມາ. For example: Saturday s

ກດິ ຈະກາ 3: ຄາຄອ່ ງ ຈັບຄຄູ່ າສບັ ໃດໜີ່ງກບັ ຄາສັບທ່ີມສຽງເກາະກາ່ ຍກັນ. ພວກນ້ອງສາມາດຄດິ ຫາຄາສບັ ອນີ່ ທ່ີເກາະກາ່ ຍກັນກັບຄາສບັ ເຫັ້ຼົານໄ້ັ ດບ້ ?ໍ cat book Can you think of other pen sand words rhyme with cat? sit hat red coat mat, sat, bat, …. hand men boat bed cook hit ກດິ ຈະກາ 4 ການສບັ ປຽ່ ນສຽງ ອ່ານຄາສບັ ດງັ່ ກາ່ ວລມ່ ນ.້ັ ປຽ່ ນສຽງທາອິດໃນແຕ່ລະຄາສບັ ໂດຍນາໃຊສ້ ຽງທີ່ຢູ່ໃນວົງມົນ. ມຄາສບັ ໃໝ່ໃດແດທ່ ີ່ພວກນອ້ ງສາມາດສາ້ ງໄດ້? h at f an d og c ar m ake f c l j c p p fr st b ກດິ ຈະກາ 5 ການປະສມົ ສຽງ ປ່ຽນກັນຄິດຫາຄາສັບ. b–i-g ເວ້າົັ ແຕ່ລະສຽງຢູ່ໃນຄາສັບ ແລະ ໃຫໝ້ ູ່ໃນກ່ມຂອງພວກນອ້ ງເດາົ ຄາສບັ ນນ້ັ . For example: s–u-n sun big

Lesson 26 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: Teaching English 1 Sub-topic: Teaching Phonics Learning Outcomes: – Letter formation. At the end of the lesson, teacher trainees will be Topic 2: Teaching able to identify and apply the steps for teaching Phonics in English letter formation. Resources: Assessment: Handout – Letter Formation Observation of class discussion. Observation of practice in groups. Selection of materials for making letters, e.g. bottle tops, string, clay, rice, etc. Activator (5 minutes) Guessing game: - Organise teacher trainees into pairs. - Explain that teacher trainees should take turns writing words on each other’s backs using their finger. Their partner has to guess what the word is. - Choose a pair to model the activity then ask teacher trainees to do the activity in pairs. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (20 minutes) - Explain that teaching letter formation is an important part of teaching phonics and that letter formation is taught using tactile activities. - Ask teacher trainees What do you think ‘tactile activities’ mean? Teacher trainees share their ideas. - Explain that: • Tactile activities are activities where students use their sense of touch. • Tactile activities in phonics help students feel the shape of letters. • Tactile activities promote a multisensory approach. - Explain that you will demonstrate the steps used to teach letter formation. - Demonstrate tactile activities (air writing and write on your palm/desk/partner’s back) and letter formation on the board using the steps below. Letter formation demonstration • Step 1 Stand with your back to the class. Say the letter sound t and use your finger or hand to write a large letter t in the air. As you air write the letter, describe the movement, ‘Go down, round and lift your pen then cross at the top.’ Ask teacher trainees say and air write the letter sound. Check they are doing it correctly. Note: Explain that it is very important to stand with your back to the class when you demonstrate air writing because if you do not the letter will be backwards to the students. • Step 2 Ask teacher trainees to practise letter formation by using their finger to write a letter sound on their palm, desk, partner’s back. Give out the materials you have prepared, e.g. bottle tops, string, rice, clay, etc. and ask students to make the letter sound using the materials you have prepared. • Step 3 Draw four lines on the board and number them. Writes the letter sound, e.g. t on the lines and describe the movements, e.g. Start Go down, round and lift your pen then cross at the top. Choose individual teacher trainees to write the letter sound on the board. Ask the rest of the class if they wrote the letter correctly. Support them in correcting their letter if there are any errors.

• Step 4 Ask teacher trainees to practise writing the letter in their notebooks. Walk around and check their work. Support any students who need help. Note: Explain that the teacher should check that students are starting their letter from the correct position and writing in the correct direction. Activities (20 minutes). - Organise teacher trainees work in groups of 4 or 5. - One the board write: Teaching letter formation Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 - Asks teacher trainees to discuss what you did in each step and make notes in their notebooks. - Elicit feedback and highlight any important points that teacher trainees do not mention. Suggested information to highlight: Step 1 – The first step is air writing. Air writing is a tactile activity. The teacher can demonstrate how to form the letter sound and students can feel the shape of the letter sound before they have to write it with a pen or pencil. Important points to highlight: The teacher should stand with his/her back to the class so the letter is not backwards to the students. The teacher should write a large letter and describe the movements. When the students air write the letter, they should say the letter sound. The teacher can observe them and check they are forming the letter correctly. Step 2 - The next step is using your finger to write the letter on different surfaces and making the letter sound using different materials. These are also tactile activities. Important points to highlight: These kinds of activities help students feel the shape of the letter before they have to write it using a pencil or pen. The teacher should observe students and check they are forming the letter correctly. Step 3 – The third step is letter formation on the board. The teacher draws four lines and numbered them and demonstrates how to write the letter, while describing the movements of the pen. Teacher asks volunteers to try writing the letter on the board and supports them in correcting any mistakes. Step 4 – The final step is to practice copying or writing the letter in notebooks. Teacher can support students and check their work. Important points to note: The teacher should check that students form the letter starting in the correct position and moving in the right direction. - Give out hand out summarising the key points about teaching letter formation. - Ask teacher trainees take turns trying the steps and techniques in their groups. - Observe teacher trainees and check they are doing the steps and techniques correctly. Summary and assessment (5 minutes): - Tell teacher trainees listen to the statements about letter formation and do thumbs up if they think the statement is correct and thumbs down if they think the statement is incorrect - Read out the 6 statements below.

1. Teaching letter formation is part of phonics. (Correct) 2. Children should write the letter in their notebook first. (Incorrect – this is the final step) 3. Tactile activities help children feel the shape of letters. (Correct) 4. Tactile activities promote a multisensory approach. (Correct) 5. Tactile activities help children pronounce the letter sounds. (Incorrect) 6. Teacher should remember to stand with their back to the class when they do air writing. (Correct) Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Handout – Letter Formation

Handout (Module 1, Lesson 26) Letter Formation (ຮບູ ແບບຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ) ຂຄ້ໍ ວາມລມຸ່ ນແີ້ ມນຸ່ ໄດສ້ ະຫບຼຸ ສງັ ລວມການສອນຮບູ ແບບຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ. ບາດກາ້ ວທ 1 – Air Writing (ການຂຽນກາງຫາວ /ເທງິ ອາກາດ) • ບາດກ້າວທາອດິ ແມນຸ່ • ການຂຽນເທງິ ອາກາດ ແມຸນ່ ກິດຈະກາສາຜັດທີ່ຊ່ວຸ ຍຄູສອນໃນການສາທິດວທິ ການຂຽນຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ. • ການຂຽນເທງິ ອາກາດຊຸວ່ ຍໃຫນ້ ກັ ຮຽນຮໄູ້ ດເ້ ຖິງຮູບຮາຸ່ ງຂອງຕົວອກັ ສອນ ກຸ່ອນທ່ີພວກເຂາົ ຈະຂຽນຕວົ ອັກສອນເຫຼົາ່ ນີັ້ນໂດຍໃຊສ້ ດາ ຫືຼ ປາກກາ. • ໃນເວລາທ່ີທາຸ່ ນສອນການຂຽນເທິງອາກາດ, ຕ້ອງເອົາໃຈໃສ:ຸ່ o ຢນື ປນີ່ ຫງັ ໃສຸ່ນັກຮຽນ ເພີຼື່ອໝນີ້ັ ໃຈວຸ່າຕົວອັກສອນນັນ້ີ ບໍ່ປນ້ີ ເບີ້ອງກັບນັກຮຽນ. o ຂຽນຕົວອກັ ສອນໃຫໃ້ ຫຸ່ຍ ແລະ ອະທບິ າຍການຂດຈາກຈດນຫີ້ າຈດນີນ້ັ . o ໃຫນ້ ັກຮຽນເວົີ້າສຽງຕົວອັກສອນໃນຂະນະທ່ີພວກເຂົາຂຽນເທງິ ອາກາດ. o ຕດິ ຕາມ ແລະ ກວດກາວຸ່ານກັ ຮຽນນ້ັີນສາ້ ງຮບູ ແບບຕວົ ອັກສອນຖຼກື ຕອ້ ງບ. ບາດກາ້ ວທ 2 – Tactile Activities (ກດິ ຈະກາສາຜດັ ) • ບາດກ້າວຕໄ່ໍ ປແມນຸ່ ໃຫນ້ ັກຮຽນເຮັດກິດຈະກາສາຜັດຕຸ່າງໆຢ່າງເອກະລາດ. • ໃຫນ້ ັກຮຽນໃຊນ້ ີ້ວມືຂຼ ຽນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສຸ່ຝາ່ ມຂືຼ ອງເຂົາເຈົີາ້ , ໃສຸ່ເທິງໂຕະ ແລະ ໃສຸ່ຫງັ ໝຸູ່ (ຄຸເູ່ ຮັດກິດຈະກາ) ຂອງຕນົ ເອງ. • ຢາຍອປະກອນທ່ີຄັດເລືອຼ ກມາໃຫນ້ ກັ ຮຽນ ເຊນັົຼ່ : ຝາຂວດນາ້ , ເຊືອຼ ກ, ດິນໜຽວ, ເຂາ້ົີ ສານ ແລະ ອີນຼ່ື ໆ ແລະ ໃຫນ້ ກັ ຮຽນລອງສາ້ ງສຽງຕົວອັກ ສອນໂດຍນາໃຊວ້ ັດຖຼຸອປະກອນທີ່ຢາຍໃຫນ້ ີນ້ັ . • ກິດຈະກາເຫົ່ຼານຍ້ີ ັງຊຸ່ວຍໃຫນ້ ັກຮຽນຮບັ ຮໄູ້ ດຮ້ ບູ ຮຸ່າງຂອງຕົວອກັ ສອນ ກຸ່ອນທີ່ພວກເຂາົ ຈະຂຽນຕວົ ອັກສອນເຫາ່ົຼ ນັີນ້ ໂດຍໃຊສ້ ດາ ຫືຼ ປາກກາ. • ໃນເວລາທີ່ທາຸ່ ນສອນ, ຕ້ອງເອົາໃຈໃສຸ່: o ສັງເກດນກັ ຮຽນ, ກວດກາ ແລະ ຕດິ ຕາມນກັ ຮຽນໃນການສາ້ ງຮບູ ແບບຕົວອັກສອນວາຸ່ ຖືຼກຕອ້ ງບ. ບາດກາ້ ວທ 3 – ຄສູ ອນເຮດັ ເປນັ ແບບຢາ່ ງວທິ ການຂຽນສຽງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສເຸ່ ທງິ ກະດານ • ບາດກາ້ ວທ 3 ແມຸ່ນການສາ້ ງຮູບແບບຕົວອກັ ສອນໃສຸ່ເທງິ ກະດານ. • ແຕມ້ 4 ເສັີ້ນໃສຸ່ເທິງກະດານ ແລະ ໝາຍເລກໃສຸ່ແຕຸ່ລະເສີ້ນັ ແລວ້ ສາທດິ ວທິ ຂຽນຕວົ ອກັ ສອນ ໃນຂະນະນ້ນີັ ແມຸ່ນໃຫອ້ ະທບິ າຍການເຄືີ່ອຼ ນຍ້າຍ ຂອງປາກກາໄປນາ. • ໃຫອ້ າສາສະໝກັ ອອກມາຂຽນຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສຸ່ເທງິ ກະດານ. ຕອ້ ງກວດເບ່ງີ ວາຸ່ ນກັ ຮຽນນີ້ນັ ເລີ່ມຕນີົ້ ຂຽນຕົວອັກສອນໃນຕາແໜງຸ່ ທີ່ຖກຼື ຕອ້ ງບ ແລະ ຂຽນໄປຕາມທດິ ທາງທີ່ຖຼກື ຕ້ອງບ. ໃຫກ້ ານຊຸວ່ ຍເຫອືຼ ນັກຮຽນຖາ້ ເຫນັ ວຸ່າເຂາົ ເຈົີ້າເຮດັ ບ່ໍຖືກຼ ຕ້ອງ. ບາດກາ້ ວທ 4 – ນກັ ຮຽນຂຽນສຽງຂອງຕວົ ອກັ ສອນໃສປຸ່ ມີື້ ຂອງຕນົ ເອງ. • ບາດກ້າວສດທ້າຍແມຸ່ນໃຫຝ້ ຶກຊອ້ ມກາຸ່ ຍ ຫຼື ຂຽນຕວົ ອັກສອນໃສປຸ່ ືີ້ມຂອງໃຜລາວ. • ໃນເວລາທ່ີທາຸ່ ນສອນ, ຕ້ອງເອາົ ໃຈໃສຸ່: o ກວດກາເບ່ງີ ນັກຮຽນວຸ່າເຂາົ ເຈົາ້ີ ສາ້ ງຮູບແບບຕວົ ອັກສອນ ເລ່ມີ ຕົນີ້ ໃນຕາແໜງຸ່ ທ່ີຖກຼື ຕອ້ ງບ ແລະ ເຄຼືີອ່ ນຍາ້ ຍໄປຕາມທິດທາງທີ່ ຖກຼື ຕ້ອງບ.

Lesson 27 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: English Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Teaching phonics - Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics in English Blending lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - explain what blending is - model blending to sound out and read words Resources Assessment PowerPoint Summarise understanding in mind map Words cards for blending (one set per group) hand out Handout – Blending Checklist (one copy per student) Worksheet – Blending mind map (one copy per student) Activator (5 mins) - Organise teacher trainees into groups of four. - Explain that three teacher trainees have to stand in a line. The other teacher trainee thinks of a word that contains three letter sounds, e.g. pen and uses their finger to write one letter sound on each person’s back. The three teacher trainees say their letter sound and work out the word. - Model this activity two or three times with volunteers. Then ask students to try it in their groups. Teaching and learning activities Introduction (20 mins) - Use the information below and the PowerPoint slide to explain what the blending is, why we use blending and how to do it. • What is blending? Blending means saying the sound of each letter in word to hear and read the word. • Why do we use blending? We use blending to help children read new words. When children sound out and say the word – they can hear and recognise the word. But this only works if children already know the word orally • How to blend words? Say each sound in a word and put the sounds together. Say the first sound louder than the other sounds, then say the other sounds softly and smoothly. Students should only decode words that contain letter sounds that they have already learnt and ideally, they should only practice blending with words they have already encountered. Teachers have to provide a lot of modelling and practice to help students to develop this skill. Initially students should practice decoding very simple VC (vowel consonant) or CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. Blending activities include an element of comprehension, e.g. a picture to show the meaning of the word they are reading. - Explain that you will demonstrate how to model blending to students. Model blending using the steps below. Blending Demonstration: • Put letter sound cards to make the word dog on the board. • Say the first sound louder than the other sounds, then say the other sounds softly and

smoothly to make a word and point to each letter sound card as he/she says the sound (e.g. d-o-g = dog). • Repeat with other words, e.g. pen, sit, red, hot, bee, fish, tree Note: - Do not add ‘uh’ sound to letter sounds, e.g. ‘s-i-t’ not ‘suh-i-t’ - Do not ‘chant’ or repeat each letter sound when blending, e.g. ‘s’ ‘s’ ‘s’ ‘i’ ‘i’ ‘i’ ‘t’ ‘t’ ‘t’ because this will not help students ‘hear’ the words. Activities (15 mins) - Organise trainee teachers into groups of 5 or 6. Give each group a set of word cards and each teacher trainee a blending checklist. - Ask them to practice modelling blending using the words on the word cards. - Explain that teacher trainees that each time a person in their group models blending, they have to use the checklist to evaluate their technique and give them feedback. - Walk around the class and give help to the groups. Summary & assessment (10 mins) - Teacher trainees summarise understanding on the Worksheet – Blending mind map. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: Word cards for blending Handout - Blending Checklist Worksheet - Blending mind map

Word Cards for Blending dog hat pin red sun chip shop sing them rain

Blending Checklist ສງັ ເກດນກັ ຮຽນຜທູ້ ເີ່ ຮດັ ເປນັ ຕວົ ແບບ blending (ການປະສມົ ສຽງ). ນາໃຊລູ້ າຍການການຕດິ ຕາມລມຸ່ ນ້ີ ເພອ່ີ ປະເມນເຕກັ ນກິ ານປະສມົ ສຽງ ແລະ ປະກອບຄາຄດິ ຄາເຫນັ (ຄາແນະນາ). ຊ:ີ່ ✓ ນັກຮຽນຄ: o ເວົີ້າສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ, ບໍ່ແມນຸ່ ຊ່ີຕົວອກັ ສອນ o ອອກສຽງຕົວອັກສອນຢ່າງຖກຕ້ອູ ງ o ເວາ້ົີ ສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນທາອິດແຮງກວຸ່າສຽງຕົວອັກສອນອນ່ີ ໆ o ເວາົີ້ ສຽງຕົວອັກສອນຕົວອນີ່ ໆຢ່າງຫ່ຽຸ ນໄຫ ແລະ ນ້ີມນວນ o ບໍ່ໄດູ້ຕ່ີມ ‘uh’ (ເອ…) ຢໃ່ ນສຽງຕົວອັກສອນ. Blending Checklist ສງັ ເກດນກັ ຮຽນຜທູ້ ເ່ີ ຮດັ ເປນັ ຕວົ ແບບ blending (ການປະສມົ ສຽງ). ນາໃຊລູ້ າຍການການຕດິ ຕາມລມຸ່ ນີ້ ເພອ່ີ ປະເມນເຕກັ ນກິ ານປະສມົ ສຽງ ແລະ ປະກອບຄາຄດິ ຄາເຫນັ (ຄາແນະນາ). ຊ:ີ່ ✓ ນັກຮຽນຄ: o ເວົີ້າສຽງຕົວອັກສອນ, ບ່ໍແມນຸ່ ຊີ່ຕົວອັກສອນ o ອອກສຽງຕວົ ອັກສອນຢ່າງຖກຕອູ້ ງ o ເວົີາ້ ສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນທາອດິ ແຮງກວຸ່າສຽງຕົວອັກສອນອນ່ີ ໆ o ເວົາີ້ ສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນຕົວອນ່ີ ໆຢ່າງຫ່ຽຸ ນໄຫ ແລະ ນີມ້ ນວນ o ບໍ່ໄດູ້ຕ່ີມ ‘uh’ (ເອ…) ຢໃ່ ນສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ. Blending Checklist ສງັ ເກດນກັ ຮຽນຜທູ້ ເ່ີ ຮດັ ເປນັ ຕວົ ແບບ blending (ການປະສມົ ສຽງ). ນາໃຊລູ້ າຍການການຕດິ ຕາມລມຸ່ ນີ້ ເພອີ່ ປະເມນເຕກັ ນກິ ານປະສມົ ສຽງ ແລະ ປະກອບຄາຄດິ ຄາເຫນັ (ຄາແນະນາ). ຊ:່ີ ✓ ນັກຮຽນຄ: o ເວາ້ົີ ສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ, ບ່ໍແມຸ່ນຊ່ີຕົວອັກສອນ o ອອກສຽງຕວົ ອັກສອນຢ່າງຖກຕ້ອູ ງ o ເວົ້ີາສຽງຕົວອັກສອນທາອດິ ແຮງກວຸ່າສຽງຕົວອັກສອນອນ່ີ ໆ o ເວາົ້ີ ສຽງຕົວອັກສອນຕົວອີນ່ ໆຢ່າງຫຽຸ່ ນໄຫ ແລະ ນ້ີມນວນ o ບ່ໍໄດູ້ຕີ່ມ ‘uh’ (ເອ…) ຢໃ່ ນສຽງຕົວອກັ ສອນ.

Worksheet (Module 1, Lesson 27) Blending Mind Map ສະຫຸບຼ ຄວາມເຂ້າົີ ໃຈຂອງທາຸ່ ນຕກ່ໍ ັບການປະສມົ ສຽງ ໂດຍຕ່ີມໃສຸ່ (Mind-map) ແຜນວາດແນວຄວາມຄດິ ລມຸ່ ນ.ີ້ What? Why? (ແມຸນ່ ຫຍງັ ?) (ເປນັ ຫຍັງ?) Blending How? (ແນວໃດ?)

Lesson 28 Module: 1 Time: 50 minutes Subject: English Topic 2: Teaching Sub-topic: Teaching Phonics - Learning outcomes: At the end of the Phonics in English Segmenting lesson, teacher trainees will be able to: - identify individual sounds in words - analyse the difference between blending and segmenting Resources Assessment Worksheet 1 – Segmenting Gap fill - Summary of blending and segmenting (Worksheet 2) that students Worksheet 2 - Blending and Segmenting Summary complete Activator (5 mins) - Say the word cup. Ask teacher trainees How many sounds are there in cup? Elicit 3. Hold up three fingers, point to the first finger and ask What’s the first sound in cup? Elicit c. Point to the middle finger and ask What’s the middle sound in cup? Elicit u. Point to the final finger and ask What’s the last sound in cup? Elicit p. - Organise teacher trainees into pairs. - Explain that you will say some words and they have to work out how many sounds are in each word. When they know the answer, ask them to hold up their fingers to show the number of sounds, e.g. for the word cup they would hold up three fingers. - Suggested words: in (2 sounds, i-n), pot (3 sounds, p-o-t), sock (3 sounds, s-o-ck), happy (4 sounds, h-a-p-ee), bee (2 sounds, b-ee), skirt (4 sounds, s-k-ir-t), yellow (4 sounds, y-e-l- oa), cake (3 sounds, c-ai-k), Friday (5 sounds, f-r-ie-d-ai). Teaching and learning activities Introduction (15 mins) - Explain that you will demonstrate how to teach segmenting. Demonstrate segmenting using the steps below. - Demonstration - Say the word dog and check students understand the meaning. - Ask teacher trainees How many sounds are there in dog? Elicit three. - Hold up three fingers, point to the first finger and ask What’s the first sound in dog? Elicit d. Point to the middle finger and ask What’s the middle sound in cup? Elicit o. Point to the final finger and ask What’s the last sound in cup? Elicit g. - Explain that knowing how to segment the letter sounds in words can help students work out how to spell words. - Demonstrate this by repeating the steps above with the word green but this time ask teacher trainees to write the letter sounds. - Ask teacher trainees How many sounds are there in green? Elicit four. - Hold up four fingers, point to the first finger and ask What’s the first sound in green? Elicit g and ask teacher trainees to write the letter sound g in their notebooks. Point to the second finger and ask What’s the second sound in green? Elicit r and ask teacher trainees to write the letter sound r in their notebooks. Point to the third finger and ask What’s the third sound in green? Elicit ee and ask teacher trainees to write the letter sound ee in their notebooks. Point to the final finger and ask What’s the last sound in green? Elicit n and ask teacher trainees to write the letter sound n in their notebooks.

- Explain that it is very important that you segment letter sounds not letters, e.g. the word green has four sounds, g-r-ee-n – not five – g-r-e-e-n, the word bird has three sounds, b-ir- d not four -b-i-r-d. - After the demonstration, give out Worksheet 1- Segmenting, ask teacher trainees to do complete Activity 1 in pairs. Explain that they have to match the questions to the answers. - Elicit feedback and check the answers. - Answers 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a. Activities (25 mins) - Ask students to look at Activity 2 on the Worksheet. Explain that they have to segment the sounds in each word and write the sounds into the boxes. - Read the example together and check teacher trainees understand the activity. Then ask them to complete it in pairs. - Elicit feedback and check the answers. - Answers 1 it 6 c oa t 2 mat 7 th r ee 3 s ad 8 sh ir t 4 f oo d 9s un d ai 5r i ng 10 s is t er 11 a lf abet Summary & assessment (5 mins) - Give out Worksheet 2 -Blending and Segmenting Summary. - Explain that teacher trainees have to complete the gaps in the summary. - Ask them to do it individually. Then check their answers with a partner. - Elicit feedback and check the answers. - Answers 1 letter sound, 2 read, 3 first, 4 ‘uh’ / ‘uh’ sound, 5 individual, 6 spell, 7 fingers, 8 sounds. Annex Resources to be used during this lesson: - Worksheet 1 - Segmenting - Worksheet 2 - Blending and Segmenting Summary

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