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Sport in Profile 004

Published by Sport in Profile, 2015-01-21 07:20:05

Description: Sport in Profile 004


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TWITTER /// @yateleyhockey YATELEY HCYATELEYHOCKEY CLUBChandlers Lane /// ///Yateley Hockey Club play their home games on Chandlers Lane in Hampshire and their Men’s1st team currently compete in the Hampshire/Surrey Regional 1 League whilst their Women arein Hampshire Division 1. They are led by the team of President Jon Ballard and Chair SarahBuckland and the club is looking to progress under their guidance.Their women’s first team with an opportunity to play the game in a safe and enjoyablehas been in fine form so far this environment whilst helping themseason, having managed to win 8, to reach their full potential.draw 2 and lose just 1 of their 11matches. This sees them sitting It is important for any club to benear the top of the table with 26 able to produce their own talent,points on the board. particularly in the current financial climate and this is an area thatThis should provide them with the they appear to have covered. Itperfect platform to build from as will certainly be exciting to seethey look ahead towards the rest how their juniors can progressof the campaign. So long as they over the coming years.can maintain their recent level ofperformance they should be in In order to help their youngsterswith a good chance of mounting a to make the sometimes difficultserious title challenge. transition into the senior game they also have a number of additionalIt would be fair to say that their sides running. This allows them tomen’s team has enjoyed less give players experience of adultsuccess with a record of 1 win, 1 level hockey even if they are notdraw and 9 defeats from their 11 yet considered ready for first teammatches. They will be determined action which can be an importantto turn their fortunes around in step in the development process.the 2nd half of the campaignwith some improved results and There is much to admire aboutperformances. Yateley Hockey Club as they continue to play a vital role in theirYateley is not a club to focus solely local community. Hopefully theyupon their senior section however will continue their fantastic workas they also have a number for many years to come and Sportof youth sides in place. These in Profile Magazine would like toteam’s look to provide youngsters wish them the best of luck for thefrom the local area future. 101

HORSHAM HC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPHORSHAMHOCKEY CLUBThere was a Men’s Hockey Club in Horsham from 1906 to 1939 but it did not re-start afterWorld War 2. The origin of the present club goes back to 1967 when the Horsham Rugby Clubinformed the Cricket Club that they were moving to a new Ground. At that time there werethree hockey players on the Cricket Committee and they were asked to form a new HorshamHockey Club.The new club started in October Saturday and a Sunday XI. Because of a tremendous run in the Sussex Cup, our excellent grass pitches, 1975 saw winning it in most years.1969 with just a 1st XI. A new Horsham the arrival of County Hockey, and for 10Ladies’ Hockey Club was set up for the years County Hockey Championship 2005/06 was an outstanding season1971/72 season, and this led to the matches were often played at Horsham, as the Ladies’ 1st XI reached theamalgamation of the Men’s and Ladies’ while the England XI held a training then National Division 3 and wereClubs into the Horsham Hockey Club weekend at Horsham in April 1977. subsequently promoted into thefor the 1974/75 season. The development of artificial pitches National Division 2 League, while today brought that to an end. they are in Women’s Conference EastIn late 1975, an overall Horsham Sports League.Club was set up with Cricket, Hockey, By the 1990s, the Men’s 1st XI wasTennis, Squash and Social Sections. firmly established in the Kent/Sussex The Men’s 1st XI won promotion to theThe Men made rapid progress and by Regional League, while the Ladies’ 1st South Premier Division 2 for the 2013-the 10th Anniversary in October 1979, XI reached South Division 1 League. 2014 season and are currently third,they were running four sides on a From 1992 onwards, the Ladies began with a good chance of promotion again102 ISSUE 04

HORSHAM HCin March 2015. We are now in our 45th seasonand the club is running seven Men’s sides ona Saturday and six Ladies’ sides and 2014/15 isproving to be another good season with the Menhaving the edge at the moment. As the New Yearapproaches the Men’s 1st XI, 3rd and 4th XIs areall well-placed for promotion.The Colts’ Section has for a long time been a vitalpart of the Club with now over 200 members. Inrecent years there have been many successesat Club, County and National levels. This seasonthere are 11 teams playing on a Sunday, as well asfour teams playing Indoor Hockey and all are doingwell. Recently, in most years, eight to ten of ourJuniors from the various age groups have been inCounty or Regional teams.Three of the Saturday teams are Development XIsand this has been a great success in helping in thetransition from junior to adult hockey. Our Club isvery much a family club and has strong ties withthe local community. Every weekend people of allages are playing, watching or supporting. Overthe year, fund raising and other events are well-supported.Our main artificial pitch is some two miles awayat Broadbridge Heath on the north-west side ofHorsham. The biggest challenge ahead in the nextfive years is to find a new site where the pitch canbe next to the clubhouse and this is being activelyinvestigated. 103

IRONMAN UK FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPIRONMAN UKIRONMAN UK is set to return to Bolton and Lancashire in 2015 after a superbly successfulyear in 2014. Kevin Stewart, Ironman Regional Director for Northern Europe took the time totell us more about the work that they do. He told us, “Having been organising triathlons since 2001, I had watched the growing interest from athletes stepping up to longer distances, with IRONMAN being the pinnacle of this move towards endurance racing. I was approached by IRONMAN in 2010, to manage the UK business as they sought to extend the UK calendar with the addition of IRONMAN Wales and look to develop the existing UK events. It was an exciting opportunity with one of the strongest brands in sport. The Role “The most challenging aspect is probably the management of our \"venue\". Unlike many sports which are contained within an104 ISSUE 04

IRONMAN UKenclosed arena, our events Get Involved “To see the emotiontake place in a public space. for them, for theirSo we have a lot of work to “For athletes interested in family and friendsdo in communicating, gaining taking part in an IRONMAN makes it a veryapprovals for the courses and event, as an individual or special experiencemanaging an event that lasts in a team please visit www. to be part of.”17 hours plus come race day. For details on our IRONKIDSThe most rewarding thing is events, please visit ironkids.seeing the athletes complete co.uktheir IRONMAN challenge andespecially the later athletes, Many of our athletes arewho got up 20 hours earlier inspired to take up thenot knowing if they would ever challenge after volunteeringsee the finish line. To see the at one of our events. We areemotion for them, for their always looking for volunteersfamily and friends makes it a who play such a key rolevery special experience to be towards running a successfulpart of.” event and it’s a great opportunity to get involved in2014 an IRONMAN. To find out more and to register to volunteer“2014 has been a big year. We visit ”sold out our UK events earlierthan ever and took steps Ambitionsin both Bolton and Walesto adjust the event staging “I would hope to see theto accommodate the extra existing events cement theirdemand. I think this has made place on the global calendarimprovements to both events as top races, attracting moreand our athlete feedback international athletes tohas been very positive. race. We want to continue toWe have also been able to develop the spectator side oflaunch two new 70.3 (half the event which has added soIRONMAN) events for 2015, in much to the athlete experienceStaffordshire and Dublin. Both in recent years. There issold out in a few hours which certainly potential for moreshows the continued demand races in the UK if we can findto race Ironman.” the right venue and support for an event.”RG Active are a sports coaching company thatspecialise in endurance and multisports and have beenworking with aspiring athletes from various backgroundsand wide ranging ability levels since 2008. We are athletesourselves but prioritise the needs of our clients throughyears of understanding exactly what is needed for you to accomplish the targets you set yourself.Now in our second year as an official coaching partner tothe UK IRONMAN tour we know the events, the courses andhave been able to create training services that are designedspecifically for the demands of each event. The decision totackle any of the UK IRONMAN tour events deserves a levelof commitment that we understand as we have been thereand our practical knowledge of the events ensure that we provide results.We are proud to be a partner of the UK IRONMAN tour but we are more proud of our athletes. 105

PONTELAND GC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPPONTELANDGOLF CLUBBased at 53 Bell Villas in Newcastle upon Tyne, Ponteland Golf Club is based in the village ofPonteland, approximately 10 miles north of Newcastle. The club was first established in 1927and has put together a history of which they have every right to be proud since then.It is a picturesque parkland course which offersplayers a memorable experience and is a challengefor competitors of all levels. They are currently led byPresident Mr G McMurchie whilst Mr R Fraser is theirCaptain and they have made a considerable amountof progress under their guidance.Over the years Ponteland has built a reputationfor providing golfers with a high quality playingexperience with the course being kept in superbcondition by their staff. The greens are renownedfor their slickness and trueness and the club offers8 buggies to rent for professionals in order to furtherenhance the experience offered.The fine work that the club does was rewardedin 2014 as they were chosen to host the 2014Northumberland County Championship in June andthis saw some of the best players from around thecounty taking part. This was a just reward for all ofthe hard work that has been put into making the cluba success.Ponteland received further recognition for theirfine work when they became one of the first Clubsin Northumberland to be awarded the GolfMarkaward. This was thanks to their commitment to thedevelopment of juniors and junior golfers as theylook to provide youngsters with an opportunity toplay the game in a safe and enjoyable environment“Ponteland receivedfurther recognitionfor their fine workwhen they becameone of the first Clubsin Northumberlandto be awarded theGolfMark award.”106 ISSUE 04

PONTELAND GCProud to be supporting whilst helping them to reach theirPonteland Golf Club full potential. They also pride themselves on giving anyone visitingFor the perfect approach the club a warm welcome, whetherto property advice... that be members or guests.Contact Bill Lynn A major part of this is the [email protected] clubhouse they have to offer as the 19th hole which is run by Steward 0191 232 6291 Michael O’Shea. This provides players with the chance to enjoy a meal or a drink as well as an opportunity to look through the many honours boards. The clubhouse offers a fine selection of beers, lagers, spirits, wines and soft drinks with Belhaven Best, Belhaven Black, Carling, John Smiths, Old Speckled Hen, San Miguel, Strongbow and Theakston on draught. As well as this they also have draught bottles of Bulmers and Newcastle Brown Ale. There is also Sky television available so that people can come and watch their sporting favourites as well as a pool table. With all of this in place the bar provides a comfortable area for players to unwind and discuss the rounds that they have just enjoyed. Ponteland Golf Club has provided players with an opportunity to enjoy the game of golf for more than 85 years. This is a testament to the superb job that is done by their Committee and they appear to have a bright future ahead of them. Everyone at Sport in Profile Magazine would like to wish them the best of luck for the New Year 107

ICKLEFORD CC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPICKLEFORDCRICKET CLUB /// ///Ickleford Cricket Club has evidence of a game being played as far back as 1869 but thecurrent club started in 1947 playing games at the Manor Ground in Turnpike Lane. We movedto a ground of our own in 1978 in Chambers Lane on land leased from Herts County Councilto Ickleford Parish Council where facilities are shared with football, squash and petanque.For many years the club ran just one side and fixtures were local. The advent of league cricket required more travel and more players and a second team made its debut in 1981. The need to find more players led to a colts section starting in 1986 with a third team starting in 1993. The club now have three teams in the Saracens Herts League on Saturdays and one team in the Beds County League on Sundays with a second team playing friendlies. 2014 was a good season for the club as on Saturdays the first team finished 7th in Division 2 of the Saracens Herts League with better results against the top teams than those in the bottom half. The second team won promotion from Division 6 as they finished runners up winning 13 games and losing just 3, while the third team just missed promotion from Division 10 finishing 5th. The Sunday first team gained a fourth consecutive promotion, finishing runners up in Division 2 of the Beds County League and it is fair to say that each of Ickleford's teams played up to or above expectations. With a thriving colts section which saw teams run at U9, U11 and U13 age groups Ickleford can be well pleased with their 2014 season. Off the field Ickleford continue to make good progress. At Ickleford a new electronic scoreboard was installed together with a new sightscreen as each year facilities are improved. It was also a significant year as Ickleford moved to a new permanent second ground at Holwell which is less than two miles from the Ickleford ground. Facilities are excellent and the club are lucky to have secured such a good second ground so near to home. 108 ISSUE 04

ICKLEFORD CCLooking ahead there is optimism with a talentedgroup of players under the age of 21 who shouldonly improve and can form the core of the firstteam for many years to come. Each team has agood mixture of age groups and team spirit hasbeen particularly strong with no 'them and us'concerns.A big emphasis will continue to be placed on thecolts section and with players starting at U9 levelby the time they are ready for senior cricket theywill have had many years of coaching behindthem. It will remain important to keep improvingfacilities as this will help to attract new playerson top of home produced colts. While Icklefordare a village team competing with much largertown sides there is no reason to be daunted bythe challenge and our reputation has certainlybeen enhanced by progress on and off the field.I have played over 1,000 games for Icklefordand feel really proud of how far we have comefrom humble beginnings in 1947 and see noreason why Ickleford should not continue toprosper especially with the excellent sponsorsthe club are lucky to have with Jas Bowman &Sons about to sponsor our cricket balls for the29th consecutive year.Article provided byClub Secretary Roy Izzard 109

CARTMEL FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPRACECOURSECARTMELRACECOURSE/// ///Based in the Lake District, Cartmel Racecourse rekindles the spirit of traditional steeplechaseswith a breath-taking background. The course has an exciting year ahead of them and PRManager Jonathan Garrett took the time to tell us more.He told us, “I have managed Cartmel for fouryears, following roles at Worcester, Fontwell Parkand Scottish Racing. Cartmel is an iconic racecourse– attracting amazing crowds in a beautiful setting.In July we stage the barbecue meeting, where manypeople bring their own barbecues and cook lunchbefore or after racing. We also stage the biggestbarbecue competition in Britain – which runs alongsimilar lines to Ready Steady Cook. It also happensto be our most valuable raceday – when we stagethe £25,000 Cumbria Crystal Cup. The day alwaysprovides several highlights – from the pulled porksandwiches, to the tight finishes.”History“The racecourse has staged racing under rules formore than 150 years, although it is likely that therewere meetings here a long time before the first fixturerecorded in the racing Calendar in 1856. It wasreported that the Bishop of York was once very angryto discover that there were no monks to receive himat the Priory – because they were all racing in a localpark. The Priory is 800 years old and the last monksleft when they were scattered by Henry VIII – so thatwould have been quite a long time ago.The track itself is just over a mile round, but hasan unusual finishing straight which bisects thecircuit, dividing the interior into two enclosures,where the spectators are based. We have just onetiny Grandstand, in the centre of the course, whichhouses the jockeys changing rooms, WeighingRoom, stewards, etc.”2014“The weather in 2014 was fair, but the forecastershad an unfortunate habit of predicting rain on ourracedays – which happily didn’t arrive. Don’t listen tothose pesky forecasters!I was hoping that Soul Magic was going to win hiseighth race at Cartmel – but he pulled up lame andit turned out he had a small foot infection. Trainedby Harriet Graham in the Scottish Borders, he is ourjoint winning-most horse ever, so I hope that he mightextend that record in 2015.110 ISSUE 04

Upcoming Events CARTMEL RACECOURSE“We have been granted an eighth day’s racing in 2015and so we have created a brand new fixture on Friday CARTMEL_7_1_15_87X124MM_ADVERT_Layout 1 07/01/2015 15:37 Page 126th June and Sunday 28th June. It will be the first timethat we have raced on a Sunday; apparently every other Our Cartmelracecourse in the country has already done it. The prize Village Shopmoney is going to be excellent and I think it could be alot of fun. is a haven for foodies, we have much moreWe’ll have more than £400,000 on offer this year – that’s than our famousan average of around £7,200 per race, so I hope we’llhave some competitive racing. Sticky Toffee Pudding. Call in to pick up someWhile every raceday is special, the Bank HolidayMondays in May and August attract the largest crowds. race day treats, our Pork Pies are fresh out of the ovenThe course is at its most fun when it is full of people, the each morning, along with quiches, sandwiches andfairground is in full swing and you can’t see any grass scones we have something for everyone.because there are so many picnic blankets.” Don’t fallAmbitions at the final hurdle!...“We intend to continue increasing prize money,investing in the track and improving the quality of the Take homerace programme. your puddingsWe shall also be working with local partners to help after a dayracegoers get the most of their short stay in the area. at the races.There is so much to see and do in the Lake District –and all of our fixtures this year are two day meetings Happy to support and sponsor race dayswith a day-off in the middle. We do this so that we can at Cartmel Racecourseturn the track around, but it also gives visitors a chanceto see more of the village and the surrounding area.” Wishing the team continued success for the future. 015395 58300 @cartmelsticky 111


TWITTER /// @Cartmelrace CARTMEL RACECOURSECartmel Lodge ParkCartmel Park is a family owned park set in the idyllic village of Cartmel on the South Lakes Peninsular. Just20 minutes from Junction 36 of the M6 motorway. The Park has the capacity for 49 luxury holiday homes.Overlooking Hampsfell it is 25 minutes from Lake Windermere, 30 minutes from Lake Coniston, and in an ideallocation to explore the Lake District and the South Lakes Peninsular.In just 2.5 years we have established, what we believe to We work hard to find a deal that suits our client’s requirements and finances. However, more important tobe a beautiful park with lots of protected open spaces, us, is our passion for customer satisfaction.offering an extensive range of affordable holiday lodges.As owners, we pride ourselves on being market leaders But don’t take our word for this – feel free to visit Cartmel– with the help of our legal advisors we have developed Park, wander round and chat to any one of the existinga protective lease for prospective purchasers/owners. owners.In many cases, it has enabled customers to enjoy goodresale values when selling their lodge. Lodges Lodges are built using high quality timber framed construction (to residential standard BS3632). Models vary in terms of their designand specifications which reflects the budget available - all are clad with either Canexel or Cedar. We feel sure that the finished product will far exceed your expectations. Own ALodgeListed below are some points which explain how we do business. Our aim is to give Lodge/Caravan owners much needed protection in an industry which quite often provides little or none!!Plots, when available, are offered • Control over Service Charges – our • Protection against change inon secure 125 year leases. There annual site fees for 2014 at £2,224 + park ownership – Cartmel Park is aare numerous advantages with this VAT. It is written into every lease that family run business and we havearrangement as compared to “site this can’t increase any more than the no intention of selling the business.licences” – here are just a few: Retail Price Index each year. However, in the event that we did, any new owner would be legally• Security of tenure – in the same • No Sub-letting – we don’t allow obliged to respect the lease,way that you might buy a leasehold commercial rental in any way. In our together with any conditions. Forhouse or flat, our lease provides view, this protects the nature and example, any new owners wouldthe leaseholder with a legal right to atmosphere of Cartmel Park. only be able to increase the annualownership. In the case of Cartmel site fees by RPI as a maximum.Park, purchasers are actually buying • Open space policy – we believetheir own piece of Cartmel. that Cartmel Park is one of the most (if • Leaseholders benefit from a 52 not the most!!) idyllic sites in the area week season (holiday use)• Ownership – as the legal owner … and we want it to stay that way. Byof your plot of land, you are free to way of example, the grassed area ineither pass on your asset to family or the middle of the park is covenantedsell at a future date. to ensure it remains that way. Visit our website for further or call us on 015395 36270

CARTMEL FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPRACECOURSE Wall Nook Lakeland Media Director David Wilson caught up with respected Trainer James Moffatt who Holiday Cottage spoke of his experiences at the track, saying, “The layout of this unique, near 160 year old track, lends to an atmosphere that is almost cauldron like for owners, ‘Wall Nook’ Lakeland Holiday Cottage is a beautifully renovated trainers, jockeys and race goers alike with the track itself the perimeter of all 17th century barn nestling in glorious countryside – a ramblers & facility's and a home straight through the middle going past the stands. I don't know of any other course that have race fans lining the entire inside rail all the way cyclists paradise. round; from a jockeys view point that's quite amazing. It is blissfully tranquil and the perfect base from which to explore I've had many wonderful days at the track, from my first win over jumps in 1990 the rest of The Lakes. to my last ever ride in 2002 with 16 other wins there in between. Since I started Just a mile and a half away lies the medieval Priory, the oldest training shortly after in 2003, I've been lucky enough to train 18 winners there. & prettiest racecourse in England and the now ‘foodie’ village of My favourite moment would probably be A P McCoy riding me a winner there in Cartmel. 2013 and I would have to include Smart Ruler winning the Cartmel Cup last August during a particularly difficult time personally for my fiancée Nadine and I. Contact us for more information at: A particularly special horse to me was the mighty Ekbalco; trained by my father Tel: +44 (0)15395 36043 for R.Fisher in the early 80's, the best horse never to win a champion hurdle. He Email: [email protected] changed my family's life forever and has inspired me to try and win a champion hurdle ever since (I did win a Scottish champion hurdle in 95). I’d also like to give Website: a mention to the retired chief Dan George. I trained him to win a grade 1 hurdle at the Aintree festival and then a NH chase at the Cheltenham festival in 2010 - heWall Nook Holiday Cottage, Beckside, Cartmel LA11 7SP has a home for life. I'm very proud of my staff that have been with me for many years; every day they are exceptional - I wouldn't single one out as we are a team. Young Alex Wilson is my amateur jockey; she is local to the Cartmel area and dedicated to the job. When Cartmel races are around the corner there is always an air of excitement; there is nothing like winning a home game in front of 25,000 locals. The attention to detail, excellent facility's and truly first class preparation that the racecourse staff provide makes Cartmel racecourse a place I'm very proud to be associated with, the track has improved year on year since Lord Caverndish took the reins, making our course a place in my opinion everyone must visit at least once in their life.”Upcoming Events when it is full of people, the fairground is in full swing and you can’t see any grass because there are so many picnic blankets.”“We have been granted an eighth day’s racing in 2015 and so wehave created a brand new fixture on Friday 26th June and Sunday Ambitions28th June. It will be the first time that we have raced on a Sunday;apparently every other racecourse in the country has already done “We intend to continue increasing prize money, investing in the trackit. The prize money is going to be excellent and I think it could be a and improving the quality of the race programme.lot of fun. We shall also be working with local partners to help racegoers get the most of their short stay in the area. There is so much to see andWe’ll have more than £400,000 on offer this year – that’s an average do in the Lake District – and all of our fixtures this year are two dayof around £7,200 per race, so I hope we’ll have some competitive meetings with a day-off in the middle. We do this so that we can turnracing. the track around, but it also gives visitors a chance to see more ofWhile every raceday is special, the Bank Holiday Mondays in May the village and the surrounding area.”and August attract the largest crowds. The course is at its most fun114 ISSUE 04

WARRENPOINT GCWARRENPOINTGOLF CLUBWarrenpoint itself is a small town and civil parish known for its scenic location in CountyDown. Lying on the northern shore of Carlingford Lough, it is separated from the Republicof Ireland by a narrow strait. The town came up within the townland of Ringmackilroy and isknown locally as “The Point”.Some notable information Playing as a par 71, the well Interestingly, Jim Carvill also maintained course provides golfers holds the world record for theabout the town include that it hosts with far more than just the fantastic fastest ever round of golf whilstthe Maiden of Mourne festival, the views of the local area. A high Paddy Gribben won the EuropeanBlues on the Bay music festival, the degree of accuracy is required to Amateur Open in 1999. Alisonpassenger ferry service between enjoy a successful round and a Coffey also represented the club inWarrenpoint and Omeath and the golfer’s shot-making capabilities style and played in the Curtis Cupnearby Narrow Water Castle which will be tested to the limit. in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.dates from the 1960s. Warrenpoint prides itself upon They have also had playersOne of the highlights of the town is providing a course with no two represent Ireland at Junior levelthe high quality Warrenpoint Golf holes being of the same nature including Ruairi McCormack,Club. First established in 1893 it is and in addition to the chance to Pat Trainor, Peter O’Hagan andbased just 6 miles away from Newry play a fine round of golf they can Dorothy Hulme. The club won itsCity on Lower Dromore Road and also boast some superb catering first All-Ireland Title in 1981 andis part of the Hall Estate which is facilities in their welcoming have won 18 in total with the lasthome to the Narrow Water Castle. clubhouse. one being in 2011 when they wonIt was this which is the inspiration the Barton Shield. Perhaps theirfor the Warrenpoint Club Logo. One thing that really stands out most successful year was in 1987 about this remarkable club is the when they took 5 titles.The course is over 6000 yards in proud record that they have inlength in total and being based in an producing high quality golfers. There is much to admire aboutarea known for its stunning views JW Hulme, JL Bamford, Ken Warrenpoint Golf Club and thiscan be a pleasure for people to play Stevenson, Paddy Gribben, Ronan is thanks to the fantastic set upon. With the Mourne Mountains to Rafferty, Raymond Burns, Gary that they have in place behind theone side and Carlingford Lough to McNeil and Jim Carvill all went on scenes. This should enable thethe other it is ranked as one of the to represent Ireland at senior level club to look forwards to a brighttop Parkland Courses in Northern and a number of them also playedIreland. for Ireland and Great Britain in the and successful future. Walker Cup. “One thing that really stands out about this remarkable club is the proud record that they have in producing high quality golfers.” 115

IRLAM AMATEUR FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP BOXING CLUBIRLAMAMATEUR BOXING CLUB /// ///Based on the 1st Floor of 98 Liverpool Road in Salford, Irlam Amateur Boxing Club is a greatexample of a club which plays a vital role in their local community. They have been trainingand guiding amateur and professional boxers for many years under the guidance of ownerand Head Coach Gary Booth.A major part of the good work that they have beendoing is in relation to what they do with young people inthe local area. This part of their set up looks to provideyoungsters with an opportunity to take part in boxing ina safe and enjoyable environment whilst helping themto reach their full potential.It is important for any modern day sports club to supportthe youth of their local region and this is clearly an areathat Irlam has covered. It will certainly be exciting to seehow their current group of young prospects is able todevelop over the coming years.In the past they have managed to produce someextremely talented young boxers, helping them tobecome rising stars in the boxing world. With greattrainers and coaches they put on lessons for bothchildren and seniors and are widely recognised as oneof the best clubs around.This is thanks to the fact that they pride themselves onhaving something for everyone, creating an environmentwhere people can learn and they encourage anyoneinterested to come along and take a look around.Head Coach Gary Booth deserves tremendous credit forthe fine establishment that he has put together over theyears, running the gym as a not for profit organisation.He is a fully qualified ABA boxing coach and uses boxingand fitness sessions to positively engage children andyoung people in the community.This in turn has a positive impact on the wider community.Gary is supported by a fine team made up of parents,coaches and volunteers that are all CRB checked toensure that they are able to provide everybody involvedwith the best experience possible.There is much to admire about the fantastic set up thatIrlam Boxing Club currently has in place and hopefullythey will be able to continue in the same manner formany years to come. Everyone at Sport in ProfileMagazine would like to take this opportunity to wishthem the best of the luck for the future.116 ISSUE 04

LANSDOWN HCLANSDOWNHOCKEY CLUBBased on Warden Hill Road in Cheltenham, Lansdown Hockey Club’s men’s first team currentlycompetes in De Cymru & The Marches 1 of the Davis Wood Hockey League. They are led byChairman Sally Privett who is supported by Secretary Paul Bickell and the club has made aconsiderable amount of progress under their guidance.This season their men’s first team have This part of the club looks to provide which can be an important step in the youngsters from the local area with an development process.enjoyed a steady start to their league opportunity to play the game in a safe andcampaign, having compiled a record of 5 enjoyable environment whilst helping them Another benefit of having so many sideswins, 2 draws and 5 defeats from their first to reach their full potential. is that it allows their first teams to benefit12 matches. This has left them sitting in a from far greater strength in depth. If theysafe mid-table position as they go into the It is important for any club to be able to are ever left short on numbers through2nd half of the season. produce their own talent, particularly in injury or work commitments they have the the current financial climate and this is an option of calling players up with a limitedThe women’s side has shown plenty of area that they appear to have covered. It amount of disruption.promise in the early going with 3 wins and will certainly be exciting to see how their5 draws from their first 9 matches. This juniors can develop over the coming There is much to admire about the goodshould provide them with a great platform months. work that Lansdown Hockey club havefrom which to build as they head into the been doing in their community. Hopefully2nd half of the campaign. In order to help ensure that these players they will be able to continue in the same enjoy a smooth transition into the senior manner for many years to come. Sport inLansdown is not a club to focus solely game they also run a number of additional Profile Magazine wishes them the best ofupon their senior section however as they sides. This allows them to gain experience luck.also have a number of youth sides running. of adult level hockey even if they are not yet considered ready for first team action 117

LEICESTERSHIRE GC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPLeicestershireGOLF CLUBFounded in 1890, The Leicestershire Golf Club has developed into one of the best courseswithin Leicestershire. The beautiful parkland course stands to the south of the city, backing onto open countryside. Heavily treed and possessing the finest USGA greens, the 6134 yard par68 course challenges low handicap golfers whilst remaining suitable to golfers of all abilities.Quality ingredients The course was extended to Our course remains open allfor success year round offering golfers of all 18 holes in 1899 and in 1910 abilities the opportunity to play inThe Rowleys Partnership Ltd Download Our Smartphone App improvements were undertaken our Opens, Invitations, SocietyChartered Accountants available for Android or Apple by James Braid which included and Corporate days as well as ourCharnwood House a number of new bunkers. Then very successful Winter Series, aHarcourt Way in 1936 the course was extended 6 event Order of Merit. Held onMeridian Business Park by Major Charles Mackenzie, the last Friday of each monthLeicester LE19 1WP brother of the legendary Alistair between October and March and Mackenzie of Augusta National offering individual prizes of up to0116 282 7000 fame, and subsequently altered £500. Paul Broadhurst, amongst by C K Cotton. Two famous other famous golfers, is a entrant for this event. Other professional golfers are members players to have entered into 118 ISSUE 04 here; Gary Wolstenholme and the winter series are European Neil Chaudhuri and we often Tour winner, Andy Sullivan who feature in the press, the latest won the South African Open article being within the November 2015 this week (Tuesday) and edition of Golf Monthly. Jason Palmer, who won on the We are a traditional but forward European challenge tour as well thinking Club who welcomes all as Paul Broadhurst. guests and visitors. We go the extra mile to ensure that you enjoy Our staff have a combined 255 a well organised and memorable years of experience working at golfing experience, whilst you the Club and pride themselves establish, build and maintain on offering a superb service. your new golfing relationships in Our building is a unique design the relaxing surroundings of our built in the early 1960’s over two parkland course.

Our Captain’s charity this year is DEBRA LEICESTERSHIRE GC( a charity which exists toprovide care and support for families whose Nestled amidst the beautiful Leicestershirelives are affected by the terrible genetic skin countryside, The Belper Arms offers a warm andcondition called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). friendly atmosphere. Our traditional, family runThere about 5000 people (mainly children) restaurant warmly invites you and your family towith EB in the UK and currently there isno known cure. DEBRA also raises money join us for any occasion.for the essential research into discoveringeffective treatments for EB and ultimately to Tel: 01530 270530find the answers which will rid the world ofEB forever. The Leicestershire Golf Club is For more information visit:honoured to have been selected by DEBRA to www.belperarms.combe a venue for 2015. The charity day will takeplace on Thursday 26th May with teams of Main Street, Newton Burgoland,4 invited to join in for lunch, 18 holes of golf Leicestershire LE67 2SEand dinner/auction hosted by Steve Rider, TVPresenter and Vice Chairman of DEBRA, ata cost of £400 per team. The event is partof the race to Mauritius which is the prizefor the highest points over 2 rounds in theDEBRA golf year. If any of your readers areinterested in taking part in this charity day, please contact us. JN2AE0NW1U5ARMYENUOur stylish comfortable Bar area is a great place to enjoy a range of Local Beers, Friday 13th Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th. extensive Gin and Wine List. 119Our Gin List is one of largest in the area with delights such as William Chase Single Estate from Herefordshire to Gin Mare from Spain.Set within the beautifully restored, listed Mill Lane Mews you will discover aunique mix of classic and contemporary style, with service that is informativeand personal where our team consistently deliver the finest food in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.The Food at The Mews is focused firmly on a philosophy of using the best andfreshest local produce available. Our versatile menus champion a thoroughlyprofessional blend of skilled service with modern British and French cooking.Our aim is to continue our success and reputation in providing our customers with quite brilliant, assured cooking.The Mews is an ideal venue for private parties where we can cater for up to 60heads. Please call to discuss, our team will work with you around your budget and create an event to remember.Entertainment can also be arranged as we have a fabulous group of local musicians who can accommodate all tastes.

LEICESTERSHIRE GC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP The Gate floors. The ground floor houses members and visitors. Clubs now Hangs Well our newly refurbished locker utilise social media to enhance their rooms, Professional Shop and profile and we have diversified into • Secret river garden. Secretary’s Office together with offering businesses within the City • 1.5 Ache field for weddings bike car rally etc. our summertime spike bar. The first floor offers all year round of Leicester conference, meeting • Fully refurbished dec 2014 bar facilities with superb views and training facilities. • All new menu starting feb 2015 across the course whilst allowing • Function room (the boat house) with own river setting and members to utilise our renowned Our 125th year starts early in catering service in either the January with the Captains’ Drive private garden. Mackenzie Room or our more In followed by a Big Lunch. There • Bike / car clubs welcome also camping. intimate Braid Room. are several additional matches Restaurant | Bar | Outside Field | Childrens Play during the year with other Golf Area | Secret Beer Garden | Function Room England Golf maintains that golf Clubs founded in 1890. The main has declined by 20% over the week of celebrations in June Tel: 01162 609 242 last ten years which makes golf commences with an outstanding challenging for any Club, wherever Trick Shot Show by Jeremy Dale, For more information visit of website they may be within the country. open competitions, a fun Texas Clubs have to be proactive and Scramble using hickory golf clubs not reactive these days offering and concludes with a Grand Ball services and facilities that ensure and Dinner. A Family Fun Day andThe Gate Hangs Well, Lewin Bridge, Syston, Leicester, LE7 1NH they shine above the rest. We have junior competitions are scheduled a five year plan in place to not only for the school holidays. Our increase our members and visitors members are looking forward to an alike but also to retain our existing exciting and special year.120 ISSUE 04 121

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