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Sport in Profile 004

Published by Sport in Profile, 2015-01-21 07:20:05

Description: Sport in Profile 004


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FORTROSE & ROSEMARKIE GCFortrose &RosemarkiEGOLF CLUBFirst established in 1888, Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club is located on the Chanonry Peninsulain the ‘Black Isle’ and provides breathtaking views over the Moray Firth near the city of Inverness.Course architect James might appear not to merit a par 5 We also brought in a catering rating, the hole being only 455 yards franchise in 2014 and this has beenBraid's remarkable achievement in from the medal tee, but the degree of a revelation for the committee as a difficulty quickly becomes obvious to whole with the standard and qualitydesigning 18 challenging holes within the player and is reflected with Stroke of food produced by McBain’s Index 1. The hole is widely regarded Catering Services (Paul McBain andthe narrow Chanonry peninsula is as one of the most challenging in the his staff) exceptional with very much north. Icehouse, the 5th hole, may be positive feedback from membersinstantly obvious and admired by first- a mere 132 yards, but depending on and visitors who come to eat at our the wind direction and strength, it can premises – long may this continue.time visitors. Modern-day golf writers be anything from a flick with a wedge Such has been the success of the to a full-blooded 3-iron from even the catering provision that we have moreenthuse over the course layout and long hitters. than doubled our social members at the Club.”condition, with accolades such as Club Secretary Mike MacDonald took the time to tell us more about Atmosphere'a gem of a course by the sea' - 'the the good work that the club has been doing lately. “I have found over the last 11 yearssmallest but perhaps the brightest that it is impossible to keep everyone 2014 happy but the mood is positive asjewel in the Highlands' golfing crown' a whole and at this time the club He told us, “As a Club we are is being run well by the current- 'one of the most pleasant rounds of effectively looking at a break-even committee who remain positive and scenario each year and whilst we as they are all in unpaid positions Igolf in the north' - 'a unique course made a small profit overall, the have a lot of respect for the work they members money and income from do for the benefit of the members atwith a special character to be found visiting golfers is used to invest Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Club.” further in our clubhouse facilities andnowhere else'. our golf course. Overall 2014 has Community has been a successful year and theThe 6085 yards at Fortrose and total membership which includes all “We try to bring in new membersRosemarkie Golf Club is more than categories of membership currently from the community all the time. Our stands at 962. Junior Membership currently standsoffset by its small, deceptive greens at over 120 members and with theand strategically-placed bunkers - ClubGolf coaching taking placechallenges which are multiplied inthe mind of the player by a publicroad dissecting the course, theproximity of the sea to eight of theholes and the dense island of gorsethat awaits the wayward shot atnumerous others. Playing to one'shandicap, therefore, is never easy,especially on a windy day. Par is 71but the standard scratch score is 69(70 from the Black Tees).By the card, Lighthouse, the 4th hole, Scottish Club Championship 2015 will see Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Links play host to the Scottish Club Championship Final. The Scottish Club Championship Final is played between the best club in each area of Scotland (16 areas). Each of the 16 Area Associations of the Scottish Golf Union have a qualifying process to determine their leading Club.The Champion Club from each Area Association will qualify for the Scottish Club Championship Final and we have once again been chosen to host this final which will take place over 36 holes on Sunday, 20th September 2015. The winners of the final will go on to represent Scotland in the European Final which is likely to be in Portugal or Turkey. 51


FORTROSE & FORTROSE &ROSEMARKIE ROSEMARKIE GCCatalytic SMTA throughout the season we have seen a positive& Diesel impact with more parents getting involved. We will also be looking at promoting ‘Give Golf a Battery Servicing | Brakes & Clutches | Brakes Repairs | Car Batteries Go’ to adults during the spring of 2015. Only last Car Brakes | Car Diagnostics | Car Repairs | Car Servicing year the Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Club were awarded with the title of RBS Junior Club of theClutch Repairs | Engine Diagnostics | Exhaust Systems | Garage Services Year at the Scottish Golf Awards and we won Gear Boxes | Mechanics | Oil Change £1,500 to re-invest in junior golf at the Club.” 01381 620355 ChallengesEmail: [email protected] Mobile: 07711 242 287 “The trend seems to be that more people are leaving golf memberships in favour of pay andLong Road, Avoch, Ross-Shire IV9 8QR play so we need to continue to offer the best possible packages for our current members and new people joining the Club. At this time we have no joining fee whilst some other clubs still have this in place.” Ambitions “We want to increase our membership and to provide exceptional facilities for the locals and to encourage them to use the fantastic facility that we have. We have over the last few years purchased over 7 acres of land to develop our practice facilities and we are adding to this all of the time with triple bay practice nets now in place, junior coaching equipment and clubs, practice bunkers, putting greens and as we are now a Scottish Development Centre we are looking to provide an additional short game practice facility for a range of different short-game shots regardless of abilities. The Club as a whole will be aiming to maintain a quality service for members and visitors alike whilst making a small profit each year to re-invest for the future.” 53

DURHAM FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWILDCATS BASKETBALLDURHAMWILDCATSBASKETBALL /// The Graham Sports Centre /// ///The Durham Wildcats are based at The Graham Sports Centre at Maiden Castle on Stockton Roadand they currently compete in the BBL Championship. Their approach to basketball is explainedwell by their club motto which is, “Making Memories, Leaving Legacies”. General Manager RichardWarburton took the time to tell us more about the club.He said, “I joined the Wildcatsteam in the summer of 2011 justweeks before the start of the clubs’first BBL season. The Chairmanand I had previously worked closelytogether through our roles at DurhamUniversity and the opportunity to getinvolved with the Wildcats was toogood an opportunity to turn down.”The Role“Without question the most rewardingpart of the role is seeing the numberof young people participating in ourever-growing community programme.The ambition of the club has alwaysbeen to make basketball accessibleand affordable to all and, over thepast three years, we have seen asignificant increase in the numberof young people participating in thesport throughout the County. As forthe most challenging aspect… I’dhave to say away trips to Plymouth,it’s quite a long way from Durham!”Atmosphere“After a few close losses, our Captain Ralph Buccirecently hit a buzzer beating 3 pointer against ManchesterGiants, and that certainly lifted spirits both on and off thecourt. It was one of those moments that all involved withthe club won’t be forgetting in a while, and hopefully it willspark the start of a good run of form for the team.”This Season“A number of new faces arrived over the summer sonaturally there was an expectation that it would take afew games to get the chemistry right on court. However,we have put in some impressive team performances overthe early stages of the season and find ourselves in acomfortable mid-table position.”54 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @DurhamWildcats DURHAM WILDCATS BASKETBALLTargets Ambitions 55“Last season we made our first “On court, the ambition must beappearance in the end of season to win a major trophy. There wasplay-offs and the ambition is to a great buzz around the club atbe in the same position come the end of last season whenthe end of this campaign. A we made our first appearancetough quarter final tie against our in the play-offs, and we hopeneighbours Esh Group Eagles to build on this success inNewcastle ended our involvement the future and give our loyalin the competition last year, but we supporters many excitingwould love the opportunity to get seasons ahead. Off the court werevenge this time around.” would love to see more young people come through theYouth junior ranks to take their place on the“Youth development is at the heartof everything we do. In a typical BBL rosterweek our players will spend up to and hopefully30 hours in schools coaching the one daygame they love to the players of go on totomorrow. We also run a number ofcommunity clubs and have junior representteams that compete at NationalLeague level. During the 2013-14 theirseason, over 6,000 young people country.”participated in our programme andthat number is expected to riseagain this year.”Community“The Durham Wildcats franchiseis kindly supported by DurhamCounty Council and DurhamUniversity with the focus ofdeveloping a club at the heartof our community. From ourinclusive coaching sessions, toour family friendly game days,the Wildcats wouldn’t existwithout the continued support andengagement of local people.”As a community club, our mostimportant partnerships are formedwith local businesses, and thisseason we are delighted to beworking closely with a popularnorth-east radio station, and anewspaper that’s at the heart ofNewton Aycliffe, the location of ourhome court.”Challenges“As a relatively new franchise tothe British Basketball League, theintention is to only move forwardboth on and off the court over thecoming years. The reputation of theclub is without doubt enhancing,and this is reflected in the growingcrowds on match nights andthe increase in the number ofyoung people engaging with ourdevelopment programme.”

LANCASHIRE SPINNERSBASKETBALL FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPLANCASHIRESPINNERSBASKETBALL/// Haslingden Sports Centre /// /// Founded 1962 ///Having rebranded this year, the Lancashire Spinners Basketball Team have made anencouraging start to their current campaign. Chairman Ken Masser took the time to tell usmore about the good work that they have been doing lately.He told us, “The club was only formedthis year as a rebrand of a club originallycalled Rossendale Raptors. The LancashireSpinners play basketball in the BasketballEngland National Basketball League.My personal involvement with the club datesback to 2008 when I started to volunteerfor the then Rossendale Basketball Club.We quickly re-established the clubs ambition and status within thecommunity and after a series of 5 promotions in 6 years we are nowplaying in the second tier of English Basketball as the LancashireSpinners.”The Role“For all clubs, particularly those in minority sports like basketball,funding and financing the club our probably our biggest challenges. Wehave huge court hire bills annually, and also lots of travelling expensesconsidering our league is made up of teams from London, Ipswich andLoughborough amongst others.The most rewarding aspects for us are the enjoyment we get out ofseeing so many people enjoying watching the team (with crowds ofover 300), and to see young players with limited opportunities in lifeshowcasing their amazing talent on the court.”Atmosphere“We’re in a really good place at the moment. We’ve won 9 of our first11 games, we’re second in the league and have made our way throughto the semi-finals of the cup. Our squad are fit and healthy and thingsare very positive. We are stable financially thanks to the support of oursponsors, particularly our two main supporters World Options and DebitFinance (DFC). So overall things are looking pretty good.”This Season“There are a few things which have gone well for us, firstly we spenta lot of time preparing for the season both on and off the court. We’vegot a fantastic group of young players who have put in the time andeffort to become very good. Because the players are local, and knoweach other, that’s giving us a real advantage against some of the otherteams who have brought in overseas players and are still trying to geltogether.” 56 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @LancsSpinners LANCAHSAHRILREEQSUPININSNERS BASKETBALLProgression“We have a number of players showing promiseat the moment as we have quite a young squad.20 year old Conor Porter is having a greatimpact and has quickly become one of our mostimportant players. He’s got a great engine, is anexcellent defender and one of the best all roundplayers in the league.Josh Houghton (22) is currently second topscorer in the whole league and Andre Gayle(19) is in the top five in the league in rebounds,steals and 3 point shooting percentage. We’vegot other young up and coming players who arereally making an impact, including twins TaiwoOgunneye and his brother Kenny.The twins are two of the most athletic playersin the country and whilst they’re a little raw –they’ve got huge potential. We have StevenVaughan (22) who at 6’10 is literally makinga huge difference for us, particularly as adefender and a rebounder.”Commercial“We’re working hard to engage local people andhave developed some great local connections.We’re working closely with the Joshua WilsonBrain Tumour Charity which is not only a terrificcause that we love to support, but is also reallyhelping us to connect with the community. Ithink that connection in schools and within ourlocal towns is really going to be the key for theclub moving forwards as we strive to grow ourfan base.”Challenges“The biggest challenge is always going to bebalancing the books. Whilst we are stablefinancially, and work hard to ensure we livewithin our means, it’s a constant struggle toraise enough funds to meet our costs each year.Finding sufficient sponsorship, developingour fan base and income on game nights andkeeping our costs within budget are going tobe the big challenges. On the court we havea great group of players who could competeat the next level and with one or two additionswe could be competitive with anyone in theBasketball England League.”Ambitions“We are keen to really integrate more into ourlocal community. We want to be involved aswell as to give back to the local people whosupport us. We would love to find a venue of ourown so that we wouldn’t have to be constantlyhiring facilities, but having said that the supportwe get from Bury Leisure, Bury Council andRossendale Leisure Trust is fantastic and wereally appreciate their support. We would loveto win a trophy or two but our main aim on thecourt is to play at the highest level. We thinkwe can gain promotion from Division 2 andcompete at the top of the first division.” 57

MMA NEWCASTLE FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPMMA NEWCASTLEMixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport that allows the use of both strikingand grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, from a variety of other combatsports and martial arts. Owner of MMA Newcastle, Alex Wright took the time to give us aninsight into his organisation and the increasingly popular sport as a whole.He told us, “I’ve been involved specifically inMMA since 2003 but prior to that had spent a lotof time training in boxing and Chinese MartialArts. MMA was simply a progression really frommy basis in other traditions. My journey in MixedMartial Arts has been an amazing experienceand built many really solid friendships, thetoughness of the sport mixed with the emotionalhighs and lows makes your training partnersvery close and I think that’s an area so fewpeople appreciate from outside the sport. It’salso taken me to the USA, Brazil and aroundEurope training.”2014“It’s been a very tough year for a lot of retailbased business’s and I don’t think we are anexception. However we’ve made a lot of positivechanges and are looking to branch out furtherinto continuing to make the MMA NEWCASTLEstore on Forth Banks a real hub for ProfessionalFighters in the North East with the introductionof a Not For Profit Coffee Bar and some reallyexciting new brands.The website isgoing from strength to strength; we built it in thesummer and people don’t realise this is for thecommunity and is there to help clubs and eventsin the North east Promote their activities. Themain E commerce business which is essentially a more nationallybased MMA & Kickboxing equipment storepays the bills but MMA NEWCASTLE is really acommunity project; a community I’m personallyvery much part of.”The dedication of my staff at Fightstorepro isthe principal reason we’ve progressed this yearalongside support from many of the region’stop fighters such as Mickey Tirrell, Alex Enlund,Andrew Buchanan, Shaj Haque and Pete Irvingto mention but a few!”Get InvolvedI’d advise anyone looking to get involved to finda really good club! We built the MMA Newcastlewebsite to help people do this and we don’t 58 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @MMANEWCASTLE MMA NEWCASTLEallow clubs on who are sub-standard so firstly find a great and Kickboxing. One thing I would like to see are the sportsplace to train, then it’s all dedication. in the North East see themselves as part of one community rather than islands in a sea of sports. I think we are alreadyA few little on going tips would be to; buy good equipment, making progress with this and modern thinkers are comingthat’s how I got involved in Fightstorepro as 7 years ago in to boxing and traditional Martial arts which will aid thisteaching at my club I had guys getting injured buying process.”substandard gear; and come to our store where actualprofessional or ex professional fighters will be there to Ambitionsadvise; buying garbage on Ebay or Amazon might be cheapbut you can’t easily buy replacement knuckles or shins! Then “I would like to see the sport of Mixed Martial Arts in Newcastlebe prepared for spending a lot of time in the gym but that’s become a real fan sport with an educated public where theeasy when you love what you do!” discipline and strength of the competitors is what people go to watch not to see their mates fight, I think that would mark aChallenges progression in the sport as a whole. With the UFC becoming the fifth largest grossing sport in the USA I think that time is“The industry is evolving and changing all the time. We have just around the corner but it needs the promotions to workalways been involved with boxing and BJJ as well as MMA together and take pride in building a North east community.” MMA NEWCASTLE, as in the organisation, I would like to seebecome the hub of all things Combat Sports in the North East. 59

BRAMPTON GC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPBRAMPTONGOLF CLUBBrampton Golf Club is a great example of a great example of what can be achieved in a well-run, superbly administered set-up. We caught up with Club Secretary Diana Banks to find outmore about the work that they’ve been doing lately.She told us, “Brampton is a members golf club based in Cumbria and we’ve achieved our centenary year in 2009. I have been at the Club since September 2011. I don’t play golf and love the job here, friendly people both visitors and members with a broad spectrum of ages, occupations etc. The biggest rewards of the role are the beautiful surroundings, as well as the lovely friendly folk visiting and playing. Seeing success in the growth and further development of the club is also very rewarding. The mood down at the club at the moment is really positive. Like every club in the UK we’ve had the issue of membership being on the decline but 2014 went well with visitor numbers maintained and slightly above the previous year. We’ve just changed our inhouse catering steward and I think everyone is behind what we’re trying to do and we’re making good progress. Youth development is massive to the club here. Our juniors are the future members of the golf club and we pride ourselves on being an important part of the community. A lot of the children in the local area are members. We’ve split the juniors into two sections split at under/over 12s for competitive golf and we run them side by side which is going well. There’s some really good players that have just left the junior section having turned 18 and they’ve got real potential. We’ve a number of players representing the county sides for Cumbria at junior level and we’re proud of the progress that they are making.60 ISSUE 04

BRAMPTON GCWe put regular coaching sessions on to help our players to develop both Tel:01228 819191through the week and at weekends. We try to keep the fees as low as 01228 529656possible to attract as many juniors as possible to the club. We’ve got goodfacilities for the parents to enjoy whilst the kids are having their sessions as Email: [email protected]’re looking to develop the junior section of the club in 2015. We’re trying The BIGGEST... The get into local schools to put on some coaching clinics and hopefully that The CHEAPEST... in the North Westwill attract them to stay with the course after that. We’ve got our annualjunior open coming up and have also introduced a mini four hole competition WORKINGTON & CARLISLEfor the end of the Summer which is something to look forwards to. That had Gates Tyres is an independent family run businessgood numbers attending and all the youngsters involved have remainedwith the club. that has been established for over 50 years, supplying both the retail and trade industries in car,One of the biggest challenges for us is the financial side of running theclub. A lot of full members don’t have the time to play golf because of time agricultural and commercial tyres.restraints so it is important that we come up with new ways to get newmembership into the club. That’s going to be very important for us this year For a quote visit: we believe that starts with the junior section. Gates Tyres Kingstown Broadway, KingstownIn five years time we would like to see Brampton Golf Club as one of the Industrial Estate, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 0HAmajor destinations for golf in the North of England. We’ve carried out a lot ofdevelopments on the course and are investing heavily to make sure it is thebest it can be. That’s the lifeblood of the club and we’re going to continue towork hard to make sure we have it right.”The Blacksmith’s situated 9 miles east of Carlisle and 8 miles east of the M6 Motorway and isjust 3 miles from Brampton in the beautiful village of Talkin. Talkin Tarn (Lake) isonly half a mile away and the surrounding area is particularly delightful.The superb Brampton Golf Course is nearby and we are well situated for all The Blacksmiths Arms offers all the hospitality and comforts ofcountry pursuits, ie Walking, Golfing, Fishing, Pony Trekking etc. The Borders, a traditional Country Inn.Hadrian's Wall, the Lake District and many other famous historical and scenicplaces are all within easy reach. Bed and Breakfast. Bed rooms with full private facilities, colour TV and tea/coffee making facilities offering every comfort.The accommodation has all the bed rooms with full private facilities, colourTV and tea/coffee making facilities offering every comfort. The Old Forge Open every day for lunch and evening meals in both bar loungerestaurant offers good home cooking with fresh local produce. and resturantThe Jackson family extend their warm hospitality to all who frequent the Proud sponsors ofBlacksmith's Arms and guarantee the hospitality you would expect from a Brampton Golf Clubfamily concern and we can assure you of a pleasant and comfortable stay. Tel: 016977 3452 | Web:“A perfect place to stay, totally comfortable bedroom,excellent breakfast and warm friendly owners. We will Email: [email protected].” - Mr. Peter Runton - 5th Jan, 2015 Blacksmiths Arms, Talkin, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 1LE 61

ST VINCENT’S FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP GFCST VINCENT’S GFCGAELIC FOOTBALLSt Vincent’s GFC is a Senior and Under-Age Gaelic Football club base in Luton Town justnorth of London. We have been based out of Stockwood Park where we have played sincebeen founded. We play in the Hertfordshire League which is made up of 7 teams from theBedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire counties. St. Vincent’s prides itself onbeen a family run club and a large part of the local community.Farley Hill /// /// Founded 1959St Vincent’s in 1960 in Stockwood Proud to supportpark: St Vincents GAAHistory Tel:020 8904 9272 www.lorclon.comSt Vincent’s GFC was founded backin 1959 due to the huge numbersof available Irish immigrants whowere residing in the Luton Area.During the 60’s and 70’s LutonTown was a boom town fuelledby the huge employment from thelocal Vauxhall Car manufacture.The newly formed team playedfriendlies against other local sidesand London teams as there wasno organised league. In 1960 theHertfordshire League was formedbringing together a number ofnewly formed teams.The standard of football backin the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was tosuch a high standard that mostplayers were either ex-countyplayers from Ireland or to thatstandard. St. Vincent’s dominatedthe Hertfordshire league for muchof the first 3 decades up to the late80’s/ early 90’s. They dominatedso much during this period thattheir collection of achievementshas not been matched to date.UnderageThe factory line of Irish playersdecreased dramatically duringthe early 2000’s, due to theeconomic bubble in Ireland whichresulted in some teams unableto field and subsequently folding.This highlighted the need to stoprelying on the seasonal playersand develop the grass roots.62 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @StVincentsGAA ST VINCENT’S GFC Player Profile Name: Aidan Fennelly Age: 14 Position: Midfield How long have you been playing Gaelic? 6 years What other sports do you play? Football, running, rugby How does Gaelic differ to other sport? It’s a really physical team Sport and involves carrying, bouncing, kicking, hand-passing and soloing the ball. There are two types of scores, points and goals. Why do you like playing Gaelic? It’s a good, fun, team sport; great for fitness What would you say to someone who is unsure about joining St Vincent’s? I would say to turn up and see if they enjoy the training and that our club wins the majority of trophies Which County team do you support in Ireland? Donegal & Laois‘St Vincent’s Player Profileprides itself onbeen a family Name - Liam Taylor run club and Age - 17a large partof the local Position - Half Forwardcommunity.’ How long have you been playing Gaelic? 8 years What other sports do you play? Rugby How does Gaelic differ to other sports? It’s a truly unique sport that tests many skills that others don’t Why do you like playing Gaelic? I enjoy the competitiveness involved and the new challenges that each game brings What would you say to someone who is unsure about joining St Vincents? I would say to just give it a go and head down to training as all the coaches will welcome all abilities and experiences of gaelic Do you enjoy playing Gaelic? Yes and i look forward to the season each year. The training and games can also keep you fit when the football and rugby seasons end. 63

ST VINCENT’S FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP GFCSt Vincent’s started their under-age campaign back in the early90’s, even though they experienced great success they wereunable to keep it going for long. The under-age club would startand stop for many years to come until 2005 when it was formedagain.This time the under-age club was developed under the GAACrooke Park development scheme. Croke Park the governingbody of the GAA world wide provide guidance in the role of aCDA offices who assisted us with getting our coaches trainedand qualified. To date St Vincent’s Under-age club is goingfrom strength to strength with the fielding of our first under 21team in a long time.This under 21 team is the fruits of our under 10’s and 12’s backin 2005 who have stayed together over the years. The successover the last 10 years is much contributed to the involvement ofthe parents namely Gerry Taylor, James Condron and CharlieTimoney to name a few who have tirelessly devoted countlesshours to meetings, courses, training and matches.Under 16 team 2011 Question and Answer Night with Greats Mick Harte & Tyson FurySport is a great way to develop a child’s team work andlife skills, Gaelic Football is no different. In fact, due toits unique set up it is ideal for kids who might not haveexperienced success in other sports. “Go- Games” wasdeveloped to allow young kids to start being involved insport without the influence and pressure of having winnersas they are not allowed to play for cup’s until they are overthe age of 14.Unfortunately in today’s society sport is often over lookedas it is too time consuming, or just too much effort. Thosewho have made the effort to try Gaelic football generallystay committed. Gaelic is played over the summer monthswhere there are longer days allowing more time to havetraining later in the day.The Season starts with training commencing around StPatricks Day (March) and ends around mid September.Every year St Vincent’s kids will join in the local Parade.The games will take place from June to September whichis out of season for Rugby and soccer.64 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @StVincentsGAA ST VINCENT’S GFCFuture Plans training requirement set out by Crooke one of the world’s fast growing sports Park to allow you to be involved with and want to be part of a friendly andLooking to the future St.Vincent’s is training youths. fun club then please look us up on ourhoping to build on the success over the website 9 years. For the 1st time ever in the St Vincent’s GFC members would likehistory of the club we will be fielding to take this opportunity to thank all from under 12’s to under 21’s those who have helped out through Luton-GAA-St-Vincents-from the current group of players. We the years with on and off the field GFC/153349458058315will also be recruiting the next young events and sponsorship, especiallyplayers for the new under 10’s and St Margaret’s Social Club who have or email [email protected] an under 8 team. provided fantastic support. com.The future of the club does not just relyon new players, it also requires new If you or your children are interested in Slan go members to join and complete the joining or learning more about what is 65

walsall fc FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWALSALL FCBescot Stadium /// /// Founded 1888Walsall secured the signing of 24 year old Jordan Cook on a two year contract in the summerand after overcoming an early injury he has established himself as an important part of theirside. Sport In Profile Magazine caught up with him to find out how he is getting along.He told us, “I see myself as a pacey direct forward who likes to run in behind the defence. Ialso don’t mind playing as a high winger, love scoring goals and will always look to get shotsoff.”My progress in football has a lot to do with my parents Individually I want to score and create more goals and help this team in our target of winning the JPT cup and also toand family. Taking me to and from training and matches get into the playoffs at least. We believe we can do thateven putting my football before some of their jobs. And and we know what we have to keep doing and improve onbeing at Sunderland where the likes of Kevin Ball/Elliott which will enable us to do so.Dickman and Ged Mcnamee from the academy have givenme a great foundation to be a good professional. I’d also Personally no matter which club I'm at I want to belike to thank Steve Bruce for giving me my debut and two successful and win trophys/promotions and just to play atother appearances in the premier league showing other the highest level I can for as long as I can. And for me itclubs I had the potential to be a very good player. starts now with this team at Walsall; it would be a great start in my first season to win a cup at Wembley and get aAt the moment I’m loving the run of games I'm getting from promotion too.”being injured at the beginning of the season and how theteam is climbing the league and progressing in the JPT cup. Sport In Profile Media Director, Liam Milburn spoke toThe manager and being previously on loan at Walsall was a Walsall FC First Team Manager Dean Smith on the club’smassive draw to the club. Knowing he likes how I play and newest recruit:that I'm going to a team who play the style of football I likeand also a team that I believe can do really good things this “We were delighted to be able to bring Jordan back toseason in all competitions. the club during the summer because he is a player of undoubted quality.Without doubt getting injured in a pre-season game andmissing the first part of the season was the biggest downside He was here previously on loan, so I knew when I signedto my Walsall career so far. I twisted my ankle as I jumped him what he would bring to the table both on and off-the-for a header and fractured it and stretched every ligament the ankle which didn't need an operation thankfully butdid take a lot of work and rehab to get me back to fitness. It was a real blow for us when he suffered a hairline fracture of his ankle during a pre-season game; yes, it halted hisThe mood at the moment is very positive, well more so than progress because he was looking good in the matchesusual as we are having a good run in the cup and just got and training prior to that, but he worked extremely hard tointo the area finals. Also the league form is going well and get back to full fitness during the autumn and is now anwe are putting in some good performances playing good important player for us.passing and fluent football. He just wants to be out there playing football. He has aThe start to the season was not so good but I say now we fantastic attitude and work ethic, which fits in perfectly withhave definitely picked up and got a lot more points out of the ethos with have here at the club, whilst his pace andgames. We know we should be scoring more goals but the ability to get in behind is something that is serving us well.”chances are always there we just need to start putting themaway.“At the moment I’m loving the run of games I'mgetting from being injured at the beginning of theseason and how the team is climbing the leagueand progressing in the JPT cup.”66 ISSUE 04


TRINA GULLIVER FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPDARTS PLAYERTRINA GULLIVERDARTS PLAYERTrina Gulliver is the most successful ladies darts player of all time having claimed an incredible9 World Championships. She has the nickname of the Golden Girl and has been sponsored bythe leading Global Darts Brand Winmau for more than 10 years.Trina backs up her nickname bothon and off the oche and has been afantastic ambassador for the sport,helping the ladies game to becomeestablished as a TV spectacle withincreased kudos and respect thanksto her impressive performances.Her fantastic achievements wererecognised when she was appointedMember of the Order of the BritishEmpire (MBE) in the 2013 BirthdayHonours for services to darts and tocharitable fundraising.From the introduction of the BDOWomen’s World Championshipin 2001, Gulliver put together anincredible unbeaten run in thecompetition not losing until 2008. Heroutstanding performances are backedup by the statistics as well as she hasthe 8 highest winning 3 dart averagesin the Women’s World Championshipincluding 3 winning averages higherthan 90.Sport in Profile Magazine caught up “Winning an MBEwith Trina to find out more about her was fantastic andfantastic career and she told us, “I also very surreal. Ithave been playing darts from the age was hard to take itof 14. Mum and Dad use to run a pub all in at the time.”so it was always a family interest. Myfavourite memories have been all 9World Championship Titles. My veryfirst selection for England in 1994 wasalso special and I’m very proud to be inthe England Team and to of Captainedthem to many titles. I love it.I would say the keys to my successhave been dedication, determinationand lots of training. It’s very difficultat times obviously, as we all havepersonal issues to deal with at thesame time but a positive mentalattitude always helps.In truth it was not my best year onand off the board. I have been a littledistracted this year with a few personal68 ISSUE 04

The Group TRINA GULLIVER Holiday Specialists... DARTS PLAYER sad moments. In 2015 I’m going to try and haveWhat’s your next challenge? a better year than the last one for a start, taking each game and moment at a time. Then after myLet Isle of Wight Tours arrange a tailor-made sports tour or playing days are finished then maybe some sort ofevent weekend for your club or association to both UK and management. I can’t really see me without dartsContinental destinations. Our tour packages are very in my life.flexible and can be adapted to suit each unique customer. Winning an MBE was fantastic and also very surreal. It was hard to take it all in at the time. AIOW Tours caters for a wide range of sporting and leisure brilliant day at Buckingham Palace and of coursegroups including: it’s lovely to know that your efforts, not just for the sport of darts but also for my charity work have  Darts Events been recognised by the Queen.”  Indoor/Lawn/Crown Green/Short Mat Bowling Teams Trina Gulliver has achieved unbelievable success  Ten Pin Bowling Teams throughout her career and her achievements into  Petanque & Skittles Teams darts are unlikely to be matched by anyone in the  Football, Rugby & Cricket Teams game. Sport in Profile Magazine would like to take  Freshwater/Sea Angling Groups this opportunity to congratulate her on her success  Table Tennis Teams and also to wish her the best of luck for the future.  Golf Associations  Pool/Snooker and other Indoor Games Teams 69IOW Tours has a wealth of experience that encompassesall of the major holiday and city destinations and beyond.Each year, thousands of clubs and associations travel withus each with their own special requirements. Our ethos isto provide an 'innovative, safe, memorable and value-for-money experience for all’. Whatever your Sport, Whatever your Association IOW Tours has it Covered! 01983 405116 [email protected] NXG – LSD/Diff 3J English NXG LSD ............................. £678 Atlas NXG LSD ...................................... £838The latest NXG LSD/Diff is designed Peugeot NXG ‘BE’ LSD ......................... £738and manufactured Sprite/Midget NXG LSD ....................... £636to be the strongest, Vauxhall F20/F18/F16 NXG LSD........ £750most progressive and Sierra 7” NXG LSD ................................£762versatile LSD unit in themarket place today.Full range of units available please ask. Half Shafts Group one Baby/Long/Narrow/Wide..£486 Atlas/GIV Long/Short...........................£462Group 1 Half Shaft set - BABY & LONG/NARROW/WIDE 22T/English – 16 T/Atlas, 18T/GIVAtlas/GIV Half Shaft set - LONG 770mm/ SHORT 740mmFull range of Half Shaft Spares3J Gear Kit & Boxes Kits ..........................................from £838.00 Boxes.................................... from £1260.00 Other units available please ask3J Gear kit and Boxes, available for Range of spares andRocket, Type 9 and 2000E/Bullet, in a accessories availablehost of ratios, please contact our team include quick shift gearour visit our web site for further info. levers, Alloy Casings, Alloy Lids, One piece Selector fingers. Where quality T: 01926 650426is everything! E: [email protected]

ICKENHAM RFC RFC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPICKENHAM/// Ickenham Rugby Club /// /// Founded 1964 /// Competing in the Herts/Middlesex 2 League, Ickenham RFC is a club that is committed to playing an important role in their local community. Sport in Profile Magazine caught up with their Club Captain Sebastian Barker to find out more about the good work that they’ve been doing lately.He told us, “I have been at the club Youth find out a little more about the club. We have recruitment drives at different timessince 2009 after leaving the army. At this “Youth rugby is very important and we through the year and are always lookingtime I wanted to maintain my fitness and are at any available opportunity getting for sponsors and opportunities to havestill be involved in something that had involved in the local community to support the club advertised and discussed.”a camaraderie ethos. A friend of mind, schools in initiative programmes. Wewho at the time was the second team in the future will hopefully have a youth Challengescaptain at Ickenham RFC recommended section which will in time add depth andthat I start training with them as he felt many layers to the club. This is an area “In the next 5 years I believe some of thethey could offer everything I was looking for development for Ickenham RFC. biggest challenges the club will face willfor. He was most certainly correct, as be ensuring enough young players areI was welcomed into the club and the The transition to the senior game can coming through to fill any gaps that mightteam instantly.” be a daunting one for some young become available as older players retire. players so we ensure that our coaches We always face the same challengesThe Role spend time helping them understand the year on year, as there are 6 other clubs changes and how that someone’s speed within a 5 mile radius of Ickenham and“There are a few challenging aspects to can be counter acted against someone’s due to this the competition for playersmy role as club captain, some of these size, strength and experience. We gets increasingly harder each year.”however are out of my and the players include young players in all aspects ofcontrol. Work and family commitments club life, from playing and training to Ambitionsare areas that unfortunately I cannot socials and the annual tour. We see thechange and this on occasion has left us social element just as important as the “The club have many ambitions for thesometimes having to call upon retired playing as this is where friendships are next 5 years and beyond, hopefully withinplayers to dust of their boots and for the solidified and the player grows into a this time we will be granted our own pitchmost part these players then stay out of rounded member of the group.” and club house for the first time in ourretirement for the rest of the season. 50 year history as a club. Recently, the Community club celebrated its 50th anniversary andOne of the rewarding elements to from this one of our biggest ambitions ofmy role is seeing players progress “We are 100 per cent a community all will be to put out a second team asand develop as the season goes on. club! As mentioned we support the local well as a first. The club has always beenMoreover the most rewarding element community schools as much as possible, renowned for its strong family ethos andis playing with a great team of lads that we participate in the communities with the new clubhouse we hope thisshow their appreciation on and off the festival which is held biannually and strengthens and allows past and presentfield. We are a small club of friends not we are consistently featured in local families to show their support.”just team mates which is a great feeling have every time you play. It has been If you have any questions aboutsaid, that our drinking team have a rugby We currently play our home games at playing rugby or how to get involvedproblem!” Brunel University, the facilities they have are second to none. The only down side in our club please don’t hesitateThe Atmosphere to playing here is we lack our own space to contact us via our website, and club house. We have acquired a Facebook page or email me at“The general mood through the club piece of land in Ickenham and have beenat the moment is a positive one even given the go ahead to mark out a pitch [email protected] our last few results have not and with planning permission pending a co.ukgone the way we would have liked. It is new club house with changing facilitiesmy job as club captain to reassure the will hopefully soon be built.”team that we are pushing onward and intime we will go from strength to strength. CommercialThe club has many people who areconsistently working behind the scenes “The club has a regularly updatedto make sure the best is always being website and Facebook page where newdone for the club now and in the future.” potential players can contact us and 70 ISSUE 04


PORTARLINGTON FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP GCPORTARLINGTONGOLF CLUBPortarlington Golf Club is an 18 hole course which is owned by its members and is markedas one of the top 100 courses in Ireland by Golfs Digest. The club has put together a historyof which it has every right to be proud since being established and is looking to continueprogressing in the coming years.Recent reviews have also rated thecourse in the Top 10 “Value for Money”Courses in Ireland and they always look tocontinue to improve having acquired landwhich is waiting to be developed.Based in Garryhinch in County Laois inIreland, Portarlington Golf Club does aterrific job of providing people with anopportunity to play the game. Much of thecredit for this must go to their hard-workingCommittee which is led by President PaddyBates who is supported by Secretary TomHainsworth.Portarlington itself is a town on the borderof County Laois and County Offaly withthe River Barrow providing the split. Thesouthern end of the town is dominatedvisually by a glacial hill that is known as‘Corrig’ which is topped by a stone structurecalled the ‘spire’ which was built in the 19thcentury.Corrig provides impressive views on all sideswith some spectacular sights ensuring that avisit to the area to play golf can also providepeople with plenty of other satisfaction.The clubhouse at Portarlington is kept to ahigh quality in order to ensure that golfershave somewhere to enjoy their time afterplaying on the course. The upper floor barprovides terrific views out across the courseso that visitors are given the best possibleexperience and there is always a warm,friendly and welcoming atmosphere.The club is committed to playing animportant role in the local community andthis is reflected by the fact that they maketheir facilities available for the public to hire.This also has the potential to provide themwith a valuable source of additional revenuewhich can be particularly important in thecurrent financial climate. 72 ISSUE 04

GReen and Clinic POHRATRALRELQINUIGNTSON GC CLINIC 733 Chiropractic 3 Dry Needling3 Active Release Techniques®3 Back Pain 3 Sports Injuries3 Headaches 3 Neck & Shoulder Paint 057 8678904e [email protected] www.lawlorclinic.ieClinics in Portlaoise & DublinOne of the major competitions to play the game in a safe andthat the club hosts is the enjoyable environment whilstMichael Moore Cup. The Cup helping them to reach their fullhas been a major success potential.since it was introduced andhas attracted more than 60 It is vital for any club to be ableclubs to compete in the past to bring young talent into thefew years. It is named after club and this is an area thatMichael Moore who is a long Portarlington appears to haveterm member and served as covered. They have someCaptain in 1997. bright up and coming talent involved at the moment and itThe competition is always will certainly be exciting to seekeenly contested, exhibiting how they can develop over thehigh quality golf with the coming being held each year inSeptember. 2015’s event is Portarlington Golf Club is asure to be another to remember great example of a well-run,which will be enjoyed by all that progressive establishmentattend. which is focused upon providing a high quality experience to itsPortarlington is not a club to members. Hopefully they willfocus solely upon senior golf continue in the same mannerhowever as they also put a lot for many years to come andof effort into junior golf. This everyone at Sport in Profilepart of their set up looks to Magazine would like to wishprovide youngsters from thelocal area with an opportunity them the best of luck.

DUNBAR RFC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPDUNBAR RFCArticle provided by Club Representative Billy Low/// Hallhill Sports Centre /// /// Founded 1923 ///Dunbar RFC was formed in 1923 on the morning train to Edinburgh by a small band ofRugby enthusiasts. I was a keen Sports person but chose Rugby over everything else at thetime. There were two major factors in choosing Dunbar RFC, one was it is my home townand also the Head Master at the time Norman McPhee was an influential member of the club.I always remember my first visit to the club while still at school. Having addressed him as“Sir” he quickly replied its Norman when you are here.The Clubhouse was built by the turning out on Sunday mornings. The majority of our players come throughmembers and was very homely and the local Primary School Clusters, whichwelcoming to myself and my friends. are supported by our club developmentUnfortunately or fortunately depending officer Callum Low who also doubles upon how people feel that building has now as 1st XV coach.gone and the Club are based at the localHallhill Sports Centre. As a keen club At 23 years old Callum is by far theman it was a sad day indeed as I had youngest Head Coach the club has everbeen in several roles up until 1991 when appointed. His role as Developmentwe moved premises. Officer is to increase playing numbers and develop players skill levels. TheThe Club has had many highs in its club Midi section has undergone sometime with several Scottish Internationals difficult times but have managed to standproduced with the last full capped player on our own two feet.Derek White also becoming a British Lion.There have also been several young The under 16 team are currently unbeatenplayers capped at Scottish age grade in their Edinburgh League having postedRugby in recent years. There have been some big scores. The success of ourmany successes on the pitch with the 1st youth system has its down side as biggerXV winning successive promotions and clubs are constantly looking to lure thesenarrowly losing out in the Bowl final at players away. Fortunately the way theMurrayfield in 2012. club is now run the players are showing loyalty. There are talks currently in placeDunbar RFC currently sit in the top half of regarding Dunbar Grammar SchoolEast League Division 1. After a good start being a school of rugby which would beinjuries started to mount up for the team a major boost for the town and our club.resulting in drop in performance. DunbarRFC also lost several key young players The current 1st XV have a squad madeto top teams in the Capital. Before the up primarily of players under 22 years ofseason started Dunbar was confident of age which shows how investing in youthchallenging for promotion but the loss of can be a major benefit to the club. As aquality players has affected the size of family orientated club the transition fromthe squad. Paramount to success means Midi to Senior Rugby is very straighthaving a strong squad size supported forward. There are many functions andby a strong second fifteen. As a club events where all the players mix. The clubwe continually focus on developing our has a big part to play in the Communityyoung players from mini to midi and then and are often praised for the work we senior Rugby. The new Sports Facility was openedThe club has a very strong Mini section hastily in 2001 to accommodate ourwith an array of talented coaches at every friends from Ireland, Skerries RFC. Therelevel. The onus for 5 and 6 year olds is to has been a continuous fixture betweenhave fun whilst learning the basics. The the two clubs since 1952 with up to 60rest of the group are regularly in action people travelling over the Irish Sea eachagainst teams in the Edinburgh and year. The Facility was and still is admiredBorders area. Numbers have increased by many sports groups from all over.over the years with around 100 kids Catering for Hockey, Football, Athletics,74 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @Dunbar_RFC DUNBAR RFCSquash and a wide array of indoor To support Callum the club, through the Another target of ours is to developsports this can cause problems in itself. support of the SRU, have employed Ladies Rugby which is in its infancy atThe local Council have recently installed a Modern Apprentice. This allows the the moment and to introduce a Ladiesa new 3G all-weather pitch. With the club to expand in the Community and section. Finances are always a majorall-weather surfaces extensively used increase player participation and more challenge in tough economic times andfor Football the club rely on the grass importantly give kids a purpose in life. difficult decisions have to be made. Wesurfaces. It also goes a long way to increase need to continually be ahead of the children’s fitness levels. This all comes game by ensuring as much as possibleThere is a sense of positivity in the at a cost and much has to be done to is being done to grow at all levels. Moreclub with a hard working Committee raise significant funds to take the club volunteers of all ages are needed andstriving for success. There is much forward. will always made welcome to bring newapprehension also as adult numbers ideas to the table.drop but youth numbers are on the The club need to increase playingincrease. With a small number of numbers in the near future. This means Our main ambition is to progress uphard core members more and more is funding to make our Development Officer the Leagues but squad numbers andexpected of individuals. The onus is on role full time. The need to increase player quality needs to improve. We asyouth Rugby and the Development of senior playing numbers is paramount a club hope to produce more first aiders,players under the enthusiastic Callum to give competition to senior teams. We referees, coaches and to provide a goodLow supported by the many coaches also want to develop the structure of the base for ladies rugby. Eventually thewithin our ranks. club through coach development and dream is to once again own our own addition of support staff for all teams. facility. 75

TERRY HOLLANDSSTRONGMAN FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPTERRY HOLLANDSSTRONGMANTerry Hollands success as a strongman competitor means that he needs no introduction havingwon Britain’s strongest man and also competed at the World’s Strongest Man competition onnumerous occasions.Hollands career didn’t begin in a strength-related field however as rugby was his initial sportof choice. Injury de-railed his development in thegame and that was when he turned to a differentkind of training.British Strongman Terry didn’t begin his career ina strength-related field, and it was Rugby that washis original sport of choice. After contracting aninfection and being unable to play, he eventuallyreturned to the gym to focus on rebuilding hisstrength and that’s when he began a new kindof training.Known for having a training regime that hehimself describes as, “ferociously unforgiving”,the results speak for themselves with Hollandsbeing one of only four British men to have evertaken the podium at World’s Strongest Man.He credits the positive effects of visualisation inhelping him achieve success.His strongman career began in 2005 with himachieving impressive results immediately as hecame 2nd at England’s Strongest Man and wonUK’s Strongest Man. He lost his title the followingyear to Glenn Ross but did manage to qualify forthe World’s Strongest Man competition.He came back even stronger, training even harderand by 2007 took the title of Britain’s StrongestMan. He also consistently finishes in the Top 5rankings of the WSM contest, and in 2014 wasranked 5th Strongest in the world.2007 was a terrific year for Hollands as hehighlighted his reputation as one of the topStrongmen in the world, taking the British title andachieving a top 3 finish in World’s Strongest Man,becoming the first Brit to do so for over 10 years.He made the final of Britain’s Strongest Managain in 2008 before achieving a respectable6th place finish in 2009. He then started 2010 interrific form in the Strongman Champions Leaguebefore being side-lined by injury. He was stillcrowned the overall SCL champion.Hollands did not let his injury slow him downhowever, battling back to claim his 2nd podiumfinish at World’s Strongest Man the followingyear. He has continued to perform well since andis an excellent Ambassador for British athletes.Sport in Profile Magazine wishes him the best ofluck for the future.76 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @terryhollands TERRY HOLLANDS STRONGMANFor the last few decades supplement mixing on the go has been the same laborious chore of handshaking your powders in a clumsy plastic beaker. With the help of innovative new technologyfrom PROMiXX, elite athletes across the globe including the likes of the UK’s most successful strong man, Terry Hollands, are changing the way we mix our supplements forever.PROMiXX mixers offer a battery for easy and fast charging and mixing and the new model also boasts a NUTRiPOD to seamlessly store your a brushed aluminium finish available inrevolutionary approach to modern nutrition supplements, making it great for anodized silver, blue or black - making itsports bottles, harnessing the power mixing on the go. highly durable and stylish.of nature’s vortex to deliver the fastest,smoothest possible supplement drinks. A step above this is the PROMiXX 2.0, PROMiXX is taking the world by stormPROMiXX, the world’s most advanced introducing an ultra-high torque motor and is available in 27 countries worldwide.sports bottle, is designed to effortlessly capable of speeds of 16,000 rpm, Founder and pioneer of the PROMiXX,mix liquids and nutritional powders on powered by an integrated rechargeable Joe Faulkner-Edwards recognised that,the go. Lithium-Ion battery. The latest model “with a global value of $92billion dollars in the range also comes complete with in 2013, the (health supplementation)The PROMiXX boasts a hoard of an integrated supplement storage unit market was crying out for a superiorinnovative features including a (the NUTRiPOD) that elegantly holds method for mixing and consuming thesescientifically engineered blunt blade to your powders, pills or keys. The handy products…” He believes this innovationprotect the integrity of micronutrients in new measurement indicators on the will revolutionise the way we consumefood supplements, a leak proof sports side of the bottle allow for more precise our health supplements.cap and an easily detachable motor.It is no surprise that PROMiXX is fastbecoming the sports bottle of choice forBritish and international athletes andsporting champions. Welsh internationalrugby union player Scott Williams says,“PROMiXX is the best and coolest wayto mix my supplements. Quick and easyto use, but best of all no bits!”With rapid growth since its initialconception in 2011, PROMiXX is nowseen as a must-have for any gymgo-er. Louise Hazel, heptathlete andcommonwealth games gold medallistcalls it, “by far one of the coolest gadgetsin my kit bag.”Daniel Ventura, WBFF Pro UK Championsays \"The first time I used a PROMiXXI couldn't believe the difference it made.I've been drinking protein shakes foryears and it was always a chore to gulpthem down. Using a PROMiXX makesmy shakes so creamy and smooth I'mdrinking more shakes than ever before! Inever leave home without it!\"The PROMiXX is made using high-grade, food-safe materials that are bothimpact and odour-resistant as well asbeing dishwasher safe. Alongside this,the superior rubber seals offer a 100%leak-proof guarantee so you can saygoodbye to lumpy, clumpy shakes fromodorous, leaky and out-dated bottles.The original PROMiXX runs off 2 x AAAbatteries and comes in a stylish pink,black or white making it the perfectgym accessory. You can also get anupgrade pack for your PROMiXXfeaturing a Lithium-Ion rechargeableFor more information on PROMiXX and a list of retailers, visit 77


DONCASTER HC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPDONCASTERHOCKEY CLUBDoncaster Hockey club is based at Doncaster Town Field Sports Club, Bennetthorpe in SouthYorkshire and their men’s first team currently competes in the Men’s Conference North whilsttheir Women’s side plays in the North Premier Division. The club is led by President StephenWard who is supported by Secretary Bev Deakin.The men’s first team has made a steady Their Women’s first team have been in These teams look to provide youngsters superb form this season with 9 wins, 2 from the local area with an opportunitystart to their current league campaign draws and 2 defeats from their 13 matches. to play the game in a safe and enjoyablehaving put together a record of 6 wins, This sees them sitting just behind the environment whilst helping them to reach1 draw and 4 defeats from their first 11 league leaders and if they can keep up their their full potential.matches. This has left them sitting in the top recent level of performance they may findhalf of the table with 19 points on the board. themselves top of the pile before long. It is important for any club to be able to produce their own talent, particularly in theOne of the major positives of the team’s This should provide them with a good current financial climate and this is an areaperformances so far has been the free- platform from which to go on and have they appear to have covered.scoring nature of the side, reflected by the a successful season. It will certainly befact that they are one of the top scorers in exciting to see how the side is able to There is much to admire about the set uptheir league. This has certainly ensured progress in the coming months and there is that Doncaster currently has in place asthat any supporters attending their matches a confidence amongst the players that they they continue to play a vital role in the localhave been well entertained and should have what it takes to do well. community. Everyone at Sport in Profileencourage more of the community to get Doncaster is not a club to focus solely upon Magazine would like to wish them the bestbehind the side in the future. their senior section however as they also of luck for the future. have a number of youth sides in place.Silk & Co Advert V2:Layout 1 6/8/14 13:33 Page 1Silk & Co Advert V3:Layout 1 6/8/14 13:31 Page 1Silk & Co Advert V2:Layout 1 6/8/14 13:33 Page 1Silk & Co Advert V2:Layout 1 6/8/14 13:33 Page 1 INSOLVENCY PRACTITIONERS INSOLVENCY PRACTITIONERS Corporate and Individual Ddebt Ssolutions. Corporate andI N S O LV E N C Y P R A C T I T I O N E R S It’s hard working in the financial services industry. Society still continues to obsess ICnodrivpiodruaatel Ddaenbdt over words like ‘recession’, ‘debt’ and ‘insolvency’. Where as we would rather use IINnS OdSsLViovE NilCduY utPiRoaACnlT IdsT I.eO NbE RtS words like ‘recovery’, ‘rescue’, and ‘bouncebackability’ (added officially to the CollinsCosroplourtaiotensa.nd1st Floor - Consort House - Waterdale - Doncaster - DN1 3HR dictionary in 2006!) Tel: 01302 342875 At Silke and Co Limited we have grown every year since our inception in 2007. We have swelled from a team of 5 to our current roster of 25. We have advised in excessIndividual debt1st FEFlomorre-aCeiolT:Pnseaohrdlt:oFHmao0nuxise1:ne0@:3-1W300s0a822tielrk03d34ae0l2e4a9-n812D6do78ncc77aos75.tec0ro-6D.u6N1k3HR of 2,000 clients who needed clarification on how to address their instability. We worksolutions.1st FElomoWr -aeCiolb:ns:aowrdt HFwmoauxwis:[email protected] Dk.uN1k3HR quietly, confidentially and competitively to give our clients the help and advice they need with as small an impact on their business as realistically possible. Both of our Insolvency Practitioners have over 20 years experience covering everyPROUD SPOFNaSx:O0R13S02O3F42D98O6NCASTER single type of solution. We offer all types of procedures across the spectrum of Insolvency services including Liquidation (both solvent and insolvent), Administration Email: [email protected] and Company Voluntary Arrangements in addition to personal Insolvency options. Web:@SilkeandCoLtd wwwS.silkilek&eCaonLdtdco.coSi.lkuek& Co Ltd We also offer creditors advice and support and representation where necessary. Our advice is always free and we only discuss a fee if you want us to proceed with a solution. Why wouldn’t you want to talk to us? Especially about bouncebackability… Telephone number: 01302 342875 Freephone Number: 0800 1777066 Fax Number: 01302 342986 Website: Email: [email protected] Address: 1st Floor Consort House, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3HR80 ISSUE 04

FULHAM IRISH GACFULHAM IRISHGAC /// Artillery Lane /// ///Based on Artillery Lane in London, Fulham Irish GAC Club’s men’s first team currently competein the Cara Stationary Football League Division 1. They were first established in 2006 when theLondon County Board let them enter a team in Intermediate Competitions and they wasted notime establishing themselves as they won the London Intermediate Championship at their firstattempt.This was not their only the supporters who came along a day to remember. Tir Chonailltriumph in their first year Gaels eventually emergedhowever as they also took the victorious 2-11 to 2-10 to claimBritish Provincial title. Their first the trophy by the narrowest ofyear was a sign of things to margins.come as they have continuedto be successful since, winning This should not take awaythe Senior Championship from what was a good yearTrophy on October 16th 2011 for Fulham Irish GAA both onto ensure that they had claimed and off the field and they haveevery domestic honour in every right to be proud of whatLondon. they’ve achieved. This shouldThey were the first club in provide them with the perfectLondon to offer dual players platform from which to build asSenior Football and Senior they look ahead to 2015.Hurling, also running a ladiesside. This team was set up It should be noted thatin 2008 and won the London Fulham Irish GAA is a clubChampionship in 2010 and the that is committed to playingIntermediate Championship in an important role in the local2011. community and this is reflected by the fact that they also have aIn 2014 the men’s first team put 2nd team in place. This allowstogether a strong campaign as them to give twice as manythey managed to win 5 and lose players a game every week.just two of their 7 matches. Thissaw them finish in 2nd place Another benefit of having a 2ndin the table with 10 points on team is that it allows the firstthe board. Finishing 2nd in the team to benefit from far greatertable was a fine achievement strength in dept. If they are everin itself and was a reflection of left short on numbers throughthe fine performances that they injury or work commitmentsmanaged to produce. they have the option of calling players up with a limitedQualifying for the final saw amount of disruption.them rewarded with a fixtureagainst Tir Chonaill Gaels who There is much to admire abouthad gone through the league the fine work that Fulham Irishseason unbeaten. Therefore GAA have been doing sinceclaiming the trophy was always they were first established andgoing to be a difficult task but their hard working CommitteeFulham Irish was confident of deserve a tremendous amountemerging victorious. of credit. Everyone at Sport in Profile Magazine would like toIt turned out to be a superb, wish them the best of luck forevenly contested match giving the future. 81

LOSTOCK HALL LOCKSTOCK HALL JFC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP JFCLOCKSTOCK HALL JFCGRASSROOTS CLUB EFFORTS BRING SUCCESSJunior Football Club making great strides to become a successful force and bring pride to communityLostock Hall Juniors Football The club also made history by introducing their very own girls’Club, situated just south of team, which showed to be soPreston, Lancashire, which was popular that they now have 5established in 1978 and was all-female teams at the club! Theone of the founder members of female teams participate in thethe Central Lancashire Junior West Lancashire Girls League,Football League, is making great the largest girls' football leagueprogress in becoming one of in England and the North Valleythe largest and most successful and Unity Football League.grassroots football clubs in the These teams cover the agearea. groups U9’s, U11’s, U12’s, U16’sThe whole club has gone from and Youth/U18’s.strength to strength over the lastfew years, led by the dedicated In 2009, the club, led by Clubcommittee and assisted by all Chairman, Steve Galloway,managers, staff, parents and applied for FA Charter Standard,most importantly, the young a quality mark for clubs andplayers themselves! leagues. They were successful applicants and were awarded theThe club has teams in the Mid Charter Standard Club mark.Lancs. Colts Junior FootballLeague, for boys and girls, from Steve Galloway along with theunder 7 years through to under Club Secretary, Darryl Cartwright,10's. Teams range from under were invited to the South Ribble11 to under 16's in the Central Sports Awards ceremony, whichLancs. Junior Football League was held at Leyland Civic Centreand Lostock Hall SC is the to celebrate the achievements ofclub’s male youth team (under the area's sporting heroes and18’s), who play their games in the supporting clubs. Lostockthe Lancashire Sunday Football Hall Juniors FC was presentedLeague. by South Ribble with an award for 82 ISSUE 04


LOSTOCK HALL FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP JFCachieving national recognition School. Different age groups in September, the club had a to help with keeping the 10for their efforts. train each evening and further very successful Sportsman's pitches utilised by the club, in details can be found on the club Dinner. Guest speakers have perfect condition.In 2012, the club were again in website, www.lostockhalljuniors. included Lee Sharpe, Tommyattendance at the South Ribble Docherty, Alan Kennedy, Lee The club not only fundraise forSports Awards, where they were Ashcroft and '66 World Cup themselves, but assist otherwinners of the South Ribble The club walks in the annual winner Nobby Stiles.” charities and organisations inCommunity Club of the Year Lostock Hall Carnival to raise the area, such as the Royal2012 and then shortlisted for the money for the various charities This year, with the involvement British Legion, St Catherine’sLancashire Sports Awards. that the carnival supports. One of the female teams and two Hospice, Katie Holmes Trust year, two of the managers, Tony female coaches, the club and with the sad loss of theirThe club continued to grow and Livesey and Steve Donaldson, Vice-Chairman, Mike Cuffin,in the 2012/13 season, boasted organised a Fun Run for the may be looking to organise in 2012, the managers at the20 teams and an academy. older teams to take part in, a fundraiser that involves club hold an annual matchThey were winners of The FA’s prior to the procession. The the WAGs, female staff and against the managers ofCharter Standard Club of the younger teams then took part in players at the club and will Walton-le-Dale Juniors, toYear 2013 for Lancashire, a the procession. In the first year be considering supporting raise funds for Leukaemiafantastic award of recognition that the club decided to have a charity/organisation in the and Lymphoma Research.for all at the club. a float, several parents joined local community at the same in and helped decorate the Anybody interested in joiningIn the 2014/15 Season, Lostock float, loaned kindly by Gables time. the club as a player, manager,Hall Juniors will have a portfolio Scaffolding. The float went down coach or sponsor, please goof 27 teams, an all-girls academy really well with everyone at the The club is always looking to the club website for furtherand a mixed academy. carnival, as it won the prize for for additional coaching staff, information on contacting theDarryl stated that the club were ‘best float’! players and sponsorship. club, training or events.making great progress and that, Thanks to McDonalds“The whole club is providing Organising its 6th annual Festival Restaurants, who havea safe, fun and enjoyable of Football at the high school sponsored the club toenvironment for the children and was a massive task, taken on purchase a sit on mower,young people of Lostock Hall by the committee, managers,and the surrounding areas. parents and friends of the club. The festival organisers, GregIt is assisting the local community Mitchell and James Sheppardby providing somewhere for the said, “The tournament has beenchildren and young people to go, a great success over the lastwhere they can socially interact few years and has grown eachand exercise, without hanging year and this is our largest yet!around streets, becoming bored The tournament has attractedand getting into mischief!” teams from all over Lancashire, Yorkshire, Greater Manchester,The club have an academy Liverpool, Scotland and Southfor girls in year 3 (as of Sept. Wales.” Last year, the girl’s2014) to attend. Chris Hunt, the football really took off, withAcademy Manager said, “This 34 teams entering the 4 ageis a great opportunity for the groups. Overall, over 2,500children to get involved at an players will have taken part inearly age and to give them some the tournament.basic skills, provide structureand teach respect and team Mal Lee, Director of the ‘Don’tdiscipline.” X The Line’ campaign, said of the tournament, “Lostock HallEvery volunteer at the club Juniors is probably one of theworks really hard to provide a best organised tournaments ingood quality of coaching and the country. Amazing support,the club is always on the lookout amazing volunteers, a superbfor people to assist where they barrier layout and amazingcan. “The club is looking to children and football!”recruit both male and femalevolunteers, to help manage/ As with most grassroots juniorcoach teams. The club will football clubs, the club andassist the volunteers by applying its teams have to fundraisefor CRB/DBS clearance in the all year round to ensure that itfirst instance, then any training can pay overheads, keep thethat is required, such as the FA's training equipment up-to-date,coaching Certificate etc.,” said insurance and buy new kits forDarryl. over 300 players. The club holds a couple of events through thePlayers are also welcome to year to help with this. Darrylcome along and join in training stated, “We have the massiveat Lostock Hall Academy and tournament over three daysBrownedge St Mary’s RC High (two weekends) and previously84 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @ChemmySki CHEMMY ALCOTT ALPINE SKIERCHEMMY ALCOTTALPINE SKIERChemmy Alcott has achieved tremendous success in Skiing, blazing a trail of success forherself as the first British female skier to qualify for the World Cup Finals and to win a run ina World Cup race. Having also won the British Land National Ski Championships six timesin a row her achievements are incredible but her contribution to the sport goes far beyondher success on the slopes.“I’ve always beenimmensely proud torepresent Britain andbeing an Ambassadorfor the Sport here goeswith what you do.” 85


HARLEQUINSTHERE’S A WORLD OF SNOW OUT THERE DISCOVER IT WITH THE SKI CLUBWe’re the largest snow sports club, with people joining As a Ski Club Member you’re part of the UK’s largest snowsportsus for a variety of reasons. We have a massive range community. We’re here to help you plan your skiing adventures,of discounts from our partners, free subscription to a save money and make the most of your time in the mountains.great magazine, Ski+board, and members become part And with big money-saving discounts on leading retailers andof a lively community of passionate skiers and boarders, brands such as Snow+Rock, Ellis Brigham, Mark Warner, Crystalwith a range of abilities and styles. From families, and Neilson, you can make your membership fee back in just ato singles wanting to meet other savvy snow sports few clicks. A year’s membership is £63 for individuals, or £94people, to the more advanced powder hounds. for families. But our friends at the Ski Club are giving all Sports in Profile readers a special discount of 25% off if you quote the code SIP1214. HERE’S WHAT YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOV 14 CARD UNLOCKS FOR YOU Produced by skiers and boarders for skiers and boarders £4.50 WHERE SOLDGet snow savvy with our Snow Reports,Info & Advice and Ask the Experts Does anyone want to host the 2022 Olympics?Receive Ski+board - your membership magazine + Powder alert at Red + Fashion + Ski tests +(4 printed issues, and 1 online issue every season) Boards + Technology + Fitness + Resort insiderAccess hundreds of discounts from snowsportsshops, holiday companies and much more ALSO INSIDESki with our resort Leaders, or on one of ourFreshtracks holidays NEW BOOTSFind extra peace of mind with Ski Club+, including REVIEWEDFOGG Medicard and free transceiver hireApply for winter and mountain sports specialist The Ski Club of Great Britain publicationpolicies with Ski Club Travel Insurance is proud to have ChemmyArrange to ski with other members with Ski Club CatchUp Alcott as an ambassador of ourCaxton FX currency card with an extra £10 pre-loaded start your travels Join the Ski Club online at or call 020 8410 2015 and quote code SIP1214 for 25% off. Our Freshtracks holidays are for Ski Club members only, and you’ll get 50% off Ski Club Membership as a welcome to our Club when you book your first holiday with us. Book a Freshtracks holiday at or call our Freshtracks team for advice on 020 8410 2022.


TWITTER /// @ChemmySki CHEMMY ALCOTT ALPINE SKIERA four time Olympian, Chemmy time I saw my Mum, who passed been a low point for me. Life is always away just after. going to be tough though and Skiingfirst started skiing as a toddler aged is always what I’ve wanted to do so itjust 18 months and competed for the A major highlight for me was has just been a case of working hardfirst time at the age of 8. Her work competing in and winning a World to get fit so that I can compete at theas an Ambassador and role model Cup Race. It showed that it was time best level possible.”for British Sport has been superb, to sit up and take note of smallerplaying a major part in inspiring the countries and was a proud moment She went on to tell us about whatprogress made in winter sports in this for me. I’ve always been immensely the future holds for her, saying, “I’vecountry. proud to represent Britain and being entered an event in March which I’ve an Ambassador for the Sport here just started training for which willChemmy took the time to talk to goes with what you do and it has keep me busy and I’m also looking toSport in Profile Magazine about her always been something that I’ve tried get involved in as much coaching asfantastic career, saying, “One of the to embrace. If I can help people to possible. Ideally I want to ski until I’mbest moments for me in my career take enjoyment from skiing or inspire at least 80!”came in Turin (Olympics 2006) when other people then that is great.I came 11th in the downhill. I skied Sport in Profile Magazine would like toout of myself and it was made better The biggest challenges for me take this opportunity to congratulatebecause my family were there to see throughout my career have generally Chemmy on her amazing career andit. It was an amazing occasion. It was been the injuries that I’ve suffered. to wish her all the best for the future.also the worst day as it was the last I’ve had quite a lot of them and not being able to compete has always“I skied out of myself and it wasmade better because my family were there to see it. It was an amazing occasion.” 89

HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPIt’s snow joke:Here’s why you should be taking out travelPassport - check. Thermal undies - check.Travel insurance; oh, I’ll sort it later.Heading off without travel arranged alternative flights home for such as skiing or snowboarding.” insurance, especially on a winter us. We were driven to the airport, and Columbus Direct sponsors ex-Olympic sports holiday, is a hugely when we landed at Gatwick, a taxi risky business. The added expense of collected us and dropped us at our skier Chemmy Alcott, who understands purchasing a decent policy may seem front door. the importance of travel insurance like a massive inconvenience at the while you’re skiing or snowboarding. time, especially if you’re trying to save “I was so impressed with the level of beer money, but it’s a holiday essential service I received. When I first had the “I trust Columbus to protect me on you shouldn’t travel without. accident, I was so frightened, but the and off the slopes,” she explains. “I don’t care I received was exemplary. I could hit the slopes without travel insurance.” Emma Dunnell, a snowboarder from not have asked for anything more.” Surrey, discovered just how important “Skiing and snowboarding are travel insurance is after having a fall on The Foreign & Commonwealth brilliant fun, but you can’t forget the first day of her holiday. Office has always recommended that they can be dangerous sports,” that travellers make sure they have a she says. “If you don’t have travel “I took a nasty tumble, and I suffered comprehensive travel insurance policy, insurance and something happens, you a spiral fracture in my tibia,” she says. and has warned that medical bills could saddle yourself with a crippling “Basically, it’s a kind of fracture where incurred abroad can run into hundreds debt, especially if you receive lots of the bone twists apart. I was lucky of thousands of pounds. expensive treatment. It’s not worth the enough to be with my boyfriend, who risk - always make sure you’re insured.” flagged down help, and within minutes I was so impressed with the there was a ranger on hand to help me. level of service I received. Maybe you’ve read all this and He radioed for assistance, and I was When I first had the accident, decided to throw caution to the wind. stretchered down the mountain to a I was so frightened, but the Fair enough - it’s your life. But we’d like waiting ambulance. care I received was exemplary. to let the FCO have the last word, as they know what they’re talking about. “I was taken to a local hospital in I could not have asked Chamonix where they confirmed the for anything more “We are very aware that insurance is spiral fracture, then I was driven to a not the most exciting part of planning larger hospital in Mont Blanc. When Injured people can face issues for a holiday. Many of the people we I arrived, my boyfriend called the getting home due to missed flights, have assisted said that they didn’t think Columbus Direct emergency helpline, crippling medical bills and incur other anything would happen to them, and and from then on, they took care sky-high costs. therefore didn’t bother with insurance of everything. or to check if their current policy “Your credit card accident cover, offered adequate cover. “I was in hospital for about a week, home insurance, European Health and every day, they called my boyfriend Insurance Card (EHIC) or private health “Whatever the reason, we want to to check I was being given the correct cover is not always sufficient to rely encourage all those planning to head medication, that I was being seen on for overseas travel insurance,” a overseas to take out a comprehensive regularly by doctors and to check that spokesman said. “We recommend policy that covers them for everything my boyfriend was OK. They even sorted that all British travellers take out they want to do. That way if something out alternative accommodation for him, comprehensive travel insurance and does go wrong, they won’t be left to which they paid for. that they check that the policy covers foot the bill. them for any activities they are likely to “The whole experience was as stress- undertake, including extreme activities “We also urge travellers to consider free as it could have been, under the the importance of declaring any circumstances, and Columbus Direct pre-existing medical conditions when purchasing travel insurance and also to explore their policy options.”90 ISSUE 04

HARLEQUINSiinnssuurraannccee ffoorr yyoouurr wwiinntteerr ssppoorrttss hhoolliiddaayy ‘‘‘IIttrruussttCCoolluummbbuussttoopprrootteeccttmmee oonnaannddoofffftthheessllooppeess”” CChheemmmmyyAAlclocottttOOlylmymppicicsksikeier r BBeenneefiftitssooffCCoolulummbbuussCCoovveerr: : • •FFuullllmmeeddicicaal laassissitsatannccee • •UUpptoto££55,0,000ccaanncceelllalatitoionnccoovveer r • •UUpptoto££11,0,000eeqquuipipmmeennt tccoovveer r- -pprorotetecctitoionn aaggaaininststloloss,st, htheeftftoor rddaammaaggee, e, evveennhhiriereddkkiti.t. • •SSnnoowwppaarkrkssccoovveerereddaassstsatannddaardrd • •77ddaayyssccoovveer rfrforommjujustst££111.7.744VVisiistitfafacceebbooookk.c.coomm/C/CoolulummbbuusDsDirierecctUtUKKaanndd@@ccoolulummbbuus_s_ddirierecct ttotoshshoowwyyoouur rsusuppppoortrtGGeettaaqquuootteeaattccoolluummbbuussddiirreecctt.c.coommQQuuootteeSSININPP1100aannddssaavvee1100%%oonnyyoouurrppoolilcicyy 91

BRITISH SKIING AND FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP SNOWBOARDINGBRITISH SKIING ANDSNOWBOARDINGBritish snowsports – a success storyBritish Skiing and Snowboarding has enjoyed a fantastic year in 2014 with the progress that hasbeen made being capped off by Jenny Jones winning GB’s first medal on snow in the history ofthe Winter Olympics. Media Officer for British Skiing and Snowbarding Betony Garner took thetime to give us an insight into their success.She told us, “Snowsports in Great Britainhas made amazing steps forward in the lastfour years. In 2010 the governing body forsnowsports in the UK, Snowsports GB, wentinto liquidation, and since the new governingbody, British Ski and Snowboard, was setup just ahead of the Vancouver 2010 WinterOlympics, skiing and snowboarding in thiscountry has never looked back.The success can be attributed to several things.A new set up, including a new PerformanceDirector for British Ski and Snowboard, manytalented freestyle skiers and snowboarderscoming out of the UK indoor and artificialslopes scene, and continued support from UKSport and sponsors including British Ski andSnowboard headline sponsor Delancey.”Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics“For British snowsports the Sochi 2014Olympic Winter Games were a milestone –our most successful ever since 1924. With sixtop 10 finishes - including Britain’s first everWinter Olympic Snowboard medal - a furtherfive athletes in the top 20, and three more inthe top 30, Sochi 2014 was remarkable forBritish snowsports.”Legacy“We are confident that the success ofour athletes, and the exposure given tosnowsports during the Games will inspirenew people to take up snowsports and inspireour younger athletes to aim high and try toemulate the success of Jenny Jones and therest of the team.We have already seen an upturn in the use ofartificial and indoor slopes in the UK, and haveseen Snowsport England run a successfulparticipation campaign, GO SKI GO BOARD(, which gives costeffective ways to try the sport at a local slope.The campaign will continue throughout thiswinter season and into next summer.” 92 ISSUE 04

BRITISH SKIING AND SNOWBOARDINGAtmosphere Challenges season, we are now looking forward to the next four years where we hope to challenge“All our British athletes are now out on the “We are always looking for more financial for even more medals, with the ultimate aim support, and athlete funding is always a of podium success at PyeongChang circuit in all disciplines – Alpine challenge. Despite funding for some athletes With huge potential coming in from ourskiing, Park and Pipe, Ski and Snowboard from UK Sport and from key sponsors, young athletes across all of our disciplines,Cross, Cross Country, Moguls, Aerials and more money will help our athletes receive British Ski and Snowboard is working hardTelemark. In all disciplines we have seen even more support and in turn this should to give them the best opportunities forgreat success already this season – most positively impact performances. success.notably the best ever finish for an Alpine Injuries are also another challenge inathlete in a World Cup for nearly 5 years snowsports. All snowsport disciplines are We have many young athletes with verywhen Dave Ryding finished 17th in the hugely physically demanding and as with promising futures. We are aiming forSlalom in Are in December, the best ever most sports, injuries do happen. We hope, podiums at PyeongChang 2018, but we arefinish for a British Cross Country skier in however, that these will be few and far also looking towards the next four year cyclea World Cup from Andrew Musgrave and between!” and even more success in the long term.”some world class performances from ourPark and Pipe athletes. So the mood is Ambitions For more information visitgenerally very good!” “Capitalising on the success of Sochi 2014 and great World Cup results already this 93

GLENSHEESKI CENTRE FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPGLENSHEESKI CENTRE/// ///Glenshee Ski Centre offers the UK’s most extensive skiing and snowboarding facilities,offering 36 runs for all standards of skiers and snowboarders. Sport in Profile Magazinecaught up with Ski Patrol Director Kate Hunter to find out more.She told us, “I have been involved since Dec BALLATER GOLF CLUB1980 in various roles culminating in being a director • Spacious Clubhouseof Glenshee Ltd and Ski Patrol Chief. How I came to • Excellent Bar and Catering Facilitiesbe here is pure chance having been to the Ski Show • Visitors are Welcome at Ballater Golf Clubin London and got a job ski instructing at Glenshee. • Changing facilities with complimentaryAs head of ski patrol the most challenging part of lockers and shower facilities.the job is to minimise the risk of the public hurting • We can cater for large golfing parties andthemselves without removing the elements of can seat 130 for a dinner at one sitting.excitement and challenge involved in Snow sports.The most rewarding part of the job is making Telephone : 013397 55567someone who is sick and injured feel better and topromote reassurance for a speedy recovery. Victoria Road, Ballater, Aberdeenshire, AB35 5QXThe season of 2014 (Dec13to April 14) was a goodseason with approximately 84,000 customers. Itwas a hard season as there was a lot of snow butnot always in the right place (tows were buried)and only 7 days of sunshine. All of the team wereexhausted at the end probably suffering from lack ofsunshine and good visability.We are in this business to be uplifted by themountains, snow and sunshine. The summerconsists of maintenance and planning for the nextseason. The cafe is open year round and ouriconic Cairnwell chair was open July and August(for walkers, bird watchers, mountain bikers andsightseers). We have opened this season on the13th Dec 14 but only with a couple of runs; hopefullywe have more snow by the holiday period.We have 3 chairlifts and 18 ground lifts accessing40km of pisted runs. There is a vast amount of offpiste with incredible easily accessible ski touringin the area. We have 2 Pistenbully 600 groomerswith 4 smaller models to keep the runs in goodcondition. There are 3 cafes, 2 on the mountainand one at roadside. The car park has a capacityof approximately 1600 cars and is on the A93 fromPerth to Aberdeen (the highest A road in the UK).We can make snow if the weather conditions areright over an area of 20,000m². Lifts open weatherpermitting from 8.30 to dark at the moment till thedays get longer when they shut by 16.45. There aretwo Snowsport schools on site.Glenshee consists of 3 valleys of rolling glaciatedhills from the car park at 600m to the highest towat 1068m (Glas Maol). It is the perfect place forintermediates but the wide open bowls of Coire94 ISSUE 04

GLENSHEE SKI CENTREBrown Sugar Cafe deliciously different We are centrally located in Ballater, in the heart of beautiful Royal Deeside.Our aim is to serve you the finest quality fare in a friendly, relaxing atmosphere. Tel: 013397 55388 Website: Bridge Street, Ballater AB35 5QP Glenisla Hotel \"A Warm and Friendly Welcome\" UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPEN 7 DAYS 6 ENSUITE ROOMS TRADITIONAL HOME COOKED FOOD SERVED DAILY FROM 12 NOON A SELECTION OF REAL ALES ROARING LOG FIRE PET FRIENDLY FREE WIFI TEL. 01575582223 [email protected] \"Located only 17 miles from the Glenshee Ski Centre\" Glenisla Hotel is set in the tranquillity of Glenisla which is located at stage 4 of the Cateran Trail . The Cateran Trail is a fully way marked walk of 64 mile which runs through the heart of Scotland. The trail takes its name from the feared cattle thieves' that raided the rich lands of Glenshee, Strathardle and Glenisla. Located nearby is several mountain cycle routes within the Glenmarkie Forest area. The Glenisla Hotel is the ideal stop for Skiers .Tourists , Hill walkers , Mountain bikers and Shooters . The hotel can provide secure storage for cycles, hill walking equipment for guests visiting or staying at the hotel.Fionn and Glas Moal delight more advanced skiers. you can jump in the car and be there in a couple of hours.TheTiger (black, steep and mogully) is a challenge for Everyone speaks the same language and it becomes moremost and the rest has some lovely but relatively short runs. of a winter sport rather than a holiday. What I tell friendsLike all Scotland when it’s good it’s amazing. from the South if you are up in Scotland for any reason in the Winter put in your skis or snowboard and you may wellThe terrain is suited to family skiing and as all of the staff get some amazing sport but don’t expect the \"High Alps\".are skiers or boarders we have tried to keep Glensheeaccessible to all. We promote helpfulness to our customers Our biggest challenge in the next 5 years is capitalisationto ensure they have a good day. of renewing aged ski tows; they do a brilliant job but are getting very old. So along with snowy weather andThe benefits of snowsports in Scotland are basically continuation of our customer's support we will carry onimmediacy and convenience. If the sun is shining on snow trying to provide fun skiing and snowboarding at Glenshee.”covered mountains and you live in Edinburgh for example 95

STUART EASTON FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP TWITTER /// @Stuarteaston3MOTORCYCLE RACERSTUART EASTONStuart Easton is a Scottish born motorcycle racer and has enjoyed many successes duringhis career, including winning four Macau GP victories. In 2002 he was crowned the BritishSupersport Champion riding for Paul Bird’s MonsterMob Ducati team and has competed forKawasaki and Hydrex Honda in the British Superbike Championship, winning his first raceat Croft in 2009.As well as plenty of BritishChampionship success, Eastonhas also shown that he has theability to compete in the WorldSupersport Championship,having finished 6th in 2006 atMonza in what was a superbdisplay.He suffered a set-back in 2010with much of his season beinghampered by injury beforecoming back stronger in 2011to make a superb start to the between 2008 and 10. It was as THOS. B. OLIVERyear. It didn’t last however as he if he’d never been away as he EST 1919 Proprietor: Wendy Olivertook life threatening injuries in a stormed to victory to claim his The Garage Denholm TD9 8NDcrash at the North West 200 in fourth win. FOR ALL YOUR MOTORING NEEDSMay.The crash left Easton After the victory Easton spoke Servicing & Repairs, 2, 3, or 4 wheel, ATV’s Scooters,hospitalised for weeks but he to, saying, “It Light Commercials and Garden Machinery. MOT’s,wasted no time getting back didn’t feel that easy, certainly noton a bike and miraculously early on, but for once my plan General Check over, Tyres & Batteries.managed to turn out for Rapid worked, plans in bike racing Helmets & Clothing all in stock. Also Fuel, Gas, Coal, never seem to work.Solicitors Kawasaki in 2012, BBQ’s. Stockists of Polaris side by sides and quads.even claiming a podium finish at Mine was to get away in front,Oulton Park. I normally get a good start, try WISHING STUART ALL THE BEST to set a pace where I felt fast FOR THE NEW SEASONLast year Easton competed in enough but still comfortable, and Tel: 01450 870221the British Supersport class and if anybody challenges me, we’ll his quality by claiming have a race - thankfully the gapsthe title. This year he’s returned just kept going up.” If Easton can E-mail: [email protected] British Super Bike and continue to produce this type ofspeaking ahead of the campaign form he is sure to have a brighttold, www.britishsuperbike. and successful, “I'm pleased to be back inBSB on the Kawasaki ZX-10. Itwas brilliant to win the BritishSupersport title last year as itgot me fit and back to form sonow I feel I'm ready to step upto BSB again which is where Iwant to be.His most recent success camein the Macau Motorcycle GrandPrix as he returned to the eventhe’d won three years in a row 96 ISSUE 04

NORTH SHORE JIU JITSUNORTH SHOREJIU JITSUBased at the Koncept Gym Top Floor, 27-29 Cliff Road in Cornwall, North Shore Jiu Jitsu is theonly full time BJJ academy in Newquay. The club is run by Nick Tiscoe (purple belt under KevCapel) and Rebecca Hill (brown belt under Victor Estima) and prides itself on being a friendlyand welcoming club to people from all affiliations and backgrounds that have a willingnessto share their Jiu Jitsu journey.What is Jiu Jitsu? the direction which a fight takes with many competitive bouts being decided either through the application of joint locks orJiu Jitsu is a grappling martial art that incorporates throws, chokeholds.takedowns, joint locks and submissions with a focus uponground fighting. The martial art was first formed from Kodokan Jiu Jitsu is particularly popular for those involved in sportJudo fighting fundamentals that were taught to Carlos Gracie grappling tournaments and mixed martial arts competitionand Luiz França by Mitsuyo Maeda and Soshihiro Satake. It and self defense. Sparring plays a major role in training witheventually came to be its own art following experimentations, a premium being placed on good performance in competitionpractices and adaptations from Carlos and Hélio Gracie who in order to gain progression and ascension through its rankingpassed their findings on to their extended family. Carlos Gracie credited with being the Founder and Creator of Modern JiuJitsu. North Shore Jiu JitsuOne of the key principles of BJJ is the idea that a smaller and/ North Sure Jiu Jitsu offers people a chance to experience aor weaker competitior can defend against a bigger stronger fantastic sporting element giving those taking a part the chanceassailant by mastering techniques, using leverage and taking to learn powerful self-defence techniques in a safe and enjoyablea fight to the ground. An important part of this is dictated environment, helping them to reach their full potential. Some of the main benefits of attending the club will include helping SURFING FOR ALL AGES people to get into improved shape with greater levels of fitness. Get free half-day board hire when you book a lesson at The club also have strong ties with the local surfing community Nick Tiscoe’s Cornwall Surf Club. Quote “North Shore with Nick Tiscoe also owning a surf school which he teaches in Surf” and have a whole day to work on your skills. full time. Many people involved with the club often head down to the surf after a tough training session. There is much to admire about the find work that North Shore Jiu Jitsu have been doing in recent times and hopefully they will be able to keep up the good work that they’ve been doing for many years to come.Based at the Bedruthan Hotel Testimonials from North Shore Jiu Jitsu participants in North Cornwall “I needed to get fit and joined North Shore BJJ, best thing I ever did! Great people, great fun & I'm now pretty fit!” - Dave “Best move I ever made learning BJJ. Haven't looked back. You can go as far as you wish to go - from competition to getting in shape.” - Pete Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong. Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else 97

NFL UK FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPNFL UKThe NFL’s popularity in the UK has been spiralling in recent times with the historic step of 3regular season games being hosted in 2014. NFL UK are responsible for managing the NFL’sbusiness here in the United Kingdom and their Managing Director took the time to tell us moreabout the good work that they’ve been doing.He told us, “I've been with the NFL for almost 15 make a mistake that would create any issues in the States. So ambiguity combined with pressure to succeed would beyears. Initially, my assignment was only for three months the most challenging aspect.completing an internship as part of an MBA course. I hadto write a 20,000 dissertation on the challenges of growing The most rewarding aspect is that we get incredible visiblethe sport internationally - something that interested me manifestations of our progress - whether that be sold outas a fan as well as from a business perspective. Soon Wembley Stadiums packed with more than 83,000 fans, allafter completing the internship, I got offered a permanent wearing the jerseys of their favourite NFL teams, or 600,000position and haven’t looked back. I was very fortunate in people coming to our Regent Street event the day beforehow it panned out. one of our games. Our fans are really knowledgeable, committed and very social - the energy you get from suchThe Role events is unbelievable!”“The most challenging aspect of the role is that it starts with 2014a blank piece of paper - no other sports organisation hastried or is trying to do what we're doing by growing a non- “We were very pleased with the games at Wembley in 2014indigenous sport in an accelerated fashion with a series of and I think three sold-out games and a total of a quarter of ameaningful competitive games. million tickets sold tells its own story. It was the first time we had played three games and we were very pleased with theTherefore to a certain extent, you're making it up as you go response of the fans and the buzz about the NFL that wasalong, given the massive popularity of the League in the US, generated during the six-week period in which we played(this autumn 19 of the 20 most watched TV programmes those games.”have been NFL games) you can’t afford a mis-step or to “The support of the competing teams and the way they embrace the whole experience is extremely important.” OFFICIAL NFL MERCHANDISE We now stock a wide range of Official NFL Jerseys, Caps, Bobble Hats, Replica Mini Helmets and more!These are available online and in-store. We also offeryou the ability to order a number of sizes and playersthat we don’t stock, these take 2-3 weeks for delivery from order date. NEED HELP OR ADVICE? 01530 244 433 Football America Uk Ltd. 8 Hill Lane Industrial Est, Markfield, Leicester, LE67 9PN98 ISSUE 04

NFL UKSuccess office and, increasingly, from senior Bills on October 25; and the Kansas government figures. Also this year we had City Chiefs hosting the Detroit Lions on“One of the obvious keys, of course, is the a terrific partnership with the Royal British November 1. Kick-off times have yet to beresponse of the fans who buy the tickets Legion which allowed us to commemorate determined.but there are many other elements that Remembrance Sunday, when we playedgo in to making a successful event. The our third game, in a way that was So, for the first time we will feature asupport of the competing teams and the impactful and respectful to the occasion divisional match-up, when the Dolphinsway they embrace the whole experience – something of which we are particularly play the Jets, and we will stage games inis extremely important, from the publicity proud. back-to-back weeks for the first time. Bothwork they do for us in the off-season to the are important stages in the developmentexcitement and passion they show for the We also had the support of our of our International Series games.”games when they arrive in London. broadcasters in the US in being able to play one game – the Atlanta-Detroit match The FutureThe events we stage around the games – in an early afternoon slot in the UK,themselves are another key element, which made it a stand-alone breakfast “There is clearly a lot of momentum for aand we were thrilled that 600,000 people kick-off in the States and meant that the UK franchise from outside the NFL, withattended our NFL on Regent Street event whole of the country was able to watch it. people such as George Osborne, thebefore our first game and another 40,000 There was a great response to that and is Chancellor of the Exchequer, saying hecame to the Fan Rally at Trafalgar Square. something we hope to replicate next year. would welcome a team here and pledgingThose events are an important part of All of those elements contributed to a very government support. We still have someexpanding our reach and creating a big- successful series of games.” work to do, both in continuing to buildgame feel around the in the city. our fan base in the UK and examining all 2015 the logistical and football-related issues,Then there is the fantastic support before we are in a position to make awe receive for our games from our “We have announced three games for full evaluation of whether that shouldbroadcasters, Sky and Channel 4; from 2015 – the Miami Dolphins at home happen.”our sponsors; from the Mayor of London’s to the New York Jets on October 4; the Jacksonville Jaguars against the Buffalo 99

THETFORD GC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPTHETFORDGOLF CLUBSet in the Breckland forest area of East Anglia, Thetford Golf Club is a challenging 18 hole, par 72course with a reputation for being one of the best in the region. The club was first founded in 1912and is a classic James Braid designed Heathland course that prides itself on providing visitors witha warm welcome, excellent golf facilities and fine hospitality.The course was constructed on an open War the Forestry Commission planted pine sure that the Thetford experience is as good trees which eventually became known as as it can be.sandy heath known as Thetford Warren, Thetford Forest which has had a significantgiving it superb drainage to enable golf to be impact. They are also committed to helping people toplayed for 52 weeks of the year. It is also able reach their full potential and it is with this into boast many types of wildlife including birds, Their Clubhouse facilities have also had mind that they run the Thetford Golf Academyinsects and animals with the montjac deer much work done. In particular, they presented which provides golfers with an opportunitybeing a particular highlight. Thetford Golf plans in 1978 to build a new Clubhouse which to play the game in a safe and enjoyableClub and marsh is also a Natural designated was supported unanimously and saw the environment.Site of Special Scientific Interest ensuring new facility built during 1979 and opened thethat a visit to the area can be about more than following year. From the fine course itself, to the superb workjust a fantastic round of golf. that is done at the club, to the fantastic history A major part of the way in which the club has they’ve put together there is plenty to admireSince being established, the club has put thrived over the years has been the people about Thetford Golf Club. Hopefully they willtogether a history of which they have every involved in the club that work to make it a be able to continue in the same manner forright to be proud and have made many efforts success. With experienced pro shop staff, many years to come and everyone at Sport inover the years to ensure that their course is first class caterers and a fine administration Profile Magazine would like to wish them thealways developing. Following the First World team they have everything in place to make best of luck for the future. Mr G’s Bowling Centre has a stylish and modern 8-lane facility to ensure plenty of fun for your family or friends, but there’s much more to enjoy too! A visit to Mr G’s is a real night out! Relax in our modern bar before or after your game - we can deliver drinks to your lane while you play. Try our fabulous restaurant, which offers a traditional menu, party packages, and Sunday Carvery all at great value. Look out too for our Pizza, Pasta & Salad Buffet, coming soon. Experience our ‘Cosmic Glow’ bowling on weekends and party nights, when we crank up the music & go cosmic with the lights! We have full disabled accessibility - ramps to the lanes, ball ramps & lane bumpers for use with or without wheelchairs.100 ISSUE 04

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