ADAMS AVENUE NEWS PRESORTSTANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA EDDM RETAIL Local Postal CustomerYour Neighborhood Source - Serving local communities, kids & causes throughout Southern Vol. 1 No. 10 - OCTOBER, 2017San Diego’s Urban Wildlife WHAT’S INSIDE… BY MARK BERNINGER: SAN DIEGO RESIDENT, ANIMAL LOVER, AND ADVENTUREROrganizations That Serve the San Diego HIV Community Zandra Rhodes Goes Vintage Del Mar resident and international designer Zandra Rhodes is celebrating that iconic symbol of femaleness – the lipstick tube – in her upcoming fash- ion show at the Westgate Hotel on October 24. PG. 6 GI Film Festival San Diego Comes to North County Organizers of the third annual GI Film Festival San Diego (Oct. 18-22) announce a special preview screening of Thank You for Your Service on PG. 20 Introduction: Living with AnimalsW e live in a very unique city, and I’m not speaking about the climate, or the culture. Our wonder- fragmented. Despite those challenges, much of the wildlife is The Mingei International Museum ful city sits on the southwestern portion of San still around, if you know where to look. This article is one of a will present more than 125 objects in Diego County; the county is home to more plant series that will highlight the wildlife in our yards, parks, and “Art of the Americas — Pre-and animal species than any other county in the continen- open spaces. I’ll share some interesting facts I’ve learned in Columbian Art from Mingei’s Collec-tal United States. Urban, suburban neighborhoods, farms my years as a professional biologist. Please share them with tion,”. PG. 21and ranches have now gone up in areas that were once vast your friends, neighbors and family. Let the editors know if youwetlands, grasslands, forests, and chaparral. All of these would like me to focus on your favorite animal or plant!habitats still exist, however they are now smaller and more Cont. on page 10 Tired of being a Landlord? Red Tree Real Estate Offers Professional Property Management! To learn more visit or call (844) 733-8733.
2 | OCTOBER 2017 READ DIGITAL EDITIONS OF at nCHelwaidirdleoemcnaotgnieotmnViinllathgeecreating original designs for over 50 years ALL LOCAL UMBRELLA MEDIA PUBLICATIONS ONLINE AT: Fine Jewelry and Watches Visit us for a Diamonds & Precious Gems free Jewelry cleaning! Jewelry and Watch Repair -including all sizing & watch batteries Remounting Specialists Appraisals Family Owned & Operated 3077 Clairemont Drive | San Diego, California 92117 (619) 275-1782 | *Next door to the Clairemont Water Store
3OCTOBER 2017 | RED TREE REALTY'S2ND ANNUAL TOY DRIVE! I feel fortunate to live my passion Last year, I partnered with Every Child Countsof helping people through real estate San Diego and here is how the toys got distributed:but I wanted to find a way to giveback to families beyond that. I grew • Toys Distributed: More than 700 toys gathered in just over oneup in a very modest family where month!my parents couldn’t afford to offer us • Infants and Children from multiple organizations: Casa Famil-much for the holidays (and all year iar, Neighborhood House Association Black Infant Health Proj-long). It was difficult to understand ect, Low Rider Community of San Diego for homeless youth, Jusas a child. The thought of putting tice4SD33, National Conflict Resolution Center, Vista Hill anda smile on children’s faces for the Urban Barber Collegeholidays is truly heartwarming and I • Individual Families: 4 sets of grandparents on fixed incomesam very thankful to the community within the Encanto community were able to get toys for theirfor having responded so generously grandchildrenlast year. Many families have gently • Direct Help: A young man and former foster youth trying to getused items they want to pass on to on the right foot was able to get gifts for his youngothers who need it most, but many childorganizations require donations to • Bike-friendly Christmas: Three young childrenbe new. I did some research and wasso thrilled when a friend put me intouch with the right individuals whocare just as much, so we could dis-tribute those toys! Announcing Red Tree Realty’s2nd annual toy drive! We are absolutely thrilled to beable to give back to those in needand we can’t do it without your help.Last year’s toy drive was an incred-ible success (see pic!) and some folkshave approached me lately asking ifit’ll take place again and YES it will!I know it’s early, but as you clean upand we get closer to the holidays,please put aside any gently used toysyou’d like to part with. If you needme to pick it up already now or wantto drop off at our office, call/text meanytime at 619-808-4804 or emailme [email protected] you! ~Caroline
4 | OCTOBER 2017 “Local Umbrella Media and Adams Avenue News have supported OLP andThe Best Weed & Beer Pairings our programs in so many ways. We'reProp 64 passed in California. Weed is legal. so grateful that our 135-year-old insti-Beer is legal. Enjoy them together. tution can partner with a local, but far-reaching news outlet.” Living the ical flavors and dryer finishes. There’s no – Emily Pippin better pairing for the Jillybean happy-HOPPY infused Hybrid than a delicious San Diego- (Director of Communications & style IPA. Marketing Academy of Our Lady of Peace)LIFE San Diego-style IPA LOOK FOR US IN YOURwith Beau Schmitt Recommendations MAILBOX EACH MONTH! The Pupil IPA 7.5%1. Acapulco Gold Societe Brewing Company, Kearny Mesa Reaching over 50,000 homes in 16 SanSativa & Coffee Stouts Diego area communities – and growing!The Pairing: Sativas have great symptom Electrocution IPA 7.2% Low priced advertising options to reachreliefs for fatigue and ADHD. After smoking Amplified Ale Works, Pacific Beach your community – or our entire network!a Sativa, the effects tend to be uplifting withcerebrally-focused improvements. Acapulco Urbanite IPA 7% Local community informationGold Sativa is derived from the Mexican Resident Brewing Company, SHOP / EAT / SPEND LOCAL!Sativa strain and offers notes of coffee and Downtown San Diegomocha when the buds are broken up. LikeAcapulco Gold, Coffee Stouts have notes of 3. Granddaddy Purple Indicaroasted coffee & espresso. According to Caf- & Berliner Weisse’feine Informer, a well brewed Coffee Stout The Pairing: Indicas help you relax, andmay have up to 75mg of caffeine per 16oz when used as a nightcap will provide anpint. And according to, amazing night’s sleep. Indicas tend to bestudies have found that caffeine can boost sedating and relieve anxiety. What moreconcentration for people with ADHD. So could you want before bed? Granddaddytake a puff, take a sip and start writing your Purple Indica is rich with notes of grape,next ‘HBO series.’ dark fruits and berries. A couple tokes of this and your worries will float away as youLocal Coffee Stout slip into a refreshing sleep. The perfect pair-Recommendations ing is a fruited Berliner Weisse. Low in alco-Sunup Imperial Coffee Stout w/ Vanilla hol, a Berliner Weisse typical ranges from8.4% 3-5% with slightly tart and sour flavors.Booze Brothers Brewing Company, Vista According to WEBMD, a new review of 27 studies found that alcohol doesn’t improveGolden Phoenix Blond Coffee Stout 6.2% sleep quality. While booze may help you fallNorth Park Beer Company, North Park asleep, alcohol reduces high-quality REM sleep. Therefore, while enjoying a refreshingBlack House Oatmeal Stout w/ Coffee 5.8% nightcap, the ABV% should be as low asModern Times Beer, Point Loma possible. A Berliner Weisse is also very ver- satile, and tastes amazing with different2. Jillybean Hybrid & American types of fruits and berries. Listed below areIPAs (San Diego-style IPAs) our picks for local, fruited Berliner Weisse’.The Pairing: Hybrids provide great effectsfrom both the Sativa and Indica spectrums. Local, fruited Berliner WeisseIndicas are more relaxing and Sativas are Recommendationsmore energizing. Jillybean is known for pro- Raspberry Blush w/ Coffee 4%viding happier and socially-interactive ben- Mikkeller Brewing Company, Miramarefits. It’s the perfect hybrid for hanging outw/ friends on a hot day and exploring the D’Brucke w/ Blackberries 3.5%beaches. With notes of mangos, tangerines Burning Beard Brewing Company, El Cajonand other tropical fruits, Jillybean Hybridis the ideal pairing for a San Diego-style Guava Peach Tart 4.8%IPA. Typically, IPAs are well balanced and Rip Current Brewing Company, San Marcoshave an ABV between 5 and 7 percent. SanDiego-style IPAs are slightly higher in ABV, Drink Local,ranging from 6 to 8 percent with more trop- Beau [email protected] READ DIGITAL EDITIONS OF LOW ALL LOCAL UMBRELLA RATES MEDIA PUBLICATIONS ONLINE AT: CONTACT US For More INFO:w w w. L o c a l U m b r e l l a . c o m [email protected]
WINNIE’S 5OCTOBER 2017 |PICKS! Party ARTy for ArtReach 2017 An Artful Evening in Rancho Santa Fe Benefiting the ArtReach Access to Art ProgramMARK TWAIN – (Famous Authors). This Kaiser Wilhelm II. What will Capt. Brandt find On Sunday, October 22, 2017 3 to 6 PM, before your eyes and then available for auc-documentary was so interesting. Mark Twain in Holland where the Kaiser lives in a secluded ArtReach will host Party ARTy 2017 in a tion. Artists AkZhana and Ellen Dieter willwas a very witty guy. His wit gave him a chance mansion. A must see! My kind of thriller and stunning Rancho Santa Fe home. Spend an complete paintings on the go all over theworld and he was able to pay all Christopher Plummer is excellent. amazing afternoon celebrating 10 yearsof his debt. A funny man! I even liked the Story of the ArtReach Access to Art program, The Trojan Rocksteady Boxsets, a localof Mark Twain with Fredric March. You need to WAY HOME - Eul-Boon Kim, Seung-Ho Yoo. which takes high quality visual art lessons band, will set the musical mood. Each guestsee both of these DVDs. A 7 year old boy is sent to live with his deaf mute, to San Diego County elementary schools will receive a pair of Knockaround Sunglasses, elderly grandmother. No electricity, indoor that do not have arts education as a part of and wine lovers will have the opportunity toQUILL (The Life of a Guide Dog) - A family plumbing or fast food restaurants. He is angry their normal school curriculum. win a bottle of fine wine at the toss of a at its best. This is a true story of a yellow and confused. But this is a story of how lovingLabrador Retriever named Quill. Not every dog kindness wins the day for the grandmother and Proceeds from the event benefit of the The silent auction features many tempta-can be a guide dog. They are watched carefully the little boy. Thoroughly enjoyable! ArtReach mission: to take artist-led free or tions including a stay at a gorgeous Park Citywhile trained. very low cost visual arts education programs condominium valued at $5000, two tickets I'm recuperating from an operation and hope into San Diego County schools that would with table seating for the sold out B-52s con-THE EXCEPTION - Lily James, Jai Courtney, to be back to my perky self by next month. otherwise have none. cert at Belly Up on November 2 plus dinnerChristopher Plummer. This is a WWII thriller at Pacific Coast Grill, chillax at The Lodgeabout German officer Captain Stefan Brandt who See you next month, Winnie Since 2008, ArtReach Reach motivated at Torrey Pines 1 night plus breakfast forgoes to investigate an exiled German monarch over 19,000 students in 96 schools to create two, Disneyland passes, and much more. over 60,000 pieces of original work. ArtReach takes everything needed to each ArtReach promises a delightful evening campus, including teaching artists, art mate- filled with art, artists, music, fine food and rials and standards-based lesson plans. No wine, and fun. To purchase tickets for Party buses required. In 2016/17 alone, the ARTy for ArtReach visit www.artreach- ArtReach team worked in 14 schools span- ning the county via the free/low cost pro- gram and in 6 more schools with fee-based Cost $130 in advance // $150 at the door. work. Grants, sponsorships, individual For more information, call 619.940.7278. donors and events like Party ARTy support this program that helps bring the joy of mak- Party ARTy for ArtReach Spon- ing original art to cash-strapped elementary sors: ArtWalk San Diego, schools that would otherwise have no visual Knockaround, Tito’s Vodka, Pietri arts instruction. Cellars, Olive PR Solutions ArtReach staff and volunteers are design- A Few ArtReach Facts: ing an evening that, though a fundraiser, will Purpose: To increase access to visual arts feel like a celebration of art and creativity education for all students via free or low cost with friends. Event guests are also in for an artist-led instruction epicurean treat. Festive food created by Coast Catering. Cirque Entertainment provided Goals: To build art making skills confidence by Sophia Isadora Academy of Circus Arts. and to help youngsters practice creative And as a very special addition to the evening, problem solving while creating original art attendees will meet the artist behind the incredible art collection in the home. Sonny Student Participants since 2008: King, the Australian artist who was featured 19,131 on CBS Sunday Morning, grew up in the circus, and his sculptures and paintings Number of Local Artists: Six depict both circus life and beautifully-exe- cuted landscapes. Total Contact Hours via Sequential Lessons: 62,065 World-renowned artists provide the treats for the eye with live artwork being created
6 | OCTOBER 2017Zandra Rhodes Goes Vintage for Upcoming Fashion Show BYJEANNERAWDIN Del Mar resident and internation- Zandra’s portrait was done by Gene Nocon. Photos of the garments with the lipstick print. Photo Credit: matchesfashion.comal designer Zandra Rhodes is cele-brating that iconic symbol of Are you involved in other I was born in Chatham, England, Fishers. (She also designed for that I’ve lived through that theyfemaleness – the lipstick tube – in charities? one hour outside London. My Verdi’s Aida at the Houston Grand themselves don’t know about.her upcoming fashion show at the mother taught at a local art college Opera and English National Opera.)Westgate Hotel on October 24. The My partner and I helped to raise (the Medway College of Art). She I have a design all ready to go for What excites you when youshow is called Vintage Vibe with $40 million to build the Sulpizio was always doing dressmaking, Turandot but I didn’t manage to get out of bed in the morn-Lipstick, marking the 18th anniver- Family Cardiovascular Center and working on a stand. She would raise enough funds to build the ing?sary fashion show for Rhodes at the UCSD Thornton Hospital Expan- bring home these lovely exotic fash- whole thing. I’m also going toWestgate. sion. And I designed all of the invi- ion magazines. But she was a chain Chicago soon for another produc- Well, if work’s going well, it’s tations and table decorations at a smoker and died at 50, so she never tion of Bizet’s The Pearl Fishers, and always exciting. Being excited is Known for her eclectic and ethe- fundraising event for it. I’ve also really saw that I went into dressmak- those funds will also support the really important, because half yourreal designs for decades, Rhodes done invitations for fundraisers at ing and fashion. San Diego Opera, so I’m excited problems go away if you get excited.started selling her hand-painted tex- the UCSD Theodore Geisel Library about that. If you’re not excited, what’s thetiles in 1967 at a small clothing shop and for the group Go Red for Now that you’re 76 years point? Life’s tough enough anyway,in England. She arrived in the US Women, which raises awareness old, what stands out for you You show no signs of slowing and I’m lucky enough to be sur-from London in 1969 as a textile about signs of stroke in women. I’ve when you look back at your down or heading toward rounded by enthusiastic people. Idesigner who needed to find a job. also helped with fundraising for the career? retirement. Is it something call my London studio every morn-Diana Vreeland from American North Coast Repertory Theatre, and you think about? ing at 6 am, and it’s early afternoonVogue featured her garments and I’ve done exhibits at the Children’s Well, certainly meeting Diana there. They’re really excited nowgave her entrée into the world of Museum downtown and the Mingei Vreeland in 1969 and having her Not really, because I have so many about how to promote the lipstickfashion in America. Museum in Balboa Park. promote my work in American projects I still want to do! One that prints. They’ve come up with lip- Vogue. Also, I’d have to say owning comes to mind right now is a fairy stick mugs and all sorts of things. I Rhodes has designed dresses for I know you’ve probably been my beautiful boutique in London book about the California chaparral. believe enthusiasm will often carryPrincess Diana, Jackie Onassis, Eliz- asked this a hundred times that I had for ten years. Back in England, I was raised on you part of the way through life.abeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall, Bianca or more, but tell me about Flower Fairy Books, where you’d seeJagger, even Joan Rivers. Now, at the hair. And definitely creating the outfit a picture of a flower with the fairy What keeps you awake atage 76, she shows no signs of slow- for Freddie Mercury (from the that goes with it. I hike at Torrey night?ing down. I caught up with her in It’s been pink since 1980. In the band, Queen). Although he got that Pines on the weekends, so I thoughther Solana Beach studio to find out seventies, it was green, some purple. outfit very early on, the photo of of doing a California Chaparral fairy Nothing. When I start to worrywhat keeps her creative juices flow- And back then, they were still exper- him in my outfit somehow crystal- book, with the Indian Paint Brush about something, I instantly falling through her golden years. imenting with colors that would lized me as if I did a whole lot of Fairy, and the Mariposa Poppy asleep. So it’s never a problem. work on hair. Now they can almost pop stuff, particularly because he Fairy, and more. And then I’dSo your fashion show at the do any color in the rainbow. Anyway, became such a cult figure. design ball gowns for each of them. What do you do for fun?Westgate this year is called I had it all different colors and then I I’m still working on it. I like cooking. My favorite thingVintage Vibe with Lipstick. went to China and when I came back Another thing that stands out isTell me more about the I thought, oh, I’m going to design a doing a print collection for Valenti- How much time do you spend to cook is English bread and buttertheme. Chinese collection. So, what color no that was seen all over the world. in Del Mar these days? pudding. And I make lots of soups. do you think of when you think of I love to have dinner parties, maybe It’s so funny, we’re about to cele- China? Probably red, of course. But And, of course, being named I spend three weeks here, and one six couples. We each do a course.brate 50 years in fashion. I did all I decided to go with pink, because “Dame Zandra” by the Queen. (She week in London. My partner is now But I love to keep it fun. Sometimesthe lipstick designs in the sixties. pink is more interesting. was named Dame Commander of housebound because of health rea- I’ll have hats at the door for peopleThen of course I did a collection for the Order of the British Empire in sons, so I may change that. But I to wear. I love dressing up. DressingValentino last season. The best way Having pink hair back then 2014 for service to British fashion still have my studio in London up makes you feel describe it is that it’s a case of tak- was a bold move. Did you do and textiles, presented at Bucking- where the fabrics are a slightly new look at the old. it to draw attention to your- ham Palace by Princess Anne.) So The Celebrity Annual FashionOur design director was going self? now I’m Dame Zandra Rhodes. What do you see as your Show and three-course luncheon isthrough the archives and she looked legacy? Tuesday, October 24, in the Versaillesat these designs and said that it’s so It’s funny you should say that What about here in San Ballroom at the Westgate Hotel,relevant to now, why aren’t we just because it’s something I don’t think Diego? I am in a unique and strange 1055 2nd Avenue downtown. Thereworking some of the things that about. I’m always so focused on position in that I haven’t got any Champagne Welcome Receptionwe’ve done? So that’s really how it other things. I hardly ever think I’m very thankful that I’ve been children. But I do have a lot of starts at 11:30 am followed by acame to happen. about a public reaction, do you taken to heart in San Diego as well. interns who come to me, and my three-course prix fixe luncheon at know what I mean? I’m really quite The San Diego Opera opened things interns could be my grandchildren, 12 noon. Tickets are $85. To pur- I’m expanding on the lipsticks immune to it. up for me in terms of letting me which makes it quite unique. It’s chase a table of 10, call Sarah Gunterbecause every time I wear the lip- design costumes for different very funny to have people come to at 619-557-3619.stick prints out, I have people com- What was your childhood like? operas. The first one was The Magic me to write about bits of historymenting saying how much they Flute in 2001. I also designed the setwant them. It’s so funny that some- and costumes for Bizet’s The Pearlthing from the seventies and late six-ties is suddenly very applicableagain. I mean, maybe that’s the luckof the draw but I just keep goingalong. And I keep all my archives.You’ve described yourWestgate fashion show asunique. Why is that? It’s a very different show for a fewreasons. One, it’s very intimate and Iknow all the audience. Also, it’s acharity fundraiser for the Fashion andTextile Museum I opened in Londonback in 2003. And I tell the storiesbehind the prints as the models comeout. We print all our own fabrics backin the London studio. I’ve got myclients who wear my clothes regularly–Jeanne Jones, for example (La Jollaauthor and syndicated food colum-nist). And then I’ve got other peoplewho come to look at my clothes andthen order from the show or comebehind stage afterward.
7OCTOBER 2017 |Arts for Healing Program Unites Body, Mind, and Spirit BYJEANNERAWDIN Sometimes healing the body goes is 34 weeks old today, and we’ve been Music therapist Amy Andrews with mom and baby at Sharp Mary Birch NICU. Photo by Sharp HealthCare staffbeyond the physical, and includes the here for five weeks. To have musicmind and spirit. Uniting these three as part of her treatment, recovery, Expressive arts therapist Anita Carter with patient at Sharp Memorial Hospital. Photo by Carol Sonsteinis the idea behind a special program and growth is an experience we areat Sharp Healthcare. It’s called “Arts just thrilled to have.”for Healing” and it provides patientswith a creative outlet to enhance Tim Smith, the CEO of Sharptheir ability to heal beyond tradition- Memorial Hospital, remembers oneal medical treatments. patient in particular named Jeff.“He was in bad shape after a T-6 spinal It all started with a chaplain cord injury and didn’t want to leavenamed Heidi Johnston in 2007. his room. Our Arts for Healing ther-Heidi would carry baskets of art sup- apists encouraged Jeff to participateplies to patient rooms to make sim- in the program and he finally did.”ple arts and crafts with them. As Jeff says, “I finally got out of mymore doctors, nurses, and therapists room and was able to meet othersaw the positive impact she was hav- patients. It really helped to talk toing and noticed the quicker healing people who were going through theprocesses in patients, they requested same things.”more of her services. So Heidireached out to the local community This kind of program is rare tofor volunteers to help her. find in a hospital setting. Very few hospitals across the country offer art Today, Arts for Healing has grown and music at the bedside of patientsto include not only the cart full of of all ages, individualized to theart supplies, but also live music, patient’s specific needs at no art and music therapy, andspecial arts events. There’s even a Mackenzie notes that most peopleweekly art group for women with who hear about the program thinkhigh-risk pregnancies who are on it’s only for kids. “When I tell peoplebed rest at Sharp Mary Birch Hospi- about Arts for Healing, they assumetal where they make picture frames I work at a children’s hospital. It’sfor photos of their new babies. amazing to see the patients’ faces light up when they do art or hear a Liz Mackenzie, the program coor- favorite song. Even adults love todinator, recalls other examples. “I’ve make art! Patients often say theyseen a heart-transplant patient dec- haven’t painted or written poetry ororate butterfly sun-catchers and hang done anything creative in years. Thethem from her IV pole as she took creative process often helps themher daily walk around the nursing access feelings and concerns they’reunit while waiting for a heart,” she unable to articulate with words yetsays. “I’ve seen patients in the out- are so important to their healing.”patient behavioral health programwho would otherwise be silent and Sharp Healthcare’s Arts and Heal-withdrawn engage in a painting pro- ing program is funded almost entire-ject with other patients, laughing and ly through philanthropy. The firstsharing stories.” donation was a piece of art that was sold and contributions from a few The program also includes activi- Sharp board members and doctors.ties like art beading, card making, Last year, a crowd-funding campaigncreative writing, model building, was a great success and brought inscrapbooking, needlepoint, quilting, matching grants. The program alsoand theatrical events. Through these receives funds from ongoing eventsactivities, therapists see the fear, pain, including the Sharp Memorial Golfand feelings of isolation in patients Tournament and the San Diego Fes-decrease significantly. And patients tival of the Arts.often see quicker recovery times. However, the program has become Two therapists head up the pro- so popular that demand continuesgram – Amy Andrews, a board-cer- to grow. Sharp Healthcare adminis-tified music therapist, coordinates trators consistently receive more andthe music therapy. Anita Carter more requests for music and expres-coordinates the art therapy side – sive arts therapy which require addi-she’s an expressive art therapist and tional funding – something the pro-licensed professional counselor. The gram doesn’t have right now. Theprogram also recruits volunteers two therapists dedicated to the pro-from local colleges and throughout gram work only part time, dividingthe San Diego community. There their time at each of four Sharp loca-are even patients who come back as tions – Sharp Memorial, Sharp Maryvolunteers because they see the Birch Hospital, Sharp McDonaldimmense value of the program. Center, and Sharp Mesa Vista Hos- pital. The goal is to have them work One patient at Sharp Memorial full time so that therapy programssays, “Every time my blood pressure can be expanded.was taken after an art session, it wasat its lowest. The program has made If you’d like to learn more, the Artsmy month-long stay in the hospital for Healing program will be offeringso much more bearable.” a free art project at the Sharp Disas- ter Preparedness Expo at Liberty Sta- A mother whose infant had to stay tion on Saturday, September 23. Goat Mary Birch Hospital in the NICU to five weeks says the music pro- classes/disaster-preparedness-expo-gram helped both her and her baby. 1753/section-26086 for more infor-“I think we all know how important is, but to see it work in theNeonatal Intensive Care Unit is really Program coordinator Liz Mackenzie with patients in art group at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital. Photo by Carol Sonsteinremarkable with young babies. Mine
9OCTOBER 2017 |By Bart Mendoza Oct. 28 Creepy Creeps and The Schizophonics Music News: The Casey Hensley Band Blues singer Casey Hensley is the latest local performer to Creepy Creeps With Halloween 2017 falling on a Tuesday, this year’s party night will actually score a record deal. Appearing at the Music Box on October Mittens take place on Saturday October 28, with the best music option being a terrific bill 22 and the Legacy Brewing Company on October 28, Hensley Skyterra featuring the Creepy Creeps and The Schizophonics at the Casbah. The latter’s has signed to the VizzTone, the label founded by former Ari Hoeing incendiary rock ‘n’ roll mix of Jimi Hendrix and James Brown is drawing attention Muddy Waters guitarist, Bob Margolin. “We are excited Mike Humphries and Mike Alvarez worldwide, but this night belongs to0 costumed garage rockers, The Creepy Creeps. because they have signed Casey to a three year, three recordGin Blosssoms This is a band that truly puts on an inspired show, complete with go-go girls and deal,” said Hensley’s partner, drummer Evan Caleb Yearsley. the band dressed in incredible costumes that might be anything from day of the The first release out of the gate will be the re-issue of their dead Mariachi’s to reptilian aliens. Topped with manic energy, this is a show that album, Casey Hensley Live: Featuring Laura Chavez, due to will leave you thoroughly entertained. be released worldwide on Oct 20. Originally self-released for just a few months, the album has received a slight graphics November 4 Mittens upgrade, but otherwise remains the same terrific blast of blues classics, topped by Hensley’s whiskey soaked vocals The long wait for indie pop quartet, Mittens, second album is over. The band will and Chavez’s amazing fretwork. “Although this record has celebrate the release of their new disc, Endlessly, with a CD release show at Bar Pink been out locally for the summer we are excited that it will be on November 4. It’s a terrific bill which includes The Hiroshima Mocking Birds, released on a blues label, and on a national and international The Strawberry Moons, and British band, The Ramona Flowers, but the night will level. We are in the works of booking a European tour and belong to Mittens. Mixing girl group pop and punk energy with harmonies and also tours of the USA.” He notes another reason he’s happy plenty of melody, Mittens have emerged as one of the best bands in San Diego. The signing to VizzTone. “It also happened to be the last label band seems to be having fun onstage and it’s contagious. my mother, (singer) Candye Kane, was on, so it feels good to have that connection,” he said. Yearsly mentions the band November 10 Skyterra has been kept busy, their rising profile sure to keep things that way for some time to come. “We played Doheny Main On November 10, Skyterra, winners of the 2017 San Diego Music Award for “Best Stage this year, and also The Big Blues Bender in Las Vegas New Artist,” host a CD release show for their new EP, Over The Edge, at the House of along with Dr John, Mavis Staples, The Paladins, Walter Blues Voodoo Room. The quartet plays a blend of atmospheric piano based pop rock Trout and more. So, it has been an amazing summer. We and electronica, sounding at times like a cross between Coldplay, Pre Fab Sprout and can’t wait to see what the year to come will bring.” eighties hitmakers Berlin. Skyterra’s dreamy soundscape, as heard on songs such as “Strange Places,”makes for wonderful recordings, but it’s live where the songs arrange- Short Takes ments, in combo with lights and stage fog, really shine. All attendees of this show will Violinist Alicia Previn is releasing a compilation of her receive a copy of the new EP. early studio demos,“Lovely: Rare Tracks 1981-2011,”in early November 15 Ari Hoenig 2018. Many of the tracks are from her days in London as a studio session player… guitarist Johnny Vernazza will be Dizzy’s continues to be the best place in town to hear up and coming national releasing two books in 2018, titled “Why I Play.” The first jazz acts, with adventurous bookings such as drummer Ari Hoenig, appearing on edition will cover the time up until 1980, including his years November 15. Joined by pianist Nitai Hershkovits and bassist Or Bareket, Hoenig with the Elvin Bishop Group. Volume 2 will bring the story and his trio perform instrumental songs, with his inspired percussion as the foun- up to date… The Spice Pistols, the cross dressing, tongue in dation. Hoenig has been recording since 1999 and performed with a who’s who cheek mash up band mixing the music of Spice Girls with of modern jazz, including Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny and Wynton Marsalis, The Sex Pistols, is recording their debut album, “Life’s A but it’s his solo work, such as his most recent album, Pauper and the Magician, Drag” with Kevin Ring of Spitfire Torpedo heading produc- that has drawn the biggest accolades. dizzy’ tion. The title track is the band’s lone original…Upcoming releases from Pacific Records include pro surfer Lindsay November 17 Dave Humphries Perry’s next album, Dark Revival and a new single from Super Groupie, featuring O-Town singer Trevor Penick, One of San Diego’s musical treasures, Dave Humphries, performs at Java Joe’s on “Keep It Low.”… On November 18, The Bancroft will be November 17. Originally from England, Humphries arrived in San Diego circa the site of a fundraiser for the Red Cross Disaster Relief 1996 and quickly found an audience for his wonderful Beatle-esque pop tunes, Fund, featuring Schizophonics, Pony Death Ride, Captain such as “These Eyes” and “Runaway For The Day.” Humphries is a master song- Viejo and more. writer, with an arsenal of classic sounding songs that are instantly ingrained in your head, and great stories to match. In his concerts, Humphries often plays REVIEW Ryan Hiller – Big Medicine (Pacific cover songs of his musical inspirations, but much of his own repertoire is strong Records) enough to stand alongside his heroes work. For this show, he will be joined by cellist Mike Alvarez and special guests. Ten tracks from guitarist / singer-songwriter Ryan Hiller. For his fourth album, Hiller’s sound mixes up bluesy rock November 18 Gin Blossoms ‘n’ roll with a wide spectrum of influences including country and a touch of funk, for music that is the definition of radio Nineties hitmakers the Gin Blossoms celebrate the 25th anniversary of their hit friendly and stadium ready. Sonically, “Big Medicine” itself album, New Miserable Experience, with a special concert at the Belly Up Tavern sounds big, with excellent production that really highlights on November 18. Making the show the perfect mix of band and venue, six tracks Hiller’s voice and brings out the best in the arrangements. on the albums 2002 deluxe reissue were recorded at the historic venue. The two The obvious single is“Gotta Survive,”a storming, Hammond Top 40 sing-a-long hits,“Found Out About You” and “Hey Jealousy,” will draw the organ backed rocker, with “Welcome to the Human Race,” a night’s biggest cheers, but the album on which the night’s set list will be drawn is soulful groover complete with a horn section and a great solid start to finish, deservedly becoming one of the era’s defining discs. song chorus hook, coming in a close second. Though both songs are stylistically varied, they are unified by rhythms that are guaranteed to get people out of the seats and moving at any of Hiller’s live performances. These are songs with broad appeal, so fans of modern country, classic rock and blues alike will find much to enjoy here. www.pacifi-
10 | OCTOBER 2017 on these not so creepy crawlies. than one ounce). Fun Bat Facts!! Perhaps no other animal is the Some of our other creepyCont. from page 1 • Some bats can live over focus of myth, legend, and lore and crawly residents are just as 30 years. A bat from RussiaCreepy Crawly Critters of San more than… the bat. Bats are the maligned as the bat, but they all was recaptured in 2006 afterDiego... only true flying mammal (several have their place in our urban being banded as an adultJust in time for Halloween let’s talk others can glide). You are likely to ecosystem. Snails/slugs help in 1964, over 42 years later!about some of the creepy crawly see them swirling about parking break down old vegetation and Our local bats live easilyresidents of Rolando. Growing up lights down in the river valley or help create soil. Spiders eat lit- into their 20’s and somewe all learned to associate Hal- swooping over the Lake Murray erally TONS of pests each night. into the 30’s; animals of aloween with the ghost, ghouls at dusk. Bats have a bad reputa- Ninety-nine percent of spiders similar size, like a mouse,and creepy crawlies. Lots of those tion for any number of reasons are harmless to humans rarely live past 2 or 3 years.creepy crawlies are living at lot but none more than the con- • Bats live in ALL 50 states.closer then you thought. Right nection to vampires. Thankfully, (disclaimer: unless you are an ex- The Hoary bat is the onlyhere in Rolando…you may even be none of our local bats will suck pert, please do not touch spiders). native mammal of Hawaii,roommates with one of these. your blood. They dine on moths, We share our neighborhood with a subspecies of the one that beetles, flies, and mosquitos. The several thousand lizards and lives all over the continental • Creepy: Bats, Ravens, three most common bats in west- even a snake or two. Most of our U.S. coyotes, owls, ern San Diego County are Mexican snakes are harmless to people • Bats save the environment and opossums. Free-tailed, Yuma Myotis, and Big when undisturbed (rattlesnakes and are expert extermina- Brown Bats. (Even though they are dangerous and should NEV- tors. One bat can eat many • Crawlies: Snails, slugs, are called big brown bats, like all ER be handled). Gopher snakes, times its body weight in lizards, snakes, bugs, and of our bats they rarely weigh more racers, and the Western Pacific moths, beetles, and flies. spiders. rattlesnakes.) This reduces the amount of pesticides (organic and Hopefully a few interesting facts inorganic) that farmers use.will give you a different perspective It is estimated that bats save the Agricultural industry 22 billion dollars a year in pest-control cost!!! • Bats aren’t blind. Actu- ally, most bats have better eyesight than people. They use echolocation to navi- gate their way around in the pitch black, but they can use their vision in low light to help them find prey. Look for bats around the San Diego River and Lake Murray especially around dusk.
I t was a life-changing day LUCKY DOGS 11OCTOBER 2017 | for Odie and Aida. For By Jeanne Rawdin Charm and Sasha. For and More. He fosters dogs care, so the group depends onBasil and Ivan, Atlas and Cas- for one week or up to a year. The Labs and More adoption fundraiser events to cover thetor. These are just some of the “I love the satisfaction of tak- events take place every Satur- costs of operation. The nextlucky dogs that were adopted ing care of dogs and finding day from 10:30 - 12:30 at Road one is Howl-O-Ween MUTTat the Labs and More Adoption them a home. I’m trying to Runner Sports at either the RUN on October 28th. Go toFair at Road Runner Sports in make a difference in how hu- Kearny Mesa or Carlsbad loca- for moreKearny Mesa. mans discard these animals.” tion. However, adoption fees information. don’t begin to cover the cost of The thing that sets Labs and Doug recalls fostering aMore apart from other dog ten-year-old yellow lab forrescue groups is that they love half a year. It was a pure-diversity. As its name implies, bred but it was deaf, rescuedthe group definitely has labs from Mexico. “When we gotand lab mixes, but it also has Wesley, he weighed only 45boxers, shepherds, huskies, pounds. We nursed himand even a pure-bred St. Ber- back to 80 pounds, and anard. The all-volunteer group sweet lady from Anaheimwas founded in 2011 with the took him home.”sole purpose of helping the Doug says it’s hard to seedogs that other rescue groups the human neglect. “Peopledidn’t want to help. They’ve somehow can’t control theirplaced more than 6,000 dogs own lives so they take it outin loving homes. Last year on animals. Animals are de-alone, they placed more than fenseless. If I can make that1,700 animals. better, that’s what matters.” The Styn Family adopted a Labs and More takes senior lab mix named Bailey thatdogs, dogs with medical is- day. Their two sons pickedsues, mothers with puppies him out. Says older son,who need to be bottle-fed, Caleb, “Bailey is very welleven dogs with broken legs or trained and very cute andbad hips. They take dogs that friendly. His owner said shehave been literally dumped was nice around other dogson the street. They get a lot of and kids.” They look forwarddogs from high-kill shelters in to seeing her play with theSouthern California, especially other dogs in their neighbor-shelters in the high desert. hood.They usually have 60 dogs According to Debbie Cum-up for adoption on any given mings, the Volunteer Direc-weekend, ranging in age from tor for Labs and More, the8 weeks to 10 years old. group has 300 active volun- teers – some full time -- and Cindy Simmons, the head 100 foster families willing toof Labs and More, says what’s keep the dogs until they’resurprising is that dogs with adopted.special needs or conditions One thing’s for sure –usually get adopted easily. there’s an endless supply of“Somebody falls in love with dogs that are neglected orthe dog and wants to take care abused so the need is con-of it.” stant. Cindy says, “We can’tMost of the dogs spend their save them all. But we have antime in a boarding facility in opportunity to save as manyValley Center during the week as we can. Watching them getor in foster care homes of vol- rehabilitated physically andunteers until they’re adopted. emotionally brings tears to my eyes.” Doug Ashbrook is a foster On this particular Satur-parent and Treasurer/Execu- day, 29 dogs were adopted.tive Board Member of Labs
12 | OCTOBER 2017
13OCTOBER 2017 |Howlistic, Celebrating 10 Years of Healthy & Happy Dogs and Cats! A huge congratulations to Howlistic on their 10th Anniver- sary! And from my family, an even larger “Thank You!” The team at Howlistic has been essential to the health of our treasured family member. Address: Howlistic has been my family’s salvation for years. Then we mix in a little Wild Calling canned food to Mission Hills StoreThis month they are celebrating their 10th year of keep it interesting. 930 West Washington Stbusiness. Jax began to gain weight. His coat became shiny and Suite 7 vibrant. His energy and demeanor did a complete 180. San Diego, CA 92103 The store is San Diego’s ultimate source for heath- Thanks to Howlistic he finally became the happy and Tel: (619) 255-7317minded dog and cat caretakers. They provide whole- healthy dog he was always meant to be.some, natural, and biologically appropriate daily Liberty Public Market nutrition and treats for your furry family member. Howlistic’s owner, my friend Don, and I were speak- 2820 Historic Decatur Rd ing the other week. He told me about opening the first San Diego, CA 92106 Eco-friendly lifestyle products like bowl, beds, store in 2007. Tel: (619) 990-5599collars, toys and grooming supplies are all sourcedfrom companies with a focus on the environment “When we first thought of opening the store, it Email: [email protected] made in the USA whenever possible. All of was because we could not find all of what we neededtheir suppliers must meet Howlistic’s high standards anywhere else in one location. We knew that basis for Hours of Operation:of ethics, proper sourcing and a focus on heath and a dog or cat’s health is proper, biologically appropri-safety for your animal companions. ate diet and nutrition. We only provide food and treats MISSION HILLS STORE: from trusted partners that base their products on Monday – Friday: No matter what you purchase, when you exit the what a dog or cat should eat, not on fancy marketing 9:00 am – 8:00 pmstore, you can rest confident all the items you pur- campaigns and celebrity endorsements. We strongly Saturday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm chased are safe for your pet. Shampoos, harnesses encourage customers to explore a raw food/whole food Sunday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pmand leashes, bowls, toys – all of them are responsibly diet for their companions to enhance their health andsourced, ethical, organic, safe, and healthy. vitality.” (Closed New Year’s Day, Thanks- giving, and Christmas. Some major When I first moved to San Diego, my border col- Don continues, holidays we close early.)lie pup, Jax, was only twelve weeks old. He’d been a “Everything we sell, every item in the store, is respon-surprise package from a friend - a heart-felt gift after Tubs at Howlistic: Self-Serve Doglosing my dog at the time to a poisonous spider bite. sibly sourced and safe for your pet. From the farms and Wash – Mission Hills fisheries producing the nutritional pet foods we offer, Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 The little fur ball of a pup proved to be the next to our selection of American made toys built from ma- pmlove of my life, my family’s too. He was perfect, but terials safe enough for infants to hold and be around, Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm there was one hiccup we could not sort. Jax, had al- we only provide the best.” Sunday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pmlergies, bad allergies. LIBERTY PUBLIC MARKET: I have to agree with Don. All of the dog toys in our Daily: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm We worked with vets, ran tests, experimented with house came from Howlistic. The collar and dog tag thatdiets, researched endlessly. No matter the level of Jax sports, as well as the best leash I have ever come (Closed New Year’s Day, Thanks-care we provided, the love we bestowed, our little guy across were all purchased at Howlistic on Washington giving, and Christmas. Some majorcontinued to look emaciated. His behavior became St. holidays we close early.)more and more lethargic. Sorry, no Tubs at our Liberty Pub- Each time I made a purchase, I knew I was not only lic Market location. Refusing to relent, even for a moment, we began to supporting a great local business run by loving andnotice there was always an ally right there with us, ethical people, but that I could have complete confi-nose to nose in this fight to make sure Jax was living dence in my purchases. There is so much knowledge atthe healthiest life possible. That number one ally was Howlistic, and they applied that knowledge to insureHowlistic. they are providing only the very best for your pet. Howlistic’s amazing staff and owners continually If you are the proud caretaker of a dog or cat, thiscounseled us. Together they helped us eliminate in- place is worth checking out. It is also important togredients one by one, while still meeting Jax’s nutri- mention they also offer self-serve dog wash tubs attional needs. In the end we identified an appropriate their Mission Hills Location. All the bells and whistlesbrand and ingredient base for Jax’s diet. are at your disposal, and they keep the tubs insanelyToday we serve up Acana’s pork and squash diet. clean.
14 | OCTOBER 2017
15OCTOBER 2017 | FFraiemnidlyly Fun!“…had the OCTOBERaudience 14 / 17 / 20 / 22Mroaring frombeginning to SAN DIEGOthe very end.” CIVIC THEATRE —Performink Tickets start at $48 Special pricing for children! (619) 533-7000 Tickets also available atPHOTO: KINGMOND YOUNGK-CO K-Co Construction, Inc. has been building CONSTRUCTION homeowners’ dreams in the Clairemont neighborhood for over INCORPORATED 20 years. We believe in fair pricing for a high quality product built in a reasonable time.Builder of Your Dreams If you have a project in mind, please visit us online or call us at 858-274-0005 to schedule an appointment.ADDITIONS BATHS KITCHENSCA. Lic # 706173 | Bond & Insured | [email protected] | | 858-274-0005
16 | OCTOBER 2017 These Girls Are Good By Alison Aragon, Grants & Communications Specialist at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego.R etired professional golfer into this space, and give them the Stephanie had talent and drive Stephanie - this girl can golf! Annika Sorenstam once opportunity to network on the golf since age eight, and has worked hard Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Di- said, \"If everything was course alongside their male peers. to take advantage of all the sup- given to you, it wouldn't While all Pro Kids members prac- port Pro Kids has given. Stephanie ego, Carini Heating and Air, and thefeel as good when you achieve it.\" tice life skills such as responsibility, embodies the values of humility and Girls Mentoring Committee, wouldThis lesson runs deep in the origin integrity, and bravery through golf perseverance and is an extremely like to invite you to join us at theof Pro Kids | The First Tee of San class, the reality is life is experienced committed Pro Kids ambassador, 2017 Carini Women’s Golf Tourna-Diego, founded by NFL player Ernie differently for our female members. giving her time and experience back ment this year. We want our 60%Wright in 1994. Ernie saw golf as a Carini Heating and Air sees value in to the younger players. She recently female membership to continue tounique way to teach kids about life creating an event where all women played alongside her brother Peter have the resources to grow throughskills they could carry with them feel welcome. In addition to a Jazz and San Diego enthusiast and actor/ the game of golf, and build confi-into adulthood. Since then, Pro Kids and Champagne Brunch before the comedian Will Ferrell in Coronado. dence, commitment, and courage tohas provided golf and life skills in- tournament on Sunday, December be the strong women they alreadystruction and educational opportu- 3rd, each participant will have the Stephanie has already gone head- are as they transition into adult-nities to more than 20,000 kids age opportunity to play with and learn to-head with some of San Diego’s to seventeen, and continues from one of our female golfers. Here best, including recent President’sto serve an average of 1,700 kids a is a sneak peek of one of Pro Kids Cup winner Charley Hoffman. Here, If you are interested in playing inyear through their City Heights and most dynamic female golfers: Charley and Stephanie face off on- the Carini Women’s Golf Tourna-Oceanside locations. Pro Kids mem- stage, playing a simulation of Pebble ment Sunday, December 3rd 2017,bers build relationships through Stephanie Beach. She recently started playing or supporting girls programmingeducation and sportsmanship to “Pro Kids changed my life,” Steph- on the Women’s Golf Team at CSU through sponsorship or donation,become productive leaders in their San Marcos, and we can’t wait to please contact Alison Aragon atown community. They are given anie said. “It guided me and helped see what other amazing things the [email protected] or 619-the tools to work towards success me focus on all my goals and to have future has in store. Look out for 582-7884. See you on The First Tee!through an incentivized leveling sys- a backup plan to being a profes-tem, which allows them increased sional golfer.”access to golf equipment, courseplay, and field trips as they put theirtime and effort into the program.Last year, Carini Heating and Air, aheating and air conditioning compa-ny serving all of San Diego Countywith a commitment to giving backto the community, teamed up withPro Kids to host the Carini Women’sGolf Tournament at Colina ParkGolf Course. Carini’s commitmentand dedication to growing the sport,for girls in particular, has enabledthe Girls Mentoring Committee atPro Kids to flourish in recent years,with opportunities ranging frometiquette classes, pilates lessons, andadventure hikes, to girls-only golfclass. The Girls Mentoring Committee(GMC) is made up of inspirationalwomen who volunteer their timeto get to know the young women ofPro Kids and act as role models forthe girls. The committee providesexperiences for girls that are enrich-ing, fun, and healthy. The GMCsupports Pro Kids overall mission,as golf is a sport traditionally inac-cessible to communities of color,those lacking financial means, andwomen. Golf is much more thana sport—it is a space for buildingpartnership in business, and build-ing new or fostering old relation-ships. The GMC recognizes the needto welcome women in particular
17OCTOBER 2017 |I t’s not often that you meet a Profiles of Success - Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego young woman like Anyah. Well spoken, charismatic, athletic and Not Everyone Becomes a Pro Golfer at Pro Kids | The First Tee,smart, you could probably predict but Everyone Gets Unique Opportunities to Excel in Lifethat someday she would be a super-star. But if you ask her what kinds R to be an attorney and/or in the golfof experiences most contributed to business.her success, she would mention her \"Anyah joined Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego wheninvolvement with Pro Kids | The First she was just nine years old. She credits the program with When asked what inspires her at ProTee San Diego, without hesitation. At giving her a much stronger focus on academic work; Kids | The First Tee San Diego, Anyahonly 15 years old she is the Academic coaching for her golf game to a level 5 at the center and a says it’s partly the exposure to a worldAthlete of the Year at the San Diego varsity position on her high school team.\" she would have never seen, includingnon-profit that combines golf with playing at high-end golf courses andacademics, leadership and character- country clubs and meeting kids from abuilding skills. Just for starters, she wide range of backgrounds and experi-has 4.25 GPA in San Diego High ences. But what keeps her inspired onSchool’s International Baccalaureate a daily basis is the program’s “words toProgram, plays three varsity sports, live by.” These inspirational words arespeaks fluent French and is ASB an integral part of the Pro Kids pro-Secretary. gram, with different ones, including patience, integrity, honesty and pers- Anyah joined Pro Kids | The First verance, posted on stones and markersTee San Diego when she was just nine throughout the Pro Kids golf course.years old. She credits the programwith giving her a much stronger fo- Anyah has four brothers and sisters,cus on academic work; coaching for all participating in the program at dif-her golf game to a level 5 at the center ferent levels depending on their ageand a varsity position on her high and educational status. She feels it’s aschool team. She is already planning great environment for all them to growher future which includes college golf and excel, and she hopes other kidsand law school. Long term, she plans have the opportunities she has experi- enced herself. Carini Women’s Golf Tournament Benefiting Pro Kids|The First Tee of San Diego DECEMBER 3, 2017 Sponsorship Packages COLINA PARK GOLF COURSE Brunch Sponsor - $3,000 Hole Sponsorship Packages HOME OF PRO KIDS|THE FIRST TEE OF SAN DIEGO Includes foursome in the tournament Gold Hole Sponsor - $500 Included in any broadcast media 11:30-1PM—Registration and Brunch Logo, story and link on web site 10x10 canopy or booth stationed on 1PM—Shotgun Start (Modified Scramble) Logo on “step & repeat” photo wall the golf course 4-5PM—Awards and Recognition Banner at event Host a golf activity that promotes Table at the event your branding $300 per foursome Editorial mention in all handouts and Name on tournament banner $75 per player public relations Website listing and link $25 Brunch only Happy Hour Sponsor - $1,500 Silver Hole Sponsor - $250Come support Pro Kids and celebratewomen’s golf at our ladies-only golf Includes foursome in the tournament Distribution of marketing materialtournament! This fun, feminine, and up- Name/logo featured on flyers, during tournamenttempo event will bring golfers from all of banners and tournament website Listing in all handouts and publicSan Diego County together to inspire and relationsempower young girls who attend our life- Valet Sponsor - $1,000 Signage at the holechanging program. Space on literature table Logo and link on web site Website listing and link Listing in all handouts Space on literature table Signage at the car drop off area Logo on “step & repeat” photo wall For more information on sponsorships please contact Alison Aragon at [email protected] or 619- 582-7884.
18 | OCTOBER 2017KIDS’ KORNER: It's October, time for HALLOWEEN! This month is sooo much FUN! We get to dress in costumes, tell scary stories, go trick-or-treating, and…we get to carve pumpkins! Carving pumpkins is awesome, so we are going to have a contest. Send a photo of your Halloween pumpkin carving masterpiece, and the winner with get a $25 gift certificate to Ike's Place for lunch. Good luck and have FUN! Email your entries to [email protected] We will announce the winner in our November publications.
19OCTOBER 2017 |Your Horoscope brought to you by (619) 280-9500 • your friends at DOWN CROSS 1. Agreement Juicy 2. Canyon sound 3. Parched 4. Reheat 5. Yearned 6. Like lemon juice 7. Massaged 8. Chimes 9. Peachlike fruits 10. Binds 11. Shoo! 22. Journalist Sawyer 24. Model 25. Under lock and ____ 26. Soil-breaking tool 27. Pestering 28. So r 31. wds. 39. i 52 s Happy Solving! Pi 33 Home
20 | OCTOBER 2017GI Film Festival San Diego Comes to North County San Diego with Free Pre-view Screening of DreamWorks Pictures’ Thank You for Your ServiceThursday, October 19 at 7:30 p.m.: Regal Carlsbad 12; Free admission, Registration required; Film opens across U.S. on October 27 Organizers of the third annual GI Film Fes- filmmaker appearances and panel discussions. Saskia (HALEY BENNETT) and Adam Schumann (MILES TELLER) in DreamWorks Pictures' \"Thank You fortival San Diego (Oct. 18-22) announce a spe- Screenings will be presented in themed film Your Service.\" The drama follows a group of U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq who struggle to integrate backcial preview screening of Thank You for Your blocks so audience members can fully into family and civilian life, while living with the memory of a war that threatens to destroy them long after they'veService on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 7:30 immerse themselves in the festival experience. left the battlefield.p.m. at Regal Carlsbad 12 (2501 El CaminoReal). The film is rated R and will be officially Tickets and all access passes for the 2017 GI Adam Schumann (MILES TELLER) in DreamWorks Pictures' \"Thank You for Your Service.\"released nationwide in theatres on October Film Festival San Diego are available at27. Although the screening is free, advance All festival events will (L to R) Adam Schumann (MILES TELLER) and Solo Aeiti (BEULAH KOALE) in DreamWorks Pictures'registration is required. To register and for be open to the public with special discounted \"Thank You for Your Service.\"more information, please visit GIFilmFesti- opportunities for active duty personnel veterans. p.m. The festival’s Local Film Showcase screen- Choice Award where festival attendees can ings begin at 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. respec- vote for their favorite film featured in the fes- The Thursday night event is the first time Wednesday, Oct. 18: Opening Night tively. Award winners in the Local Film Show- tival. The Audience Choice Award will bethe GI Film Festival San Diego will conduct Screening and Reception at the Muse- case will be announced later that evening at announced after the festival concludes.screenings in North County San Diego. Prior um of Photographic Arts in Balboa the GI Film Festival San Diego’s Awards Cel-to the preview screening of Thank You for Park ebration to be held at KPBS on the campus The 2017 GI Film Festival San Diego con-Your Service at 7:30 p.m., the festival will pre- of San Diego State University. The Awards Cel- cludes Sunday, Oct. 22 at the same venue withsent “World War II Remembered – Part 1” at The GI Film Festival San Diego’s opening ebration honors the festival’s best from the the “Remembering the Vietnam War” film5 p.m. This film block features a collection of night screening on Wednesday, Oct. 18 fea- Local Film Showcase. Award Categories block at 12:30 p.m., an encore screening ofshort films that honor the stories and sacrifice tures the West Coast premiere of “The 2 Sides include Best Documentary Short, Best Nar- “The 2 Sides Project” at 3:15 p.m., the “Tourof the greatest generation. The block compris- Project,” a post-Vietnam War focused docu- rative Short, Local Choice Award, Best Film the Festival” film block at 3:30 p.m., and thees of West Coast premieres and award-win- mentary. The film follows the unforgettable Made by a Veteran or Service Member, Best “How We Heal” film block at 5:45 p.m.ning documentaries, including “All American,” journey of six U.S. sons and daughters as they Actor, Best Actress, and the Spirit of San Diego“Happy,” “The Rifleman’s Violin,” and “We discover a country and a people with whom Award. In addition, there is an Audience For the latest film schedule with titles andCan Do It: Stories of Rosie the Riveter.” Tickets they share a common history. In December additional festival event information, visitfor the 5 p.m. screenings are $8 for active duty 2015, American and Vietnamese sons and and veterans. General admission is daughters—who had all lost fathers fighting$10. on opposite sides during the war—held the first-ever formal meetings. The film capturesAbout Thank You for Your Service the entire story, not just the transformative encounters, but the profoundly moving expe- DreamWorks Pictures’ Thank You for Your riences these Americans had while visiting theService follows a group of U.S. soldiers return- sites where their fathers died, and the powerfuling from Iraq who struggle to integrate back encounters they had with the country itself.into family and civilian life, while living with Director Anthony Istrico is scheduled tothe memory of a war that threatens to destroy attend opening night, as well as some of thethem long after they’ve left the battlefield. This people featured in the film. A dessert receptionfilm stars an ensemble cast led by Miles Teller, follows the screening and discussion in theHaley Bennett, Joe Cole, Amy Schumer, Beu- museum’s atrium. There will be an encorelah Koale, Scott Haze, Keisha Castle-Hughes, screening of this film on Sunday, Oct. 22 atBrad Beyer, Omar J. Dorsey and Jayson Warn- the AMC Mission Valley 20 at 3:15 Smith. The drama produced by Jon Kilik(The Hunger Games series, Babel) is based on Friday, Oct. 20: Family Movie Nightthe bestselling book by Pulitzer Prize-winning Aboard the USS Midway Museumreporter and author, David Finkel. The popular Family Movie Night returns Thank You for Your Service is written and to the USS Midway Museum on Friday, Oct.directed by Jason Hall, the Academy Award®- 20. Family Movie Night is the only family-nominated writer of American Sniper, whose related event for the festival this year and cel-films seamlessly blend incisive social commen- ebrates military families while providing a funtary with emphatically human stories, turning evening out after a busy week. Military con-real people and challenging issues into grip- nected and civilian families are welcome. Fes-ping, engrossing cinema. Hall currently has tival organizers will also work with partnerseveral diverse projects in development, organizations to provide complimentary tick-including Rasputin for Leonardo DiCaprio’s ets to local military families. See GIFilmFesti-production company Appian Way. for film title, time, and festival schedule.More About the GI Film Festival SanDiego Saturday, Oct. 21 & Sunday, Oct. 22: Additional AMC Mission Valley 20 The GI Film Festival San Diego is one of Screeningsonly a few film festivals in the entire UnitedStates to exclusively feature stories for, by, and Weekend screenings at AMC Mission Valleyabout military service members and veterans. 20 feature 27 films, many that make up theFilms selected for this year’s GI Film Festival festival’s Local Film Showcase. Screenings onSan Diego feature diverse stories with themes Saturday, Oct. 21 begin with a collection ofranging from women in the military, resiliency short films remembering World War II atand recovery, transitioning, and the LGBTQ+ 10:50 a.m. Award-winning feature lengthcommunity. Selections also highlight military selections and West Coast premieres are onexperiences from within the Hispanic, African the midday schedule with the documentaryAmerican, and Asian cultures. Wars covered following the life of an Army veteran who wasin the films span from World War II to the paralyzed while serving in Afghanistan “Amer-present day conflicts. Films come from around ican Veteran,” at 11 a.m.; “After Fire,” a docu-the United States as well as here in San Diego mentary that follows the lives of three femaleand include feature length films to shorts. The veterans at 1 p.m.; and “High Low Forty,” a2017 GI Film Festival San Diego features 33 dramatic feature about two estranged brothersfilms in all, including two World Premieres who reconnect on a road trip home at 1:15and eight West Coast Premieres. There are also
21OCTOBER 2017 |LIVING with ANIMALS Museum of Man exhibit explores a complex and dynamic relationshipOver 15,000 years ago humans In order to create this interactivebegan sharing their meals with wolves, new exhibit, the physical gallery spaceforging the first friendship between that houses Living with Animals hashumans and animals, but where did been completely transformed. Wherewe go from there? linear walls and traditional text panelsThe San Diego Museum of Man’s once stood in a former exhibit, therenewest exhibit,“Living with Animals,” are now curved walls and pathways,explores the complex and dynamic tactical elements that encouragerelationships between humans and hands-on learning, and immersiveanimals over time and across cultures. environments that give visitors free-“There’s opportunity and chal- dom to explore at their own pace andlenges in tackling a topic like animals, discover information in unexpectedbut we’ve created an exhibit that feels ways. The new design also incorpo-fresh both in its whimsical, vibrant rates architectural elements that haddesign and in its non-traditional been covered for almost two decades,approach to storytelling,” said Exhibit including historic windows overlook-Developer Sarah Crawford. “Living ing El Prado.with Animals looks at the animals we Visitors can experience the exhibitencounter every day in our lives and between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. Pest exhibit. (Photo by Stacy Keck) Animals on display. (Photo by Stacy Keck)homes — our beloved pets, the pests More information: http://museumof-crawling through our walls, and the of bacon we put on our plates — (Images courtesy of the San Diegoand asks how we decide which of these Museum of Man)categories they belong in.”When designing Living with Ani- Wild Life Masquerade Partymals, the museum focused on creating When the sun sets at the Museuman immersive, exploratory experience of Man, it’s time to let your innerthat encourages visitors to think about party animal roam free at this animal-how they interact with animals, even themed masquerade experiencebeyond the exhibit’s walls. inspired by the “Living with Animals”“Living with Animals allows visitors explore specific types of interaction At this after-hours event, you’ll donbetween people and animals. I believe an animal mask and let your instinctsthese interactions speak directly to the lead you to unknown adventuresmuseum’s vision of reflecting on our throughout the museum —place in the world,” said Director of Encounter crawling creatures fromExhibits Erika Katayama. “One par- your nightmares, pick your poison atticular area of the exhibit invites the the cocktail bar, dare to speed date acommunity to reflect on the question, stranger, and more.‘How can I live better with animals?’ “We encourage you to begin theand I look forward to seeing what our evening as a blank slate with dark-col-visitors have to say.” ored cocktail attire. We’ll provide theSprinkled throughout the exhibit animal mask and supplies for you towill be animal-themed objects from transform into your animal of choice,the Museum’s vast collection. These and the rest of the evening is up toobjects include Peruvian insect dance you.earrings that are made of real beetle Bring a date, grab some friends, orshells and toucan feathers, and a beau- meet someone new for a fun eveningtifully hand-painted ceramic feline exploring your wild side!”whistle from AD 1500-1600.Animals on Our Plates. (Photo by Stacy Keck) Animals on wallpaper. (Photo by Stacy Keck)
22 | OCTOBER 2017
23OCTOBER 2017 | \"pÓĺ¼ÀĘĺ £|¯ÊÀĺ7p£Àĺ £Ó¼ĺ¼|Æ£Úĺ Ưĺg¯Ê¼ĺ¯¯¼ ¼Àĺ\"p£ÆÚĺ7p£À =¼pª|ĺ#ª¼ªÆÀ J¯Æpƪĺa £Úĺ7ªÊ £Ó¼ÚĺÆ¯ĺ¯¯¼ 1¯|p££Úĺ=Ôª N`ĺìðŔ =8ĺ#JNSĺS#7ĺ=JJN `ÀÆĺÊÀĺ¯ª£ªĺpÆ ÔÔÔĝpÆ|£pª©p£¹¼¹ĝ|¯© pªĺÊÀĺ¹¼¯©¯ĺ|¯ gGJ/ OFFER EXPIRES 10/31/17QUESTIONS? (619) 354-7272 or [email protected] FOR FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS ONLY. LIMIT 1 USE PER HOUSEHOLD. EXCLUDES SUBSCRIPTIONS, OPTIONAL ADD-ONS, AND DELIVERY. NOT VALID WITH OTHER OFFERS.
24 | OCTOBER 2017
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