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Home Explore Serra Mesa Connection September 2017

Serra Mesa Connection September 2017

Published by Local Umbrella Media, 2017-09-21 11:52:10

Description: Serra Mesa Connection September 2017 San Diego, CA

Keywords: san diego,serra mesa


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NSEOrRRMAAMLEHSEAIGCOHNTNSECTIONADAMS AVENUE NEWS PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA EDDM RETAIL Local Postal CustomerYYoouurr NNeeiigghhbboorrhhooooddSSoouurrccee--SSerevrivnignlogclaol ccoaml cmoumnimtieusn, kitidies,s&, kciadusse&s tcharouusgehsotuhtrSoouugthheornuCt Saloifuortnhiear.n Vol.1 NVool.. 1262 -NSo.e9pSteepmtebmeberr2, 2001177TWREO’RUEBLOLECDALK. WIDES’RGEEINTDTEOPE“NLDIVEENT+. WHAT’S INSIDE…BREATWHEE’R”ETSHTRILOL UHEGRHE!YOGA By Jeanne Rawdin Nfl Hall Of Famer Andre Reed Starts Kids’ Reading Program Del Mar resident Andre Reed calls it the “fifth quarter” of his NFL career. The NFL Hall of Famer played 16 sea- sons with the Buffalo Bills and Wash- ington Redskins, and now he’s lever- aging that time on the field to teach kids the love of reading. PG. 8 Girlfriends, Golf, and Gratitude Pro Kids challenges underserved youth to excel in life by promoting character development, life skills, and values through education and the game of golf. PG. 6 View of the Riggs Front CourtyardPut your vehicles in good hands with these folks. (courtesy of In Eye Photography)DteTuTrriniurfvtoeceirkl i2eCnDd0hSy1ai6enlwrdaararasmeynMJoicTinessEsaa,an,qbttkueehnaireepcotoSrwsinastnnr-feoDtrcihfeagomof iAClieeersno- have access to yoga in their daily lives. I can see how relaxed they feel. Some Art of the Americas Started in 2014 by yoga instructor Erin even fall asleep during their yoga class. The Mingei International Museum Hanson, the organization’s mobilized It gives our youth a sense of calmness will present more than 125 objects insniltoelernesfued,Agsssgsd.ielatisTnsmahgtnsewwsdAeoittvkhrebaindcluohusmcieslkaudosfrifnneesncro3lufw0urdttohhhimonghmabveipenotsalpalercial instructors bring their classes directly and an environment of safety.” “Art of the Americas — Pre-dsistorredeetr., aItn’sxiaetyl,osccahli,zoinpdhere-nia, and to their participants. At the Center for Parham says the benefits of the yoga ColumbianArt from Mingei’s Collec- Children, Live + Breathe’s instructors class go well beyond the sessions them- tion,”. PG. 20 focus specifically on helping kids with selves. “Many of our children have tak-mchpoaernnec.deeAtnostbp,reecfaaiatmhl epilriynogaoranwmenwendsoewnsgeivoefsckaildms-a trauma-filled backgrounds find a place en some of the tools they have learned CONTACT US of calm in the middle of their some- in class and utilized them as copingnoespsearnadtiotrnantqhuaitlithy,atshabnekesnto a mobilized times stormy lives. skills in their living environment. For EDITORIAL/LETTERSLyoaivgfeaa+bprrBiocrgeoraaftmhtheceiasclaloenmdoLmni-vupenri+otyfBitrtehaatthoe.f- LaDonna Parham is the Recreation example, some of the kids have begun Jon Wesley Ewell Manager at the San Diego Center requesting the calming nature songsfefrosrfrgeeenyeorgaaticolansss.esPtAoGthEo2se who don’t for Children, and she sees the results or piano music that is used in the yoga [email protected] firsthand. “When the youth do yoga, Continued on Page 3 ADVERTISING Brad Weber [email protected] Contact a local Serra Mesa expert to sell your home! * OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 30TH

2 | SEPTEMBER 2017 DRAGON BOAT CANCER TEAM By Jeanne RawdinO ne by one, they pull up to the Youth Aquatic Center admit. on Fiesta Island in the heart Surprisingly, Coach Adair never of Mission Bay Park in thedreary overcast of an early Sunday speaks to the cancer. “They can tellmorning.  But this crowd is anything me what limitations they have andbut dreary. These are the dynamic I’ll accommodate them. But I don’twomen of the Team Survivor Sea bring it up. We’re there to see whatDragons, convening on a stretch they can do in the future.”of sandy beach to once again uniteagainst the challenges of a mutually Team member Crystal Crawforddefeated enemy:  cancer. is a three-time survivor of cancer at age 60. She appreciates the practi- Dragon boat paddling is a team cal side of being on a team of cancersport that packs 20 paddlers and a survivors. “We’re all competitivesteersman/coach into what looks and love the sport, but there is alsolike a very long kayak.  The Team that support network, the emotionalSurvivor Sea Dragons was formed component, figuring out options forin 2008, and the athletes who fill treatment.” Crystal couldn’t paddlethe boat are female cancer survi- while going through treatment dur-vors of various ages, backgrounds, ing her last bout with cancer. “But Iand physical strength. They share still came out there to see the team.”the same goals of personal fitness,renewed spirit, and competition One of the newest members of thethrough the sport of dragon boat team is 64-year-old Maria Thome,racing.  But it's so much more than who had breast cancer in 2004.pulling a paddle through water. When she first joined, she loved the instant support and shared experi- Roberta Wells-Famula, the ences. “No matter what you’ve been61-year-old captain of the team, through, somebody has a crazierhas been here since the beginning. story than you. But this isn’t aboutShe had a mastectomy in 2007 and crazy stories. It’s about the camara-heard of the team through a news- derie and the competition. It’s justpaper article. \"I was not into sports very inspiring to me.”at all.  Here was this crazy womannamed Cheance teaching us, and I The Sea Dragons are always look-got hooked, really hooked.  I never ing for new members.looked back.\" If you are a female cancer survivor and are interested in signing up, go What Roberta loves most is the ca- to of the team.  She says ev-eryone gets along and supports eachother in so many ways.  \"There's adeep affection and deep connec-tion that you can't get anywhereelse.  Then we get out on the waterand work our butts off.\" The aforementioned Cheance is59-year-old Cheance Adair, theteam's coach.  She came up withthe idea of forming such a teamafter seeing a similar one in Canadaduring a competition. When I askabout her cancer, she points to asmall patch just left of her chin.“Melanoma,” she says with a sly grin.“That’s all I got.” Still, the womenembraced her as their coach fromthe beginning because she acceptsnothing but their personal best. “Asa coach, they don’t want someoneto commiserate with. I’m not goingto coddle them. I’m the coach that’sgoing to push them on.”   And even though Cheance can’tclaim to be a real member of thecancer-survivor club, she’s still at thehead of the boat, urging them on.She has her own reasons for beingthere. “They’re an inspiration to me.There is something they bring to theboat that I need. I don’t get to sitback and say ‘I can’t work out today.’I’m here for them. But I’m also herefor self preservation. It’s selfish, I

3SEPTEMBER 2017 |Continued from page 1class to be played when it’s bedtime.” agitated or frustrated.” ber encouraged that he try the up- + Breathe as much more than just coming yoga class to help him relax. a guided meditation or stretchingErin Hanson, the founder of Live + He didn’t really want to be in the class class. Her yoga cause is admirable:Breathe, says she can see the tension The kids’ self-confidence comes fromand anxiety melt in children’s bodies as trying something new without be- but went to try.  The yoga instructor “Facilitating social justice, change had everyone take some deep breaths, and equality is our mission.” Anda yoga class unfolds. “We watch their ing paralyzed by fear. “Children who then provided some guided imagery. that mission, in her mind, is asfaces and notice a striking difference really enjoy coming to class also feelbetween their emotions before class comfortable participating in the poses Within ten minutes of the yoga class, simple as sharing. “We are all the boy had fallen asleep. After he people. If we can share a little bitand after class,” she notes. “We see a even when they are not sure they can woke up, he reported feeling relaxed of knowledge with these children,calm take over and the kids become do it. This is great because the youthvery relaxed.” are building confidence in themselves and calm.” that’s great. We also learn a lot    from all our students. They have a and their abilities,” according to Par- Founder Hanson has 70 qualified lot of wisdom.”The San Diego Center for Children is ham.a nonprofit rehabilitation center that’s yoga instructors—all volunteers— who give yoga classes at the Center for When asked why she named thebeen around since 1887 offering behav- Along with doing yoga poses and Children and other locations where non-profit Live + Breathe, sheioral health and therapy programs for deep breathing, Live + Breathe alsokids and their families. Its goal is ho- implements massages into its cur- there’s a need including Rady Chil- smiles and quotes Ralph Waldo dren’s Hospital, the Braille Institute, Emerson. “To know even one lifelistic wellness, and yoga fits right into riculum. LaDonna says this is often San Diego Youth Services, Special has breathed easier because youthat model to balance kids’ emotions. the highlight of the class. “This is not“WIth kids who have suffered trauma, only the kids’ favorite thing, but it has Olympics events, public schools, and have lived. That is to have suc- much more. Erin is convinced that ceeded.”they tend to have a hard time self-reg- been great to see kids who are easily yoga’s therapeutic benefits transcendulating their mind, body, and emotions triggered when being touched due todue to the chaos that trauma or family abuse are now able to fully be relaxed, all barriers. “I believe that yoga en- hances brain chemistry and improvesissues bring, says Parham. “I think yoga calm, and enjoy the one-minute mas- body function in anyone willing to tryis a great tool for kids to learn how to sage.”regulate their emotions by learning it,” she says.breathing techniques, by learning how LaDonna remembers one particu- Hanson Erin is looking to expandto center their bodies with the many larly challenged boy who tried yoga. her classes into more diverse com-yoga poses, and yoga helps create a safe “This was a boy who struggled daily to munities and populations throughoutand calm environment where kids can control his impulses and emotions. He San Diego, including the San Diegobuild self-confidence, trust, and adopt was having another challenging day in Rescue Mission and low-incomenew coping skills when they become his living environment. A staff mem- housing developments. She sees Live Curious of what your home is worth? For a free consultation call a native Serra Mesan to help you sell your home! Did you know there is now anew Down Payment Assistance Program? Purchase a home now for as little as 0% down! Contact us today: 858.437.3172

4 4| SEPTEMBER 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2017 5 of the Best newer-to-the-game San Diego IPAs Living the provide IPAs with amazing tropical notes and crisp citrus finishes. All The Cheater HopsHOPPY 6.5% IPA incorporates all three, so you’re left with an explosion of orange, lemon, grapefruitLIFE and melon notes. If you haven’t visited their location inside The Local downtown, add itwith Beau Schmitt to your list. Pair it with their Ahi Tuna Wrap.1. THUJA IPA: 4. BREAKING NEWS! IPA: AbnormalBurgeon Beer Company (Carlsbad) Beer Company (Rancho Bernardo)Their 6.8% West Coast IPA is juiced up with This tasty and refreshing IPA has notes ofCitra, Centennial and Amarillo hops. “Very melon and stone fruit to lighten its palate. Adanky” sums up the nose, and the finish is true “San Diego” IPA, this 7% IPA is clear andtropically juicy. There’s a slight citrus bitter- crisp with a dry finish. Also notable, that thisness, but the flavor profile is dominated with IPA was created in collaboration with The-passion fruit and grapefruit. The best music FullPint for their anniversary.pairing for this IPA is “Welcome to Jamrock”by Damian Marley. Burgeon Beer Company 5. BREW PROJECT IPA:is the result of three, notably young ambitious Mason Ale Works (Oceanside)men. Derek, Anthony and Matthew are cer- That’s right; we’ve got our own house IPAtainly creating as much buzz as their beers. now. Mason Ale Works created this 6.7% trop- ical gem for us a couple weeks ago. Brewed2. DOPEUR HAZY IPA: with Simcoe, Amarillo, Mosaic and Citra hops,Rouleur Brewing Company (Carlsbad) Brew Project IPA is a citrus and tangerineRouleur Brewing Company was started by a bomb. It’s almost crystal clear to look through,bicyclist named Rawley, and he has since but comes with a grapefruit bite at the end.named all his beers after bicycling terms. The And the best part… it’s always on draft for6.7% Dopeur IPA is named after the “doper,” $5/pint. Also, we remodeled, have new menusor the bicyclist who “juices” before competi- and double the size of our bar.tions. Brewed with Vermont-style yeast, TheDopeur has intense pineapple aromas, but is Oh yeah, all these IPAs are currently on tapsmooth on the palate. Notes of tangerine and here. Our goal is to find the best local beer tostone fruit dominate the flavor profiles. share with our guests. We hope to see you in for a pint soon.3. ALL THE CHEATER HOPS IPA :Resident Brewing Company (Downtown) The Brew Project is dedicated to creatingIt’s safe to say that some of the most popular more exposure and awareness for San Diego’sIPAs around the world use either Nelson, independently owned and operated breweries.Mosaic or Galaxy hops. Why? Because they We stand for localism. Have a great week, Beau [email protected]

5SEASIDECOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 5SEPTEMBER 2017 |HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY! Winnie’s family threw a 90th birthday party for her at Ponce’s Mexican Restaurant. There were close to90 family members and friends came to celebrate along with her. Winnie was so overwhelmed and loved every minute of the party!WINNIE’S SUGAR TIME - John Turturro, Mary Louise SHANGHAI GHETTO – 1939. The last Parker. Based on a true story. Their affair hope for thousands of Jews. This is the bestPICKS! shook the Mob and shocked the world. A very documentary. It is so powerful. Please don’t entertaining story about Sam Giancana and miss this one. Narrated by Academy AwardFRENCH KISS – Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline. A TOUCH OF GREATNESS - A great Phyllis McGuire (of the singing group, The winner Martin Landau. This video recalls theOh yes, this is an oldie, but did you ever see American teacher and the lives he influenced. McGuire sisters). A mobster and the songbird. true story of 1,000 of European Jews who wereit? Meg is so charming in this movie. We A maverick teacher, Albert Cullum, who trans- Their relationship rocked the nation. They find shut out of country after country. They triedneed that after watching all the thrillers. Treat formed a generation of young people by out that her career and his life were in danger. to escape Nazi persecution in the late 1930s.yourself! A light hearted love story that takes enabling them to discover their own inner Yes, this is an older movie, but a must see. The interviews, the pictures and the story areplace in Paris, where Kate’s fiancé is smitten greatness. Today you could not do what he so worth watching.with a Frenchwoman and falls in love with did in the classroom, but the children had fun ARTICLE 99 - Ray Liotta, Kiefer Suther-her. Kate flies to Paris to see what is happening and they were able to learn so much just hav- land. A hard hitting movie about a powerful TOGETHER – Violin prodigy, Liu Xiaochunand to get her man back. She then meets a ing fun. document. This takes place at a Veteran’s and his father head to Bejing seeking fameFrenchman, Kevin Kline, and things start to Administration hospital. Another one of and fortune. So Xiaochun is tutored by ahappen. those older films you should not miss. The famous music professor and success is finally health of patients is secondary to politics. The in his future. A very warm story about a father group think they have learned how to break that works so hard to open doors for his son the rules and save lives without getting caught. to find success. Do not miss this one. AMERICAN ADVENTURERS HISTORY If you are having a hard time finding a movie CLASSICS – 5 discs about Lewis and Clark. or you want a copy made of a VHS or DVD, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, please call Guy (my son) and he will do this Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Annie Oakley, service for you. Call 619-990-0852 or email Jesse James and Charles Lindbergh. Wow, what at [email protected]. history! Have fun learning so much in these discs. See you next month, Winnie

6 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM CALENDAR 6 | SEPTEMBER 2017O n December 3rd 2017, Girlfriends, Golf, and Gratitude: The some of San Diego’s most Making of the Carini Women’s Golf Tournament accomplished women and future leaders of our By Alison Aragon, Grants & Communications Specialist at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego.county will descend upon ColinaPark Golf Course, home of Pro Kim Harrington, Assistant Golf Professional & Tournament Coordinator with Pro Kid Kalena at the Women’s Tournament.Kids | The First Tee of San Diego recently launched her own blogin City Heights to participate in (Girlfriends Guide to Golf )wherethe second annual Carini Women’s she helps women learn about golfGolf Tournament. The tournament etiquette, the rules of golf, and per-is hosted by Carini Heating and sonal style on and off the course.Air, a family owned and oper- Without leading ladies like Mar-ated heating and air conditioning cela, Pro Kids | The First Tee of Sancompany serving all of San Diego Diego would not have the dynamicCounty. The tournament benefits young women’s programming itthe women and girls of Pro Kids, has today.a local nonprofit operating out ofCity Heights and Oceanside. If you are interested in joining the female-run fun this Decem- Pro Kids challenges underserved ber, please visit www.cariniwom-youth to excel in life by promoting to learn more aboutcharacter development, life skills, the tournament and how you canand values through education and get involved.the game of golf. The programwas started in 1994 by former San The start of the Women’s Tournament last year San Diego in June. Marcela and JaneDiego Charger Ernie Wright in played with friends. No one knows Marcela started volunteeringcollaboration with the small group this better than Advisory Councilof dedicated volunteers and golf Chairsperson Marcela Smith, who with the Girls Mentoring Com-professionals. The Pro Kids pro- learned the game after her best mittee at Pro Kids | The Firstgram served as a model for the friend Jane insisted she take a few Tee of San Diego a year ago, andPGA’s The First Tee program (now lessons. is impressed with the variety ofan international organization) and rewarding experiences avaiable tocontinues to operate as an affilate Marcela started playing golf ultimately help kids get into col-of The First Tee, with a hightened after retiring from the escrow/title lege and live productive lives. Shefocus on supporting kids through- insurance industry and has loved it is an advocate for women in golf,out their personal and professional ever since. She served on the board playing what she calls “girlfriendjourney from elementry school to of Big Brothers Big Sisters of North golf ” as often as possible with hercollege. The Women of the Carini County, and knows the value of friends. Marcela’s zest for life andWomen’s Golf Advisory Coun- mentors and role models for young passion for the game runs throughcil are the new-age of dedicated women. Marcela is involved in the the planning and execution of thephilanthropists and volunteers leadership of the Santaluz Women’s Carini Women’s Golf Tournament,focused on a particularly unique Golf Association at The Santa- which will prove to be even moreneed; welcoming women and girls luz Club, which recently hosted lively this year with a jazz bandto the sport and supporting their a ‘Home & Home’ with the young and champagne brunch. Marcelainvolvement in Pro Kids’ golf and women of Pro Kids | The First Teelife skills program through men-torship. Working together to raise fundsfor the second annual ladies-onlytournament, the Carini Women’sAdvisory Council is made up ofa diverse group of accomplishedwomen committed to the task ofelevating and encouraging fellowwomen through the game of golf.The mission of the yearly tourna-ment is to raise money for ProKids’ initiatives benefiting girls andyoung women; and to help makethe event an enjoyable experiencefor tournament participants andthe Pro Kids players who par-ticipate in each of the event four-somes. So how did the women of theCarini Women’s Golf AdvisoryCouncil approach transformingthe most frustrating sport aroundinto a vibrant, welcoming eventfor beginners and pros alike? Byremembering golf is a game best

7SEASIDECOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 7SEPTEMBER 2017 | Advisory Council The Carini Women’s Golf Tournament at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego is honored to have an Advisory Council comprised of a variety of accomplished and committed women from all over San Diego County. The Council helps support and guide the mission of this yearly event, to raise ĵŅĹåƼüŅų{ųŅUĜÚűŸĜĹĜƋĜ±ƋĜƴåŸÆåĹåĀƋĜĹčŞųŅčų±ĵŸüŅųčĜųĬŸ±ĹÚƼŅƚĹčƵŅĵåĹſ±ĹÚƋŅĘåĬŞĵ±ĩå the event a fun and enjoyable experience for the tournament participants and the Pro Kids play- ers who participate in each of the event foursomes.We are grateful to have the following individuals on our Advisory Council: MARCELA SMITH SHARI SEVERSON VIVIAN SAYWARD:ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹě‰Ę儱ĹƋ±ĬƚDŽĬƚÆ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹô‰ĘåųĜÚčåŸ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹô‰ĘåųŅŸÆƼ Chairperson - Advisory Council UDOKA NWANNA VICTORIA WRIGHT SUE WAGGENER:ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹěĬƚÆŅųŞØ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹô‰ĘåųŅŸÆƼ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹô%åĬa±ų University Club NANCY LINDSAY MARSHA DRESSEL JENNIE RUSS:ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹôŅƚĹƋųƼĬƚÆ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹôaŅųč±ĹƚĹ :ŅĬüĬƚÆeþĬĜ±ƋĜŅĹô±ĬÆŅ±{±ųĩ Ņü±ĹÏĘŅåųűųÚŅ

8 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM8 | SEPTEMBER 2017NFL Hall Of Famer Andre Reed Starts Kids’ Reading Program BY JEANNE RAWDIN Del Mar resident Andre Reed calls it the“fifth boys. Reed plans on going on tour to the clubsquarter” of his NFL career. The NFL Hall of for “Reading Rallies” to meet the young readersFamer played 16 seasons with the Buffalo Bills in person.and Washington Redskins, and now he’s lever-aging that time on the field to teach kids the Andre cites statistics that show good readinglove of reading. habits are tied to high graduation and success rates. “If you’re not reading by a certain age, “The football thing doesn’t last forever,”notes the likelihood to end up in jail rises. That’s whyAndre. “You don’t know how long you’re going literacy is so important early on in life.”to play, and you’ve got to have something to fillthat void no matter what it is. You’ve got to be Reed can identify with the kids he’s trying toprepared for the end. There’s got to be a plan help since he grew up with few resources atafterward, something you’re passionate about, home. He remembers his own childhood as“75just as passionate about as playing every Sunday.” percent volatile and 25 percent good.” He was raised with two brothers and a sister in a mostly So Reed has started a new non-profit venture single-parent home. His mom worked as acalled READ 83 as part of the Andre Reed Foun- seamstress in a garment factory. His dad wasdation. It’s a play on his own last name (chang- out of the house a lot but when he was there,ing the E for an A) and tacking on his profes- “He ruled with an iron fist. I think there wassional jersey number, 83. READ 83 encourages love in the household; I just didn’t know whereinner-city kids to read at least 30 minutes a day to find it. Did I cry a lot? Probably. Was Iusing the theme of football as a motivator. He’s scared? Yes. But when I got on the football field,bringing the program to Boys & Girls Clubs in it all went away. “six NFL cities to start. Those cities are SanDiego, Cleveland, Boston, Kansas City, New Andre has spoken to 20 clubs across theYork, and Buffalo. The pilot program starts at country in 15 states to get his message out tothe San Marcos Boys & Girls Club in October. urban youth. Although he travels a lot, he always appreciates coming home to Del Mar. Andre himself spent a lot of his childhood He describes Del Mar as “just an easy place to(from age 6 to 16) in the Boys & Girls Club live. I got everything I need at my fingertips.back in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and says he And even though I don’t go to the beach thatlearned most of his values there, and then much, I feel comfortable here.”applied them out in the community. “Just likea football team, you have different personalities, Another recent stop on his life’s journey wasdifferent backgrounds, and you need to put it Israel, where he was baptized in the Jordanall in one pot, and make it good.” River. He says the experience renewed his faith and passion for biblical history.“It was like look- Even though he was taught some values at ing into a living Bible. Over there, you see ahome, the club reinforced what he learned. hill and a bunch of trees, but that hill and those“That’s really important, especially today in this trees represent something in the Bible that reallyworld, where there’s a big conglomerate of meant something. To see that kind of thingbeing on the right side or wrong side of the gets deep in you. You realize you’re in a placetracks. You’ve got to have the right resources where the world started.”to stay on the right side of the tracks.” Reed says since that trip, he has truly evolved READ 83 partnered with iKnow ABC, a group on a new spiritual path. He now goes to theof inner-city education experts, to help “game- Rock Church regularly, and volunteers by serv-ify” reading. The curriculum is taught by Boys ing meals to the homeless twice a month. He& Girls Club instructors as an after-school pro- feels the passion of his faith deepening, butgram. Kids get to track their books, earn stickers, knows the path is still unfolding ahead of him.and score touchdowns as they read 83 books in “My life has been a path of curves and peaks30 days. It may sound like a lot, but Andre pops and valleys. I always knew there was a point Iin via the internet once a week to ask questions wanted to get to. I’m not there yet. But I knowwhich allows kids to get extra points toward their if you can find fulfillment in your own self andgoal. Reed explains,“We encourage kids to exer- in your own heart, you’re on the right path.”cise their mind, just like an athlete exercises hisbody. If you don’t exercise, you don’t get results. It’s that kind of passion that Reed wants toIf you don’t tackle a good book every day, you instill in the kids taking part in READ 83. Thewon’t get far in this world.” first step is getting them to engage -- getting them into the game of knowledge and learning. Reed points out that “football was my focus As he puts it, “You can’t win if you don’t play.”for 30 years. My body became attuned to play- It’s a great slogan as he continues to play hising every year. I got used to it, like a habit. We own “fifth quarter” in the game of life.want reading to become a habit to these kids.We want it to become important to them. For more information on READ 83, or toReading is cool.” purchase the children’s book/autobiography of Reed’s life with proceeds going to the READ He says the football theme works for both 83 progam, email [email protected] and girls; in fact, girls are usually more or call 716-913-8959.excited to see him online and in person than

9SEASIDECOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 9SEPTEMBER 2017 |By Bart Mendoza September 22 Stone Horse Stone Horse Alison Moyet Chica Diabla The most scenic music venue in San Diego? It’s easily the Bahia Belle, Untouchables a paddle boat that cruises Mission Bay, complete with live music. On September 22 classic rockers Stone Horse will perform aboard the vessel, beginning at 9 p.m. Led by guitarist Carlos Rodriguez and singer Danielle Spade, this top notch band will mix originals from their two albums with choice covers by the likes of Traffic, Chicago and Led Zeppelin. With both incredible views, tasty snacks and drinks, plus a spacious dance floor, this performance from Stone Horse could be one of the month’s best date nights. September 26 Nina Francis Alison Moyet October 7 British hitmaker, Alison Moyet, appears at the Music Box on September Nina Francis 26. Not many performers get more than once chance at the brass ring, but Moyet is currently on her third run at the charts since her 1982 On October 7, singer song-writer Nina Francis will host a special debut as singer with synthpop duo Yazoo, with her latest album, Other, event at Java Joe’s in honor of her latest release, Between Dreams. hitting #12 on the U.K. charts. Thirty five years after making her recorded Known for her mix of pop, jazz and Americana, as heard on debut with synthpop duo, Yazoo, Moyet remains a vocal powerhouse. her new single and video, “Cold Water,” Java Joe’s warm, inti- Other is full of atmospheric tunes that display her vocal prowess to mate, open air stage is the perfect place to catch a set from good effect and is a welcome addition to her discography but you can Francis, who over the past two years, has emerged as one of the expect the night’s biggest cheers to be for early classics such as “Don’t area’s top singer-songwriters. With a growing fan base and rising Go,”“Love Resurrection” and “Invisible.” profile, the sky is the limit for Francis, her success down to a solid mix of songwriting prowess and engaging stage persona. October 6 Liz-Fest On October 6, the Casbah will be the site of Liz-Fest, a benefit for Breast Cancer awareness as well as a memorial concert for Elizabeth Borg, the lead singer for indie rockers Chica Diabla, who passed away a year ago. On hand will be a host of local notables connected to Borg, including sets from the surviving members of Chica Diabla as well as Call Me Alice, Whole Hog, Chamber Sixx, the Touchies and Mittens. A night that combines great music while raising funds for a good cause is the perfect way to remember a beloved member of the local music community. October 7 Cattle Decapitation Totally 80’s Tour October 11 Fans of eighties new wave and ska will want to head to the House of Cattle Decapitation Blues on October 7 for the latest edition of the Totally 80’s Tour. This time out the event will feature four of the era’s chart contenders, Extreme metal fans won’t want to miss hometown heroes, Cattle including Missing Person’s, Bow Wow Wow, When in Rome and the Decapitation appearing at Brick by Brick on October 11. Formed Untouchables. While all the groups are great fun, one of the night’s in 1996, the band is one of the few local groups to make the charts highlights will come early with opener The Untouchables, whose good in recent years, despite no hope of commercial airplay, the band time party music hasn’t aged a bit. Still featuring original singer Jerry continues to draw a devoted following. The show kicks off a North Miller, The Untouchables set will include their high energy hits such American tour that wraps up November 20, the group still touring as “Free Yourself” and “I Spy (For The FBI)” resulting in a packed behind their 2015 album, The Anthropocene Extinction. This show dance floor from the moment they hit the stage. is not for the faint of heart. Fans can expect brutal, adrenaline charged rock, played at a blistering pace, with volume to match.

10 | SEPTEMBER 2017Derrick Gilday wants to teach you character exploration through the eyes of a clown. By Jon Wesley EwellDerrick Gilday is a clown. He's also a character, a buffoon, a Lucky for us, beneath all the masks and current directors Joe Dieffenbacher/ Failure is just one step closer to success mime, The Young Matador shields we wear on a regular basis – to Dan Griffiths and has passed the Cirque and I prefer to interact with this 'oh so(more on that later) and a performer. protect our made up persona – there du Soleil audition process for Clown serious world' with a buoyant heart an exists a loving, fearless and buoyant hu- and Character performer. Derrick has inquisitive mind and a child's giggle. Now, Derrick is man that can look at, and interact with studied and performed Clown, Com- Everything is not what it seems andtaking on the role the world with the strength of a warrior media Del Arte, Buffoon and mime. objects and scenarios look completelyof instructor for the and the heart of a child.\" different depending on the angle inClowning & Char- I asked him how difficult the Cirque which you view them.\"acter Exploration Derrick has the credentials too; he du Soleil audition was.Course at the San has been performing for national and I've seen many of Derrick's perfor-Diego Circus Center. international audiences for over ten \"The Cirque du Soleil audition was mances. My favorite being his TheThe course begins years. He is an alumni of the Clown rigorous and daring.\" He answers, Young Matador play over the Sum-Thursday September Conservatory of San Francisco under \"There were 45 physical theater/clown mer at the OB playhouse and Theater21, 2017 and runs actors in the studio and after 8 hours of Company. It was an extremely creativethrough Thursday exercises and showcases, only 4 artists story about a young matador, his father,November 30, 2017. were left. I was happy just to be there a bull (of course) and an opening scene and got giddy every time they called my that had me laughing before any actors Over eight weeks, it will cover char- number to stay in the room. My mom uttered one single word.acter exploration through the eyes of was super happy! I'd call her every timea clown; it will feature improv, charac- I made it to the next round.\" So there you have it, take this courseter development, and \"funny bones.\" and you could become a clown. Not aAttendees are invited to \"explore the I've always wondered if clown per- scary clown like IT from the recent boxbuoyancy of play while breaking out formers – like comedians – have a office smash film, but instead, a per-of personal boundaries and barriers in lot from their past that makes them former who can play, teach and makeorder to become the artist, entertainer explore comedy and playfulness in people laugh. Or just learn how toand superhuman that you are.\" adulthood. develop your creativity even more. Derrick Gilday can show you how to \"This eight week series of classes will \"Studying these particularly daring do it. This could be something thatallow people the opportunity to go forms of theater helped me discover changes your life, and it could makedeep within themselves to find the true that I was carrying a lot of baggage you much more fun at parties.essence of their being. Derrick explains from my child/adulthood.\" Derrickand adds, \"I know this sounds like a comments, when I ask him about using More course info is at:spiritual awakening course and that's these skills in his everyday life, \"I was sandiegocircuscenter.orgbecause it's kind of what it is. The only constantly wearing a mask withoutdifference is that we will be utilizing the being aware of it. Once you realize that Visit our website to see a videotimeless art of \"play\" and the accep- masks can be taken on and off you clip of The Young Matador:tance and beauty of failure to unearth tend to only put them on when neces-the truly genuine person that you are. sary. Life is much richer for me when I can be my true self which is vulner- able, fearless and accepting of failure. PRESENTED BY The Friends of Ruffin Canyon The Friends of Ruffin Canyon invite you to invite you toCoastal Cleanup Day in “Inspiring Veteran Library/Rec Canyon Coastal CleanupEntrepreneurs to AchieveSaturday, Sept. 16, 9:00am to Noon Their Goals At Warp Speed”Please sign in near the parking lot for the ball fields at VDSetUearaMnyEMnitrnIeTpre2n0eu1rs7Library/Rec CanyonSerra Mesa Park – 9020 Village Glen Drive SSPleaerartSasuHeMArsRedigsEaan|yPinSa,nUrkeSPa–PerOt9pRhe0Tt.2|pa01Srk6UVinC,igCl9lElaoE:tgD0foe0r atGhmelebantlSol aDfiteNurldriCdv0sooLan7eiabfyo3eetr0r2etnny3-cSeSt1aC8etei0ponntt0eermber*Come when you can and stay as long as you want. R*gCaUSenPorimqdEumeAeePKenemrEsiRpwnbeScghetiveregsnyloonoySvutoaerrtusins.gcuaWaVnenteepra’arlnlonOhwtdneaedcsvBtetuiasoinyenesx,satssratulogrdnloygvsaehssoyiefosyu,oawunafdonrtgS.aent9D2ie10g6o, CARemember your sun protection, sturdy shoes, and thFeIVmE ToRrACdKoSn’t have any.gardening gloves. We’ll have extra gloves if you forgetthem or don’t have any. Starting a Business | Accessing Funding | Growing Your Business | Contracting | FranchisingPlease register at PNlEeTWaOsReK register at Meet over 350 Mil/Vets | 40 Exhibitor Resources | Nationally Recognized Speakers/ Subject Matter Experts | Get and Stay Connected to People/Resources YES! BRAINSTORMING Introducing Brainstorming Roundtables with Experts SIGN ME UP! #vetbizsupportsucceed Event Registration Fee Only $25 ($35 After September 15) Includes Continental Breakfast & Lunch

11SEPTEMBER 2017 |a casual sit down restaurant with a relaxed atmospherebeers. Enjoy a special for each day of the week, and happy hour Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ninth AnnualFREE COFFEE Presented by Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. with the purchase of any breakfast LJARTWINEFEST LJAWF LJAWFitem. MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON. Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per visit. Some restrictions may apply. Expires 9/30/2017. 3232 Greyling Drive | | [email protected] Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Argelia Ventura David Granda Laura RoaGeneral Manager Executive Chef Service ManagerSophie’s Kensington Gallery premiers The Road Ahead Sophie’s Kensington Gallery - one of eight galleries to host the 2nd AnnualThe Road Ahead on October 7, 2017 invites you to the premier of an incrediblecollection of art by artists with developmental disabilities. The exhibitionfeatures 32 artists from across the country, as eight National centers that provideart for persons with developmental disabilities collaborate. Merging the artistsand interests of Art Enables, Creative Trails, Hozhoni Foundation, ImagineThat!, MOSA Museum of Special Art, N4th Gallery, Sophie’s Gallery and SuziCappa Art Center, together they celebrate the tremendous talents of personswith developmental disabilities. Through the arts they are encouraged to forgean identity as a person that is creative, original, sensitive, independent, imagi-native and as someone who can affect an emotional response in others throughthe power of visual language. The Road Ahead will touch many lives on its year-and-a-half journey whilestopping in San Diego, CA; Flagstaff, AZ; Rapid City, SD; Portland, ME; Wash-ington DC; Kansas City, MO; Albuquerque, NM; and Bothell, WA. Don’t missyour chance to attend while the show is in San Diego. The public receptionwill be held at Sophie’s Kensington Gallery on October 7, 2017 from 5 pm to 8pm. Sophie’s Kensington Gallery is an art program of St. Madeleine Sophie’sCenter (SMSC), a nonprofit organization in El Cajon, CA that educates andempowers individuals with developmental disabilities to realize their full poten-tial. SMSC provides work training and social experiences that encourage stu-dents to become well-rounded, contributing members of the greater commu-nity. The Center also strives to educate the community about the realities ofdevelopmental disabilities, such as Down syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy.It employs over 130 staff members and is served by more than 150 dedicatedvolunteers. A fleet of some 40 paratransit vans and buses transports studentsbetween home, campus, and work sites, five days a week. For more information,visit Sophie’s Kensington Gallery 4186 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 Phone: 619.593.2205 Email: [email protected]

12 | SEPTEMBER 2017 By Jennifer St.ClairDID YOU KNOW? SERRA MESA Welcome to our final issue of the Serra Mesa Connection Greetings fellow Serra Mesans! Terry and I have been honored to have created The Serra Mesa Connection in conjunction with Brad at Dolphin Publications. We have in- vested personally at great expense out of our pockets for it to be researched, published and delivered first class to over 5000 local homes and businesses for the past year. We hope you have enjoyed reading it.Jennifer St.Clair From August 2016 compared to August 2017, the average sales price for a single fam- ily has increased to $599,553 from $551,196 and from an average price per square foot Broker/Owner of $404/SF to $423/SF. Serra Mesa is on fire and has one of the lowest days on market time and highest list to sales price! Though we have noticed other zip codes slowing CA bre# 01856341 down, Serra Mesa continues to be a super-hot seller’s market!Jennifer was born in to Real Estate Serra Mesa is a unique community with minimal businesses for advertising supportand when she was 11 years old she and no ‘main street’ like other local communities. And though what feedback we have gotten has been positive, we have actually received a shockingly small percentage of started delivering flyers door to feedback from the community. Perhaps print is a dinosaur…we hope not! door to help her REALTOR® Mom.Jennifer has always had an interest With luck, another sponsor will step up to fund the effort! We know that Dolphin in Real Estate and at 18 years old Publications would like to continue delivering to you. took her first foreclosure seminar after graduating from college at As for us, Terry and I will continue to live in, serve and support the community we University of Tennessee with a both love so much! St.Clair Homes & Estates will continue to deliver premium real estate services to San Diego county. You can find us on Facebook, Zillow, Trulia and degree in Finance. the like, or call us any time with any questions or comments! We also hope you willCustomer Service focused, Jennifer contact us if you are thinking of buying or selling your home! Until then, we will see you around the neighborhood! truly understands buyers andsellers’ wants and needs allowing With Warmest Regards, Jennifer St.Clair – Broker/Owner her to anticipate and deliver Terry O’Regan - Realtor whatever is necessary for her St.Clair Homes & Estates clients to accomplish their goals 4455 Murphy Canyon Rd suite 100and dreams. Her integrity, honesty, San Diego, CA 92123 and responsiveness are what 858-405-8525 keep her clients coming back and referring their friends, families, and co-workers. Jennifer has personal experience buying foreclosed homes at auction, fixing, and re-selling them for a profit. Jennifer andher team,St.Clair Homes & Estatesspecialize in representing listings,investor clients, first time buyers, VA military buyers, and move up/ move down sellers. Jennifer’s clients will tell you, without exception, what sets her apart is her integrity, high energy, responsiveness, honesty, experience, knowledge, and her keen negotiating skills. 858-405-8525 [email protected]

13SEPTEMBER 2017 | Sharp HealthCare Hosts 6th Annual Disaster Preparedness Expo for the CommunitySharp HealthCare Hosts 6th Annual Disaster Preparedness Expo for theCommunityExpo Teaches Residents of San Diego How to Prepare for Any DisasterSeptember is Disaster Preparedness Month. Are you prepared? Get the toolsand information you need to be ready. Natural disasters can strike quicklyand without warning. Attend Sharp’s free community event to learn how toprotect yourself and your loved ones in case of an emergency.Quake Cottage, a magnitude-8.0 earthquake simulatorFire safety best practices from the San Diego Fire DepartmentTips on how to care for pets in a disaster from San Diego Humane SocietySan Diego Blood Bank’s Bloodsmobile for lifesaving donationsFirst-aid kits available for purchase from Ready AmericaCPR demonstrations and vendors showcasing the latest emergency suppliesand productsFamily-fun activities, games, shopping andfoodSaturday, September 239 a.m. to 1 p.m.Liberty Station (Ingram Plaza)2640 Historic Decatur RoadSan Diego, CA 92106For more information, please contact TenaAbrams at [email protected] or visit .

14 | SEPTEMBER 2017 We Are Preventive Dentistry Dedicated • Home care education/ to Providing hygiene re-care program • Night Guard Healthy • Athletic GuardsTeeth and Gums Cosmetic Dentistry for Life! • Smile Design • Bonding • Teeth Whitening • Veneers • Additional ServicesNew Patients Joanne C. Vargas-Velasco, DMD, DC Restorative Dentistry are Always • Periodontal (Gum) Therapy Welcome! Office: (858) 292-1155 • Composite/Resin Fillings Fax: (858) 292-1177 • Inlays/onlays • Crowns/Bridges [email protected] • Implant Restoration

15SEPTEMBER 2017 |GRANNY’S GOT AN AXE TO GRINDLocal senior began writing thrillers and horror novels in her 70s by Brittany Bachmann of her sons and grandchildren. “But it shouldn’t read that sort of thing at his age, man and fiction writing with Mark Cle-hen 84-year-old University Heights wasn’t painful or uncomfortable, more but he was also very persuasive so he could ments at San Diego Writers Ink. “I’m alwaysresident Sharon Hawes tells people she’s like a shudder of pleasure.” For many have changed my mind if he had tried,” surprised by the feedback I get from fellowauthored two books, they assume she years she didn’t admit to anyone that she she recalls. From there, the two shared a writers,” Hawes says with a laugh. “Severalspins cozy mysteries or historical romance loved reading horror. “I thought it would love of horror. “Will introduced me to to of my classmates said they really enjoy thenovels. She looks as though she might be considered strange for a woman to be Stephen King books, and I started reading humor in my horror stories.” She says shewrite sweet children’s picture books about turned on by this sort of fiction. Now, everything he wrote. I was very impressed is delighted to hear this since this year’sbaby unicorns and winged pixies casting I’m not embarrassed.” with King’s writing and started reading horror-comedy, “GET OUT,” was one of hermagical spells in an enchanted garden. more books in the genre. Before long, I favorites. “I loved that movie because you Hawes became a horror fan in her 30s was hooked. Normal life was ho-hum and were really rooting for the guy to get out of Not this granny.  when her eldest son, Will, was 12 years this gave me a charge.”  there, and you were terrified that he wasn’t old, and forged his mother’s name on a going to make it, but so relieved when he Hawes spends her days immersed in the permission slip from the library so he Hawes was the mother of three young did.” She says the film had all of the elementsworld of the macabre, penning spine- could check out “The Exorcist.” boys, Will, Andy, and Peter. She was mar- of good horror writing: a likeable person inchilling thrillers and supernatural horror ried to a man she has since “very amicably danger and multiple surprises about who isstories. Her debut novel, “The Sitter,” a “I probably would have told him he divorced,” and worked as a production good and who is evil. “I liked that the goodthriller about a murderous babysitter, was artist at an advertising agency. “I didn’t go guy wins because I’ve seen stories where theselected as a finalist in the 2012 San Diego out of my way to do scary things, but I just bad guy just drives off and I don’t find thatBook Awards. Her follow up novel, “The loved reading scary books,” she says.   satisfying.” Matriarch,”visits a quiet Southern California ranch At age 70, Hawes decided to write her While Hawes is not delving into dark stories,town where the women go on a murder- first novel and is currently working on her she plays bridge and spends time with herous rampage for no apparent reason. But a third, “The Cure,” about a woman whose “gentleman friend” of 30 years. She says he isdark secret holds the answer to the bloody depression is alleviated only when she very supportive of her fictional blood lust andmystery. contemplates doing something illegal. “My often joins her for horror movie nights even protagonist and her twin decide to kidnap though he doesn’t really like them. For the Hawes’ love of horror and thrillers began a young boy and take really good care of most part, her friends get a kick out of Hawes’as a reader. “When I read scary stories, it him while they hold him for a $2 million double life as sweet old lady and thriller nov-gave me physical chills across my body, ransom, but things take a wrong turn,” elist. “Some people, though, they say, ‘Whatlike when you’re in danger,” Hawes ex- Hawes says. “I’m in the process of writing the hell makes you want to write that?’”plains, sitting in her rocking chair in her the subplots now.” Craftsman style home filled with pictures Hawes is actively engaged in San Diego’s writing community, taking story structure classes with Marni Freed- 20 | JUNE 2017 Expires 04/30/17 619-535-9620

166||SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 22001177 | SEASIDECOURIER.COMFriends Of Balboa Park Acquiring Historic Balboa Park Carousel BY: REEMA MAKANI BOCCIA, APROfficial ribbon cutting to transfer ownership to nonprofit Friends of Balboa Park. Friends of Balboa Park has entertainment and much more. said Friends of Balboa Park Executive Steen and his family, the sellers, spearheaded major capital improve-acquired the historic Balboa Park There more than 3,200 riders on the Director John Bolthouse. “Since owned the carousel for more than ment initiatives throughout TheCarousel and launched a capital carousel and around 10,000 atten- 1999, Friends has partnered with the 40 years. Park, including information kiosks,campaign to complete funds for the dees who celebrated the festivities, City Parks & Recreation Department restoration of the historic gate housessale and restoration. The goal of the among them Councilmember Chris to help fund projects throughout the “We decided to sell to the Carousel and lily pond, Adopt-A-Plot, benchcampaign is $3 million through Ward, Supervisor Ron Roberts as Park, and the Carousel is our largest to a San Diego organization who tributes, tree dedications, and other2020. Escrow closed on June 30, well as numerous other elected offi- undertaking yet.We need the public’s would appreciate and maintain it for programs that facilitate the commu-2017, and poised the nonprofit to cials and community leaders will support in funding the endeavor, and future generations,” said Steen. “We nity’s direct involvement in themaintain uninterrupted operation of help celebrate the momentous occa- are looking forward to continuing to are grateful for the opportunity to enhancement of Balboa Park.the carousel. sion. the Carousel being in the spotlight, work with Friends to help preserve just as was intended more than a cen- this shining gem for the 'Jewel of San To support the capital campaign, Friends kicked off its capital cam- “The Carousel was one of very few tury ago.” Diego’ for people from around the visit with a major community cel- privately owned assets in Balboa world to enjoy.”ebration on July 25 – National Park, and our taking over its owner- Located off Park Blvd. and Zoo Editor’s note: Read about BalboaCarousel Day. The festivities included ship aligns perfectly with Friends’ Place, the Carousel has been privately Friends of Balboa Park is an affin- Park’s Executive Director John Bolt-free rides on the Balboa Park mission to preserve and maintain the owned for more than 100 years by a ity group that enhances and main- house in our Rolando News coverCarousel, face painting, children’s Park for future generations to come,” few different San Diego families. Bill tains The Park through donations story. and Park programs. The group hasOriginal carousel in Tent City in Coronado The community enjoyed free Carousel rides and festivities on the first annual National Carousel Day on July 25

1177SEASIDECOURIER.COMS|ESPETPETMEMBEBRER20201717| |KIDS’ KORNER: Airborne San Diego BY: CARTER ROBINSON Did you know that Airborne San saw the tubes, it was unbelievable! When I was up I leaned into the and even turned me around in cir- family and friends, and I began toDiego is a place that will make you I couldn’t believe I was about to go wind tunnel with my hands cles. It was one of the greatest get the hang of it.feel like you are are flying? inside a wind tunnel and fly. crossed on my chest. I was very moments of my life, learning how excited, because it was my very first to fly. I think Airborne was a great In my opinion, Airborne is a life The next thing I knew they took time. At first, I got very scared, experience for me, because I con-changing experience, an experience us into a class, all suited up, before because it was hard to breathe. But, I watched my whole family float quered my fear and had a fantasticI will always remember. going into the tube. The instructor the instructor looked into my eyes like a pros and learned a lot from time learning how to fly. told us hand signals before we went and told me to breathe through my them. Even my five-year- old sister On my way there, I felt excited, inside the wind tunnel to help keep nose. tried it. Locally owned and operated,but I was also a little nervous too. I us safe. Finally, they walked us over Airborne San Diegowas nervous because I didn’t know to the tube and we saw a board that I learned really quickly and had I was, now, really ready for my Call Today!what to expect. told us the order of our names for a blast soaring through the tunnel! second flight. My second turn was (619) 661-0194 our flights. even more thrilling, because I I knew it was a once in a life time The instructor helped me float learned all the moves from myopportunity. When I walked in andMe with my family at Airborne San Diego! My dad and mom, Seth and Jaime Robison, and my sister, Emily. Me flying in the tunnel with my instructor, Tristan.

18 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM18 | SEPTEMBER 2017 Women's History Theater Festival Women's History comes to life this September in Liberty StationJ oin the Women's Museum Tea with Eleanor Female Voices of Hollywood: Golda’s Balcony of California and American Imagine, an invitation to visit the The Golden Age of Musicals The life and times of Golda Meir, History Theater for three White House to have an afternoon An evening of music celebrating a woman who rose from the po- weekends of plays celebrating tea with the First Lady, Eleanor the female voices of the musicals groms of Russia to the halls of theextraordinary women in politics Roosevelt. Buying a ticket will give made in the 1930’s and the 1940’s. Knesset in Israel, to become oneand entertainment, September one just that. Annette Hubbell, Hollywood’s galaxy of great of the most influential leaders of16th – October 30th, 2017. The a veteran actress from southern female voices included Ginger the Twentieth Century. Directedplays this year include an inter- California, brings the First Lady Rogers, Jeanette McDonald, Do- by Melissa Malloy, and starringactive one women show about alive during the fateful years of ris Day, the Andrew Sisters, Lena M. Susan, Golda’s Balcony cov-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, a the Great Depression and World Horne and the legendary Judy ers the story of a people whomusical review of women from War II. This tea includes tea, deli- Garland. These were the golden faced centuries of discrimination,the Golden Age of Hollywood, cious desserts, stories about the years when Hollywood studios segregation, and abuse through-and Golda's Balcony, the longest- president and the men and women produced musicals to relieve the out European history. When therunning one-woman show in who guided the nation during this stress of the Depression and War horrors of the Holocaust wereBroadway history. era. years. Get your tickets early for acknowledged, Jewish leadersThe Women's History Theater September 16 &17 at 4:00 PM this spin down memory lane star- demanded a return to their his-Festival is an annual event that Tickets: $25 per person OR $100 ring San Diego’s professional torical homeland. When the statetakes place at the Women's Mu- for a table of four September 16, 17, 23, 24 of Israel was established by theseum in Liberty Station tickets Tickets: $14.00 Gen Admission • United Nations in 1948, Goldacan be purchased at the Women's $12.00 seniors, Students, Military Meir was one of those foundersMuseum of California website, who eventually rose to lead new nation in a war for survival. The one-woman play includes the names and voices of many world leaders of the 1950’s and 60’s. September 23, 24, 30 and Octo- ber 1 Tickets: $14.00 Gen Admission • $12.00 seniors, Students, Military American History Theater http:// American History Theater is a new up-and-coming official 501C3 nonprofit dedicated to bringing the stories of history's most influential women through theater, and raising awareness around women's issues, with a continued focus on military women. Through theater we look to shed light on the triumphs and struggles of women throughout history and address issues such as Military Sexual Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress.The Women's Museum of California is one of 3 brick and mortar museums in the country which focuses on women's history and the onlyone in California. Founded in 1983, our mission is to educate and inspire future generations about the experiences and contributions ofwomen have made throughout history. The WMC features a variety of changing exhibits and displays on women's history, sponsors work-shop and lecture series, develops and implements educational and cultural events, including art shows, live performances and presenta-tions; maintains a library, archive & collections.

19SEASIDECOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2017 |Your September Horoscope brought to you by 580 A Grand Ave. Unit A, Carlsbad, CA 92008ARIES your friends at 760-994-2404Take time to enjoy what’s left of the summer sea- juncalrealestate.comson, Aries! Plan for a break or vacation to help ease License #: 01945487any recent stress. You’ll feel like a new person! DOWNTAURUS 1. Zoo attractionHonest comments to others will help you scoremajor brownie points, Taurus! Don’t say something 2. Sunbeamyou might regret later though. Remember it’s goodto compliment, but don’t lay it on too thick! 3. Most transparentGEMINI 4. Walks in waterGemini, your energy will take an upswing thismonth. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Things 5. Ill-humorenjoy the moment! 6. BondCANCER 7. Ground beef pattyIt is time to put into practice all the things youhave learned, Cancer! You have been sitting on 8. Luxurious resortsSummon up your courage and get in the game! 9. Rowing bladesLEO 10. Contribute a shareHappy Birthday Leo! What a “lucky” lion you arethis month! Look out for fortunate windfalls as the 11.summer draws to a close. It’ll seem like penniesfrom heaven as the cosmos will shower you with 19. Fox’s burrowgifts from above! 21. European peaksVIRGO 22. Cabbage dishthat you’ve been working on will begin to bloom.Are you ready for an early harvest? 23. Ebb ____LIBRA 24. Most sternYou’ve been so busy taking care of business, Libra,that you haven’t been taking care of yourself! 25. Lacking brightnessTake a break and try new relaxing techniques thismonth. Remember that to unwind doesn’t mean 28. Prickly plantsyou have to unravel. 29. Sherry or port, e.g.SCORPIOThe lines between business and pleasure blur for 30. Picksyou this month, Scorpio. Enjoy yourself and makethe most of this unique combination. You will be 32. Strategylike a kid in a candy store, so have fun and live lifeto its fullest! ACROSS 36. Venomous snake 38. SlackenedSAGITTARIUSYou are caught between a rock and a hard place 1. Curve 48. Splash gently 39. “____ So Cold”lately. Don’t get discouraged, because it’s only 4. Amongtemporary. Keep your spirits high and everything 8. Ride the wind 51. Edge of a roof 40. Soil additivewill soon fall back into a pleasant pace! 12. Comrade 13. Opera highlight 52. Exclusive 41. Babble wildlyCAPRICORN 14. Window ache?Sometimes you are soooo stubborn, Capricorn! 15. Needle aperture 53. Make a blunder 42. Bit of infoCurb that quick temper and be prepared to listen 16. Reckonto what those closest to you are trying to tell you. 17. Liberal ____ 54. Derive 46. Court amorouslyEven though you might hate to admit it, they may 18. Citrus quencherhave some good points …so listen up! 20. Hunting hound 55. Narrated 47. Plumbing jointAQUARIUS 56. Earth’s upper atmosphere 49. Floating zooCreativity buzzes around you this month! Let your 50. Jimmyyourself open for inspiration from all directions. Happy Solving!PISCES ANSWERSThis has been a wacky year for you so far, Pisces!Take time to count your blessings instead of dwell- 22. Nerve-rackinging on the setbacks. You may realize that the prosdo out weight the cons! 26. Debtors burden 27. Canvas cover 28. Tango total 31. Paid notices 32. Goody-goodies 33. Body joint 34. Sopping 35. Fishing cord 36. “____ Misbehavin’ ” 37. Leading ladies 39. Run at full speed 43. Liable 44. Warmth 45. Meadow munchers

200||SSEEPPTETMEMBEBRER20210717| SEASIDECOURIER.COMART OF THE AMERICAS Pre-Columbian Art from Mingei’s Collection The Mingei International Muse- (wind instruments), roller stamps Dish, 700-900 A.D., Panama. Unknown artist. Slip painted terracotta. Collection ofum will present more than 125 used for decorating cloth, as well as Mingei International Museum; purchase made possible by a generous gift from Akaloaobjects in “Art of the Americas — adornments such as beads and ear Resource Foundation.Pre-Columbian Art from Mingei’s plugs. A rare collection of Maya tex- Stone Sculpture, c. 1440-1520 A.D., Teno-Collection,” the most comprehen- tile fragments and ancient bead chitlan, Mexico. Unknown artist. Basalt.sive presentation to date of the strands will also be presented. Bequest of the Robert Bruce Inveraritymuseum’s significant holdings of Estate.objects used by people from the One of the few exhibitions of Polychrome Chip and Dip Vessel, 700-ancient cultures of Mexico, Central ancient art, “Art of the Americas” is 1100 A.D. Panama. Unknown artist. Slipand South America. part of Pacific Standard Time: painted terracotta. Collection of Mingei LA/LA. International Museum; purchase made pos- The exhibit opens Sept. 16 and sible by a generous gift from Akaloaruns through Feb. 18, 2018 Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA is Resource Foundation. a far-reaching and ambitious explo- Objects featured in the exhibition ration of Latin American and Latinostraddle cultural boundaries — art in dialogue with Los Angeles.from the Maya civilization in Mex- Supported by grants from the Gettyico to the Moche civilization in Peru Foundation, Pacific Standard Time:— as well as numerous ancient tra- LA/LA takes place from Septemberditions and cultures from western 2017 through January 2018 at moreMexico. than 70 cultural institutions across Southern California, from Los Objects range from those made Angeles to Palm Springs, and fromfor ritual and ceremonial use — fig- San Diego to Santa Barbara. Pacificurines, vessels and sculptures Standard Time is an initiative of thedepicting gods, shamans, animals, Getty. The presenting sponsor ismarine life and floral motifs — to Bank of America.objects for domestic use includingjars, bowls, spindle whorls, ocarinasIndonesian Shadow Puppets Current Mingei exhibit showing through March 18, 2018 The Mingei’s current exhibition, Shadow Puppet-Tree of Life. (Kayon or Gunungan) – front view Late 20th Century. Shadow Puppet-Tree of Life. (Kayon or Gunungan) -back view. Late 20th Century. Java,“Indonesiam Shadow Puppets,” is being Java, Indonesia. Painted parchment, hide, bone. Gift of Edward Inskeep. Indonesia. Painted parchment, hide, bone. Gift of Edward Inskeep. (Photo by Katieshown in the Warren Theater Gallery. (Photo by Katie Gardner) Gardner) Shadow puppet performances havebeen a highly-refined and complex sto-rytelling tradition in parts of Indonesiafor hundreds of years. Known as wayangkulit, these flat puppets are cut andpunched from water buffalo hide andthen colorfully painted, usually on bothsides. Sticks or handles made from waterbuffalo horn or wood, attached to thebase and limbs of each puppet, enable itto come to life in the hands of the dha-lang, or puppeteer, who sits behind a cot-ton screen and manipulates the puppetswhile narrating a story. This intimate installation in the Muse-um’s Theater Gallery will feature approx-imately 30 puppets, which depict the vastrepertoire of heroes and heroines,demons and pranksters featured in thegreat Hindu epics, the Mahābhārata andRāmāyaṇa, as well as local gods andmythical subjects. Puppet performancesprovide entertainment, a sense of com-munity, as well as an opportunity forsacred and secular instruction. Tradition-al performances are always accompaniedby a gamelan, a musical ensemble com-prised of gongs, drums, xylophones andstringed instruments.


22 | SEPTEMBER 2017 Artist who makes dichroic glasswear as wearable art and home fashionA By Jeanne Rawdin s I strolled through the stu- major and switched to an advertising art individually, each one is one-of-a-kind Describe your passion for this type of dios of Spanish Village, the degree. My mom introduced me to fused piece. In addition, most of my pieces are art. artist enclave in Balboa Park, glass on the 90s and she wanted to add multi-functional. The My whole life has been based aroundmy ear caught the sound of illustrations and patterns to the glass. So I bracelets can become necklaces and some pictures and drawing. I don’t see wordslight drilling, like a faraway dentist’s used an acid etching tool and an eyeliner of the pieces are reversible – with a wild – I see pictures and I never stop draw-office. As I drifted toward the sound, brush to do it, and from there it evolved and mild side. A great example is the kitty ing. Whether I’m drawing on bags andI found myself in the studio of Chris into my full-time work. faces with tiger stripes on one side and boxes for customers or on glass, it’s whatStell, an exceptionally talented artist paw prints on the reverse. I love to do.who etches art on to dichroic glasswear. Where is your studio? I’m doing what I love and it just keepsThat’s right, it’s “glasswear” not “glass- I have a studio in Balboa Park’s Spanish What would people be interested inware” because her pieces can be worn as Village and a home studio in Poway. My knowing about you that isn’t obvious? evolving. That’s the important part; Iartful accessories or displayed as art in home has everything from glass, lapidary, never stop evolving and always keepthe home. anodizing equipment and just about any I draw for glass and pattern manufac- working. It’s been a wonderful artistic other art-related tool you can think of. turers for those who can’t draw. There are journey so far. I can’t wait to see whereDescribe your history as an artist and The basis for all of it is my illustration pattern and decal sheets of glass out there technology, imagination, tools and ex-what led you to what you do now. work whether it be on glass, paper or any- that are created from my master pen and perimentation will take me in the future. ink illustrations – everything from steam-I’ve been involved in art since I could thing else I can find. But glass and etching punk backgrounds to kitties to skulls.hold a pencil. I grew up in a family of is where my heart and passion lie.artists that never took it seriously. My Describe your technique. Why did you choose this form of artgrandfather drew like Michelangelo My glass work starts with a dichroic over others?and we drew for hours and hours on glass base. Dichroic glass is a very specialweekends. But that was just our play- glass used by NASA in space missions I focus on the glass because of itstime. As I grew up, I used my spare that has been fumed in a heat/vacuum uniqueness. It’s easy to draw on paper ortime to experiment with all types of art. chamber with metal oxides. The coating use a computer because you can eraseI painted rocks in grammar school for creates an extremely bright and beautiful mistakes. Glass doesn’t give you thatfriends and family. I drew visual aids finish. I hand etch all of the glass with my advantage. I can create wearable art thatfor my teachers in middle school. I illustrations using a high-speed engraver. is extremely different and each year Imade macramé and metal jewelry in Then the pieces are all fired in kilns any- have a new theme. This year is the year ofhigh school. where from 1350–1850 degrees. the robot. In addition, suns have always been a major part of my art and they will In college, I realized there was a place What makes your artwork unique? always be in my line. My collectors knowin the professional world for illustra- Since all of my work is hand illustrated there will be something new and differ-tors, so I dropped my math/business ent each year and it’s guaranteed to get compliments.

23SEPTEMBER 2017 |

“St.Clair Sells Serra Mesa” We serve ALL San Diego county Ask us about our Love it or List it for free guarantee Ranked in the Top 5% Our raving fans say it best! in San Diego county! \"Working with St.Clair Homes & Estates toAs heard on KCBQ and purchase my 1st home was an outstanding experi- KOGO radio ence. Thanks to the extraordinary professionalism and indispensable expertise of Terry and the St.Clair team - we closed a month later! My case involved several potential deal breakers includ- ing: a unique offer structure; a multiple offer situation; an appraisal issue; and an aggressive closing schedule; all of which they handled effortlessly. I would highly recommend Terry & Jennifer to all serious buyers who appreciate flawless service and peerless professionalism.\"Recently Sold in Serra Mesa Full Address Community TotBds EstSF TotB YrBlt DOMLS ListPrice Sold Price Lst Date COEDate3555 Ruffin Rd 174 SER 2 796 1 1975 6 $249,999.00 $270,000.00 7/7/2017 8/14/20173549 Castle Glen 220 SER 2 762 1 1973 40 $275,000.00 $265,000.00 6/29/2017 8/30/2017 SER 3 977 2 1974 $349,000.00 $345,000.003454 Castle Glen 215 KM 2 1002 1 1973 9 $349,900.00 $337,200.00 7/12/2017 8/25/20177894 Hummingbird Ln SER 3 1200 2 1960 0 $425,000.00 $460,000.00 6/25/2017 8/17/20173466 Marathon SER 3 1134 2 1958 3 $470,000.00 $470,000.00 8/8/2017 8/24/20173024 Afton Rd MV 2 1248 2 1986 7 $474,900.00 $465,000.00 7/10/2017 8/1/20175838 Mission Center Rd E 2 1248 2 1986 18 $474,900.00 $465,000.00 7/6/2017 8/25/2017 SD 3 1260 2 1961 15 $499,900.00 $500,000.005838 Mission Center Road E SER 3 1200 2 1959 76 $499,000 - $519,000 $510,000.00 7/6/2017 8/25/20172964 Mobley Street SER 4 1675 3 1959 6 $519,900.00 $497,900.00 5/2/2017 8/3/20172863 Mission Village Dr SER 3 1000 2 1960 6 $520,000.00 $510,000.00 7/15/2017 8/11/20179153 IRVINGTON AVE KM 2 1339 3 2014 21 $535,000 - $539,000 $525,000.00 6/8/2017 8/9/20172604 Palace Dr. SER 4 1298 2 1960 35 $549,000.00 $540,000.00 6/1/2017 8/23/2017 SER 3 1158 2 1958 9 $578,500.00 $590,000.005036 Paramount Dr MVI 3 1200 2 1959 7 $569,000 - $579,000 $610,000.00 6/22/2017 8/29/20173480 DORCHESTER DRIVE SER 4 1600 2 1960 11 $582,000.00 $582,000.00 7/12/2017 8/18/20178859 Lassie Ln SER 3 1614 2 1958 0 $585,900.00 $586,728.00 7/5/2017 8/18/20172884 Amulet St SER 4 1356 2 1955 44 $589,900.00 $587,000.00 7/14/2017 8/25/20172415 Moonstone Dr SER 4 1402 2 1960 12 $569,900 - $589,900 $570,000.00 6/16/2017 8/4/2017 SER 3 1160 2 1960 8 $598,500.00 $603,000.003213 Mobley St MV 3 1346 3 2000 4 $599,000.00 $605,000.00 6/9/2017 8/28/20178631 Neva Avenue SER 3 1166 2 1958 12 $599,000.00 $599,000.00 6/23/2017 8/3/20172360 Casement St SER 3 1250 2 1954 12 $599,900.00 $585,000.00 7/3/2017 8/4/20173397 Dorchester Dr SER 3 1355 2 1961 12 $550,000 - $600,000 $586,500.00 7/19/2017 8/21/20172811 W Canyon Ave SER 4 1700 3 1961 16 $599,000 - $629,000 $640,000.00 7/1/2017 8/14/2017 SER 3 1550 2 1958 8 $639,000.00 $639,000.008350 Neva Ave SER 3 1200 2 1959 4 $599,000 - $649,000 $619,000.00 6/23/2017 8/14/20178617 Macawa Ave SER 3 2074 2 1959 4 $659,000.00 $659,000.00 6/30/2017 8/8/20178652 Harjoan Ave SER 3 1550 2 1960 10 $599,000 - $669,000 $650,000.00 7/7/2017 8/24/20172270 Royale Crescent Ct MV 3 1554 3 2000 8 $679,900.00 $674,000.00 6/20/2017 8/9/20172425 Blue Jay Dr MV 4 1642 3 1998 9 $674,900 - $699,900 $699,900.00 7/6/2017 8/10/2017 MV 4 2142 3 1999 7 $789,900.00 $789,900.003032 Masters Pl SER 4 2457 3 2000 3 $799,900 - $839,900 $825,000.00 7/7/2017 8/22/20178952 Polland 5 7/14/2017 8/15/20179236 Ronda Ave 7/21/2017 8/25/20172837 W Canyon Avenue 6/29/2017 8/16/20179623 Stonecrest Boulevard 6/29/2017 8/28/20173248 West Canyon Avenue 5/25/2017 8/28/20172772 W Canyon 7/26/2017 8/30/2017 Jennifer St.Clair Broker/Owner B.S. Finance, Certified Negotiation Expert® [email protected] 858-405-8525 direct CA bre#01856341 Terry O’Regan REALTOR® [email protected] CA BRE #01254073 858-437-3172 direct Data from public records and represents properties listed or sold by various brokers. If your property is currently listed this is not meant as a solicitation.

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