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2 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 3 NEW DINING APP PROMISES TO HELP REVIVE SAN DIEGO’S FOOD SCENE The Savorite app is here to help restaurants get back to business in a post-pandemic world. These days, the vibrant pulse of our city’s din- When a restaurant has empty tables, those tables warding diners who eat at those slow times with ing scene feels like a thing of the past. Foodies are contributing $0 to their bottom-line, but with reduced prices,” Jason said. Jason Cabildo and Cristina Romanillos founded Savorite, restaurants can maximize their excess Savorite, a revolutionary new app that is finding capacity and bring in additional income by re- The shift to off-peak dining also allows diners ways to help bring diners back to restaurants in a to stay away from the crowds without giving up safe and exciting way. the experience of dining out. Savorite screens each restaurant added to the platform for safety With Savorite, diners can quickly find last min- measures advised by authorities to ensure each ute deals on the best local restaurants near them. one of their users are able to enjoy great meals at Unlike other platforms, Savorite gives restaurants great prices with comfort in mind. the ability to instantly upload offers of up to 50% off a customer’s total bill to help fill empty tables “The safety of our community comes first,” Ja- and increase takeout in real time. This encourag- son said. “If dining out isn’t your thing right now, es customers to dine out and enjoy great meals Savorite enables restaurants to share takeout only while helping restaurants bring in business when deals to keep customers coming even if they’d they need it most. like a delicious night in.” So let’s say you’re heading out to eat, but you Savorite has already teamed up with some of can’t decide where to go. Open up the Savorite the best local businesses around downtown and app before you leave home and see what restau- has plans to expand to neighborhoods like Hill- rants are offering live deals for the day, choose crest and North Park to help bring more of its one that satisfies your craving, book yourselves a community to restaurants in need. table and eat out for a fraction of the price! Whether it’s a brunch of pancakes with friends “The idea is to help drive traffic during quieter or a much needed date night, take advantage of times of the day, when business is typically slow. last minute offers to help restaurants revive their business. Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
4 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! Live Like You’re Dying San Diego Resident and Oceanhouse Media CEO Michel Kripalani Talks About Love, Life and Purpose By Jeanne Rawdin Harcourt Publishing Company, Mer- en, and they have two daughters, Tia so we already had the bowls. At the cer Mayer, Soundprints, Andersen who is 12 and Talia who is 10. Karen time, it was incredibly novel and got Michel Kripalani is President of Press, Chronicle Books and others. operates another imprint with the featured by Apple and rose to the Oceanhouse Media, Inc., a leading In many cases, the company works company called Beauty Everywhere, top of the charts. That app is still publisher of more than 650 mobile directly with authors to bring their a digital publisher and community available on the App store today and and desktop apps based in Encin- beloved books to the app market, that creates inspirational products has been updated. itas. He’s built his entrepreneurial always staying true to the original to help people live better lives. empire by sticking to the company’s content and intent. What’s funny about it is that I was mantra of “Creativity with a Pur- Umbrella Media caught up with concerned we had already missed pose” and is a strong advocate for Oceanhouse Media has creat- Michel Kripalani recently to find the boat. There were already 10,000 developing apps that uplift, educate ed apps for all 44 of Ted Geisel’s out more about this fascinating apps on the App store, which had and inspire. Dr. Suess books as an interactive, local entrepreneur and how he ap- been open for seven months, and educational experience. The Dr. proaches his business and his life. I was thinking wow, that’s a lot Oceanhouse Media, or OM, was Seuss apps have received critical Let’s go back to 2009 when you of competition. Little did I know founded in January 2009, less than a acclaim and won numerous awards created your very first app called just how crazy and huge this thing year after Google launched the App from various organizations, such as Bowls. How did that idea come would blow up. store. Kripalani became one of the Parents’ Choice Awards and Chil- about? How did you come to secure the pioneers of interactive apps back in dren’s Technology Review. Twelve of licenses to create apps for all 44 of the “Gold Rush” days, as Michel calls the company’s children’s apps have We were looking do something Ted Geisel’s Dr. Suess books? it. Being a veteran of the video gam- reached the number-one spot on that would take advantage of ing industry didn’t hurt either. Be- the App Store in the Top Paid Books IPhone technology, including the Before Oceanhouse, I ran Presto fore that, Kripalani gained acclaim category. touch screen. We wanted to devel- Studios, a video game development as a founder and the CEO of Presto op something that would do more company here in San Diego. Way Studios, creator of “The Journeyman In addition, OM has a diverse than just tap or swipe, so we came back when, UCSD was the first Project” series and “Myst III: Exile” variety of other apps including up with the idea of swirling, which university in California to sign on games that are still on the market. games, music, photography, health led us to the idea of Tibetan bowls. to Google’s big digitization program and fitness, reference, productivity As a user, you swirl your finger where Google was looking to dig- Today, the company has licensing and finance. Google has selected the around the edge of the bowls to itize all of their books. They asked agreements with Dr. Seuss Enter- company as one of its Top Develop- create a sound, along with cymbals me as the CEO of Presto Studios prises, HarperCollins, Random ers, a designation granted to only and other Eastern musical instru- to be on the advisory board for the House Children’s Books, Hay House 150 groups worldwide. ments. My wife and I are very much libraries to help them understand Publishers, Zondervan (a division of of Eastern religion and meditation, digital technology because I had a HarperCollins), Houghton Mifflin Michel is married to his wife, Kar- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 5 background in video games and I into being interested in early child- and then came out west to Califor- Street Olympics. The marathon was was an alumni. So, for two years I hood education. I have the blessing nia by the time I was in fifth grade. 26 loops around the house. We had sat on the advisory board for the as an entrepreneur to go in direc- By middle school, we were living little medals and everything. I was libraries, which was kind of ironic tions that interest me. And I find in South Korea. In ninth grade, just always a bit of an organizer for because when I was in school, the that to be a lot easier when you’re I lived in Australia. This was all anyone who was willing to follow. library was not a place I went to running a business because there are pre-internet and pre-email, so we Why did you choose to live in very much. times when things are going to get were pretty cut off at the time. My Encinitas and what do you love really, really tough and really bad. dad was from India, so by age 12 I about it? The main library at UCSD is the When you enter into those times, had been around the world twice, Geisel Library, so I asked the head it’s a lot easier to be doing some- because we’d been back to visit I went to UCSD and I fell in love librarian if I could have an intro- thing that you love. family numerous times. So I grew with San Diego. I was fortunate duction with Audrey Geisel. We Tell me about your childhood. up with a very wordly view. I was a enough to buy my first house in met with her and the president of Where did you grow up and what tinkerer; I used to build models and Cardiff, which was a great bachelor Dr. Suess who asked, ‘Why would were your interests as a kid? rather than doing crossword puzzles, pad overlooking the ocean. Having we want to have Dr. Suess on an I would make crossword puzzles. traveled as much as I have, which is Iphone?’ We had done a full demo, I grew up traveling. My dad was millions of miles, I realized there is a full prototype of Dr. Suess’s ABC an engineer so we ended up mov- I was often the kid who would no place in the world like San Diego book on an Iphone and were able ing once every 12 months almost organize everyone else in the neigh- -- from the weather, the culture and to show it to her running, and that throughout my entire childhood. borhood. When the 1976 Summer the opportunities our state and landed us the agreement in October We lived a little bit on the east coast Olympics were happening in Mon- country provide. As much as we love 2009. treal, I organized the Campbell traveling with the family, there’s nothing like coming home to Encin- Then we had a fire drill to get itas and taking a walk on the beach three apps out before that Christ- and just being able to go outside mas season, including How the and jog all times of the year. We’re Grinch Stole Christmas. Within grateful to be able to live here. We a span of two and a half years, we have no interest in ever moving were publishing apps for all 44 away or selling our Encinitas prop- books that Ted Geisel had written erty. and illustrated across all phones and I know that your wife, Karen, was tablets. diagnosed with a brain tumor nine years ago, and that really We really tackled it from the per- transformed the way both of you spective of if Ted were alive today approach life. Tell me about that. and had access to an Ipad, what would he want to do with it? We When people say, “Live like you’re went back to thinking through how dying,” we really decided to do he wrote his books and what he did, that (just like the country west- so we created a lot of playful interac- ern song by Tim McGraw). We’ve tion between the words and pic- come through this. Karen still has tures. Our Read and Learn series of a tumor, we believe it to be benign Dr. Suess titles is pretty world-class and we’ve done everything we can on the App store for how it helps do via Western medicine to treat early readers to engage with books it. Now it’s really just about being and find little educational moments really careful how she lives her life. and things. She has to be very thoughtful of Did your kids use the apps when what she eats and what thoughts she they were younger? has. So we’re using a lot of Eastern metaphysical techniques to find the They did. My two daughters grew beauty in everything that happens up with Ipads and used a lot of our to us. Karen’s using that as a foun- content. They were that first genera- dation to explain to people or to tion, you know, two-year-olds having teach people who are interested in access to Ipads, so we got to see first- listening alternative ways of looking hand how children interacted with at things that might otherwise be all of our products. viewed as bad or harmful, and to How did your kids influence your try and help them to see the silver busines decisions? lining in everything. Your wife has her own imprint My wife and I are very big into under Oceanhouse Media called meditation and metaphysical and Eastern religion and then as the kids were born, that very much drove us Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
6 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! Beauty Everywhere. What’s that two or three years. And then things Our family got closer. We’re pig sitting in slop and thinking that about? got really challenging after that, as spending a lot of time together, it’s they’re happy sitting in slop, but the App store got oversaturated. We bonding us. Our employees are hap- the unknown of what could be may We realized that we needed to really had to get down to the ques- pier, our business is actually doing actually be better if we’re willing to have two brands, or two imprints tion of what’s making this business well during COVID, because families give ourselves the opportunity to within the one company. We decid- tick. So one of the biggest challenges are home and they need at-home give it a shot. ed Oceanhouse Media was the brand was just being able to ride those learning and education. Education What makes you get out of bed in appropriate for the kids’ media macro-economic waves, trying to apps, as a whole, are up and we are the morning? section of the business, so we rolled navigate those things properly. thankful for that. all of our metaphysical, spiritual Knowing that I may not have the content under this other brand, Plus, we have a very different way Personally, I’ve used COVID as a opportunity to get out of bed to- Beauty Everywhere, where Karen of running our business. A lot of time for rebirth. I really focused a morrow. I realize that today there’s is very focused on helping people people tend to go out and raise a lot in 2020 on who I am, where I’m a lot of work to do and I’ve got to to see the beauty in everything. It lot of money and use that money to going and what I want to do. And keep it going. I am very focused on offers inspirational apps and mani- grow a business very fast and shoot I realized that it’s been a transition legacy in the good sense, not the festation tools centered on finding for the moon. We have opted to run time for me to focus on giving back. ego-driven sense. I’m focused on gratitude for all the ups and downs the business on a cash basis and not I started coaching people. Karen and legacy in the sense that I want to take investors. I have both been in life coaching leave bread crumbs for my daugh- in life. and business coaching. We’re doing ters, for my family, for my friends, What do you look at when you’re There are times when that’s everything we can to help people for my community, for anyone. So choosing a new product to offer? tough because you see other people during this time. I write a lot. I write in a journal moving faster than you. And there daily, it’s designed for my daughters From a business standpoint, it cer- are times when you’re really happy My mom sold her house and to read when I’m gone. I’m in the tainly has to make financial sense. you made that decision when you moved closer, that’s a blessing. We process of working on a book that is Over the past 12 years, we have see other people burning too much are way more involved in our daugh- inspirational in nature to get people probably reinvented the business cash, then crashing and burning. ters’ education now. That’s a bless- moving. And I tackle each day with model six or eight times, which is The real challenge is making sure ing. My elder daughter started tutor- gratitude and the gifts that I’ve been crazy. We just keep pivoting to find we have a long view on the business ing on Fiver. She saw what tutoring given. a way to make it work. Many of our and that our short-term decisions was like, being on the receiving end, early competitors are long out of won’t ultimately hurt us in the long because we went heavy on the virtu- I’m in my mid-fifties now. I’m get- business because they just couldn’t run. al tutoring when schools shut down. ting to the point where my mental- figure out a way to make it work. How has COVID affected your And then she said, I can do this. Just ity is starting to shift and I’m really life? last weekend, she was tutoring a kid starting to figure out how I can help Along with the financial compo- in math who lived in Turkey who others more, whether it’s through nent, we always consider how inter- When COVID hit, we bought an was originally from South America. writing or coaching or mentoring esting something is to us, knowing RV and we took off. It was our quar- He was struggling in English and my or advising or whatever it happens that once we get into it, it’s going antine vehicle. We did 14, 000 miles daughter immediately just switched to be. And that’s what truly gets me to take a lot of time and energy. It’s across 36 states. We ran the business going to become part of our psyche remotely. The kids went to school over to Spanish and he got better. out of bed in the morning -- think- and our minds, and do we want that remotely. We adopted a little dog This kind of stuff wasn’t going to ing what is my purpose at this stage energy around us. Early on, there named Lorax that traveled with us. happen if it was just normal life. in life, and how can I accelerate it? was an opportunity to do something What lessons have you learned? with WWE, the wrestling company. I know that a lot of people are Sometimes people ask me what We were like, it’s just not our thing, hurting and have been really im- I don’t know how to summarize my life purpose is, and it’s to live an it doesn’t matter how much mon- pacted by COVID, and I’m com- it other than to say large challeng- extraordinary life. But more impor- ey we would make; it’s just not of pletely sensitive and empathetic to es can turn in to really amazing tantly. It’s to inspire others to live interest to us. them, which is absolutely first and opportunities for change when we extraordinary lives of their own by foremost. For us, we view challenges are open to embracing that change. demonstrating what is possible. We want to work with really as an opportunity for change and The unknown before us can actual- wonderful partners that are educat- growth. And that’s a reflection of ly be better than the known that’s To learn more, go to www.ocean- ing, uplifting and inspiring people. what we went through when Kar- behind us. It can be a little bit like a and www.beautyev- Author and marketer Joe Polish en was diagnosed with her brain talks about when you’re in busi- tumor. We’ve come to the point ness, try to make decisions that are with Karen and her brain tumor based on ELF, an acronym for Easy, that she doesn’t have a black mass in Lucrative and Fun. When you hear her head; she has a gold nugget in people talking about dead-end jobs her head. And the gold nugget has or projects they don’t like, it’s very given us the ability to focus on what often that they’re on the wrong side matters most and to make choices of that particular equation. for our family in ways that we can What are some of the biggest live a more enriching life. challenges you’ve experienced in building your business? Using that same mentality, that’s the way that we look at COVID. We When you’re operating in a gol- said, what blessing could come out drush type of environment, it’s easy of this? It was as simple as, well now to get caught up in thinking, ‘This is we can have a dog. We could never just going to keep on going forever have a dog before because we used because the whole market is going to travel so much. That’s a small super easy,’ which was really the first thing, but the girls love it. Now we can buy an RV and we can travel for months on end because the girls can go to school remotely. We closed the office; we sent all the employees to work from home forever. We didn’t say this is temporary for COVID. We said, we’re going to make this work because this is going to be a health- ier work/life balance for good. I’ve set up a home office, which I love. I find that I’m happier, I’m more productive. And I’m really focused on the things that matter the most to us. What else has happened for you during the pandemic? Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 7 THE COVID-19 VACCINE IS HERE Older Adults Still Need to Take Precautions By Sharp Health News Team and Simona Valanciute President & CEO, San Diego Oasis Less than a year after the novel coronavirus appeared in the U.S., we now have two safe vac- cines against COVID-19 approved by the FDA for emergency use—the fastest major vaccine development ever seen. The previous record-hold- er was the mumps vaccine, which still took four years to create. While this is an amazing accom- plishment, the pandemic is far from over. Even though older adults are in the first priority group to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, they still need to take precautions to keep themselves and their families safe. Here are some answers to the top questions seniors may have as states begin to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. How do the COVID-19 vaccines work? Are they safe? Both the vaccines currently being given, from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, are mRNA vac- cines, which mean they contain genetic material from the novel coronavirus. When someone gets an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, their body’s cells basically get instructions on how to create the proteins unique to the virus—and because those cells recognize that the virus shouldn’t be there, they produce antibodies that help them fight off infection if they’re ever exposed to the virus again. Both vaccines were tested in clinical trials according to rigorous safety standards estab- lished by the FDA. The makers of both vaccines have reported a 94-95 percent efficacy rate in preventing severe illness. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine in this article by Sharp Health- Care. To find out how, when and where you can get the vaccine please visit the San Diego County COVID-19 Web page. What can I do if I’m vaccinated? Simona Valanciute, President and CEO, San Diego Oasis. If you’re older than 75, or older than 65 with public health experts strongly advise against re- to take all necessary precautions as we wait for certain health conditions, you will likely be vacci- suming visits with family and friends until all of most of the population to get vaccinated will take nated before many of your family members and them are vaccinated. more patience, but it’s how we will move forward even some friends. This means that until most of Will we ever go back to “normal”? to the other side of this pandemic—and hopeful- the population is vaccinated, your lives probably ly, to healthier, more balanced lives in the years shouldn’t change much. The novel coronavirus will likely continue to ahead. spread until a large majority of the population (at Certain things will be safer for you to do, least 70 percent) is vaccinated or has developed Simona Valanciute is the President and CEO of though, such as going to the grocery store and natural immunity after surviving infection. The San Diego Oasis, an award-winning nonprofit or- running other errands. However, you will still vaccines will not be an immediate ticket back to ganization serving people age 50 and better, who need to take precautions against COVID-19 until the way life was in 2019. Many experts agree that pursue healthy aging through lifelong learning, most of the U.S. population is vaccinated. This it’s better to think about how we “move forward” active lifestyles, and community service. Learn includes wearing a mask around others, physi- instead of “getting back to normal.” more at cally distancing from others, avoiding crowded indoor gatherings, frequently washing your hands In the meantime, it’s important for all of us, About Sharp HealthCare and refraining from touching your face. The CDC but especially older adults, to continue taking Sharp HealthCare, San Diego's most comprehensive has more detailed guidelines for how to protect care of ourselves and staying safely engaged with health care delivery system, is recognized for clinical yourself and your family. the world around us, even if we’re isolating at excellence in cardiac, cancer, multi-organ transplan- How long will I need to wear a mask and phys- home. Seek out virtual volunteer opportunities, tation, orthopedics, rehabilitation, behavioral health, ically distance? such as tutoring or phone banking, and stay in women's health, home health and hospice services. contact with family members through phone Sharp HealthCare has been widely acclaimed for its Vaccinated people should still wear masks calls and video chats. Additionally, learning new commitment to transform the health care experience around others, and avoid crowded indoor gath- skills and meeting new people keeps you cogni- for patients, physicians and staff through an organiza- erings, for at least the next several months. This tively sharp and is good for your mental health. tion-wide performance improvement initiative called is because scientists are still trying to figure out Many organizations, including San Diego Oasis, The Sharp Experience. The Sharp HealthCare system whether people who have been vaccinated can offer free or low-cost online classes in a variety of includes four acute-care hospitals, three specialty hospi- still spread the virus to others, even if their risk of topics, from dance and fitness to art and technol- tals, three affiliated medical groups, a health plan, and getting sick is now much lower. ogy. numerous outpatient facilities and programs. To learn When can I visit my family and friends? more about Sharp, visit Sharp Health News. We’ve all been challenged in 2020. Continuing You should wait until at least two weeks after your last shot with either vaccine. However, most Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
8 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! HOW YOUR FAMILY MOM’S TIPS FOR DISTANCE CAN ADOPT HEALTHIER DIGITAL HABITS IN 2021 LEARNING FROM HOME (StatePoint) As we head into 2021, By Sharon Sardina Sharon poses with her husband Brian. different, but we shall conquer this adults and kids alike may still be Well, here we are, finally in when they lose connection. together as one. Our kids are not enjoying the excitement of digital so behind academically, they have devices received as gifts. The new the year 2021. The year everyone Give them praise and encourage- learned to be resilient learners and year is a great time for a reset, so couldn’t wait to arrive. The year ment! No matter what school looks that is gold. with those new devices, consider we all started counting down to in like, remind them that they, and adopting some digital habits. March and anxiously waited for the we, are doing the best we can, and Sharon Sardina is a stay-at-home calendar to say-- January 1.2021. their effort and hard work does not mom with three active active boys. Here are some great ideas for Many of us moms could have bet go unnoticed. She loves baking, decorating, exer- helping your family build health- all the back-seat goldfish we found cise and motivating other moms to ier relationships with their digital while we had all this time on our Have fun and laugh! be their best. Stay tuned for more devices: hands cleaning our car during Remember Mamas, we are all in from this energetic lady! the lockdown, that we would be this together, although some of our • Get healthy: Not all screen time back in school in October, then we distance learning from home looks is wasted time. You can use your thought November, ok maybe De- device in positive, productive ways cember? Come on!!! School has to that help your family work toward go back in person, right?? We can’t improved physical health. For exam- possibly be online forever?? Or can ple, a steps counter might encourage we? Cue the dramatic music. your family to move more or even take up running, while a yoga app We have been exclusively doing can help guide your family through distance learning now since March. quick routines you can practice Our school has never returned to from the comfort of home. on-campus learning. We bought desks, chromebooks, put our Pin- • Get smart: Likewise, the mem- terest worthy organization skills bers of your family can use their to good use, made sure to set up a devices to exercise their minds. En- quiet space for our kids to kill this courage everyone to let their smart- distance learning and set a billion phones and tablets double function alarms on our phone to remind us as e-readers, and to download apps to log in and take a lunch. that teach new skills and build knowledge. You can even try setting Some of us may be working from a goal as a family, such as learning a home alongside our children and new language using the same app. some of us have become full-time teachers now whether it be lesson • Schedule digital downtime: Too planning, to editing, to writing much screen time is associated with assignments, to doing art projects poor quality sleep, increased anxiety with our children all while mak- and a range of other health con- ing 32,167 breakfasts, lunches and cerns, so be sure each day includes snacks a week. Boy do these kids digital downtime. This is important eat all the time! We literally have if your family is working and learn- become the school teacher, the ing from home. Make the most of librarian, the attendance clerk, the these screen-free blocks by engaging lunch lady, the custodian and may- in active play, moving, getting fresh be for some the principal. air or spending quality time togeth- er. Many of us are left wondering whether our kids will ever return • Get assistance: Making sure to school like it used to be back every member of the family is using in 2019. Ahhh what a great year their device only in safe and healthy that was. I really didn’t imagine we ways is easier said than done, howev- would be starting our 2nd semester er, a parental guidance app can help. of the 20/21 school year online. I Using OurPact for example, you keep reminding myself that noth- can remotely establish automated ing is forever...goodness I really schedules for when internet, apps hope this holds true. and the device itself are unavailable. Features include URL whitelisting Here are a few tips that have and blacklisting, daily screen time helped me navigate three boys do- allowances and iMessage/SMS block- ing distance learning from home. ing, helping ensure device usage passes your approval. Available at Give them GRACE! Remember the iOS App Store and Google Play they are adjusting to the new nor- Store, parents can also sign up for mal like we are. an account at PHOTO SOURCE: (c) nd3000 / iStock via Getty Lower expectations. I don’t mean Images Plus to give up on their good grades, I mean remember that learning online is not for everyone and if a A falls to a B, everything will still be ok. As long as they are moving forward, it is all good! No distractions. Set them up a space where they can focus and are free from distractions like the TV or siblings. Wi-Fi availability. We had to buy a 2nd router to maintain 3 kids online at the same time. There is nothing more frustrating for kids Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 9 MIDDLE SCHOOL IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 By Andy Hinds Vice Principal Reyes and Principal Steinberger greet new students at Roos- as a teacher to make my students If you aren’t chilled to the bone evelt International Middle School’s Drive-Through Welcome Day feel safe and hopeful; staying pos- itive is crucial.” Mr. Garcia is con- by memories of your own middle with the amount of screen time re- online classes, as teachers, admin- cerned that internet connectivity school experience, just imagine quired of their children—and how istrators, and staff use their exper- issues continue to be a hindrance going through it while sequestered they can help keep them focused tise and passion to keep students to learning; but reports that his at home, relying on a finicky inter- on “school” internet despite the engaged and families connected. class attendance and student en- net signal as your only connection siren song of “fun” internet—they gagement is solid despite technolo- to your teachers and peers. That’s are largely impressed with efforts Principal Bernard Steinberger, gy glitches. what many American students in of the school district, the adminis- who started working at Roosevelt 2020 are currently facing during tration, and Roosevelt teachers in this spring, just three weeks before English teacher Jennifer Peterson the COVID-19 pandemic, including developing an entirely new teach- in-person school was shut down, says that the biggest challenge for those in San Diego Unified school ing model since the country was says that the most surprising aspect her this year has been the addi- district. blindsided by the virus last spring. of this strange era has been the tional class preparation. “I knew I Geena Pearson, whose son is in kindness and understanding that would have to totally transform the Halfway through the second sixth grade, singles out “consistent the school community has shown way I teach in order to successfully quarter at Roosevelt Internation- communication” as a major aspect toward one another. “I miss that connect with and challenge my al Middle School, the reviews are of Roosevelt’s success in dealing energy of interacting with kids in students in an online platform,” coming in from students, teachers, with the hardships inflicted by the person,” he says, adding that he is she says, “so I spent a lot of my and families; and the consensus pandemic, noting that Principal “proud and grateful” for the effort summer doing so, and I continue is that, relative to the general Steinberger and RooFriends (the that the students and staff are put- to plan into the evenings many hellscape that is 2020, pandemic school foundation) have “exceeded ting into making this a meaningful days despite the fact that I am part school is going pretty well. With expectations” in this regard. Ms. school year. Steinberger says an time this year (for the first time in the caveat that the COVID era has Pearson added that the online unexpected positive aspect of mov- my career) due to [budget] cuts.” been personally tragic, economical- classes have been “working out ing almost every aspect of school This workload is in addition to the ly devastating, and at the very least pretty seamlessly for [her] son,” and online has been higher than usual increasingly complicated parenting majorly disruptive to millions of that “he’s loving all his teachers.” parental involvement. Back-to- demands of her own children, who people, it is clear that bright spots She was especially surprised at how school nights and “town hall” meet- are going to school online while and glimmers of hope abound at “engaging and challenging virtual ings have had record turnout, Mr. she works from home. Ms. Peterson Roosevelt. PE was.” PE and Music classes are Steinberger reports, “presumably has been pleasantly surprised by perhaps the most unrecognizable because it’s much easier for families the extent to which she has been In the case of academic classes at from last year, relying on exercise to log into a Zoom meeting than able to connect with students in Roosevelt, the content varies little challenges, workout videos, and in to drive to school on a weeknight.” the virtual classroom, and how from in-person curriculum, even the case of Music, online music pro- Obviously, everyone is yearning for much she can differentiate and per- as the format is a drastic departure duction and composition platforms a return to “normal” school, but sonalize instruction using online from traditional school. Google where kids make and share their Mr. Steinberger appreciates the learning platforms like Flocabulary, Classroom, Zoom, and other learn- own music in addition to practic- lessons of this crisis, including the Nearpod, Screencastify, Newsela, ing platforms comprise the class- ing their actual instruments. effective use of online learning and and Flipgrid. Perhaps confirming room and texts, and students com- communication platforms. “Edu- what parents have long suspect- municate with their teachers via Roosevelt serves families from cation in this country will change ed, Ms. Peterson admits that the email, chat, or virtual office hours. the uptown area of San Diego and forever because of this,” he predicts. “mute” button can be an effective The schedule has been modified beyond, and is located adjacent classroom management tool that to prevent burnout and confusion to the world famous San Diego For History and Social Studies offsets some of the additional stress from too many Zoom meetings: in- Zoo. But in some ways, its physical teacher Francisco Garcia, the strug- of online teaching. stead of the usual six classes per day attributes are currently irrelevant, gle is a matter of social conscience. in a semester system, students take since most students haven’t been “Truly one of the biggest challenges The current plan with San Di- three intensive classes per day (four on campus at all this year. None- is maintaining a sense/of normalcy ego Unified schools is to increase if they take an elective), and follow theless, the sense of community while I teach—when in fact we are in-person instruction to the stu- a quarter system. With decreased transcends the limitations of fully living through a period of societal dents who need the most help, and time in the (virtual) classroom, uncertainty. I feel a responsibility ramp up to a “Phase 2” reopening kids are expected to complete more in late January. Of course, all of work independently than they nor- that depends on the trajectory of mally would. infection rates, which is currently far from ideal. Although it seems Despite the obvious drawbacks like there is not much we can do of isolation from their peers, to affect this trend, Ms. Peterson some students recognize upsides has a homework assignment for to online school. Eighth grader us all that definitely can’t hurt: Toby Newlin and Seventh grader “Wear your mask! Teachers want Rivka Alaya both sited the lack of to be back in the classroom with social “drama” as an unexpected our students. A lot of us have our bonus that decreases stress and own children we are caring for at allows them to focus on their work. home while trying to continue to However, Newlin notes, “I now teach other people’s children. We have added drama at home, like my love our jobs and understand the mom looking over my shoulder.” struggle working parents are going Still, missing their friends—and the through. Let’s all commit to one an- inability to make new ones—was other’s health and wear our masks the most frequent complaint from so we can ALL go back to school.” students interviewed for this story. While parents tend to struggle Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
10 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! WYATT EARP The following is a work of historical fiction based on real life events and places frequented by Wyatt Earp in the late 1800’s in California. Neighborhood Publications You know my name. Legendary lawman, O.K. the sun at my back, I strolled down main street, Reaching Over 125,000 Corral, big mustache, friends with Doc Holiday. it was dusty but lively. The area was known as No, no I’m not Kurt Russell (who is that by the the Stingaree (later adopted to The Gaslamp San Diego Area Mailboxes way, it’s 1887), it’s really me, Wyatt Berry Stapp Quarter) ; we are the area of undesirables. Plen- Every Month! Earp. Just Wyatt Earp is fine, you ain’t my ty of gambling halls, brothels, and a number of momma don’t use my middle name. I’ve had a drug peddlers. As a former lawman, I believe Follow & Like Us Online! lot of adventures in my day, I left Tombstone, in upholding the law but I do enjoy a lady of @LocalUmbrellaMedia Arizona some time ago. Tombstone left a bad the night (very true). My life was very busy taste in my mouth, I lost my brothers Morgan with managing gambling halls, boxing match- Browse all editions online at and Virgil, and the gunfight at the O.K. Cor- es, horse racing, so every once and awhile, yes I ral has defined my life. Josephine (my current might need a prostitute to relieve some stress. wife) and I didn’t feel right, so we headed for Keep pushing my buttons so we can settle it in a HYPER-LOCAL COMMUNITY greener pastures as the saying goes. We stopped gunfight and surprise, I don’t lose those. PUBLICATIONS in Idaho for a mining venture but that died out after some time, which is why we ended up in Today was going to be a quiet day, busy night. Local Umbrella Media publishes hyperlocal, California. San Diego looked to be a profitable I decided to walk down to my favorite break- positive, upbeat, community publications, place to settle down, California was ripe for fast joint in town and order some eggs. It was a focusing on supporting local businesses, expansion. The railroad is being developed and small place, somewhat run-down but the food lifestyle articles, upcoming events, talents and a massive real estate boom is underway. That’s was excellent. It was run by Mexicans that had contributions of the locals who live and work in where we find ourselves today… come to California from Tijuana where I often our communities. referee boxing matches. Maria came to my table I awoke with a start and the cold sweats as to take my order, she was in her 30’s, dark hair i ADVERTISING INQUIRIES I got out of bed at the Brooklyn Hotel in San and skin, she was the sweetest. BRAD WEBER | 619-375-2889 Diego, California. I had been up all night at [email protected] the Oyster Bar, one of several properties that I “What can I get for you today hun”, she said i GRAPHICS & DESIGN own where I offer a variety of games, blackjack, with a slight accent. [email protected] poker, keno, and prostitutes. The Golden Poppy i EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS brothel is upstairs at the Oyster Bar, owned “Just some eggs and coffee darling, thanks.” I [email protected] by my acquaintance Madam Cora. Each room replied back. (Do all waitresses call their cus- painted a different color, Madam Cora requires tomers hun?) the ladies to match their garments to the room color, making for an elegant experience (all I crossed my boots over one another and true). My mustache sizzled from the countless opened up the newspaper as I waited for break- cigars I smoked last night but I made close to fast. Sadly most of the stories were the same; $1000 ($25,000 in today’s money). President Grover Cleveland Corrupt, West is the Best, Gold Gold Gold. So much fake news today, I slipped my boots on, brand new alligator I hope in the future we have some clarity. At skin (they cost a pretty penny and I know a this moment, a man walked into the restaurant. guy) and sat my hat on my head. I walked out He looked weathered, dusty, like he’d been trav- of the Brooklyn Hotel onto the streets. With eling for some time. He took a seat opposite the room from me and gave me a nod. “You new in these parts my good man” I asked the worn wanderer. “Yes, indeed I am Wyatt… and I have a prop- osition for you” he replied with a hand on his gun. To be continued… Brad Weber, Group Publisher MEDIA CONSULTANT KINSEE MORLAN C. CHRISTIE CRAIG AMANDA PETERSON TOM SHESS FARIMA TABRIZI CONTRIBUTORS MARLISE MIA BERTELSEN KAST-MYERS BART MENDOZA RON DONOHO JEN COBURN PHOTOGRAPHY MANNY CRUZ JIM CHILDERS JENNY WERTH FARIMA TABRIZI VERONICA TALIA DAWN SEBAUGH MERILEE KERN NICKY INCANDELA ©2021 COPYRIGHT BY INSPIRED MEDIA, INC. Boothill Cemetery, Tombstone, Arizona ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Local Umbrella Media Newspaper Publications are printed monthly and distributed freely throughout San Diego County. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Local Umbrella Media is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented in the newspaper. Local Umbrella Media Newspaper Publications are produces and published by Local Umbrella Media, and no part of this publication bay be reproduced or transmitted without permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements contained herein are not endorsed or recommended by publisher; therefore, publisher shall not be held liable for business practices of advertisers. Publisher not liable for images accepted in good faith. Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 11 FOSTER FAMILIES PROVIDE SAFETY AND DEPENDABILITY FOR CHILDREN The Landis home is a busy place. It’s pizza night Angels Foster Family that conflict resolution,” he tells them. “You’re and six young children are all very excited about Network is a non-profit smart girls with a lot of words.” Not missing a decorating sugar cookies for dessert. A basketball dedicated to providing beat, Nate continues. “This is a challenge we are bounces across the family room, nearly missing a safe, stable, loving homes blessed to make. We have to make every moment puzzle under construction. A light-up ball flashes. for children in San Diego count because we have fewer moments to waste.” A toddler needs a snuggle. This is a typical Mon- County. You can reach Angela says that every evening after the children day evening. them at (619) 283-8100. are all tucked in to bed, she and Nate sit together in a rare moment of quiet, and give thanks that Angela and Nate have three children of their gela. They say they were also pleasantly surprised they made it through another day. own: Russell, 10, Rocco, 8, and Allegra, 6, and by how much fostering gave them as a couple three pet dogs. Added to the mix are three foster and as a family. “There’s so much that’s terrifying, Angela adds that not only has the couple’s rela- children, a sibling set of girls with the nicknames you’d think it would tear a couple apart, but it’s tionship been enhanced by fostering young chil- “Braveheart,”“Wheels,” and “Boom Boom,” who brought us closer together,” says Angela. She says dren, their three children have benefited as well. range from two to six years old. her admiration for her husband has grown as “It’s been hard and it’s an adjustment, but we also she’s watched him keep his promises and step up have built-in playdates and have had some incred- The couple hadn’t planned on fostering sib- to meet the needs of six children. Nate smiles and ible talks with our children about domestic vio- lings, but when their first placement’s sister need- adds, “Six is more than a crowd. We had to band lence and drug use,” she says. “They’ve also grown ed a safe, loving home, they were asked to con- together.” As if on cue, Nate responds to a scuffle to really appreciate what we provide,” noting that sider taking her. They liked the idea of keeping going on behind him. He doesn’t need to turn things like consistency, safety, and food are often the girls together so they rose to the challenge his head to know who it is, the two older girls, things children can take for granted. – then did it again a few months later when they Allegra and Braveheart. “Try to be big girls with welcomed the third sister into their home. The Fostering is something the Landis family highly first sister arrived in late 2017; all three have been recommends to people who have room in their with the Landis family since last June. hearts and homes for children who need stability while their biological parents are given the time The couple says that fostering is hard work, but to get their lives back on track. “You just have to worth doing because they’re helping children in a want to help,” says Nate. “You’re not saving any- way that’s very intentional and organized. “Angels one, you are providing safety and dependability has supported us beyond our expectations by for the season they are in.” providing training, a clinical case manager, and hooked us up with other foster parents,” says An- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
12 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! MEET MACKENSIE STRUBLE: PERSONAL CHEF, CANINE CHEF AND FAITH AND WELLNESS COACH A personal journey to health and wellness that became her life’s passion and career Introduction by Mia Bertelsen ic Keto pound cake in hand. They for their pets.” the call so I could get back to work, hired me on the spot. They offered Not all of us can afford to have a and I rushed over. It was my Mom. The following story is written me a position that paid me more by MacKensie and shows us a very than my old job. I was scheduled to personal chef and wellness coach to I grabbed the phone and very personal look into her journey. Her start my recruiter job on Monday help us improve our health and diet. quickly said, “hello?” There was reasons for being so open and honest and I saw them on Sunday. So, God But we can learn from MacKensie’s silence for a moment, and then sud- with the world are to let us know was really quick to come in between positive, can-do attitude, based on denly, without hesitation, my mother that we are not alone and there are of what could have been.” her strong faith. Our hope is that belted out, “Adam is gone!” so many people out there who are ex- you will be inspired to take the next periencing the same ups and downs People really struggle to have a step to improve your health too! I dropped the phone. in life. At different points in her healthy diet. “A lot of it has do with My boss quickly picked it up with life she found herself at a very low our mind set and our knowledge,” By MacKensie Struble a puzzled look on her face, unaware place struggling to make a living, 100 she shared. “Do we know what sub- Let’s flashback to January 7th, 2011, of the news I’d just been provided. pounds overweight, suicidal and ad- stitutions we need to make in order when my entire world changed. It My body began to cave. My mouth dicted to pain medication. Through to enjoy some of our favorite foods was a typical Friday night. I got off was agape, though I lacked the ability her faith in God, being super orga- that we used to have? Once we have work at my second job and was head- to produce any words. A cowork- nized and goal driven and meeting a game plan established, it makes the ed into my third at McGraths. I was er grabbed me in the midst of my the love of her life, she turned her execution a lot easier. If we are fail- waitressing in the bar that night, and lament, and proceeded to drag me life around. Today she is so proud to ing to plan, we are planning to fail.” people were already parked outside behind closed doors. have created her own business cook- when I arrived. I rushed in, waved Once there, another coworker ing healthy meals for her clients. Her She prepares the meals for her to everyone on the line, secured my pulled me into a hug for what financé Shawn has been at her side clients according to their individual apron, took a glance in the mirror to seemed like forever. The world making this dream become a reality dietary needs and goals, vacuum seals ensure my hair and makeup were up around me ceased to exist. I had together. it and delivers the meals to them. to par, and headed out to the floor. fallen deep into a pool of debilitating She cooks for about ten people and One by one my tables began filling emotion and I couldn’t breathe. The MacKensie shared with me that she covers all meals for the week. up. I headed back to the waitress sound of my mother’s grief-stricken writing is one of her talents. “We MacKensie is a self- taught cook. “I station to submit my orders and voice just kept playing over and over really paint a picture with our grew up in a household of four kids prepare salads. Naturally, Shawn was in my head, “Adam is gone!” words,” she said. “It is so powerful and my mom and my granny were working with me that night, too. I briefly snapped back to reality when we get together to share our very passionate about cooking,” she Fridays always called for all hands on and released myself from his hug. I own accounts and testimonies. The said. deck. wouldn’t discover the irony of this statement ‘me too’ is that moment I delivered to my first two tables person’s placement in my life that when we realize that the struggle we “I only prepare food with organ- and then I heard the phone ring, night until later when I learned the are going through is something that ic, non-GMO ingredients and I’ve which was normal on a Friday night, cause of my brother’s death and how, someone else is experiencing and we expanded services as a canine chef as but this time, it was for me. My boss he, too, had attempted the same know that we are not alone. That can well,” she added. “Many people are hurriedly motioned for me to take thing, but survived. It is funny how trigger healing in and of itself.” serious about improving food quality God is always in the details. The next two and a half years of MacKensie’s personal weight loss my life felt like a prison sentence, is a huge achievement and especially waking up every day in my own per- because she has maintained it. “I sonal hell only to be reminded of the just hit four years of maintenance,” same heartbreaking news I had cried she shared. “I lost 108 pounds in 9 myself to sleep over the night before. months.” When the desire to join my brother exceeded my will to live, I found my- Her journey to be a personal chef self abusing OxyContin and Percocet. started with a nice couple who were My life slowly started crumbling both approaching 500 pounds each before me a little at a time. On the and were in serious danger with their outside, I still held down three jobs health. “After almost three years and “acted” like an adult, but behind of cooking for them and coaching closed doors, I had lost all vitality. My them, they have lost almost 400 once jovial life ceased to exist. There pounds combined,” she boasted. was no zeal or purpose left, just a mere existence of going through the Her business based in Joplin, motions. Missouri almost didn’t happen. The It wasn’t until 1/5/14, just a few plan was to drive around the US in days before the anniversary of my their RV and promote their faith brother’s death, that I finally surren- and healthy meals. Wisconsin was dered and gave my life back to God. their next stop. “When we were I dropped to my knees after con- ready to take off, our RV just shut templating my own suicide attempt down,” she laughed. With some help and told the Lord that if He still had they pushed the RV into the closest purpose for me, I would live the rest parking spot and worked to fix her of my life serving Him. for over a week. They decided to stay With each passing day, I felt myself in Joplin. “I had my old job as a re- growing stronger and stronger. I cruiter all lined up, and then a friend stayed with my sister and her family of mine told me about a couple who for support the next few weeks, and was looking for a Keto chef to assist then relocated to Joplin to begin them with major weight loss,” she rebuilding my life. explained. “We only had one car at I took my first job at a local flower the time so I had to truck over there with the whole family. Wherever I went, the RV went. I had the organ- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 13 shop on Valentine’s Day, and then Throughout the course of my strongly planted in our hearts result- leap of faith in 2017 to fulfill the transitioned into a better-paying weight loss journey, I was also pre- ed in waves of success that spanned purpose God had for me, EVERY- position within a month’s time. It paring to relocate Marcus and myself much wider than just our family. ONE would’ve missed out on all of wasn’t long after that the Lord bless- closer to family. Every night after I Here are some success stories we are this. The fulfillment of your purpose ed me with Marcus. Words can’t de- finished prepping my food, I would proud to share: doesn’t just affect you, it affects scribe the amount of joy I possessed go and count our money, anticipat- everyone who is meant to cross your in my heart. ing the moment we would reach our A woman was able to release 85 path. goal. pounds and carry a healthy pregnan- At five months pregnant, I unex- cy. It doesn’t matter what you’re going pectedly lost my position. I had no Anyone who truly knows me will through in life or decisions you’ve idea how I was going to make ends tell you that I never intended on A busy Mom was able to take made, God still has purpose for you. meet. I came home that night and returning to Sedalia. In fact, I fought control of her health and feel more He will take all of your broken pieces decided to draw a bath for myself. I against it, but, God was persistent. comfortable in her skin. and intricately place them back remember being so fearful of what Once I’d saved up $854 to cover all of together for the fulfillment of some- was to come and just asking God for our costs, I put in my two weeks. My An elderly woman who was too thing greater than yourself. Don’t the strength to trust in Him. last day was 1/6/17, and we moved weak to cook for herself was able to fear the fire, embrace it. Trust in the following day on Saturday, 1/7/17, release weight, drastically improve Him. Allow yourself to be refined by I thought to myself, “who would the anniversary of my brother’s her quality of life, and begin weaning His hand, and once He’s done, you’ll hire me now? I’m five months preg- death. As if it wasn’t clear enough off of prescriptions. come out stronger than ever before. nant!” To make matters worse, I was that God had His hand in this entire also without a vehicle. The thought move, that confirmed it. Everything A middle-aged woman was able to There’s nothing I can do to change of finding another place of em- had officially come full circle, down successfully regenerate hair growth the past, but I can find peace in the ployment that was within walking to the date and time. where she was experiencing major woman that I’ve become and the distance immediately made me feel loss and improved her overall well- purpose that God has for me. It is overwhelmed, but I took a few deep It wasn’t even two months after ness. through God’s healing hand that breaths, and handed it over. Marcus and I were settled in that I’m even here to share my testimony God reconnected me with Shawn. A breastfeeding mother was able with you today, and I do so in the In the meantime, I decided to take What initially began as two friends to invest in herself to lose weight hopes of sparing even just ONE per- advantage of the time off by going hiking at Bothwell quickly blos- without sacrificing her supply. son from having to travel the roads to see my Mom. I was standing in somed into so much more. It all I did. the kitchen when I received the call. suddenly made sense why God was An officer was able to release There was a new position available so persistent about Marcus and me weight to pass his physical for a On 1/5/21, I’ll be celebrating the for me and I could return to work moving to Sedalia. Shawn was our long-awaited promotion, and fit per- obvious, but it represents so much the following week. God had success- missing piece. fectly in his tuxedo on his wedding more than that. This isn’t just a cele- fully come through for me again. day. bration commemorating seven years Just a few months later, we made of sobriety, but, rather, life, and God’s I celebrated one year of sobriety on the decision as a family to downsize A mother was able to come home continued openings for me to make 1/5/15 — just a month before natu- and pursue our dream of RVing after working a long shift and spend a difference in this world. rally giving birth to my healthy, 9 lb fulltime. We moved to Yuma, AZ and what little time she had with her 13 oz baby boy on 2/10/15. We had soon after started our first business, children without having to worry Now I’m the one in the position just moved into our new apartment, ChefGirlRV. about how dinner was going to be to love on others and assist them breastfeeding was going great, AND I prepared because we cooked the in reaching their full potential. He was able to take a decent amount of What initially started as a tempo- healthy food for her. turned my tragedies into triumphs, time off work to bond with him. rary side hustle in our toy hauler one by one, and He’ll do it for you, to help others achieve success, has Another woman was able to reg- too, if you’ll let Him. Every single day Not long after I returned, God turned into a growing business ulate her hormones, release weight, that we wake up is an opportunity blessed me, yet again, with a bet- reaching clients all over the US. and restore her sex life with her to embrace our purpose and change ter-paying position as a recruiter We’ve invested over 30,000+ hours husband. someone’s life. I pray you never for the same company. Everything into our trade (and counting), be- forget how valuable your contribu- had fallen into place. I conquered came personal chefs, started catering, Despite late nights, breastfeeding, tion is to the world, and that you’re sobriety. My job was secure. The next provided meal prep and coaching insane workweeks, and raising a always eager to fulfill it. order of business was self-care. services to thousands, and, most child, I succeeded. I had completely importantly, we’ve kept God at the transformed my life with small, con- In this new year, it’s time to release After giving birth to Marcus, I had forefront of it all. sistent action steps every single day. everything that’s no longer serving reached a weight of 232 lbs. I can us, and take a clean step into the still remember the day I stepped on The magnitude of ONE decision Instead of focusing on all of the abundance that’s to come. Forgive the scale at my Dad’s house and the to pursue, in faith, the desire God so reasons why I couldn’t, I pressed for- those who have wronged you and numbers “2-3-2” reflected back at ward and created my own conditions free yourself of all negativity. Don’t me. It was in this moment I made to support the reality I was deter- deny yourself the blessings He has for the harsh realization that I needed mined to create. you. If you’re not in love with your to start making myself more of a life, start creating a different one. Sa- priority. If I hadn’t taken the action needed tan will tell you it’s too late to make on 1/5/14 to pursue sobriety, or that a change, or you’re unqualified, but I began researching the science be- God reminds us every day how faith hind Lowcarb/Keto and how it would the size of a mustard seed moves affect my body. My primary focus mountains. The only thing standing was finding a regimen that would between you and the life you want is allow for me to focus solely on my doubt. nutrition to produce results. This was the perfect fit. If there’s only one thing you take away from my testimony today, In March of 2016, I began my please understand that you can journey. I configured my macros ALWAYS start over. Seasons aren’t and dove right in. Most nights, I permanent. Winter NEVER follows would stay up late after Marcus went winter. There’s ALWAYS time for to sleep and prep all of my food. I you to make a change. For anyone planned out exactly what I was going who is struggling with self-worth or to eat the following day, logged it, thoughts of suicide, please reach out. and tweaked it accordingly so I could Believe me when I say that the world stay as close to my allotments as would not be a better place without possible. I was steadily losing weight you. I’d give anything to have my every week, and my energy levels had brother here today. Check on your increased. family and friends, and do it often. We’re all fighting silent battles that Around August, God introduced no one knows about. A kind gesture me to Young Living essential oils. It truly can make all the difference. is then that I began combining the God bless use of Lowcarb/Keto + therapeutic grade essential oils to properly sup- #ChefGirlRV port my body. By November of 2016, I had hit goal and lost over 100 lbs. Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
14 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! success stories we are proud to share: On 1/5/21, I’ll be celebrating the obvious, but potential. He turned my tragedies into triumphs, A woman was able to release 85 pounds and it represents so much more than that. This isn’t one by one, and He’ll do it for you, too, if you’ll just a celebration commemorating seven years let Him. Every single day that we wake up is an carry a healthy pregnancy. of sobriety, but, rather, life, and God’s continued opportunity to embrace our purpose and change A busy Mom was able to take control of her openings for me to make a difference in this someone’s life. I pray you never forget how valu- world. able your contribution is to the world, and that health and feel more comfortable in her skin. you’re always eager to fulfill it. An elderly woman who was too weak to cook Now I’m the one in the position to love on others and assist them in reaching their full In this new year, it’s time to release everything for herself was able to release weight, drastically that’s no longer serving us, and take a clean step improve her quality of life, and begin weaning off into the abundance that’s to come. Forgive those of prescriptions. who have wronged you and free yourself of all negativity. Don’t deny yourself the blessings He A middle-aged woman was able to successfully has for you. If you’re not in love with your life, regenerate hair growth where she was experienc- start creating a different one. Satan will tell you ing major loss and improved her overall wellness. it’s too late to make a change, or you’re unqual- ified, but God reminds us every day how faith A breastfeeding mother was able to invest in the size of a mustard seed moves mountains. The herself to lose weight without sacrificing her only thing standing between you and the life you supply. want is doubt. An officer was able to release weight to pass If there’s only one thing you take away from my his physical for a long-awaited promotion, and fit testimony today, please understand that you can perfectly in his tuxedo on his wedding day. ALWAYS start over. Seasons aren’t permanent. Winter NEVER follows winter. There’s ALWAYS A mother was able to come home after work- time for you to make a change. For anyone who ing a long shift and spend what little time she is struggling with self-worth or thoughts of sui- had with her children without having to worry cide, please reach out. Believe me when I say that about how dinner was going to be prepared be- the world would not be a better place without cause we cooked the healthy food for her. you. I’d give anything to have my brother here today. Check on your family and friends, and do Another woman was able to regulate her it often. We’re all fighting silent battles that no hormones, release weight, and restore her sex life one knows about. A kind gesture truly can make with her husband. all the difference. God bless Despite late nights, breastfeeding, insane #ChefGirlRV workweeks, and raising a child, I succeeded. I had completely transformed my life with small, Recipes and tips from MacKensie: consistent action steps every single day. ORGANIC LOW CARB/KETO STUFFED MUSHROOMS Instead of focusing on all of the reasons why I couldn’t, I pressed forward and created my own 1 oz Young Living Thieves Fruit & Veggie cream cheese, black pepper, and oregano. conditions to support the reality I was deter- Soak ***For anyone who is new to cooking with mined to create. 20 Organic Mushrooms YL vitality oils, a toothpick swirl is a simple If I hadn’t taken the action needed on 1/5/14 to 1 Tb Organic EVOO method for incorporating tiny amounts of very pursue sobriety, or that leap of faith in 2017 to 3 tsp Organic Garlic (minced) potent essential oils into your creations! To fulfill the purpose God had for me, EVERYONE 4 oz Organic Cream Cheese measure out a toothpick swirl, simply dip the would’ve missed out on all of this. The fulfill- 6 Tb Organic Grated Parmesan tip of your unflavored toothpick into your es- ment of your purpose doesn’t just affect you, it 1/8 t Organic Pepper sential oil, and then stir into food. The deeper affects everyone who is meant to cross your path. 1 TS (Toothpick Swirl) Young Living Oregano you dip the toothpick, the more essential oil Vitality you’ll absorb. I advise starting small and build- It doesn’t matter what you’re going through 1 - Preheat the oven to 350. ing. A little goes a long way! in life or decisions you’ve made, God still has 2 - Pour Young Living Thieves Fruit & Veggie purpose for you. He will take all of your broken Soak (1 oz for every gallon of water) into a 7 - Transfer mushrooms to lined cookie sheet. pieces and intricately place them back together bowl, making sure to completely cover the Spoon mixture into caps, and bake for 20-25 for the fulfillment of something greater than mushrooms. Soak for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with minutes. yourself. Don’t fear the fire, embrace it. Trust in clean water. Pat dry with paper towel. Him. Allow yourself to be refined by His hand, 3 - Remove stems from mushrooms and chop 8 - Enjoy! and once He’s done, you’ll come out stronger until finely diced. Macros per Mushroom than ever before. 4 - Heat 1 tbsp of EVOO over medium heat, Fat: 2.5 g and sauté stems 5-10 minutes. Carbs: 1 g There’s nothing I can do to change the past, 5 - Add minced garlic. Cook for thirty sec- Fiber: .3 g but I can find peace in the woman that I’ve onds, or until fragrant. Net Carbs: .7 g become and the purpose that God has for me. It 6 - Reduce heat to low and add parmesan, Sugars: .4 g is through God’s healing hand that I’m even here Protein: 1.6 g to share my testimony with you today, and I do so in the hopes of sparing even just ONE person MY TOP PRODUCT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR from having to travel the roads I did. ASSISTING WITH KETO FLU •Mineral Essence — balanced, full-spectrum during this lifestyle change. ionic mineral complex. •Citrus Fresh Vitality — drop it in your wa- According to two-time Nobel Prize winner ter to help you stay hydrated and get an inter- Linus Pauling: “You can trace every sickness, nal boost with its antioxidants and cleansing every disease, and every ailment to a mineral properties! This is awesome for detox! Use it in deficiency.” the kitchen, too! I love adding this to salmon, chicken, and salads! •Alkalime — natural alkalinizing supplement that is formulated with nine biochemical min- To order these products, visit my website at www. eral cell salts, the refreshing taste of Lemon and, or send me a message at chefgirl- Lime essential oils, and organic lemon pow- [email protected] der to help your body transition more easily Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 15 CANNABIS DEMONSTRATES IMPROVEMENT IN OPIOID ADDICTION OUTCOMES By Michael Patterson that without access to and rapid expansion of take-home naloxone, NHA, OTR/L, CEAS overdose prevention services, and opioid analog treatments, the num- Cannabis demonstrates improved ber of overdose deaths in B.C. would treatment outcomes for people be 2.5 times higher than current suffering from opioid addiction and levels; but patient retention on reduced risk from accidental fentan- these medications remains a chal- yl exposure, according to research lenge despite more individuals with published in the December 2020 opioid-use disorder being connected issue of the Drug and Alcoholic De- to treatments, the report says. pendence Journal. The link to the Analysis article is below. This study provides positive data Cannabis use is associated with linking cannabis use with decreased reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl effect of opiates. It helps validate among people on opioid agonist cannabis as a viable treatment for therapy during a community-wide opiate dependence. overdose crisis - ScienceDirect This is extremely important be- The study was performed by cause the US opioid crisis has picked University of British Columbia and up momentum under the distrac- BC Center on Substance Abuse tion of the Coronavirus pandemic. (BCCSU). The study included 819 Eighteen states and Washington, participants, with 53 percent either D.C. have reported a 10% increase in intentionally or accidentally using opioid related deaths from 2019 to fentanyl despite being treated for 2020. According to Addictioncenter. opioid addiction with treatments com, drug overdoses rose 4.6% in like methadone or buprenorphine/ 2020 to 70,890 cases in the USA. naloxone. The researchers found that participants who had urine In the US, more individual states tests positive for THC were about are adding qualifying conditions for 10% less likely to have fentanyl-posi- medical cannabis related to opiate tive urine which puts them at a low- dependency. Cannabis has never er risk for overdoing on the opioid. killed anyone in human history, and therefore safer than many prescrip- Dr. Eugenia Socías, the study’s tion medications, including opiates. lead author and clinician-scientist The more data we collect on the at BCCSU, said the “findings suggest benefits of cannabis for opiate addic- that cannabis could have a stabi- tion, the more momentum is gained lizing impact for many patients on to push to recognize cannabis as a treatment, while also reducing the legal medicine under US federal law. risk of overdose.” Cannabis use is asso- ciated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among peo- ple on opioid ago- nist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis -- SCIENCEDIRECT Previous BCCSU research found that individuals on opioid agonist treatments, such as methadone, who reported using cannabis on a daily basis were 21% more likely to continue addiction treatment at six months than non-cannabis users, the report says. BCCSU is set to work with the Canadian Insti- tutes of Health Research on further evaluating the role of cannabis as a potential adjunct therapy to opioid agonist treatments. Canadian researchers have found Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
16 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! PROFESSIONAL • AFFORDABLE • COURTEOUS By Daniel Allen If you are in a relationship now January historically maintains and things have gotten to a place FOR ALL YOUR where you think you might be bet- ELECTRICAL NEEDS! the highest rate of divorce filings ter off with someone else, please every year (with the Monday chil- stay open to the remainder of the CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! dren return to school after winter article. break consistently marking the 619-750-3010 single highest day annually). This The statistics are pretty grim: increase in divorce filings tends to about 41% of first marriages end “Your local trusted stay at a steady climb until March. in divorce. So do 60% of second and experienced electrician” marriages and 73% of third mar- It’s unfortunate, but frequently riages. Why? Shouldn’t people get FREE SERVICEPANEL individuals are walking away from more effective at choosing some- INSPECTION exactly what they desire. The issue one who is better for them? with EVERY JOB isn’t usually with an intimate part- ner, but the partnership itself. The answer is that it’s not about the partner you choose. It’s about You see, a funny thing happens the person you take with you. after you fall in love: things get really shaken up, and not always in You bring your issues from a good way. relationship to relationship, which means you’ll likely go on to recre- It may be after a few days or sev- ate unhappy circumstances with eral years, but being in an intimate someone else. Even if you don’t relationship brings up everything notice it in the beginning, with within you that needs healing. time it will rear its head. That means that you could start thinking you’ve made a giant mis- The biggest issue we all car- take even though you’re with the ry—and the one that can and will person who is very right for you. bring a relationship down—is self-abandonment. Most people cite a number of reasons for why a relationship Self-abandonment is what hap- didn’t work out. pens when you make someone else responsible for your feelings and Do any of these sound familiar? sense of self-worth. You’re essen- “We see things differently.”“He tially looking to someone outside wasn’t trustworthy.”“We fought you to take away your uncomfort- all the time.”“We didn’t communi- able feelings, accept and validate cate.”“She was too possessive.”“She you. was too needy.”“We were incom- patible.”“We just grew apart.” We are all prone to this, and it starts in childhood. After working with individuals and couples I’ve heard all these. See, you came into life expecting Even within in my own former to be loved, but if your parents relationship (with a woman I or caregivers didn’t know how to consider virtuous and wise) such love, or see who you are in your statements were made. In my beautiful essence, then one of two experience, the majority of these things happened: people go on to be unhappy in their next relationship. You realized these people didn’t know how to love you. You under- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 17 stood that they were just limited you this perfect love, you’ll always So, it’s very important to learn the only person who can truly in their ability, but you knew this feel okay. This belief causes you to how to create our own sense of source your value and love, you didn’t mean anything about you. behave in destructive ways. worth rather than giving that pow- welcome the opportunity to take You were aware that whether or Because you’ve self-abandoned er to your partner. responsibility for your feelings, not someone loved you and cared and abdicated personal responsi- When you attempt to make your thoughts and actions. You make it for you was no reflection of your bility for your feelings, you feel an partner responsible for yourself, your personal intention to dis- worth. You were confident in your- urgency to make sure your partner you’re going to “pull” on your cover self-knowledge, self-worth, self, even in the face of rejection. gives you what you’re not giving partner. You will place an impossi- and self-confidence, which in turn yourself. ble burden on them to take away takes the pressure off your partner More than likely, however, this So you go into control, and not all your uncomfortable feelings. to make everything right. didn’t happen. Instead, like most always in the ways you might As a result, they will experience of us, this happened: You conclud- think. Control can show up in being pressured, smothered, and As if by magic, even long-stand- ed that there must be something the form of being overly nice and controlled. ing problems melt away as your wrong with you. accommodating, or in being pos- And even if your partner does need for (overt or covert) control sessive and hyper vigilant. You can try to love you, there’s nowhere disappears. Even if you had very loving par- control by being overly compliant for that love to land. Because if ents, you would have experienced and by caretaking. Essentially, you don’t (healthfully) love your- This is my life’s work, and it’s the some amount of pain. We all have either overtly or covertly. self first, you will not be able to work that has helped individuals, because no human being can meet In each of these cases, you’re fully receive someone else’s love. couples, and families in crisis com- all of our needs and wants all the trying to make sure the other per- You (unconsciously) won’t believe pletely transform their relation- time. And if, when you didn’t ex- son doesn’t reject you. You think you’re worthy of the love you so ships where traditional therapy perience being loved, you decided that by doing all these things, you desperately want. has failed. there was something wrong with won’t experience all the feelings As I often state in both my you, then you most likely started that go along with believing you’re Conscious Dating and Conscious When you learn to fill yourself leaning towards depression, anxi- not lovable. Separation programs, “we don’t get up with love and you create your ety, emptiness, and anger. You attract others according to the love we want, we get the love own sense of worth, something your level of self-abandonment we believe we deserve.” These are magical happens—you naturally These are big feelings and ex- and self-love. two very different beliefs, and the want to share this love with your periences your little body didn’t Therefore, in a troubled rela- latter is stronger because it’s gener- partner. No longer in a state of know how to handle. Back then, tionship both people likely have ally an unconscious conviction. neediness, you just want to give. you coped by doing what kids and unhealed self-abandonment, and Your love for yourself provides When two people come to a rela- teenagers do: either rebelling or their problems stem out of con- the foundation for their love to tionship like this, it’s the greatest but probably conforming as a way trol—on both sides. land in your soul. We cannot joy in life. to get attention and love. In trying to get love and avoid connect with others when we’re pain, both partners will engage in disconnected from ourselves. We Leaving your relationship—oth- Then you grew up and discov- a variety of controlling behaviors cannot share love with others er than an abusive relationship— ered something amazing called ro- that can inevitably lead to fighting, when we’re not loving ourselves. I before discovering the inner fears mantic love. “Aha!” the little child disconnection, and/or infidelity. don’t mean having preferences or and beliefs that led you to the inside you thought, “THIS person As each partner tries to get love standards, but loving ourselves (in- relationship in the first place, is will give me the love I didn’t get.” from the other, they end up push- cluding the parts we hide thinking essentially a waste of time. ing each other away, creating even they are unlovable). In searching for the perfect more anxiety, emptinSetssa, ayndShaurfte. SaWnheDn yioeugroealize that you’re You will continue to choose partner, what you’re really doing the same kind of person over and is looking for someone to give over—even if that is not apparent you the perfect love your parent at first—until you heal the under- never could. You think that if you lying issues that led you to choose can just get your partner to give thisVpOersLon. i5n tIhSe SfirUst pElac5e. 17 K-CO K-Co Construction, Inc. has been building CONSTRUCTION homeowners’ dreams in the Clairemont neighborhood for over INCORPORATED 20 years. We believe in fair pricing for a high quality product built in a reasonable time. Builder of Your Dreams If you have a project in mind, please visit us online or call us at 858-274-0005 to schedule an appointment. ADDITIONS BATHS KITCHENS CA. Lic # 706173 | Bond & Insured | [email protected] | | 858-274-0005 Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
18 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! NFL GREAT DONNIE EDWARDS’ BEST DEFENSE FOUNDATION HOSTED AN HONOR WALK Donnie Edwards, a two-time All-Pro and a much more. There also were options to walk as veterans travel around the world to visit histor- 2002 Pro Bowl selection who played 13 seasons a team in honor of a family member or military ical battle sites, the ones where they fought for with the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and San Diego unit of your choice. and defended Western freedom. Chargers, and the Best Defense Foundation have teamed up with to host an Honor Re-established in 2018 as a 501c3 nonprofit The Battle of the Bulge was waged over a six- Walk on Sunday, Dec. 20, to commemorate the foundation, the Best Defense Foundation’s mis- week period that began on Dec. 16, 1944 in the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. sion is to help military veterans and their fam- Ardennes region of Belgium. It was Adolf Hitler’s ilies. A cornerstone of the program is Edwards’ last major offensive of WWII as he attempted The Honor Walk is an opportunity for people commitment to bring WWII Veterans back to to split the Allied Forces. Hitler’s German forces to remember the sacrifices and valor exhibited foreign battlefields to help them find closure and largely outnumbered the Allied Troops. All told, by U.S. troops during the Battle of the Bulge, the camaraderie with their brothers in arms. In 2019, the United States lost more than 100,000 men battle that turned the tide of World War II and the Best Defense Foundation brought WWII during the Battle of the Bulge. The final major halted Germany’s final offensive push, leading to veterans to six former battle sites: Iwo Jima, stand of the Battle of the Bulge took place in Bas- victory for Allied Forces. Normandy, Battle of the Bulge, the Eagle’s Nest, togne, Belgium, where the United States’ famed Holland and Pearl Harbor. 101st Airborne Division rescued thousands of Anyone was welcome to participate in the Allied Forces that had been surrounded by the Honor Walk and participants could walk as long Proceeds raised will help the Best Defense Germans. Ultimately on May 7, Germany surren- (or short) as they chose. Due to the ongoing Foundation cover costs associated with helping dered, bringing an end to WWII, the deadliest COVID-19 pandemic, those who chose to partic- war in world history. ipate were encouraged to practice social distanc- ing. Edwards was the recipient of the NFL’s pres- tigious Salute to Service Award in 2020 for For more information, visit www.bestdefense- his commitment to America’s WWII veterans. There was no cost to simply get During his playing career, Edwards participated out and participate in the Honor Walk, however in 10 USO Tours, and in 2003, he was part of a there were a number of options to sign up and special delegation invited aboard the aircraft make a straight donation to the Foundation, or carrier USS Abraham Lincoln when President make a contribution to participate in the Walk George Bush delivered his famous Mission Ac- and receive some great commemorative items. complished speech signifying an end to major Commemorative items include WWII history combat operations in Iraq. books autographed by WWII veterans, T-shirts, experiential opportunities with Edwards, and Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 19 I’M LOCAL! with BORMANN CONSULTING JILL E. BORMANN, PHD, RN, FAAN - CONSULTANT, EDUCATOR, CLINICAL PROFESSOR AT UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Profiles of Local People by Local Umbrella Media Describe your business: ness, and quality of life. It can be customer? tomed to a “drummer girl” versus a I provide consultation related to applied to everything in one’s life. People who report nearly mirac- “drummer boy”. How long have you lived in the What’s your current family situa- “Mantram Repetition Program” for neighborhood? ulous results in only one week of tion? research, education, presentations practice (for example, decreases in and mentoring. Moved to Normal Heights in 2000 insomnia, anxiety, or symptoms I live with my wife, Evelyn, and Where are you originally from? (20 years). of posttraumatic stress disorder our 2 dogs, Rocco and Lola. What were the factors that made (PTSD). What does the future hold for Parker, South Dakota you choose this neighborhood? Where are your favorite places to you? What made you decide to open go in the neighborhood? this business? At the time I could afford to buy Self-growth, deeper spirituality, a home here and I loved the “small Up and down Adams Avenue and adventures. To assist others in learning sim- town” feel of our neighborhood. walking the entire street of Moun- If a young person asked you for ple, practical, and evidenced-based What do you love most about the tain View (west, north, east). advice on how to live their life, mind-body-spiritual strategies for neighborhood? What are your favorite things to what would you tell them? wellbeing and symptom manage- do in the neighborhood? ment. I love the “walk-ability” to every- “Listen to your gut, pursue your How did you get started? thing I need (grocery, pharmacy, Walk and walk and walk … and passion and be true to yourself. restaurants, work-outs, entertain- meet friends at my favorite restau- Visualize what you want in life and Over 30 years ago, I learned a form ment, and great neighbors). rants. go after it, with persistence and of meditation by Eknath Easwaran What are your favorite restau- What else do you do besides gratitude.” from the Blue Mountain Center rants in the neighborhood? work? When your life is over, how do of Meditation ( you want to be remembered? and began teaching these tools to Jyoti-Bahanga vegetarian and I stay in touch with friends and persons living with living with HIV Kensington Café. family. “She took the road less traveled back at a time when it was con- Have you witnessed any signifi- Anything exciting going on that by” and was a pioneer in advancing sidered a terminal disease, before cant changes since moving here? customers should know about? the scientific study of complementa- medications. From there, I began a ry and integrative health (particular- program of research on the Man- There are more great restaurants I am creating free webinars ly, Mantram Repetition). tram Repetition Program (MRP) in and people continue to improve through the non-profit, Psych Ar- Business Contact Information 2000 at the VA San Diego Health- their homes and appearances. mor Institute, which will be avail- care System. For an 8 minuyte over- What do you want to see improve able in January or February 2021. Phone Number: 619-301-8921 view see: the most in this neighborhood? There are other educational resourc- Website / Blog: https://www.jillbor- watch?v=vZbOOTVJDZs es that can be found on YouTube Why did you choose this profes- Renew the off-leash dog-park. Part (search terms: Bormann and/or Email: [email protected] sion? of it is closed now. “mantram”). Twitter: What is something most people What is the best way for custom- mann@JillEBormann I love psychiatric/mental health don’t know about you? ers to contact you? LinkedIn: nursing and just want to help peo- in/jill-bormann-1b45a02/ ple live life to its fullest. I love dogs, play guitar and write My website: https://www.jillbor- Youtube Channel: Search “Jill Bor- What drives you to do what you songs, love being outdoors and mann” or “mantram” do? gardening. Who from your childhood had Links to scientific papers recently What motivates you? Why do you think it’s important the biggest impact on you? published about Mantram Repetition. for people to shop local? And what did that person teach This paper simply describes “how- I see success stories and Mantram you? to” choose and use a mantram as a Repetition is “portable, practical, It is absolutely IMPERATIVE portable, practical, evidenced based inexpensive, simple to learn, and has that we support our local business- My mother … she was an example strategy for self-regulation and symp- no toxic side effects.” es! Otherwise, they will disappear of generosity, kindness, persever- tom management. What is something most people and we will lose that “home-town” ance, and loyalty. Bormann, J. E., Kane, J. J., & Oman, D. don’t know about the business? feeling. What’s one memory from your (2020). Mantram repetition: A portable What are some of the highest childhood that stands out to you? practice for being mindful. Mindfulness, Owned by a nurse scientist with highs you’ve had in life so far? 11(8), 2031–2033. doi:10.1007/s12671- over 20 years of research experience I played the drums in high school 020-01440-4 (freely downloadable) on Mantram Repetition. I’ve obtained national and inter- band which generated a lot of curi- This paper provides an overview of What would your customers say national recognition for my nursing osity because people were not accus- the scientific research, including ran- they love most about your busi- research. I become a “Fellow” in domized clinical trials, that has investi- ness? the American Academy of Nursing gated the health-related benefits of the and my program was recognized Mantram Repetition Program. Such “The program works and its easy as an “EdgeRunner” for nursing evidence supports its application for to learn.” innovation! managing COVID-19 pandemic-related What are your goals over the next initiatives/edge-runners/profiles/ stress and symptoms. year? edge-runners--mantram-repeti- Oman, D., Bormann, J. E., & Kane, J. J. tion-program27 (2020). Mantram repetition as a porta- Continue to be of service on a What are some of the lowest lows ble mindfulness practice: Applications one-to-one, situation specific man- you’ve had in life so far? during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mind- ner. fulness. Online before print, 16 Novem- What are your greatest challeng- Every member of my nuclear ber 2020. es? family has passed away. And what 020-01545-w(freely downloadable) got you through it? Friends and my Radio interview with Dr. Bormann It is difficult to explain why we faith. April 5, 2018 “In the Moment” South use the term “mantram” instead of What’s the most memorable expe- Dakota Public Radio, April 5, 2018 “mantra” – and that this program rience you’ve had working with a http:// /post/jill-bor- promotes spiritual wellbeing, calm- mann-offers-mantram-research-update Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
20 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! BALANCING MOTHERHOOD AND CAREER—THE CHALLENGE THAT SO MANY WOMEN FACE There were a lot of companies that the great news about me becoming By Lulú Acosta tried to get my attention to sell for an Independent Beauty Consultant! I remember one day waking up them. I didn’t want to get caught up with some company that didn’t #MyMKlife started with the sup- to my Chula Vista residence and have quality products nor the best port of my beautiful Chula Vista thinking… How can I generate an interests of moms at heart. Mary community as I was booking skin- income without missing out on Kay has been around since 1963 and care parties, spa parties and color the growth of my children? Being is a multi-billion dollar company. confident parties. I love meeting a Latina makes it hard for moms I knew it was the best choice for new people and teaching them to choose a career because in our me, and I fit right into their selling about our quality and affordable culture being a mom and a wife is model. products. Some women think that the biggest thing and the moment you need to go to an expensive store that you have a career you can feel My Mary Kay life is so simple, yet in the mall to get the best skin care people judging you. Choosing a it is so fun, and it works for me! It products. That couldn’t be further career with Mary Kay as an Indepen- all started when I attended a Mary from the truth. Mary Kay has the dent Beauty Consultant was the best Kay leadership brunch and a nation- best team of scientists who create decision for me because I am able to al sales director gave her speech. Af- products based on science and ex- take care of my family while gener- ter that, I literally got on the phone tensive testing. ating an income from the comfort and texted my husband to give him of my home. “Developing a formula is one Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 21 part of our process. We also have to my girlfriends to join my team. I recommendation and explain all the prove that it will deliver real results, also learned money management, benefits. Please find me at: www. and we do that by validating claims goal setting and how to be a better through clinical and consumer mom, wife and how to become a testing. If a claim doesn’t meet our better person. The most satisfy- high standards, we won’t use it.”– ing and rewarding feeling is helping Dr. Michelle Hines, Director, Global women look and feel more beautiful Cosmetic R&I. as well as be more confident. Next thing you know, I was in- Balance is so important for creasing my sales, building a strong mothers who never find the time business and then I decided to invite to finish all the things we need to do every day. I have found that if I spend about 2 hours a day working on Mary Kay or about 10 hours per week, it is perfect for me to meet my goals and still be present for my family. So many people have seen that during this time of COVID-19 we need to be creative in the ways we can generate an income and well as support the local ladies in our neighborhoods who can give us personalized service. Mary Kay does this and more! I offer bilingual service to my clients in English or Spanish. Mary Kay is a global company and our consultants speak so many languag- es. We offer product information in English or Spanish depending on the first language of the client. Mary Kay has a proven business model that helps women discover extra income, make empowered choices and find true beauty from the inside out. If you would like some skincare tips, help with inno- vative serums and/or join my team please contact me at 619-647-6282. You can even download a free Mary Kay Skin Analyzer App (for ip- hones). Once you have the results, I can guide you through each product Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
22 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! Assemblymember Shirley Weber gives a press conference in the capitol following the passage of her bill AB 392 which would limit the use of deadly force by police in California on July 8, 2019. Photo by Anne Wernikoff for CalMatters NEXT SECRETARY OF STATE AIMS TO TEACH CALIFORNIANS “HOW FRAGILE THE DEMOCRACY IS” By Ben Christopher different wings of the White House, the U.S. Senate. Many Black Demo- school board member before join- [email protected] Newsom was given the opportuni- crats and other progressives — We- ing the Legislature in 2012, Weber’s ty — or the headache — of picking ber among them — urged the gov- most notable legislative achieve- Seventy years ago, sharecroppers Harris’ replacement. Three days ernor not to allow Harris’ departure ments have focused on education David and Mildred Nash refused before Christmas, the governor from the Senate to leave the nation’s policy — where she’s often ticked off to back down in a dispute with a finally brought the California-wide most esteemed legislative body with- the state’s teachers unions — new white farmer, and fled from a lynch guessing game to a close: Secretary out a single Black woman. regulations on when police can mob in Hope, Arkansas. With their of State Alex Padilla would sit out use lethal force and racial justice. 2-year-old daughter in tow, they the remainder of Harris’ term and Weber’s appointment was not Last year, she carried bills to place a found a new home out west in a become California’s first Latino U.S. widely anticipated like Padilla’s. But repeal of California’s ban on affirma- place so different her grandfather, Senator. her biography indicates life expe- tive action on the ballot (it failed) who would die without ever being rience relevant to the job of Cali- and to create a committee to study able to vote, called it a “foreign Padilla’s appointment opened up fornia’s top election administrator. possible reparations for California’s land.” its own vacancy. A few hours later, Voting, denied to the Webers in the descendants of slaves. Newsom made another announce- South, became a precious, fiercely This year that toddler, Shirley ment: Weber, a Democratic assem- guarded and unfailingly exercised Here’s a conversation with her, Weber, is slated to become the first blywoman from San Diego. right for the whole family. condensed and edited for clarity: Black Californian to become the state’s top election official. The rollout of the one-two ap- Support nonprofit journalism in Assemblymember Shirley Weber pointment was almost certainly California gives a press conference in the capi- It’s easy to imagine that poignant meant to appease different constitu- tol following the passage of her bill bit of historical symmetry was on encies of the state electorate. Latino We rely on your generous support AB 392 which would limit the use Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mind when he activists had spent weeks reminding to cover the stories that matter most of deadly force by police in Califor- announced Weber’s nomination late the governor that the state’s largest to you. If you find our work valu- nia on July 8, 2019. Photo by Anne last month. ethnic group had never been demo- able in these difficult times, please Wernikoff for CalMatters graphically represented the state in support our journalism. With Joe Biden and California Assemblymember Shirley Weber Sen. Kamala Harris on their way to A university professor and a Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 23 gives a press conference in the capi- a badass…? Oh, it was (Assembly- the projects. I did everybody’s home- where I was the only (Black woman) tol following the passage of her bill member Kevin) McCarty (a Dem- work because I was stupid (laugh- in the room, I think I made a differ- AB 392 which would limit the use ocrat from Sacramento). That was ing) and I love doing homework! ence. Because when issues came up, of deadly force by police in Califor- early on in the game. He’s a badass I had an experience that none of the nia on July 8, 2019. Photo by Anne now. Q: When you were growing up, others had and that is being a Black Wernikoff for CalMatters when your family came to Califor- woman who has been the victim of A: So how do you plan to be a ba- nia from Arkansas, was voting a the system being supported. Q: We all saw the video of the dass at the secretary of state’s office big part of your family tradition? call in which the governor offered then? What are your priorities? Assemblymember Shirly Weber Secretary Padilla the job. I’m curi- A: Oh, definitely. My dad came has been named California Secre- ous, did you receive a phone call? I’m hoping that we will continue in ‘51. That was before the Voting tary of State after current Secretary Was it an email? What was that this change to make sure that voting Rights Act. People knew very clearly Alex Padilla was named to the U.S. ask like for you? is accessible to everyone and that in the South that you didn’t try to Senate this morning. Photo by Anne there are various ways that people register to vote because you could Wernikoff, CalMatters; Wikimedia A: I didn’t have the same experi- can vote. be killed. So my father was not a Commons ence that Padilla had with the tears registered voter. Neither was my and so forth and so on. I had gotten I also want to focus on civic edu- grandfather. And after my father Newsom’s two big picks make a phone call I think the night before cation. I look at what kids know and had to flee the South, when he came history for California by advancing when the governor made his deci- even what adults know about the to California, among some of the Latino and Black Democrats sion as to what he was going to do. elected positions and voting and the first things he did was to register Q: Was this something that you balance of power. All of those things to vote. He and my mom voted in In choosing a new U.S. senator were pushing for? Were you seek- have really become civic lessons in every election there ever was. and a new secretary of state, Gov. ing out the position? the last four years!…So I’m looking Gavin Newsom could shape Demo- at ways in which we can, in addition My mother volunteered at the cratic politics for years to come. A: No, no. It was not even on my to all the stuff we normally do, help polls when we were in elementary radar, initially. It was not something people have a good, strong civic les- school. She became one of the poll Q: Among those playing the I was pushing for, not something son about voting, about democracy, workers and eventually she became guessing game about the open that I had asked for. I know others about the relationship between the a supervisor at the polls. When my Senate seat, I think there was a had….I knew there were others who states and federal government. elementary school could no longer view that if the governor was to had been called in to discuss the po- allow folks to vote in the auditori- pick Padilla — which he did — he sition…I was approached in a very You know, I had one member um because of the free and reduced had to then offer the secretary of general way — a “what do you want come to me and say, “I want to be lunch programs (which required the state position to a Black woman. to do with your life?” sort of conver- a badass like you.” I said, “I didn’t school to make) space for the kids to As if one were a kind of compen- sation. But I didn’t connect the dots know I was! I’m just a little old eat, my mother said, ‘Well, you guys sation for the other. that it was about the secretary of lady.” can vote at our house.’ So our house state position until it became more became the polling place at 351 A: Yeah, it’s not at all. These are apparent. I’m not sure if our folks truly un- West 45th Street…We all knew as totally different realities…(I’ve had Q: You’ve accomplished a lot in derstand it. Because if you did, you kids that on those days when voting people say) ‘Congratulations, Shir- the Legislature. When you were would be vigilant about voting, you took place, you leave through the ley, you’re gonna do a great, great offered the position was there a would understand how fragile the backdoor and you come in through job, blah blah blah. But we still want voice in the back of your mind democracy is, and you would under- the backdoor because the people in a Senate seat.” And I say, “Amen. saying, “I don’t necessarily want to stand what tyranny is. the living room were doing import- We do.”…(Because U.S. Senators are leave this behind”? Or were you ant business — like voting. not subjected to term limits unlike ready to jump on it? I had a worker on my campaign state constitutional offices) the long in 2012. He was probably in his 40s Q: You were pretty vocal in term effect of having a Senate seat is A: You know, whether you’re in or 50s. He worked really hard on my pushing the governor to select a extremely important and it’s a voice the Assembly or at a university or campaign. He was on corners every Black woman for Senator Harris’ in that arena. They’re not inter- any of the various other things I’ve morning waving signs. And one day, soon-to-be-vacant seat. You told changeable. done, you kind of come to the real- after working on the campaign so Erika Smith at the L.A. Times that ization of your own mortality, that long, he said to me, “this is the first you would be “very, very, very Q: Your daughter (Akila We- this won’t last forever. And I only time in my life I really wish I could upset” if Newsom did not — ber, who sits on the La Mesa city have another term (in the Legisla- vote.” I said, “Why can’t you vote?” council) announced that she’ll be ture) to go…then I’m termed down. He whispered and said, “I’m an A: And I am. I’m still upset and running for your Assembly seat ex-felon.” I’m still concerned…I met with the once you leave it. Did you encour- But I always recognized the fact (Legislative) Black Caucus and one age her to get into politics? that you have to do what you can And I said, “You can vote!” He of the things I insisted that we do while you’re there, and you have to was shocked. So we registered him was send another letter to the gover- A: I would never try to get any- make it count. But equally import- to vote and he voted. And I realized nor saying that we still want a seat. body to go into politics because ant, at least in my world, is that you that there were just an awful lot of If a seat becomes available, we want that’s something you have to want have to empower other people to people in our district who didn’t a Black woman’s voice in it because to do…I never stopped going to do the work. Because most folks are know that once you have done your there are none in the Senate. meetings because I had children. afraid to take on the challenges that time, you have the right to vote. Not So my kids learned to take their I took on, OK? What I have always like some of the southern states. California may have another op- coloring books and sit in the corner tried to teach, to demonstrate to portunity, depending on (Democrat- while we had board meetings. others, is that you can be a change So I said when I get to Sacra- ic Sen. Dianne) Feinstein. If she runs agent, you can be the voice, you can mento, I’m going to deal with that. again or if she resigns or whatever (Akila ran for student body presi- be that strongback, you can be that And that was one of the first bills I she does — if there’s a change, we dent of her elementary school). Her person and still have the respect did (legislation requiring state and still want a Black woman. But in principal, who I knew, called me of everybody in the room…So if I county officials to inform those addition to that, it’s also the respon- and says, “Girl, I am shocked…I have can spark that in the (legislative) released from jail or prison of their sibility of the 48 other states. Only never had a sixth grade president members that are there now, and voting rights). And as I was walking one other state here in America, Il- come into my office and say, ‘Here is they’re doing some of it and if I can around Sacramento, I would men- linois, has also had a female African the agenda. Could you make copies even support them in some of their tion it to people and very, very im- American (U.S. senator). for the meeting?’” … She’s always efforts — you know, because I’ll be portant lobbyists would say, “People been a leader type. just across the street — that would who are ex-felons can vote?” But the governor knows I’m still be worth it. Q: Maybe it’s not surprising given very, very, very upset. Alex Padilla Q: Have you given her any cam- Q: Do you remember who that your background, but you seem has done amazing work. But I still paign advice? was? to view this job as another oppor- want to emphasize the fact that rep- tunity to be a teacher — this time resentation does matter. You know, A: The only advice that I’d ever A: (Thinking) Who wanted to be for 40 million people. having been on God, I can’t tell you give my daughter is: Don’t lose your how many boards and commissions sense of integrity; never become so A: Education is in my soul. I’ve angry that you become ineffective. been a teacher since I was 5 years There’s always a way to get things old on my mother’s back porch in done. Ben Christopher Ben covers California politics and elections. Prior to that, he was a contributing writer for CalMatters reporting on the state's economy and budget. Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, he has written for San Francisco magazine, California magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Priceonomics. Ben also has a past life as an aspiring beancounter: He has worked as a summer associate at the Congressional Budget Office and has a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley. Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
24 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! newsbriefs MAPPED: continent (minus a temporary Linke- people every month. That means the southwest corner of Del Mar FACEBOOK’S PATH dIn surge in 2017 for Zimbabwe, that 40% of Earth’s population (7.8 Heights Road and El Camino Real in TO SOCIAL NETWORK Ethiopia, Kenya, and Cameroon). billion in December 2020) uses Face- San Diego. Ware Malcomb provided DOMINATION book-owned social media. master planning and architectural (2008-2020) By the beginning of 2020, Face- design services for the retail project book was measured as the leading The question now is if Facebook’s component. By Kellie Woodhouse | SDSU social network site in 151 out of 167 domination will grow further, or if measured countries, or over 90%. it’ll begin to subside. Located in the Del Mar Heights Facebook’s Path to Global Social China and Russia Resist community, One Paseo is a mixed- Network Domination Facebook’s Pull With increasing scrutiny of tech use master-planned project incorpo- giants, the company is facing massive rating office, residential and retail From just a few thousand users in The social giant’s growth, however, antitrust lawsuits in the U.S. by fed- space. In addition to providing 2004 to 2.7 billion monthly active didn’t come without resistance. eral and state authorities, and other master planning services for the users (MAUs) in 2020, Facebook is by countries are stepping up potential project, Ware Malcomb designed the far the world’s largest social network. China’s most popular social regulation as well. At the same time, 12 single-story restaurant and high- networking website has been Ten- Facebook is struggling to reach end retail buildings totaling approx- But its massive global footprint cent’s Qzone since the mid-2000s. younger audiences in developed imately 96,000 square feet located didn’t grow overnight. While Face- WeChat—a popular all-in-one mes- countries, which have increasingly within the new development. Ware book is the most popular social net- saging platform—does not techni- turned to Snap and TikTok instead Malcomb has completed additional work in many countries, this traction cally qualify for the above map as a for social media. tenant improvement projects within didn’t happen overnight. And in “social networking website”, but the One Paseo including The Butchery other places, it still hasn’t quite taken app now has more than 1.2 billion Did 2020 mark the height of Face- and ColorCounter as well as Archi- off. MAUs. Facebook had attempted to book’s global empire, or is it just an- tect of Record services for Pigment gain ground in the country but was other milestone on the path towards and Alcheme. To see Facebook’s path to domi- banned in 2009. further domination? nation, we mapped each country’s Additional amenities incorporated most popular social network from Similarly in Iran, Facebook was To view the interactive map, within the retail landscape design 2008-2020. The data was tabulated also blocked first in 2009 and then visit https://www.visualcapitalist. include a children’s play area with a by Vincenzo Cosenza at by intermittently since. Instead, Iran’s com/map-facebook-path-social-net- climbing art log, a relaxing fire pit examining annual traffic data from most popular social networks have work-domination/ area, community workout area and a Alexa and SimilarWeb. been Persian sites Cloob and Fa- lawn area for events adjacent to the Facebook Grows From the Ameri- cenama between 2009-2016. Face- CARLSBAD AUTHOR residences and offices. The restau- cas to Southeast Asia book did manage to capture the #1 RELEASES HIGHLY rants in One Paseo feature a mix of spot briefly in 2011, but since then, ANTICIPATED BOOK first-to-market locations like Blue What famously started as Mark they’ve been displaced by Face- ON AMAZON AND Bottle and locally owned Parakeet Zuckerberg’s late-night intoxicated book-owned Instagram. GOOGLE PLAY Cafe with outdoor dining and plazas. project called Facemash—a “hot or not” type website for students at The other countries that Facebook “Don’t wait for your daughters to Ware Malcomb also designed a Harvard University—soon evolved has had trouble capturing, despite come to you with questions about three-level parking structure accom- into the world’s predominant social not being blocked, are Russia and puberty because that day may never modating 548 parking stalls with a network. many former Soviet republics. There, come,” states Carlsbad’s Toyna Chin, top level shade structure. social network dominance has author of the newly released book Before 2008, the social network switched regularly between the net- “The Big P: A Girl's Journey Through PORT WELCOMES landscape was populated by social works VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, Puberty.” SANDY NARANJO network pioneers such as Myspace both owned by, a Russian AS NEW PORT and Hi5. Google’s Orkut was the internet giant. This is the author’s second book COMMISSIONER most popular network in Brazil and Facebook’s Monopoly Over Mobile in a five-part series focusing on the India, and Friendster found a foot- Social Networks changes a girl’s body will go through The Port of San Diego welcomes hold in Southeast Asia. as she grows. “Ideally, as a parent, Sandy Naranjo as the newest com- As big of a footprint as Facebook you’ve already begun having conver- missioner to represent National City. But the Facebook wave came in has on social networking, the tech gi- sations with your daughter about the On Jan. 3, Naranjo was sworn in at a earnest. By 2009, the social media ant’s reach is magnified when factor- changes she will go through as she virtual ceremony by her sister, Susan giant took the title of most popular ing in mobile apps that it also owns. matures. Before girls hit puberty they Naranjo, who was deputized by Port network for the bulk of the Ameri- are already begun asking questions Clerk Donna Morales to administer cas, Europe, South Asia, and Oceania, In 2020, the company saw 1.3 about their bodies and this is the the oath of office. with Orkut in Brazil being the sole billion MAUs on Facebook’s Mes- perfect opportunity to start those holdout until 2011. senger app, 2 billion MAUs on the conversations, have healthy dialogues Naranjo, a South Bay native, is a world’s most popular messaging app and build trust,” says Chin. political economist, environmental The story was similar in Africa, WhatsApp, and just under 1.2 billion justice advocate, labor advocate, and as increasing internet traffic data MAUs on photo sharing network For additional information, visit community organizer who has been pointed to Facebook dominating the Instagram. involved in numerous regional and social network landscape across the statewide boards and commissions. By Facebook’s own estimates in its CONSTRUCTION Q3 2020 reporting, its core products COMPLETED ON ONE are used by more than 3.2 billion PASEO IN SAN DIEGO Design firm Ware Malcomb announced that construction is complete on One Paseo located on Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 25 newsbriefs In 2019, she was appointed by Na- Austin on March 18, with an increase the bank across the state, including mation solutions for government tional City Mayor Alejandra Sote- to three daily departures on May 20. direct oversight of its commercial agencies. Cognitive Medical Systems lo-Solis to the Sweetwater Authority Daily, nonstop service between San banking division. helps large public and private or- Citizen Advisory Committee, select- Diego and New York JFK starts on ganizations make the most of their ed for the AB 617 steering committee April 4. David E. Blackford will transition comprehensive healthcare IT invest- to advise the San Diego Air Pollution from his role as prior CEO to exec- ments. Control District, and selected by “Southern California is an integral utive chairman, with continuing Commissioner Patty Monahan for part of Alaska’s network and contin- responsibility for the bank’s commer- “The formation of CivitasDX is a the California Energy Commission’s ues to offer valuable opportunities cial real estate portfolio. purpose-driven, strategic move by Advisory Committee for the Clean for selective expansion,” said Brett both organizations,” said Robert Transportation Program Investment Catlin, Alaska Airlines vice president Ellingsen began his impressive Rasmussen, co-founder and CEO Plan. of network and alliances. career trajectory at CB&T in a four- of Agile Six, who will also serve as month temporary role as a junior CivitasDX’s managing director. “This She was most recently the Califor- ANTARCTIC ICE accountant that led to a permanent joint venture combines our compa- nia organizing manager for Mothers PIEDMONT NAMED position within the company. From nies’ collective expertise to help a Out Front, a national climate justice FOR SCRIPPS there, this led to more senior roles wide array of federal, state, and local organization, and the National City SCIENTIST handling risk management, regulato- government organizations better Land Use Policy Advocate for the ry compliance, international banking serve their constituents. We will do Environmental Health Coalition. Scripps Institution of Oceanog- and asset/liability management. so through a robust and modern, yet Prior to her work with the environ- raphy glaciologist Helen Amanda practical and responsive, approach to mental non-profits, she was with the Fricker is being honored by the UK In 2012, he was promoted to CFO technology development. Together San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Antarctic Place-Names Committee where he was responsible for the we will maximize project outcomes.” Council and the United Food and with an Antarctic ice piedmont in overall financial management of the Commercial Workers. her name. The Fricker Ice Piedmont company and then in 2016, rose to CRISTIANO AMON is located on the eastern side of the position of president and COO. TAKING TOP SPOT AT Naranjo earned three bachelor's Adelaide Island, a mainly ice-covered In this role, he oversaw business and QUALCOMM degrees in political science, econom- island off the west coast of the Ant- branch banking, SBA lending, private ics, and political economy with a mi- arctic Peninsula. banking, corporate services, and the Qualcomm’s Board of Directors nor in women’s studies at California bank’s finance and planning func- unanimously selected company Presi- State University, San Bernardino. The pioneering scientist is being tions. dent Cristiano Amon to take over recognized for her work using satel- the CEO position from Steve Mollen- GENERAL ATOMICS lites, including NASA’s ICESat-2, to SAN DIEGO kopf effective June 30, the company SELECTED study the evolution of ice sheets in COMMUNITY announced. FOR SKYBORG Antarctica and Greenland. COLLEGE DISTRICT’S VANGUARD ANNUAL ECONOMIC Amon started working at Qual- PROGRAM Antarctic place-names honor IMPACT $4.1 BILLION comm in 1995. Mollenkopf has been British individuals who've made with the company for 26 years and General Atomics Aeronautical exceptional contributions to advanc- The San Diego Community College has served as CEO since March 2014. SystemsInc. (GA-ASI) has been ing science in the polar regions. This District (SDCCD) annually generates The company said in a press release selected by the Air Force Life Cycle year, 28 polar scientists were honored $4.1 billion in economic activity, ac- that Mollenkopf will stay on “as a Management Center to support the as part of a larger celebration to cording to the latest report from a la- strategic advisor for a period of time.” Skyborg Vanguard Program. Skyborg mark the 200th anniversary of the bor market analytics firm that lauds will become the foundation of Arti- discovery of Antarctica. the SDCCD for playing a pivotal role Amon became company president ficial Intelligence/Machine Learning in reducing economic inequities. in January 2018. He has overseen autonomous capabilities for a family Fricker is the co-leader of the the company’s successful and rapid of future USAF unmanned combat Scripps Polar Center. According to Idaho-based Emsi, the expansion into the RF front-end aerial vehicles. $4.1 billion generated by the SDCCD space as well as continuing growth in CALIFORNIA BANK is enough to support nearly 42,000 connectivity and networking. GA-ASI will modify two of its & TRUST PROMOTES jobs, or 1 out of every 52 jobs in the company-owned Avenger Remotely ERIC ELLINGSEN region. He said in a statement: “We have Piloted Aircraft with upgraded da- been at the forefront of innovation talinks and the core Skyborg System California Bank & Trustannounced Among other highlights of the for decades and I look forward to Design Agent software, as well as the promotion of Eric Ellingsen, a report: maintaining this position going other payloads. These Avengers will banking industry leader and com- forward. In addition to driving the then be used as part of various exper- pany veteran of over 20 years, from • 98 percent of SDCCD students re- expansion of 5G into mainstream de- imentation events in 2021 and 2022, president and COO to CEO, effective main in the region after graduation vices and beyond mobile, Qualcomm which will enable manned aircraft to immediately. Ellingsen will continue and their impact alone amounted to is set to play a key role in the digital control Avengers while in flight and his role as president with new leader- $3.5 billion in added income in fiscal transformation of numerous indus- relay specific information between ship responsibilities as CEO. He will year 2019-20. tries as our technologies become the manned and unmanned air- continue to oversee the growth of essential to connecting everything to craft. Flights will be conducted from • Students will see a return of $6.20 the cloud.” GA-ASI flight centers in Southern in higher future earnings for every $1 California.ments. they invest in their education. ALASKA AIRLINES • For every dollar of public money ADDS TWO NEW invested in the SDCCD, taxpayers ROUTES FROM will receive $1.40 in return over the SOUTHERN course of students’ working lives. CALIFORNIA AGILE SIX AND Alaska Airlines announced two COGNITIVE MEDICAL new routes from its key hubs in San SYSTEMS LAUNCH Diego and Los Anfgeles that will JOINT VENTURE begin flying this spring. The airline will launch daily, nonstop service Two San Diego-based veter- between Los Angeles (LAX) and an-owned firms -- Agile Six and Cognitive Medical Systems -- an- nounced the launch of CivitasDX, a joint venture to help federal, state and local government organizations better serve their constituents. Agile Six creates custom, digital transfor- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
26 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! GEORGEANNE IRVINE DIRECTOR OF PUBLISHING AND AUTHOR, SAN DIEGO ZOO GLOBAL When San Diego native Mosi Musa the vervet monkey, or the most? of them is heartwarming—they were Georgeanne “George” Irvine was a Moka the tiger, I feel they will be All of the stories inspire me for always at each other’s side through child, she slept with a dozen stuffed inspired to care about that individual their challenges. animals on her bed— a lion, two animal, its species, and wildlife in different reasons. Friendship and Do your young readers ever write teddy bears, a tiger, a monkey, an ele- general. What I didn’t realize until I miracles are themes that particularly to share their thoughts about your phant, and more. It was most certain- received feedback from teachers and move me, though, so the Ruuxa & books? ly indicative of what was to come: a parents is that the books also teach Raina book holds a special place in lifelong career at the San Diego Zoo children life lessons, such as the im- my heart. Ruuxa is a cheetah, who I receive feedback and photos from as a spokesperson and champion for portance of friendship, believing in had crooked legs as a cub and wasn’t children as well as their parents. wildlife and conservation as well as their dreams, and never giving up. supposed to be able to run, even Many write to me about Karen’s an award-winning author of chil- How do you decide which animals with surgery. But no one told him Heart, which is the story of a baby dren’s books about animals. will have their stories told? that and he ran anyway—and as an orangutan at the Zoo who survived The most important thing about adult at the Safari Park, he is now open heart surgery. I receive many George has devoted more than 40 any animal featured in these running 70 miles per hour. Raina, comments similar to this one, which years of her colorful career to the San books is that we are able to docu- Ruuxa’s Rhodesian ridgeback com- touched my heart. “I just have to tell Diego Zoo and Safari Park. She is the ment every aspect of its story with panion, was diagnosed with terminal you how much my daughter and I director of corporate publishing and photographs because the books cancer but survived against all odds. have enjoyed your book, “Karen’s an author, but has also worked in the are illustrated with photos. I keep And the friendship between the two public relations/marketing and devel- in close contact with our wildlife opment divisions of the organization. care and behavior staff and if they come across an animal that might We had a chance to sit down with be a good story, we start follow- George and talk to her about her ing that animal’s life by shooting wild life and career! photos. I’m currently working on Staying with one employer a book about Omeo, a koala joey, throughout your career is unusu- who lost his mother to cancer be- al these days. What has kept you fore he was even out of the pouch. there? In the beginning we didn’t even know whether he would survive When I started at the San Diego but we started shooting photos Zoo as a public relations assistant in anyway. Because of his resilience March 1978, I thought I would stay and the dedication of our wild- with the organization for a few years life care specialists—and the fact and then move onward and upward. that we have documented Omeo’s After a few weeks on the job, I real- entire life with photos—his story ized that working for the Zoo was will become a future Hope and not only fun, exciting, and fascinat- Inspiration book. ing but also meaningful. I quickly Which animal stories inspire you learned that wildlife and their hab- itats are in danger of disappearing and I could help make a difference in their future by becoming a voice for the animals and a champion for wild- life conservation. Plus I got to work with extraordinary colleagues and I fell in love with the animals. I never wanted to go anywhere else. How did the idea for the publish- ing division for the zoo come to be? Our now-retired CEO Doug Myers has always loved books and storytell- ing, and in late 2016 at the end of our Centennial celebration, he decided to act on a dream he had been consider- ing for several years: to create a book publishing division for the Zoo. The book industry was having a growth spurt and Doug thought that by telling our stories through books, we could inspire children and adults to care about wildlife and become in- volved in efforts to protect and save Earth’s precious animals and their habitats. Are there any central themes you like to explore in your books for children? I write our non-fiction Hope and Inspiration books, which feature stories about real animals that have overcome challenges in their lives. If children can connect with a specific animal, such as Floyd the flamingo, Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 27 Heart.” I bought her the book and Yuan Yuan, two giant pandas from just gotten yourself killed!” My next backed away from the elephant. plush last week and we’ve read it China’s Fuzhou Zoo, visited the San thought was “Well, if you’re going to When I realized I wasn’t going to every night!!! My daughter has had Diego Zoo in 1987-88. I became very die, you may as well take photos.” In two open heart surgeries. She was close friends with their caretakers those split seconds I even wondered die at that moment, I called out to an infant when the surgeries were and visited them in China several if they would be able to retrieve my my friends in another canoe, “Did performed but she is aware she times. I also got to meet Basi up- had them. Your book has given my close and pose with her for a photo. camera from the river. Plus I hoped you get any photos of that?” They daughter a perspective of her surger- What are you looking forward to that my film wouldn’t be ruined so were so scared—and worried about ies that I have had difficulty explain- in the next few years at the zoo? they could develop it because I knew how they were going to tell my ing to her.” my photos would be spectacular! mother what happened to me—that I’m very excited about the opening they couldn’t remember. A month One grandmother sent me a of our new Sanford Children’s Zoo The elephant stopped a couple later, one of my friends developed detailed story about her newborn as well as our new hummingbird yards from us, shook his head and his film and realized he had shot one grandson, who had a heart attack aviary later this year. I’m also fol- splashed water at us. I was a clearly photo as we were backing away from when he was 10 weeks old. Thankful- lowing at least a half dozen animals shaken as was the guide, and when the elephant and already 25 feet ly, the boy survived after several open and can’t wait to write books about I looked back at him, he nervously away. heart surgeries and is now in grade them. Included in the wildlife roster said, “It’s OK. I don’t think he will school. The grandma explained how are Xanan, a California condor that come any closer.” And then we slowly meaningful the Karen book is to her we photographed from the time she “miracle grandson.” hatched out of her egg to her recent 2 KEYNOTES | 20 BREAKOUTS You’ve provided tours for many return to the wild and Tornero, a NETWORKING | EXHIBITS celebrities. Whose off-stage person- precious two-toed sloth, who is an ality surprised you the most? animal ambassador. San Diego What are your hobbies and pas- I especially loved taking Julie An- sions? Business drews and her family around the Zoo Summit because I’m a huge fan of Julie as Besides my family, friends, and well as Mary Poppins and The Sound three Boston terriers, I am passion- Engaging Business Minds to Achieve Success of Music. As I shared fun Zoo stories ate about photographing wildlife with them, Julie kept saying, “Damn, in their natural habitats, traveling January 28, 2021 | 8 am - 4 pm that’s a great idea for a TV show,” to to Earth’s wildest places such as the her husband, Blake Edwards, who jungles of Borneo and the forests of FEATURING later produced a short-lived show India, storytelling, and Broadway about a TV show host (Julie) who musicals! I love going to New York, Creating an Entrepreneurial Workplace® quits and moves to Iowa where she where I will see seven shows in five marries a veterinarian. A highlight days. I’m also passionate about the Michael Levin of the day was when we visited our San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, our President new rhino, who had just arrived animals, and the work we are doing from Sumatra and liked to wallow in to save and protect wildlife. Custom Solutions Inc. the mud. As we stood in front of the What is your most exciting travel rhino habitat, Julie said, in her lovely adventure? PANEL TOPICS ON: • Professional Development British accent, “Why, I know a song • Technology about a rhino. As a matter of fact, it’s It was during my first trip to Africa • Strategy & Planning • The Customer Experience about a rhino who likes to wallow in in 1989 on a month-long expedition • Marketing & Communications the mud. As a matter of fact it goes to Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and • Human Resources like this!” And there in the middle of Rwanda with friends. Every day was the Zoo, Julie Andrews sang me the incredible but our three-day canoe | (858) 487-1767 song about the rhino. I felt like I was adventure down the Zambezi River in the middle of one of her movies! tops my all-time “most exciting” list. $10 Off Tickets with code “lum20” It was truly exhilarating! Everything that could happen did What have been some of your happen: We had to hide in the reeds career highlights? from poachers, who came after us after our guide yelled at them. One I feel like a kid in a candy shop of our canoes ran into a crocodile. I because I’ve had so many incredible had to hunker down in a wilderness opportunities throughout my career. bathroom to wait for hyenas to pass My Zoo job has enabled me to travel by before walking back to my tent. the world—from leading tours to the We were confronted by angry hippos wilds of India, Australia, and China and at one point, my canoe got stuck as well as several African countries to on a submerged tree trunk, nearly lecturing on two around-the-world dumping my friends and me into a private jet expeditions to traveling to river teeming with crocodiles. We Indonesia to help bring a critically were also left by ourselves on a dirt endangered Sumatran rhinoceros airstrip (with no protection), wait- back to the United States. I loved ing a few hours for a small plane to accompanying our goodwill ambas- pick us up to take us back to a small sador Joan Embery to the different town. talk shows, including to the Tonight Show when Johnny Carson reigned. But, the most hair-raising thing For some of the shows, we stayed happened when I was canoeing with in hotel rooms with animals—I’ve our guide. I sat in the front of the ca- bunked with lots of animals, includ- noe so I could take photos as we fol- ing a harbor seal, baby tiger, emu, lowed four young bull elephants that clouded leopard, kangaroo, and were slowly walking along the shore tarantula. Another major highlight in the reeds, grazing on water plants. was becoming personal friends with When they stopped, we stopped to two great and beloved women who watch them making sure we kept a were also mentors to me: Dr. Jane safe distance from them. Suddenly, Goodall and the late Shari Lewis one of the elephants charged us! He (Lamb Chop’s mom). And, one of the ran straight toward me—I was clos- most exciting 200 days of my public est to him! My initial thought was relations career was when Basi and “Now you’ve finally done it—you’ve Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
28 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! JANUARY 2020 BY BART MENDOZA © MUSICSCENESD // MUSICSCENESD.COM Gregory Page One Hell Of A Memory Singer-songwriter Gregory Page’s proud of the work put in to making most recent album, One Hell Of A this recording. “The engineers, Robbie Memory, is the latest in a string of Robinson and Jeff Berkley labored aural gems that mix acoustic guitar over each special microphone, it’s based tunes with earworm melodies. placement on the instrument,” he said. Under normal circumstances Page “Whether it be a Mandocello from would be in the midst of a year of 1905 played by Steve Peavy or a set promotional appearances and globe of Uillieann Pipes played by Eric Rigler, trotting to promote it, however the each instrument, with its unique tone, past twelve months have been any- requires much thought and a strategy thing but normal. Several proposed to record. For me the recording is the tours to date have been cancelled, but icing on the cake in the creation of the there are still hopes Page can make it songs.” to Europe before summer. Asked to cite a favorite from his vast Page arrived in San Diego from En- said. catalog of tunes, Page is quick to gland in 1976 and began performing name “Ballad Of Bridget Healy” from music soon after. “I am a local musi- Plans are underway for a tour there the new album. “It’s one of my most cian here in this city, I play all sorts of later this year to promote the new recent songs. I had been trying for gigs around town which keep me busy album. “My label in Holland, V2 ages to write a song about my Irish and inspired,” he said. “But I’m also Records, whom I’ve released seven Grandmother Bridget Healy who grew an international Artist representing albums with, is hopeful I will be there up in Dublin during the 1916 Easter San Diego when I’m on stage at The in the Spring,” Page said. “In this Rising. I lived with my granny and she Paradiso in Amsterdam or perform- new found reality I am optimistic that would tell stories of what that war was ing at the Woodford Folk Festival in touring will resume (then) for me. I am like for her and her family,” he said. Australia.” already a mild germaphobe, so not much is different other than wearing While being a musician seems to get Page’s music is popular the world a mask, which I’m ok with. For me, it harder by the day, Page’s motivation over, but seems to have special depends on the timing of the vaccine. remains strong. “There are many ex- resonance in the Netherlands, where I will be standing in line with Personal traordinary adventures yet to experi- his concerts are sold out events. He Trainers and Hairstylists to get the jab ence,” he remarked. Page considers credits a fellow musician for help with in the arm.” his guitar a traveling companion. his breakthrough there. “The Dutch “What keeps me going is always the people and I have a fondness and Page notes One Hell Of A Memory, hope that I travel more and expe- appreciation for nostalgia and histo- is meant to be more than a collection rience cultures and places beyond ry,” he remarked. “Fifteen years ago of tunes. “I don’t write songs I write my backyard,” he continued “Travel I released an album, Love Made Me albums,” he said good naturedly. “In a is one of the most important ways to Drunk, on AJ Croce’s record com- world of singles and compilations the find empathy and understanding with pany. It was a collection of original art of deep listening to an album from my fellow humans. Music for me is my songs I wrote while I lived in Paris with start to finish is becoming lost.” He’s language.” my family. It’s drenched in nostalgia. AJ sent the album to a Dutch radio program and the rest is history,” Page Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
Stay Safe, Friends! VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 29 Lis Viegas meetings with great intention and together ing and performing is what I live for as an artist we co-designed an innovative sound, what is so I always prioritize those opportunities. With Cymbal of SucCess known as the ‘Glow Series’. I am so proud of the shutdown, I’ve learned to DJ, edit videos, how these cymbals turned out, they are abso- and produce music which I hope to release lutely stunning!” sometime in 2021.” She notes the difficulty uncertainty adds to each project. “Each day is Viegas is hopeful she’ll be able to resume different during this unique shift and at times it’s touring later this year, but in the meantime is extremely hard to find the inspiration to create proceeding full speed on new projects. “Tour- when we have no idea when we will be able to For a musician there is no doubt that the high- play an in person concert again.” For her part est honor is to have a signature instrument. Viegas remains positive about making music. Most often the domain of guitarists, the most “I just allow each day to ride out as it wants to,” recent area musician to partner with a manu- she said. “I’ll take the inspiration when it comes facturer is drummer / percussionist Lis Viegas, and try not to force creating music when the who co-designed a series of cymbals called drive isn’t quite there. If that’s the case, I’ll focus “Glow,” for Red Cymbals, based in Australia on something else and revisit music at a time when the creation path and energy is more Viegas has toured internationally, performing clear.” with a long list of performers from Vokab Kom- pany to Balkan Bump, but the initial contact with Dylan Redman, the owner of Red Cymbals, was via a random post on social media. “Sometime in 2019, Dylan commented on one of my out- door drum videos at Sunset Cliffs and I started checking out their videos about their marvelous sounding cymbals,” Viegas said. The pair met in person at the NAMM Show 2020, with Viegas joining the Red Artist family soon after. Viegas is happy with the amount of input she had into the cymbals design. “I researched sounds, mate- rials and vibe that matched my playing and a sound that wasn’t quite out there already,” she said. “Dylan and I nerded out over a few zoom Be Mine Phantom Valentine End State Be Mine Phantom Valentine release their debut album, End State, this month. Co-produced and mixed by James Doviak, guitarist and keyboard player in British music legend Johnny Marr’s Band, “guitars are a main element of the album but there are some tracks that are predominantly synths,” said guitarist Dean Primicias. The chance to work with Doviak came through an initial meeting as an audience member. “It was one of those shows, during Johnny Marr’s Call The Comet tour, in Los Angeles,” Primicias recalled. “My brother, Wes, and I didn’t have a ticket so we went up early in hopes to get overflow tickets at the box office. We ended up meet- ing Johnny and I also struck up a nice conversation with James. I later had a chance to meet up again with James when they played the House of Blues in San Diego. This time I spent more time ask- ing him questions in preparation to record this album. I don’t think he knew what I was up to at the time, but he was very encouraging and shared some valuable information.” The album’s first single is “I Never Dream.” Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
30 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 Happy New Year, San Diego! San Diego Music Notes The San Diego Music Awards sengers, aka Randy Hodge, each tune, quoting vocal melo- Paul McGee, and Jef Kmak, dies, orchestra parts and solos,” have extended their deadline guests will include keyboardist Riker said. “There is a short for submission until January Scott Gorham (Richard Marx pause between the tracks of 31, 2021. All albums must have Band). “I’m attempting to bring about 1 1/2 seconds to separate been issued between January 1, more healing to the world with the tracks but give the feel of a 2020 and December 31, 2020 this album,” Larsen said. “There medley.” for consideration. More details, will be certain Solfeggio (ancient including the event date are tba. healing) tones integrated into www.sandiegomusicawards. the music, and all the lyrics will be spiritually centered. It’s not going to be rock, but it won’t put you to sleep either!” she said ney, Sheryl Crow, Lenny Kravitz, Joe Walsh, Steve Lukather and more. The song has been issued in advance of Starr’s upcoming EP, Zoom In. com Fans of the blues or early rock Power pop singer-songwriter New Singles due soon include; ‘n’ roll will want to pick up S. Steve Rosenbaum is the latest Jack Habegger’s Celebrity Tele- Mathias & The Honeycombs artist to have his music archive Lauren Leigh Martin “Trust Fall,” thon has a new E.P., “Ov Yey!” new album, appropriately titled, raided for gold. A collection of Suzanne Gladstone “Aphrodite’s out on January 15. Label Bud authentic sounding, Nothin’ But his demos, both home and stu- Kiss,” Thea the Band with “The Tapes of Portland will be put- The Blues. Already available dio recordings made between Worm,” The Strawberry Moons ting it out on a limited lathe cut digitally, the album makes it’s 1979 – 1989, is being released “Love in the Time of Virus,” vinyl 7” along with a mini comic CD debut this month. by Dead Media Tapes later this New EP’s include Dave Pres- produced by Habegger and Bai- year, available as a digital down- ton’s Americana opus, Lost & ley Bast. “I feel very honored to New film Promising Young Wom- load or 8-track tape Found, Paige Koehler “Sorry, have collaborated with so many an, directed by Emerald Fennell I’m Late”, The Naked I They of my talented friends on my and starring Carey Mulligan, The Sea Monks are working with Got Thomas, Dapoolparty Hot first ‘solo’ release,” Habegger includes North County based Alan Sanderson at Pacific Beat Sands said. “Combining my comic art singer, Juice Newton’s version Studios on a new album due New albums include: A.J. Croce and my music into one package of “Angel of the Morning.” Fun this spring By Request, an all-covers album; has been very special and I can’t Fact: Juice Newton sings harmo- the first single is “Ooh Child” thank Bud enough for believing ny on Bob Welch’s (Fleetwood The trailer for the new Marvel originally a hit by the Five Stair- in it!” Mac) hit “Ebony Eyes” (#14 / Cinematic Universe television / steps in 1970, Tom Geck and the 1978) Disney + series, WandaVision, After Party Trip West, The Go Baritone saxophonist Gabriel features a new take on The Heads The Suspect, Steve Nich- Sundy has a new project, Invisi- Acclaimed guitarist Wayne Riker Monkees version of “Daydream ols with The Guitar Sounds of…, ble Sky People, with a debut al- is working on his next album at Believer” as it’s soundtrack. The Sometimes Julie with Where bum, Human Like An Animal, out Studio West. Titled A Beatles song was written by long time Are You this month. In lieu of a live band, Overture from A to Z, the album San Diegan John Stewart who New Videos include: Lele Rose the album was composed using is essentially a medley of 21 passed away in 2008. Stewart is – “Nothing Lasts Forever,” Kevin software instruments along with Beatles tracks. Details: “It’s just perhaps best known for his work Begin & Tori Roze “All You’ve the addition of a live saxophone. me, with overdubbed high volt- with 1960’s era folk icons Kings- Known,” “(The band) could be described age electric guitar parts entering ton Trio, and the hit, “Gold” (#5 / as a “progressive punk-jazz-noi- after opening chord melodies of 1979), which featured Fleetwood serock” power trio,” Sundy said. Mac’s Stevie Nicks. The ensemble is comprised of baritone saxophone, bass, and Early 90’s ska favorites, Spy drums. “The bass on the album Kids have finally gotten around was eventually re-recorded by to recording and releasing their Mackenzie Leighton, and the debut album, Covert Action album was mixed, mastered and on Chicago based label, Jump co-produced by Rafter Rob- Up. Featuring and produced by erts.” Matt Hensley (later of Flogging Molly), the nine tracks include Singer/ Guitarist Donna Lars- covers of Jimmy Cliff and Judge en is working on a new album, Dredd classics. Songs of Light, at Track Star Studios with Josquin Des Pres . Ringo Starr’s latest song and Backed by her band, The Mes- video, “Here’s to the Nights,” feature Nathan East on bass - Plus vocals from Paul McCart- Local News > /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia Advertise? [email protected]
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