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FFSC Annual Report 2016-17

Published by Furniture & Fittings Skill Council, 2023-07-20 04:41:45

Description: FFSC Annual Report 2016-17


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Annual Report 2016-17 An endeavour towards transforming Lives 407-408, 4th Floor, DLF City Court Web: MG Road, Sikanderpur, Gurgaon Email: [email protected] Haryana-122 002, India. Tel: 0124-6900720

CONTENTS Our Governing Council Members……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 2015-16: At a Glance…………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 2016-17: The Snapshots……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Training Centre Wise Number Alloca on………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Launch of Skill on Wheels – RPL Mobile Van……………………………………………………………………………………… 9 State Wise RPL Details………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 Job Role Wise RPL Details…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 TOTs & ToA for PMKVY-II………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Newly Added QPs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 1st Iconic Centre - He ch Poddar Wood Working Ins tute………………………………………………………………. 17 MoUs Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 WorldSkills Abu Dhabi-2017……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Training Partners’ Meet……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23 Meet of Assessment Agencies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Events……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....25 Few More Ac vi es………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 Press Releases………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38 RPL Camps……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41 Skilling with a Meaning- Few Success Stories……………………………………………………………………………………. 44 Financial Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….46 Audited Financial Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47 Independent Auditor’s Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48 Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council Es mated Projec ons for FY 2017-18……………………………………………. 50


The year at a glance CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Dear Stakeholders, I am pleased to put before you the 2nd Annual Report of Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council. This report captures the remarkable progress made by the FFSC during the last one year. In this short journey of two years we have con nuously worked towards building a recognised, skilled workforce for the furniture & fi ngs industry. The performance parameters and the feedback of the stakeholders substan ates the opera onal and func onal excellence of FFSC. The skill gap study done by FFSC cites the requirement of 50.89 million skilled workforce by the year 2022. It is heartening that FFSC is working towards mee ng the goal of Skill India Mission. I firmly believe FFSC will emerge even more stronger and more successful as we move forward. I am glad that by July 2017, FFSC has successfully completed RPL of 49,477 candidates in PMKVY-II. FFSC is also targeted to do the fresh training/ short term training of 10,212 candidates under PMKVY-II. FFSC is also working closely with Na onal Backward Classes Finance and Development Corpora on (NBCFDC), Na onal Safai Karmacharis Finance & Development Corpora on (NSKFDC) and Na onal Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corpora on (NSFDC) under the aegis of Ministry of Social Jus ce and Empowerment. In our effort to engage with State Governments, we have also signed MoUs with Jharkhand Skill Development Mission Society, Assam Skill Development Mission, Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission, and Gujarat Skill Development Mission. For providing employment opportuni es to FFSC cer fied candidates, we have signed an MoU with UrbanClap, the renowned online job portal which offers a gamut of services at home of the customer. The growth and mission of FFSC can only be fulfilled if we all work in a synchronized and integrated manner. Our trainees need quality training by our Training Partners. A transparent process of assessment is to be carried out by our Assessment Agencies. Our industry members should come forward to make these trained candidates employable. We should work together to eliminate the disconnec on between our employable trainees and prospec ve employers. I hope that in the coming year many more industries will join hands with us in bringing about the transforma onal change in the lives of people through skill development training. On behalf of FFSC and myself, I want to thank each and every stakeholder of our skill ecosystem for providing us the con nuous support. Best Regards, Anil Mathur 2

CO-CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Dear All, As you may be aware that produc on systems in the furniture industry are undergoing major changes wherein skilled manpower would be a key differen a ng factor. Our industry can grow if we have the necessary skilled resources. I am pleased to express that FFSC is striving hard to meet the skilled manpower needs of the furniture & fi ngs industry. I am glad to share that He ch India Pvt Ltd along with Mr. Saroj Poddar Group have set up an iconic center for furniture & fi ngs domain named as He ch Poddar Wood Working Ins tute located at Faridabad, Haryana. The center is equipped with the modern machineries required for the training. FFSC has created a pool of 500 trainers and assessors ll July 2017 for impar ng quality training. 43 Stand-alone centers have also been established. Four mobile skill vans- “Skill on Wheels” were launched for reaching out to the remote loca ons of RPL candidates. I hope and believe the efforts of spearheading a number of ac vi es have benefi ed the ecosystem. FFSC is also preparing to par cipate in WorldSkills compe on at Abu Dhabi, 2017. FFSC has also par cipated in several exhibi ons, job fairs, and seminars for spreading its work. The stalls of FFSC have also been visited and appreciated by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the then Honourable President, Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister, Honourable Governor of Jharkhand, Smt. Draupadi Murmu and the then Honourable Minister, Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). FFSC has conducted RPL for the candidates of Rashtrapa Bhawan, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Tableau workers of Republic Day. The wood sector was also a part of the Tableau of Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. FFSC is in a constant endeavour to set high benchmarks for furniture and fi ngs training and development. Last year was mainly for achieving our mission without compromising our value and conver ng challenges into opportuni es. I am confident that with all your support we will bring changes in the lives of the unemployed youths. I request all of you to come forward, guide, suggest, and join our voyage of skilling. I thank you all for your trust and support. Warm Regards, Anil Goel 3

The year at a glance CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S MESSAGE Dear Stakeholders, Our country is a land of marvellous ar s c wood work which is being valued worldwide. India provides all kind of furniture to its customers be it tradi onal/ modern or combina on of both. India has a favourable environment to sell furniture and in the coming years the industry is going to grow further. The Indian consumer base is quite huge and due to increase in the disposable income and change in choices of consumers many new players are joining the industry. With major emphasis placed on digitalisa on, integra on and automa on; the wave of Industry 4.0 is currently redefining the woodworking and furniture manufacturing industry. Be it a small/ medium/ large industry; the industry has always the demand and requirement of skilled workforce. The Skill India Mission is the solu on for the demand of skilled manpower required by the industry from me to me. Industry plays a crucial role in undertaking skill development at a greater scale with a view to make India ‘Human Resource Capital’ of the world. With an objec ve to improve our skilling, we introduced use of power tools in our training methodology. Now along with tradi onal methods of doing the wood work, the trainees will also be trained about the use of power tools. Our stand-alone centers and Mobile Vans- “Skill on Wheels” are mainly equipped with the power tools. This year 26 new QPs have also been added for diversifying our training into different sub sectors and job roles. We have also developed our trainee hand book of Carpenter- Wooden Furniture in required vernacular languages for ease of reading of the trainees. Even today, skilling is perceived as the last resort meant for those who have not been able to progress in the formal academic system. This mental block has only increased the gap between what the industry requires and what is currently available. We have to work together to minimize this gap. For this we need support from all of you. We are commi ed to quality training and developing career progression of the trainees. We request all our industry members to come forward and share with us the best ways of training. I am confident that with our prudent strategy, disciplined approach, and implementa on; we will be able to improve our performance further and create be er shareholder value. To conclude, we have had a reasonably good year. We have given emphasis on an inclusive and sustainable skill eco-system for the furniture & fi ngs domain. As I look ahead, I see unprecedented opportuni es for our skilled manpower as the Indian economy accelerates ahead. We envisage be er placement linked quality oriented training. I would like to extend my gra tude to each and every one for their incomparable valuable guidance and support in this exci ng journey of skilling. With Warm Regards, Gurpal Singh 4


The year at a glance 2015-16 - AT A GLANCE PMKVY: I Lock Technician 6

2016-17: THE SNAPSHOTS PMKVY-II Stand-Alone Centres FFSC has established Stand-alone Centers with the help of its affiliated Training Partners. The Centers will enhance youth aspira ons and livelihood in the surrounding areas. It will help in reducing the gap between demand and supply of skilled manpower in India in this segment. The space requirement for a skill excellence centre is minimum 3000 sq. . The Skill Lab will have the standard machine tools of Festool, Bessey, Jai Modula and SCM for training purposes. These machines will provide the top quality output in the shortest possible me and will be ideal for the trainees to gain exposure in modern technology of the Interna onal standards. The trainees will be skilled about Zero Defect for ge ng best results. The focus will be mainly on the modular furniture assembling and standardiza on of the training. The Skill Centers will also be used as a venue for Training of the Trainers. Job Role Carpenter- Wooden Furniture Fi er- Modular Furniture 7

The year at a glance TRAINING CENTRE WISE NUMBER ALLOCATION for FY17-18 for FY18-19 8

LAUNCH OF MOBILE VAN - SKILL ON WHEELS Mr. Manish Kumar, MD & CEO, NSDC and Mr. Jayant Krishna, ED & COO, NSDC launched 'Skill Van' to conduct RPL training under PMKVY - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna for the job role Carpenter- Wooden Furniture. The first Skill Van was launched for doing RPL of 10,000 carpenters. Launch of 1st Mobile Skill Van in presence of Mr Manish Kumar, MD & CEO, NSDC and Mr Jayant Krishna, ED & COO, NSDC Mobile Skill Van - Skill on Wheels In every part of India we can find carpenters who have learned the work through informal way of learning. FFSC has launched four mobile skill vans to promote the RPL of carpenters who live in the remote corners of rural India. The RPL has helped in recognizing the knowledge of these persons who have learned the skill through experience/ informal way of learning. The mobile van is equipped with tradi onal and modern tools. The coordinator of the van does the route plan and accordingly the villagers are informed. The interested candidates come to the nearest place of training for RPL. The van reaches to the door step of the candidates. The carpenters are now ge ng the cer ficates easily in their villages. Apart from the mobile van model, FFSC is also doing the RPL in Type 1 model where the Training Partner does the training in their camps setup loca ons. Mobile Skill Van 9

The year at a glance LAUNCH OF MOBILE VAN - SKILL ON WHEELS Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh flagged off the Mobile Skill Van of MSE Solu ons Pvt. Ltd. for Madhya Pradesh Mobile Skill Van of Caple Industrial Solu ons flagged off by Mr Anil Mathur, Chairman and Mr Anil Goel, Co-Chairman of FFSC 10



TOTs for PMKVY-II 13

The year at a glance TRAINERS TRAINED FOR PMKVY-II 14

TOT FOR MADHYA PRADESH STATE SKILL DEVELOPMENT MISSION (MPSSDM) The ToT for Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission was conducted from 3rd to 12th July 2017 at Vidhisha, Madhya Pradesh. The programme was for 10 days. For the first three days training was provided in domain skills. Then training on pla orm skills was provided to the trainees. Five Training Officers of ITIs of Madhya Pradesh have a ended the ToT on behalf of MPSSDM. Trainers from He ch Poddar Wood Working Ins tute and Caple Industrial Solu ons also took sessions during the ToT. 1st Training of Assessors (ToA) The first ToA of FFSC was held at the training center of Lala Kundan Lal Memorial Society, Fatehabad on 27th & 28th July 2017. 41 candidates from six assessment agencies par cipated in the programme and 32 assessors successfully cleared the assessment of FFSC. Tool kits were also distributed to top 8 candidates. 15

The year at a glance NEWLY ADDED QPS 16

1ST ICONIC CENTRE- HETTICH PODDAR WOOD WORKING INSTITUTE He ch India Pvt. Ltd. a Joint Venture between He ch Group, Germany and the Saroj Poddar Group, have set up an Iconic Center for Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council. The centre has built in an area of 10,000 sq . It is the first of its kind where the modern tools & equipment required for the training is available. The center is used for Training of Trainers/ Assessors and training of fresh candidates. 17

The year at a glance MOUs SIGNED Na onal Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corpora on (NSKFDC) Na onal Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Mr K Narayan, MD NSKFDC & Corpora on(NSKFDC), a wholly owned Govt. of Mr Gurpal Singh, CEO FFSC exchanging MoU India undertaking under the Ministry of Social Jus ce & Empowerment (M/o SJ&E) was set up on 24th January 1997 as a Company “Not for Profit” under Sec on 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. NSKFDC is in opera on since October, 1997, as an Apex Corpora on for the all-round socio-economic upli ment of the Safai Karamcharis, Scavengers and their dependants throughout India, through various loan and non-loan based schemes. FFSC and NSKFDC has signed MoU for skilling the dependents of manual scavengers and safai karmacharis on 4th May 2017 for the year 2017-18. Na onal Schedule Castes Finance & Development Corpora on (NSFDC) NSFDC is an ins tu on under Ministry of Social Jus ce & Empowerment, Government of India for financing, facilita ng and mobilizing funds for the economic empowerment of persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes families living below Double the Poverty Line. NSFDC finances income genera on schemes for the target group through the State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by respec ve State/UT Governments. Mr Shyam Kapoor, CMD, NSFDC & Mr Gurpal Singh, FFSC signing MoU 18

MADHYA PRADESH STATE SKILL DEVELOPMENT MISSION (MPSSDM) MP State Government has set up State Skill Development Mission as a nodal body to anchor the skill development agenda in the State. MPSSDM is playing a significant role in escala ng the pace of skilling, through iden fica on of key sectors for skill development in the State by coordina ng with State Govt. Departments, industry and private training organiza ons. MPSSDM has signed MoU with FFSC on 4th March 2017. Mr Sanjeev Singh, CEO, MPSSDM & Ms Barnali Basu, Head-A&A exchanging MoU U arakhand Skill Development Mission (UKSDM) U arakhand Skill Development Society is registered Mr Pankaj Kumar Pandey (IAS), Project Director, UKSDM & on 5th February 2013 with the major objec ve of Ms Shabana Parween, Senior Manager exchanging MoU providing voca onal training to youth of U arakhand State, in commensurate with innova ve techniques & trades under the umbrella of Government of India to provide employable skills to youth and link them to Entrepreneurship/Industry. On 29th September 2016, FFSC has signed MoU with UKSDM to skill the candidates in U arakhand. MoUs Signed with other State Skill Missions 19

The year at a glance MOU SIGNING WITH URBANCLAP UrbanClap is a services marketplace which helps customers hire reliable and trusted service professionals for various needs ranging from electrician, carpenters, appliance repair, technician, painters and plumbers etc. FFSC is aiming to skill individuals and recognise the skills of the workforce across the country. UrbanClap is now working in 8 ci es Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad and Kolkata. FFSC has signed an MoU with UrbanClap to provide micro-entrepreneurial opportunity to cer fied carpenters. MoU signing with UrbanClap Training at Haridwar & Sitarganj Jail 20

WORKSHOP WITH CHHATTISGARH STATE SKILL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CSSDA) CSSDA organized a workshop with NSDC on 2nd March 2017 to align their training programs with Na onal Skills Qualifica ons Framework. Construc on Sector Skill Council, Automobiles Skill Development Council, Indian Plumbing Skill Council, Logis cs Sector Skill Council and Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council also par cipated in the Workshop. Training Partner and Assessing Bodies of CSSDA were also present during the event. Workshop with Chha sgarh State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA) WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 India Skills FFSC had organised South Zone and North Zone regional compe on on 14th to 16th October 2016 October at Calicut and New Delhi respec vely. In South India 20 students from different ITIs par cipated, out of which 7 candidates were short listed for doing the test project of Cabinet Making. In North India 15 students par cipated, out of which 7 were selected for making the test project. From each zone four students were finally selected to contest in India Skill Compe on. The India Skill Compe on was held on 2nd, 3rd and 4th December 2016 among the 8 candidates. The jury members selected 3 candidates according to the execu on of the assignment. The 3 finalists had undergone one week of training at Caple Industrial Solu ons and the best one was selected for the WorldSkills Compe on, Abu Dhabi, 2017. 21

The year at a glance NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETITION IN CABINET MAKING AND SELECTION OF CANDIDATE FOR WORLDSKILLS 2017 The na onal compe on in cabinet making was held at Caple Industrial Solu ons, Delhi on 6th & 7th Feb 2017 between the finalists. Mr Anant Kumar got selected to represent FFSC at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017. Iraj Evolu on Design Company, Udaipur is providing the training in its campus to Mr Anant Kumar by Mr Ashok Jangid. Training at IVEO, Udaipur for WorldSkills 2017 22

TRAINING PARTNERS' MEET FFSC had organized 2nd Training Partners' Meet on 2nd November 2016 at CII, Udyog Vihar. 40 affiliated Training Partners' of FFSC had a ended the meet. The TPs were briefed about the need and advantages of power tools. In the interac ve session, the queries of TPs were clarified by FFSC team and Caple Industrial Solu ons. FFSC had organized 3rd Training Partners' Meet of on 25th May 2017 to discuss the current challenges in skill development training ecosystem. The ways to improve quality training and few success stories were discussed in the mee ng. The Training Partners shared their experiences, concerns and new ini a ves in the mee ng. 23

The year at a glance MEET OF ASSESSMENT AGENCIES The 1st Meet of Assessment Agencies was held at CII Office, Gurgaon on 9th August 2017. All the Assessment Agencies of FFSC shared their performance status with respect to quality and mely assessment. The Assessment Agencies shared their views, challenges, ini a ves etc. Assessment Agencies of FFSC • Aspiring Minds Assessment Pvt. Ltd. • Confedera on of Indian Industries (CII) • CoCubes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. • I Assess Consultants LLP • India Skills Pvt. Ltd. • Navri Technologies Pvt. Ltd. • Me l The programme was inaugurated on 29th November 2016 by Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh, DIG, CRPF in the presence of Mr. Jayant Krishna, ED & COO, NSDC, PMKVY team and Sector Skill Councils. The training cum orienta on was imparted on Festool. The dura on of RPL was for three days (2 days of orienta on and 1 day assessment). Twenty two candidates par cipated in RPL in the Job role of Carpenter- Wooden Furniture. 24

EVENTS Visit of Honourable Prime Minister at Kanpur, U ar Pradesh FFSC has also par cipated in the exhibi on was organized by NSDC. Festool usage by PMKVY candidates was demonstrated at the exhibi on. Along with the exhibi on, FFSC par cipated in RPL. Hundred candidates were mobilised with the support of He ch Poddar Wood Working Ins tute. Three days of RPL was conducted for these candidates a er which the candidates were cer fied by FFSC. The best candidates were selected by NSDC to be a part of the exhibi on. The exhibi on was opened for public on 19th December 2016 and con nued ll 22nd December 2016. 25

The year at a glance Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited the exhibi on on 19th December 2016. Mr Om Prakash RPL candidate was selected to receive the RPL cer ficate from Honourable Prime Minister. Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Miniser visi ng the stall of FFSC Mr Om Prakash, RPL candidate receiving the cer ficate from Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi 26

JOB FAIR AT SAHARANPUR A Two day job fair was organised by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and Na onal Skill Development Corpora on (NSDC) on 25th & 26th December 2016. Punjab Furniture, Neelgiri Wood Cra , Sant Handicra s INC, Isha Export were present at the job fair as Employers. Stall of FFSC at Handloom Haat NBCFDC - Silver Jubilee Expo was held at Handloom Haat, Janpath, New Delhi. The expos was daily opened from 11 am to 8 pm ll 1st to 15th January 2017. Superior products of accomplished Other Backward Classes (OBC) ar sans belonging to states of J&K, HP, Haryana, Rajasthan, UP, MP and North East were displayed for sale in the Expo. Informa on on NBCFDC schemes and skill training programmes by Sector Skill Councils were also part of the Expo. On 7th January 2017, FFSC par cipated in the Expo. The live skilling on Festool power tool was done in the informa on stall of FFSC. Smt G. Latha Krishna Rao Secretary, Ministry of Social Jus ce and Empowerment visited FFSC stall during the Silver Jubilee Expo organised at Handloom Haat by NBCFDC. 27

The year at a glance JOB FAIR ORGANISED BY NBCFDC NBCFDC organized an awareness camp for youth for availing loans and training under NBCFDC schemes combined with a job fair for its beneficiaries skilled under its schemes at NCUI premises on 12th of January, 2017. Around 55 OBC candidates skilled by FFSC par cipated in the job fair. Four companies par cipated as employer in the job fair. Godrej Interior recruited six candidates, 12 and 1 candidates were hired by Strega Modular Furniture and Arcwood Interiors respec vely. He ch Poddar Wood Working Ins tute also par cipated in the mobilisa on and awareness camp. Silver Jubilee Func on of Na onal Backward Classes Finance & Development Corpora on (NBCFDC) Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Union Minister for Social Jus ce and Empowerment inaugurated the Silver Jubilee celebra ons of Na onal Backward Classes Finance & Development Corpora on (NBCFDC), on 13th January 2017. Shri Ramdas Athawale, Minister of State for Social Jus ce and Empowerment, Smt. Latha Krishna Rao, Secretary, M/o SJ&E, Dr Sansi, CEO and MD, Vijaya Bank and many dignitaries were also present in the event. Mr Mahesh Thakral North Region Head Godrej Interio giving offer le er to the two selected candidates Mr Gaurav Pal and Mr Punit Kumar in the presence of Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot Minister of Social Jus ce and Empowerment 28

RPL OF TABLEAU WORKERS ON THE REPUBLIC DAY TABLELAUS During the visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of State (I/C), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy to Rashtriya Rangashala, Delhi Cantonment for reviewing the progress on Skill India tableaux, he admired the effort of the cra sman for making the excep onal tableaux. In order to recognise their work and the years of experience of these cra sman, he suggested to do the RPL program for the cra sman working on the various tableaux. Na onal Skill Development Corpora on (NSDC) along with Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council implemented the RPL project. The orienta on of the candidates were done on 18th and 19th January 2017 and assessment was done on 20th January 2017. The best three candidates received the cer ficate from the dignitaries on 22nd January 2017. Tableau of Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (Transforming India through Skill Development) The tableau of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is based on the theme “Transforming India through Skill Development”, highlights the achievement of the Ministry and its programmes. The wood cra segment was one of the five sectors which were shown in the tableau. The Skill India tableau has received the first prize award in the Ministry tableau category. 29


Apprecia on Le er received from Shri Rajesh Agrawal (IAS), Joint Secretary Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 31

The year at a glance DELHIWOOD -2017 Delhi wood 2017, in its 5th edi on, has hosted over 450 exhibitors from more than 30 countries & has featured around 10 country pavilions. Furniture & Fi ngs Skill Council (FFSC) has been also provided with a complimentary space in the Expo to hold demonstra ons & workshops to encourage youth to skill themselves in woodworking. Other than live demonstra on on power tools, RPL was also done by FFSC. The mobile van of FFSC was also displayed for narra ng the concept of Skill on Wheels. The event has ideally helped FFSC to educate & mo vate large volumes of youth to explore opportuni es in the woodworking sector. The industry became aware of the skilling ac vi es of FFSC. Skill exhibi on and Rojgar Mela was organised in Deogarh on 2nd April 2017. The exhibi on was a ended by Honourable President Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy and Minister of Labour and Employment Shri Bandaru Da atreya. Shri Arvind Raj Kamal, District Collector, inaugurated the 2 day Rojgar Mela being organized in Deoghar on 4th and 5th April 2017. Honourable President Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Honourable Smt Draupadi Murmu & Honourable Minister Shri Bandaru Da atreya at the stall of FFSC 32

FFSC at Skill India celebra on of 100 years of Champaran Satyagraha movement in Mo hari, Bihar Skill India celebrated 100 years of Champaran Satyagrah Movement, in Mo hari, Bihar from 13th to 19th April 2017. During this period RPL of 115 candidates was conducted. Every day Skill Compe on was conducted and the three best performers were awarded with tool kits by FFSC. 33

The year at a glance Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Honourable Minister of States (I/C), Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Honourable Minister of Agriculture distribu ng cer ficates to the RPL candidates of FFSC. 34


The year at a glance FEW MORE ACTIVITIES Job Interview organized by FFSC at Campus of Strega Modular Furniture, Sonipat Mr K Narayan, MD, NBCFDC & Mr Gurpal Singh, CEO, FFSC interac ng with candidates 36

RPL AT MOTIHARI AND CHAPPRA, BIHAR Under PMKVY Scheme, RPL of 400 trainees was conducted by Karjee Skill Eduventures at Chappra, Bihar. 37

The year at a glance PRESS RELEASES 38


The year at a glance PRESS RELEASES 40

RPL CAMPS RPL at Anganbadi Kendra, Mirjapur, UP RPL at Ranchi, Jharkhand 41

The year at a glance 42


The year at a glance SKILLING WITH A MEANING- FEW SUCCESS STORIES Mr Punit Kumar Father’s Name : Mr Ompal Singh Address: Loomb, Lumb, Bagpat, U ar Pradesh Training Ins tute: T S Skill and Tech Pvt Ltd Employer: Subsidiary of Godrej Interio Scheme: ITPO CSR under NBCFDC Mr Ompal Singh is a mason who is currently not in a posi on to work. The family is economically extremely backward. Punit was the first trainee who took admission in the course. He is a pa ent, hardworking trainee, who hardly missed any class. A er comple ng the training he was selected by a Godrej Subsidiary Company in the Job Mela organized by NBCFDC. He has received his offer le er in presence of Honourable Minister Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Ministry of Social Jus ce and empowerment in the Silver Jubilee func on of NBCFDC. Now he is earning Rs 7,000 per month. Mr Gaurav Pal Father’s Name: Mr Prem Chand Address: E-225, Gali No 21, East Gokal Puri, Gokal Pur, North East Delhi. Training Ins tute: T S Skill and Tech Pvt Ltd Employer: Subsidiary of Godrej Interio Scheme: ITPO CSR under NBCFDC Gaurav Pal belongs to a daily wage labourer family. He has completed his course in the carpenter- wooden furniture. He was selected by a Subsidiary of Godrej Interior in the job fair organised by NBCFDC. He has received the offer le er in presence of Honourable Minister Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Ministry of Social Jus ce and empowerment in the Silver Jubilee func on of NBCFDC. Now he is earning Rs 7,000 per month. Mr Danis Saif Father’s Name: Mr Nafees Saifi Address: 90 Ward No-22. Saraswa Vihar, Loni,Dehat Ghaziabad, U ar Pradesh Training Ins tute: T S Skill and Tech Pvt Ltd Employer: Subsidiary of Godrej Interio Scheme: ITPO CSR under NBCFDC Danis Saifi was one of the finest trainees of his batch. During the training also he used to work in the local shops in the free me. A er comple ng the training he was selected by a Godrej Subsidiary Company as an appren ce he is ge ng Rs 7,000 per month. 44

SKILLING WITH A MEANING- FEW SUCCESS STORIES Mr Amreek Singh Father's Name: Mr Mahindar Singh Complete address: Manghera, Tohana, Fatehabad, Haryana. Training Ins tute: Lala Kundan Lal Memorial Society Scheme: ITPO CSR under NBCFDC Current Wage or earning of the trainee : Rs. 12000/- Mr Ashok Kumar Father's Name: Mr Dharchand Complete address: Sanchla Road, Bhuna (Fatehabad), Haryana. Wage or Earning of the Trainee : Rs. 7500 /- Training Ins tute: Lala Kundan Lal Memorial Society Sponsored organiza on: NBCFDC Employment Status: Employed at Bharat Wood Work, Tohana Road, Bhuna, Fatehabad, 125 111 Mr Jasvir Singh Father's Name: Mr Mahinder Singh Complete address: Manghera, Tohana, Fatehbad, Haryana. Wage or Earning of the Trainee : Rs. 9500 /- Training Ins tute: Lala Kundan Lal Memorial Society Sponsored organiza on: NBCFDC Employment Status: Employed at New Vishaw Karma Furniture Works, Ra a Road, Tohana 45

The year at a glance FINANCIAL SUMMARY FURNITURE & FITTINGS SKILL COUNCIL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Furniture and Fi ngs Skill Council has once again managed to deliver an excellent financial performance despite the difficult circumstances that prevailed in the skilling ecosystem during the F.Y. 2016-17. The year witnessed a change in Government policies which affected the revenue model of FFSC unfavorably. However, despite these adverse circumstances, the turnover increased by 10.14% as compared to the last financial year. The total Turnover for F.Y. 2016-17 is Rs. 3,57,63,471/- as compared to Rs. 3,24,71,332/- for F.Y. 2015-16. Due to change in Government policies, the stress now is more on “Recogni on of Prior Learning” rather than on “Fresh Training”. This has changed the cost structure of the FFSC which has impacted the net income over expenditure. The income over expenditure is Rs. 13,57,149/- for F.Y. 2016-17, as compared to Rs. 39,32,776/- for F.Y. 2015-16. The Financial Outlook for the F.Y. 2017-18 would be much be er as many fresh projects have been ini ated which would bring in much higher volumes as compared to previous years. The renewed impetus of NSDC would certainly help in achieving the skilling goals of the Honourable Prime Minister. 46


The year at a glance INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 48

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