Sem-3, Bsc TTM, Tourism Marketing, Unit 10- Challenges and Strategies Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Bsc TTM_Sem-3_Tourism Marketing_Unit 9- Marketing Distribution Channels Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Bsc TTM_Sem-3_Tourism Marketing_Unit 8- Tourism Promotion Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Bsc TTM_Sem-3_Tourism Marketing_Unit 7-Product Life Cycle Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Bsc TTM_Sem-3_Tourism Marketing_Unit 6- Packaging of Tourism Product Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Bsc TTM_Sem-3_Tourism Marketing_Unit 5- Motivation for Travel Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Sem-3, Bsc TTM, Tourism Marketing, Unit 4- Tourism Products, 20.04.2021-converted Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
BBA, Sem-2, Rural Marketing, Unit-3, Classification of Rural Markets, 19-05-2021 Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
BBA, Sem-2, Rural Marketing,Unit-2, Rural Market Environment and Infrastructure, 19-05-2021 Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda
Test POM lilian04
Chamber newsletter-SUMMER 2019_rev3 manney
Grade 6-12 Weekly newsletter February Issue 3 anjana.s
E – NEWSLETTER sridevi
E-Newsletter ประจำเดือนสิงหาคม - บัตรเซ็นทรัล เดอะวัน เฟิร์สช้อยส์ mktfirstchoice
AGM Newsletter 2022 final mglofcheskie
9.KG2-Newsletter-week 9 saadya.s
Grade 5 weekly newsletter sheejajayagopal
Microsoft Word - NEWSLETTER MAY 2016 heinrich
izwelethu April 2018 Proof 2 ryno
Venturing Newsletter Winter 2020 Eduardo Macouzet