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MSCI June 2021 Newsletter

Published by MSCI1, 2021-06-10 12:35:28

Description: MSCI June 2021 Newsletter


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JUNE 2021 POST GOING AND DOING MORE • Message from the Chairman • Baptism & Agabaptofest • Pastoral Appointments

Message from our Chairman Bishop Richard Aryee

The Curse of Noah “This curse of Noah is the curse to be a “double.” Tribes of the double Egypt “servant of servants”. It is the curse to (upper and lower Egypt), called the be low and inferior. Noah cursed and landof Ham, came from him. said, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be.” Inferiority, Phut was the forefather of the mediocrity, shoddiness and su ering Libyans... were slammed onto the descendants of Ham by the words of Noah. Ham “The story of Africa is the story of dishonoured his father and the the lowest, the least and the most result was this curse. The curse was deprived! not spoken against Ham, but against Canaan. Since Ham was the one who It is the story of the su ering servant dishonoured his father, we assume of servants, lower than the lowest. It is that Canaan was receiving this curse the story of how lowness has become on behalf of Ham’s descendants. This the state of a airs in spite of the fact curse is also called the curse of Ham that it is the richest continent.” because Canaan had done nothing to deserve a curse. It was his father, ....“Time, distance and circumstance Ham, who had dishonoured Noah. have not been able to wipe out the Indeed, this brief, startling curse on picture of the servant of servants. the descendants of Ham has worked As you see this pattern repeat itself out in such a way that proves a itself throughout the world and curse is indeed a wonder! throughout the ages, it should make you have a proper respect for curses So who were the descendants of and blessings.” “Every Christian Ham? The sons of Ham were Cush, needs to have a proper respect for and Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. (1 the power of spoken words.” Chronicles 1:8). I pray the wisdom shared in this book Cush was the forefather of various will help us escape all curses and live Ethiopian tribes that settled south a blessed life. of Egypt and also overran Arabia, Babylonia, and India. Get your copy out and read, it will make you wise and it will make you Mizraim was the forefather of various prosper. God bless you all Egyptian tribes. Mizraim means



MSCI Bishops Council Bishop Richard Aryee (MSCI Chairman) Bishop Kristoffer Yemoh (MSCI - Pacific Region) Episcopal Sister Phillippa-Marka Coker (MSCI - United Kingdom) Episcopal Sister Leonora-Jamie Hyde (MSCI - Asia) Bishop Isaac Oblitey Commey (MSCI - East Africa) Bishop Ebenezer Kweku Amponsah (MSCI - Europe) Bishop Daniel Arthur Baidoo (MSCI - East Africa)

MSCI United Kingdom Pastoral Appointees

MSCI Europe Pastoral Appointees

MAsSiCaI Pastoral Appointees

MSCI Pacific Region Pastoral Appointees

Excerpt FROM THOSE WHO ACCUSE YOU Our Prophet, Bishop Dag Heward- Mills has written a powerful book about accusations: “Those Who Accuse You”. Enjoy an excerpt from chapter nine of this life - changing book. How to Silence the Accuser There are many benefits of fighting the accuser in your life. There are also many different ways you must take on this vicious enemy. 1. Prayer 2. Open Confrontation ...seeing he ever liveth to make inter- They say unto him, Master, this woman cession for them. Hebrews 7:25 was taken in adultery, in the very act. Prayer is the way to fight the spiritual Now Moses in the law commanded us, power that is behind accusation. that such should be stoned: but what Jesus ever liveth to make interces- sayest thou? sion for us. The intercession of Christ is directly countering the accusa- This they said, tempting him, that tions of Satan. they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his Prayer is the opposite of accusation. finger wrote on the ground, as though As Satan points out our weaknesses, he heard them not. So when they Jesus is presenting His case, explain- continued asking him, he lifted up ing why we must not be condemned. himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, LET HIM FIRST Join your prayer with the prayers of CAST A STONE AT HER. And again Christ and counteract the force of he stooped down, and wrote on the accusation against your ministry. ground. Set up prayer warriors to intercede for you constantly so that the power of the accuser will be broken.

EXERPT FROM THOSE WHO ACCUSE YOU Jesus was left alone, and the woman must learn to use logical arguments standing in the midst. that destroy the foundation of the accusation. “When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he Jesus did this often. When Jesus said unto her, Woman, whereare was accused of having political aspi- those thine accusers? hath no man rations, He answered with logical condemned thee? arguments. She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said He said, “If my kingdom were of this unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: world, my servants would fight.” Is go, and sin no more. John 8:4-11 it not logical for a king to have his army fight for him? Jesus introduced the accused to the accusers and He asked the accusers Jesus answered, my kingdom is not to implement the judgement of their of this world: if my kingdom were of allegations. He wanted them to carry this world, then would my servants their accusation to its logical conclu- fight, that I should not be delivered sion. to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36” Many accusers love to hide behind the curtain and shoot their arrows. 5. Agree with Your Accusers They do not want anybody to know what they think or say. Openly con- AGREE WITH THINE ADVERSARY fronting accusers can be a good way QUICKLY, whiles thou art in the to free yourself. way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, 3. Teaching and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Teaching is a powerful tool that Matthew 5:25 deals a deadly blow to ignorance and deception. Jesus responded to several The Bible teaches us to agree with of the accusations against Him with our accusers. The truth is that we teachings..... are guilty of almost everything we are accused of. Agreeing with your You can hold a large team together accuser can be a powerful strategy when you teach them. “Most leaders to silence the accuser. Jesus used just warn their followers to desist from this method when He was on trial. By certain things. But teaching is more saying, “I am” and “thou sayest” He powerful than issuing warnings.” agreed with His accusers. It was now up to them to follow their prosecu- 4. Common-Sense Logic tion to its logical conclusion. One of the ways to counteract accusa- Jesus Agreed with His Accusers tions is to use common sense to make AND JESUS SAID, I AM: and ye shall nonsense of the accusations. You

EXERPT FROM THOSE WHO ACCUSE YOU see the Son of man sitting on the right There is nothing that anyone can do hand of power, and coming in the to prevent you from fulfilling God’s clouds of heaven. Mark 14:62” call. Like Jesus told Pilate, no one can have power over your life and ministry 6. Silence except God gives it. God is in control and His hand is over all of us.” Not answering accusations that are levelled against you is yet another Make it a point to get this all important way to silence the accuser. book and eat it! It will help you to NEVER be an accuser and equip you Journalists hate to hear the wise to deal with all accusers in your life. words, “I have no comment to make at this time”.... .....“Jesus used this strategy when He met with Pilate. Pilate could not believe that Jesus would not speak to him. If Jesus did not want to speak to Pilate, how come pastors yearn to be interviewed by the secular world? Why are we so different from our Saviour? And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? But JESUS GAVE HIM NO ANSWER. Then saith Pilate unto him, SPEAKEST THOU NOT UNTO ME? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?” “Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. John 19:9-11 You must not be ashamed of the accusations that are levelled against you. Our Father has given us a cup to drink. Shall we not drink it? Allow the accusers to go ahead and paint you in whatever colours they wish. God is judge and He will vindicate you.

“We’re back to Church” Stay Connected! Gathering Service, London


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