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Home Explore Bees Social 1st Testimonials Flipbook

Bees Social 1st Testimonials Flipbook

Published by The Rickster, 2021-05-18 20:41:04

Description: Bees Social 1st Testimonials Flipbook
Crypto Education, Support & Training @ It's Finest!


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 William Torbet  Valeri Wisner  Patrick Tuttle  Jeremy Herber  Roger Lee Martin  Kevmo Fugate  Justin Breen  Chris Carson  Rick Scherer  Tony Grant  Dan Smith  Scott Rogers  Bryant Harper  Richard Hopkins  Christopher Knight  Dan Harrison  Jerry Duncan  James Ecker  Dustin Ray  Timothy Zabawa

Return to Index William Torbet “Have been in crypto 14 months, had I been aware of a caring community at that time like Bees.Social, I may have not made the mistakes I did. Thankfully, I found this group to set the ship on a corrective course.” Valeri Wisner “I join this group thinking I would be helping a friend out. Now I've gained a Crypto education, fun Crypto family and the potential of helping others around the world!” Patrick Tuttle “I missed the first round of this because I was just not sure about this space. The more I looked the scarier it got. Then when I found out about that Bees.Social was an education and safe place to play in this CRUEL market I was in. They have taught me how to play safe and I have been on a community call for 8 months and only missed 4 calls. That is how much this community takes care of its members. Yes, we are making great returns as well, safely. If you are new or experienced, you need to be here!!!”

Return to Index Jeremy Herber “I have been buzzing since joining Bees.Social. What a support group they have to guide you through your first purchases and support along your journey. Many thanks � ” Roger Lee Martin “I hear you guys have helped out a friend of mine and that's great - so I thought - I'd start paying attention and see what I can do! Much to learn and do to change my life for the better” Kevmo Fugate “Wow where do I start ? Well approximately 9 months ago we all started out on a Crypto Journey not having any real idea where we were headed. But ultimately an entire group of people spread around the World trusted each other and blindly pushed forward. Holding the line as we were told. I now feel that we have built an incredible force that will continue to grow and do amazing things that will be written about. Would never ever trade this experience for anything.”

Return to Index Justin Breen \"When you play in the Crypto space, you will hit bumps along the way. Every time I have run into a problem, someone from Bees.Social is always there to help me. The support and knowing I am not the only one with these same issues has become invaluable to me as I continue to grow and learn in the crypto marketplace.\" Chris Carson “I was invited to this community by a friend. I knew nothing about cryptocurrency and defi. Bees.Social community allowed me the opportunity to consume knowledge in a comfortable trusting environment. The people within this community will spend their time patiently walking anyone through the steps to get into this emerging market safely. I am truly thankful for the opportunity this community continues to give me.”

Return to Index Rick Scherer “Being part of the Bees.Social community, over the past 90 days, has far exceeded my expectations of what this community stands for & what their principles are. \"Principles before Profits\" is just the tip of the iceberg of a community that is dedicated not only to supporting, educating & providing cutting edge “pre-market release” information but helps to create a safe environment for every member regardless of what comfort level of investment one engages in.” Tony Grant “I only joined the community at Bees.Social a few days back, but I've gained a far deeper knowledge of crypto than I ever did from anywhere else. The support is accessible, abundant, and understandable. They say crypto is the new Wild West, and these guys definitely have your back covered! Heck, I never even thought of why I'd ever want a hard wallet, and now I find myself giving them to my son as a birthday present (loaded with M2 of course!)”

Return to Index Dan Smith “I dabbled in the crypto space for several months and felt like I was getting my head kicked in at every turn. Always thinking that I could watch \"gurus\" streaming shows or YouTube videos and get their \"hot tips\". The problem was that the \"hot tips\" had already happened, had already turned into \"yesterday's news\", and I ended up on the downside of the curve. A friend was part of Bees.Social and recommended that I join. That has turned everything around for me. I no longer feel like a dog chasing his tail. Everyone is open to help, share CURRENT information, and prevent stupid, costly mistakes. Joining Bees.Social is one of the best decisions that I have ever made and am looking forward to this being a long-term relationship!” Scott Rogers \"With all the sources for crypto information these days, it was difficult for me to discern truth from hype. Being part of the Bees-Social community has me excited to learn and contribute to a group of regular like-minded folks. Bees-Social has taken the CRY out of crypto for my family.\"

Return to Index Bryant Harper “Being a part of Bees.Social has allowed me to purse my dreams full time for the first time in my life and that’s priceless.” Richard Hopkins “Being a part of Bees.Social is an absolute bright spot in my day, every day, real people being of real service to their fellows in a space that's new and intimidating, being a part of this group has afforded an opportunity like no other that I've ever been part of. It's a real joy for me today to now be in a position to be able to help others, what an amazing gift I've been given. Thank you Bees.Social community.” Christopher Knight “Crypto is still the Wild Wild West. It's a journey that many choose as pioneers to blaze the trail. But we all know how to identify the Pioneers, those are the folks with the arrows in their back. Being with Bees Social helps me avoid many of the pitfalls and dangers of being involved in this new world of finance. From the terms that are critical to understand, the proper tools to use and how to use and to keep the arrows from flying my way. The entire Community has a pioneer spirit where everyone is covering everyone else's back.

Return to Index You have the feeling of purpose and success as soon as you become a part of Bees Social. My thanks to all the very kind and generous people who have shared their knowledge and helped me to become a part of the future Now.” Dan Harrison “I’ve enjoyed a full and prosperous life. Having recently joined the Bees.Social community is the hi- lite, affording me the opportunity to personally contribute to worldwide wellbeing. As a growing successful investment group, we live up to our motto.” Jerry Duncan “I found the bees social community and knew I'd be a part of it for a long time. Knowing there is someone available to help when I make a mistake or don't understand something is worth more than I can say. I know I can solve a problem with great people who are more than willing to get on a call with me. With that confidence, I have built a solid foundation to go into this new crypto world.”

Return to Index James Ecker “My fiancé and I got into Bees.Social because a friend told us to check it out. We were very skeptical and stayed that way for two or three months. We have now been involved for 5 months and after seeing results, tangible results, we are no longer skeptical. We are firm believers in Bees.Social and all the people involved have been incredibly patient, helpful and informative. The help you until you have all the help you need every time. We love this group and are proud to be part of it. Spiritual principles before greed. We keep what we have by giving it away. Love and service should always be our primary goal. Bees.Social.” Dustin Ray “To me the Bees.Social community is home! The world is fed up with more and more corporations, and high rises with 100 offices per 100 floors, where it’s impossible for those at the bottom to reach those at the top and those at the top to help out those at the bottom. Bees.Social is one room, one people and one voice from top to bottom! If one falls, we all help to get them up, and no one ever gets left behind. The world has missed a people with a feeling of home and community for far too long.... now that it’s here, Bees.Social will change the world!”

Return to Index Timothy Zabawa “Principles before Profits! I was introduced to Bees.Social in January 2021 and was helped by my mentor to get staked. It was an overwhelming experience, one not successfully completed without the help of my friend. I have learned enormous intel about the crypto space since then and am passing that along to others. The underlying cause of Bees.Social to help those in the world to gain a better position so as to better the world. Principles before Profits. My crypto positions continue to expand and prosper to the betterment of all. This is a long-term effort and needs more support. Come be part of the future and get educated to manage your assets in a way that better suits you.”

Created by Rick Scherer

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