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NJSI News Bulletin 2020

Published by njsi.super, 2020-12-24 10:12:01

Description: NJSI News Bulletin 2020


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NEPAL JESUIT SOCIAL INSTITUTE g]kfn Hf];'OTf ;fdflHfs ;+:Yff ”Reaching the Unreached“ Jan-Dec, 2020 Education: The Right to Truth Education: The Right to Truth Education: The Right to Truth Human beings are endowed with the capacity for find- This is where education should develop every human ing the truth about anything that is happening around. being to structure their belief system on universal The search for truth is linked with each individual‘s nat- truths and not on religious and cultural myths that ap- ural drive to know oneself and the very meaning of life peal to a false destiny or fear of adverse consequences itself. Every human endeavor or the so-called develop- for an unperformed cultic or ritualistic practice even if ment is directed towards actualization of one’s identi- it has no socio-moral connection. Every human being ty as it opens up in each one’s consciousness. In other is bombarded by religious, political, cultural, ethnic words, in contrast to the fatalistic view, every human and ideological belief systems from birth. Acceptance being writes his/her own identity throughout his/her of any such belief system based on its context of origin life as and when each one enters into the activities of is understandable, but the relevance of each of them to life by one’s creative contribution to the universe. The emerging new contexts has to be evaluated by minds of activities are molded by the understanding of oneself each generation of humans by Critical Thinking de- and the environment around each one. The actions fol- veloped from a conscience that has awaken to a higher low a series of decisions made by each one based on the level over the period of time. The capacity to critical knowledge of rightfulness, purpose, and consequences thinking is crucial for human development, individu- of the action while emotions play the motive force to ally and collectively. execute the decision. However, emotions have the up- per hand in driving a person to action giving the op- portunity for humans to behave irrationally at times. Emotions are attached to what one deeply believes. Therefore, anything fed into the belief system of hu- mans have both transformative or destructive effect on the universe in designing the future in a particular way. The present-day religious fundamentalists, the media that works for profit, politics that looks for power and education that promises a high paid job… all trying to create belief systems that will emotionally control the choices made by people.

Our education system should make children to develop the aptitude for Critical Thinking along with skill train- ing of subjects. The goal of education should not be lim- ited to aiming at getting a high paid employment but human formation. Because, a highly sophisticated tool of development could become a dangerous weapon in the hands of a human being with a wrong belief system. Christmas brings us the message of Human formation in and through Christ who has manifested the awaken- ing the Human consciousness, redefining the Human identity altogether as one family where God is recog- nized as the head of the Family. In other words, Christ envisage a humane society that cares for every individ- ual and protects and support the development of every- body. NJSI’s intervention of Remote Education Improvement Program is exactly doing the same that Jesus would want us to do as frontier mission in Nepal, by forming the rural population with the right kind of awakening so that they have the capacity to form humane commu- nities beyond the limited view point of Culture, Reli- gion and Politics. The effort will be to develop Critical Thinking in the young minds so that as they grow up, they would search and address the Truth with a free mind, not blinded by belief systems that misguide their judgments and decisions. Thanking you all for your continuous support to NJSI Wishing you a Merry Christmas Roy Sebastian, SJ Director NJSI

HIGHLIGHTS 4 Para Legal Training Program Conducted Rev. Fr. General, Arturo Sosa, SJ Releases NJSI’s Report 2015-20 Provincials of Jesuit Conference of South Inauguration and Handover Program at Asia (JCSA) visits NJSI Shree Robang Basic School and Shree Adarsha Bsic School Inauguration of Adolfo Nicolás Institution for Media Activities (ANIMA) at NJSI Shree Adarsha Basic Shree Robang Basic School School Completion of Shelter Construction at Sindhupalchowk Inauguration of “Xavier Niwas” Covid-19 Relief Programs at 6 Districts

COVID 19 Relief Program Socially unprivileged, single women, the differ- ently abled, the refugees and the dalit families of different districts such as Kavre, Sindhupalchowk, Lalitpur, Kathamdu and Bhaktapur were provided with the food as a COVID-19 relief. This project is funded by “Xavier Network” The notion of distributing the food items was to contribute a helping hand to the people whose economic situation was affected due to COVID-19 Mandendeupur Rural Municipality situation. The people who had to survive in their Kavre District daily wages were the ones most affected. The lock- down situation lead people to have no job, no food, and no money to pay their rent. Some of the relief programs were done in Collab- oration with SCN (Sisters of Charity of Nazareth), Bright star Society, (an organization working for the differently abled) and Maiti Nepal, to support the girls who worked in restaurants night enter- tainment sector shut down due to Covid lockdown. Barabise Municipality Sindhupalchowk District The relief items were distributed by the staff of NJSI in the presence of local government and local contact person following the Protocol of Covid-19 Nawabuddha Rural set by the Government of Nepal. Municipality NJSI made the food package which includes rice, Kavre District grams, dry chickpeas, lentils, salt, sugar, oil, beaten rice and some monetary support. The supply would last for a month for a family of 4-5 members. No. of Families: more than 1000 No. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): 100 Kathmandu District Bhumikasthan Rural Municipality of Maiti Nepal Bhaktapur District Argakhachi district

NJSI INTERVENTIONS AND ACTIVITIES Kavre Para Legal Training Program at Dedi Devi women center Inauguration of “Xavier Niwas” What is Paralegal Training Program? It is a two day program in which NJSI team share the information regarding the citizen’s rights. Along with that “Gender Based Violence” and “Sexual, Reproduc- tive Rights” issues are also discussed in the program. The program intends to teach the constitution of Nepal to the village people. The program is not just to give an awareness of their rights but to make them stand strong. An abridged book of the constitution of Nepal will also be supplied to them free of cost. Parent’s Oreintation Program? Parent’s Oreintation Program is to give guidance to the parents on how to make an effective bond and bridg- ing the gap between the parents and their children. The program comprises fun filled activities with informa- tive learnings to the parents. Moreover, different schol- arship programs provided by the Government are also introduced to the them. On 24th Feb, Reverent Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas from Spain inaugurated the “Xavier Niwas” at Kavre Regional Cen- ter. Xavier Niwas will be the staffs residence, 3 other buildings are being constructed, the boy’s dormitory, the girl’s dormitory and lastly, one kitchen cum dining hall. Kavre Regional Center will be a main hub for livelihood training programs. This project is financially support- ed by Xavier Network. Demonstrating on Women's Right NJSI Providing handbook of Constitution Rights

NJSI conducted legal guidance to “Dedi Devi Wom- Reverent Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, en’s group” at Mandendeupur-7, Kavre. The program Fundación Entreculturas from Spain visited Shree was conducted at the women center which was con- Bhagawati Secondary School on 24th Feb. He interacted structed by NJSI with financial support from Missio with the children with special needs and the other stu- Achen. This “Paralegal Training Program” is finan- dents of the school. The children welcomed Fr. Daniel cially supported by Xavier Network. It was two days with a delightful dance and the students of Shree Bhaga- program from 14th to 15th Feb. Along with the ju- wati and Shree Ram Secondary shared about the ecologi- ridical knowledge, the women were given Parent’s cal activities that they have conducted after the establish- Orientation as well. A group of 32 women participat- ment of Eco club by NJSI. ed in the program. They were thankful to NJSI for conducting such a Para legal and Parents Oreintation for a influential program with detail description of one’s Women’s Group rights in a book . Fr. Daniel’s Visit to Shree Bhagawati Secondary School On 3rd and 4th Feb, NJSI team organized para legal Fr. Daniel interacting with a differently abled child orientation program for “Kunta Besi women’s group” at Kunta, ward no 8. The program was conducted at the women center which was built by NJSI. In additional to it, Parents orientation program was also conducted. In total, 32 women participated in the program and re- ceived an abridged book of Constitution of Nepal. Two Classrooms soon at siddeshowr school Dance Performence by Differently abled students Students presenting about their activities on Site clearence has been done to start the construction ecology's issues

With financial support from Caritas Italy, NJSI is Provincials of Jesuit Conference of South going to construct 2 classrooms building at Shree Siddheshowr Secondary School which is located at Asia (JCSA) visit to NJSI Mahabharat Rural Municipality, ward no.3. The Na- tional Reconstruction Authority(NRA) has already given the permission and have signed the triparty agreement as well. Site clearance has already been done and soon the construction will be started. Lalitpur Rev. Fr. General, Arturo Sosa, SJ Releas- es NJSI’s Report 2015-20 The Provincials of Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) was in Nepal for a meeting. NJSI organized an hour program for them in the evening of 28th February. NJSI team presented the activities done so far and shared the future planning as well. Along with that, the alumina of NJSI who took computer classes performed a cultural program. Fr.Anthony Corcoran SJ, Apostolic adminis- trator to Kyrgyzstan and Fr. Frank Janin SJ, President of Conference of Europian Provincials were also present. Inauguration of “ANIMA” at NJSI NJSI team with Fr. General Reverent Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus visited Nepal, along with him, Rever- ent Fr. Dauglas W. Marcouiller SJ, Reverent Fr. Pierre Bilanger SJ, from communication office, General Curia were also present. On 27th February, NJSI and Social Service Center together organized a short program at Social Ser- vice Center. NJSI team gifted jackets to Fr. General and his team with NJSI logo on it. The children of the center performed dances and singing. Fr. General released the report of NJSI of all the activities from 2015 to 2020.

Under the supervision of Fr. Roy Sebastian, SJ, “AN- IMA” was launched at NJSI. ANIMA stands for “Ad- olfo Nicolás Institute for Media Activities”. On 3rd December, Fr. Casper J. Miller, SJ inaugurated and blessed the institution. This is a part of Rural Education Improvement Pro- gram which will eventually will become Fe y Algeria Nepal as the post-earthquake intervention of NJSI. The program requires creating smart education hubs, Teachers from 9 different Government schools partic- quality education materials. So for that, this project ipated for the teachers training program conducted by required special space, equipment for recording the NJSI. The training was of 4 different subjects, Computer, lessons, training exercise and networking. Thus, this Science, Mathmatics and English. The training program is where Fr. Roy saw the possibility of merging the was facilitate by the teachers from St. Xavier’s School, logistic requirement of the project with that of the Jawalahel. The training was based on teaching tech- communication Center which was his long dream niques, assorted approaches to fill the gap between the and plan. students and the teachers. NJSI put Adolfo Nicolás SJ’s name to the ne depart- With the financial support from “Xavier Network”, the ment, remembering him with gratitude for his initial teachers training program was successfully completed. contribution. The fund from Fr. General Adolfo and Xavier Network made this institution possible. Advanced Paralegal Program at NJSI Subjectwise Training Program for the Teachers A group of 12 women received an advanced Paralegal Training at NJSI office on 11th January. The training was for the women who have received basic paralegal training program from NJSI. Advocate Purna Rajbansi conducted the program, he talked about the rights of Women in a detail form which contain various sectors such as edu- cation, property, health, security, communication, labor, citizenship, gender based violence etc. Fr. Daniel Villanueva SJ addresses the Directors of the Catholic Education Institutions in Nepal

Fr. Daniel interacted with the Directors of Catholic Education Institutions of Nepal on the topic “Mis- sion, Collaboration and Networking”. He shared his ideas on how collaboration and networking help the mission of serving the people in need. The directors also put forward their ideas, views, and challeng- es in the context of Nepal. Some relevant exercises were done so that the participants could see the clear picture. The program was conducted at St. Mary’s School, Jawalakhel on 21st February. NJSI received Appreciation certificate from the School Dhadhing Inauguration and Handover Program at Shree Robang Basic School Building Before Repair Building after Repair The students of Shree Robang Basic School belongs to Chepang community which is one of the most backward tribes of Nepal. The earthquake of 2015 have affected the school building in a severe manner. Unfortunately, the students were studying in a same unsafe building for four years. So, seeing their need NSJI constructed a two storey building with four classrooms and repaired the existing building with financial support from “Xavier Network”. On 22nd February, the school’s inauguration and hando- ver ceremony was conducted in the presence of Reverent 2 storey with 4 classrooms constructed at Shree Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Robang Basic School Entreculturas from Spain, school management Commit- Social Service Center tee, students, Mayor and ward chairman of Benighat Ro- rang Municipality-9. Sindhupalchowk Completion of Shelter Construction Fr. Daniel Inauguarated the Newly Constructed Building Fr.Arul Blessed the Newly Constructed Building

NJSI has been providing the helping hand through With the financial support from Caritas Germany, NJSI the amount of Rs. 3, 00,000 to the earthquake victims implemented the project by constructing two classrooms to construct their house. Altogether, NJSI has cov- for the students. Along with the building NJSI grant- ered 73 beneficiaries of Helambhu rural Municipality ed furniture and ECD materials as well, 26 sets of desk ward no. 4. Out of 73, 72 beneficiaries have received bench, 4 chairs, 4 tables, 4 white boards, 10 pcs cushion, 2nd installment and 71 beneficiaries have completed 17M carpet their houses and received 3rd Installment. Two of the On 13th March Shree Adarsha Basic School was inau- beneficiaries have not completed their houses due to gurated and handed over in the presence of the School their own personal reasons. Management Committee, some representatives from local Government bodies, representatives from Caritas New Building to Adarsha Basic School Germany, students and their parents. Construction of 4 Classrooms at Jay Golma Devi Basic School Aerial view of Shree Adarsha Basic School, the building in the middle is constructed by NJSI NJSI received Appreciation certificate from the School Monitoring and Evaluation visit by Caritas Germany NJSI is constructing 4 classrooms with toilet facility at Jay Golma Devi Basic School which is located at Barabise Municipality ward no. 8. “Caritas Germany” is the donor for this construction. Due to the lockdown situation of COVID 19, the con- struction could not start on time and delayed in comple- tion. Now, the work is going on and has reached up to the window level. On 15th Dec, Mr. Richard Rai, representative from Car- itas Germany visited the project site for the monitoring and evaluation purpose.

Paralegal Training Program and Distri- bution of Handbook at Kshyama Devi Women Center Arial view of the completed Reservoir tank with water NJSI team went to Kshyama Devi women center, Barabise Municipality ward no.4, on 6th and 7th February for paralegal training program and distrib- uted an abridged book of the constitution of Nepal in free of cost. In total, 24 women participated in the program and received the handbook. The paralegal program is funded by “Xavier Network”. The women were very thankful and involved enthusiastically in the training program. Ramechhap NJSI team attending the meeting with the beneficiaries Lift Irrigation Project This district is located in rain shadow range creating an extremely arid environment due to which the people have to scuffle for water. Seeing the need NJSI has supported with lift irrigation project at Khadadevi Rural Municipality ward no.1. The project is in verge of completion. Two tanks has been constructed, one of 200000 Ltrs capacity, another one is 18000 Ltrs capacity and a well of 10.363m. Tentatively, on 28th Dec the project will be handover to Excavation for the well the beneficiaries. This project has the capacity to support 150 families. This project is funded by xavier network and Caritas Italian. Thank You for Your Generosity!!! Please send your donations to the bank account given below: BankName: Laxmi Bank Limited Address: Phulchowk, Lalitpur Account Name: NJS Nepal Jesuit Social Institute Account No: 00711107858 Swift Code: LXBLNPKA Construction of reservoir tank Website:http: // Facebook:

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