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WEEKLY SA Mirror 48th ED

Published by didiphooks, 2022-05-09 08:39:23

Description: WEEKLY SA Mirror 48th ED


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2 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 06 May 2022 MANGOPE’S CHARGES WITHDRAWN; INGLORIOUS Former NAC CEO EXIT FROM Rosemary Mangope’s NAC departure has not left any roses with several BAFFLING: Former NAC CEO walks off to questions asked about sunset pardoned, triggering suspicions of cover- up and in apparent bid to secure her silence... her settlement. By Ali Mphaki and 25 until conclusion on April 4. The National Arts Council, NAC, finally part- The hearing was a sequel to a forensic audit ed ways “amicably” with suspended CEO Rosemary Mangope, but the taxpayer will of the Presidential Employment Stimulus Pro- never know at what expense. gramme (PESP) in June 2021, and its scope in- cluded, but was not limited, to determine wheth- “The mutual separation agreement was er there was any irregularities or inconsistencies signed by the parties on the 14th of April, 2022, in the management, adjudication and approval and its terms remain confidential,’ read a state- of PESP applications; ment from the NAC released this week. The forensic audit also sought to determine Following the conclusion of the agreement, whether there was any gross negligence, mis- the NAC has withdrawn the charges against conduct, or dereliction of duties with regard Mangope. to various officials of the NAC, including Ms Rosemary Mangope. Sources within the NAC speaking on condi- tion of anonymity told Weekly SA Mirror that Following the conclusion of the investiga- part of the “confidential” agreement include: tion and submission of the final report in Sep- • The NAC will pay Mangope, 61, until she is tember 2021 the NAC instituted a disciplinary hearing against the CEO Mangope in respect of 65 years of age; the various allegations of misconduct. • Mangope will retain NAC equipment like The Auditor-General also weighed in on the cellphone, laptop and upgrade with unlim- matter, and made two key findings, first that in ited data paid by the NAC until she is 65’ some applications the NAC did not apply the • Mangope will have access to the NAC data- regulations that required them to score the appli- base; cants correctly and that this led to the expendi- • Salary increase with bonus each year; and ture classified as irregular • Medical Aid The apparent golden handshake to Mangope The second aspect related to the budget ex- has angered the arts fraternity at large, especially ceeded by the NAC, the portion exceeded led to after the chaotic disbursements of the Presiden- irregular expenditure, the AG noted. tial Employment Stimulus Programme, PESP, TUMULTOUS funds with devastating effects to struggling and starving artists during the hard Covid-19 lock- This was Mangope’s second disciplinary down almost two years ago. hearing at the NAC, the first in 2019 where she Questions are also being asked about the was facing 13 charges against her including “secrecy’ of the settlement and if it’s in line with gross negligence, but cleared of all charges. the Public Finance Management Act and the NAC Act. Earlier in another matter, the Public Protec- The DA has also entered the fray and has tor had found the allegation that Mangope had called on the chairperson of the parliamentary applied for funding on behalf of an NGO using portfolio committee on sports, arts and culture the expired projects and surplus policy without Beauty Dlulane to request the urgent appearance their knowledge or consent substantiated. of the NAC board in Parliament to explain the apparent golden handshake Mangope received. The PP in her remedial action, shared by The DA shadow minister for sports, arts and Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture Nathi culture Veronica van Dyk, said: Mthethwa had particularly emphasized on how “That this was allowed to happen is shock- the Expired Projects and Surplus Policy at the ing, but not surprising. No doubt, Rosemary NAC was being applied, where funds meant Mangope will soon resurface in another position to be returned to the Treasury were being used of power at a public entity where she will once willy-nilly amounting to suspicions of grant and again be allowed to irregularly and inconsist- corruption. ently manage to the detriment of beneficiaries. “It was under Mangope’s management that However, an investigation by weekly SA the NAC bungled Covid-relief and allowed art- Mirror has found that the NAC paid no regard ists to starve. The fact that the terms of the agree- to the PP and the Minister, continuing the policy ment between Mangope and the NAC – a public from 2016 up to the 2019 financial year. entity – is confidential just reeks of further pos- sible malfeasance. Weekly SA Mirror understands the NAC ap- “South Africans, especially our long-suffer- plication for the surplus funds from the Treasury ing arts community, deserves to know the inti- this year was turned down. mate details of Mangope’s pardon. “The DA will not rest until all is in the Interestingly, Mangope had singularly taken open.” The parting of ways between Mangope on the PP’s report for review after the NAC had and the NAC follows a disciplinary hearing withdrawn their support, and remains to be seen against Mangope, which took over eight days what will be her next move (locus standi) since starting from December 14 last year, and held her parting of ways with NAC. over February, 7,8,9,10 leading up to March 23 Sources say the “confidential” settlement was a compromise reached between Mangope and the NAC, since she had earlier apparently threatened she “wouldn’t go down alone”. Weekly SA Mirror questions sent to Minis- ter Mthethwa, his DG Vusumuzi Mkhize, chair of portfolio committee Bauty Dlulane, as well as interim NAC CEO Marion Mbina-Mthembu went unanswered.

Friday 06 May 2022 NEWS 3WEEKLY SA MIRROR JOBURG POLO IN THE PARK Gauteng’s glitterati grace the annual event at Joburg’s premium residential lifestyle estate Steyn City. PHOTOS: Sipho Maluka Azola Mona with the Host of the event Minnnie Dlamini Danielle Lester with Moola Mo DJ Mawela, Gugu Khathi and Rudeboy Minister Pinky Kekana with Innocentia Motau Radio and TV Personality Thami Ngubeni with STD Head Former Mayor of Ekurhuleni Mzwandile with his wife of Marketing :Consumer Lindy-Lou Alexander Sinazo Masina

4 WEEKLY SA MIRROR NEWS Friday 06 May 2022 EOH BID TO MITIGATE FALLOUT Jehan Mackay Ebrahim Laher By Monk Nkomo PROBITY: IT firm tainted by damning Zondo inquiry Meanwhile, concerning the mooted sale of One of South Africa’s major companies, EOH findings moves to stave off reputational damage… EOH, Fintech24 reports, quoting its sources, that Van Coller is seeking advice on how to price the Holdings, is reportedly considering going up on low cost with the expectation of winning the bid ring in future. company. No final decisions have been made, and sale following the damning Zondo Commission and thereafter inflating these prices after being ap- There were also suspicious personal and organ- options other than a disposal could still be con- findings which fingered it for massive acts of cor- pointed. sidered, according to the Fintech report. Johan- ruption that included unsolicited multimillion rand isational sponsorships and excessive entertainment nesburg-based EOH’s troubles reportedly came contracts from the City of Johannesburg, including The Commission also found that: amounts paid out by EOH to influence procurement to light after Microsoft Corp. severed ties in early making donations to the ANC. * During 2012, EOH paid R1,35million to practices in certain organs of State. 2019. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has previous- Molelwane, a company owned by Makhubo. EOH ly called on EOH to pay back over R1 billion re- EOH Holdings Chief Executive Officer Ste- also concluded agreements with the City of Johan- The company’s former executive, Jehan Mac- ceived for the SAP contract with the municipality. phen Van Coller, is mooting the move despite the nesburg including a R38,4 million to its subsidiary Kay allegedly paid ‘’ tens of millions of rands graft-tainted IT firm returning the group to profit- company, TSS Managed Services. The City also in direct payments to individuals holding office On other hand, EOH has filed lawsuits against ability, according to Fintech24, quoting unnamed awarded a R26 million contract to EOH Mthombo within the ANC, paid donations to the ANC and its some of its former executives, including Asher people close to the matter. for ICT Security Services. ‘’This tender was award- expenses through intermediaries and sub-contrac- Bohbot, founder and former CEO; John King, for- ed for a period from December 2010 to November tors.’’ mer CFO; Jehan Mackay, former head of public The company has faced a difficult week after 2012 and was thereafter irregularly extended on sector; and Ebrahim Laher, former head of EOH the release last Friday of the latest Zondo Commis- several occasions,’’ the Commission established. To illustrate some of the corrupt activities International, for a total of R6,4 billion in damages. sion State Capture report, which also implicated the * On April 16, 2014, EOH submitted an unso- within the company, van Coller also told the Com- late Johannesburg Mayor, Geoff Makhubo in cor- licited proposal for the upgrading of the City’s Net- mission about two Microsoft licensing deals with FLASHBACK ruption, involving allegedly influencing tenders for work and Security Infrastructure at a price of R106 the Department of Defence and an SAP licensing EOH in exchange for kickbacks for his company, 185, 395,36. On that same day, EOH Managed agreement with the Department of Water Affairs. EOH FILES R6.4BN Molelwane, and the ANC. Services donated R3 million to the Greater Johan- ‘’ In all these cases, with the collusion of individu- LAWSUIT AGAINST nesburg region of the ANC. A letter acknowledging als within the relevant organs of State, EOH was FORMER EOH CEO At the time he served as Johannesburg’s may- receipt and to thank EOH management for the gift able to bypass procurement procedures conducted AND THREE EXEC oral committee member for finance – a position he was addressed by the late Makhubo. by State Information Technology Agency (SITA) held until he was elected Mayor in 2019. He was * On August 7, 2014, Makhubo, in his capacity and to sell directly to the departments,’’ the Zondo Since allegations of corruption and poor gov- also treasurer of the Greater Johannesburg region as regional treasurer of the Greater Johannesburg Commission found. ernance started at JSE-listed technology ser- of the ANC. Others who were fingered during the region of the ANC, addressed a letter to Jehan Mac- vices company EOH, shareholders have lost inquiry were former executive members of EOH, Kay who was executive director of EOH Mthombo, The company (EOH) then charged for more about R24 billion. This is according to group Jehan Mackay, Ebrahim Laher, Reno Barrie and requesting a donation of R6 180, 000. licences than it delivered and charged a rate per li- CEO Stephen van Coller, in an interview Patrick Makhubedu. * On August 20, 2014, Makhubedu paid R20 cence that was significantly higher than it would with ITWeb. 527 30 to the Sandton Convention Centre on be- have been able to charge had it been subjected to Last year, evidence before the commission half of the ANC. Another EOH subsidiary, Mfundi competitive procurement processes administered Van Coller was responding to how EOH revealed that the city had paid nearly R1 billion Mobile, paid R70 000 to the ANC on the same day. by SITA. will use the over R6 billion in damages the to EOH over the past 10 years for a broken SAP These payments were reflected as ‘’ costs of sales’’ company is looking to recoup from the previ- system at the centre of the billing nightmare that on the company accounts. The Commission also found that another influ- ous executives who have been accused of per- engulfed the city, causing great distress to hundreds * On September 19,2014, Makhubo emailed to ential executive implicated in the corrupt network petrating corruption at the firm. of residents. Makhubedu a request for financial assistance total- was Makhubedu who was employed with the TSS ling R4,300 000 in relation to the ANC Greater Jo- Group (Technical Software Solutions), a com- EOH confirmed it is suing a number of The Zondo Commission, chaired by Chief hannesburg region’s conference. pany that was acquired by EOH in 2011. He was former EOH executives, including Asher Justice Raymond Zondo, also found that large * On October 2, 2014, TSS Managed Services transferred to EOH on March 1, 2014 as Business Bohbot, founder and former CEO; John payments were made to sub-contractors in circum- transferred R1,5 million into the bank account of Development Executive focusing on a personal re- King, former CFO; Jehan Mackay, former stances where there was no evidence that work was the Greater Johannesburg region of the ANC. lationship with Makhubo. The Commission estab- head of public sector; and Ebrahim Laher, done by these sub-contractors. Van Coller, in his testimony, told the Commis- lished that Makhubedu allegedly assisted EOH to former head of EOH International, for a total sion that another familiar theme at the company procure several contracts worth hundreds of mil- of R6.4 billion in damages. In one of the illegal deals, one of the company’s was the use of politically connected intermediaries lions of rands from the City of Johannesburg. subsidiaries, EOH Mthombo secured a R404 mil- and sub-contractors apparently as conduits for kick- The company also lodged a criminal case lion contract from the City of Johannesburg. backs. There were also ‘’ teaming agreements’’ that In its conclusion, the Commission said Makhu- against the four former executives, in addi- were not linked to any particular work but which bo did not deny receiving the unsolicited proposal tion to the R6.4 billion claim it filed in court. “This evidence suggests that Mr Makhubedu, served as justification for multimillion rand pay- from Makhubedu and could not provide any expla- SOURCE: ITWEB (July 20,2021) Mr Barrie, Mr. Makhubo, Mr MacKay, Mr Laher ments out of proceeds of public sector contracts. nation why the proposal was sent to him. and Mr Mitileni conspired to procure the improper According to van Coller, the company was able The amounts sought by EOH from each award to EOH Mthombo by the City of the COJ to identify R865 million that it spent on arrange- ‘’To his knowledge, and as an elected official of the executives are: A647 SAP Contract worth R404 million,’’ the ments of this nature. and MMEC of the City, Makhubo had no business Commission found. Van Coller, who initiated the probe into the involving himself in procurement matters particu- EOH founder and former CEO Asher company’s corrupt activities after he became CEO larly not unsolicited proposals from an entity from Bohbot — R1.66bn Evidence provided by Van Coller at the Com- in September, 2018, was lauded, together with his which he had recently solicited substantial dona- Former CFO John King — R1.66bn mission revealed that the company was involved board, by Zondo for having publicly disclosed the tions for the ANC,’’ the Commission said. Former EOH Mthombo executive Jehan in irregular and corrupt procurement. Van Coller wrongdoings within the company. Van Coller also Mackay — R1.5bn elaborated and identified broad features of histori- told the Commission what they sought to do to They added: ‘’Makhubo is now deceased. Former CEO of EOH International cal wrongdoing at the company, which included make reparations for these actions as well as pro- However, the EOH -related parties to the prima fa- Ebrahim Laher — R1.58bn inflated software licence sales, a succession of ap- posals to prevent similar illegal acts from reoccur- cie corrupt arrangements between the City and TSS parent tender irregularities, the use of politically Managed Services are not’’. connected middlemen that were suspected to have been used as introducers and sales agents. The The Commission recommended that the law company was also involved in inappropriate acts of enforcement agencies investigate the illegally pro- gifting, sponsorships and donations. cured tenders and all those implicated in the alleged corrupt activities under the Prevention and Com- ‘’ There was also opaque delegations of author- batting of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 if the ity with significant responsibilities granted to a few probe reveals that such prosecution was warranted. executives,’’ the Commission found. Certain senior EOH employees were allowed to frame the terms of tenders and to tailor those terms to the advantage of the company and at be-

Friday 06 May 2022 CONSUMER & LEGAL MATTERS 5WEEKLY SA MIRROR Consumer Eye AWARD-WINNING CONSUMER EDITOR LOOKS 060 936 2673 INTO YOUR COMPLAINTS Professor Bonke Dumisa, Chairman of the Tribunal By Thuli Zungu station where I thought we could reach an agree- Despite the floods and a plethora of protest ac- ment for my refund but he never pitched up.” DODGY BUILDING tions in the province during the past weeks, CONTRACTOR the KwaZulu Natal Consumer tribunal was Buthelezi later reported the matter to the able to hear its first consumer cases in the Consumer Tribunal and came out victorious. At ORDERED TO PAY province. the Hearing, Jojo conceded that he did not per- DURBAN WOMAN form according to the contract between the two These ranged from building contractors who parties, but blamed his failure on the negative ef- R100 000 failed to deliver their services despite receiving fects of the Disaster Management, especially the full payment, refusal to repay lay-by monies and lockdown even though he had already failed to PAY: The builder disappeared after being paid a failure to refund deposits from holiday bookings build before the lockdown. which were cancelled during the Covid-19 pan- huge deposit to build a garage demic. Buthelezi says she was ecstatic and felt sat- isfied with the ruling as she waited over a year Nonhlanhla Buthelezi, 56, of Inanda in Dur- to get her money back. She invested her savings ban is one of the beneficiaries of this Tribunal. towards the building but the contractor failed to She will be getting her R103 500 back with the deliver. accrued interest after the Consumer Tribunal ruled that the company she had employed to build “I am happy that the Tribunal has been estab- her a garage and do some renovations, had en- lished to help people who are in my situation and gaged in prohibited conduct in contravention of I encourage anyone with consumer issues to use Section 19(2) (a) 9 ( i) and Section 47 (3) of the the Consumer Protection Service Unit.” Consumer Protection Act. Advocate Ryan Moodley says the prosecutor The Chairman of the Tribunal, Professor at the offices of the Tribunal advised that the Con- Bonke Dumisa, attorneys Preetha Dabideen and sumer Protector left no stone unturned in ensur- Phindile Ngubo jointly adjudicated the case and ing that unfair business practices were exposed handed the judgment this week. and dealt with. In January 2020 Buthelezi employed the ser- Buthelezi says many people in her situation vices of JS Projects and Civils CC to build her felt vulnerable to losing their money because they a double garage and an extension of her lounge could not afford legal fees to be represented by and was quoted R146 355 for the work she com- lawyers at the Magistrate Courts. missioned. Moodley says the Tribunal ruled that JS Pro- She was required to pay 70% of the quoted jects Civil Cc was found to have engaged in pro- amount and was advised that it would take two hibited conduct in contravening Section 19(2) (a) months to complete the construction depend- 9(i) and Section 47 (3) of the Consumer Protec- ing on the availability of material. She then paid tion Act. R103 500 which was more than the required 70% on the 30th January 2020. JS Projects was ordered to refund the amount of R104 500 Buthelezi had paid in January 2020 “The following month SJ Projects started the as a deposit with interest at a rate of 7,25% with foundation for the garage but they soon disap- effect from March 2020. peared without explanation,” says Buthelezi. Moodley said a lot of other complaints relat- When she called to inquire, Michael Mpen- ed to motor dealerships who sold defective motor dulo Jojo, a manager of SJ Projects, he told her cars, service repairs centres who failed to satis- that he was waiting for the cement in the founda- factorily carry out repairs and businesses which tion to dry before he could start with the building. took deposits from consumers but failed to per- form their services. He never communicated with her again until South Africa was placed under the Disaster Man- Investigations are on-going and, in some agement Act and later under lockdown during the cases, involve the Motor Industry Ombudsman of period in which Jojo had disappeared. South Africa. Although Jojo undertook to start building He said in the coming months the Consumer the lounge and double garage, he never did, says Tribunal will hold hearings throughout the coun- Buthelezi. try so that their services are taken to the people. “ I tried to meet with him at Newlands Police Aggrieved consumers could email their com- plaints to [email protected] or call their toll free number 0800 333 667. MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... For more information on Mirror advertising Contact: ROSLYN OLIFANT on 068 578 0162 or call office: 060 936 2673

6 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Friday 06 May 2022 IKUSASA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CAREER GUIDE NEW CAREER IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR STUDENTS RARE: The institute will provide rare prospects for students interested in engineering Mashudu Madzhie, CEO of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) By Isaac Moledi project lifecycles, improved communications and es. The Institute has a student administration and construction project,” Lukenge says. Students in and outside South Africa will, from coordination, more opportunities for prefabrica- learning management system that allows students The Institute will offer a diploma in BIM in January next year, be able to study various tion and modular construction and higher quality to participate in class tutorials, book consultation qualifications within Building Information results. sessions with BIM experts, submit projects as well construction management and a diploma in facil- Modelling (BIM), a skill that is part of the fu- as receive academic and non-academic support on- ity management. Both diplomas will consist of 360 ture of digital transformation within the archi- According to Madzhie, the establishment of the line. With the entry requirement being a matric pass credits. In addition, the Institute will also provide 3 tecture, engineering, construction industry and Institute was made possible by the Nido Trust, a with English, the Institute will be providing rare higher certificates in construction management and facility management. charitable Trust focusing on introducing industry prospects for those students interested in engineer- 3 higher certificates in facility management. The specific programmes that are fully accredited by ing and built environment that would otherwise not higher certificates will consist of 120 credits. Dubbed a very viable career option and in the local bodies and endorsed by professional bod- have afforded or qualified for university degrees great demand globally, BIM is the brainchild of ies globally. He describes the Trustees of the Trust, within these fields. The first BIM programmes by Madzhie says these programmes will be rec- the Trident Engineering Institute and the launch of Henry Lukenge (Founder), Lungile Koti and Pat- the Institute will focus on the application of BIM ognised locally with SAQA & CHE accredita- the Institute took place last week at the Institute’s rick Oketa as “individuals who are all passionate in construction management and facility manage- tions, and international professional bodies such office at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. BIM about education and community empowerment”. ment. as the British Standards Institution (BSI) who are is actually a process for creating and managing all on board exploring partnership possibilities. “The the information about a project, leading to an out- “The Institute wants to make BIM qualifica- “The Institute’s qualifications will train stu- partnership will mean that our students will gradu- put known as a Building Information Model, which tions accessible and affordable to the masses, tar- dents on the largely developing field of BIM and ate with a locally accredited programme and ac- contains digital descriptions for every aspect of the geting high school graduates, TVET graduates and related concepts and technical know-how of the cess to the BSI professional membership via our physical project. professionals who wish to curve a new career path ever-changing software used in the construction partnership and programme endorsement with the in BIM,” says Madzhie. and facility management areas,” says Nido Trust BSI group, which sets local and global standards in While BIM is mostly associated with design and founder. Henry Lukenge. BIM and related fields,” says Lukenge. According preconstruction, it absolutely benefits every phase He explains that only the high-end BIM work- to Madzhie, the issue of affordability is paramount of the project life-cycle, even well after building shops have been available locally and most of them Lukenge, originally from Uganda and now to what the Institute wants to achieve. Because of is complete. BIM, according to Mashudu Madzhie, are accessible to those with many years of career residing in Canada, is the CEO and President of this commitment, the Board of Directors of the In- CEO (Interim) of the Institute, allows projects to in engineering or construction. “The Institute’s Nexim Healthcare. He is a qualified Chartered Ac- stitute and the Trustees of Nido Trust have agreed be built virtually before they are constructed physi- mission is to educate students on specific indus- countant training in the United Kingdom, where to offer the Henry Lukenge Fellowship and Nido cally, eliminating many of the inefficiencies and try knowledge using innovative, technologyrich, he was a partner in an accounting firm there be- Trust Bursaries to deserving students. Nido Trust problems that arise during the construction process. interdisciplinary learning environments. The Insti- fore moving to Canada. Lukenge’s philanthropy which owns the Institute, which will help the Trus- tute will collaborate with industry partners to offer work has seen him building schools for children in tees achieve this charitable intention. Simply put, Madzhie says, BIM is a process students real-world problem-solving, work experi- Uganda. involving the creation and management of digital ence, applied research and business leadership op- Both scholarships from the Henry Lukenge mock-ups that assists the design and building or portunities to achieve this mission,” he says. “At the end of the qualifications, students will Fellowship and Nido Trust Bursaries will be avail- construction process throughout its entire stages of be able to use modelling techniques, 3D modelling able from 2023. Madzhie invites public and private development and maintenance. Headquartered at the V&A Waterfront in Cape tools and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Stu- companies to open the bursaries schemes to BIM Town, students anywhere in South Africa will be dents will be able to carry out accurate calculations students via Nido Trust or within their existing Some of the BIM significant benefits in the de- able to study BIM since the Institute is a distance on construction and facility management projects, schemes. But there are also fees for paying students sign and construction process, he explains, are cost education institution. In addition, students will specifically when it comes to detailed measurement which include a R150 non-refundable application and resource savings, greater efficiency and shorter have an option to enrol for tutorial programmes on of materials and labour needed before and after a fee. a fulltime or part-time basis via partnering colleg- By Isaac Moledi CREATE SPACE dates to current employees are just some examples Over the last two years the global Covid-19 FOR WOMEN TO of how companies can open up opportunities for pandemic has radically shifted the way people women. Introducing company-wide bias training work and live. The disproportionate impact of RISE TO HIGH and inclusive hiring practices for managers and the health crisis has also made more visible the POSITIONS’ recruiters can help reduce bias throughout the hir- reality of social injustices and inequalities. ing process. EQUAL: An equal opportunity workplace Creating an environment in which all employ- should be diverse and equitable According to her, it is important that busi- ees can thrive is all the more important given the nesses learn from the Covid-19 pandemic to cre- rise of new barriers faced by women in the work- businesses can be powerful platforms for social diversity tend to be more innovative and success- ate workplaces that inspire balance and equality. force, says Linda Saunders, Head of Solution En- change and further equality for all,” according to ful. Taking action to ensure equal access begins gineering, Salesforce South Africa. Saunders. with re-imagining our hiring systems.” “Recognising employees’ different roles and She advises companies to: situations and helped by collaborative technolo- According to McKinsey, a global management Embedding a diversity recruiting team, im- gies, they can explore what is possible in terms consulting firm, one in four people considered Re-imagine hiring systems and ways of work- plementing a more equitable referral process and of flexible working arrangements. Some prefer downshifting or even abandoning their careers as ing. “It is no secret that workplaces with greater creating insiders programmes connecting candi- to come to the office every day, others might not a result of increased domestic responsibilities. need to be office-based at all,” Saunders says. “Hard times reveal true character and true cul- She believes that facilitating an environment ture. For better workplaces and a more equitable that better suits employees’ needs and new work- society, all business leaders have a responsibility ing habits, businesses can shape the future of the- to empower women to further their careers. This office to be a greater place for human connection includes redefining what equality truly means to and a hub for collaboration. them,” says Saunders. Focus on experience and skills. According to her, an equal opportunity work- According to Saunders, representation does place is one that is diverse, equitable and inclu- not hinge on hiring alone —companies must focus sive, where difference is celebrated and women on experience. “To be inclusive means everyone can move ahead free of deliberate and uncon- must feel supported, valued and empowered to scious barriers. “Creating more balance, increased succeed. Tackling bias cannot be a one-and-done productivity and deeper equality starts with a com- exercise, but rather a continuous journey. Busi- mitment to equal pay for equal work. By imple- ness leaders need to give employees — especially menting inclusive business practices, processes to managers — the tools they need to recognize and tackle biased businesses and open doors to others, address bias, foster belonging, create access and advocate for others.”

Friday 06 May 2022 PERSONAL FINANCE/BUSINESS 7WEEKLY SA MIRROR SOUTH AFRICAN COMPANY BOSSES AMONG HIGHEST PAID IN THE WORLD - ILO BEST: Retaining the between 23% and 35% , despite various pieces of “And then there are those who hardly seem tain the best and most experienced staff, which best workers is a core legislation aimed at preventing gender discrimi- to notice how good they have it: endless cups of pays many dividends over the long-term. driver of productivity nation at the workplace and the Covid- 19 pan- quality machine coffee, extra time off on birth- and efficiency demic has increased the projected time to close days, oodles of respect and top-of-the-range perks He says retaining the best employees is a core the pay gap from 99.5 years to 135.6 years. The such as a free counselling service to help with driver of productivity and efficiency. Besides, By Isaac Moledi average global gap, according to the international everything from family dramas to financial plan- keeping staff happy and engaged is not only a The world has just celebrated Workers Day on labour body, is about 20%. Siera is also concerned ning and membership of a low-cost, highperform- driver of success; it is a measure of it. “A happy May 1 and to many employees the world over, about these figures and has reminded employers ing retirement fund.” team and a successful business are inextricably this is another important day on their calendar. that taking care of staff is an excellent way to tak- linked, which makes taking care of employees ing care of the company’s bottom line. According to Sierra, unfortunately, South Af- as much about a company’s bottom line as it is a While some people would celebrate their rica’s appallingly high unemployment rate means moral issue,” Siera says. birthday by taking their friends out, to workers, “We all know someone who seems to be stuck that employers in the first category can keep their this day does not only celebrate past struggles and in a job with low pay, zero respect and no benefits, businesses fully staffed and operational. It is those According to him, even if too few employ- victories, it also serves as a reminder to look at not even so much as a free cup of tea.” in the second group, however, who recruit and re- ers offer excellent benefits – such as financial the way people work today and to always strive counselling, education, retirement planning and for a better future. Jonathan Siera of 10X Invest- membership of a high performing retirement fund ments, says most workers give more than 100% – these are the real value-adds when it comes to of their contracted energy and skills for 40 hours a being seen as an employer of choice. week to keep their employers happy (and the pay- cheques rolling in), but too few employers give “With this in mind, it is obvious that ensur- more than a timely paycheque by way of thanks. ing every penny a company spends on staff is well spent. So why enrol employees in a retirement The executive remuneration at the highest fund that under-performs and is ruinously expen- levels of a company has become a “great matter of sive to run? Also, why force them to join a fund concern” both internationally and in South Africa, that nobody engages with or understands? according to South Africa’s Trade, Industry and Competition Minister, Ebrahim Patel. “I would like to propose that in honour of Workers Day all employers who are in any doubt According to Stats SA, the average monthly about their retirement fund of choice do a little salary in South Africa in May 2021 was R23 526, thinking about it. They should ask themselves: 9.7% up from R21 446 the previous year . South African executives’ pay ranks rate amongst the Do their staff benefits provide the best value highest in the world. On average, a CEO in the possible to their team members, and how does this private sector commands 541 times more than the impact their bottom line? Besides, the bosses are average per capita share of the national income. probably members too.” When it comes to the gender pay gap, the Siera believes that any analysis of a corporate International Labour Organization says South retirement fund should include user engagement Africa had a stagnant median gender pay gap of (do people understand it, are they maxing out on their benefits) as well as an evaluation of perfor- mance and fees (fees are an important predictor ofretirement savings success because an appar- ently small saving in fees compounds to make a significant difference over a savings lifetime). “Bear in mind that the money workers accu- mulate in their retirement fund will be the biggest investment many of them ever make. Make sure you help them to get the best out of this invest- ment by asking the right questions. Your bottom line might just depend on it,” says Siera. By Isaac Moledi INSURERS URGED Insurers should find a meaningful and a bet- TO BUILD LASTING ter way to engage with a policyholder and not TRUST AND LOYALTY only remembering them when there is an annual price increase, Brent Haumann, Managing Di- WITH CLIENTS rector of Striata Africa has cautioned. HIKE: Engaging with consumers only during According to him, traditionally, insurers don’t have the strongest track record when it comes to price hikes will drive them away Brent Haumann, Head of development at customer communication. Likewise, most people Striata only interacted with their insurers when they were making a claim or looking to make adjustments to everything they can to retain customers. If they is constantly trying to upsell them or is exposing It is crucial, however, that insurers take this their policy. don’t, their customers will either look elsewhere or them to products they don’t need, they’re not likely personalisation and demonstration of value into forgo having insurance entirely. to feel that they’re being treated well. every interaction they have with customers. While According to Haumann, as recently as 2019, technology and data can go a long way to achieving ninety percent of insurers worldwide did not com- Haumann believes that a customer is much less So, what kind of communication should insur- this, it is also important to ensure that every depart- municate with their customers even once a year. likely to abandon a company if they have a great ers use to build loyalty and trust instead? ment within the organization has adopted a mindset experience every time they interact with it. that allows for meaningful customer interactions. “In some respects, this lack of communication “Well, as is the case with any relationship they A serious imperative is understandable. Insurance is a grudge purchase; “Of course, within the broader consumer en- need to showthat they understand the customer’s something we know we need but don’t like hav- vironment, insurers aren’t just competing against individual needs, demonstrate value and do so with ‘Over the past two years is that insurers have ing to fork out for (at least until something major other insurers but entertainment, food delivery and every interaction,” says Haumann. found themselves stretched harder than ever before. happens and a claim saves us from financial ruin).” any number of other services. Insurers, therefore, As a 2021 report from Deloitte notes, they have have to work even harder when it comes to provid- “Given the vast amounts of customer data in- muted new business volumes, increased claims and Haumann says many insurers feel that if ing a great customer experience (CX). surers have at their disposal, the first of those is short-term COVID-19 related provisions for poor- they communicate too frequently with customers, Demonstrating value. possible for almost all insurers. Combined with er expected persistence and mortality. At the same they’ll be reminded of that grudge purchase and be artificial intelligence and machine learning for time, their customers are facing unprecedented tempted to scrap their cover or take their business “Communication is key to providing great CX. example, insurers can use this data to ensure that pressure on their wallets.” elsewhere. After all, the sum of the interactions customers customers receive communication that is relevant have with a product or service provider is a rela- to them at an individual level.” Although this is the case, Haumann says now “Understandable as this logic is, however, it is tionship and no relationship can handle protracted is not, in other words, the time for insurers to re- not sound. Insurers should not be scared to engage periods of silence. But it’s more complex than just Haumann says however that geographic and vert to minimal communication in the hopes that with their consumers in case they are lost. What communicating for the sake of communication.” other forms of data, meanwhile, allow insurers to customers will keep paying their premiums in the they need to understand is that selling a policy and demonstrate value. background. Instead, they need to build trust and only engaging when there is an annual price hike Haumann says insurers wanting to create great loyalty and that means engaging meaningfully to will result in a negative relationship and that will customer experiences should bear in mind that “They can, for example, send out weather build lasting, emotional relationships with their cause consumers to go elsewhere.” research from McKinsey shows 70% of the cus- warnings or advice to customers on keeping their customers. tomer’s journey is based on how they feel they are homes and cars safe. It doesn’t matter how simple According to Haumann, a far better approach is being treated. If a customer feels like their insurer your claims process is, a customer is much more to engage in meaningful communication that builds likely to stay loyal if your actions stop them from an emotional bond between the insurer and custom- having to claim in the first place.” er and engenders trust and loyalty. Customer experience (CX) and the consumer Environment. Loyalty is priceless at a time when switching insurers is easier than ever and a slew of technol- ogy-based insurance startups are aiming to disrupt the long-established business models of traditional insurers (according to one estimate, the insurtech space is poised to grow by US$33.73 billion lead- ing up to 2025). Add in a broader economic environment in which ordinary consumers’ pockets are under more- pressure than ever – thanks to COVID-19, followed by supply chain issues and rising fuel prices – and it’s easy to see why it’s imperative that insurers do

8 WEEKLY SA MIRROR OPINION/ANALYSIS Friday 06 May 2022 Comment WHAT IS THE NAC HIDING? It is rather unfortunate that, since its establish- ‘MOBILE SIM REGISTRATION ment in 1997, the National Arts Council of OPEN TO STATE ABUSE’ South Africa, NAC, has clocked a chequered history shrouded by intermittent controversies SURVEILLANCE: Africans are right to resist mobile SIM card registration, given over the disbursement of funding totalling hun- concerns about privacy in the absence of sufficient legal safeguards, according to dreds of millions of rand. African Digital Network researchers Dr Tony Roberts and Ridwan Oloyede… Such inglorious reputation serves only to By Tony Roberts and Ridwan Olyede WARNING: Ridwan Oloyede, legal practitioner to capture and store citizens’ communications for cloud the agency’s important vision, which is to In recent weeks, millions of Nigerians have been possible state use. promote, through the arts, the free expression barred from making calls after the government Our research onsurveillance of South Africa’s cultures. Not that the agency instructed telecommunications providers to dis- law in Africa shows In Nigeria, that fear was exacerbated in Febru- has had no successes to claim in the 25 years connect their SIM cards because they failed to ary, when it was reported that President Muham- of existence, of which there have been numer- comply with the government directive to register that most surveillance is madu Buhari had allowed security agencies to ac- ous, but it is the cases – where it has scored own and link them to their digital ID, known as the conducted on political cess the NIN database. The government’s argument goals – that have created greater resonance in National Identity Number (NIN). opponents, business for mandatory registration of SIM cards linked to public space. rivals, journalists, digital IDs hinges on security, and allowing gov- Most countries in Africa – 50 nations according ernments to track criminality. However, there is no Most memorable is last year’s fiasco over to research by Privacy International – and around civil society activists and evidence that mandatory SIM registration lowers the disbursement of R300-million Covid-19 the world require SIM registration to identify the low-level criminals. These crime or makes a difference in crime detection. relief funds, which prompted Arts and Culture user. However, Nigeria has gone further by requir- Minister Nathi Mthethwa under public pressure. ing SIM cards to be registered and linked with a are all in violation of Everyone wants governments to track the most To his credit, though, the audit culminated in the citizen’s digital ID, and therefore with the biometric privacy rights. serious criminals to prevent mass atrocities. But cit- suspension of the agency’s chief executive of- data that it contains. Nigeria is not alone in doing izens also want governments to respect and protect ficer Rosemary and institution of disciplinary this: some 30 countries globally require SIM regis- technologies, not only in digital IDs and SIM regis- everyone’s right to privacy. Due to the covert nature action against her in various allegations of mis- tration linked to digital ID including biometric data tration, but also in CCTV, encryption breaking and of surveillance, and the large power imbalance be- conduct. such as fingerprints or facial images. car licence plate and facial recognition systems. tween the state and the people being watched, there They also created laws forcing telecom companies is a clear opportunity to abuse power: our research Following the probe, Auditor-General made Such a registration policy excludes many mar- on surveillance law in Africa shows that most sur- two key findings, the first being that – in some ginalised groups such as some ethnic minorities or veillance is conducted on political opponents, busi- applications – the NAC did not apply the regu- migrant workers without ID proof such as a birth ness rivals, journalists, civil society activists and lations that required them to score the applicants certificates, needed to obtain a digital ID. This locks low-level criminals. These are all in violation of correctly and that this had led to the expenditure them out from obtaining a SIM – and therefore privacy rights. classified as irregular The second aspect related from mobile connectivity – and from government to the budget being exceeded, leading to irregu- services that increasingly require mobile or internet In most African countries including Nigeria, lar expenditure, the AG noted. service to access. it is also in violation of the constitution, interna- tional human rights conventions, and domestic laws Before Mangope’s suspension, the Public Secondly, SIM registration linked to digital ID which protect privacy of communication. However, Protector had found the allegation that she sub- is causing concerns about privacy rights – not only branches of the state regularly violate this privacy mitted an application for funding to the tune of in Nigeria but also in Uganda, Zambia and Kenya – law, and they do so with impunity, with no account- R350 000 on behalf the SA Roadies Association in the absence of sufficient legal safeguards to pro- ability for such violations. (SARA) without the organisation’s knowledge tect their data. More so, where there is a historical and permission, was substantiated. This is de- record of abuse by authorities. To protect citizens against abuses of their data spite the NAC rejecting an earlier SARA appli- and privacy rights, robust data protection and pri- cation for funding. From our research at the African Digital Rights vacy laws are needed that provide for independent Network, we believe citizens are right to be con- oversight bodies with the independence, resources In recent weeks, Weekly SA Mirror has cerned. Linking digital IDs and mobile SIMs, and and power to monitor surveillance practices, and reported on a series of strange twists and turn linking these with mobile banking apps and other hold governments and corporations accountable for concerning the SARA saga, which saw the Na- digital services, is the “unholy trinity” of digital any breaches. tional Prosecutions Authority initially declining surveillance. to charge Mangope after Hawks opened a dos- Citizens have a right to legal citizenship and to sier against her. The NPA is currently reviewing When combined with further government or access government services and entitlements. This that decision with a view to reinstating criminal corporate data, this surveillance stack enables gov- should not be contingent on a biometric ID system proceedings against her. ernments to track an individual’s real-time move- that locks out the most vulnerable, and enables re- ments, transactions, email, voice and social media pressive governments to conduct mass surveillance. Hot on the heels of this development, this communications, providing a powerful infrastruc- * Dr Tony Roberts is a research fellow at the In- week came news that the NAC was finally part- ture for state surveillance. ing ways – “amicably” – with Mangope, offer- Digital surveillance stitute of Development Studies, and a member ing her a confidential deal, including dropping of the African Digital Rights Network. Ridwan disciplinary charges against her. The agreement Digital identification is becoming a central Olyede is a legal practitioner, research fellow was signed by the parties last month, according component of repressive digital surveillance. In the and consultant based in Nigeria, and a mem- to the NAC statement released this week. six African countries we studied, we found govern- ber of the African Digital Rights Network. ments making major investments in surveillance This article first appeared in Ventureburn Unsurprisingly, the deal has sparked pub- newsletter. lic fury, especially over the NAC’s decision to make it confidential – to even the taxpayers whose funds will sponsor the whole question- able agreement. Indeed, the NAC’s board must account for this gaffe, which suspiciously smacks of a cover-up and an ostensible attempt to buy Man- gope’s silence about other possible shenanigans within the agency. What and who is the NAC protecting through this deal, is the million-dol- lar question? v 060 936 2673 [email protected] Weekly SA Mirror is published by Weekly SA Mirror Pty Ltd. Correspondence to be directed to: PostNet Suite 230, Private Bag X 9, Melville 2109. Website: Contact: 060 936 2673 Letters to be sent to: [email protected] MIRRORWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... Weekly SA Mirror subscribes to the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South Af- rican Print and Online Media. As a sub- scriber publication and member of the Press Council of SA, the publication is thus subject to the Press Code and to the jurisdiction of the PCSA’s complaints pro- cedures.

Friday 06 May 2022 OPINION/ANALYSIS 9WEEKLY SA MIRROR DIGITISATION GRINDS that are inappropriate, unattainable and ignore TO HALT DUE TO the realities of today and the future – increased JOB LOSS FEARS poverty and rapid urbanization. “And unfortu- nately, putting it bluntly, municipalities do not SERVICE: Municipalities have structural problems that impact know the extent of their problems. As a result, on service delivery objectives many of our critical strategic decisions are ill- informed and based on plans developed on a By Isaac Moledi place, that need not be the case. ministrations or to curb corruption, there are issues fragile information base. Fear of job losses in the public sector and struc- On the other hand, BC Gildenhuys & Associ- that will make it very difficult, if not impossible, Quoting the City of Tshwane as an example, tural issues in municipalities stand in the way of to achieve or sustain our current service delivery Gildenhuys explained that firstly, the city sustainable service delivery and digital transfor- ates, an internationally recognized expert company objectives.” reached a point where 50% of its households stay mation of the public sector, according to munici- in municipal planning, spatial, economic develop- in informal structures. Yet, most of the Council’s pal planning and digital specialists. ment and local government finances, is adamant Gildenhuys describes the recent utterances by policies and development frameworks are silent on that irrespective of the government’s ability to run Deputy President David Mabuza to the National the issue. Greg Gatherer, Accounts Manager at Liferay, a clean administrations or to curb corruption, munic- Council of Provinces (NCOP) on how he assists Secondly, he said Tshwane households grow software manufacturer that helps private and public ipalities have structural problems that will make it President Cyril Ramaphosa in implementing rap- by an estimated 33 000 households per annum. “To sectors to create digital experience on the web, mo- very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve or sus- id response interventions on service delivery and put that into perspective,” says Gildenhuys, “98 of bile and connected devices, says even where public tain the current service delivery objectives. trouble-shooting in service delivery hotspots as South Africa’s 213 local municipalities have fewer sector employees are doing their utmost best, they “like fixing an engine with a masking tape”. households than Tshwane’s annual growth. Since are constrained by outdated working models, inef- “We want to believe that councils and political the elections in November 2021, the demand for ficient IT systems and the slow rollout of digitalisa- parties aim to strengthen their position with 2024 He lists three main reasons which challenge infrastructure and social services in Tshwane alone tion. The company believes that while there are a firmly in mind but also to show substantial im- service delivery goals : has grown by nearly 10 000 households.” number of factors at play when it comes to these provements in service delivery and financial sus- 1. A history of 25 years of inappropriate invest- According to him, the government can have constraints, one of the most alarming is a pervasive tainability over the next five years,” says BC Gild- plan upon plan to solve service delivery problems, fear that digitalisation could lead to job losses. But enhuys & Associates director Burgert Gildenhuys. ment under the banner of pro-poor policies as but if they don’t know the extent of the services the company believes that with the right skills in well as the council’s lack to grasp the long-term to be delivered and develop the capacity to assess “However, our municipalities have structural operating consequences of their capital invest- the capital and operating cost impact of the policies issues that are not always understood or appreci- ment programmes. they promise to implement, they will never suc- ated. Irrespective of our ability to run clean ad- 2. Municipalities operate under policy regimes cessfully provide services. Responding on the country’s employment numbers, Gatherer says although the South Afri- can state is, by some distance, the country’s largest single employer, with more than 1.3 million people under its employment and among them teachers, nurses, doctors, municipal workers, police officers and defence force members, all too often, the pub- lic sector has also been used to cushion the coun- try’s shockingly high unemployment rate. He says those employment numbers come with a significant cost too. According to Gatherer, in the 2021-22 financial year, the public sector wage bill hit R665.1 billion and is set to rise to R702-billion in 2024-25. “Put differently, while the govern- ment employs 13% of all workers in the country, it pays 33% of all wages. Of course, ordinary tax- payers wouldn’t mind footing that bill if it meant improved service delivery. But it simply doesn’t. “Even where public sector employees are do- ing their utmost, they are constrained by outdated working models, inefficient IT systems and the slow rollout of digitalisation. While there are any number of factors at play when it comes to these constraints, one of the most alarming is a pervasive fear that digitalisation could lead to job losses. But with the right skills in place, that needn’t be the case,” according to Gatherer. He says while there are a few shining lights such as the SA Revenue Service’s revamped eFil- ing system, there can be no doubt that many ele- ments of the public sector have lagged when it comes to digital transformation. And according to him, the picture is largely bleak. He pinpoints as an example, the National Plan- ning Commission’s (NPC) report: Digital futures – South Africa’s Digital Readiness for the Fourth In- dustrial Revolution which he says highlighted how bad things are. “The report suggests that there has been a wholesale institutional failure on the part of the State when it comes to digital transformation. There’s also a very clear shortage of skills. In 2021, for example, it was revealed that 62% of mu- nicipal councillors lacked the basic computer skills needed to pass municipal budgets,” says Gatherer. Far more concerning are the people who are ac- tively trying to prevent digitalisation out of a fear that the increased efficiency it brings will result in job losses. “At its worst, this fear can result in peo- ple destroying technology. As an example, earlier this year, the City of Johannesburg experienced two attacks in two weeks in which computers and hard drives were damaged and destroyed. “At the time, Mayoral Committee Member Be- linda Echeozonjoku said that incidents were a clear sign of pushback against a digitisation project that was designed to speed up the processing of build- ing plans. That’s just one example, but if there is similar pushback around the country (not neces- sarily just in the form of vandalism but also in a refusal to adopt new technologies and processes), then it’s easy to see how digitalisation is being held back across the country.” In order to overcome these fears and some of the obstacles, Gatherer says it is important to ensure that public sector workers understand that delivering secure, streamlined ex- periences that are tailored to the citizen’s needs is in their own best interests. “The better and more streamlined service de- livery is, the more attractive South Africa will be to domestic and international investors. With a grow- ing economy and lower unemployment rate, there will be a larger tax base, meaning that more money can be directed into public sector programmes. That, in turn, means more jobs, not fewer.”Gatherer argues that individual departments can further ease fears that digital transformation will cost jobs by ensuring that everyone has the necessary skills to benefit from new technologies.

10 WEEKLY SA MIRROR FASHION/LIFESTYLE Friday 06 May 2022 FUN STUFF WITH ITALIA NEUHAUS SARTORIAL: A Winter collection that makes a statement at Hyde Park Corner By Mpumi Brown and individuality confident through Regulars will know that finding ex- this ever-changing and exclusive range which has items that will appeal to traordinary things at Hyde Park Corner women between the ages of 15 to 65. is not out of the ordinary. The brands that can be found here are exceptional Anyone who has style and loves to and collectively are the reasons Hyde express themselves in a unique way can Park Corner is the shopping destination find a special piece in this boutique. Ta- of choice in Johannesburg when the oc- lia ensures she only brings limited stock casion calls for something to make you of each style to the store which means stand out. Shankara is of one of those customers can be assured that their brands. piece is as unique as it can be. Talia Neuhaus has always had a “We want to be a destination bou- healthy obsessed with fashion trends tique, a place where all unique and con- and shopping. This passion coupled with fident women come to enjoy our high- her frustration at not being able to find end quality fashion. Ultimately the goal the styles she enjoyed wearing inspired is that every customer will leave the her to start Shankara way back in 2007 dressing room with a smile.” she says. and more recently open a new store in Hyde Park Corner in November 2019. Shankara’s 2022 Winter Collec- Together with a like-minded friend, tion includes pieces which are artworks Talia decided to import pieces and la- in themselves. Such as the handmade bels they liked during trips overseas. plaid wool cotton vest which is deco- Shankara introduced a crossover of chic rated with prints - this limited-edition and street fashion to South Africa. Each piece is wide cut to fit most body types. piece is personally hand-picked by Talia Or a one-of-a-kind print two-piece suit who makes it her business to stay ahead with a stretchy waist made from soft in terms of fashion trends while never fine pullover. And because life is far too compromising quality. short to wear boring shoes, hand-made unique high cut lacquer boots Talia’s selections for Shankara en- able her customers to express their style A shopping experience at Shanka- ra will check every creative box you never knew you had! EIGHT not want. Give her the option to spend at a local e-tailer that offers selections that are good for the earth and even better for her. MEMORABLE 6. Memories to last a lifetime: Orms Hard- GIFT IDEAS FOR cover photobook MOTHER’S DAY If there’s something all moms enjoy, it’s re- PAMPER: ake your mom through a day full of special membering when you were little. Reminiscing over happy days gone by and laughing at the moments you enjoyed together. Take the time to choose photographs that mean the most to you both and create a book that puts that joy into print. 7. Love that’s skin deep: Curate your ear with your mom Need an outing with a difference? Choose a bubbles and piercing outing to affirm your bond and learn all about the latest jewellery trend - the curated ear! Select a ‘stack’ of earrings unique to you both, whether it’s just a pair or hoops, or a full lobe of gems. surprises that should include self-care presents.... 8. Shoot for the stars: Digital Camera from Orms By Mpumi Brown live, a locally-produced all natural range making Yes, the camera on your phone is wonderful, waves locally. It’s almost time for the annual celebration of 3. Put your best foot forward: Hannah but nothing is better than quality photography our mothers, Mother’s Day. Whether it’s your from technology geared to do only that. Spoil birth mother, adopted mother, grandmother, Lavery Decade Mule your mom with the gift of being able to capture family matriarch or someone you see as your If there’s one thing you know about your and store wonderful memories from wherever she mum, Sunday the 8th of May is your day to mum, it’s that she spends a lot of time on her feet! goes. make them feel honoured and appreciated. Help her take those steps comfortably with a pair of stylish, and timeless leather shoes. Aside from a suitable celebration for your 4. Come away with me: Domestic flight spe- mum, gifting should be top of mind. I mean, how cials else would you thank the woman that picked you COVID took away so much, not least the up, dusted you off and kissed it better? ability to travel. Gift your mum with flights to the beach or a weekend in the bush. Better yet, join 1. Say it with a Pearl: Black Betty Skinny Joy 2. The gift of beautiful skin: lelive 3 piece her and give her the greatest gift of all, your time. Pearl Ring in Silver starter pack 5. The gift of choice: Faithful to Nature Gift Not all pearls are formed perfectly symmet- If there’s one thing that makes a woman feel Voucher Acknowledging your mom’s unique prefer- rical and unblemished, most pearls are found in beautiful, it’s blemish-free soft skin. This Moth- ences with a gift card is a way of spoiling her, different shapes and colours boasting their own er’s Day, gift your mom with the ultimate ‘starter without lumping her with something she might precious uniqueness. Just like our mums, these pack’: A cleanser, moisturiser and serum from le- beauties are completely original. Choose from many unique Pearl pieces in the new Black Betty Pearl Collection.

Friday 06 May 2022 TOURISM 11WEEKLY SA MIRROR EAST MEETS AFRICA AT KAI THAI ROTHBURY SPA LODGE RELAXATION, Guests enjoying a foot massage near the pool at the Kai Thai Rothbury Spa Lodge. HEALTH BENEFITS: A breakway that will leave you mentally invigorated and physically energized. By Ali Mphaki ing. SPARKLING; A visit to the Kai Thai Rothbury Spar Lodge would not be complete without a splash We all have those friends who like to boast Overnight packages here commence with a JACUZZI: Spme of the rooms have a private jacuzzi for your own pleasure they are fresh from a holiday, posting on social media etc. yet complain feeling more traditional Thai dinner with treatments lined up stressed and tired than before they left their the next day. Guests have an option of choosing homes. from four luxury en-suite rooms (three of which have Jacuzzi and one has a private splash pool. Described as post-holiday depression, some researchers believe the main contributors There is also the option of four-standard to these symptoms to be the “Five F’s” –financ- rooms en-suite with one of these boasting a es, family, festivities, fatigue and food. bathtub including Jacuzzi outside. But it is the Thai massage that is the highlight of this In an article published on the Virgina Hos- tranquil and serene venue. The benefts of Thai pital website in the US, experts say during massage are well documented for this type of holiday your life gets out of balance, normal massage which originated in India and has been routines go by the wayside. You might eat around for over 2,500 years, and was originally badly and drink too much. You might spend too regarded as a healing art. much time in crowded stores, sitting in traffic, and partying, and not enough time exercising, Unlike typical Western-type massages, it meditating, and sleeping. doesn’t involve lying on a massage bed while a massage therapist applies oil to your body You almost certainly did a lot for others in and kneads your muscles and pressure points. trying to create some cherished memories — Instead, you lie fully clothed on a mat on the putting your personal needs and health on hold ground while a practitioner uses stretching, in the process. pulling, and rocking techniques to relieve ten- sion, promote relaxation, and improve flexibil- This takes a toll on both your physical ity and circulation. health and mental well-being. On the question of imbibing too much, who doesn’t like a beer Other interesting to do items at the Kai or cocktail round the pool? Thai Rothbury Spa is an opportunity to learn how to manufacture romatherapy shower But it is also no secret that lately some peo- bombs, as taught by their willing staff. ple have become discerning holiday makers, preferring to mix with their holiday time with You would be pleasantly surprised how added health benefits. simple these are made, from baking soda, wa- ter, and essential oils particularly eucalyptus, Holidaymakers want to come back home peppermint and lavender. refreshed, recharged, and geared up to their daily grind. Chances are if you live in Gauteng There is also a wide abundance of tour- for instance, you may think you would need to ism and sightseeing opportunities nearby the drive far out of the province to enjoy the seren- property, in case you feel the claustrophobia of ity and tranquil of a holiday, far from the mad- being in one place, there is also a wide abun- dening crowd, so to speak. dance of tourism and sightseeing opportunities nearby the property Faced with sky rocketing fuel prices and generally high inflation, you don’t have to be The Thai Kha Rothbury comes highly rec- an oil Sheik to reach the Kai Thai Rothbury ommended as a perfect retreat which is not Lodge, located in the picturesque and historic crowded, offering a fantastic opportunity for Cradle of Humankind. you and your loved ones to take a break and relax! Unbelievably close escapes from Jozi. As the name suggests, the Thai-style bed It is just 30 to 40 minutes drive from Gauteng’s and breakfast country guest house offer an es- dense urban centres. cape for those needing to get away from the constant stresses and anxieties of big city liv- The Spa is part of the Thai Kha group which owns several restaurants around Gauteng.

12 WEEKLY SA MIRROR MOTORING Friday 06 May 2022 SWIFT FLIES MOTORING:Briefs SUZUKI FLAG HIGH G-CLASS CRAWLS INTO THE LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT; The Suzuki Swift has wormed its way to a many a motorists’ hearts. DESERT ENTRENCHED: German tuner Brabus has turned the Mer- More exciting models cedes-Benz G-Class into an off-road desert racer from Japanese called the 900 Crawler. The Brabus 900 Crawler manufacturer expected has the familiar G-Class front end, but everything behind it is more sand rail than luxury SUV. Bra- By Ali Mphaki bus built its own steel tube-frame chassis, with open four-seat bodywork made from carbon fiber. Suzuki Auto South Africa today applauded the APPEALING: The interior is modern with controls were you expect to find them hard work of its team and dealer network after it The driver and passengers sit in carbon fiber set yet another overall sales record in April. cient cars. It further strengthened our line-up of ve- network sold 2 855 units; a few units shy of last racing seats with four-point harnesses. The seats hicles that are all designed and specified to offer the month’s record of 2 933 units. Suzuki’s fleet and are upholstered in Silvertex fabric from Brabus- The company reported 3 696 new vehicle deliv- best specifications and performance for your hard- rental division, in turn sold, 839 units, with many developed high-performance boats. The material eries to South African customers and a further five earned money, with Suzuki’s proven Japanese qual- orders from large fleet customers in the pipeline. is resistant to fading in sunlight, Brabus claims, sales to regional customers for a total of 3 701 sales ity and durability,” says Henno Havenga, manager which is an important consideration in the desert in the short month of April. This is the highest ever for auto dealer sales at Suzuki Auto South Africa. “There are many more exciting things ahead for monthly total for Suzuki and the fourth consecutive Suzuki. We have started delivering the new Suzuki Under the hood sits a twin-turbocharged month that it has broken its overall sales record. “We have been able to secure a strong flow of Jimny in GL specification to excited customers and 4.5-liter V-8 producing 888 hp and 922 lb-ft of new vehicle shipments from abroad and trust that will soon launch the all-new Baleno, which we in- torque. It’s coupled to a 9-speed automatic trans- Naamsa – the industry business council – fur- we will be able to shorten our waiting lists and wel- troduced to the world in February,” says Havenga. mission and will push the 4,553-pound Crawler ther reports that the Suzuki Swift was South Afri- come more customers into the fold. This applies to from 0-62 mph in just 3.4 seconds.-MotorAuthor- ca’s best-selling passenger vehicle in April. Suzuki both the Celerio, of which we had limited stock in “There are several other Suzuki surprises in the ity dealers and its corporate and rental sales team sold our launch month, and our other popular models, wings, and we cannot wait to share them with our a combined 1 621 Swift units, nearly 100 units more such as the Swift, Jimny, Vitara Brezza and Baleno.” dealer network and our South African Suzuki fam- BMW M CELEBRATES than any other brand and model. ily.” 50 YEARS Havenga says that all Suzuki’s sales channels With the stellar month completed, Suzuki is performed exceedingly well in April. The dealer BMW M is set to be the featured marque of the now firmly entrenched in the number three position 2022 Goodwood Festival of Speed in the U.K., in overall sales, behind Toyota (including brands and that means the annual event’s Central Feature Lexus and Hino) and Volkswagen (including sales sculpture will be designed to honor the BMW of Audi). motorsport division and in-house tuner. “In March, we welcomed the all-new Celerio, The Central Feature is an oversized sculp- one of South Africa’s most affordable and fuel-effi- ture that sits in front of Goodwood House during the annual car meet. There’s been one every year ROOMY; Can easily accommodate four adults FORWARD LOOKING: The Suzuki Swift is well worth a look and is daily winning new friends. since 1997, all of them designed by artist Gerry as well as a fifth passenger for short trips Judah. BMW itself was the featured marque in 2016, the year the automaker turned 100. BMW M turns 50 this year and the acknowl- edgement by the organizers of the Goodwood FoS is just part of the planned celebrations. The Cen- tral Feature will incorporate some of BMW M’s most significant models from the past five dec- ades, and you can bet the iconic M1 will be one of them. This year’s Goodwood FoS is scheduled to run June 23-26, and BMW M will have some- thing ready to show us then. Some of the new M cars due out this year include the XM crossover, M4 CSL, M3 Touring, and a redesigned M2. An electric M2 concept is also rumored. TOYOTA AND ISUZU BATTLE IT OUT IN eSWATINI In the Mountainous Kingdom of eSwatini, Toyota (+2.1%) remains ultra-dominant in the brands ranking with just under 500 sales, 2.6 times more than #2 Isuzu (+8.7%) while Ford (+10.6%) climbs on the podium, toppling Nissan (-5.1%) and Mahindra shoots up from outside the 2018 Top 10 directly into #5. Great Wall also breaks into the Top 10 at #9. The Toyota Hilux (+17.9%) and Isuzu KB/D-Max both surge ahead and are now the only nameplates selling over 100 annual units in Swaziland. The Toyota Fortuner once again dominates the pas- senger cars ranking with the Toyota Etios up two spots to #2, the Ford Everest up 4 to #3 and the Toyota C-HR up 5 to #4, the new Toyota Rush rounding out the Top 5. Meanwhile in the DRC the top five most popular cars are: · Toyota Hiace Van (Van) · Toyota Harrier (SUV) · Toyota RAV4 (SUV) · Toyota Land Cruiser Prado (SUV) · Toyota Probox Van (Van) · Toyota Alphard (Mini Van) · Toyota Noah (Mini Van) · Toyota Crown (Sedan) · Mitsubishi Canter (Truck) · Nissan X-trail (SUV) CALIFORNIA TARGETS EXHAUST SYSTEMS DEEMED TOO LOUD Well known for stringent emissions and modifica- tion regulations, the California State Legislature has approved a five-year automated enforcement pilot program targeting loud exhaust from cars. California has long specified the decibel level at which stock or modified exhaust systems are deemed too loud—95 decibels for cars and 80 for motorcycles built after 1985—and this hasn’t changed. A “sound-activated enforcement system” means sensors are activated when noise levels exceed legal limits, and smart cameras are used “to obtain a clear photograph of a vehicle license plate,” the text of Senate Bill 1079 reads. Simi- lar to speed-camera thresholds found around the world, these cameras are triggered by high deci- bel levels and can zero in on the offender’s plate.

Friday 06 May 2022 FOOD AND WINE 13WEEKLY SA MIRROR CELEBRATING THE OFFERING: La Motte ART OF MAKING 2021 Pierneef SAUVIGNON BLANC Sauvignon Blanc HERALDED: Wine lovers today celebrate a French grape with an illustrious world footprint… By Len Maseko architecture”. Sauvignon Blanc comprises 85% “With its sophisticated mineral finish, this Sauvignon Blanc is widely recognised as a of the wine, with 35% of the grapes sourced latest Pierneef Sauvignon Blanc harmonises wine grape that ordinarily brings to the mind from Napier in the Wellington region and 65% beautifully with seafood as well as the spicy characteristics of being clean, crisp, refresh- from Elim, the country’s most southerly vine- notes of Chinese and Thai dishes. An elegant ing and mostly unoaked wine, though there yards. To complete the wine, 15% Semillon was choice as an aperitif, this Sauvignon Blanc also are wooded styles produced by some wineries added, also from Elim. Cellarmaster Edmund works well with the freshness of salads and on a smaller scale. Terblanche says the 2021 vintage is an intri- the acidity of tomatoes, especially when semi- cate wine with a lingering minerality, graced dried,” Terblanche says. Its primary fruit flavours are reminiscent with ethiol-driven flavours of expressive citrus of lime, green apple, passion fruit and white complemented by green pepper and Cape goose- Intended to reach yours truly on or before peach. Depending on the ripeness of the grape, berry. Previous vintages have confirmed Piern- May 6, the 2021 Pierneef Sauvignon Blanc for the flavours can range from zesty lime to flow- eef Sauvignon Blanc’s exceptional maturation, a comparative and commemorative tasting – ery peach. It derives its uniqueness from herba- according to Terblanche, adding that he is confi- thanks to the undisclosed logistical glitch at the ceous flavours like bell pepper, gooseberry and dent that although the 2021 Pierneef Sauvignon courier’s, which put a spike to the plans. But, grass, which come from aromatic compounds Blanc is already a delightful glass, set to contin- all is not lost, as the wine will still paired with a called pyrazines and are the secret to Sauvignon ue “to develop and bring drinking pleasure for a dish to be prepared by soon-to-be-enlisted resi- Blanc’s taste. few years to come”. dent Phumelele Matolo, a United States- trained chef with a promising future ahead of him. South Africa’s Sauvignon Blanc boasts a formidable reputation for its consistent high- EYE-CANDY: All tables are decked at Vergelegen wine estate, which is hosting a spe- quality, crisp and refreshing wines, with styles cial Sauvignon Blanc celebration tomorrow (May 7). The tasting will be dedicated to falling into two broad categories. Some are de- Sauvignon Blanc and followed by food-and-wine dining in the hilltop cellar. Tickets scribed as pungent and fruit driven, but usually available via the Vergelegen website. lighter in body, less intense and complex. Other styles are wooded to make it less pungent. Sauvignon Blanc’s characteristic aromas are reminiscent of green fruit and vegetables (gooseberry, elderflower, green bell pepper, as- paragus). Cool-climate Sauvignon Blanc tend to display herbaceous notes. Today’s International Sauvignon Blanc Day almost coincides with the release of La Motte’s elegant Pierneef Sauvignon Blanc as both ape- ritif and partner to food the grape’s incurable romantics. Winemaker’s recommendations are that it should ideally be appreciated with fresh green salads, seafood and even dishes contain- ing tomato or Asian-style spices. This Pierneef edition of the estate’s wine is part of its premium collection, a tribute to South African artist Jacob Hendrik Pierneef (1886 – 1957), famous for portraying “the unadorned beauty of the South African landscape and its INTERNATIONAL SAUVIGNON BLANC DAY EVENTS l A whole feast awaits at Elgin Vintners: Join a ity of this superb varietal. offering a unique Sauvignon Blanc tasting SAUVIGNON Sauvignon Blanc masterclass by winemaker l Tomorrow at Groote Post, Darling, winemaker flight, which will include the fruity and crisp BLANC WINE Dr Marinda Kruger tomorrow (May 7) with Tokara Sauvignon Blanc, the cool climate Re- CHARACTERISTICS older vintages, the sold-out exclusive UK top- Lukas Wentzel will be presenting a range of serve Elgin Sauvignon Blanc and finally, the rated Sauvignon Blanc 2021, as well as the Sauvignon Blancs from around the world as newly released Tokara Directors White 2019, FRUIT FLAVOURS (berries, fruit, citrus) new harvest of 2022 on the lees. There will well as a few local selections and the Groote a barrel fermented blend of Sauvignon Blanc Lime, Green Apple, Asian Pear, Kiwi, also be an oyster pairing (May 6 to 8) and an Post Seasalter. Chef Debbie will be preparing and Semillon. orchid exhibition (May 7 to 8). Book at https:// a wood fired tapas style lunch with all the fla- l Today up to Monday, Zevenwacht, Kuils Riv- Passionfruit, Guava, White Peach, vours associated with Sauvignon Blanc – think er, will be open for Sauvignon Blanc tastings Nectarine wood-fired asparagus, seafood with Asian and will be offering a 20% discount on their OTHER AROMAS (herb, spice, flower, l Today and tomorrow, Durbanville’s Diemers- spices, fresh mussels and other creative mar- cases of Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2021 as well mineral, earth, other) dal will host a three-course seafood meal pre- vels. Book at as their 360° Sauvignon Blanc 2020. Groen- Green Bell Pepper, Gooseberry, Basil, pared by The Farm Eatery with Sauvignon l Celebrate at Vergelegen Wine Estate, Somerset land Wines on the Bottelary Road, Stellen- Jalapeño, Grass, Tarragon, Lovage, Celery, Blancs from Spain, Italy, France and New West tomorrow (14:30–19:30) with sampling bosch, will also offer a 10% discount on their Lemongrass, Box of Chalk, Wet Concrete Zealand. The whole range of Diemersdal Sau- of the farm’s Sauvignon Blanc. Guests will Sauvignon Blanc. OAK FLAVOURS (flavours added with oak vignon Blancs will also be available for tasting meet at the Tasting Room and then be shuttled l A special Sauvignon Blanc tasting awaits at aging) while you enjoy live music. Book at https:// up to the special Schapenberg vineyard block Kleine Zalze, Stellenbosch, for the whole Vanilla, Pie Crust, Dill, Coconut, Butter, 320m above sea level. Thereafter, Sauvignon month of May. Prepare your taste buds for Nutmeg, Cream Blanc-inspired platters will be served at the Project Z Sauvignon blanc 2020, as well as ACIDITY l Today and tomorrow, Strandveld Vineyards, winery hosted by the winemaking team. Book the Kleine Zalze’s Cellar Selection Sauvignon Medium – Medium High Elim, Bredasdorp, will offer two special tast- at Blanc 2022, Vineyard Selection Sauvignon SERVING TEMPERATURE ings, a Sauvignon Blanc and Cheese Tasting as l Today, tomorrow and on Monday, the Tokara Blanc 2019, and Family Reserve Sauvignon Unoaked: 8 ºC well as a Vintage Vertical Tasting where you Tasting Lounge, Helshoogte, Stellenbosch, is Blanc 2020. Oaked: 11 ºC can taste four vintages of Strandveld Pofadder- bos Sauvignon Blanc and discover the ageabil-

14 WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORT Friday 06 May 2022 CHIEFS FLAIR: Keagan Dolly says Chiefs must play IN ALL OUT with more grit and determination as well. WAR FOR THREE POINTS FOCUS: Amakhosi not bothered by guard of honour and only want a win By Sports Reporter for our supporters. Sometimes, though, it’s not like Keagan Dolly says he and his Kaizer Chiefs that. We need to be able to notice sometimes when teammates will accord Mamelodi Sundowns all a game needs grit, fight and character. We showed the respect they warrant as league champions, that on Tuesday against Marumo. If we can con- but that Amakhosi’s only priority this weekend tinue developing that winning mentality, where we is a good performance and maximum points grind out results, we really can start competing for against the Brazilians. all those trophies,” said Dolly. In addressing the media this week, Dolly down- played the issue of whether Chiefs will give his for- mer club Sundowns a guard of honour when they host them at FNB Stadium at 17h30 on Sunday evening, after Sundowns had wrapped up the DStv Premiership title. “The guard of honour is not an issue for us as players. The office will handle that and we will lis- ten to the office, at what they tell us to do, and as players we will do it. For us as players its not to fo- cus on that, it’s to focus on the day and to try and do the best that we can to win the game,” said Dolly. While Sundowns will naturally arrive at FNB in “good spirits” Dolly insists Chiefs will focus on their own game and on making it as difficult a night as possible for Sundowns. “They’ve won the league. But for us it’s not to focus on Sundowns and what happens outside the field. It’s just to give a good performance and get the maximum points,” said Dolly. He’s been a sprightly, impressive figure in a disappointing season for Amakhosi, but as always Dolly is prioritizing collective – rather than indi- vidual – achievement. “The goal I scored against (Marumo) Gallants this week got a deflection off Khama (Billiat) and it went in. Sometimes you have to create your own luck. For me personally I don’t look at the stats, if I scored or if I assisted a goal, for me it’s about the team performance. If the team is doing well I always say the individuals will stand out. It’s about the team first, then afterwards I will start looking at improving myself,” said Dolly. The winger said Chiefs finishing the season tro- phyless naturally rankles with him, but that he was positive about the future and challenged his team- mates to lift their game for the remainder of the sea- son and in looking ahead for the club. “Obviously I came here knowing Chiefs is a big club, in South Africa and on the African continent. I grew up supporting the club and watching the coach (Arthur Zwane) winning trophies and winning league titles. With me knowing the history of the club I knew there was a high possibility of us win- ning and challenging for all trophies. We haven’t won anything this season. It’s always hard for me to accept that, because of the calibre of players we have and the team we have. Sometimes you sit back and reflect and ask yourself ‘am I doing enough as a player?’ But at the end of the day its not a one man show, it’s a team,” said Dolly. He said he and the team were constructively critical of each other and conscious of when mis- takes might have cost them important points, but that they are focused on the future. “That’s football, we cant keep living in the past. We have to focus on the future and trying to give back to the club what they’ve given us as players. We really need to pull up our socks, come together as players and find ways to improve our performances. The last few games we have remain- ing we need to approach it with the same mentality that we had against Marumo. Chiefs want to play good football, we want to play entertaining football

Friday 06 May 2022 SPORT 15WEEKLY SA MIRROR SPORTS: Briefs ANACONDA READY BANYANA TAKES ON NIGERIA TO QUIT AT AWCON BOXING South African Senior Women’s National Team HANGING GLOVES: SA’s (Banyana Banyana) will face long-time rivals Ni- most accomplished female geria, neighbours Botswana and Burundi in Group boxer tired of fighting C of the Women’s African Cup of Nations which runs from July 2 - 22 in Morocco. Banyana Ban- VENOMOUS; Anaconda when she won her SA championship belt yana coach Desiree Ellis whose side has dominated COSAFA for years, said her primary objective was to By Pule Mokhine the German Alecia Graf at Oliver Tambo Centre 9. Nonina boldly states that she has achieved a lot finally get their hands on the continental trophy. Ellis’ Having accomplished almost everything in her in Cape Town in 2015. in the ring, saying the time was ripe for him to charges came close to winning the title in 2018 but illustrious boxing career, Bukiwe “ Anaconda” consider hanging up gloves. lost to Super Falcons on penalties. Nonina believes she has six more fights to go She defended her WBF crown successfully in the sport before she hangs up her gloves for against Malawian Ellen Simwaka whom she beat “ At the ripe age of 32, I feel the time is ripe to South Africa however, qualified for the FIFA good. on points at Orlando Stadium, Soweto in 2018 consider quitting the ring and give other kids the Women’s World Cup and would be looking to re- chance to be champions like myself. I have served peat the same achievement in Morocco. Nigeria will Nonina who is now 32 years of age, says she Before that bout, the affable Anaconda - her boxing with great honor as champion of different play South Africa in their opening match on 4 July has served professional women’s boxing with ded- whose moniker is derived from a large South governing bodies in the world, “ says Nonina. 2022, the South Africa will then host Burundi on 7 ication and distinction by winning several crucial American snake renowned for crushing other ani- July 2022 before concluding their group C matches championships there is on offer in the sport of the mals to death before eating them - defended suc- “ Six more fights and that’s it for me to kiss the against Botswana on 10 July 2022. The South Afri- fisticuffs since she campaigned in the paid ranks cessfully against fellow South African Matshidiso ring goodbye as a fighter. I have been boxing for cans will conclude their preparations of the finals in in 2011. She carved a herself a niche as a quality Mokebisi whom she beat by a majority points 13 years now and feel like mt body can no longer mid-June before jetting off to Morocco for their 12th fighter in Mzansi by winning the SA title which decision in Welkom in 2017. And she has done take it in the ring. I’m tired now and needs to give participation in the continental showpiece. she defended an unprecedented five times success- like exactly what the big reptile has done, this time other boxers a chance to shone in the ring as well.” fully and later vacating it . This feat made her the disposing of her foes inside the ring. JESSICA MOTAUNG SPREADS country’s first female professional fighter to set Nonina who is being promoted by Gauteng’s HER WINGS that enviable record. Nonina also took big strides in her distin- Joyce Kungwane, says she was looking into the guished boxing run by vacating the WBF belt in possibilities of training youngsters if she calls it Kaizer Chiefs’ Marketing and Commercial Director, As though Nonina’s accomplishments were order to focus on campaigning for the African quits. “ My promotion wanted me to go for the Jessica Motaung, has been appointed to the Con- insufficient, she made big strides in the global Boxing Union (ABU) championship. WBC silver title, but the money to stage the fight federation of African Football’s (CAF) Organising arena by winning the World Boxing Federation of this nature is too expensive as it is over R1 Committee for Women Football Standing Committee (WBF) female bantamweight crown by beating In fact, she registered her name once more into million,” explains Anaconda, the country’s only from 2022-2024. the big league by winning the ABU crown. This, female boxer to be voted BSA Boxer of the Year she achieved by outpointing Feriche Mashauri to twice – in 2016 and 2017. The appointment, confirmed by CAF Secretary win the then then vacant title at Sun City on April General, Veron Mosengo- Omba, comes in the wake of Ms. Motaung’s attendance at a Women’s Foot- By Ali Mphaki SHABBA EATS THE ball Taskforce Workshop organised by CAF back in South Africa’s legendary sports stars Tendai WHOLE BEAST 2019, where she was part of a group of 23 influenc- ‘Beast’ Mtawarira and Siphiwe Tshabalala, ers and key stakeholders representing 17 African na- together with Xoliswa Ndoyiya, former per- KITCHEN SKILLS: Two iconic heroes square tions at the time. The committee is made up of high sonal chef to the late Nelson Mandela, cooked up in cooking Madiba’s favuorite dishes for profiled and experienced football administrators and up a storm recently in the AEG Charity Cook- charity corporate people from around the African continent Off challenge held in Johannesburg. and chaired by Kanizat Ibrahim, who is CAF’s 5th Vice President and the President of the Organising Mtawarira and Tshabalala worked hard to Committee for Women’s Football of CAF. “We are earn their stripes as stars in some of the most very proud of our Marketing Director, Jessica Mot- iconic moments in sports history; and in a very aung,” declares Kaizer Chiefs Chairman Kaizer Mo- brave move, agreed to test their culinary mettle taung. “We are happy to see one of our own grow on a different platform – the kitchen - by tack- and spread her wings in continental football. Being ling one of Madiba’s favourite dishes, preparing the only South African on the committee speaks vol- it with AEG’s latest range of premium kitchen umes. It truly is a remarkable appliances. MENACE JOURNO BANNED True sporting heroes KITCHEN SKILLS: Two iconic heroes Tendai is a great cook but I was determined to FROM COVERING CRICKET The unlikely contenders: A member of the square up in cooking Madiba’s favourite create the winning meal and clinch the prize, I dishes for charity made sure to practise my skills off the field and An Indian journalist who allegedly threatened and Springbok Rugby World Cup 2019 winning South Africa’s shores.” in the kitchen before the big challenge.” intimidated Test cricketer Wriddhiman Saha after his team, Mtawarira, outperformed the touring Brit- Focus in the kitchen All is fair in love and war interview request was rebuffed has been banned from ish and Irish Lions and with 117 caps, he is the covering the sport, authorities said Wednesday. The most capped prop in South African history. Mtawarira was excited to learn a new recipe Despite struggling a little, with preparing Board of Control for Cricket in India barred Boria that he could later treat his family to and about parts of the seafood meal, both contenders fought Majumdar from attending matches and interview- Tshabalala, one of the most inspiring players thrashing his opponent in the test kitchen. “Since hard and completed their dishes. After debating ing players for two years after finding him guilty to be part of the national football squad, thrilled retiring from professional sports, I have been the taste and presentation of the dishes prepared of sending menacing messages to the wicketkeeper. the nation and shot to iconic glory when he enjoying a bit more time in the kitchen prepar- by both sports titans, the judges were finally won Saha had tweeted screenshots of social media mes- scored the first goal for Bafana Bafana against ing hearty meals for my family, and of course, I over by the Beast’s efforts. However, Mtawarira sages from Majumdar in February, prompting India’s Mexico in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. was really looking forward to squaring up with conceded the prize to Tshabalala as he felt that he cricket regulator to launch an investigation. An appetizing challenge my buddy Siphiwe, turning up the heat in the himself, as one of AEG’s regional ambassadors, ultimate cook-off.” Tshabalala was ready for the had a little more practice with the brand’s prod- “You did not call. Never again will I interview Mtawarira and Tshabalala went head-to- competition though and commented; “My friend ucts than Tshabalala and that it would only be fair you. I don’t take insults kindly. And I will remem- head cooking one of Mandela’s favourite dishes to let his friend win. ber this,” read one of the screenshots shared by Saha, in the AEG test kitchen, while Ndoyiya guided who did not disclose the journalist’s name at the time. them gently through the cooking process. The Tshabalala walked off with the very first Majumdar had denied the allegations and claimed the celebrated dish that had to be prepared: Kingklip/ AEG Cook-Off trophy and received an R80 000 screenshots were doctored. Yellowtail with creamy sauce on roasted vegeta- donation for his charity, the Siphiwe Tshabalala bles with mango and rice salad. Foundation, which works to help promote grass- SA QUAD WHEELCHAIR TEAM roots sports and education in underprivileged SHINES IN PORTUGAL “We were very excited to host the cook-off areas. with two of our country’s leading sports stars and South Africa’s quad wheelchair tennis team made the phenomenal chef Xoliswa Ndoyiya. With this In conclusion, chef Xoliswa Ndoyiya com- BNP Paribas World Team Cup history on the fourth challenge, we wanted to celebrate some of South mented, “The day was a great success, and the day of this year’s competition after becoming the first Africa’s heroes and our nation’s love affair with contenders gave it their all. It was a very hard African team to reach one of the four championship delicious home-cooked dishes,” commented Mi- decision as both the Beast and Siphiwe cooked finals at the ITF’s flagship wheelchair tennis team chelle McGowan, AEG’s Head of Marketing. from their hearts and were focused throughout in event in Portugal. delivering flavourful dishes. She added, “Creating enjoyable eating expe- After successive bronze medals in 2019 and riences has always been the driving force behind Well done to both of them. The challenge 2021, South Africa can look forward to an upgrade our product innovations. To help the Beast and brought back so many lovely memories of my this year, but to lift the World Team Cup trophy in Siphiwe create their masterpieces, both contend- time cooking for Madiba and I’m grateful for Saturday’s final and take home the gold medals, Don- ers had the opportunity to use appliances from AEG in providing this opportunity to cook for ald Ramphadi, Lucas Sithole and Danny Mohlamon- our latest catalogue, including our highly antici- good.” yane will need to find a formula to turn round the pated AEG air fryer oven – which recently hit result of their round-robin group contest against top seeds Netherlands. Sithole held off Leandro Pena 6-2 2-6 6-2 in his first career match against the Brazil- ian, but world No. 7 Ramphadi was in no mood to entertain any thoughts of a third set against world No. 8 Ymanitu Silva, racing through the second singles match 6-0 6-1. “I’m very excited for us to be going to the finals for the first time,” said 28-year-old Ramphadi. “I’m very happy with how my teammate Lucas played, because he really made the job easier for me, but then also for my own performance. And to be the first team from Africa to make it to the World Team Cup finals and for me to be a part of that, I’m really happy.”

MIRROR SPORTWEEKLY SA Insight to connect the dots... BUCS ON CUSP OF HISTORY SUPER CUP: PIRATES BELIEVE THEY CAN OVERCOME By Sports Reporter against neighbours, Al-Ittihad. SAFE HANDS; Bucs Orlando Pirates are back in Libya for the first Al-Ahli currently enjoy a long unbeaten run, keeper Ghanian leg of their CAF Confederation Cup tie with born Richard Ofori Al-Ahli Tripoli in Benghazi on Sunday. last tasting defeat in mid-February, and have to play key role gone 11 matches without losing. It’s the second trip to the Martyrs of Febru- ary in the space of three months for the Buc- CAF CONFEDERATION caneers, who made a stop there for a Group B CUP SEMI-FINALS fixture against their next opponents’ city rivals FIXTURES Al-Ittihad earlier in the year. (ALL KICK-OFF TIMES SA): This time around they are up against a side that is historically the North African country’s First legs most successful outfit with 12 top-flight league Sunday, 8 May titles and eight other domestic trophies since In Lubumbashi, DR Congo their formation in 1950. TP Mazembe (COD) v Renaissance Berkane The two sides head into the last four on the (MAR) – 15:00 back of tight winning margins in the quarterfi- In Benghazi, Libya nals, following some vigorous tests in the previ- Al Ahly Tripoli (LBA) v Orlando Pirates (RSA) ous round. – 18:00 The Buccaneers needed the intervention of Second legs a penalty shootout in their tie against Tanzania’s Sunday, 15 May Simba to carve their path into the semis, after In Soweto, South Africa each side had prevailed with a 1-0 scoreline on Orlando Pirates v Al Ahly Tripoli – 18:00 their home patch. This followed a Group B cam- In Berkane, Morocco paign where they won four of their six matches, Renaissance Berkane v TP Mazembe – netting 15 goals to qualify for the knockouts with a game to spare. 22:00 NOTES They will hope to discover their form in – Away goals count double should clubs front of goal on Sunday after failing to score in their last three domestic league fixtures, drawing finish level on aggregate after home and twice and losing in their most recent outing. away matches – If teams are still level after 180 minutes, Pirates face a side that has also not been ex- having factored in any away goals, a penalty actly prolific in front of goal in recent weeks, shootout will decide the winners with just three netted in their last five games across competitions. One of these, however, was enough to help secure a spot in the Confed Cup semis, as it was the only goal scored across two quarter-final legs

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