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Published by ridabismi, 2020-10-28 00:26:18

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RR II SS EE THE EDITORIAL AND SPEAK UP FOR JUSTICE B ARD We rise up, when the justice falls Rida Bismi Secretary, Girls India Qatar Design & Layout Board Members Fahana Rasheed | Zainab Malol | Fariha Abdul Aziz Rida Bismi | Fathima Mehrin Lubna Ali | Aanisa Aboobacker | Khadija Mansoor Jazeela | Muhsina Muneer | Hiba Saleem | Najla Nasser Central and Zonal Cordinators RR II SS EE Published by Girls India Qatar AND SPEAK UP FOR JUSTICE

KT ABDURAHMAN President, CIC Qatar ഹാഥ്റസ്: സ് തീ ആകട് ിവിസം കൂടുതൽ കരു ു ൈകവരി ണം ഇ െയ േലാക ിനു മുൻപിൽ നാണം െകടു ിയ ഹാഥ്റസ് സംഭവം ഒരുപാട് കാര ളിേല ു ന ുെട ക ് തുറ ി ു താണ.് ഫാഷിസ ിെനതിെര ഇ ും ഭൂരിപ ം ജന ള ം മതാതീതമായി കാ ു സൂ ി ു ജാ ഗതയാണ് അതിൽ പധാനം. \"സ് തീകൾ വസ് തധാരണയിലും മ ം കാണി ു അ ശ യാണ് ഹ താസ് സംഭവ ിെ കാരണം\" എ േവ ാരുെട പസത് ാവന ഫാഷി കൾ ഇ ൻ സ് തീത േ ാട് െവ ് പുലർ ു നാണംെക സമീപനം അനാവ തമാവാനും നിമി മായി നി ാരമ . മുഴുവൻ മനുഷ െരയും അണി നിര ി േപാരാ ം ഇ യിെല സ് തീ സമൂഹ ിെ നിലനി ിനു േപാരാ ം ശ െ ടു ുകെയ നിർവാഹമു . കാരണം, േവ ാർ നി ാരര . ജാതിമത ശ ികള െടയും അധികാര േക ള െടയും തണലിലാണ് അവരീ ആേ കാശ ൾ നട ു ത.് സാമൂഹിക മൂല ളിൽ ഊ ിയു ആക്ടിവിസ ിൽ പുതു കാണി ു ജാ ഗതയിൽ നമുക് ഏെറ പതീ യു .് NAHIYA BEEVI President, Women India Qatar I feel extremely elated that Girls India Qatar is releasing a Newsletter through its team of enthusiastic young members. Let’s dedicate ourselves for the cause of mankind, human rights, justice and the uplift of the downtrodden, the less privileged and the weak. It is heartwarming to see youngsters raise their voice against injustice prevalent round the globe. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all members and coordinators of Girls India who have carried out their responsibilities with sincerity and hard work. I believe the Newsletter will prove to be of immense value for all. May the Almighty bless the venture.

TNETNOC06 ഇനിയും എ ത കാലം? Fahana Rasheed 07 A Reminder Fariha Abdul Aziz 08 The Atrocious Incident at Hathras Sajna MA 09 Message Shadhiya Shareef 10 Zonal Executives Aanisa Aboobacker Najla Nasser Muhsina Muneer Lubna Ali Hiba Saleem 12 ഹ താസിെല ഇര Hana Abullaise 13 Girl Aesha Fathima Basheer 14 She Janvi Ranish 16 Hathras: India's tears Ridha Fathima

18 Quran 81:8.9 Aysha Mehreen 19 My Body is not a weapon Neha Manaf 20 She Aisha Zia 21 To make that Choice Fadhiya Salih 22 The Era of Demons Nahala Bijumon 23 Zero Tolerance to Rape Khansah Mohammed Rafeeque 24 Be For a Change,To be on a Range Afeefa Jabeen T.M 24 Dalit lives Matter Diya Nazrin 25 Will you be my voice ? Rana Jabin 25 Rape and Murder Farishta Lukman 26 Shatter the Silence, Stop the Violence Shaikha Khalid 27 Let us Raise Our Voice Nahla Usman RR II SS EE AND SPEAK UP FOR JUSTICE

സ് തീകള െട ജീവന് യാെതാരു വിലയും ഈ രാജ ം ക ി ു ി എ ത് വീ ും വീ ും െതളിയി െകാ ിരി ുകയാണ.് എ ത സമര ൾ നാം ക ു? ഇനി എ ത കാലം നാം സമരം െചേ ി വരും, ഇതിെനാരു മാ ം കാണാൻ? 2012ൽ നട നിർഭയ േകസിെന തുടർ ്, ഒരുപാട് പതിേഷധ പരിപാടികൾ ് ഈ രാജ ം സാ ിയായി. ഇനി ഒരു മാ ം േവണം, ഈ നാ ിൽ സ് തീകൾ ് സുര ിതരായി നട ാൻ സാധി ണം എ ല ം മാ തം. പെ , ഇ ് ഒരു േകസിെ പതിേഷധ ൾ കഴിയു തിന് മുൻേപാ അതിെനാ ം തെ യും െഞ ി ി ു അടു സംഭവവും. ഇ വണ അത് ഒരു ദലിത് െപണ്കു ിയായത് ഒരു കാര ം കൂടി െവളിെ ടു ിയിരി ു ു. ചരി തമായി നാം വിദ ാലയ ളിൽ പഠി ജാതിവ വ ഇ ും അതുേപാെല തെ ഇ യുെട പലഭാഗ ും തുടർ ുെകാ ിരി ുകയാണ് എ ത.് െപൺകു ികെള ൈധര മു വരായി വളർ ണം, ശ രാകണം, പതിേരാധി ാൻ പഠി ി ണം എെ ാം ഒരുപാട് േക ി .് ഇെതാെ േവണം എ തിൽ സംശയമി . എ ിലും ഈ പശ്നം സമൂഹ ിൽ ഉറ കിട ു ഒരുപാട് കാര ള െട ഉ മാണ്. െപൺകു ികെള ൈധര മു വരാ ു തിേനാെടാ ം തെ ആൺകു ികൾ ും തിരി ഈ പാഠ ൾ പഠി ി െകാടുേ തു .് Fahana Rasheed ഈ ഇടയായി ഒരു േപാ ് വായി ുകയു ായി. അതിൽ പറ ഒരു കാര ം ഇവിെട എഴുതു ു. എ ാ ആണു ള ം (#NotAllMen) President, Girls India Qatar ഇ െനയ , പെ എ ാ സ് തീകൾ ും ഇ ര ിൽ ഒരു അനുഭവം ഉ ായിരി ും(#YesAllWomen). ശരിയാണ,് എ ാ സ് തീകള ം അവരുെട ജീവിതകാല ിൽ ഇ ര ിെല അനുഭവ ൾ േനരി ി ാവും. മാനസികമായി വലിയ ഒരു മുറിേവ ി ാണ് ഈ സംഭവ ൾ കട ു േപാവുക. ഹ താസിെല െപൺകു ി ും കുടുംബ ിനും നീതി ലഭി െ , ഇനി ഈ രാജ ് ഇ ര ിൽ ഒ ും നട ാതിരി െ , സ് തീകൾ ് ൈധര േ ാെട പുറ ിറ ി നട ാൻ സാധി െ എെ ാം എെ ആ ഗഹ ൾ. ഇനിയും എ ത കാലം എ ് ചി ി ാൻ േപാലും പ ി .. എ ാലും, ഇനിയും എ ത കാലം?

\"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and A REMINDER made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most Fariha Abdul Aziz righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is knowing and acquainted.\" (Quran; 49:13) Joint Secretary, Girls India Qatar In today's India, cases of rape, pedophilia, acid attacks are only increasing day by day. It is more shocking to watch the perpetrators being treated as victims or as those who did a commendable deed while the victims are portrayed as wrongdoers. This stupendous increase in cases can be attributed to a great extent to the cultural norm of females being subordinate to men and seen as mere tools to fulfill lusts of men; On the other hand, men are brought up with the notion that their lusts and anger are not within their control or need not be controlled. Adding to this, females who are oblivious to their rights view abuse and suppression as a norm, accept it and suffer while keeping shush. A similar train of thought is depicted in the minds when some see themselves to be above others and others see themselves as low based on their ancestors, jobs, financial status, colour of skin, etc. Allah has clearly revealed that humans are created differently so as to recognize each other and also pointed out that 'EACH & EVERYONE 'of us, human beings come from the same parents, Adam and Hawwa. Present time necessitates our need to return to Prophet Muhammed's (PBUH) sunnah to responsibly fight these violence and aggression. Lets remind ourselves about the rich history of female Muslims during and after Prophet's (PBUH) time. Would not be wrong to say that we are deluded by assumptions about the roles and responsibilities of women in Islam and are following those delusions rather than what Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) really conveyed to us. Prophet Muhammed's (PBUH) first wife, Khadijah, was a businesswoman; His wife, Aisha bint Abubaker was known for her knowledge and contributions to medicine and history. Umm Waraqah wished to be known as a martyr and requested Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to allow her to participate in the Battle of Badr to take care of the wounded and she was referred to as 'the female martyr' by him. When Caliph Omer suggested during a sermon that dowry to not be more than a certain amount, a woman stood up to correct him based on what was told by Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Caliph Omer corrected himself and approved of what she told. Caliph Omer appointed women to serve as officials in the market of Madina. Zainab bint Ghazali was a Muslimah Egyptian Activist. These are just a few instances that illustrate the high regard given for women, their opinions and suggestions. Men and Women are rewarded in equity for their deeds and are all individually responsible for their deeds on the day of judgement. It is within our families that the realisation of our rights and responsibility to productively utilize the talents and provisions Allah blessed us with, needs to be planted. This is to help us to not deviate to the cultural norm of treating females. Girls and boys need to be treated in equity, taught to respect the opposite gender's rights and be muslims who encourage each other to grow together. May Allah bless us with peace, tranquility and access to right sources of knowledge and lead us to paradise.

I am ashamed to say that it is a dreadful Here lies the unbelievable deception of UP situation in India for the girls and women .The government who tries to protect the recent atrocious incident at Hathras has criminals. If the situation progress like this made we Indians to put our head down in we girls and women will not be safe in our embarrassment.To add fuel in the fire it is country . Rape and other crime towards reported that 13 horrific incidents of crimes women will become a common scenario .As against women had taken place in UP in the a result we will be forced either to sit at same week.This proves that the government is home or to be the victims .At this context I giving protection for the rapists and criminals would like to remember the farewell speech in the state which leads to the terrific of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) since he increase in the crime against women . mentioned about women “O people Do treat your women well and be kind to them for The 19 year old Hathras girl who was from a they are your partners and committed Dalith family ,after being raped, was admitted helpers”. in the hospital in a condition where she was critically injured on her spinal cord and her Being self respecting ,dignified girls and tongue was cut . She was not in a condition to women ,it is our duty to respond and protest give her statements in the hospital . Her against this shocking ignorance towards the brother went to the police station on sept 14 crime and the dreadful act of protecting the after an hour of the incident to file a criminals. complaint against the criminals . Later after a week on sept 22 she gave the names of We must protest .We must raise our voice for accused men who had gang-raped her . But the Hathras Girls until she gets justice . This after the quick investigation, the police report brave movement of releasing a protest says that she was not gang - raped and there journal by Girls India Qatar is a vivid was no sign of rape in her body .They indication that the girls themselves will rise reported that she was injured only when she for their protection and safety. was dragged by them and while resisting them she had cut her tongue too. Sajna MA Cordinator, Girls India Qatar

മനുഷ െന മനുഷ നായി കാണാൻ മനുഷ ൻ മറ ിരി ു തിെ െതളിവാണ് ഹ തസ് സംഭവം . ജാതിയുേടയും നിറ ിേ യും േപരിൽ വർഷ ളായി നിലനിൽ ു ഈ പകേപാ ലിന് ഇ ും ഒരു അറുതി വ ി ി .19 വയ ായ െപൺകു ിെയ കൂരമായി പി ി ീ ിയവർ ് ഭരണകൂടവും ഭരണകർ ാ ള ം ഒ ാശനല്കുേ ാൾ േപടി മി ാതിരി ാൻ നമു ാവി . അ കമ ള ം അനീതിയും താ വമാടിെ ാ ിരി ു നിലവിെല സാഹചര ിൽ പതീ യുെട കിരണ ൾ നൽകുകയാണ് േഗൾസ് ഇ , ഖ ർ . ഖ റിെല പവാസി വിദ ാർ ിനി കൂ ായ്മയായ േഗൾസ് ഇ കു ികൾ വ ത സ്തമാകു ത് ഇവിെടയാണ്. അവരിൽ ഭൂരിഭാഗം േപരും ജനി വളർ ത് ഖ റിലാെണ ിലും ത ള െട േവരുകൾ ഇ യിലാെണ ു അവർ ു ന േബാധ മു ് . തെ േവരുകെള സംര ിേ ത് ഇ ിേ യും നാെളയുെടയും ആവശ കതയാെണ ു തിരി റിവും അവർ ു ് . ത ളാൽ കഴിയു തര ിൽ ഉറ ശബ്ദ ിൽ കലാവിഷ്കാര ിലൂെട അവർ ത ള െട വിേയാജി കൾ േരഖെപടു ു ു . എ ാവിധ ഭാവുക ള ം .. ഏത് തി െ തിെര പതികരി ാനും അതിെന െചറു ാനും ന യുെട കിരണ ൾ എ ാല ും ഉ ായി ് . ഇ ിെ വിഷവി ുകെള മുള ാൻ അനുവദി ാെത നശി ി കളയാൻ നി ള െട കര ൾ ് കരു ു .് നാെളയുെട വാഗ്ദാന ളായ നി ള െട ൈകകളിൽ ഇ സുര ിതമാവെ . Shadhiya Shareef Assisstant Cordinator, Girls India Qatar

ക ിെലരി തീ നീ ക ു On 17th September this year, a 19-year old was gang rapped in Hathras, Uttar അ ് നീേയാ ക കൾ Pradesh. She was was dragged by dupatta around her neck injuring her ചൂഴെ് റി ു spinal cord. We often have debates about withdrawing the reservation and ജീവനായ് അലറിയ ശബദ് ം നീ േക consideration given to lower castes stating that castism has disappeared in നാവരി തിെന നീ കുഴി ി today's India However such cases are evident proof that this is not true. അരിെ റിെ ിലും നിൻ Our judicial system is very slow, the criminals are not punished right away. ശബ്ദം പതി ു ആ കാതിൽ This is quite evident from the Nirbhaya case, the rapists were hanged only മരണേ ാടു മ ി ിരിെ after 7 long years. If they were hung right then and there, many girl lives നീ അവെര ഊരു വില ി could be saved. When criminals are punished without any delay then the രാവിെ മറവിൽ ഒരു പിടി ചാരമാ ി rest of the people wouldn't dare to repeat the crime fearing the നാെളയാ ചാര ിൽ നി ുണരും punishment. But when the criminals are let loose, no body would fear the നീ കാണു േലാകെമ ാം അവെള government or high officials and would have the courage to do such shameful എരി തീയായ് മാറും acts. Here, in this case even the police officials were equally evil and sided അ ാ ക ിെലറി തും with the criminals. Police burned her body without her family's consent. This നാെള നിൻ ചിതെയാരു ു തും shows how insecure the Indian community is, as the officials whom we ഒേര തീയിലാണ്, trust our lives and safety with, are the backbone of these criminals. We അണയാ തീയിൽ cannot let this continue in our home country or anywhere in this world. Every Aanisa Aboobacker human has the right to live peacefully. We must fight for justice until the day we President, Doha Zone needn't fear anyone നീതി പീഠം ക ് തുറ ുകയും Muhsina Muneer ഇ യിെല നിയമം മാറുകയും െച ണം. എ തയും െപെ ് ശി Secretaryt, Doha Zone നട ാ ണം. ഒരു െപ ിനും ഇനി ഇ െന ഒരു അവ ഉ ാവാതിരി ാൻ ജന ൾ ഇതിെനതിെര ഒ ി ശബദ് മുയർ ണം. Najla Nasser Secretary, MK Zone

Lubna Ali President, MK Zone Hiba Saleem Secretary, Wakra Zone

Hana Abullaise ഹ ഥാസിെല പെ ാ തുകാരിെയ കഴി വര്ഷെ കണ ുകളനുസരി ് പീഡി ി വാർ പുറ ുവ േ ാൾ ഏകേദശം പ ് ദളിത് സ് തീകൾ എ ാ ആദ ം മന ിേല ് ഓടി വ ചി ദിവസവും ഇ യിൽ പീഡി ി െ ടു ു ്. ഇതിെനാ ും ഒരു അവസാനമിെ ഇതിൽ എ ത കുറ മാ തമാണ് എ ായിരു ു.'ഇനിെയാരു പുറംേലാകമറിയു ത?് െപൺകു ി ും ഈ അവ വരരുത'് എ നാം എ ത തവണ െപൺകു ി ് നീതി കി ിയിെ ് മാ തമ , ആവർ ി ി ാവും? നിർഭയ, പീഡി ി വെര ന ായീകരി ാൻ േപാലും ആസിഫ, േപരുകൾ ഇനിയും ഈ ശമി ി ് ന ുെട നാ ിെല ചില ലി ിേല ് ജഡ്ജിമാർ. കൂ ിേ ർ ുെകാ ിരി ുകയാണ്. സ് തീ അ യാണ്,മകളാണ,് െപ ായതിെ േപരിൽ മാ തമ സേഹാദരിയാണ് എെ ാെ വിളി ് പറയു വെര ഈ സേഹാദരി ് നീതികി ാൻ അവൾക് നീതി ലഭി ാെത േപായത്, എ ുെകാ ് നി ൾ ശബ്ദി ു ി ? ഇനിയും നാം മൗനം പാലി ാൽ അടു ഇര അവള െട ജാതിയായിരു ു പശ്നം. ന ളിെലാരാളാകും . ദളിത് വിഭാഗ ിൽ െപ വളായതിനാൽ സർ ാർ അവെര കെ ാഴി ു.യു പി േപാലു ഒരു സം ാന ിെ അതിന് ഒരവസരമു ാ ാെത നമു ് പതിേഷധി ാം. സർ ാരിൽ നി ് ഇത ാെത എ ാണ് നാം പതീ ിേ ത്?

Girl They say Girl is precious But remember One Day. But their attitude is vicious Some says Girl is Tension Her wrath will turn in to a fire They are equal to Ten sons. That will burn everything. And every one sung girl is Mother She will fall like a Heavy Rain And Mother is Sacred. That will wash away every dirty. Girl is mother. She is sister And every one sung girl is Mother Girl is housewife And Mother is Sacred. Girl is light of house But remember One Day Girl is treasure of house. She will become a huge hurricane And every one sung girl is Mother That will lift away all these evils. And Mother is Sacred. One day she will rise and revenge. Some says she is a curse That day will be soon. And they treat her as flesh. And every one sung girl is Mother She is no more Goddess And Mother is Sacred. She is victim of madness. And every one sung girl is Mother And Mother is Sacred. In Delhi, Kashmir, UP, kerala Everywhere in the country She is harassed, abused, tortured. Raped, made tandoori, burn to Ash. And every one sung girl is Mother And Mother is Sacred. Acid is sprayed to her face Gas stow is burning her Cobras are biting her Aaesha Fathima Basheer Saree is a rope to hang. And every one sung girl is Mother 4th Std And Mother is Sacred.

SH Oh, she was a dream, a flood of cherry sunshine in the mellow gleam, a crystal in the stainless southwest sky. she was told she was special, that she could colour the world but she was a broken paper doll, a nightmare, truth be told. for all it took was one night, to leave her scarred for a lifetime to quench the rapt light from her eyes, and be reduced to a crime. burnt, she was in the dead of night drowned in the glossy moonlight

HE now, she is a number, a report scene Janvi Ranish a hashtag on your tv screens. 10th Std blamed, she was for her own assault, the damsel in distress left unsaved looked down upon sans fault, in tainted wood her name engraved. oh, how long till we realize, that a skirt is no invitation how long till this broken verse, halts the aesthetic of rape ovation. let this be the beginning of the end, where no means no and nothing else where the untouched fight for their light cause- she is the poem, I never dared to write

HATRAS:INDIA'S TEARS \"Even when my tongue was slit, even when my spine was mashed, didn't I showed you till my last heartbeat those heartless lunatics who destroyed me without mercy. And then, you burned me into ashes. O justice, When I was brought in front of public, you were my only hope... But I realised late that the justice whose eyes and ears are always covered will never unfold. I too had dreams and a future,but even before I was allowed to spread the wings of my dreams,I was destroyed into nothing.\" Words of the poor girl whose same fate can knock at yours and my doorstep any time..... One more name added to the list of girls whose modesty was snatched, who were denied justice, who were forcefully pushed into the depths of oblivion_The girl in Hatras. The criminals are still hunting down her and her family who are both socially and economically backward. U.P's Yogi government are so adamant in silencing the uprising voices for her justice. Roads are blocked with barricades,people and media are prevented from entering, all connections with the world are cut off,isolating hatras along with her body. But now,she is burning up the whole public consciousness. It was on 14th September, a 19 year old girl become prey to brutal gang rape. On 29th in Delhi's Safdarjan hospital, she left with the angels of death ending all her struggles and miseries.She was lost as she went to help her mother in the fields and later found her with critical wounds that would later leave scars on her soul forever. Both her legs and hands were completely paralysed. With a shawl tighty tied around her neck, she was dragged mercilessly by those Satans. It was reported that her tongue was slit out as the result of her resistance to save her modesty.

In a place like India where Dalit girls have nothing as theirs other than their modesty, herself was snatched without mercy. Her mother was scared to openly admit that her daughter got raped in a village where her the rapists belong to the dominated caste.The culprits belonged to high caste and had great influence. On 24th September, she gave her statement to the police that she was brutally raped by 4 Takers. But those puppets didn't even register a FIR. She was also threatened with her families life if she open her mouth in front of public. On 28th September, she was transported to Safdarjan hospital without even giving proper medical treatment. The next day, her death followed by murder charges on the criminals. The pain and anger that was held inside until then was completed unleashed in the form of protest. People knocked on the doors of authorities for justice for their daughter. Literally, U.P police showed misconduct towards the parents of the victim who cried their heart out for justice. Maintaining law and order, avoidance of violence were the petty justification from the police side for creating the victim's body without her parent's consent. The law and order of a 21st century democratic country burned along with her. Then things happened in such a manner that our father of constitution would have never dreamnt about. The forensic report pointed out that victim hadn't been raped following the allegations that the police are supporting the culprits. Today those who raise their voices for her are traitors. They say that she was met with such a dreadfull incident because she was ill mannered,she was not raised properly. 'U.P are you not ashamed to say so. Are you saying all these nonsense to protect those monsters?' Today's U.P can be tomorrow's India, never forget that. It was not the tongue that was cut out,but the people's freedom. It was not her spine that was crushed, but the democracy that is dying. We must point our finger otherwise many more corpses covered in 'kaavi' will be burned. When the ruling crown guards these monsters, when the blindfolded justice becomes a mere scarecrow, when the opposing voices are suppressed, when they make you powerless,never think that everything has come to an end. For a fair and better place,let's lay the groundwork by destroying Yogi's U.P. Let's protest, let's prevent ,let's protect until our last breath.....Inshallah Inquilab.... #Hatras shall not happen again #Dalit lives matter #Annihilate casteism. Ridha Fathima 12th Std

Aysha Mehrin 8th Std

Neha Manaf 10th Std

Clutching onto her figurine, she shuts her eyes close. She feels violated, she feels broken beyond repair. No amount of soap or water can scrub off the feeling she gets, when she goes to sleep. She cries silently, Careful to not let anyone know. “What will people think of me?” The thought runs around haunting her. Constant fear of being judged, squirming under the gaze of the people She sits behind closed doors, her hair sprawled across. “Why me?” she wonders, What was it that she did to deserve what she went through? Why is it that she can’t get through one night without the nightmares? Little girls walking the sidewalk reminders of who she used to be. She, who dreamt big dreams, now endures what seems to be countless sleepless nights. She, who used to be a blooming sunflower, has now turned in to a wilting rose, her petals falling off one by one. While, all people do is stop and stare. Oh, why was she put on earth, why was she told to dream, why was she told to do anything she put her heart to, when all it took was one incident to scar her for eternity. Aisha Zia 10th Std

TT oo MM aa kk ee TT hh aa tt CCHHOOIICCEE Now we speak, because we are done being the 'weak' scars still remain there for them to look and stare the amount of tears, Screams and cries Yes it were deaf to those eras and eyes They took away her pride and dignity Yes people have the audacity to Question here faith and Jadhi (caste) We need to raise our voice, Yes it is up to us to make that choice Fadhiya Salih 11th Std

The Era of Demons That unpleasant incident depressed me he incident which denied of enjoying our freedom Deprived of being equal And created a smudge in our society Girls, women fear to live in, No matter if she’s a tot or a crone No judiciary can help us Cause they benefit from favor How can someone be brutal? Nahala Bijumon Brutal enough to kill us like a prey They destroyed our self respect 12th Std And we’re indeed shorn of justice They can destroyed us and roams without restraint But the aftermath is unbreakable for them Each assault is judged before a lady A lady worshiped for her unbiased laws The lady of justice But alas! The meaning is now changes to blindfold her from unseen criminals Countless hash tags and campaigns But what is in store for us is just ignorance Though women are well thought-out as goddess We’re still a victim for assault

Forgetting is difficult. Remembering is worse. Khansah Mohammed Rafeeque 9th Std, IIS

Afeefa Jabeen.T.M 9th Std Diya Nazrin 10th Std

Rana Jabin 9th Std Farishta Lukman 9th Std

Sheikha Khalid 8th Std

Nahla Usman 11th Std

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