THE TECNIC STORYTecnic is at the forefront of the growing retractable fabric roof market & has been for more than twenty years. We offer architects, designers and theconstruction industry with innovative design ideas to help them redefine the boundaries between inside & out. Tecnic has designed the Alutecnic Series – Retractable Fabric Roofs to easily integrate with your building and play an important part on many commercial, hospitality & high-end residential projects. TECNIC.COM.AU
The Alutecnic Series Retractable Fabric Roof offers commercial & hospitality outdoor spaces with complete design flexibility & functionality for year-round comfort. The System offers optimum protection against sun, wind & rain. The Alutecnic system has been tested & wind rated to withstandwind speeds of up to 110km/hr. The Alutecnic incorporates a design philosophy that ensures it will integrate efficiently with your structure & your architectural exterior finishes.
RETRACTABLE AWNINGSRetractable awnings Sydney can supplement or satisfying diverge from the shade of your home's siding, block, stone, painted wood, or other veneer. You may wish tocoordinate your canopies, for instance, to the trim or rooftop shading rather than the outside divider shading. However, the fact of the matter is, they can fit in with your current plan since they come in such an awesome assortment of styles. The retractable awnings over your windows can eliminate overabundance warmentering your home by around 75% and can lessen your mid year cooling bill by up to 20%. Anybody purchasing a home will consider the vitality proficiency of their potential speculation before settling on an official choice.
EAGLE STREET WHARF,BRISBANELocated on the first floor at Eagle Street WharfBrisbane, the restaurant operator partnered with thelandlords to engage the Tecnic team to design,manufacture & construct an eye catching floatingRetractable Roof structure. The brief was to maintaina contemporary look to compliment the surroundswhile also providing protection against the elementswhile not any impeding outward views.Tecnic designed integrated gutters, heating &lighting to the structure to ensure year-round comfortwas achieved.
RIVER SIDE QUAYRESTAURANT PRECINCTAll weather protection solution for the newly developedRiverside Quays, South Bank.Tecnic commissioned a state of the art all-weatherprotection system for all restaurants located at RiversideQuays, South Bank Melbourne, Australia.Tecnic Alutecnic Series Retractable Roof System & StreetlifeElectric Heating System was specified by the client. Tecnic’sexperienced team worked in synergy with the Mirvac’s Designteam, Engineers and Project Managers on all aspects of theproject including: project brief, design solution, projectmanagement, installation and after sales service.
CURTAIN UNIVERSITYALFRESCO AREAThe Tecnic Evo Retractable Fabric rooffeatures largely in the toweringarchitectural support structure, the Tecnicsystems adds functionality to the alfrescoarea as well as uplifting colours thatcomplement the environment andatmosphere of this space.The space now offers students with anideal space for relaxing between lecturesor simply a great place to have lazy lunchwith friends.
Waterproof awnings can offer an effortlessly open shaded outside living space in which anybody can unwind. Instantly expanding your home's estimation as it for all intentsOPEN HOUSE ONand purposes makes extra space that didn'tMAY 3, 2019beforehand exist. Long gone are the times of expanding property estimation throughcostly and protracted home redesigns. Think shrewd and extend your outside space all while including control offer.
CONTACT DETAILSTecnic Products Pty Ltd Telephone: 1300 78 28 78Sydney Office Email : [email protected] / 410 Pittwater RoadNorth Manly Website : tecnic.com.auNSW, 2100Australia
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