CONTENTSFOREWORD......................................................................................3 BY SHAUN BERNIER, FOUNDER AND CHAIR OF THE BOARD AN INTRODUCTION TO HandsOn HONG KONG..............5 WHO WE ARE WHY WE ARE NEEDED OUR STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION HandsOn NETWORK OUR IMPACT..................................................................................13 2014 AT A GLANCE OUR PROGRAMS IN 2014..........................................................17 OUR INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES OUR CORPORATE VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS OUR OTHER ACTIVITIES IN 2014.........................................27 WAYS TO GET INVOLVED........................................................29 INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER LEADERS CORPORATE PARTNERS NGO PARTNERS OUR GOVERNANCE...................................................................35 BOARD COMMITTEES VALUES EXTERNAL AUDIT OUR 2014 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW......................................39 FUNDING MODEL FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2014 VISION OF THE FUTURE.........................................................45 CONTACT DETAILS.....................................................................47
For HandsOn Hong Kong, 2014 marks a tremendous year of growth within our organization and in our work in the community. In what is now our 7th year of operations, we have much to celebrate! Key highlights in 2014 include: • Empowering over 3,000 caring Hong Kongers to volunteer 17,470 hours in our community - representing a 38% growth in the number of volunteer hours over 2013. • Offering Hong Kongers more opportunities than ever before to give their time and talent to the community. On average, HandsOn Hong Kong organizes around 100 volunteer activities each month – a 55% growth over 2013. • Working with 56 NGO partners in Hong Kong to provide meaningful volunteer programs serving children, the elderly, migrants, animals, and many others across Hong Kong – a 24.5% growth over 2013. In 2014, we also expanded our focus on supporting the elderly. As the elderly population in Hong Kong continues to grow, so do their needs. Hong Kong has one of the highest elderly poverty rates in the developed world, with 45% of the elderly in our city living in poverty. With this in mind, we introduced a new volunteer program supporting the elderly through home visits and soup delivery. As we look ahead to 2015, we will continue to build on this initiative and introduce a new volunteer program to help the elderly become more digitally connected and reduce their isolation. Internally, we experienced many positive changes in our organization this year, including establishing a mission and vision to guide our organization in 2014 and beyond (see page 6 for our mission and vision statements). Additionally, we expanded the HandsOn Hong Kong staff to include new key positions, including our first Head of Development and Communications. We also expanded our Board. In addition to adding new members, we established an Executive Committee, and several other Board-level committees to provide guidance and oversight to HandsOn Hong Kong as we continue to work towards achieving HandsOn Hong Kong’s mission and vision. As we look ahead to 2015, I also want to thank each of you for your support of HandsOn Hong Kong. Our work is simply not possible without you – including our staff, Board, volunteers, NGO partners, corporate partners, financial and in-kind donors and sponsors, as well as many others in the community. If there is one thread that weaves through each of these groups, it is a passion for giving back to the city in which we live. It is a love for our city and a passion to address our city’s social needs through volunteerism that drives our organization forward each and every day. I hope you will continue to support us as we aim to expand our impact on Hong Kong in 2015 and beyond. Join me to “Be the Change!”. Shaun Bernier, Founder and Chair of the Board4 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"HandsOn Hong Kong is WHO WE AREby far the easiest way I’veseen to get involved involunteering in Hong Kong.There are a wide variety ofcauses and times availableto accommodate even thebusiest professionals.\"James ManHOHK volunteer Our Mission We mobilize and empower our community to meet pressing social needs in Hong Kong through volunteer services. Our Vision Our vision is a caring community that gives its time and talent to transform Hong Kong. What We Do We aim to meet our city’s need for volunteers. We fill a gap by getting volunteers to the local causes that so desperately need them. We enable people to give a helping hand to the local disadvantage groups.6 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"What I like most about How We Do It • Supporting corporate social responsibilityHOHK is the fact that you (CSR). We provide opportunities fordon’t have to sign up for a • Partnering with small, under-served local corporate partners to engage with ourmassive chunk of time. You NGO partners in regular service activitiescan do one session every grassroots non-governmental organizations or larger, one-off programs. We organizesix months or a session (NGOs). We identify NGO capacity needs, and project manage these volunteeringevery day. I also like the create programs to meet such needs and then activities, encouraging participants todifferent types of sessions, recruit, train, and manage volunteers to run take a leadership role in meeting pressingeverything from cooking the activities for these programs. Our NGO social needs.to helping local children partners benefit from the volunteer assistance,with homework. As a non- leaving them with more time to focus on their Our programs support under-servedCantonese speaker I like the front line activities. local causes and benefit a wide range offact there are sessions that disadvantaged groups including children,I can take part in. And I’ve • Making meaningful volunteer elderly people and people with disabilities.become a master at peeling Our programs cover activities including thecarrots!\" opportunities available and accessible provision of after-school tutoring to ethnic minority students; helping improve the livingNaomi Young to individuals interested in community conditions of the elderly and people withHOHK volunteer leader service. We are a first point of contact disabilities; caring for abandoned animals, for busy Hong Kongers who wish to as well as assisting in the redistribution volunteer, but are uncertain of how to of edible surplus foods. The diversity and gain access to grassroots organizations flexibility of our volunteer activities reflects in need of their help. Our appeal lies in the broad range of beneficiaries we reach the truly local nature of our causes, the and causes we serve. wide variety of organizations supported; and the ease and flexibility of our online registration and activity sign up platform. HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 7
WHY WE ARE NEEDED\"Through HandsOn HongKong you can be exposed todifferent types of activitiesthus you can meet variouspeople with different interestand background.\"Alain CosterosteHOHK volunteer leader1 The Gini coefficient (also known as the Gini Despite being in the top ten worldwide for • They do not know how to best train,index or Gini ratio) is a measure of statistical GDP per capita, Hong Kong has a huge supervise and manage volunteers’ workdispersion intended to represent the income income gap between rich and poor. In fact,distribution of a nation’s residents, and is the the GINI coefficient1 in Hong Kong is 0.537 – • They need someone to give them amost commonly used measure of inequality. which is one of the highest in Asia. “voice”The value ranges from zero, representingperfect equality, to one, representing maximal This income inequality creates significant • 52% of local NGOs have less than 100inequality. social issues2: volunteers a year and 37% of NGOs have2 Pre-interventions data collected from Hong less than 50 volunteers a year3Kong Poverty Situation Report 2013 (released • 1.34 million (20%) of Hong Kong’s 7 millionby Commission on Poverty on October 2014). residents live in poverty People love giving their time to make a real3 Statistics from Asian Charity Services pre- (compared to 8% in Singapore) difference, yet many Hong Kongers who wantignite survey (February 2015), to which 50 to volunteer do not know where to look. HongNGOs responded. • 241,700 people under 18 years old (24%) Kongers are generous – 68% give to NGOs, but4 World Giving Index 2013 https://www. live below the poverty line only 15% volunteer4. This is considerably lowercafonline.org/publications/2013-publications/ than many other countries in the region such asworld-giving-index-2013.aspx • 419,500 elderly (45%) live below the Philippines (38%) and Japan (28%). We make it poverty line easy for caring Hong Kongers to give back: Local grassroots NGOs in Hong Kong • We connect volunteers with NGOs that addressing these issues desperately desperately need support need support as: • We make volunteering accessible, flexible, • They lack the time resources to look for convenient and effective volunteers • We offer volunteers a choice of local causes to support HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 9
OUR STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION HandsOn Hong Kong Limited is a tax exempt organization in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) with Inland Revenue file number 91/12390. Official name of the organization HandsOn Hong Kong Limited Registered and office address Rm 601, the L. Plaza, 367-375 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Date of formal creation as a legal entity 8 June 201255 Before this date HandsOn Hong Kong operatedas part of Hands On China Limited. Both HandsOn China Limited and HandsOn Hong Kongstarted operations in 2007.10 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"I have been volunteering Our Board of Directors and Committeeswith HandsOn Hong Kong for4 months. I have thoroughly BOARD MARketing and Governance,enjoyed my time. I have COMMunicationS Planning andreally liked meeting lots of Alexander de Laiglesia Committee Oversightvolunteers from all over the Alison Ko Committeeworld. The staff at HandsOn Ann Chu Beatrice RemyHong Kong is also really Beatrice Remy Chair of Marketing and Kathy Kukrejafriendly and helpful. I am Katherine Creedon Communications Committee Leonie Valentinelooking forward to continuing Kathy Kukreja Pak Ting Chair of Governance, Planningworking with HandsOn Hong Leonie Valentine Sam Lau and Oversight CommitteeKong in 2015 and supporting Pak Ting Sally Laightthe great charities!\" Sally Laight Fundraising and Theodore Lau Sam Lau DevelopmentJennifer Booth Shaun Bernier CommitteeHOHK Volunteer Leader Founder and Chair of the Board Ann Chu Theodore Lau Beatrice Remy Katherine Creedon Executive Kathy Kukreja COmmittee Chair of Fundraising and Development Committee Alexander de Laiglesia Sally Laight Alison Ko Sam Lau Sally Laight Shaun Bernier Shaun Bernier Founder and Chair of the Board Our Staff Executive Director Program Officer Assistant Events and Caroline Sprod Jacky Leung Marketing Manager Program Officer (from September 2014) Alissa Tung Senior Program Manager Damon Chan (from August 2014) Nokia Cheung (from September 2014) Head of Development Head of Programs and Communications Ivy Leung Aurelie Dupont (from August 2014) HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 11
\"Enjoy the time withthe ones I can help andcontribute! Seeing a smile isa BIG thing to me!\"Jennifer LaiHOHK volunteer HandsOn NETWORK HandsOn Hong Kong is an affiliate HandsOn Network is the largest network of organization of HandsOn Network, local volunteer centers around the world. The headquartered in Atlanta in the United organization has 250 HandsOn Volunteer States. International affiliates of the Affiliates engaging 21st century volunteers HandsOn Network benefit from the to use their time, talent, voice and money to network’s expertise but do not receive create change in their communities. funding fromthe network. • 2.6 million volunteers Created in 1987 by New York Cares Affiliate, the HandsOn Network aims to inspire, • 236 thousand projects equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world. The network puts • 25.1 million service hours people at the center of change and connects them to their power to make a difference by • 579 million dollars of service adhering to the following values: • In 29 countries • People drive change In Asia, the HandsOn Network has • Passion overcomes obstacles affiliates in Hong Kong, China, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore and South Korea. • Services bridges and bonds More information can be found on • Innovation drives results www.handsonnetwork.org • Servant leaderships transform12 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
IMPAC 9,403 registered volunteers 3,090 active volunteers 1,091 volunteer activities 17,470 hours of volunteer services 56 local grassroots NGO partners 33 volunteer leaders 16 corporate partners 14 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
CT201448 corporate volunteer programs6 in-kind partners10 fundraising events1,190 Facebook “likes”158 LinkedIn “followers”4 to 7Increased from staff members4Established Committees7 to 12Increased from Board members HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 15
OUR INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES In 2014, we ran 1,091 individual volunteer activities together with 56 local NGO partners. 29.5% 28% Ethnic minorities: Environment: 322 activities 307 activities 0.6% 23.8% Empowerment of Children and youth: women: 7 activities 259 activities 1.1% 7.7% Others: 12 activities People with disabilities: 84 activities 1.2% Animal welfare: 13 activities 3.3% Refugees andmigrants: 35 activities 4.8% Elderly care: 52 activities 18 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"I had a wonderful time EXAMPLES OF INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIESvolunteering at the sessionson the Puppet Show. My Children and youth: Chinese puppet People with disabilities:role as a volunteer was Cultural exchange tour for studentsto support and guide the show program for children with physical disabilities to Macauchildren in producing theirown Puppet Show. This Chinese puppet show is a class for children Together with Hong Kong Red Crossincluded helping the children aged 7-12 from low-income families where Princess Alexandra School, HandsOn Hongmaking their puppets they learn to deliver a traditional puppet Kong brought a group of 10 students with(about 4-5 characters in show. To inspire the children’s creativity, physical disabilities to Macau for a series ofeach group), writing up a our volunteers worked with a group of cross-regional career training workshopsstory, record their dialogues 25 children to develop their own Chinese and cultural visits. This project was fundedand performing the final puppet show, starting from creating the and organized by HandsOn Hong Kong.Puppet Show in front of story with their own puppet characters to Volunteers assisted and took care of thelive audiences (i.e. the local performing the puppet show on stage. As students with physical disabilities during thecommunity). The whole well as being hugely enjoyable, this program 2-day visit to Macau.process may sound much helps the children’s self-confidence andeasier than it seemed! Having self-esteem to grow. Volunteers joining When: Aprilsaid so, the children had the program shared the experience ofalways worked with a positive producing the puppet show with the NGO partner: Hong Kong Red Cross,energy and had created a children as both supporters and friends. Princess Alexandra Schoolcheerful atmosphere in theactivity room where we When: Every Friday and Saturday in October andworked in. It was so much every Saturday in November and Decemberjoy to see the progress the NGO partner: Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfarechildren had made and how Association Social Servicethey had become moreconfident in themselves. Twothings I am grateful for fromthis voluntary experience.First, is being able to learnabout the production ofa Puppet Show, which isa fading art unfortunatelyand most importantly, howversatile children are - donot underestimate theircapabilities.\"E Jie Jie (HY Chan)Volunteer HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 19
\"I have volunteered with Empowerment of women: Animal welfare:HandsOn Hong Kong for Orientation and dog walking atseveral months doing Making handicrafts with the Hong Kong Dog Rescuedifferent activities –Playgroup, Bethune House, women of Bethune House With many dogs awaiting adoption atCommunity Kitchen. I really HKDR at any given time, volunteers areenjoy coming to Bethune Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge needed to help out in a number of ways,House each week and Ltd. is a temporary shelter registered as a including dog walking.making cards and bracelets charitable institution in Hong Kong. Establishedfor the organization. Since in 1986 under the Mission for Migrant Workers, When: 9 sessions from January to Marchcoming to this place I have Bethune House provides a safe refuge and NGO partner: Hong Kong Dog Rescuemade good friends and social counseling to Asian women migrantrediscovered my love of workers in distress as they seek justice. Duringsewing. I think HandsOn the handicraft sessions, the residents ofHong Kong do a great job Bethune House have the chance to relax, enjoycollaborating with local creating handicrafts and interact with otherorganization and connecting people in a social setting. Volunteers makevolunteers who are willing cross-stitch cards, cloth aprons and bags, andto give time. It is a good way beaded jewelry with the women in the shelter.to meet new people and dosomething useful with yourtime.\"Hayley ChungVolunteer When: Every Wed in November and December NGO partner: Bethune house20 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
Ethnic minorities: Helping ethnic minority primary \"When I started, the school social worker, Ms Lai and thestudents with schoolwork in Tin Hau HandsOn Hong Kong’s volunteer leader, assigned me to work with a primary 5 Filipino boy and then another Thai boy in theIt can be hard for ethnic minority students to keep up with the same class two weeks later. Besides bringing up my own soneducation syllabus due to language barriers, which can leave and the counseling experience I gained during the managementthem isolated from the mainstream. HandsOn Hong Kong of the Hong Kong teams with various multinational companies,partners with Li Sing Tai Hang School to give ethnic minority I must admit that I did not have previous chance in coachingstudents after school support. The aim of the program is for the young children. In the short four months engagement, I wasvolunteers to inspire the students and encourage them to adopt excited with the satisfactory outcome so far from the two boys.a positive attitude towards their studies. Volunteers assisted It was not the immediate improvement in their academicstudents with their studies on a one-to-one basis. schoolwork but their change in behavior and attitude that impressed me. After a few weeks with the boys, Ms Lai told meWhen: Every Tuesday and Thursday from February to May and that one of the boys politely addressed her “Ms Lai” when theyevery Tuesday from October to December. met in a school corridor. “It did not happen before”, she saidNGO partner: Li Sing Tai Hang School to me. His change continued with less annoyance (speaking loud in classes) to the teachers. The boy told me that he had fewer arguments with his classmates because he paid more respect to their opinion. Both boys were more focused during the schoolwork session. With some reminders, they spent more time at home in practicing what they had learnt, (e.g. Chinese writing, the multiplication table) and they were happy with their own improved results. I hope that they will continue in this direction with the on-going encouragement from the teachers, the social work and HandsOn Hong Kong. All in all, it is an encouraging beginning and there is still a lot for me to learn. I want to take this opportunity to thank Ms Lai and HandsOn Hong Kong for allowing me this wonderful experience. I will carry on in supporting HandsOn Hong Kong and Li Sing whenever my time allows in the coming future.\" Ringo Wong, Volunteer leader HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 21
\"This activity is memorable, Elderly care: Home visit and soup schools in disadvantaged communities toshocking and new to me. We delivery for the elderly improve their health and hygiene. Volunteersvisited and delivered soup to Soup delivery is a signature volunteer help with sorting, carving and recycling soap.elderly in Tin Shui Wai. We program initiated by HandsOn Hong Kong,were divided into small groups aiming to spread warmth and love to the When: Every Saturday and Sundayand were assigned to different elderly living alone through home visits and NGO partner: Soap Cyclinghouseholds. Because of all of soup delivery. Volunteers help prepare theour volunteers’ lovely work, soup and work in small teams to pay home Refugees and migrants: Helpingmost of the elderly on the list visits to elderly citizens. primary and secondary schoolchildrenhad been visited. The left over of Hong Kong’s refugees and asylumpeople are all relatively less When: 9 sessions from seekers with schoolworkproblematic. One of our goals July to December Refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kongto visit the elderly is to identify NGO partner: Pok Oi Hospital Chan Ping are not allowed to work and often struggleproblems in their lives such as Memorial neighborhood elderly center and Ya to meet their basic needs while their casestheir living environment, their On Lutheran Center for the elderly are pending, which can take up to severalhealth and hygiene status and years. This is an on-going program to provideother needs. I believe our small Environment: Soap recycling tutoring to these individuals and their families.help can make some changes This program helps to reduce wastage of Volunteers help a small group of primary andto their lives. For example some soap by recycling slightly used soap for secondary school students (aged 6-18 yearselderly may not have a TV set redistribution to underprivileged people in old) from refugee and asylum seekers familiesin their apartments, we noticed Asian countries. It also increases awareness in Hong Kong with their schoolwork.that and reported to HandsOn of environmental protection in our localHong Kong after our visit, and community. These life-saving items are When: Every Saturdayso HandsOn Hong Kong would distributed to underprivileged families and NGO partner: Chungkinggather resources to help them. Mansions Service CentreI believe if more and morepeople can do this, the elderlywould have a happier life.When I visited one household,the lady shared a lot ofhappiness about her grandsonswith me. She can relate to mebecause I am around the sameage as her grandsons. It was avery happy and enjoyable timetalking with her. And I thinkthey inspired me to cherish mygrandma and grandpa more.\"Andy OuVolunteer22 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
OUR CORPORATE VOLUNTEER PROGRAMSIn 2014, HandsOn Hong Kong ran 48 business. In return, the corporate sponsorship fee benefits HandsOn Hong Kong by fundingcorporate volunteer programs with 16 corporate partners activities and also helping towards the costs of HandsOn Hong Kong'scorporate partners. individual volunteer programs.HandsOn Hong Kong offers bespoke HandsOn Hong Kong offers:corporate volunteer programs to meetcompanies’ specific needs. Some corporate • Tailor-made activities to meet CSR andpartners are looking for a series of programs, business objectiveswhile others take part in a one-off volunteeractivity. Our volunteer activities can be • Design, planning and management oftailored to particular requirements, such as volunteer activities with photosincorporating team building elements orinvolving employees’ families. By outsourcing • Handling of all logistics, providing anthe organization of companies’ corporate activity reportvolunteer program to HandsOn HongKong, corporate partners benefit from • On-site training and facilitation on the dayour expertise, leaving companies time to of the activityconcentrate their expertise on their core HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 23
Hasbro volunteers sharedthese thoughts on theirexperience taking part in theGlobal Day of Joy\"It is quite an experience Spotlight on HandsOn Hong Kong’s Hong Kong ran volunteer projects forfor me, what I observed Hasbro employees in both Hong Kongand experienced today is partnership with Hasbro and Shenzhen. A total of 549 employeesvery different from how took part in activities bringing joy tospecial needs kids have been One of HandsOn Hong Kong’s 1,140 underprivileged youngsters, with aportrayed by the media. This key corporate partners is particular emphasis on children with specialis real and I learnt a lot.\" Hasbro. Being one of the needs. The activities ranged from a sports world’s largest branded play day to handicraft workshops to gift making\"Very good arrangement companies, Hasbro’s community service and wrapping. In just one day Hasbroand coordination from programs work to bring “the sparkle of employees gave 2,200 hours of service toHandsOn Hong Kong. The Hope, the joy of Play and the power of their local communities.event was so smooth and we Service” into the lives of children in need.had a great great time. We In 2013 Hasbro launched their annualnever thought to be able to “Global Day of Joy” commencing theinteract with kids who are partnership with HandsOn Hong Kong.with special needs, today, Hasbro’s 2014 Global Day of Joy took placewe gained this valuable on 4 December. On that day HandsOnexperience.\"24 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"Volunteering with Spotlight on HandsOn Hong Kong's Spotlight on HandsOn Hong Kong’sHandsOn Hong Kong has partnership with Moody’sgiven us access to deserving partnership with Fossil:causes and worthy projects The Moody’s Foundation has partneredthat we wouldn’t otherwise Fossil has been with HandsOn Hong Kong since 2011 for thehave been aware of. volunteering with company’s annual team-based volunteerThe team’s expertise in HandsOn Hong program, Moody’s TeamUp. During this four-organizing and running Kong since 2013. In 2014 around 200 year period, hundreds of Moody’s employeelarge scale, meaningful staff joined us for 6 volunteer activities, volunteers have given their time to servevolunteer projects has contributing just over 1000 hours of service local causes including the elderly, childrenenabled us to mobilize large to the local community. Fossil staff served with special needs, migrant and refugeenumbers of our team to children from low-income families, children families, environmental protection andvolunteer together.\" with special needs, deaf students and animal welfare. Employees have volunteered addressed environmental issues. One of at a total of 22 projects, giving 1,140 hours ofClaire Quigley, Global the projects in 2014 was a day out on the service to help make positive change in ourGiving Manager at Fossil Adventure Ship. This is a floating classroom local community. where youngsters learn the basics of sailing, as well as how to work as a team. During the day the children experience facing and overcoming challenges. Without the 27 volunteers from Fossil this amazing day out for 22 deserving youngsters would not have been possible. HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 25
\"Having the support of Corporate volunteering is a Win-Win- Profit: Businesses engaging inHandsOn Hong Kong Win for People, Planet and Profit corporate volunteer programsvolunteers has taken a huge can benefit from an increase inburden away from me. I can People: Volunteering creates a productivity and job satisfaction, a decreasenow concentrate on the art feel good factor, contributing to in sick leave, improved employee retentionaspects of the workshops, increased health and happiness. and loyalty and an enhanced brand imagerather than having to Corporate volunteer programs can enhance and reputation.spend time recruiting and team working, communications andscheduling in volunteers. leadership skills.I’m also delighted with thequality of the volunteers that Planet: The direct cause served andcome through HandsOn - the wider community all benefitthey are committed, reliable from the outputs of corporateand full of enthusiasm.\" volunteer programs. The programs create social impact and help spread awareness ofLiz Briers social needs and issues.Founder of Lizzie Bee In 2014, we partnered with the following corporates:26 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"Our school appreciates In 2014, we organized 10 events to raise • Our 2014 raffle with 320 prizes given bythe donation and high- awareness of HandsOn Hong Kong’s our generous donors;quality volunteer service mission and activities and to contribute toprovided by HandsOn Hong our fundraising, including: • The inaugural Hike For Hong Kong inKong. HandsOn Hong Kong October;promotes volunteerism • Our 2014 Black & White Ball in Aprilin the community and attended by around 300 key supporters; • Our breakfast to mark Internationalempowers the volunteers to Volunteer Day 2014 attended by CSRgive back to the community. • Drink For Good in September in leaders from a wide range of companiesAll HandsOn Hong Kong partnership with more than 80 bars and and industries.staff led and train the 45 corporate partners;volunteers professionally.\"Eric SauVice President at Sam ShuiNatives Association Lau PunCheung School28 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"I moved back home toScotland in March. I missworking with HOHK.... Itmade me so happy.\"Katy ChanHOHK volunteer INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEERS HandsOn Hong Kong organizes dozens of It is easy for volunteers to get involved. volunteer programs each week, serving a Volunteers simply register online and can wide range of causes. Programs range from then sign up for volunteer activities on the helping local primary students improve online calendar. their English skills, to providing after-school tutoring to ethnic minority students, visiting the elderly, caring for abandoned animals, and protecting the environment. VOLUNTEER LEADERS Volunteer leaders play a vital role in HandsOn Hong Kong encourages our organization. They are volunteers individuals looking to make a greater impact who make a commitment to help run a through their community service to become volunteer program on a regular basis. volunteer leaders. The role also offers The role includes sending out pre-event the opportunity to build leadership and confirmations, welcoming and briefing communication skills. volunteers, leading the activity on site to ensure everything goes smoothly, report attendance and provide feedback to us.30 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"In the past years, HandsOn CORPORATE PARTNERSHong Kong has acted as abridge between Corporate HandsOn Hong Kong has a proven track Our other corporate volunteerand NGO partners to record of delivering successful bespoke options include:effectively allocate the corporate volunteer programs for companies • Engaging HandsOn Hong Kong to deliverresources to the needy ones looking to give back to the local community.in our community. Through HandsOn Hong Kong designs, sets up, training for staff volunteer teamscollaborating with HandsOn implements, organizes, manages and thenHong Kong, our elderly evaluates tailor-made corporate volunteer • Becoming an in-kind partner, providingcitizens have the chance programs to fit our corporate partner’s skilled volunteers to help supportto interact with volunteers CSR focus, ensuring that all activities are HandsOn Hong Kong's operationscoming from different beneficial to the local community.sectors of the society. • Organizing a fundraising event withBoth elderly citizens and proceeds donated to HandsOn Hongvolunteers learnt from each Kongother and grew togetherfrom the participatedprograms. We hope thatHandsOn Hong Kong cancontinue the good work forour community, volunteersand beneficiaries.\"Mandy WongSocial Worker atPoi-oi Chan Ping MemorialNeighborhood ElderlyCentre32 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"We have known HandsOn We also welcome corporate partnershipHong Kong for more than 5 with HandsOn Hong Kong in theyears now. It has contributed following ways:a lot in developing our • Donation of prizes for our fundraising eventsHandicraft project fromdesigning to actual • Financial donations to help fund ourproduction of the hand made volunteer programscards. You may not notice it,but your presence, support • Special products with proceeds donated toand expertise are very much HandsOn Hong Kongappreciated by BethuneHouse and the women thatare benefiting from thisproject. Thank you so muchfor making Bethune Houseas part of your community.\"Edwina Antonio, ExecutiveDirector at Bethune House In 2014, we were supported by the following in-kind partners: HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 33
NGO PARTNERS HandsOn Hong Kong is constantly looking serving the local community that lack for new NGO partners who can benefit from the resources to find, recruit and manage help with their volunteer needs. Our focus is volunteers on their own. on small grassroots NGO partners directly In 2014, HandsOn Hong Kong partnered with 56 NGO partners. Our partners included: Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Green Council Lutheran Yau On NEC (Tuen Mun) Shenzhen Pengxing Assoication Social Service Centre Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement Lutheran School For The Deaf Social Work Service Mission to New Arrivals Ltd Shenzhen Pengxing Ark Eden Association Jane Shu Tsao Social Social Work Service - LongLiang Asia Society Hong Kong Center Centre for the Elderly Association of Baptists for Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Hong Kong Mutual Encouregement Shenzhen Pengxing Social Work World Evangelism Shing Yan Alexandra school dormitory Association Jane Shu Tsao Service - Xiangling Christian Social Service Centre Hong Kong Society for the Social Centre for the Elderly Soap Cycling Protection of Children Pathfinders Bethune House Hong Kong Special Olympics Plastic Free Sea St. James Settlement Bread Angel People’s Food Bank China Coast Community Hong Kong Women Development Po Leung Kuk The Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association China Peniel Missionary Association Limited Po Leung Kuk Anita L. L. Chan The Hong Kong Council of Society Social Centre of Hong Kong Women Foundation (Centenary) School Early Childhood Education and the Elderly of Grace Ho Kwok Pui-chun Pok Oi Hospital Services (CECES) Christian Action Ethnic Minority Social Centre for the Elderly Chan Ping Memorial The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Center International Buddhist Neighbourhood Elderly Centre Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Christian Service CHEER Center Progress Society Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Christian Service Sham Shui po Law Chan Chor Sze Project Share Tin Shui Wai Integrated Service Rhenish Church Grace School Center, The Pok Oi Hospital Happy Teens club Social Centre for the Elderly Chan Ping MemorialChungking Mansions Service Centre Kely Support Group SAHK Saviour Lutheran School Neighbourhood Elderly Centre & Dog Rescue Kwun Tong Shelter Workshop, Sham Shui Natives Association Caritas Elderly Centre Feeding Hong Kong the Mental Health Association of Lau Pun Cheung School Ya On Lutheran Center Shenzhen Green Sources For the Elderly Food Angel Hong Kong Environmental Protection Li Sing Tai Hang School Volunteers Association (SENGO) Yang Methodist Social Service Yau Tsim Mong Lizzie Bee Lutheran Harmony NEC (Siu Sai Wan) Integrated Services Centre34 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"All the official staff I metin HandsOn Hong Kongare very helpful and full ofpassion for their work whichdoes motivate others.\"Bernie LoHOHK volunteer leader BOARD HandsOn Hong Kong is governed by a stakeholders are protected. Board members Board whose primary function is to serve as provide oversight of the governance the supervisory body for the organization, and financial control of the organization, guiding its strategic direction and ensuring safeguard its reputation and are actively that the interests of the organization and its involved in fundraising. COMMITTEES and Communications Committee, the Fundraising and Development Committee In addition to our Board of Directors, and the Governance, Planning and HandsOn Hong Kong also has four Oversight Committee. committees that report to the Board: the Executive Committee, the Marketing36 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
“HandsOn Hong Kong is so close to the society, so we could help directly to the needy.” Walter Sum HOHK volunteer VALUES HandsOn Hong Kong is driven by the following values: • Commitment • Compassion • Empowerment • Impact • Integrity EXTERNAL AUDIT HandsOn Hong Kong is audited on a yearly basis by qualified Certified Public Accountants. The audit is conducted in accordance with legal and statutory requirements and provides assurance that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the organization’s affairs and are free from material misstatement. This assists the organization to transparently inform the public how resources have been used.38 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"HandsOn Hong Kong has FUNDING MODELbeen an extraordinarypartner and supporter of HandsOn Hong Kong is currently reliantour center. As refugees on voluntary donations and support fromand asylum seekers are individuals, funding from corporates and ourprohibited from working in own fundraising activities and events.Hong Kong, the seeminglysmall support such as FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2014helping the children withtheir homework every 7.6%week or providing basictutorial to the younger Other:siblings of the children in the HK$ 203,372support group is extremelyvaluable. Sustainability is a 46.6%key concern of any funder.Given that our charity does Corporatenot get any support from Fundraising:the Government or any HK$ 1,859,742major funders in HK, CA-CKMSC has struggled to 0.1% 45.8%find alternative sources for Other:long-term investment so we HK$ 4,600 Donations andare hoping that this valuable Fundraising Events:program will continue next 15.7%school term through the HK$ 1,829,654support of HandsOn Hong Administration:Kong.\" HK$ 543,476Jonnet BernalAssistant Manager atChristian Action 54.6% Income Programs: HK$ 1,884,681 29.6% Fundraising: HK$ 1,021,614 Expenditure40 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2014 Income and expenditure account (HK$) for The summary financial statements are the period of 30 September to 2013 to 30 based on audited financial statements, September 2014. which are available upon request. Statement Income 2014/HK$ of income and Donations and funds raised 1,829,654 expenditure Corporate sponsorship 1,859,742 for the year Raffle ticket income* Transfer from Hands On China Limited 27,650 ended 30 Interest income 275,710September 2014 12 Total income 3,992,768 Expenditure Administration expenditure 5,000 4,035 Audit fee 2,009 Commission and fees 13,409 Dues and subscriptions 9,009 Entertainment 10,515 Insurance 6,137 Legal and professional fee 23,751 MPF contribution 10,826 Office expenses 135,201 Other general office expenses 181,942 Rent Salaries and wages 469 Stationery and printing 1,033 Telecommunication Travelling – selling 207 Travelling – general administration 3,345 Utilities 9,938 Salaries and wages for part time 126,650 Total administration expenditure 543,476 Program expenditure 61,263 41,734 Insurance 1,237,206 MPF contribution Salaries and wages 3,191 Stationery and printing 7,027 Telecommunication 22,744 Travelling – general administration 511,516 Other program costs 1,884,681 Total program expenditure 42 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
Statement Fund raising expenditure 2014/HK$ of income and Insurance 19,820 expenditure MPF contribution 13,502 for the year Salaries and wages 400,273 Stationery and printing ended 30 Telecommunication 1,032 September 2014 Travelling – general administration 2,274 Other fund raising costs 7,358The raffle ticket income and expense are Total fund raising expenditure 577,355spread across two financial years, which are 1,021,6142 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. These financial Bank charges statements do not cover all the raffle ticket 3,205income and expenses. It only includes the Raffle ticket expenses* income for financial year 2013/2014. 1,350 Total expenditure 3,454,326 Surplus for the year 538,442 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 43
\"HandsOn Hong Kong HandsOn Hong Kong began in 2007 as a be done. Over the next few years we willprovides a super-efficient part-time, one-person operation, with 800 continue to strive to sustain and expandplatform in promoting a hours of service in the first year. Seven years our volunteer programs serving pressingvariety of well-managed later, our output has grown to more than social needs in our city. By enabling caringvolunteering opportunities in 20 times that level. With hundreds of small Hong Kongers to gain access to meaningfulthe community. For example, grassroots NGOs in need of volunteers to volunteer projects, we also aim to buildeducation for marginalized help them serve local needs, and hundreds upon our role as a conduit to increasingstudents and new-immigrant of thousands of citizens in our community social awareness in Hong Kong.adults. It is essentially a in need of assistance, there is still much toone-stop shop for dedicatedvolunteers to pick andparticipate in their interestedactivities.\"Roy TangHOHK volunteer leader46 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
\"Making it super easy for CONTACTpeople to get involved DETAILSin giving back to theircommunities!\"Betty HuiHOHK volunteer HandsOn Hong Kong Limited Rm 601, the L. Plaza, 367-375 Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Bank details: HandsOn Hong Kong welcomes donations to support our work. Tax receipts are issued on request for donations over $100. Account Name: HandsOn Hong Kong Limited Account Number: 848 245775 838 (HSBC) Phone number: +852 2613 9353 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/handsonhongkong LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/handson-hong-kong Twitter: https://twitter.com/handsonhongkong Acknowledgements Financial Statements: Audited by Jack H.W. Ng CPA Limited Pictures: ©HandsOn Hong Kong Limited – shot by volunteers and volunteer leaders. Design, layout and artwork: Dominic Naughton +852 90160533 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014 47
www.handsonhongkong.org \"I love HOHK for the impact it makes on the society and myself – To give is to receive. And I’m grateful that HOHK provides such an amazing platform and opportunities for people to get involved.\" Sophia Xia HOHK volunteer \"For almost 3 years, we’ve had wonderful volunteers coming through HandsOn Hong Kong. Having a regular stream of volunteers, without having to recruit and schedule them in ourselves, means that our staff doesn’t have to take time away from their frontline work serving our beneficiaries. Some volunteers who first came to PathFinders through HandsOn Hong Kong have gone on to become much more deeply involved with our organization and are now passionate advocates of our cause. Without the introduction from HandsOn they might never have even been aware of the issues that we are addressing. On top of that, we’ve also learned a lot from HandsOn about managing and engaging volunteers and we find their approach to volunteer management to be inspiring.\" Luna Chan COO at PathFinders48 HandsOn HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORT 2014
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