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Home Explore Brittany Myatt Portfolio Booklet

Brittany Myatt Portfolio Booklet

Published by b.myatt, 2018-11-09 10:21:55

Description: Welcome to Brittany Myatt's Portfolio Design Booklet!


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&Hello Welcome

Allow me to Building authentic,introduce myself. a unique and memorableI always aim to communicate material is thethe philosophy of one’s brand goal of success.developing numerous strategies #thinkbigto connect with consumers and #beinnovativeenhance your differential thinking. #alwaysgoabove #andbeyond

Help BrandsStay Unique. 5

Contents Digital and Print Ads 02 Hurry Up and Buy! How can I get your attention in two to five seconds?01 Logos 04 Creating the UI and Web Design first impression View new experiences while 03 Infographic your at work or on the move Data visulization and events

05 Packaging 07 How can you stand out from the rest of them? Freelance Never forget to have fun!P.O.P DisplaysMake a bold06statement

1 Logos Creating the first impression

WEDR-FM 99JAMZ A twenty-year old logo undergoes a design relaunch to better fit the company’s look, feel, and voice while keeping it’s original identity.10

More Logos! My simple mantra is powered by a set of four hallmarks that runs across everything I do.1 Closer is better 3 Precision is everything when using research Going beyond research approaches and insights and detailed direction2 Simplicity beats complexity MIALIVE while clarity and concrete •MUSIC INSPIRATION ADVISE• plans of action 4 Boldness wins Uncover competitive advantage for the future of their business 11

Developing logos begins with gathering of information about each company to better understand whatneeds to be communicated through the brand. A brand often creates the first impression that peopleperceive about a business, product or event and this impression could mean the difference betweengaining or losing new customers, social media followers and business associates.

2 Digital and Print Ads Hurry Up and Buy! How can I get your attention in two to five seconds?

Print AdHurry up andbuy our product!We are constantly exposed toadvertising in our daily lives, whetherit’s online, in print, on billboards orthrough our television screens. In fact,research suggests we are exposedto, on average, 362 ads per day (notincluding brand exposures) but only3% of these will make an impression.That’s just twelve ads a day thatactually engage us. Well that’s says, wonder if the printads shown will do the trick! Digital Ad14

Digital Ad Print AdDigital Ad 15

Print Ad Print AdDigital Ad16

Print Ad 17

Is is why every vote counts?Stand up for everyone and make a difference because people depend on you to be the true voice of America, Gif Storyboard Gif Storyboard Digital Ad Digital Ad Digital Ad18

Digital Ad Digital Ad Digital Ad 19

3 Infographic Data visualization and Events

Looking at data can get exhausting and overwhelming,well good thing data visualization makes it easy for everyone and anyone, to fully comprehend themost complex collected facts and statistics. I was luck enough to have the opportunity to re-brandKantar TNS infographic design and overall creative branding. Allowing art to stand out throughintensive data heavy numbers. Creating a better use of space throughout each data highlights.22



“Catch Me If You Can”One of many both indoor and outdoorevent design layouts helping companiesunderstand emotional triggers withintheir customers and how to analyzetrends and responds to real time. 25

4 UI and Web Design Create new experiences while your at work or on the move.


“Are you ready to fight”Micro-website landing page concepts for Senator Elizabeth Warren. With a message toall voters to stand up against President Donald Trump and the Republican leadership. 29

UI and Web concept for WEDR-FM 99 JAMZ. Keeping both layouts and design simple and trendy.30


George Mason University UI Project: Created an application for a company that either does not have an app or needs fixing.32


5 Packaging How can you stand out from the rest of them?

Go beyond the obvious with intelligence, bravery and creativity.36

My purpose is to engagepeople all over theplanet, by transformingour relationships withinthe products for thecustomers to embracewith pure happiness.With so many products out there, packagedesign is as important as ever. Designsmust be conceived in the context of theircategory, only then can they have thedesired effects of being differentiated. 37



6 P.O.P Displays Make a bold statement

Take your mark, get set, now show off!Grabbing the consumers attention is always key. Never forget that in order to keep their eyes onyour product, you must connect with them and “wow” them making the customer wanting more.42






7 Freelance Never forget to have fun!


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