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Home Explore Meitler Parish Revitalization

Meitler Parish Revitalization

Published by paula, 2020-04-28 11:33:05

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Parish Revitalization Smarter decisions. Stronger mission. 1

Be prepared to lead your parish or parishes through a transformative growth process. The opportunities and challenges facing parish pastors and administrators range a wide spectrum. As the day-in, day-out face of the Church and its mission, your parish needs to be all things to all people while often working with limited resources. Parishes have had to radically alter how they serve members during the pandemic shut-down, often reacting on instinct instead of a deliberate, planned strategy. As the new normal begins to form, it is important that pastors, administrators, and parish councils sit down to develop a solid strategic plan for long term viability. It can be daunting in the best of times. You can trust Meitler to guide you through every step of the process, from data-driven research to forming your innovative transformation plan, right through final implementation. The Meitler team will support you and help you achieve your vision. 2


Pause. Plan. Pivot. The current COVID-19 situation is challenging every faith community to be flexible and innovative, as each parish seeks new and effective ways to serve their members. Technology is allowing families to attend mass, faith formation classes to continue, and parish councils to make decisions, without compromising health or risking exposure. A hidden blessing to the current COVID-19 situation is that our entire society knows change is in the air. It is an ideal time for parish leaders to pause, plan, and pivot toward substantive transformation. PAUSE Though this is a very hectic time for many people trying to continue ministries and services, it can also the time that we all pray for—an opportunity to pause and an opportunity to honestly assess what is most important to your parish and your community. Experienced Meitler consultants can guide you through this reflection time to discern what the future should look like for your parish when the pandemic clears. PLAN Once you have a vision for the future, we will help you develop an innovative and achievable plan to get there. We will guide you in establishing the right steps to take and identify milestones on your journey to ensure your success along the way. 4

PIVOT Having a well thought out plan ready to go is the key to achieving the transformation you and your parish envision. As soon as the isolation lifts, you and your parish will be in a great position to pivot toward your goal. We are available and willing to guide you as much or as little as you’d like for implementation. We will give you all the information you need to succeed each step in achieving your vision. 5

Our Process The Meitler Way Every project represents an opportunity for our team of nationally recognized planning consultants to be a part of an organization’s story of transformation and growth. Each parish we encounter has a unique history that we embrace and particular challenges that require creativity and experience to overcome. We have honed our process over the years to four common stages, which we refer to as the Meitler Way: Engage, Analyze, Mobilize, Implement. ENGAGE Our first step on any project is to hit the ground and meet with as many people as possible to hear their stories and collect information. We know that by gathering data and understanding a wide spectrum of stakeholder perspectives, we will be in the best position to guide you to an innovative and achievable transformation plan. 6

ANALYZE We believe that the power of objective fact, viewed through the lens of experience, and guided by faith, is the best way to form the core of your successful and innovative action plan. Once we have engaged with your parish’s stakeholders and collected the data we need, our team will look at the information and form a unique and objective transformation plan with you. MOBILIZE After we have gathered our data and performed a thorough analysis of your situation, we will return to your location and begin to mobilize your community. We will start by presenting our findings and recommendations to your core leadership stakeholders. Our experienced consultants will then guide your leaders in determining the best way to engage your community. IMPLEMENT The final step in any Meitler project is putting the plan into action. Our team will guide you as you rally your group into action. We’ll be available to assist you if you have any questions, and we’ll be there to celebrate your success with you when the plan is fully in place. 7

Turn challenges into opportunities for transformative parish growth. Since our founding in 1971, Meitler has excelled in collecting relevant data, analyzing it through the lens of deep professional experience and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to assist thousands of Catholic organizations with strategic plans for growth, contraction or consolidation in order to best deliver their missions. We are ideally poised to continue that work in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team is working remotely with parishes across the country, guiding them in planning for how to best navigate the current situation and be ready to welcome parishioners back to mass, back to faith formation, and back to community fellowship. We can assure you—parish leaders who take the time to develop a strong pastoral plan, grounded in facts and inspired by the Holy Spirit, can define where the parish is going and be confident in how they will get there. By engaging in a planning process based on facts, guided by experience, and fueled by faith, you will be ready. 8


Fueled by Faith, Driven by Data, Inspired to Innovate Meitler guides and empowers Catholic parishes, dioceses, and faith-based schools through transformational change by using data, viewed through the lens of faith and the wisdom of experience, to achieve what they envision or never dreamed possible. We have always believed that data and facts are necessary to make wise decisions. We don’t guess. Our unique combination of objectivity and sensitivity leads to custom-crafted, innovative plans that are successfully implemented. Our gold-standard reputation for innovative solutions that work stems from real world experience. Our expert consultants are proven professionals within the areas they consult. Our team lives in your world, tackling the same issues you’re facing. Schools Parishes Dioceses 10


(414) 529-3366 9415 West Forest Home Avenue Suite 302, Milwaukee, WI 53130 12

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