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Home Explore Urinary System Flipbook

Urinary System Flipbook

Published by Andrew Ding, 2020-09-15 23:39:43

Description: Urinary System (1)


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U​ rinary System ​By - Andrew ding 3B

​Table of Contents Key terms (page 3) Function (page 4) Diseases/disorders (page 5) Vocabulary (page 6) Healthcare Careers (page 7) Label system (page 8) Source of research (page 9)

​Key terms ● -cele - Tumor ● -lysis - breakdown; separation; loosening ● cyst/o - cyst; Fluid sac; bladder ● nephr/o - kidney ● ren/o - Kidney ● -uria - urination; condition of urine ● -pexy - surgical fixation ● -ectasis - expansion ● pyel/o - renal pelvis ● lith/o - stone; calculus ● cali/o - calyx ● azot/o - nitrogen ● olig/o - scanty ● ureter/o - ureter ● vsic/o - urinary bladder ● -cele - hernia; swelling; protrusion

Function  The function of the urinary system is filtration, waste storage and excretion, hormone  production, and homeostasis maintenance. Filtration is when the kidneys separate  metabolic waste products from the blood. From these, the kidneys form urine which can  be stored and is later expelled from the body. Waste storage is when the urine is carried  to the urinary bladder through the ureters. The urinary bladder stores the urine until it is  discharged from the body along with excess water and ions. Hormone production  happens in the kidney which is necessary for essential functions. Some hormones  include erythropoietin (stimulates red blood cell production in your bone marrow) and  calcitriol (an active form of vitamin D that aids digestion by promoting calcium  absorption in the small intestine. Homeostasis maintenance is when the kidneys  monitor blood pressure, adjust blood volume in response to an increase or reduction in  your blood pressure. It also controls the levels of pH (acidity) in your blood. Lastly, it  balances fluid and electrolytes in your body. These are essential to various  physiological processes in the body including the heart, muscle, and nerve function.  Some common examples of electrolytes include sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium,  phosphate, and magnesium.                 

Diseases / Disorders  Diabetes Insipidus (DI) - Condition caused by inadequate secretion of, or resistance of  the kidney to, the action of antidiuretic hormone. The lack of ADH prevents water from  being reabsorbed into the blood through the renal tubules, leading to urine that is highly  diluted and blood sugar that is less diluted.  Nephritic Syndrome - Group of clinical signs and symptoms, present in some disorders,  that cause glomerulonephritis; marked by blood and protein in the urine and by edema  in various parts of the body.  Nephrosclerosis - A disease in which the arteriole walls in the kidneys become narrowed  and thickened, often due to essential hypertension (high blood pressure); may lead to  renal ischemia.  Renal Ischemia - Condition in which blood flow to the glomerulus severely decreases,  resulting in atrophy and scarring of the kidney tissue; often a result of nephrosclerosis.  Renal Failure - Condition in which kidney disease or damage results in imparied filtration  of waste products from the blood.   

​Vocabulary antidiuretic hormone​ - hormone produced by the hypothalamus which stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water,reducing urine volume Bowman's capsule​ - double-walled cup at the end of a renal tubule Dialysis​ - an artificial means of removing nitrogen waste from the blood using the diffusion of solutes through a membrane Electrolytes​ - chemical substances, such as salts, acids and bases, that ionize and dissociate in water. They are capable of conducting an electrical current Glomerulus​ - cluster of capillaries forming part of the nephron which produces filtrate Kidney​ - the urinary system organ that removes nitrogen waste from the blood then concentrates and secretes urine into the ureter urinary bladder​ - smooth, collapsable, muscular sack that temporarily stores urine renal tubule​ - consists of three parts beginning at the distal end of the glomerulus and continuing to the collecting duct. Each part has a different function in urine production renal cortex​ - superficial region of the kidney that is light in color and contains the Bowman;s capsule and afferent capillaries Nephron​ - structure and functional unit of the kidney composed of the glomerulus and renal tubule Ureter​ - tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder Creatinine​ - type of nitrogen waste that can't be reabsorbed through the tubules Ammonia​ - NH3. The waste by-product of protein metabolism Filtration​ - passage of a solvent and a dissolved substance through a membrane

H​ ealthcare Careers Urologists - Urologists diagnose and treat diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women. They also diagnose and treat anything involving the reproductive tract in men. In some cases, they may perform surgery. For example, they may remove cancer or open up a blockage in the urinary tract. Urologists work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, private clinics, and urology centers.The urinary tract is the system that creates, stores, and removes urine from the body. Urologists can treat any part of this system. Oncologist - ​A doctor who has special training in diagnosing and treating cancer in adults using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and targeted therapy. A medical oncologist often is the main health care provider for someone who has cancer. A medical oncologist also gives supportive care and may coordinate treatment given by other specialists.

​ L​ abel system

S​ ource of research terminology-2017/352 ogist rms/def/medical-oncologist

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