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Home Explore 20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel

20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel

Published by yec.mechanics, 2020-04-10 12:09:47

Description: 20200408-HVAC Systems And Their Impact on Indoor Environment Pollution-Eng.Rami Khaleel


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Air Filtration Techniques

FIBROUS FILTERS  Dust Spot Filters ASHRAE Standard 52.2 (new) Fractional Efficiency  HEPA (HEPA Type) Efficiency by particle removal >0.3 microns

GAS PHASE FILTRATION PROCESS: SUBSTRATE:  Adsorption Activated Carbon  Neutralization Molecular Sieve Impregnated Carbon  Chemisorption with KOH or H3PO4 Impregnated Alumina with  Catalysis KMnO4 Super Activated Carbon Redox w/o impregnate

Micropore Attributes: Mesopore •Activity vs. Retentively (volume & surface area) •Van der Waals forces •Preferential Adsorption •Desorption •Moisture & heat •Reversibility (reactivation) •Capacity measurement •Granule size Contaminant Specific

Specialty Products Pelletized Activated Carbon Granular Powdered Activated Carbon Activated Carbon

BI-POLAR IONIZATION  Definition: A highly reactive mixture of ionized gas (atoms, molecules and free radicals)  HVAC & IAQ Applications: Bi-polar Ionization Tube  History: First commercial use..1972 Food/Meat Industry

BI-POLAR IONIZATION TUBE Tube Socket Tube unscrews Exterior counter clockwise Wire Mesh at base 1.57 in 40 mm Spring Contact Interior Electrode Glass Tube covered with SS wire mesh BI-POLAR GENERATOR •External/Internal Electrodes •Constant Dielectric •Pulsed High Voltage AC Output

BI-POLAR IONIZATION TUBE Features: Higher Capacitance & Output Nominal 800 cfm/F tube (+6.5%) Moisture proof (double) seal between tube socket and base O ring seal between glass tube & socket Accurate positioning of glass tube Moisture seal Thermal & stress cracks

The Bi-Polar Generator + Ionization Voltage level GENERATES + & - IONS - AIR Tube +++++-----++++----+++---++--+- FLOW +++++-----++++----+++---++--+- Pulsed Ion Field +++++-----++++----+++---++--+- +++++-----++++----+++---++--+- Diminishing Bi-Polar Ion Field

THEORY OF OPERATION Pulsed AC system excites electrons in valence (bonding) shells of stable molecules. Vibrational energy allows valence electrons to overcome nuclear attraction and escape. Chemical bonds are broken.

Mold & Bacteria Control + + + ++ Ionization Field

Theory of Operation DISASSOCIATION H H+ NH N+ H Ammonia Molecule H+ H+ Ionization Field Compliments of R.W. Hayes Co.

O ASSOCIATION O O N HO N O N N H Nitrogen H H N O NO O OO O O H HO Oxygen Theory of Operation Water Vapor

Chemical Compounds Amenable to Treatment with Bi-Polar Ionization CHEMICAL FORMULA Xylene Styrene C8H10 Methyl Ethyl Ketone C8H8 Ammonia C3H8O Acetaldehyde NH3 Ethyl Alcohol CH3CHO C2H5OH Formaldehyde Oxygen CH2O O2 Methane CH4

BI-POLAR IONIZATION Benefits: Microbiological Control Gas Phase & Odor Control Static Control & Filtration Enhancement

OZONE GENERATION • Byproduct of ionization process • Precise control of high voltage output • Constant Dielectric between electrodes • Test data indicates < 0.015 PPM O3 ASHRAE Limit: 0.050 PPM Bi-polar Ionization: SAFE! Primary Means of Control is Ionization!

ULTRAVIOLET STERILIZATION Microbial Control Wave Lengths A Band: 315 to 400 nm B Band: 280 to 315 nm C Band: 100 to 280 nm Optimum Germicidal effect: 260 nm

Ultraviolet Sterilization “C” High Energy output No measurable Ozone Microbial reductions to 95% + Excellent Test Data! Limited odor control

Ultraviolet Sterilization “C” Applications: Isolation Rooms Infectious Disease Control Intensive Care Continuous maintenance of Cooling Coils

UV “C” Physical Effects Destruction or inactivation Alter DNA to prevent cell reproduction Potential one pass efficiencies to 99.99% (Cost limitation)

Ultraviolet Sterilization “C” Factors affecting performance: Temperature & velocity Energy degradation over time Reflectance of plenum liner Humidity

Units with HEPA filters for Critical Space like Operation Rooms, Special Surgeries - Side access housing units or ceiling units with Laminar flow. - Units can include HEPA, ULPA filters and also accommodated with some Special UV lights with certain wave length and Ionizers if needed.

Units with HEPA filters for Critical Space like Operation Rooms, Special Surgeries

Vanderbilt University Hospital Model ECU-500-FC Air Handling Unit; 500 cfm

Units with HEPA filters for Critical Space like Operation Rooms, Special Surgeries

Air Cleaning for Special Rooms Patient Isolation/Quarantine Rooms - Used to clean air 100% for Special and critical rooms like patient Isolation rooms and Quarantine rooms. - It will Kill all bacteria, viruses; molds that can go inside or outside the room so keep patient or outside pedestrians protected. - Technology is using units with HEPA filters; Special UV lights with certain wave length and Ionizers.

Air Cleaning for Special Rooms Patient Isolation/Quarantine Rooms Slide Rack; Fast access Isolation Room unit - Indoor Air Quality

Air Cleaning Ceiling Unit MCC model - Used to Keep Clean air in patient Waiting rooms and halls, corridors, staff Offices, Emergency Rooms. - It will Kill most of the bacteria, viruses; molds that can be generated from human breathing system into the AC and Ventilation system. - Minimize the visitors; patients and staff from getting infected by any disease form the patients.

Air Cleaning portable Units

Air Cleaning portable Units •Antistatic filter (Pre-Electrostatic Filter); •Antibacterial filter (Medium Filter); •HEPA filter (HEPA Filter); •Anti-allergenic filter (AG Allergy Filter); •Activated-carbon filter (AC Deodorant Filter).


Thank You End of Day 1 By: Rami Alkhalil Bsc Mech. Engineering, IEQ, IAQ Expert

Humidity & Temp Variation Mould Microbial Pathogens Viruses

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

SBS Major Symptoms

IEQ, IAQ - Sources of indoor Air Pollution

IEQ, IAQ Problems - Source Cause Molds – Moulds.  Mildew. Microbial Pathogens. Dust Mites. Particulate Matter.

IEQ, IAQ Problems – Cause Molds – Moulds.


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