Water and Politics its impact on Development in Ethiopia
Water is fundamental importance for human and economic development, the environment and all living creatures for their existence. Although water is available on this earth in large quantity but it is not equally distributed. It occupies 70% of earth surface from which 2.5% is considered fresh water and the remaining 97.5% is highly saline Ocean. Rivers are main source of fresh water and serve humanity in different ways. They provide socioeconomic linkages among the riparian. This precious commodity has a political as well as economic significance too. It played vital role in decision making both at regional and international level (Levine, 1983). Distribution of water has always been an issue throughout the human history. Distribution is not a problem when commodity like water is available abundant and every co-share gets his satisfactory share. It becomes a problem when water is in short supply that leads to disagreements and disputes. Water has often been a source of conflict among s
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