New Mindset ~ New Results The 24hr Virtual Clinic™ is a disruptive and rapid response cost mitigation program for Workplace Injuries & Healthcare The methodology is protected by a US patent
In a Nutshell…. “Workers’ compensation is more like a finance tool than an insurance policy. Ultimately, through the experience modification, you will pay for your actual claims. The only way to lower the cost of workers’ compensation in the long run is to lower the frequency and severity of claims that are driving those costs.” The methodology is protected by a US patent
Only the 24hr Virtual Clinic™ Married “risk” entities into one service to help risk, safety and human resources. The Virtual Clinic provides cost- saving benefits across the company. One phone number gives access 24/7/365 to: -Workplace injury triage for employees with a Registered Nurse and when necessary a Medical Doctor to mitigate the number and cost of claims -Ergonomic worksite screening for employees including workstation evaluation, assessment and corrections -Emotional Health support for the employee and family to assist with work and life integration -Non-Critical Health virtual access to an MD, decrease unnecessary doctor visits & decrease the costs of healthcare The methodology is protected by a US patent
Escalating Workplace Injuries Claims & Costs Almost every business owner loathes workers’ comp insurance. Workers’ comp insurance costs are high and can go up significantly in the event of a claim or multiple claims. Also, workers’ comp can be a cost center which is heavily impacted by fraud and abuse. If employers provide prevention and early intervention in the claim process they can help: *Control the number and severity of claims *Lower workers comp costs; put money to better use The methodology is protected by a US patent
When a Workplace Injury Occurs: Time is Against the Business Owner! The Rolling Stones were wrong… Time is not on the business owners side when it comes to a workplace injury. A key to lowering workplace injury costs is significantly reducing the time from the event to the first conversation with a medical professional. 24hr Virtual Clinic™ is a “rapid response” telehealth approach which shortens the incidence time to medical action, populates and distributes all paperwork, lowers the number and cost of workers’ comp claims. The Virtual Clinic excels in: Workplace Emotional Injuries Health Ergonomic Non-Critical Injuries Healthcare The methodology is protected by a US patent
24hr Virtual Clinic ™ Timely Decision Making By Phone or Video Conference: Employees with non-emergency injuries consult with a Registered Nurse from the work site to determine next steps. Often, this saves a costly trip to the ER or Urgent Care. If the nurse has concerns, the worker is transferred to a Medical Doctor for a video consultation. This feature was added to decrease the number of unqualified or potentially fraudulent injuries. In fact, the program has been proven to lower E-MOD scores and to decrease workers comp claims and costs by an average of 40%. The methodology is protected by a US patent
The Largest Sector of Work Comp Claims are MSD’s To alleviate Musculoskeletal Disorders, the 24hr Virtual Clinic™ includes an extensive workstation Ergonomic program designed to remove the causes which impede performance and place employees at risk of injury. Employees have the opportunity to assess their workstation, accurately measure risks & exposures, then receive a personalized risk assessment and training to prevent injury. Good ergonomics is good economics! The methodology is protected by a US patent
80% of Workers Experience Presenteeism The impact of presenteeism in the workplace, i.e. being at work but “out of it”, many times initiates a claim and often has a financial impact as costly as a physical injury. Our experts are available 24/7/365 by phone to discuss emotional/behavioral health issues privately before they escalate and become an incident at work or in the home. This service helps employees defuse situations and redirect their concentration and energy to the job at hand. The methodology is protected by a US patent
Non-Critical TeleHealth… A Doctor Visit at your Convenience! With NO waiting room, NO time away from work or school, NO travel 85% of Doctor office visits are f0r self-limiting, mild, inconvenient disorders which can be handled over the phone. No one wants sick employees on the job, but many workers come to work ill because of higher deductibles, long wait times for a doctor, as well as the time away from work to see a doctor. 24hr Virtual Clinic™ provides access to a medical doctor virtually through telehealth anytime and anywhere. Doctors are available around-the-clock for the entire family and may write and call in a prescription when appropriate. The methodology is protected by a US patent
Unique Benefits of the 24hr Virtual Clinic™ Use a team of Registered Nurses with Medical Doctors to reduce the number and cost of claims Take Populate and distribute all Control… workplace injury reports directly after triage call Prevent “unqualified” claims via an MD triage Mitigate Risk, Diagnose, address and provide solutions to ergonomic workstation Contain Costs issues with a Offer Early Symptom Intervention program Provide access to all Virtual Clinic Definitive ROI programs via one dedicated phone number Tailor program options to the company’s specific pain points Generate an ROI on both healthcare and workplace injuries The methodology is protected by a US patent
The Employer Reduce work comp claims and cost Stabilize E- Mod rating Save and stabilize healthcare costs Increase productivity Less turnover Less absenteeism Less drama Everyone Plus…. Benefits with Employee Encouraged to see a Doctor virtually Increased Encouraged to call in a workplace injury Prevention of workplace injuries Utilization Physical and emotional health support 24/7 Family can utilize the services Educated about total worker health Feels appreciated, supported and cared for Individualized ergonomic workstation evaluation and implementation The Bottom Line – the greater the utilization the greater the savings The methodology is protected by a US patent
Contact 24hr Virtual Clinic™ to understand, using your data, how the Clinic saves your company thousands of dollars Calculate Your Company Savings: The methodology is protected by a US patent
Employees take an average of four days off per year for sick time, but admitted to being unproductive an average of 57.5 days a year. “...if a company could eliminate one lost day per employee, per year—due to illness, presenteeism, emotional turmoil, or stress—a company could ADD nearly a dollar per share in value.” - Dr. Rob Loeppke Contact: 24hr Virtual Clinic™ Phone: 855.450.4141 Email: [email protected] The methodology is protected by a US patent
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