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Four Winds Of Heaven

Published by Alliance Franchise Brands, 2016-04-06 11:31:50

Description: Four Winds Of Heaven


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THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN22. Ibid.23. Ibid. pp. 63-64.24. “Vandals,” World Scope Ecncylopedia, 1960.25. Salvadori, p. 6426. “Vandals,” World Scope Encyclopedia, 196027. Atmore, p. 21728. Ibid.29. Ibid., p. 8230. Salvadori, p. 15131. Salvadori, pp.155-15632. Ibid., pp. 179-18433. “Napoleon I,” World Scope Encyclopeida, 196034. Atmore, p. 40935. Ibid.36. Salvadori, p. 22737. Atmore, P. 40938. “Map of Seven Hills,” The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, p. 64839. Atmore, P. 24940. Harry Thomas Frank, et al., The Atlas of the Bible (The Read- er’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York, 1981) p. 20141. Ibid., p. 202 142

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN BIBLIOGRAPHY“Alexander the Great.” The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, 1965Atmore, Anthony et al.,eds., The Last Two Million Years. The Readers Digest Association Limited, London, 1973“Charles V.” The World Scope Encyclopedia. Vol. 3, 1960.“Cyrus & Darius.” The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. Vol. 3, 1965“Cassander & Lysimachus.” The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, 1965Harry Thomas Frank, et al., The Atlas of the Bible. The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York, 1981Holy Bible. King James Version“Map of Seven Hills.” The New Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12, 1967“Nebuchadnezzar.” The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. Vol. 7, 1975“Napoleon I & Otto I.” The World Scope Encyclopedia. Vol. 8, 1960“Ptolemy & Seleucids.” The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. Vol. 9, 1965“Sunday & Vandals.” The World Scope Encyclopedia. Vol. 11, 1960Salvadori, Massimo. A Pictorial history of the Italian People. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1972 143

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENA INDEXAdam 1st & 2nd – 77Alexander the Great – 9 HAnthony, Mark – 15 Herulians – 20, 21Augustalus, Romulus – 16 Henry VIII – 27Ancient of Days – 17 Ham – 85, 86, 87B JBabylon – 30, 44, 45 Jerusalem – 100, 101, 102, 103, 104Bear – 5, 6 Jesus (Birth) – 54Bonaparte, Napoleon – 27, 28 Jew – 85, 123Books – 17, 18 John XII, Pope – 25Born Again (Of Spirit) – 71-80 Judgment – 18, 58 Justinian – 22, 23 Japheth – 85, 87C KCyrus – 6, 7 King – 9, 25, 57Cassander – 9, 11 Kingdom – 56, 57, 116Caesar – 15Cleopatra – 15 LChristianity – 16, 21 Leo III, Pope – 24Constantine – 16 Leopard – 9, 10, 44Charlemagne – 24, 25, 26 Lysimachus – 9, 11Charles V – 26, 27 Lion – 4, 13, 17, 44Covenant – 105, 106, 107 Luther, Martin – 27D MDarius – 4, 6 Medo-Persia – 4, 4, 6, 9, 45David – 54, 55, 56, 57 Mussolini, Benito – 29Doctrine – 81, 82, 83 NE Nebuchadnezzar – 4, 44, 90European Common Market – 30, 34,35, 36, 37, 38 O Octavian – 15, 17F Ostrogoths – 20, 21, 22Father’s House – 53, 58 Otto (The Great) – 25, 26G PGentiles – 85, 86, 87 Ptolemy – 9, 11Greek Empire – 45 Pius VI, Pope – 27Goat – 7, 8 Pius XI, Rotti, Pope – 29Golden Cup – 47, 48 144

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENQRRam – 6, 7Rapture – 52 – 62Resurrection, First and Last – 52, 57,58SSaved – 64, 65, 66, 67, 68Saints – 57, 58Seleucus – 9, 11, 15Shem – 85, 86, 87Son, of God, and Man – 55, 56Stone – 91, 92, 93Sunday – 16, 98TTemple – 108, 109, 110Throne – 54, 116Titus – 101, 105Treaties of Rome – 35, 44, 45Tribulation – 100 – 116VVeil – 108, 109, 110Vandels – 20, 21, 22Vatican City – 29WWaters – 39, 41, 47Whore – 39Woman – 39, 41, 47, 48XYZ 145

$19.95ISBN 0-9628289-0-4

Four Winds Of Heaven

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