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Marketing Insider 2015 Tri2

Published by Alliance Franchise Brands, 2016-03-01 16:44:41

Description: Marketing Insider 2015 Tri2


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ISSUE 02 2015 NEWS AND KNOWLEDGE FOR TODAY’S MARKETER Healthy GOOD CONTENT ContentMarketing URCEEXCELLENT SO 7 tactics to fortify your program Page 06 Content strategy: top How to write the High-impact ways to trends and outlook ultimate case study package print content Page 02 Page 05 Page 12

Dear Fellow Marketer:Considered “new” media channels in the not-too-distant past, email and contentmarketing have quickly matured. These digital strategies are evolving just as traditionalchannels have, like direct mail, to stay relevant and results-driven.Content marketing is a valuable tool for generating leads and growing a business, butit’s not without its challenges. In fact, we recently compiled research among small andmedium-sized business marketers who report some of the most effective content is alsothe hardest to create. Similarly, email marketers say a lack of relevant and valued contentis their biggest hurdle to the important task of list growth.Beginning on page 6, we are breaking down top content marketing tactics that you mayor may not employ. Is it time to get started? Or get better at what you are doing? Eitherway, take a few minutes to check out the tips offered by Michele Linn of the ContentMarketing Institute.We’re also digging a little deeper into what survey respondents rank as the most effectivetypes of content – case studies – on page 5. Newbies and seasoned writers alike can pickup a few ideas, as we share tips to more engaging and valued storytelling.On pages 10-11, we are offering insights into email marketing in a multi-channelenvironment. Email has been around longer than social and mobile marketing, forexample, but that doesn’t mean it’s tired and worn. With more than half of all emails nowbeing opened on a mobile device, it’s an important development that businesses whorely on email for customer nurture can no longer afford to ignore.Then we wrap up on page 12 with a look at high-impact print. Once you create goodcontent, make sure it gets read! We’re sharing our best insider tips; check it out.Need more support with your marketing communications? We hope you’ll let us know.We’re here to help.Happy Marketing!

ISSUE 02 2015 Contents CONTENT D EXCELLENT S GOO OURCE 06 SPOTLIGHT IN THIS ISSUEHealthy Content Marketing 02 T rends in Content Marketing: What’s Hot? What’s Not? And Where’s it Heading? Top 7 tactics to fortify your program Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi shares his thoughts about what’s ahead . . . and where marketers can find the most value. 04 Y our Journey to a Great Infographic 05 How to Write the Ultimate Case Study Learn how to tell the stories of satisfied customers in ways that engage, inspire and influence prospects considering what you offer. 10 The Care and Handling of Your Email Contact List Check out ways to build and manage one of your most important marketing assets. 12 B oost Your Digital Efforts with High-Impact Print Avoid online clutter with a tried-and-true performer . . . print. See how to get your content noticed and remembered.

Q& Trends in Content Marketing What’s Hot? What’s Not? And Where’s it Heading? JOE PULIZZI To find out what’s trending in content in Europe, where today there is unified marketing, Marketing Insider agreement around “content marketing.” reached out to one of the foremost authorities, Joe Pulizzi, founder of the MI: What three trends do you think will Content Marketing Institute. Pulizzi is have the most significant impact for the author of “Epic Content Marketing” small and mid-sized business marketers? and co-author of “Get Content Get Customers” and “Managing Content Pulizzi: First, the good news is that there Marketing.” His newest book, “Content are no barriers to entry for publishing Inc.,” is scheduled for release this fall. anymore. Any SMB can publish content without heavy investment to try to MI: Let’s start by defining content build a loyal audience. Actually, larger marketing. Has the definition evolved? enterprises usually have a much harder time because of silos and political issues. Pulizzi: The channels have obviously That creates an opportunity for smaller evolved and increased, but the practice companies that want to focus on a has remained the same for a long time – specific audience. create valuable, compelling and relevant content targeted to a very specific Secondly, the number of communications audience, with the goal of changing channels has exploded. Back in 1990, or maintaining a behavior. That was we had nine; now we have hundreds. the definition in 2000 and that is the This is an opportunity, but it also definition today. One difference is that becomes more challenging to cut it used to be called custom publishing through the clutter and have your in North America or customer media content rise to the top.02

A “ACTUALLY, LARGER ENTERPRISES USUALLY HAVE A MUCH HARDER TIME BECAUSE OF SILOS AND POLITICAL ISSUES. THAT CREATES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALLER COMPANIES THAT WANT TO FOCUS ON A SPECIFIC AUDIENCE.” – Joe PulizziAs for channel trends, podcasts have MI: If an SMB isn’t tracking the post. Think up front about all theexploded as more consumers look effectiveness of their content different ways you can take onefor audio content. And while many marketing with quantitative content effort and retell that storythought print was dead, there are a measurements, what metrics to reach a new audience.number of SMBs looking at print as one should be put in place first?of the best ways to reach their target Fresh and recurring content on youraudiences with all the online clutter. Pulizzi: Numbers one, two and three website is more important than everCustom magazines and newsletters are are to build a subscription program, to search engines. It used to be allnow getting a second look. hopefully through email versus, about tags and keywords. That’s not say, YouTube subscribers. Hardly the case anymore. Content really isMI: Choosing just one, in what any SMBs have one which makes king for SEO.area could SMBs invest more time quantifying content marketingto get the most long-term value? extremely challenging. Focus for MI: Final question. Five years nine to twelve months on building a from now, what do you envisionPulizzi: The best advice I can give subscriber base through consistent, will be getting content marketersis to focus on one platform (like a compelling content. Sure, you excited?blog, podcast or video channel), and can show your content is workingregularly deliver targeted content through more leads, or better leads, Pulizzi: Wow. We have such a longto a niche audience. Then use your or an increase in earned media, but way to go. I see the companies thatsocial media channels to distribute the holy grail of content marketing today sell products and servicesthat content. Start telling a story metrics, if there is one, is the being the media companies for theirthat positions you as the leading subscriber. particular audiences. At the sameexpert in your particular niche. time, I see media companies selling MI: How much content should an products and services. Long storyThe goal is to build a loyal audience SMB be publishing? Is more better? short, you won’t be able to tell theof subscribers. So, create an offer difference.that people need to sign up for with Pulizzi: CMI’s small businessan email address, and then deliver research shows that yes, SMBs that All successful companies will haveon that promise with, say, a weekly publish daily to weekly usually say content marketing strategies, whichnewsletter. Since we have no control they are more effective at content they will monetize in different ways.over our social media followers and marketing. That said, more is not That is exciting to me, that evenfans, email is where we have the necessarily better. Consistency is the smallest company on the planetmost control over that data. Once the most important thing. Once can create a loyal audience throughyou create a loyal audience of email you create an editorial calendar content and build a great business.subscribers, you can start to tell and process, then you can look at I see the most innovative startupswhat’s different between those that repurposing much of that content. launching not with products first, butsubscribe to your content versus For example, a blog post can by first building audiences. I believenon-subscribers. Do they buy more become an audio podcast, or a there is no better way to launch aor stay longer as customers? video series transcribed into a blog business. n ISSUE 02 | 2015 03


How to Writethe Ultimate Case StudyIn today’s information-accessible age, potential 2. S et your goals. Who is your audience? What’scustomers contemplating a purchase start with research. your message? What do you want them to do onceOften, the more complex or costly the product, the more they’ve read it?proof they need to justify the buy. 3. H ave an engaging, objective story to tell. Is yourYour goal is to provide information about your offering customer’s story relatable and realistic? Do youthat helps with decision-making. To build a stronger case, have strong facts and figures? Will readers seeconsider content that is more about the user experience themselves in the story you’re telling?and less promotional “puff.” 4. Secure customer participation. Make sure the caseEnter the Case Study | Case studies are a powerful way study subject (and their legal department, if it’s ato share your customers’ positive experiences and give business rather than a consumer) is comfortableprospects the critical confidence they need to feel good participating and sharing ROI facts and figures.about doing business with you. 5. F ollow a proven structure. There are three keyIn a 2015 study we conducted with an independent components to a case study: the customer’sresearch firm, small and mid-sized business marketers challenge, their experience with the solution andindicate case studies and articles are the most effective reason they chose it, and the results.types of content and among the easiest to produce. 6. Start small. A case study can be as short and“In today’s global environment, where we don’t always simple as a few paragraphs. Ask a happy customerhave the chance to meet the people with whom we do a few questions (see #5), write their story andbusiness, we need other ways to establish credibility,” secure their approval to publish it.says Casey Hibbard, principal of Compelling Cases. Shehas written and managed more than 800 customer stories 7. S hare, share, share. Whether written or turnedfor companies worldwide. into video features, post your case studies on your website and social channels, and feature them in“I can’t think of a business that wouldn’t benefit from your blog, email marketing efforts and printedleveraging the story of one of their happy customers,” newsletters.she continues. “Whether it’s a hotel for a vacation or asix-figure technology for your business, we are all looking Done well, case studies can differentiate youfor proof before we purchase.” from other options your potential customers are considering – whether it be choosing a competitor,Hibbard shares tips for creating case studies and success doing the work themselves or even doing nothingstories that support your sales and marketing objectives. at all.1. Do your research. See how your competitors are – or We can help with information-gathering, writing aren’t – using case studies. Find successful examples and distributing your customer stories. Let us know across industries to emulate. when you’re ready to get started. n ISSUE 02 | 2015 05

Healthy Top 7 tactics to fortify GOOD CONTENT your program URCEEXCELLENT SO06

C reating and distributing relevant information to attract an audience and, ultimately, drive profitable customer action is the backbone of content marketing. Butwithout the right resources, having a powerful strategy thatdelivers on your investment is hardly a sure thing.In fact, our recent study of small and medium-sized businessmarketers (SMBs) conducted with an independent research firmidentified the lack of content creation resources as the biggestobstacle to an effective program. ISSUE 02 | 2015 07

However challenging, many SMBs find content marketing which your consumers have a deep interest or evenwell worth the effort. Among their objectives, lead a passion. “Use videos to anticipate – and answer –generation (54%), customer engagement (47%) and customer questions,” Linn advises. “And always considerbrand awareness (43%) are ranked as the most important its unique storytelling capability. No other medium, foramong our survey respondents. example, would be better for a pet care provider to show dog owners how to trim their puppy’s nails.” “As with any type of marketing, you’ll want to choose the tactics that support To simplify video production, find ways to maximize your goals, while evaluating each for your time and effort. “Consider shooting at an event effectiveness along the way,” says the where your experts, satisfied customers and a product Content Marketing Institute’s Vice demonstration might all converge,” says Linn. One shoot, President of Content Michele Linn. with the right editing, can yield multiple videos.Whether you’re just starting out or want to make more Faced with a lot of data orefficient use of limited resources and content output, a complex process that youcheck out the following rundown of top tactics and tips want to explain? Infographicsfrom Linn for healthier results: can transform confusing messages into easy-to-understand graphical pictures.1 “The best infographics communicate ideas that don’tOffer proof through Identified as the most lend themselves to the written word, tell a story in an case studies effective tactic by more interesting way or make a comparison that’s easy to see,” says Linn. than half (55%) of our survey Think integration when using infographics, rated the third respondents, articles and case most effective type of content by our survey takers. Share yours via your blog, direct mail or email campaigns. Andstudies are readily distributed through blogs, emails and pull out specific statistics as Facebook posts, linking back to the full infographic on your website.websites. Among survey subjects, they’re also considered Used primarily by business-one of the easiest tactics to execute. to-business marketers, white papers or educational guides“Case studies and articles are so powerful because are best when presenting ideaspotential buyers are interested in learning how others are in depth or delivering a point-of-view on relevant andfinding success with your product or service,” Linn points timely issues. Thirty-one percent of SMBs found themout. “Consider doing fewer and making them shorter but most effective, while nearly half rated them most difficultwith a higher degree of relevance.” (Get tips for writing to create, among our research participants.great case studies on page 5.) “As with other content marketing tactics, you’ll want toLinn suggests promoting this kind of content on Twitter consider what type of information is best communicatedcards. Offered in several types, they allow you to attach in a white paper over another medium,” advises, videos and media experience to your Tweets to “Ask yourself what informational need is bestdrive traffic to your website. addressed in a long-format presentation.” Considered by three out of five SMBs to be the most difficult type of content to create, videos are also evaluated as most effective by 45% in our study. When considering videos, the best topics are those for08

It also helps to know your target audience’s format budgets; just 7% scaling back. Add perceived value topreference: Some may prefer a printed copy, while what you produce by “gating” premium content on yourothers may opt for an electronic download. website, for example, with a data capture form. PowerPoint presentations. “Or, offer exclusive content in a specific marketing channel, Guest speakers. Meeting like email,” suggests Linn. Grow your email database with software. Promotion. Follow- a “Join Our Mailing List” button on your website or placed up. The devil is in the details in your email signature, promising “extras.” (Learn morewith webinars, and most likely why they rank just behind email list growth strategies on page 10.)videos as the most difficult type of content to produce,according to our survey respondents. While more an enabler than a tactic, considerOn the plus side? Event registration forms capture outsourcing at least some ofprospect and customer data on the front end, whether your content marketing programregistrants actually attend or not. Of course, those that if your team is taxed by its size, skill set, workload anddo attend provide even more intelligence. “Question- other priorities.and-answer segments allow you to learn what’s ofparticular interest to your targets,” says Linn, influencing “There are added benefits to relying on marketingcontent creation going forward. Be sure to share these services providers,” says Linn. “Many can assist with notlearnings with your content producers. only creative, but also with distribution, curation and other aspects of the strategy that can help you gain leads Chances are, your chief and strengthen customer engagement.” competitors are doing their share of content Need assistance with creating or distributing your marketing. About half of the valuable content through print and digital channels?companies we surveyed are increasing content marketing Let us know; we can help. And contact us for a free copy of our 2015 research report, Content Marketing Trends from the Small and Medium-sized Business Perspective. nContent In-house content Outsource content CombineCreation creation resources creation to a specialist outsourced andResources in-house resources 16% 9%What are the most 75%effective resources forcreating content?Source: Content Marketing Trends from the Small and Medium-sized Business Perspective, 2015 ISSUE 02 | 2015 09

@@ @ @ The Care and Handling of Your Email Contact List@ Email remains attractive to marketers for its affordability, immediacy and effectiveness. Best of all, you know your subscribers have given you permission to contact them which means there is implied interest in what you’re offering. Legislation that governs electronic communications in North America – the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) of 2014 – are in place to regulate and penalize those who distribute unsolicited emails. The rules also serve to improve the marketing channel for those who manage their opt-in lists and outreach lawfully.10

When it comes to your email contacts, we offer three TIP: Survey your subscribers to determine if its frequency,simple words of advice: value your list. “It should be treated relevancy or both that are driving the unopened a business asset,” counsels Brian Neufeld, CMO and And per law, give subscribers an obvious and easy way toco-founder of ActiveDEMAND, a Canadian-based opt automation software company. “It costs you Want to learn more? Ask us for our free 2015 report,money and effort for every name you have on it.” Email List Growth from the Small to Medium-sized Business Perspective.And while two-thirds of small and medium-sized businessesconsider email list growth “very important,” according to Focus on Mobile Growthour recent research, not all take the care to manage theirlists to their greatest potential. “With more than half of all emails now being opened on mobile devices, this is an area of email marketing that“Growing your list is tough but so worthwhile,” says Neufeld. businesses can no longer afford to ignore,” says Constant“Collecting business cards and badge scans from a trade Contact’s Director of Digital Marketing Education Ronshow where you paid to be, only to have those contacts end Cates. Here are Cates’ top three mobile considerations:up at the bottom of a desk drawer is a complete waste. If • A mobile-friendly template uses a single-columnyour average cost to obtain a contact is $10 and your list is1,000 strong, you have a $10,000 asset you can leverage to design, automatically re-sizes images for mobile,earn a return.” and has a default font size of at least 11-point that’s optimal for mobile readers.Here are Neufeld’s tips for growing your list and its • The layout should be built for a clear and conciselong-term care and management: message. “Your emails are competing directly with all the other messages people receive,” says Cates, “as• Offer valuable content to encourage opt-ins. well as with the diminishing time people have to read Neufeld says that the goal is to give people a reason messages. Your content should focus on the essentials.” to engage with you. Whether housed on your website • There is no universal perfect time to send emails. or offered via a direct mail campaign, content that has “Identifying the best time starts with understanding perceived value will make people willing to give up the needs and expectations of your target audience,” their contact information to get it. TIP: Promote case Cates says. “The best way to figure it out is to look at studies, educational white papers and tip sheets that are your email reports and then test.” n downloadable from your website once visitors give their names and email addresses on a short form. ISSUE 02 | 2015 11• Integrate to be great. “Social integration with email is important,” says Neufeld. While social channels enable a two-way conversation, it’s also more challenging to get your messages seen given the volume of posts on most newsfeeds. TIP: Include a “Join our Mailing List” sign-up box on your social media pages, and conversely, add social media buttons to your e-newsletter and email promotions.• Keep your list current and clean. “It’s a good practice to have the dates of when your subscribers opted in and how they opted in,” says Neufeld. And pay attention to hard and soft bounce rates and emails that go unopened. Your distribution frequency (daily updates vs. monthly outreach) should be evaluated differently. “For unopened, no one size fits all,” he continues. “When six consecutive emails go unread, you might reach out and ask if they want to continue receiving information.”

CONTENT MARKETING UNPLUGGED Befofoosrttsywouitrhdigital Relevant | Targeted mailing lists enable you to pinpoint the right audiences and eliminate wasted effort PRINTHIGH-IMPACT to those unlikely to want what you’re offering. Now add variable data printing to customize your direct mail with names, text and images to reflect gender, interests, purchase history and more. Response rates to customized marketing campaigns are, on average, over four times greater than those to generic, one-size-fits-all messages.2 Durable | You might not think of printed materials as “viral,” but they’re often passed along and sometimes with the bonus of an in-person recommendation. For long-lasting pieces that stand up to wear and tear, consider a thicker paper stock, waterproof or laminated finishes, and heavy-duty binding. There’s no mystery why many content marketers Engaging | While digital content can look great, it’s gravitate to electronic delivery of their material. unable to match the touchable, tactile qualities of print. Blogs, emails, e-newsletters and webinars, as well Matte, suede and velvet finishes, “open me” angle cuts and as content created for social media or websites, all can be pop-ups are just a few ways you can enhance the “feel” of distributed quickly and cheaply. whatever you’re printing. Yet it can be a mistake to put all of your content marketing Dimensional | There are more to cuts and folds than simply eggs into one digital basket. In fact, shrewd marketers are fitting your printed piece into the right-sized envelope. taking advantage of their competitors’ digital bias and It’s easy to up the visual appeal with die-cut shapes and avoiding online clutter to achieve great results with print. multi-folds that pique interest and enable you to organize, present or reveal your content with optimum effect. According to a survey by Two Sides, people prefer paper-based media; 70% (including 69% of 18- to Eye-catching | Catch the attention – and imagination – of 24-year-olds) say they prefer to read print and paper readers with metallic and pearlescent pigments. For special communications rather than reading off of a screen.1 events or high-end product launches, consider foil stamping or embossing. More bright ideas? Gloss UV and glitter Once you’ve spent the time, effort and money to create coatings add luster, while glow-in-the-dark or fluorescent valuable, relevant content, here are a few reasons why inks set a different mood. print delivers . . . and can help your great content get noticed and remembered: Let us know your content goals, and we’ll help you reach them with high-impact print communications. We can help! Persuasive | Savvy content marketers use printed materials 1T wo Sides, Electronic Media vs. Print: All Generations Prefer to point readers to online content – and vice versa. (Check Paper, 2011 out the opposing page to see how to marry print and digital tactics for increased response.) 2C aslon, 1-to-1 Response Rate Report: Benchmark Information for Relevant Cross-Media Marketing, 201212

Direct Mail + Digital Connection: Anatomy of a Landing PageAccording to the Direct Marketing Association, two out of five prefer to respond online to a direct mail offer. Here’s how to optimize your landing page:Get your campaign This is the right place. Be consistent with the look and feel Add an image.domain name early. of the source leading to it: direct mailer, email or online ad. Avoid all confusion,It can influence and use an imagecontent, and relevant to yoursometimes the offer – or an imageone you want is COMPANY LOGO of your offer, if itunavailable. makes sense. Strong Headline Here First Name*Who are you? Place Last Name* Minimize fields.your logo high on Short description of the offer goes here Company* Asking toothe page for clear Work Email* much may causebrand identity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer abandonment. adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh Get GuideKeep it simple. Write euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore Direct the eye toa strong headline and magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi the button. Makeshort description of enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud it stand out fromthe offer. exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis other graphics or nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. colors on theClearly state the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer page, and writebenefits. Reinforce adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh a compellingthe reason why they’re euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore call-to-action rathergiving up personal magna aliquam erat volutpat. than “submit” orinformation. “click here.” Subhead Here • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie • C onsequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan • E t suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea Social Icons4 Bonus Tip #1: Design for “thumbs.” 4 Bonus Tip #2: Include a “thank you.”Mobile access now accounts for 60% of time spent Once the form is completed and the buttonconsuming digital media, according to comScore. clicked, send your leads to a “thank you” pageA responsive design means your page renders where they can access the offer. Here, you canproperly across viewing platforms: desktop, tablet direct leads to other website pages or presentand smartphone. secondary offers.

FREE RESEARCH REPORTSStruggling to grow your email list? Ask us for your FREE copies today!Need to streamline the creation of moreeffective content?YOU ARE NOT ALONE.Learn marketers’ secrets in two FREE reports, includinghow best to get started! We surveyed marketing, salesand business professionals just like you to understandhow budgets and resources are being used . . . and whatobstacles may prevent success.These benchmark reports each contain 16 pages ofcharts and valuable insights that you can put to work foryou right away: • Email List Growth from the Small and Mid-sized Business Perspective Learn what 43% of marketers say are the two most effective tactics for growing their email list . . . and the one thing you can do to start capturing more leads. • Content Marketing Trends from the Small and Mid-sized Business Perspective Learn what type of content is considered one of the most effective by nearly half of marketers – though 6 out of 10 say it’s the most difficult to create.

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