As the webinar begin, the first guest speaker, Mr. Erol Kim Mandodoc was introduced to be sharing basic techniques in AutoCAD regarding 2D Planning. As a Civil Engineering student, I have been quite introduced to this software since 1st year of college through professors providing the significance of utilizing AutoCAD as part of engineering. As time passes by, various software is made in pursuance of convenience in making plans, simply making lives easier. The guest speaker stressed that as future Civil Engineers, we are going to be signing plans and we have to be aware of how AutoCAD works.
Furthermore, Mr. Mandodoc started his talk through introducing AutoCAD. With that, he stressed that there are techniques or shortcuts which are certainly functional, making our plans more manageable. AutoCAD makes ideas more possible, especially when planning the architectural and structural sections which are necessary to be detailed. There are various commands mentioned, such as F3 (object snap), F7 (appearing and disappearing of grid lines on the drawing space), F8 (blocking line on its axis or the ortho freeze), and F9 (snap mode) which are some of the options on the status bar toggles. Moreover, shortcut keys in keyboard or the letters are advantageous in regards with the consuming of time. Some of those keys uttered by the speaker are “l” for line and “sc” for scale. With regards to creating shapes, line command is one of the most used tools, it can be easily moved, trimmed, scaled, colored or simply modified. Other introduced commands are extend, text, rotate, hatch, mirror, explode, match prop, and spline. These commands are indeed conventional especially even for a beginner. Further discussions are regarding with advices that Mr. Mandodoc have learned it to be appropriate in most designing situations. In detail, (1) instead of constantly dragging the mouse on tabs to look for the commands, shortcuts are more convenient when time is concern, (2) the colors on the index tab are frequently used because of the high intensity appearance, making it more visible on plans, (3) using of blocks can make it more applicable on some situations especially if objects are repeated several times (4) modify the properties of text that are suitable with the drawings, such as the size and color, (5) floor plans, elevations, and sections shall be reflected with each other, (6) ensure that dimensions are properly aligned, (7) use layers appropriately to easily alter parts, (8) group the object to easily move from one place to another, and (9) blocks can be modified through the explode command. The aforementioned commands, shortcuts, and some practical suggestions are the point of Mr. Mandodoc. Also, he added that there will be circumstances wherein the device we use will experience some challenges. With that, there are different versions that function the same as the other, except there may be few updates. Overall, Mr. Mandodoc expressed that doing designs and plans requires the exertion of effort in order to attain our goals. With the effort, the outcome will be satisfying. Another, learning takes time, and if you are determined, then you are on the right track. There will be situations where we feel idle, but there is a need to remember that we have to focus on the intentions set and hardwork is necessary as AutoCAD is an essential software for engineering.
Going onto the second session of REINFORCE 2022 day one, Ms. Rachel Mae R. Rivera was introduced to discuss the 3D Planning: Introduction to Sketchup software. After learning some basic commands in AutoCAD, it is an advantage to learn Sketchup as both of these software can be associated with one other. The guest speaker uttered that this is the most recommended 3D software for beginners since it is a stepping stone and user-friendly software. She remembered Sims and Minecraft to be like Sketchup. In the industry, it is utilized to have a thorough visualization of the design of the structure, concerning how it will be built, and designed specifically. Also, it is advantageous since it can be searched and used online without charge.
Furthermore, Sketchup is a tool that covers a broad scope regarding architectural and engineering. With this, it is capable of making designs of what we have in mind, creating a realistic image. The speaker mentioned that the feature is uncomplicated as the task bar and display area are offered simply with tools that can conveniently be clicked and dragged. Like what happened in the AutoCAD session, the speaker gave shortcuts to quickly use the software. For instance, “L or l” for line command. Even more, she mentioned that thinking of what command to use, and pressing the first letter of that certain tool on the keyboard will activate it right away. She also introduced the offset tool, scroll button, orbit tool, panning zoom, push/pull, move tool, scale tool, tape measure, and tag. Another, the area of the certain drawing/shape can easily appear once the selection is clicked right. Moreover, useful tips were indicated: (1) consistently group the drawing to easily move or modify it, (2) use guide for convenience, (3) time of the day must be considered when applying shadows, and (4) manipulate sections to see different parts of the drawing. On the other hand, this software has lapses too. For the speaker, the pros in planning using Sketchup is that 3D plans can easily be viewed whereas the cons of it are the technicalities, labels, legends, and dimensions. Unlike AutoCAD which is distinctly detailed, the availability of the tools in Sketchup is limited. Moreover, the common mistakes done by the users are: (1) forgetting to group, (2) failing to save, and (3) layering is not used. Accordingly, Sketchup makes things easier as stated by the speaker. The users must widen the imagination as they have their own strategies on how they will make it easier to apply it. As the version of this software is upgraded, the more the features will be conveniently used. There are different extensions offered to give users addition of special tool and features. For architects and architecture students, Sketchup is definitely relevant as it produces realistic renders. The guest speaker frequently utter that Sketchup is easy to use as it can be compared to Sims and Minecraft in design houses.
On the second day of REINFORCE 2022, the third session was introduced to be discussed by Engr. Jerome F. Fabrero. The knowledge and experience on the basics of STAAD was shared by the guest speaker. STAAD is a structural analysis & design computer program for analyzing and designing different structures. He said that this computer program is functional and reliable as there are lots of work that can be done and help professionals in the industry. STAAD, as he mentioned, is common to third year and fourth year students.
Before the tutorial started, the speaker emphasized that STAAD is only a tool but will not replace your ability as a designer as you will still decide what the next action will be done. You, as a user, have to verify everything as the common mistake is that the user does not know how to design, not having the capability to check what the software indicated. Usually, the metric system is utilized here in the Philippines. As the tutorial begin, the speaker informed that to avoid a confusing desktop, create a folder in every project to be made. He displayed the file name, location, and job information which are used to make it more organized. Beginning with analytical, the speaker mentioned that this part of STAAD is where you can recognize the assign materials, analysis, design, specification, and properties. Engr. Fabrero stressed that it is significant to know that the model of the structure that you are going to do is correct. The models, which are actually the replicate of the actual behavior, is case to case basis. That being said, as a user, you have to decide the behavior of it. STAAD is an essential tool to have a quick computation rather than doing it manually. In addition, the columns, girder, beams, and support system must be defined to be able to understand its behavior. Significantly, you have to verify the process, checking if the step-by-step process is making sense. The design process must be in accordance to the codes in the area. For instance, the code in the Philippines is not relevant to the that of the other country as it is depending on lots of factors. Philippines has code concerning seismic requirements which have design manual for the parts of a structure. STAAD allows flexibility as uttered by the speaker. Also, he gives simple explanation at some parts which creates models such as: (1) geometry as a structural idealization from realistic to lines and points, and (2) structural wizard is easy to use. The structural idea should manifest on STAAD. When it comes to site, there are several things that must be indicated such as fc’ and the properties of materials. The speaker also reminded to check the idea of serviceability, control deflection, the concept of rho, and secondary beam. Just like Ms. Rivera, Engr. Fabrero mentioned to use groupings to design appropriately. For Engr. Fabrero, a practical tip is to start with theoretical. Use STAAD in order for the user to easily verify, compared to other software like Etabs which is commonly used for high rise structures that the floors can be replicated to another. STAAD is applicable to every structure as Engr. Fabrero stated. On the other hand, he also mentioned that STAAD is not user-friendly as it has lots of options to choose from but learning is always a process and a choice.
For the second day and last session of REINFORCE 2022, Engr. Ismael B. Agasino was introduced to enlighten the attendees of the webinar about “How To: Get Started with Primavera”. With that, he shared the skills he has fostered over the years. Primavera P6 is utilized as a project management tool for planning, managing, and executing projects. On the PowerPoint presentation, it was stated the goal of the software is to plan, provide vision to the project and sense of leadership, keep track, quality assurance, and risk management.
With Primavera P6, it ensures a smooth project through an appropriate management that involves objectives, deliverable, schedules, and team members. The speaker mentioned that there are various project management software in the market with different features. For instance, MS Project, Wrike, and Addison. He also affirmed that this software is a unique tool for planning, controlling, monitoring, and reporting as it manages resource capacity, visualize project management, track project costs, generate wide varieties of reports, and improve project communication. After the presentation, he started displaying the project structure with level of hierarchy: (1) Enterprise Project Structure (EPS), (2) Project, (3) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), and (4) Activities. He also explained that EPS is the outsider’s view of company which may have three (3) nodes including manufacturing, construction, and maintenance. Also, project is defined as temporary, unique, and progressive. In example, residential renovation, construction of building facilities, and developing of a new product. When it comes to activities, this is broken down to sub-activities/tasks like level the land, lay flooring tile, and install artificial grass. More than those visible commands, it is significant to have a background in order to understand the project being managed. Like any other software, Primavera P6 has menu, columns, tool bar, timeline view, Gantt view, directory bar, detail view, and command bar. Engr. Agasino began to give some basic information through a detailed step-by-step procedure in which he also presented examples. He also stressed that one of the most complicated tasks in a project is the task dependency as there is a need to be familiar with it. Moreover, Primavera P6 is not a difficult software when you are aware of what is going on with the software and the project. Similar with the three previous sessions, Primavera P6 needs to be learned to get used to it. Likewise, it is a project management software that has advantages, and unpreventable disadvantages. He stated that the most common mistake experienced is not being careful with task dependencies, ending up on a critical path, and duration of time. Of course, the most challenging aspect is when the software is not used regularly, users tend to forget the functions, giving extra challenges.
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