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Home Explore INSIGHT Magazine April 2013

INSIGHT Magazine April 2013

Published by elinawzy, 2016-11-28 23:02:27

Description: INSIGHT Magazine April 2013


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Music Insight From the publisher 8 Featured Artist: Tony Yardley Welcome to the April issue of Insight Magazine. We 10 EDM Surging to the Forfront hope you enjoy everything Calhoun County has to of- 12 Featured Band: Beach Party (!) fer you in the upcoming month. Make sure to support 14 Album Releases local Business, Music, and Events in our area. Please 16 Karaoke Guide remember Insight is an interactive magazine. Feel free 21 Regional Concerts to watch videos, click on pop-up menus, & remember anything that flashes means you can interact with it. As Events Insight always, please share Insight with all your friends! Hope everyone has a safe and“Insight”full month of April! 20 Movie GuideContents 28 Community Events Kevin Bryan – Publisher Ted Tedder – Sales Director Food Insight Devon Richards - Art Director 38 Making The Perfect Burger Insight Magazine 41 Refreshing Adult Beverages 815 A Snow St 48 Restaurant Guide Oxford Al 36203 Office # 256.831.8533 Features Contributing Writers Benjamin Nunnally, Will Estell, Blake Estell, Jaqua Defries 22 2013 Noble Street Festival 36 Operation Ben Send us all your commumity events 45 Food, Fun, Coffee and to [email protected] Local Business: Wake & Bake Insight Magazine is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers, the timeliness of the publication of those ads or any consequential damages as a result of errors that may be published inside Insight Magazine. Statements made by writers in the publication are not necessarily those of the editor, officers, directors or members of Gulf State Insight / INSIGHT Magazine. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way or by any other media without permission and written consent of the publisher of INSIGHT Magazine. /CalhounCounty.Insight @INSIGHTCC To advertise in INSIGHT Magazine INSIGHT call 256.831.8533 6 April 2013

INSIGHT April 2013 7

Music INSIGHT featured artist Under a cottonwood tree: Tony YardleyByBenNunnally Tony is taking new students and can be reached by phone at 256-473-3883 or in person at Chevalier Music 230 E G St., Anniston. It’s night-time in the late 50’s, and a cou- tree, it takes me back to being 8 years applies to everything else, has always ple of kids are laying out on cots on the old,” says Yardley, now into his sixties. been music. front porch of their grandparent’s home He sits back in his chair in his office at “I play guitar, and just enough banjo in Missouri, sleeping outside to try and Chevalier Productions in Anniston, sur- and mandolin to get me in trouble,” he escape the summer heat on grandpa’s rounded by instruments and speakers, says. There are photos around his office cotton farm. The old house hasn’t got laptops and albums. Listening to the that tell the story of his life as a guitar- air conditioning and the best breeze title track of his second CD, Cottonwood ist. A photo of Tony as a teenager with you can get is right outside on the front Lullaby, you can almost find yourself on his first real guitar, a Gibson, that got lost porch. that front porch, too, taken away by the somewhere along the way. Promotional sleepy melody and crisp, clean guitar shots of Night Owl, the band he ran with A hundred yards away, trucks pass on work. the longest, from 1980 to 1990, with the the highway, their motors a distant hum, lineup slightly differing from one image and a hundred feet above, a breeze Tony’s life has been one of constant to the next. passes through the cottonwood trees change. As a boy, his father’s job kept towering over the porch and Tony Yard- the family moving around the country, There’s a picture that was taken in the ley, then just a boy. from where he was born in Missouri to 60’s of three boys standing in a yard, places all around the midwest.The thing some of Tony’s friends. It’s black and “Whenever I hear wind in a cottonwood that’s been consistent, the constant that white, the sunshine turning into a glareINSIGHT8 April 2013

on the kids.The boy in the middle is Dan Fogelberg,smiling at the called themselves Night Owl, a rock group at the start of theircamera without a hint of superstardom in his eyes. career and, by necessity, a little bit more country by the end of“He was a year older than me, in my sister’s class,”Tony recalls. Tony’s time with them.The first guitar Tony ever owned was a department store acous- “We were popular at the height of the Urban Cowboy thing,”tic, with the strings so high off the fretboard that they’d tear his he says. The band’s adjustment was expected to make themfingers up when he played.The pain was too much to bear, espe- into stars. Producers were telling them that they’d be the nextcially at 11 years old, so he gave up for a few years. He might’ve Eagles,they were so good.It didn’t pan out.By then,Tony had hadnever come back if one of his friends hadn’t bought a Sears elec- enough nightclubbing, playing bars and riding to shows at thetric guitar with the amplifier built into the case. It was easier to far end of nowhere.That’s when he decided to start teaching.He’splay and sounded good, so Tony got one for himself and started been at it for 25 years.playing again at age 14. “My motivation for playing the guitarwas the same as most kids my age: I saw the Beatles on Ed Sul- Tony’s not a young man anymore. Arthritis got into his hips andlivan and I thought,‘I’ve got to do that,’”he recalls. he uses supports to get around a lot of the time. He thought it was going to get into his hands, that he might never be able toOver the years, he learned to play guitar by watching other play- play again. The fear prompted him to record his first CD, Surfaceers and asking them what they were doing when he heard some- Tension.thing he liked.“It was a terrible way to learn to play,”he says.He’d only had a few lessons, the basics of blues scales and not “I thought I didn’t have much longer,”he says.The album,releasedmuch else.He taught himself how to read music and then started in 2006, represents more than 30 years of material that he’d beenpicking up other styles of music: jazz, reggae, bossa nova, what- working on in the spaces between other projects.ever he found that he liked. “There’s a little jazz, blues, reggae and country, finger-picking and bossa nova,” he says. Some of the songs never ended up beingHis father’s work brought him to Anniston in 1971, where his dad used elsewhere because there was simply nowhere in Annistonhad taken a job as a big wig with SuperValu. His folks left in ‘75, to play them; what bar on Noble street caters to bossanova?but by then,Tony had almost finished up his degree in art at Jack-sonville State University, so he stuck around and finished it up. His hands turned out to be fine,though,thanks to a rigorous play- ing schedule that kept them limber.Sometimes his hands are vis-And after that, he didn’t do anything with the degree. He still ibly unsteady when working things out of his pockets or diggingwanted to be a rock star, but he’d gotten married, had kids, and CDs out of a rack, but when he picks up a guitar, his fingers arehe found himself without the time to devote to full-time bands. forged out of iron. Not a missed note, no pinched frets squealingInspired by other session musicians who made major contribu- out strange harmonics, no dry “thunk” from a missed note to betions, he started working locally and in Nashville as a freelance found.guitarist. Unfortunately, the career he’d hoped for turned out tobe more of a grind. He teaches his students with a steady hand, too, giving them the music education he never had. They learn to read music right“I worked on whatever came through the door,”he says.“Most of away, then start working from books of Tony’s own devising thatthe stuff that came through that door was pretty tedious.” gently, but efficiently, help the students grow into better instru-It was 1980 when he started playing with a group of guys that mentalists. Twice a year, he gathers his 50 or so students up to have a recital and show each other what they can do, if they choose to par- ticipate. He’s had young kids blow away audiences playing songs like pros, and adults that are too shy to even go near the stage with a guitar, no matter how he coaxes. He takes students at any age and any skill level, and will work on any style of music that can be played on guitar.“If they want to do headbanging stuff, I’ll teach them that,”he says, shutting his eyes and leaning back in his chair like a guru. It’s easy to believe that this man can teach you anything you want to learn, from reggae to shredding, all in one room surrounded by images from a life in music, under the memory of a cottonwood tree. •INSIGHT April 2013 9

Music INSIGHT ETDHME FSOURREGFINRGONTTO Entering 2013, it became clear that electronic dance music (EDM) is now absolutely ines- capable. It has infiltrated American cul- ture in ways that haven’t even become clear yet. Ten years ago, you would have called me crazy if I told you that electronic dance mu- sic would one day become the most popular genre of music in America.Yet, here we are, liv- ing in a world where EDM is by far the largest, fasting moving, and most influential genre. Turn on any pop radio station, and what I am saying becomes immediately apparent. I mean we literally have Dubstep breakdowns in everything from Britney Spears to Jay-Z. In the future keep your eyes on Billboard’s Top 100 song chart, and you’ll begin to notice that those songs are produced by dance producers, not pop/hiphop producers. With names such as Swedish House Mafia, Calvin Harris, Avicii, Martin Solveig and David Guetta in the mainstream radio markets now what other proof do you need to say EDM is huge! But how did this all happen? How did the genre of music that Americans swore to shun, suddenly become the fastest growing? EDM’s growth is at- tributed to the fact that Americans are finally beginning to realize that other countries actually exist…More and more Americans are growing up in fami- lies that vacation abroad. More and more American students are studying abroad during their college years, and most importantly, the Internet has completely broken down the walls that once existed between cultures. We INSIGHT10 April 2013

can now instantly access the most popular music of Romania, Producer David Guetta, a pioneer in the practice of marrying EDMFrance, Russia, Brazil, and anywhere else that I desire. EDM literally to pop, cultivated mainstream success by collaborating with starsspread like a plague once major acts began touring in the United including Nicki Minaj, Akon, Kid Cudi, and Fergie. Dance music’sStates, and its shift into the mainstream spotlight has opened the convergence with pop music has made it more accepted as wellup the gates,inviting a broader critical look at the genre as a whole. as opened up the genre to a host of new listeners.” Pop fans are,When the dust finally clears,the landscape of electronic music will in effect, easing into EDM through a genre they are already famil-have extended its reach to all forms of music. We are witnessing iar and comfortable with. A symbiotic relationship has developedthis evolution happen right now and over the next few years the such that EDM artists gain access to a wider fan base while pophybrid genres that will come into existence are going to create an artists feed off the fresh hype surrounding EDM. •unstoppable momentum for dance music as a whole.Turn on theradio, watch TV shows and Commercials, then pay attention toEDM coming to the forefront of mainstream taste . EDM has onlyrecently stepped into the spotlight. The genre, however, is hardlyyoung. It began as an underground movement in the 1980s. Simi-larly to how hip-hop crossed over into the mainstream in the late1990s and 2000s, EDM is now coming of age, and in a big way. Ageneration of music fans are shifting their musical gaze from thehip-hop driven popular music that dominated the 2000s, to thepolished sounds of house, trance, dubstep, glitch, breaks, and thedozens of other sub-genres that fall under the umbrella of EDM.The rise of EDM has influenced pop music itself and an increasingnumber of stars are turning towards electro beats to fuel their hits.INSIGHT April 2013 11

Music INSIGHT Beach Party by benjamin nunnally

You can find more about Beach Party (!) at www.beachpartyrock.comIt’s almost 9 p.m., and Wake and Bake is packed with Beach Party the only way to get a crowd to pay attention, sometimes just be-(!) fans.There’s only standing room near the stage as the band sets cause it’s who he is. His background as a standup comic probablyup their equipment. Good luck getting through the crowd if you gets him into as much trouble as it gets him out of, like a recentneed to hit the restroom. show he played in his boxers, occasionally flashing the crowd. “It’s fun, though,” says Turner.“We catch a lot of weird looks, but IFans argue over the lyrics.There’s a girl reciting the words to“Drag” take pride in it.”to her friends, who insist that she’s singing the chorus wrong, the Turner has the hardest time classifying himself within the band; ifwords are different. A few in the audience are sporting t-shirts Cowen is their rock and Blaskowski is their lady-killer, Turner rea-with the band’s mysterious “(!)”, and when Matt Blaskowski, one sons that he is their free spirit, saying only “I’m a fun-loving indi-of Beach Party (!)’s guitarists, takes the microphone to apologize vidual,”when asked where he fits. But he’s easily representative offor the setup running long, one of the female audience members the band’s work ethic. For example, the band only recently got abrazenly asks his age, and you can tell from the way he shrugs it bass amp to take around to live shows; before, Turner had to bor-off with a smile that he’s used to getting hit on. row equipment to plug into. Sometimes he wouldn’t find what he“Matt’s the shy, cute one, who gets all the needed until the very last minute,but never was a show cancelled,girls,” says Trace William Cowen, lead sing- and never did he not and co-guitarist of the band.Despite the “It was so stressful,” says Turner, “but we always found a way tofuror of their fans, and their high-energy make it work.”pop-punk sound, Blaskowski, Cowen and That may be the real core of Beach Party (!): a mix of DIY and neverbassist Caed Turner are laid back, easygo- say die, an attitude that is always yes first and dealing with detailsing guys in person.Hours before the show, later. It’s what got them this far, with several number one singlesthey arrive together for an interview, miss- at WLJS, Jacksonville State University’s radio station, three EP re-ing only drummer Cameron Johnson,who leases, and a short film to their name.had prior commitments. Up next is a recording stint in Marietta, GA, working on a 12-song LP due out in July, during which the band will be driving hours toThe others are a little unsure of their char- and from the studio, working their jobs and playing shows. Theacterization in the band; Cowen ends up schedule will be hectic, as always, but: yes first, deal with the de-being described as the group’s white stal- tails later.lion, which brings in a lot of laughs. It’s a “It’s my way of setting goals,” says Cowen with a smirk.“It makessilly moniker, but representative of his role them real.”•as band manager. He’s good at it: withinonly the first three months of 2013, he’shad the band play 20 shows in the localarea and Atlanta, more than one per week.The schedule is stressful, but the guyshandle it gracefully.“We just want to play, get our music outto as many people as possible,” says Blas-kowski, who works at the Center for Domestic Preparedness withboth Cowen and Turner.That their work is so serious is a surprisingclash against the fun-loving nature of the band and their music.The songs are hyper-catchy, power-chord anthems; without pay-ing attention to the words one can almost be fooled into believ-ing that it’s senseless pop. But the lyrics are an introspective andsometimes cruelly honest view of 20-something life in a smalltown; a world of heartbreaks, malaise and lack of identity.That’s not to say the band doesn’t know itself. They’re definedby their differences from the local norm, like being a punk bandin a southern rock town, and Cowen curses in his lyrics and onstage. He might even be in love with it. They don’t play covers, ei-ther, which is like career suicide in the local bar scene. But they’resteadfast on that rule, and Cowen has a backup plan if someonescreams for“Free Bird”during a set.“I just p--- them off, and keep p---ing them off,”says Cowen. Whenthe audience pushes, Cowen pushes back, sometimes because it’sINSIGHT April 2013 13

APRIL album releases2 Alkaline Trio ................................................... My Shame Is True James Blake .................................................................. Overgrown Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba ..............................Jama Ko Keaton Henson ...............................................................BirthdaysBleached ............................................................... Ride Your Heart Kim Churchill .................................................Detail Of DistanceBombino ................................................................................... Nomad Kurt Vile .............................................. Wakin On A Pretty DazeBring Me the Horizon .............................................Sempiternal Molly Ringwald .......................................... Except SometimesCaveman ............................................................................. Caveman Olly Murs .............................................. Right Place, Right TimeCharles Bradley ...................................................Victim Of Love OMD ..........................................................................English ElectricCold War Kids ................................. Dear Miss Lonelyhearts Paramore ........................................................................... ParamoreDutch Uncles .................................. Out Of Touch In The Wild Sad Baby Wolf ...................................................Electric SoundsEmptyMansions ......................... snakes/vultures/sulfate Steve Mason ...............Monkey Minds In The Devil’s TimeGenerationals ........................................................................... Heza Stone Sour ......................... House Of Gold & Bones Part 2Gun Outfit .....................................................Hard Coming Down Terror ...................................................................Live By The CodeHeavy Hawaii ........................................................... Goosebumps The Knife ..................................................Shaking The HabitualKinski ....................................................................... Cosy Moments Todd Rundgren ........................................................................ StateMilk Music .................................................... Cruise Your Illusion Tyga ......................................................................... Hotel CaliforniaNew Kids on the Block .............................................................. 10 Villagers ...........................................................................{Awayland}Olafur Arnalds .........................................For Now I Am Winter Volbeat .......................Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady LadiesRilo Kiley ....................................................................................Rkives White Fence ............................................................Cyclops Reap Sean Forbes ........................................... Perfect Imperfection15Telekinesis ......................................................................Dormarion Charli XCX ...............................................................True RomanceThe Band Perry .................................................................... Pioneer 16 Andrew Wyatt ...............................................................DescenderThe Besnard Lakes U. ntil In Excess, Imperceptible UFOThe Black Angels ...............................................Indigo Meadow Art Brut ................................................................ Top Of The PopsThe Mongoloids .......................................................... Mongo Life Bonnie ....................................................................................SolemnsTransit ........................................................... Young New England Echopark ......................................................................................TreesTyler, the Creator ..................................................................... Wolf Fall Out Boy ................................................. Save Rock And RollWilly Moon .......................................................Here’s Willy Moon Fantasia ........................................................Side Effects of You Folly And The Hunter .............................................. Tragic Care8 James Blake .................................................................. Overgrown Ghost B.C. ............................................................. Infestissumam Ghostface Killah ............................. Twelve Reasons to Die9 Boney James .....................................................................The Beat Groenland .........................................................................The Chase Iron & Wine ......................................................... Ghost On Ghost Brad Paisley ............................................................... Wheelhouse Jessie Ware ....................................................................... Devotion British Sea Power ....................................Machineries Of Joy Meat Puppets ...................................................................Rat Farm Dawes ................................................................Stories Don’t End Metal Mother ........................................................................... Ionika Device ........................................................................................Device Oleander ....................................................Something Beautiful Drowning Pool ................................................................Resilience Olly Murs .............................................. Right Place, Right Time Face to Face ......................Three Chords And A Half Truth Shellshag ........................................................Shellshag Forever House of Love ............................. She Paints Words In Love Steve Earle .......................................................The Low Highway Jake Bugg ........................................................................ Jake Bugg Tera Melos ........................................................................... X’ed Out INSIGHT14 April 2013

The Burning Hell ...................................................................People The Flaming Lips ...........................................................The Terror The Leisure Society ..........................Alone Aboard The Ark The Summer Set ..........................................................Legendary The Thermals ...............................................Desperate Ground Thee Oh Sees ......................................................Floating Coffin Turnover ...............................................................................Magnolia Willie Nelson .................Let’s Face The Music And Dance Yeah Yeah Yeahs ............................................................Mosquito 23 Celestial Shore ............................................................................10x Junip ................................................................................................ Junip Juno Reactor ............The Golden Sun Of The Great East Jessica Campbell ..............................The Anchor & The Sail Karl Hyde .............................................................................Edgeland Jessica Sanchez .................................... Me, You & the Music Kid Cudi .....................................................................................Indicud Jim O’Rourke, Oren Ambarchi and Keiji Haino ..................... Lilacs & Champagne .................................... Danish And Blue .................................................................Now While It’s Still Warm Michael Buble ............................................................ To Be Loved Let Us Pour In All The Mystery No Joy .................................................................. Wait To Pleasure Kenny Chesney ....................................................Life On A Rock Phoenix ................................................................................Bankrupt! Killswitch Engage ................................. Disarm The Descent Queensryche ............................................. Frequency Unknown Koji ...................................................................Crooked In My Mind Rob Zombie .......... Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor Lights ................................................................... Siberia Acoustic Slava ..........................................................................Raw Solutions LL Cool J ..............................................................................Authentic Slowriter .......................................................................... TrailBlazer Mudhoney ..............................................................Vanishing Point Smoke Fairies .......................................................Blood Speaks Neon Neon ..............................................Praxis Makes Perfect Snoop Lion ................................................................ Reincarnated Os Mutantes ...................................................... Fool Metal Jack Steve Martin & Edie Brickell ......ove Has Come For You Rollin Hunt ......................................................................The Phoney Tate Stevens ..........................................................Tate Stevens Sharks ...................................................................................Selfhood The Crackling ...................................................Mary Magdalene Ten Foot Polecats ........................................................Undertow The Veils ........................................................Time Stays, We Go The Melvins ..............................Everybody Loves Sausages Tin Cup Serenade ..............................Tragic Songs Of Hope Tom Keifer .................................................... The Way Life Goes Will.I.Am. ...........................................................................#willpower Valleys .................................... Are You Going To Stand There Young Galaxy .............................................................. Ultramarine And Talk Weird All Night30 !!! [Chik Chik Chik] .............................................................. THR!!!ER Adelaine ................................................................................Currents Akron/Family ...............................................................Sub Verses Alice Russell .........................................................................To Dust Beacon ................................................. The Ways We Separate Famous Last Words ............................ Two-Faced Charade Guided by Voices .................................English Little League Hanni El Khatib ................................................. Head In The Dirt HIM .............................................................................. Tears On Tape Iggy & The Stooges ............................................ Ready To DieINSIGHT April 2013 15

Karaoke G U I D E> Monday > Sunday Jefferson’s in Oxford - 230 Spring Branch Drive The Smoking Moose – 1214 Noble St – Anniston> Tuesday The Smoking Moose - 1214 Noble St - Anniston Pelham’s Bar - 116 Ladiga St SW, Jacksonville> Wednesday Applebee’s - 612 Hamric Dr E - Oxford Blu’s Tavern in Saks – Hwy 431 The Office on Noble – 1016 Noble St - Anniston Heroes - 8896 McClellan Blvd - Anniston> Thursday Mellow Mushroom - 33 Industrial Drive Ext - Oxford The Smoking Moose – 1214 Noble St - Anniston Dee Fords Old Mill Saloon - Talladega> Friday VFW 924 - 100 U.S. 431 - Anniston> Saturday Blu’s Tavern in Saks - Hwy 431 JUST 1 MORE in Saks – Lenlock LaneINSIGHT16 April 2013

INSIGHT April 2013 17

MAoPvRieILs 5 • Jurassic Park 3D WANT TO SAVE BIG ON • The Evil Dead BUSINESS SERVICES? • The Company You Keep (Limited) • No Place On Earth (Limited) $80INTERNET & PHONE • Simon Killer (Limited) Starting at * • Trance (Limited) less than • Upstream Color (Limited /MONTH • Scary Movie 5 CUSTOM SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS12 • 42 • Our fastest internet just got faster. Want great service, great support and Now powered up to 50 Mbps fast! great pricing? Contact us today to learn • The Angels’ Share (Limited) how Cable ONE can take your business to • Into the White (Limited) • Crystal clear Business Phone the next level of efficiency & profitability. • To the Wonder (Limited) • Local, responsive 24/7 customer support • Oblivion19 • Homerun • Kon-Tiki (Limited) • The Lords of Salem (Limited)26 • Pain and Gain • The Big Wedding • At Any Price (Limited) • Mud (Limited) • The Numbers Station (Limited) Watch Trailer WIRE YOUR BUSINESS FOR SUCCESS20 Call your local representative today! Scott Harris (256) 499-1004 *Limited time o er. Promotion prices quoted reflect our 3-year term commitment pricing when purchasing multiple services. Data usage greater than set limits will result in incremental access charges of $0.50 per GB. Equipment, taxes and fees are not incluced in above rate. Other discounts available when signing multi-year agreements. Other levels of service are available. Please read our Acceptable Use Policy for details. Call for additional details and restrictions. O er limited to CABLE ONE serviceable areas only. All services not available in all areas. Restrictions apply. April 2013 INSIGHT

Regional ConcertsApril Watch Artist4...................................................... Emmylou Harris in Atlanta4............................................... Nile at Masquerade in Atlanta4....................... Bart Crow Band at Zydeco in Birmingham5...................................................... Girl Talk in Tupelo MS6.......... Dave Matthews Band in Birmingham @ Oak Mtn6................................................................. 2013 Pantherpalooza with Kendrick Lamar at Georgia St University8........................Parkway Drive featuring While She Sleeps in Bham @ Zydeco12...................................... Third Day in Birmingham @ BJCC12..........................IMAGINE: electronic festival paint party in Birmingham AL13...........................................Jason Aldean in Athens GA17........................... Crystal Castles at Tabernacle in Atlanta18/19..............................................Taylor Swift in Atlanta19...................................... Brantley Gilbert in Tupelo MS19...........................George Jones at Fox Theater in Atlanta20...........................Neil Sedaka in Birmingham @ Samford22.................................................................... Rihanna in Atlanta23............... Black Crowes in Atlanta @ The Tabernacle24...................................Sevendust at Tabernacle in Atlanta24.............................Relient K @ Zydeco in Birmingham AL25............................................. John Mayer in Tuscaloosa26..................................................... BB King in Huntsville26..............................................Alan Jackson at Chastain Park26/27....................................Widespread Panic Verizon Amp @ Encore Park - Atlanta27................................................... George Jones in Huntsville27.................. Barry Manilow at Gwinett Arena in Atlanta27......................................... Alan Jackson in Birmingham AL28............................................................Rod Stewart in Atlanta29 ......................................... Boris at Masquerade in Atlanta30................................................Jimmy Buffett in Atlanta30............................... Alice in Chains in Birmingham ALINSIGHT April 2013 21

It’s one of the biggest events to come to Calhoun Sunny King Criterium 2013 County every year, filled with activities for the entire family, and a down-to-the-wire biking The Sunny King Criterium is a .7 mile circuit course built out of thecompetition that’s part of a nationwide search for streets of downtown Anniston. Some of the same streets we drive ev-the best circuit biker in the nation - you’re going to ery day will host a fierce competition,with some of the later races trulyneed a guide to keep track of what’s going on out testing the endurance of the human body, as one hundred competi-there, and we’re here to help. tors push themselves for over an hour in the hopes of taking home a $15,000 grand prize for first place.Over the course of the Noble Street Festival’s 12hours, there are dozens of events, including live The races start at 10 a.m., featuring the Category 5 Men’s race. As theperformances by some of the best bands in local day progresses, the Category will go down from 5 to 1, for both menmusic, kids activities and appearances by char- and women, with each category acting like a Defcon rating from be-acters from the Star Wars franchise, the best food ginner-level competition to the high-stakes, professional races in thethat Calhoun County has to offer, and not least evening.of all, a full day’s race schedule around the SunnyKing Criterium. Some of the early races will also be in the Juniors category; racers in their teens who are just starting out. You’ll be seeing some of tomor-Take a look through the guide and see what you row’s competitors finding their legs in our town, so don’t count outwant to experience this year! the morning competitions. You’re encouraged to bring a lawn chair if you’d like - it’s a long time to stand, though the time will fly by at nearly 40 miles per hour, just like the racers around the corners. In some spots around the track, es- pecially at the curves, you can feel the wind coming off of the racersINSIGHT22 April 2013

bunched together as they draft behind one another. Race direc-tor Mike Poe recommends checking out turn 3 especially, as theriders are coming downhill on 12th at tremendous speed.The finale races of the event, the men and women’s Category 1races, are where the champions come to play.You’re going to seesome previous winners, like Australia’s Karl Menzies and HiltonClarke, who have joined forces on the United Healthcare teamthis year.These races are the top level of the National Criterium Calen-dar, 26 Tier I and Tier II races that make up the national criteriumcompetition in the United States, which stretch from March toSeptember.The Sunny King Criterium is one of the 10 Tier I races,according to Mr. Poe, an indicator that it’s one of the top overallraces on the series.The women’s race lasts for a full hour, starting at 6:20 p.m., with agrand prize of $7,500 to the number one finisher.The men’s lastsan entire hour and a half, starting at 7:30 p.m., and that’s wherethe $15,000 grand prize will be determined. Because both racesare at least an hour, spectators can easily make their way aroundthe track and check out each of the corners, and keep an eye onthe finish line.Just try not to get too caught up - you’ve still got food, music, andthe Scion Kidzone to contend with.INSIGHT April 2013 23

Scion Kidzone Click Here for the 2013 Scion KidZone Registration FormGot kids? The Noble Street Festival has you covered, with several free events Click Here for Scion KidZoneand activities for the kids. Slides, obstacle courses, a ferris wheel, and appear- Events Scheduleances by Cocky from Jacksonville State University, Aubie from Auburn Uni-versity, Oscar the Robot and the cast of Star Wars throughout the fairground, Click Here for a list of Restaurantsso there’s always something interesting to do or someone interesting tomeet.Kids can also register for the Mellow Mushroom Mad Dash that starts at 5p.m. and the KidzBike race at 5:15 p.m., during which the kids will ride theactual .7 mile course that the criterium riders will be on!Red Diamond Restaurant TourRed Diamond, Inc. has organized a great feast for this year’s event, featuring12 of our favorite local restaurants bringing out some of their most populardishes for you to enjoy.Pizza, Mexican, ribs and chicken, baked desserts and Red Diamond iced tea:there’s something for everybody on Noble Street.The meal plan is as follows: pick up some dining tickets from one of the loca-tions where they’re sold around the festival. $15 will get you 13 tickets, and$5 will buy four.Take the tickets to any of the vendors in the area, and they’llhave their meals pared out by ticket cost - not by actual money.This meansthat you won’t be stuck waiting while someone pays by check, and therearen’t any card machines to hold up the lines, either.Check out a list of the restaurants that will be in attendance, and startingfrom 11 a.m., pick up what you want, when you want.Hot Blast Music Cafe • Lindsey Hinkle 10am • Matt Owens 11amStarting at 10 a.m., with the last act taking the stage at about 6 p.m., the Hot • Daniel Hughes 12pmBlast Music Cafe is going to take care of your ears while you’re checking out • Jody Wood 1pmthe races and taking in some of the dining. Eight performers, representing a • Abby Parks 2pmwide variety of musical styles, from country to blues, folk, bluegrass and rock, • Double Wide Soul 3pmwill take the stage for an hour each.There’s something for everybody! • Steven Hartsfield Band/ 30 Gallon Still 4pm • The Gypsy Begonias 5pmThe festival is still looking for sponsorship for the music stage, so if your busi- • McPherson Struts 6pmness is interested in sponsoring a major part of the festival, contact KatyCairo at [email protected]. Click Here for Hot Blast Music Cafe Schedule and learn about the artistsINSIGHT24 April 2013

Click Here to register for theMellow Mushroom Mad Dash 2013INSIGHT April 2013 25

YMCA 5k Click here to Download the Printable Registration FormThe YMCA and Anniston Orthopaedics presents “Run Around Town” Spring5k. The race will begin at 7:30am at Anniston YMCA located at 29 West 14th Click here to Download the SpringStreet in Anniston. Shirts are guaranteed on race day to the first 150 pre- Run Mapregistered runners. The top 3 male and female runners in each age groupwill get awards.Cheaha Challenge Gran Fondo Click Here for more InformationJoin us on Sunday morning after the Noble Street Festival for the Cheaha INSIGHTChallenge Gran Fondo - a recreational bike ride on some of the most scenicbyways in the Southeast. The ride begins and ends in Piedmont, a town afew miles north of Anniston, and attracts more than 500 cyclists from over20 states. Proceeds benefit the Chief Ladiga Trail, Alabama’s longest rail trailproject. The Cheaha Challenge offers route options for beginner-cyclists, aswell as routes that will challenge even the most advanced riders.Additional Information you may need Click Here for Hotel Information Click Here for Directions26 April 2013

/Noble Street Festival Or visit us online at www.noblestreetfestival.comThank You to All Our 2013 SponsorsINSIGHT April 2013 27

community EVENTS for all agesEvents INSIGHT 1- Monday Movies be given as well! Featured sponsors must make a 12pm to 2:30 minimum donation of $100 with all proceeds going Anniston Library to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. For more info, email [email protected] 2- Storytime in The Children’s Dept 10am to 11am 6- Texas Two Step Dance Class Anniston Library Anniston PARD Aquatic and Fitness Center 11am - 4 weeks for $40. 4/5 – Anderson & Roe Piano Duo No partner or experience required. The Historic Ritz Theatre in Talladega 7- Woodland-Calhoun Century Challenge Bike Ride 5- Renew and Refocus Conference 2013 Contact Anniston Parks and Rec Dept for more info The Anniston Performing Arts Center Go to to Register. 7- Spring Civil War Reenactment Janney Furance - The newly completed 1843 Daniel 5- 2nd Annual Jazz Festival Cabin will be displayed during the reenactment. All Day Event at Mason Hall on JSU oncert at 7:30pm 8- Monday Movies 12pm to 2:30 @ Anniston Library 6 - “Journey for Hope” Walk for Sexual Assault Awareness 9- Storytime in The Children’s Dept 10:00 a.m. Start at Heroes parking lot Anniston Library 10am to 11am 8996 McClellan Blvd and end at the Square in Jack- sonville. 9- Kid’s Superhero Academy Call 256-236-7381 to register. Ayers Room 4pm to 5pm - Come dressed as a super Like us on Facebook @ 2nd Chance, Inc.. hero or make a cape with us! We will have super sta- tions set up for you to earn you official super hero 6- Wine Tasting at The Wine Cellar certificate! Sponsored By: The Party Center 4pm to 6pm 256.237.5996 for more info 10- Connect @ Lunch: Movie Maker at Chamber of Commerce 6- 3rd Annual CDPEA 5k 12pm to 1pm – join for a presentation on MovieMak- The Center for Domestic Preparedness Employee er for marketing Association (CDPEA), in partnership with the CDP Contractors’ Employee Association and Calhoun 11- SU Holocaust Remembrance Women Behind the Badge present: The Third Annual 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM CDPEA 5K at McClellan – 8am start time 31st annual Remembrance of the Holocaust of World War II. Holocaust survivor Max Steinmetz of Birming- 6- Phi Mu Golf Tournament ham is the keynote speaker. Sponsored by Office for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals of Student Life. Public invited at The Stone Center 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Theatre Phi Mu is hosting a golf tournament in order to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hos- 13- Wine Tasting at The Wine Cellar pitals. $240 per team with four golfers per team 4pm to 6pm 256.237.5996 for more info which is $60 per golfer. The team in first place will receive $400, second place will receive $300, 3rd 13- Calhoun County walk for Autism place $200, and 4th place $100. Door prizes will Saks High School StadiumINSIGHT28 April 2013

INSIGHT April 2013 29

community eventsEvents INSIGHT 13- 5k Trot for Tots Benefit run/Walk Baby Shower Reg at 7am and start time is 8am location is Ft McClellan – Our 4th annual 5K Trot 4 “Baby Shower is perhaps the most messed up baby Tots benefit run/walk to support The Little Tree Pre- shower anyone has ever seen,” says Dr. Nathan school. A year round early intervention program for Wight, the director of the performance and director children of ALL abilities, including those struggling of operatic activities at Jacksonville State University. with autism and other developmental challenges. The story is about, of course, a baby shower, attend- Each participant will receive an event t-shirt, an ed by an 8-months pregnant mother, her two cous- amazing swag bag, and an entry into the give- ins and an assorted cast of characters that surround aways! Trophies awarded to the top 3 males & them, including their great-grandmother, who females overall finishers. Medals awarded to the speaks in a language of her own devising, thanks to top 3 finishers in each age category. A 1-mile fun overmedication and an abundance of personal time. run for the little ones will follow the 5K and all par- ticipants will receive a medal AND a certificate. The Of course, every drama needs a villain. In Baby Show- fun run 1st place finisher will also receive an event er, it’s a role filled by the pregnant woman’s aunt, t-shirt. who disapproves of the baby and the shower be- cause identity of the father has been kept a secret. 15- Monday Movies 12pm to 2:30 @ Anniston Library Jacksonville Opera Theater has been operating lo- cally for 10 years as a part of the David L. Walters 16- Storytime in The Children’s Dept Department of Music at JSU, and performs for more Anniston Library 10am to 11am than 3,000 patrons every year. They’ve been recog- nized by the National Opera Association twice, and 16- Tweens/Teens – Chess for Beginners have performed in Washington, DC at the Children’s Ayers Room at Anniston Library National Hospital. 20- Wine Tasting at The Wine Cellar “Opera is a unique marriage between drama, music, 4pm to 6pm dance and art,” says Dr. Wight. “I would encourage 256.237.5996 for more info anyone to give us an hour of [their] time, and let us entertain [them].” 20- Noble Street Festival in downtown Anniston Baby Shower will be previewed at the Classic on 20- “Baby Shower” Noble in Anniston on April 19, and then performed an opera by Bruce Trinkley - (7:30 PM - 8:30 PM) April 20 and 21 in the Performance Center at Ma- Directed by Dr. Nathan Wight. TICKET PURCHASE son Hall at 7:30 each night. REQUIRED. Visit for ticket information 20- Dive Land Parks 1st Annual “Low Country Shrimp Boil” A fun day for divers and non-divers alike. Ticket price includes entry to the event, diving (certified divers), food and live band entertainment (5) and things for the kids to enjoy also. So bring the family and enjoy the day at Dive Land Park. 20- Annual Fundraising Gospel Singing 4pm Websters Chapel Volunteer Fire Dept Come and help us celebrate the new community fire dept building. Enjoy some great gospel music, some out of this world BBQ, hot dogs, and I would imagine a few cor- ney jokes. Donations appreciated but not requiredINSIGHT30 April 2013

Low Country Shrimp BoilJoin Dive Land Park at the Low Country Shrimp Boil on Saturday, April 20,for a day of music,food and fun from 1 p.m.until everything’s done.Ticketsare $25 until the 19th ($30 on the day of the event) and covers the cost ofdining and the rest of the festivities at the park, including five live bandsand equipment demonstrations by Body Glove and Cressi Sub. Certifieddivers will be able to try out some of the equipment themselves, and ofcourse, regular dive activities are also going to be happening during theboil for certified divers. Five bands are playing, starting at 12 p.m.:• The Cody Howell Project • Amberson-Baggett Band• Wa Wa Wa • Secondhand Jones• The Ed Howard BandA portion of the ticket sales will go to Wounded Warrior, a foundation thatprovides assistance to veterans who have physical or mental concerns asa result of their time spent in the military.The LifeSouth Blood Mobile willalso be in attendance; they’ll be set up near the gate, and participation inthe shrimp boil isn’t required to give blood.There will also be a freediving course offered over Saturday and Sunday,starting at 8 a.m.,led by a professional instructor coming in from Mississip-pi, for which no certification is required. Registration for this event is $199.For more information, get in touch with John Valdes, Jr.,at Dive Land Park’s Facebook page, or by phone at 256-454-5261.INSIGHT April 2013 31

community eventsEvents INSIGHT at the door. 21- Foothills Classic Road Race in Piedmont for more info 21- The Cheaha Challenge Gran Fondo Presented by Wells Fargo Advisors 25- Parental Alienational Awareness Day for more information 12pm to 1pm Ride Cheaha alongside Frankie Andreu. Yes, Frankie Anniston Mayor Vaughn Stewart proclims April 21- will be joining us this year on Saturday afternoon 27, 2013 as Parental Alienation Prevention Week at the Noble Street Festival and will be our special and April 25, 2013 as Parental Alienation Aware- guest rider on Sunday at the Cheaha Challenge ness Day. On April 25th the Alabama Family Rights Gran Fondo! Association (ALFRA) requests you take 10 minutes to blw Bubbles for Love in support of Parental Alien- Frankie Andreu is one of the most popular and well- tation Awareness in a effort to educate the public respected names in American professional cycling. about this form of child abuse. Parental Alienation He retired from racing at the end of 2000 after is recognized as the “systematic” brainwashing of a 12-year professional career that included two children with the sole purpose of destroying a lov- Olympic Games: 1988 placing 8th in Seoul, Korea ing relationship with a parent. It deprives children and 1996 placing fourth in Atlanta. During his rac- of their right to love and be loved by both parents. ing career he competed in the Tour de France nine Parental Alienation is a severe form of emotional times and was one of the team’s most selfless child abuse. With awareness, some education and performers and most depended on workers. He is understanding, and the power to stop the abuse the current director for the 5hr Energy p/b Kenda of innocent children caught in the crossfire of the Professional Cycling Team. He also works with Bicy- people they love. For more information contact cling Magazine covering the Tour de France. Kenneth Pashal, 205-626-9458 or visit www.ALFRA. org EAT BIG! The Calhoun County Achievement Foundation is raising funds on April 25 with the Eat Big! campaign, sponsored by Outback Steakhouse and McClellan Park, a pro- gram that will fill bellies and raise money for local charity. The premise is simple: visit and download an order form, fill out what you’d like to eat from the menu, and then fax or email it back in. On the 25th, pick up your lunch at Outback Steakhouse in Oxford at the time you requested on the form, and then chow down! Maybe get an Outbacker burger, or an Outbacker with cheese, a Chooka Salad with grilled chicken and your choice of dressing, or Kookaburra Chicken Fingers, classic chicken fingers with a funny name.All meals are only $10 and each comes with chips and a drink, and can be picked up between 10:30 and 12:30 on the 25th. Several meals at once can be purchased to feed an office or workplace, also. Proceeds will go to the CCAF, which in turn helps support several local foundations, like Big Brothers and Sisters,the YMCA and the Big Oak Boys Ranch,and many others. GET YOUR ORDER FORM HEREINSIGHT32 April 2013

Anniston Mayor Vaughn Stewart proclaims April 21-27, abuse of innocent children caught in the crossfire of the2013 as Parental Alienation Prevention Week and April 25, people they love.For more information contact Kenneth2013 as Parental Alienation Awareness Day. On April 25th Pashal, 205-626-9458 or visit www.ALFRA.orgthe Alabama Family Rights Association (ALFRA) requestsyou take 10 minutes to blow Bubbles for Love in supportof Parental Alientation Awareness in a effort to educate thepublic about this form of child abuse. Parental Alienationis recognized as the “systematic” brainwashing of childrenwith the sole purpose of destroying a loving relationshipwith a parent. It deprives children of their right to loveand be loved by both parents. Parental Alienation is a se-vere form of emotional child abuse.With awareness, someeducation and understanding, and the power to stop the April at The Anniston Public Library Little Women The Class Act performers will be acting out scenes from Little Women at the Anniston Library on April 30 at 4:30 p.m. The actors,all local home- school children, will per- form parts of Louisa May Alcott’s novel about the four March sisters as they grow up together.The chil- dren will also provide some information about the author and the novel, and try to give a little back- ground to help the audience understand what’s happening in the story. The event is free and should last about 45 minutes, and will take place in the Ayers Room Auditorium,on the second floor of the library.INSIGHT April 2013 33

community eventsEvents INSIGHT 22- Monday Movies just in time for Mother’s Day. Whether you are 12pm to 2:30 @ Anniston Library creating for yourself or for a Mother’s Day gift, this pendant will be unique because YOU are the 23- Storytime in The Children’s Dept artist! This workshop is limited, so register early Anniston Library 10am to 11am to be sure you get your spot! Workshop fee (one pendant) is $35 for Museum members & $40 for 26/27- Rhythmic Circus non-member. To register, call David Ford @ 256- The Historic Ritz Theater 237-6162 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit us online at for more 27- Whirlwind of Color 5k information. with proceeds to benefit the United Way of Calhoun County – Event location is Jacksonville Community 29- Monday Movies Center Soccer Fields… 8am start time! 12pm to 2:30 @ Anniston Library 27- Wine Tasting at The Wine Cellar 30- Storytime in The Children’s Dept 4pm to 6pm 256.237.5996 for more info Anniston Library 10am to 11am 27- Consumed at Zinn Park in Anniston 30- Class Act Performers Present : Little Women 2:30 till 9:30 - FREE Concert Festival. 6 bands Ayers Room @ Anniston Library – 4pm to 5pm Featuring: 7eventh Time Down, Avenue, C.J. Rog- See Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel, Little ers, Thrive Worship Band, MVC Worship Experience, Women, presented as a play by The Class Act Per- UnAshamed and speaker Chris Terrell formers. The Class Act Performers are a talented, hard-working group of homeschoolers that put on 28- Lori Cummings Hot Glass Workshop multiple productions per year. For Beginners and Advanced Join Berman Alliance and fused glass artist Lori Cummings for an exciting jewelry making workshop All Fired Up! Fused Glass Jewelry Workshops with Lori Cummings Join Berman Alliance and fused glass artist Lori Cummings for an exciting jewelry making workshop, just in time for Mother’s Day.Whether you are creating for yourself or for a Mother’s Day gift, the pendant you create will be spe- cial and unique because you are the artist! New, for 2013, we are adding a higher level session to this very popular workshop. If you’ve attended in the past, sign up for Session II to try some more advanced techniques. Never worked in fused glass before? Then Session I is right for you. Due to the nature of the work, space is limited, so register early to be sure you get a spot in the Session you need. Session I: Beginner’s Workshop is Sunday, April 28, from 1–3pm, Session II: Advanced Workshop is Sunday, April 28, from 3–5pm Deadline for registration for either Session is April 19.To reserve your place, call David Ford @ 256-237-6261 or e-mail [email protected] April 2013

Whirlwind Important Race Facts: of Color 5k The Race will begin at the Jacksonville CommunityA good run gets the wind in your face,sweat on your brow... Center and end at the Jacksonville community soc-and paint on your shirt? At the Whirlwind of Color 5k taking cer April 27, the paint is guaranteed.  How does it work? Everyone starts the race in white.“We wanted families to have an event to go to together,”says Emily Duncan, member services coordinator with the You can wear your white race tshirt,but keep in mindCalhoun County Chamber of Commerce. “You can walk a 5k that not all the color may wash out. As runners makein under an hour, and that’s something we wanted to make their way along the route, volunteers will throwpeople aware of,”she continued.  “color,”so at the finish, all runners and participants are a multicolored canvas.The race starts at 8 a.m. and lasts until 10 a.m.; each par-ticipant comes to the path in Jacksonville wearing a white What is the color? Each ½ mile will be associatedt-shirt and a provided pair of sunglasses. At every half mile with a specific color. As participants reach the colorthey pass, volunteers toss baggies of cornstarch powder stations, they will be colored by our volunteers. Allpaint at them, a variety of colors, until the end, when the color is 100% natural and safe cornstarch powderrunners are covered head to toe.  paint that is tossed at runners along the route. It is edible, but it doesn’t have a good taste.“By the end, everybody looks like a masterpiece,”says Dun-can.The paint gets all over everyone,but it’s safe:cornstarch To keep the color from getting in your eyes andpowder is a dry,non-toxic paint,so even if it gets into some- mouth, what should you do? You may want to wearone’s eyes, they’re still okay. It’s even safe enough to eat sunglasses or goggles during the run to protect your(though Duncan reminds us that it’s not exactly delicious).  eyes. If you don’t want to simply close your mouth at each color station, we recommend you wear a dustThe registration fee is $25, which covers the cost of the t- mask or bandana.shirt, and the proceeds for the event go to the United Wayof Calhoun County, who help provide relief and aid to citi- Does the color wash out? The color mostly washeszens in need. The event isn’t a competition, so runners and out, but it could stain. The sooner you wash it, thewalkers alike are welcome to enjoy their own pace. All ages better. Our recommendation is to wear items youcan participate, though shirts can’t be provided to partici- don’t mind getting colorful. If you want to take pho-pants under 5, so bring a shirt for your littlest ones.  tos, we recommend covering your phones/cameras in plastic. To prevent from getting it in your car, weMore help is always needed, so anyone who is interest- recommend bringing towels, as if you were at theed in volunteering to help during the 5k can do so by beach. If you’d like to preserve the color in your shirt,calling the Chamber of Commerce at 256-237-3536. we’ve heard that you can spray it with vinegar and iron it before you wash it. CLICK HERE FOR THE PLANNED ROUTE DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM Can I run with a jogging stroller and kids? We’d love to have them join us! We do recommend they wear sunglasses and something to protect their mouths because the color thrown could irritate the smaller ones. All kids under 5 years old can run with an adult,FREE of charge.They do not have to register, but they will not receive a race t-shirt. Is this a timed race? No.This is a no stress, come and have fun race. The proceeds are benefitting the Calhoun County Organizations of the United Way.INSIGHT April 2013 35

OPERATION BEN:Gary Sinise, Lt. Dan Band to PerformMay 19 Concert for Marine Sgt. Ben TomlinsonThe Tunnel to Towers Foundation,named in honor FDNY 9/11 About the Gary Sinise Foundationfallen Firefighter Stephen Siller, and the Gary Sinise Founda-tion, along with Jacksonville State University and community The Gary Sinise Foundation serves ourleaders are pleased to announce “Operation Ben” at JSU Sta- Nation by supporting and honoring ourdium to honor Marine Sgt.Ben Tomlinson,who was paralyzed defenders, veterans, first responders, theirin Afghanistan in 2011 after he was shot by enemy fire. families and those in need. One of its premiere programs, Building for America’sThe Tunnel to Towers Foundation and the Gary Sinise Foun- Bravest, is dedicated to providing custom-dation have partnered through their “Building for America’s ized“Smart Homes”for severely woundedBravest” program to build Sgt. Tomlinson a “Smart Home” in heroes.Jacksonville, Alabama. “Operation Ben” is a community wideeffort to honor Sgt. Tomlinson with a Lt. Dan Band Benefit For more information, visit www.Gary-Concert scheduled for May 19, 2013 at JSU’s Stadium.Tickets be purchased at Proceeds ofthe concert go towards building Ben a“Smart Home”in Jack- Donate to Building For America’s Brav-sonville, Alabama, which will allow him the opportunity to est program at www.garysinisefounda-live independently. official announcement was made at a March 20 press About the Stephen Siller Tunnel toconference at JSU Stadium. Local first responders and the Towers FoundationPatriot Guard escorted Sgt. Tomlinson and his family to thepress conference and representatives from the Gary Sinise The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foun-Foundation, Tunnel to Towers Foundation, Jacksonville State dation, best known for its annual TunnelUniversity and the City of Jacksonville assisted in making the to Towers Run at Ground Zero in New Yorkannouncement. City, is committed to building specially- adapted“Smart Homes”for the mostThe Tunnel to Towers Foundation and the Gary Sinise Foun- seriously wounded U.S. service personneldation, in the interest of “Let us do Good” have developed through its Building for America’s Bravestthe“Building for America’s Bravest Program”to give indepen- program.dence back for those that have paid the ultimate price for ourfreedom. For more information, go to www.Tun- ask the entire region to support this woundedwarrior by purchasing tickets to the May 19th concert at Corporate Proceeds of the concert go towardsbuilding Ben his“Smart Home”in Jacksonville, Alabama. American Airlines is the official airline of the Gary Sinise Foundation, and alsoCompanies and community groups interested in becoming serves as the official airline for the Build-sponsors are encouraged to call Chris Kuban at 314-603-2866 ing For America’s Bravest program.for more information.INSIGHT36 April 2013

with special guesthelp us build a home DANIEL RODRIGUEZ for one america’s bravest of Concert proceeds will help build a customized “Smart Home” for hero Sgt. Ben Tomlinson While serving in Afghanistan, Sgt. Ben Tomlinson was shot through the upper back. As a result of his injuries, he is paralyzed from the chest down. SUNDAY, MAY 196 PM JSU STADIUM JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA $25-$35 / $50 (VIP FIELD SEATS)B U Y T I C K E T S : OPERATIONBEN.COM OR 800-293-5949

Food INSIGHTINSIGHT38 April 2013

There are few dishes as versatile as the hamburger in to- Here is a burger to try:day’s world. Burgers featured in today’s menus and back-yards are topped with such things as bacon and blue The true Hawaiian classic hamburger…. While manycheese dressing,pineapple and chilies.Everywhere you go people might think twice about topping a hamburgereveryone has their own way to make the best burger.The with pineapple, this is a great burger that everyone whobest way to make the perfect burgers is always chose the tries it loves. Give it a try, you just never know how goodfreshest ingredients. If you’ve ever used home grown to- it could be!matoes on a hamburger, or very freshly ground beef, you’llknow exactly what we are talking about. Below we have Ingredients:put together some tips for Making The Perfect Burger. • 1 pound ground beefStart With The Right Meat • 3/4 cup teriyaki sauceThe more freshly ground the meat is, the more tender andflavorful the burger: If your store has butchers, ask them • 1 small can pineapple slicesto grind the meat fresh for you. Lean and extra-lean meatsmake tough,dry burgers.Also,when you grill a burger a lot • 1 large onion, slicedof the fat will drain off so starting out too lean can make adry burger. But also remember that the more fat the more • 4 lettuce leavesthe burger will shrink while cooking. A 30% fat beef canshrink by as much as 25% leaving you a pretty little patty. • 4 bunsYou also want to get a coarse grind of meat. Finely groundmeat can become soft and mushy, making the patties • 4 slices Swiss cheesehard to work with and more likely to fall apart on the grill. • 4 strips bacon, fully cookedDon’t Overwork the Meat • 1 tablespoon butterThe more you handle the meat, the tougher your burg-er will be. In a large bowl, pull the meat apart into small **makes 4 ¼ pound burgerschunks, add salt or other seasonings, and mix gently withfingers spread apart until loosely mixed. Treat you meat Prep work for you burgers:with kindness and keep your hands off as much as pos-sible. When making your patties use wet hands to form Drain pineapple juice in a bowl. Add teriyaki sauce andyour burgers. This keeps your hands from getting sticky mix. Place pineapple slices and 3 tablespoons of pine-and helps the meat come together more quickly. apple teriyaki mixture in a resealable plastic bag. Turn to coat and set aside. Shape hamburger into 4 pattiesMake Your Patties With a Dimple In the and spoon remaining pineapple teriyaki sauce overCenter Of Them top. Preheat grill. Butter buns. Place burger patties on hot grill and grill until done. Place buns on grill cut sideDivide the meat into equal portions and form patties down to toast lightly. Remove pineapple slices from bagabout 3/4-inch thick at the edges and 1/2-inch thick in and place on grill and cook until slightly browned andthe center. Since burgers shrink and pull in as they cook, warmed through. Assemble burgers with patty, pine-this dimple will even out as the burgers cook, resulting in apple slices,lettuce,onion slices,Swiss cheese and baconan even patty-shaped burger at the end. Also keep yourburgers cold till you decide to put them on the grill.Unlikeother meats that cook better at room temp,you want yourburgers real cold till time to cook. This helps more of theflavor stay in the meat.INSIGHT April 2013 39

Food INSIGHT Use A Hot Grill and Start With a gas grill, keep the lid down and moisture - let your burgers With A Clean Surface while cooking; with a charcoal grill, hold onto it if all possible! leave the lid off. Always start with a Keep grill at a steady high heat (you clean surface cause debris on your After All This Let Your can hold your hand 1 to 2 inches grill top will encourage sticking. Burgers Rest above grill level for 2 to 3 seconds). When raw meat hits the hot cook- If using charcoal,you want ash-cov- ing grate it will stick. It will seize the Resting allows burgers, like all ered coals to produce even heat. grate for dear life. If you try to turn meat, to finish cooking and allows it too early the burger will fall apart their juices, which have collected on the surface during grilling, to re- We Know It’s Hard But distribute throughout the patty for Only Flip Burgers Once maximum juiciness and enjoyment And Leave Them Alone for your entire family. Always turning will toughen and Condiments and Top- dry out your meat, and if you flip pings too soon, burgers will stick or fall apart. Also a common mistake in Prepare these as near to eating burger grilling is to be pressing on time as possible. All the vegetables your burgers a lot while cooking should be cool and crisp when they them… Don’t Do IT!! The juice that hit the bun. You should also try to seeps out, holds most of the flavor get good, freshly baked rolls to fin- ish off the perfect sandwich. • Daily Specials Monday- Monday Countdown Sandwich Discounts are as follows $3 off from 3pm-4 pm $2 off from 4pm-5 pm $1 off from 5 pm-6pm Tuesday- $2 off Buff Nachos Click Here and Buff Burrito VIEW MENU HERE Wednesday- $1.00 Nacho with purchase 208 Mountain Street of Large Drink Jacksonville, AL 36265 Thursday- Buy 1 Sandwich 256.365.1566 get 1 Sandwich 50% off w/ purchase of Large Drink Friday- 10% off purchase 10%with JSU Student ID. off Jacksonville mag digital ad.indd 1 April 2013 3/28/13 2:18 PM40 INSIGHT

INSIGHT April 2013 41

Food INSIGHT Refreshing Adult Beverages You Can Make At Home

Get the weekend started with thesedelicious drinks you can make at home. Whetherhaving friends over for a nice dinner or just to re-lax while cooking on the grill, here are a few simplerecipes for adult beverages to try out and share withyour friends.Sunset Sangria Grandma’s Apple Pie ‘Ala Mode’ Moonshine for Adults1 (750 milliliter) bottle rose wine1 cup pineapple juice 1/2 gallon apple juice1/2 cup vodka 1/2 gallon apple cider1/4 cup triple sec 4 cinnamon sticks1/2 cup simple syrup 1 whole clove1 orange, sliced into rounds 1 cup white sugar1 lemon, sliced into rounds 1 cup brown sugar1 lime, sliced into rounds 3 cups 190 proof grain alcohol (such as Ever-1 (6 ounce) container fresh raspberries clear) 2 cups vanilla vodka** Makes 6 servings *** will make 21 cupsDirections Directions1. Combine wine, pineapple juice, vodka,triple sec, and simple syrup in a large bowl 1. Bring the apple cider, apple juice, cinnamonor pitcher. Refrigerate until chilled, about 1 stick, whole clove, white sugar, and brownhour. sugar together in a large pot; reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 20 minutes. Re-2. Stir the oranges, lemons, limes, and rasp- move from heat and cool completely.berries into the chilled sangria at least 30minutes before serving.The longer the fruit 2. Stir the grain alcohol and vanilla vodka intomarinates the better. Serve over ice. the cooled mixture. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.INSIGHT April 2013 43

Food INSIGHT Hurricane Smoothie for Adults 1 cup strawberries 1/2 cup bananas, sliced 1/2 cup fresh raspberries 1/2 cup strawberry yogurt 1 tablespoon powdered lemonade mix 1/2 cup ice cubes 2 fluid ounces vodka 2 fluid ounces rum 2 fluid ounces whiskey 2 fluid ounces cherry vodka **** Makes 2 smoothies Directions Place the strawberries, bananas, raspberries, yogurt, lemonade mix, and ice cubes into a blender. Pour in the vodka, rum, whiskey, cherry vodka. Puree until smooth, and pour into two large glasses to serve. INSIGHT44 April 2013

Food, Fun, Coffee byBenjaminNunnally and Local BusinessJazz fills the air on Monday night in Jacksonville. The leave,” says Sandy Knight, co-founder of Wake and Bake.square is heavy with it, brass and drums and piano re- “This place is meant to be an experience.”sounding through the center of town. And it’s not com-ing from Pelham’s, or Brothers’ bar. It’s coming from Wake Come in, chill out, meet people. It’s Wake and Bake. That’sand Bake, barely contained by the glass storefront with the how it’s supposed to work.hand-painted company logo. According to Dev Wakely, the other half of Wake and Bake’sThere’s a bar on the left, just through the door. They don’t ownership, many businesses in the area don’t cater to col-use a stock of restaurant supply store-bought coffee cups; lege students, even though it’s a college town. But Wakeinstead there’s a rack full of mismatched coffee mugs. The and Bake is built around college life; they don’t close untilband is set up all the way in the back next to the soda foun- 3 a.m. some nights. It’s a formula that Taco Bell figured outtain, just past a row of booths on the right. The music, the a long time ago: young people stay up late, be availableart, these dramatic patches of missing drywall that expose when they want you.the original brick beneath, it all gives a sense of familiarity,a cozy comfort that encourages hangouts and study ses- They offer entertainment a student would want, like thesions. weekly jazz on Monday, or local bands, like Beach Party (!), and even standup comedy, the kind of shows that usually“I don’t need you to come eat here for 20 minutes and then only go on in bars, where under 21 is prohibited. And ifINSIGHT April 2013 45

someone can’t make it to the store, they can still have coffee, cookies and pizza delivered to their dorm at two or three in the morning. “There are two things you can’t go wrong with in a college town, if you do them well,” says Wakely: “Pizza, and coffee.” ***Food INSIGHT “Here’s why Wake and Bake is des- tiny,” begins Knight, sitting on a bar stool pulled up to a booth, next to Wakeley. “Dev and I actually knew each other from 5th grade,”she says, telling a story about the two meet- ing as kids, then moving apart after a year, only to see each other again at Jacksonville State University as students. “I saw him and said, ‘Hey, I know you! You were smaller be- fore,’” she laughs. They rebounded apart again after “The rest,” says Knight, “will be his- ments and a sheet of pop-culture graduation, her moving to Las Ve- tory someday.” references; you can try the Notori- gas to go to grad school and work ous P.I.G., with mozarella, ham, ba- on Celine Dion’s live show, him to *** con and sweet apples, or get a Bud- Pennsylvania to study philosophy. dha: it’s one with everything. And for Neither fell in love with the new The two function like a single unit, how creative and delicious the food digs. Both came back home to Ala- maintaining a balance that the rest is, it’s surprisingly inexpensive. bama, and by some divine power of the business hinges on. Where or a mighty coincidence, they both Wakeley is quiet, Knight is outspo- “It’s hard for me to stop by another took a job at the same restaurant, in ken, a natural storyteller. Knight is a fast food place when I know I can the same kitchen. morning person, coming in to open get a whole pizza and drink for un- the shop and get things moving by der $7,” says Brad Sewell, a frequent The two started scheming, as the- 9 a.m., while Wakeley is a night owl, customer who knew Knight from ater majors and philosophers are holding court over the shop un- JSU, and a regular customer once he wont to do, and eventually real- til closing time at the other side of discovered the shop. “And it’s nice ized that they could have a better sunrise. going to a restaurant where you time working in a restaurant if they aren’t practically run out after you owned the place. Their menus have their own strange finish eating,” he continues. balance as well, caught somewhere The name came from a previous res- between a mad chef’s list of experi- Knight claims to know the name of taurant of Wakeley’s, which Knight had suggested be called Wake and Bake. His partner’s last name was Baker, and the name was obvious to Knight. When Wakeley didn’t end up using the name, Knight insisted on putting it to good use at their restaurant, reasoning that they’d wake you with coffee and bake you a pizza.INSIGHT46 April 2013

nearly every customer who walks through the door, whichis easy to believe after seeing her have a seat with severalpatrons to chat.“We may see only a hundred people in a week, but we seeeach of them four or five times,” she says.With a strong base in Jacksonville, the pair are now think- “We would love to be the first pizza place on the moon,”ing about where to go from here. Just being in business for says Wakeley, and it’s easy to see that if anyone is going tothemselves is a big achievement, but the prospect of mov- do it, it’ll be these two. •ing into a bigger restaurant or picking up a traveling foodtruck is tempting. When local band Beach Party (!) playedat the store in March, the place was crammed from frontto back with fans. A little more space would make it easierfor Knight and Wakeley to spread their pizza empire outfrom Jacksonville and into other markets, other cities, evenother planets.Here is a recipe from Wake and Bake for you try at home. Simple, Easy and fun to make…Black Bean Brownies Directions: 1. Blend beans andIngredients oil in food proces-2 1/4 c black beans (if canned, drain and rinse) sor until smooth.1 1/2 c oil 2. Add eggs, vanilla,6 eggs cocoa, espresso and3/4 c unsweetened cocoa mix to combine.3 tsp espresso powder (instant coffee will work 3. Add flour, bakingin a pinch) powder and mix again.3 tsp vanilla extract 4. If using chocolate chips, add them last.1 c all-purpose flour 5. Pour batter into a quarter-sheet pan, spread1 1/2 tsp baking powder evenly, and bake at 350 degrees for about 171 1/2 c chocolate chips (optional; if using, toss in minutes, or until you can stick in a toothpick and2 tbs flour before adding to batter) have it come back out clean.INSIGHT April 2013 47

RESTAURANT GUIDE BBQ/Country Food Pasta/Italian Seafood Wings Soft Drinks Only Mexican Pizza/Italian Deli/Sandwiches Cupcakes/Cakes/Sweets Home Cooking Chinese/Japanese Hotdogs Steak/European Beer Fine Dining Wine/Liquor/Alcohol Burgers/American Lunch/Diner Lunch Only Diner OnlyFood INSIGHT Type Alchohol Lunch/Dinner Type Alchohol Lunch/Dinner 32 degrees yogurt Dunkin Donuts +Breakfast 252 Oxford Exchange Blvd, Oxford · (256) 835-6559 10 Oxford Exchange Blvd, Oxford · (256) 831-4696 Acapulco Tex-Mex Restaurant And Cantina Effina’s Tuscan Grill 5818 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-820-2322 501 Pelham Road North, Jacksonville 256-782-0008 AJ’s Sunset Bar & Grill opens at 11am on sundays Firehouse Subs 1500 Hillyer Robinson Industrial Pkwy, Anniston 256-832-5000 151 Plaza Lane, Oxford, AL (256) 835-4660 American Deli First Class Pizza & Subs 700 Quintard Drive, Oxford 256-831-6624 Hwy 78 W. Plaza Coldwater Al 256-835-7474 Annistonian Restaurant 955 Magnolia  Lincoln Al   205-763-002 1709 Noble Street, Anniston 256-236-3691 The Fishing Hole Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill 601 U.S. Hwy 278 Bypass East, Piedmont 256-447-4789 612 Hamric Drive East, Oxford, AL (256) 835-2434 Frontera Bar & Grill Baja California Grill 1750 East Hamric Drive, Oxford 256-835-9905 1555 Pelham Rd SJacksonville, AL (256) 435-0075 Frontera Mexican Restaurant Betty’s Bar-B-Q 2930 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-237-1000 401South Quintard Avenue, Anniston 256-237-1411 Fuji Japanese Cuisine Brad’s Bar-B-Que 218 Davis Loop, Oxford 256-835-8788 1809 U.S. Hwy 78 East, Oxford 256-831-7878 Garfrerick’s Café C J’s Family Restaurant 655 Creekside Drive Suite C, Oxford, 256-831-0044 2278 U.S. Hwy 78 West, Oxford 256-831-0200 The Garibaldi Restaurant Café Korea 320 South Quintard Avenue, Anniston 256-231-2499 1014 U.S. Hwy 431, Anniston 256-237-5350 Goal Post Bar-B-Que Captain D’s Seafood 1910 Quintard Avenue, Anniston 256-237-0211 2 Recreation Drive, Oxford, AL (256) 835-2455 Golden Dragon Carpenetti’s Pizza 100 Ladiga Street SE, Jacksonville 256-435-3378 1021 U.S. Hwy 431, Anniston 256-231-0000 Golden Rule Casa Fiesta 50 Oxford Exchange Blvd, Oxford, AL (256) 831-9818 611 Pelham Road South, Jacksonville 256-435-2266 Heroes American Grille Cecil’s Place 8896 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-405-4366 313 Pelham Road South, Jacksonville 256-435-8909 Honey Baked Ham China Doll 637 Snow Street, Oxford, AL (256) 832-0700 806 Main Street North, Piedmont 256-447-1888 House of Chen Chick-fil-A Hwy 431 North, Anniston 256-236-0305 1205 Highway 21 South, Oxford, AL (256) 835-6009 IHOP Restaurant China King 1904 US Highway 78 E, Anniston, AL 256) 832-3116 4882 U.S. Hwy 78 West, Oxford 256-832-5418 Jasmine Chinese Cuisine China Luck Restaurant Across from Cheaha Bank Hwy 78 256-831-9981 503 Quintard Drive, Oxford 256-831-5221 Java Jolt Coffee House Cici’s Pizza 5 public square jacksonville al 36265 - 256.782.3222 657 Snow Street, Oxford, AL (256) 835-3595 Jefferson’s Classic on Noble 407 Pelham Road North, Jacksonville 256-435-3456 1024 Noble Street, Anniston 256-237-5388 230 Spring Branch Drive, Oxford 256-835-5858 The Cockpit Jess BBQ 500 Forney Avenue NW, Jacksonville 256-435-7214 601 Hwy 278 East, Piedmont 36272 - 256-447-3700 The Coop Deville Jilly Beans Cupcakes and Ice Cream 401 Pelham Road South, Jacksonville 256-435-1818 11 Public Square Jacksonville, AL 256-435-9600 Cooter Brown’s Rib Shack Lamar’s Doughnuts 8464 Al. Hwy 204, Jacksonville 256-435-1514 1781 Hamric Drive East, Oxford, AL (256) 832-4353 Country Market La Cabana 600 S Quintard Ave, Anniston · (256) 238-1448 622 U.S. Hwy 278 Bypass East, Piedmont 256-447-7769 Cracker Barrel Old Country St Little Caesars Pizza 220 Leon Smith Parkway, Oxford, AL (256) 835-6700 1410 Quintard Ave Anniston Al 256-238-9644 Cue Time Café & Billiards Loco Mex 355 Old Hwy 202, Oxford 256-238-9795 809 Pelham Rd S, Jacksonville, AL 256-435-7499 Custom Pizza Company Logan’s Roadhouse 1009 U.S. Hwy 431 256-236-1800 40 Ali Way, Oxford, AL (256) 835-3116 Custom Pizza of Ohatchee Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon Al. Hwy 77, Ohatchee 256-892-2600 171 Colonial Drive, Oxford, AL (256) 831-7441 Dad’s Bar-B-Q LongHorn Steakhouse 3105 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-238-4323 301 Oxford exchange blvd, Oxford, AL( 256) 832-0066 710 Noble Street, Anniston 256-231-2459 Los Arcos Damn Yankee’s Steak and Oyster Bar 5630 McClellan Blvd, Anniston (256) 405-4284 919 Noble Street, Anniston 256-236-7000 Los Mexicanos Restaurante Domimo’s Pizza  500 West Hamric Drive, Oxford 256-835-7795 Jacksonville Al 256-435-8200 Los Mexicanos Restaurante III Pell City Al 205-338-4780 1936 U.S. Hwy 78 East, Oxford 256-835-8700 Lincoln Al 205-763-3200 Loyds Restaurant Talladega Al 256-362-6800 501 us hwy 278, Piedmont - 256-447-4789 Oxford, AL 256-831-9696 Mc Alister’s Deli 700 South Quintard Avenue, Oxford, AL 831-0079INSIGHT48 April 2013

Type Alchohol Lunch/DinnerMarco’s Pizza Anniston Panera Bread comes to Oxford2485 US HWY 431 N Anniston, AL 256-848-3131Mata’s Geek Pizza of Anniston Panera Bread is expanding quickly across North1708 Quintard Avenue, Anniston 256-237-3100 America and has chosen Oxford AL to build andMellow Mushroom operate a new location.Panera Bread bakery-cafes33 Industrial Drive Ext, Oxford, AL (256) 835-1444 showcase the art and craft of bread making, help-Mexico Lindo Grill ing customers truly appreciate and enjoy a great550 Oxford Exchange Blvd, Oxford 256-831-9407 loaf of bread by studying its crust, crumb and craft.Momma Goldberg’s Deli With the single goal of making great bread broad-208 Mountain Street Jacksonville, AL 256-365-1566 ly available to consumers across America, PaneraNew China Restaurant Bread freshly bakes more bread each day than any1542 Greenbriar Dear Road, Oxford 256-835-1153 bakery-cafe concept in the country. Every day, atNumber One China Buffet every location, trained bakers craft and bake each5624 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-820-3588 loaf from scratch, using the best ingredients toO’Charley’s ensure the highest quality breads. Panera Bread4 Recreation Drive, Oxford, AL (256) 831-8305 understands that great bread makes great meals,Olive Garden from made-to-order sandwiches to tossed-to-or-401 Oxford exchange blvd, Oxford, AL (256) 831-4911 der salads and soup served in bread bowls.Ono2900 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-237-5859 Everyone enjoys choices, especially when they’reOriginal Jess BBQ fresh, fun and spontaneous. Right now at Panera514 West 15th Street, Anniston 256-237-4434 Bread, there are plenty of tempting selections toOutback Steakhouse - Oxford‬ captivate, tantalize and energize your bread-lov-196 Springbranch Dr., Oxford, AL (256) 835-4644 er’s soul. Panera Bread will offer Hand Tossed Sal-Panda Chinese Restaurant ads, Sandwiches, Pasta, Stew, Soups and all typesLLC 135 Plaza Lane, Oxford 256-831-0678 of Bread. They also offer a catering to help withThe Peerless Grille your next party or large event.13 West 10th Street, Anniston 256-237-1899Popeyes Type Alchohol Lunch/Dinner1925 Quintard Ave Anniston Al 256-236-4333Quiznos of Oxford Western Sizzlin Steak House1783 Hamric Dr E Oxod, AL 256-831-4114 200 Hamric Drive East, Oxford, AL (256) 835-2500The Porterhouse Cafeteria & Catering Yamato Steak House of Japan1409 East Hamric Drive, Oxford 256-831-7470 105 Mountain St NW, Jacksonville 36265 256-782-0588Rabbittown Café Yume Japanese & Asia Cuisine900 Rabbittown Road, Piedmont 256-435-8008 301 Colonial Dr Oxford, AL (256) 241-0142Lil Dixie’s Cue & Grill Zaxbys Restaurant917 Noble Street, Anniston 256-282-8905 91 Colonial Drive, Oxford, AL (256) 832-4771Red Lobster515 South Quintard Avenue, Oxford, AL (256) 835-2013The RocketDrive In 1506 Pelham Road South, Jacksonville 256-435-6516Rocco’s Sandbaggin at Cane Creek2247 Galloway Gate Road, Anniston, AL.(256) 820-9315Roma’s Pizza and Steak House1 Public Square East, Jacksonville 256-435-3080 or 256-435-3182Ron’s Bar-B-Q8312 Al. Hwy 144, Alexandria 256-892-0705Sbarro700 South Quintard Avenue, Oxford, AL (256) 832-4566Shoney’s1017 South Quintard Avenue, Oxford, AL (256) 831-7580Simple Simon’s Pizza701 Center Avenue, Piedmont 256-447-0099Struts500 Forney Avenue NW, Jacksonville 256-782-010688 Ali Way, Oxford 256-835-8102Supper Buffet1 Recreation Drive, Oxford 256-835-7838Thai One On911 Noble St Anniston, AL 36201Top O’ the River3330 McClellan Blvd, Anniston 256-238-0097Tokyo Express1801 Quintard Ave Anniston, AL 256-238-7688Too Nice To Slice204 Grace St Oxford, AL 36203 256-403-5396Tweeners Café1725 Broadwell Mill Road, Jacksonville 256-435-0030The Victoria Restaurant1604 Quintard Ave., Anniston 256-236-0503The Village Inn108 Clinton Street SE, Jacksonville 256-435-5653Waffle House545 South Quintard Avenue, Oxford, AL(256) 831-1088Wake and Bake Pizza & Coffee109 Ladiga St Se Jacksonville AL 256.435.9272Wagon Wheel Restaurant9 High Street, Anniston 256 238-0336INSIGHT April 2013 49

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