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Home Explore HEALTH 3


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HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 1 What’s D’ Buzz? What this module is all about Insects, rats and other pests are considered nuisances. They disturb people whilesleeping, eating, resting and working by creating noise, biting, destroying properties andworst of all - transmit disease from one person to another. Various diseases are spread by these pests either biologically or mechanically.Malaria is a disease transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito through biologicalmeans. The microbe undergoes changes inside its body before it is transmitted to a personthrough biting. Flies and cockroaches may transfer diseases-causing microorganisms ontheir feet, appendages, or by using their entire bodies as mechanical means. This module emphasizes preventive measures that can be adapted in the homes toeradicate insects, rats and pests and to ensure sanitation to prevent diseases that maydirectly and indirectly affect the health of household members. What you are expected to learn from this module At the end of this module, you shall have: a. followed preventive measures to eradicate insects, rats and pests to avoid the prevalence of diseases. b. maintained sanitation in the house at all times to ensure a healthful environment. c. coordinated with both public and private health agencies for the promotion of both personal and community health.

How to learn from this module1. This module is like a friend, you must take good care of it at all times.2. Do not write anything on the module. You must have a notebook where you will answer all the activities of all lessons in this module.3. Before you go on reading the lessons, you must answer the PRETEST at the beginning of the module. A POST TEST is also provided which you will answer after reading the lessons and after doing all the activities. You may now begin. PRETESTIdentification: Identify what is referred to in each item. Choose your answer from the listbelow. Write letter of the correct answer in your notebook.A. Insecticide F. LiceB. Adulticide G. Proper waste disposalC. Rodenticide H. RatsD. Repellant I. MalariaE. Larvicide J. Dengue1. A chemical substance used to eradicate rodents.2. These are small wingless insects which suck human blood for food.3. This is one of the best ways of controlling flies.4. These may be driven away by cleaning up pile of garbage and debris5. Insecticide designated to destroy mature or adult forms of anthropods.6. A disease caused by the bite of anopheles group of mosquitoes.7. A chemical applied to the skin or clothing to avoid insects or pests.8. Any chemical substance used for the destruction of insects.9. It is used to destroy immature stages of anthropods.10. A disease caused by the bites of Aedes mosquitoes. from one person to another.You may look to the key to corrections

Lesson 1 PREVENTIVE MEASURES AGAINST INSECTS, RATS, AND PESTS THAT CAUSE DISEASES Insects, rats and pests are carriers of diseases so its control and eradication is agreat responsibility of community members. It is quite impossible to eliminate themtotally but the best way we can do is to control and prevent them from multiplying. Many diseases are spread through biological and mechanical means. Malaria istransmitted through the bite of anopheles mosquito; H-fever and Dengue are spreadthrough the bite of Aedes egypti mosquitoes. This transmission is through biologicalmeans. Thypoid, dysentery, amoebiasis are spread through flies and other insects, whilebubonic plague and leptospirosis are spread by rats and rodents. This transmission isthrough mechanical means. Maintaining household sanitation must be practiced in order to avoid outbreaks ofdiseases caused by insects, rats and pests. The areas where these pests abound mustalways be kept clean.INSECTS / PESTS PREVENTION TREATMENT TRANSMITTERS OF Household sanitation Remove stinger by DISEASE Elimination of sources scraping Screening with wire orMOSQUITOS Rub affected areas withFLEAS plastic netting repellantBEDBUGS Elimination of breedingANTS For ticks, apply petroleumSPIDERS places jellyBEES Use of trapROACHES Clean round and apply ice pack

RATS / RODENTS These cannot be eliminated by clubbing or using a mousetrap, although they can be a help too. You can destroy them by poisoning. Zinc phosphide is a rat poison that can kill them quickly.Activity 1 “FIND-AND-CHECK THE NUMBER”Direction: Listed below are seven ways to avoid or kill rats. Identify them by putting acheck (9 ) mark after the number written in your notebook.1. moth balls 6. larvicide2. stick-on paper 7. mouse traps3. remove trash pile 8. repellant4. insecticide 9. deprivation food, food scraps5. racumin powder 10. Zinc phosphide You have just learned some preventive measures to eliminate rats. They arephysical, chemical, and environmental methods.OTHER PESTSConflict between people and pests existed long time ago. These pests cause annoyanceand discomfort aside from being vectors or carrier of diseases.Activity 2 “2 USE OR NOT 2 USE”Direction: The following are ways to eradicate and minimize pests, they may be harmfulor useful to man. Write the word 2 USE if it is useful to man and the words NOT 2 USEif it is harmful to man. Give 2 reasons each for your answer.____________ 1. Use of insecticidesa. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.b. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.____________ 2. Use of rodenticidea. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.b. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

_____________ 3. Use of repellanta. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________._____________ 4. Use of screened doors and windowsa. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Activity 3 “HOME SWEET HOME”Direction: In this house, you will find the first letter of the words that refer to preventivemeasures for pests. Read the clues for easier identification.

A = Insecticide designated to destroy mature or adult forms of anthropodsI = Any chemical substance use for destruction of insects.L = Term for the destruction of immature stages of anthropodsR = Chemical applied to the skin or clothing to avoid the bite of insects and pests.R = Use of chemical substance for the destruction of rats and rodents.Lesson 2 MAINTENANCE OF CLEANLINESS IN THE HOUSE Cleanliness is a good habit. No one of us would like to use an unflushed toilet.No one of us would tolerate a neighbor spitting from the balcony. There can be no twoopinions about the regular visits of the garbage truck near our residences. Are you familiar with the saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness?” Wheneverything in the house is clean and in order there is tranquility and peace just like whenwe are at peace with God. As a responsible member of your family, you can greatly help in the maintenanceof cleanliness by performing essential tasks at home and your surroundings.Activity 1 “MARIO’S DILEMMA” Mario is having a hard time cleaning his house. Can you help him? You may givesome tips to follow. Give at least two suggestions.

How D. Cleanliness in the Dining Room 1. ________________________A. Cleanliness in the Living Room 2. ________________________1. __________________________2. __________________________ E. Cleanliness in the Kitchen 1. ________________________B. Cleanliness in the Bedroom 2. ________________________1. __________________________2. __________________________ F. Cleanliness in the Surroundings 1. ________________________C. Cleanliness in the Bathroom 2. ________________________1. __________________________2. __________________________

Activity 2 “READ BETWEEN THE LINES” Read the numbered paragraphs on how to control insects, rats and pests. Answerthe questions after these paragraphs by writing the number of the lines/statement in yournotebook. 1 Proper disposal of waste is the best means of controlling flies. 2 Food should beproperly covered. A fly swat or fly 3catcher can lessen the swarm of flies but these are not4enough to eradicate them totally. 5Cockroaches have been shown to carry germs that 6caused cholera, tuberculosis anddysentery. Garbage and 7 leftover foods must be properly disposed. Use insecticides 8toeradicate cockroaches. 9 Fleas come into the house as uninvited guests.10They enter on dogs, cats, rats andon human beings. If11fleas are in the house, cracks and crevices should be 12soaked with kerosene or soapsuds to eradicate them. 13Lice are small wingless insects which suck human 14blood for food. Lice can beeliminated by shampooing 15the hair. Vinegar and kerosene have also been found 16to beeffective against lice. These can easily be 17transferred through combs and hair brushes. 18Bedbugs are not easily eradicated since they stay 19in their hiding places. Use aninsecticide for a spray and 20repeat several times to eradicate them totally. 21Rats may be driven away by cleaning up 22piles of garbage and disks bothindoors and outdoors. 23Set traps and poisons in strategic locations and maintain 24themeven after you have stopped an infestation. 25Pests can be controlled by applying pesticides. 26Use the right amount ofpesticide only in the areas specified 27on the labels. Keep them out of reach of 28children,pets and livestocks. 29Like other insects, mosquitoes lay their eggs 30in water. Malaria is a diseasecarried by a mosquito 31 that belongs to the anopheles group. They are usually 32found inrunning stream. Dengue fever is carried 33 by Aedes mosquitoes from one person toanother. They 34lay their eggs in breeding places such as flower vases, 35bottles and tincans with water. Screened doors and 36windows are great protection against mosquitoes.Spraying 37insecticides and oil over swamps and stagnant water 38can help the mosquitoesfrom breeding. Use of 39repellant on the skin is also effective. Always cover 40watercontainers at home.

Questionsa. What are the 3 ways to control flies? Line(s) _____b. What diseases are brought about by cockroaches? Line(s) _____c. How do fleas enter the house? Line(s) _____d. What are small wingless insects that suck the blood? Line(s) _____e. How can you avoid bedbugs? Line(s) _____f. What are you going to do to eradicate rats? Line(s) _____g. When is the best time to use pesticides? Line(s) _____h. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs? Line(s) _____i. What disease is brought about by the anopheles groupof mosquitoes? Line(s) _____j. How are you going to protect your family from mosquito bites? Line(s) _____Activity 3 “RESPONSIBILITY IN ACTION”Direction: Complete the following IF-THEN statements.1. If I will not clean the kitchen, then ________________________________________2. If fleas enter my house, then _____________________________________________3. If there is stagnant water in my surroundings, then ____________________________4. If I have lice, then _____________________________________________________5. If my friend is bitten by a rat, then ________________________________________6. If my mother leaves food particles on the table, then ___________________________ _______________________________7. If I will not spray insecticides, then ________________________________________8. If my friend has dengue fever, then ________________________________________9. If I protect my skin with repellant, then _____________________________________10. If I always clean my bedroom, then _______________________________________

Lesson 3 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HEALTH AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH COMMUNITY HEALTH Health promotion and protection is one of the responsibilities of every communitymember. This can be realized through the help of various agencies, public and private,civic and religious organizations in the community and in the whole country. The Department of Health institutes responsibility for the protection andmaintenance of the nation’s health and has followed logical and scientific trends inkeeping its achievements and growth at par or similar with the rest of the world. Let’s identify these agencies and their services rendered in keeping with the idealsof primary health care. Take a look at this mango tree. Its fruits represent some of these agencies. Let’sdo Activity 1.

Let’s SummarizeLesson 1 PREVENTIVE MEASURES AGAINST INSECTS, RATS AND PESTS THAT CAUSE DIEASES Tell your friends that “An ounce of prevention, is better than a pound of cure.” Itapplies in our lesson on preventive measures to eradicate insects, rats and pests to keep usaway from diseases.Lesson 2 MAINTENANCE OF CLEANLINES IN ONE’S HOUSE The saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, clearly states the value ofcleanliness. The value of cleanliness must be internalized if we want to achieve ahealthful environment.Lesson 3 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH COMMUNITY HEALTH The health of a community is both the responsibilities of its leaders and members.The government must be aware of its duties and responsibilities as far as the health of thepeople is concerned. Even if private agencies or organizations help, still the governmentmust take the lead. Another saying fits this situation, “A Healthy Nation is a WealthyNation.”

POST TESTDirection: Fill in the blanks. Rearrange the letters to get the correct answer._____________________ 1. (LLANTPEREP) A chemical applied to the skin on clothingto avoid insects or pests.____________________ 2. (ICEL) Small wingless insects that suck human blood forfood.____________________ 3. (NGDEUE) Disease caused by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes.____________________ 4. (CESNITIDECI) Any chemical substance used to destroyinsects____________________ 5. (ATSR) Cleaning up the piles of garbage and debris willdrive these pests away.____________________ 6. (DALUITICDE) Insecticide designated to destroy matureforms of anthropods.____________________ 7. (PRPORE AWTSE IDSOPSAL) This practice is the bestmeans of controlling flies.____________________ 8. (ORIEDINCTIDE) Chemical substance used to destroy ratsand rodents.____________________ 9. (ALMARIA) Disease caused by the bite of anopheles groupof mosquitoes.____________________ 10.(ALVRCIIDE) Way designated to destroy immature stagesof anthropods.

Key to CorrectionsPRETEST 1. C 6. I 2. F 7. D 3. G 8. A 4. H 9. E 5. B 10. JLesson 1 Activity 1 1. stick-on-paper 2. remove to ash pile 3. racumin powder 4. larvicide 5. mouse trap 6. deprive of food / food scraps 7. zinc phosphideActivity 3 1. Insecticide 2. Adulticide 3. Repellant 4. Larvicide 5. RodenticideLesson 2 Activity 2 1. Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 2. Line 6 3. Line 10 4. Line 13 5. Line 20 6. Lines 22, 23, 24 7. Line 26 8. Lines 30, 34, 35 9. Line 31 10. Lines 36, 37, 39

Lesson 3 Activity 1 1. DOH 2. PHILHEALTH CARE 3. VOLUNTARY HEALTH AGENCIES 4. Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. 5. Philippine National Red Cross 6. Barangay Health Centers 7. The Philippine Cancer Society 8. Philippine Mental Health Association 9. Hospital and ClinicsPOST TEST 1. Repellant 2. Lice 3. Dengue 4. Insecticide 5. Rats 6. Adulticide 7. Proper Waste Disposal 8. Rodenticide 9. Malaria 10.Larvicide

HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 2 HEALTH PRINCIPLE! BE RESPONSIBLE! What this module is all about Gastro- intestinal infections like diarrhea, colitis, typhoid fever and dysentery still belong to the ten leadingcauses of diseases and death. It has been reported that outbreaks of these diseases in our country are usually dueto contaminated water, food and even ice. Hand-to-mouth transfer of contaminated materials or objects soiled bydischarge from an infected individual or a carrier can also result to diseases. The practice of insanitary disposal ofhuman waste also plays an important role. Everybody is susceptible to these diseases. This module will help you understand the consequences of irresponsible disposal of human waste. It willhelp you become aware of desirable health practices to prevent contamination and food poisoning as well asspread of diseases caused by improper human waste disposal. What you are expected to learn from this module At the end of this module, you shall have; 1. differentiated the categories of human waste disposal methods, 2. enumerated the desirable health practices to prevent the spread of diseases due to irresponsible disposal of human waste, 3. observed sanitary practices to prevent food poisoning and contamination

How to learn from this module This module is specially made to help you learn the lessons on responsible disposal of humanwaste and how to prevent the diseases caused by improper human waste disposal. To help youunderstand the lessons very well, follow the guidelines. 1. Focus your mind on this module before you start. 2. Read and answer the pretest. 3. Try to give your best in doing the activities. 4. Observe absolute honesty in doing the activities. 5. Do not allow anybody to do the activities for you, however, you may ask help from knowledgeable persons like your teacher for clarification of certain issues/problems. 6. Have a special notebook for your notes and answers. 7. Have fun in doing the activities. 8. Take good care of this module. PRETESTDirection: Choose the best answer. Write letters only.1. Most commonly observed human waste disposal method in rural areas.a. bore-hole latrine c. compost latrineb. pit latrine d. over hung latrine2. It is a method of disposal which violates all sanitation principles.a. over hung latrine c. aqua privyb. bucket latrine d. vault latrine3. Most common type of composting toilets.a. Antipolo Type c. double vault composting toiletb. Ventilated Improved Pit d. Odorless Earth closet4. A completely displaced pit free of odor and insect problems.a. Pour-flushed latrine c. Septic privyb. Conventional Septic tank d. Dry type

5. Which does not describe proper care of toilet facility? a. Water should be provided at all times b. Use lysol for odor removal. c. Deposit solid objects on the bowl. d. Clean bowl with muriatic acid to remove stain.6. Ascariasis is to parasite as Cyanide is to ______.a. bacteria c. plants and animalsb. virus d. chemical7. Water, soil, flies and hands are vehicles of transmission of diseases.a. true c. undecidedb. false d. uncertain8. When adjacent houses share vault latrine, it is called _____.a. cat-hole c. wrap and throwb. continuos composters d. cesspool9. Contamination of underground drinking water is to be watched in this method.a. VIP c. DVCb. Wet type d. ROEC10. Consists of a cistern – flush toilet connected to a network of underground sewers.a. cistern-flush toilet c. sewerage systemb. sewered pour-flushed latrine d. pail systemRefer to the answer key for correct answers.Lesson 1 Responsible Human Waste Disposal It is sad to know that many households in rural and even urban areas still practice irresponsiblemethod of fecal disposal. This poses many health hazards to people. Some gastro-intestinal diseasescaused by organisms are traced to contaminated water and food by human waste. This can lead toepidemic diseases and cases of death.

Try to analyze the diagram below. It shows how diseases can spread from the source.Infected Carrierperson CAUSATIVE AGENT - ORGANISMS- Flies, SOIL HANDS cockroach, etc. FOOD WATER SUSCEPTIBLE INDIVIDUALActivity 1 The Transmitters Answer the following questions. 1. How does the causative agent escape from the carrier or infected person? 2. How does it transfer? What are the vehicles of transmission as shown in the diagram? 3. Are all individuals susceptible to spread of disease? Why? How can we prevent the spread of diseases caused by improper human waste disposal? The basichealth principle to prevent this is to provide a sanitary method of disposal of wastes. Methods of Human Waste Disposal are categorized into: - with transport and water - no transport and with water - with transport and no water - no transport and no water

Category 1 No Transport and No WaterPit Latrine Bore Hole Latrine Compost latrine Indiscriminate Disposal into fields• Most commonly • Consists of • Types or bodies of water observed in rural relatively deep 1) Continuos area holes bored into composters • Violates all earth by mechanical 2) Double Vault sanitation principles• Has three (3) or manual earth- Composting components: boring equipment. (DVC) • 1) over-hung 1) the pit latrines 2) a squatting • Holes are about 10- 2) “wrap and plate 18 inches in throw” 3) the super- diameter and 15-35 3) cat-hole structure ft. deep• Types • Holes is provided to 1) Antipolo type facilitate squatting 2) Ventilated Improved Pit • Types (VIP) 1) wet type 3) Reed Odorless 2) dry type Earth Closet (ROEC)Activity 2 “Round off to score” The methods in the category above are described below. Round off the numberclues and find the answer in the choices given. Write the word in the blank whichcorresponds to the nearest rounded off number.1. _______ ________ _________08.50 99.99 93.90Pit with a vent pipe2. ______ ______04.30 16.02A pit type of toilet provided with concrete floor and an elevated seat with cover.3. _______ _______53.95 16.02A type of bore-hole latrine where the hole doesn’t reach groundwater table andfills up at a faster rate.4. _______ ________71.05 59.55Composting pit immediately below the squatting plate.

5. _______ ________ ________66.06 18.85 49.50Most common type of composting toilets.6. _______ _________45.10 16.02A type of bore-hole latrine where the hole penetrates ground water table or other strata.7. ________ ________ _________ ________81.25 84.88 38.65 27.01A pit completely displaced from the super structure and connected to the plate by a curved chute.8. _______ ________35.20 89.07Used in houses built directly above sea or water.9. ____________76.09The water is wrapped in paper or plastic and thrown anywhere.10. _____________31.25Indiscriminate disposal into fields and covered with soil . Antipolo - 05 Wet - 45 Type - 15 Ventilated - 10 Dry - 55 Improved - 100 Pit - 95 Continuos - 70 Reed - 80 Odourless - 85 Composters - 60 Earth - 40 Closet - 25 Double - 65 Cat-hole - 30 Vault - 20 Composting - 50 Over-hung - 35 Latrines - 90 “Wrap and Throw - 75 Refer to the answers key for correct answers.Remember this: If nearby ground water is used for drinking, pit latrines should not be placed within thirty meters of the wall. Advantages of pit latrines – costs are low and their potential for health benefits is high. Disadvantages of bore hole latrine. - too small and cannot be ventilated - has a short life time ( 1 – 2 years ) - unacceptable level of fly and odor nuisance. - Contamination of underground drinking water sources is to be watched specially the wet type.Let’s check: 1. Which method in this category is most commonly observed in rural areas?

2. Which violates all sanitation principles?3. What are the three components of pit latrine?4. What are the types of pit latrine? Bore hole latrine? Compost latrine? indiscriminate disposal into fields or bodies of water?Category 2 With Transport and No Water Bucket Latrine or Pail System Consists of a squatting plate and a metal bucket located in a small vault immediately below the squatting plateAnswer the following questions. 1. Is it advantageous to use bucket latrine or pail system? Why? 2. In what way is this method unhealthful to use?Category 3 No Transport and With Water Cistern-flush toilet Aqua privy Pour-flushed Severed pour- Vault connected to a flushed latrines latrines Septic tank • Septic privy – latrines consists of a • An improvement • Similar to PF• Conventional Septic squatting plate • Types of Pour- of aqua privy toilets except tank – a rectangular above a septic flushed system that the vault chamber located just tank which latrines: is sealed and below ground level charges its • Has five (5) parts emptied by a effluent to an -a 1. PF with vacuum pump• The solids settle at adjacent modification of 2. Vent pipe at regular the bottom for soakaway improved pit and intervals of 2- anaerobic degradation latrine. inspection 6 weeks • Tank requires Approximately chamber• The tank must be dislodging 1-2 liters of 3. Small • Adjacent dislodge every 1 to 5 every 2 – 5 water are poured compartment years years in by hand to septic tank houses can push the excreta 4. Network of also share• Effluent undergoes • Has an into the pit small bore called secondary treatment integral drop- sewers cesspool utilizing anaerobic pipe - A completely 5. Sewage bacteria to stabilize submerged 4 displaced pit can facility further organic matter inches to the be installed system in the effluent water in the inside the house tank since it is free of odor and insect problems.

Activity 3 “Word Hunt” Find out the methods under no transport and with water category. Write something about them. C E S S T I C F LA PO UR DOORW AY S H S I F L O OD Z I PQGML AMF I S HM EA T E S E WE R ED P OU RF L U S HL A TR I NE P T C A TA CU T AA P R I VY Z VN BAD B O T E C O NVE N T I ON AL SE P T I C TAN KI R Y E R ODR P I GU E ZM RA RQ UE Z V AC N L DS E R A MOA S AN P C H EZMAN AL P F A Y S S AYMAO P AAMO J I CA P E R E R L H UL K P OUR F L U SH E DT O I LE T Z I U S I L E NOT HO QMAR Q UE Z E S OD AV S N I G H T LO YA N I GH T AQ UA P R I VY H S E N I R T AL T LU A YK I N GH E AR T SCategory 4 With Transport and With Water Sewerage System• Consists of a cistern-flush toilet connected to a network of underground sewer Advantages Disadvantages• Excellent health benefits • Large water requirement• Provides convenience • Very high construction and maintenance costs.

Activity 4 Individual SurveyA. Make a study of 5 houses in your community.Look into the following: 1. Number of houses which have and do not have toilets 2. Kinds of toilet being used 3. Availability of water supply 4. Way of disposing human waste if there is no toliet 5. Presence of public toiletsB. What did you find out in your study?C. Write down your observations based on your study.D. What are your own recommendations or suggestions to improve the waste disposal practices in your community?Activity 5 “How’s Your Practice?” Maintaining our toilet clean and sanitary is a good practice. Below is a checklist of practices.Put a check ( 3) mark on the column opposite each practice, to describe how often you do it.Practices Always Very Often Sometimes Seldom Never1. Water must be provided2. Use trash can for used toilet papers3. Use lysol for odor removal4. Clean the bowl with muriatic acid to remove the stains.5. Deposite solid objects on the bowl6. Use stick or rod when clogging occur7. Soap must be available If you answered always to numbers 1 and 7, very often to numbers 2, 3, and 4 and never to 5 and6, you are on the right track. Keep that habit! Otherwise, check how you maintain good toilet facility.Lesson 2 Food Sanitation Food sanitation refers to the health measures and practices relating to the safe and clean sourcesof food, its proper preparation, storage, handling, and food service. Proper food sanitation can helpprevent food contamination and food poisoning too.

Read the story below and learn lessons on food sanitation.Activity 1 “Fiesta”Okay! Have you taken MMaama, caann We are lucky Yes it’s true! She puts wwee ggo to to have mom! us to sleep early andyour bath? Did you MMrrss.. RRiivvaa’’ss She sees to it she allows us to take a hhoouussee.. SShhee that we are inwash your hands ficfcitnioehneevrlvelseieiitttrbtbhaeerrfeddaaiiettruuisiotossannt?o? the best health nap in the afternoon.thoroughly? Your Yes, mother alwaysfingernails are still can I go withlong. Cut them short Ate?before you leave. Onethdeaiyr,wtwayosstiostMersrsa.sRkievdas She gives us nutritious food which include pelarcmei,stshioensifsrtoemrs twhSehriereamtalsolokthienexgre. rcises with us. That’sfruits and vegetables. to each other. why we have lots of fun!

At Mrs. Rivas house, the foods are served on the She also saidtable: variety of dishes including fish, meat and some oystersvegetables, oysters and fresh garden salad. In are harvested fromwhispering sounds, the sisters talked. contaminated river!Do you Mother told And becauseremember us that oysters shellswhat mother sometimes are opentold us about vegetables are while in watereating raw fertilized with they couldvegetables? organic also be materials likeAnd oysters? human waste contaminated and watered Did you with urine. notice how mother tosses the soil when gardening? Yes she uses gloves! How About She boils Because she the water we water from doesn’t want us drink? the deep well to get sick; She before letting does not want usWhy does she to buy food fromdo that? us drink. ambulant vendor either. Yaks! Ate, did Yes! I saw Yes, mother really you see flies cockroach too in knows best! around the table? the corner!Maybe we should gohome now and thankmother for taking careof us!

Answer the following: 1. Why are the two sisters grateful to their mother? 2. Why did they decide to go home instead of enjoying the fiesta? 3. List down desirable health practices to prevent food contamination and food poisoning which you have read in the story.Study and analyze the diagram below. CHEMICAL 1.mushroom 1. Arsenic PLANTS & 2.mussels 2. Lead FOOD ANIMALS 3. vegetable POISONING BACTERIA 4. fish 3. Cadmium 5. oysters FOOD BORNE PARASITES 4. Cyanide DISEASES 5. Antimony BACTERIA 6. Nitrites INFECTIONS FROM FOOD 7. DDT CONTAMINATION 8. etc. 1. Staphy lococus 2. Strepto coccus 1. Ascariasis 2. Amoebiasis 3. Trichinosis 4. Etc. 1. Typhoid Fever 2. Cholera 3. Bacilli Psyentery 4. Salmonella 5. Etc.Activity 2 Missing Letters Fill in the missing letters in the blank spaces below. This activity will show how much youunderstood the diagram.1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are diseases tha are caused by food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are diseases caused by bacteria from food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.3. Certain kinds of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cause food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.4. Chemicals like _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ cause food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Activity 3 Canteen Survey Visit your school canteen. Find out if the school canteen complies with the requirements on foodsanitation.A. Make a survey on the following; 1. Presence of health certificates of canteen personnel. 2. Provision of enough sanitary water supply. 3. Presence of clean and safe kitchen, lavatory and comfort room. 4. Proper food preparation, food storage and food serving. 5. Proper lighting and ventilation. 6. Proper waste disposal. 7. Control of rodents, cockroaches, flies, pests, etc.B. Let’s check 1. Study the result of your survey. 2. How many items were complied with? Which items? 3. How many items were not complied with? Which items? 4. Write down your observations based on the survey. 5. What recommendations or suggestions can you give based on the result of your survey to improve and maintain the cleanliness of the school canteen and food sanitation?Activity 4 “Self Contract”Self Contract: Prevention of Food-Borne DiseasesGoal: I will practice good health habits that will help in the prevention of food-borne diseases.Plan: Inside the box, I will list the health practices which I will follow everyday to prevent food-bornediseases.Evaluation: For a period of one week, I will put a ( 3) or a cross ( + ) mark on the days when I did ordid not do the health practices. Health Practices Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun1.

If you have more check ( 3) marks than the cross ( + ) marks you are keeping up your con-tract with yourself. More cross ( + ) marks mean you have to strive harder to comply with yourcontract with yourself.Results: I will practice health habits to prevent food-borne diseases because ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________ .Let’s summarize! • Irresponsible method of fecal disposal poses many health hazards to people. • Water, soil, flies, cockroaches, etc. and hands are vehicles of transmission of diseases. • The basic health principle to prevent spread of diseases is to provide method for sanitary disposal of human waste. • Human waste disposal method can be categorized into four. • Pit latrine is most commonly observed in rural areas. • Indiscriminate disposal into fields or bodies of water violates all sanitation principles. • There are advantages and disadvantages in every method of disposal. • There are ways to take care and maintain toilet facility. • The development of desirable health practices can help prevent the spread of diseases. • Proper food sanitation can help prevent food – borne diseases. • There are two types of food – borne diseases. • You can also help prevent food – borne diseases. POST TESTDirection: Choose the correct answer. Write letters only.1. Water, soil, flies and hands are vehicles of transmission of diseases.a. certain c. trueb. uncertain d. false2. Consists of a cistern – flush toilet connected to a network of underground sewer.a. conventional septic tank c. pail systemb. sewerage system d. sewered pour – flush latrine3. Which of the following is not proper in taking care of toilet facility?a. Deposit solid objects in the bowlb. Use lysol for odor removalc. Water should be provided at all timesd. Clean bowl with muriatic acid to remove stain

4. Adjacent houses share vault latrine in this method.a. cat hole c. cesspoolb. continous composters d. wrap and throw5. Most common type of composting toilets.a. ventilated improved pit c. double vault compostingb. antipolo type d. reed odorless earth closet6. A completely displaced pit free of odor and insect problems.a. pour – flushed latrine c. septic privyb. cistern flush toilet d. dry type7. This method violates all sanitation principles.a. bucket latrine c. aqua privyb. over hung latrine d. vault latrines8. ________ is to chemical as ascariasis is to parasites.a. bacteria c. cyanideb. virus d. plants9. The danger of this method is contamination of underground water.a. VIP c. ROECb. DVC d. Wet Type10. Most commonly observed method of human waste disposal in rural areas.a. bore hole latrine c. comfort latrineb. pit latrine d. over hung latrine

Answer KeyPRE TEST 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. d 9. b 10. cLesson 1Activity 2 “ Round off the Score” 1. Ventilated Improved Pit 2. Antipolo Type 3. Dry Type 4. Continuos Composters 5. Double Vault Composting 6. Wet Type 7. Reed Odorless Earth Closet 8. Over – Hung Latrines 9. Wrap and Throw 10. Cat holeActivity 3 Word Hunt Cistern flush Vault Latrine Aqua privy Septic privy Pour flushed toilets Conventional septic tank Sewered pour flushed latrine CesspoolPOST TEST1. c 6. a2. b 7. b3. a 8. c4. c 9. d5. c 10. b

HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 3 The Breadth of Life, “Parents Pride” What this module is all about Reproductive health could be synonymous with the concern about reproductive systems of bothmale and female. Actually some sectors specifically women’s health advocates, view it in broader mannerand in a more holistic way. The government supports this issue. In fact, a number of National HealthGoals speak directly to promoting reproductive health to improve quality of life. This module will help you understand what reproductive health is and its importance. Therelationship of reproductive health, birth and infertility will be correlated. The factors affecting the abilityto have children will be explained. The reproductive process will be analyzed as you do the activities inthis module. What you are expected to learn from this module At the end of this module, you shall have: 1. defined the meaning of reproductive health, 2. discussed the importance of reproductive heath, 3. analyzed the relationship of reproductive health, birth and infertility, 4. explained the factors that affect child birth, 5. discussed the importance of fertilization to being a parent. 6. identified and practiced some reproductive health care tips.

How to learn from this Module This module is specially made for you. There are certain guidelines to follow in order to understandthe module better. 1. Read and answer the pretest, 2. Try to give your best in doing the activities, 3. Observe absolute honesty in doing the activities. Do not allow anybody to do the activities for you, however, you may ask help from others for clarification of certain issues/problems, 4. Do not leave an unaccomplished page, 5. Have a special notebook for your notes and answers, 6. Have fun in doing the activities, 7. Take good care of this module. PRETESTDirection: Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.1. Promoting, protecting and maintaining one’s reproductive health are life saving and life enhancing.a. true c. not certainb. false d. undecided2. The ability to reproduce and usually measured by the actual number of birth during reproductive age.a. Sterility c. fertilityb. infertility d. fecundity3. Mrs. Delsa Maracigan, married for five years, has four children. Which factor affecting childbirth isdescribed?a. health c. ageb. heredity d. birth spacing4. Girls begin development and maturation of reproductive organ at approximately this age.a. 12-14 yrs. of age c. 15-16 yrs. of ageb. 10-13 yrs. of age d. 8-9 yrs. of age

5. Secondary sex changes which begin during puberty make the adolescents capable of reproduction.a. uncertain c. trueb. undecided d. false6. An ovary is to the female as _____ is to the male.a. penis c. testesb. scrotum d. epididymis7. It is where fertilization occursa. uterus c. vaginab. ovary d. fallopian tube8. When it happens menstrual cycle stops.a. ovulation c. pubertyb. pregnancy d. fertility9. Pregnancy is no longer possible after their period.a. menopause c. menstruationb. menarche d. ovulation10. Which of the following is not among reproductive health related care tips?a. exercise c. smokingb. eat healthy foods d. swimmingLesson 1 Reproductive Health: Meaning and Importance of Reproductive Health Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely theabsence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system, it’s function and process. It involves not only your understanding of the biological elements but also your awareness of howsexuality reproduction and child rearing are carried out. With the basic knowledge about reproductivehealth, you could properly take care of your reproductive system. You can prevent illness and attainoptimum level of health, thus enhancing the quality of life. Is there really a need to promote reproductive health? Let’s find out.

Activity 1 Newspaper Collage Gather newspapers and magazines. Clip news items and pictures on the following topics. Cut andpaste them on a cartolina to form a collage.Topics:1. Early marriages 4. Miscarriages2. Rape 5. Infection of STD3. Terminal illness- cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate gland cancer Analyze the collage message. Why did you choose the figure to symbolize reproductive health?Are you able to prove there is a need to promote reproductive health? Are you able to gather proofs thereare reproductive health problems? Can the topics listed above possibly result to a health problem? In what ways can they be areproductive health problem? How do you take care of your reproductive health? Do you know that there are ways by whichyou can take care of reproductive health?Activity 2 “Top Reproductive Health Care Tips” Draw a Red M for yes answers and a Blue • for no answers. Do you...... 1. smoke? 2. eat balance healthy foods? 3. exercises? 4. practice good personal hygiene? 5. take alcoholic beverages? 6. decide not to have sex at this age? 7. take drugs? 8. believe in safe sex? 9. Believe a girl should not get pregnant until she’s ready to be a parent? 10. Believe a man should have sex only with his wife? What questions received your yes answer? Are you happy with your answers? What were youranswers in question numbers 1, 5 and 7? Do you think those are healthy, friendly habits? What wereyour answers in question 6, 8, 9, 10? Do you realize your positive reproductive health outlook?

Activity 3 “ Send a Message”What did you learn in this lesson? Form a message arranging the words placed in the box.reproductive health and maintainingone’s Promoting protectingand life saving are life enhancingLesson 2 Reproductive Health in Relation to Fertility and Infertility What is the relation of reproductive health to birth and infertility? Do fertility and infertilitydetermine the reproductive health of an individual? Look at the diagram and analyze. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FERTILITY INFERTILITY The inability to The ability to reproduce after one reproduce usually year of frequent measured by the sexual intercourse actual number of without using any births during contraceptives. reproductive age. CAUSES FACTORS Affecting Men Women• Heredity• Health Therapy• Age• Cycle of ovulation• Breast feeding• Pregnancy Wastage (miscarriage, abortion)• Still birth• Birth Spacing

Activity 1 Let’s check up Direction: Fill-in the blank spaces with the correct missing word.1. Mr. and Mrs. Dy have been married for 5 years and they have 5 children. They are considered a_____________ couple.2. Mary has an identical twin baby girls. This condition may be due to _____________, a factor affectingfertility.3. Mando and Cecille have been married for the past 10 years and still childless. This condition is referredto as ________________.4. Jane and Joe got married at the age of 55 and 60 respectively and they are childless. Their conditionmay be attributed to the ______________ factor.5. The cycle of ____________ is an important factor in determining the fertility of a woman.Activity 2 “Pick the Fact” Read the following situations carefully. What factor affecting childbirth corresponds the situation? Write B- for Biological P- Psychological S- Sociological1. Rita has a normal menstrual cycle.2. Mrs. Asuncion Nolasco believes her children are her wealth. She has (8) children.3. Mr. Jason Chavez, an overseas worker, was infected with AIDS.4. Mr. And Mrs. Villanueva got married 45 and 40 respectively.5. Mrs. Sharon Cruz had experienced miscarriage for three times.6. Mr. Ronnie Diaz has twin uncle and twin son.7. Mr. Alberto Vasquez is an only son, wants so hard to have a son to perpetuate his family name.8. Mrs. Delsa Marasigan, married for five years, has four children.9. Cesar believes having many children will prove his machismo.10. Carol believes her children are her insurance for her retirement years.Refer to Answer Key

Activity 3 “What’s in the Box?” Complete the message by supplying the box with letters corresponding the number given to form aword. A-4 F-1 L-12 P-15 U-17 C-2 G-5 M-10 R-7 V-18 D-3 H-11 N-13 S-16 Y-191. The ability of the ovaries and tesEte-s8to pIr-o9duceO-14 T-67 8 15 7 14 3 17 2 6 9 18 8 9 13 11 8 7 9 6 8 32. After the age of 30, a woman’s 1 8 7 6 9 12 9 6 19 begins to decline.3. A 11 8 4 12 6 11 19 body is capable of having many children.4. 14 18 17 12 4 6 9 14 13 14 18 17 12 4 6 9 14 13usually occurs once in a menstrual cycle. 10 9 16 2 4 7 7 9 14 5 85. The risk of increases after the age of 30. Did you get all the messages correctly? Do you agree with the health messages you formed? Didyou understand all the topics in the lesson? If you did, then you are ready to start the next lesson! If notyou may go back to the lessons you did not understand well!Lesson 3 Importance of Reproductive Process to Being a Parent Whether planning for childbearing or not, everyone should be familiar with reproductive physiology.Everyone needs to be aware of the structure of reproductive system to become better partners andparents. When you understand your body and its functions, you become better prepared to protect andrespect your body. Readiness for childbearing is initiated at puberty. Puberty is the stage in life at which secondary sexchanges begin. Girls begin development and maturation of reproductive organs at approximately 10 to13 years and for boys 12 to 14 years. Specific hormones are responsible for these changes and this makesadolescents capable of reproduction. There are two important systems in the reproductive process namely the male and the femalereproductive systems.

The Female Reproductive System The female reproductive system is composed of the following parts: a. the uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ which recieves the egg after its journey down thefallopian tube. b. the fallopian tubes lead the ovaries to the uterus. It is where fertilization or the union of the egg celland the sperm cell occurs. c. the ovaries produce and store eggs and also feminizing hormones. d. vagina is the opening in the female’s body where the baby passes through during birth.Activity 1 “Fix the Mix” Arrange the scrambled letters to identify the female internal reproductive organ.FLNUA RI PI BA VE OA STLEOS (3) (1) G NV ER AA TU I SU (4) (2) THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANRefer to the Answer Key.The Menstrual Cycle: Every month a woman experiences a monthly cycle of changes. The average cycle is 28 days. Agirlcan start menstruating between the ages of 10-15 and will continue doing so until the ages 45 to 51. Me-narche is the onset of menstruation. Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when menstruation stops andpregnancy is no longer possible. When a female reaches puberty, egg cells start to develop in her ovaries. When the egg matures, it isreleased from an ovary, ovulation occurs. The released egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus.After reaching the uterus, the egg and the thick lining of the uterus begin to break down. The egg and theuterus lining are shed out from body through the vagina as menstrual flow. The period of menstrual flow iscalled menstruation.

Activity 2 “Find the Sequence” Arrange the illustrations below and number them 1-5 according to the stages of the menstrual cycle.Write the number after each letter.A. ______ B. ______C. ______ D. ______ E. ______ Refer to the Answer Key If you got all the correct answer. Congratulations!You are now aware of the menstrual cycle. But if you did not get them all, don’t worry!

How does Reproduction take place? It is in the fallopian tube that a mature egg and sperm cell unite. The union of an egg and sperm is what wecall fertilization process. During this process, the fertilized egg divides, continues moving to the uterus and getsimplanted into the thick lining of the uterus. When this happens a woman becomes pregnant and the menstrualcycle stops. In cases when the egg cell is not fertilized, it disintegrates and flows out as menstruation.Activity 3 “Word Hunt”1. Find ten words associated F E RT I L I Z AT I ON with the female reproductive AS CAE RHODAVOO system. L UHNAS T E CHI E I L AI I NI T VI T DCT2. Give the meaning of these words. OP T GGE S I ARP HA P OVARYUUCGUAL3. You can go hunting vertically, I N MV U S R O B L B T U horizontally, diagonally, upward, AE ANAT L E S I E OV or downwards. N MC A S R E V A T R S O T UL NGOL RI NT AS UBE CHVNT UE YAU Q ME N A R C H E S E I L Below is an illustration of the structure of the male reproductive organ. The structure consists of internaland external parts. Each part has its own function. The reproductive cells produced by themale are the sperm cells. These cells areproduced in paired sex glands called testiclesor testes. The testicles are suspended in thescrotum, a saclike structure hanging directlybehind the penis, the organ through whichsperms are released into the vagina. The sperm moves into the epididymis,a coiled tube adjacent to the testicles within thescrotum where they are stored there until theyare discharged. During ejaculation, the seminalvesicle provides nourishment. The prostategland secretes a fluid to nourish the sperm. Thevas deferens serves as passageway of the sperm Let’s try activity 4.

Activity 4 “Catch the Match” Find the part of the male reproductive organ which corresponds to the functions listed below. Write theletters only.1. Functions as the sperm and hormone production center.2. The body’s warehouse for sperm.3. The organ through which sperms are released into the vagina.4. Along coiled tube above each testicle through which sperm travels on its way to the urethra.5. Sacklike structure below the penis which protects the testicles by maintaining the temperature.6. Secretes fluids that create a healthy environment in which the sperm can live. How did you rate in the game? It’s alright if you didn’t get them all correct! Go back if you feel it necessary to read lesson again. Reproduction is an important aspect of being a parent but you should always remember that becoming aparent carries with big responsibility. How responsible can you be when you become a parent? Let’s do activity 5Activity 5 “Open - Ended statement” Complete the statement. 1. When I become a parent, I want to have children because..... 2. The lesson on reproductive process made me realize that..... 3. Being aware of the structure of reproductive system helps me to.... Are you now ready to take the post test? You’ve just completed this module, another module is prepared to continue this unit. Congratulations!Lets summarize!!! • Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely. The absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system. Its functions and process. • Promoting, protecting and maintaining one’s reproductive health are life enhancing and life saving. • Fertility is the ability to reproduce usually measured by the actual number of births during the reproductive age. • Infertility is the inability to reproduce after one year of frequent sexual intercourse without using contraceptives.

• There are factors affecting childbirth.• A fertile individual is not necessarily a reproductive healthy individual and so is an infertileperson.• Everyone needs to be aware of the reproductive physiology to become better partnersand parents.• Puberty is a stage of life at which secondary sex changes begin.• The female internal reproductive organs include the ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus and thevagina.• The male external reproductive organs include the penis, the scrotum and testicles. Theinternal organs include the vas deferens, epididymis, prostate gland and the seminal vesicles.• The person of menstrual flow is called menstruation.• Ovulation is the process of releasing mature eggs from the ovary.• Menarche is the onset of menstruation. Menopause is the stoppage.• Fertilization is the union of egg and sperm cell. POST TEST1. Usually measures by the actual number of births during reproductive age.a. sterility c. fertilityb. infertility d. fecundity2. Girls begin development and maturation of reproductive organ at approximately this age.a. 12 - 14 yrs. of age c. 15 - 16 yrs. of ageb. 10 - 13 yrs. of age d. 8 - 9 yrs. of age3. Adolescents are capable of reproduction because of the secondary sex changes which begin duringpuberty.a. uncertain c. trueb. undecided d. false4. _____ is to the male as an ovary is to the female.a. penis c. testesb. scrotum d. epididymis5. It is where fertilization occursa. uterus c. vaginab. ovary d. fallopian tube

6. Menstrual cycle stops when it happensa. ovulation c. pubertyb. pregnancy d. fertility7. Mrs. Delsa Marasigan married for five years has four children. Which factor affecting childbirth is described?a. health c. ageb. heredity d. birth spacing8.After this period, pregnancy is no longer possible.a. menopause c. menstruationb. menarche d. ovulation9. Which is not among reproductive health care tips?a. exercise c. smokingb. eat healthy foods d. swimming10. Promoting, protecting and maintaining one’s reproductive health are life saving and life enhancing.a. agree c. not certainb. disagree d. undecided Refer to the Answer Keys

Answer Key PreTest 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. c Lesson 1Activity 3 “Send a message” Core message: Promoting, protecting and maintaining one’s reproductive health are life enhancing and life saving. Lesson 2Activity 2 “Pick the Fact” 1. B 2. P 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. S 8. B 9. B 10. PActivity 3 What’s in the Box? 1. reproductive, inherited 2. fertility 3. healthy 4. ovulation period 5. miscarriage

Lesson 3 Activity 1 Fix the Mix 1. fallopian tubes 2. uterus 3. ovaries 4. vaginaActivity 2 Find the Sequence 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. aActivity 3 Word Hunt 6. ovary 11. eggs 1. fertilization 7. puberty 2. fallopian tubes 8. uterus 3. ovulation 9. vagina 4. menstruation 10. Menopause 5. menarche 6. bActivity 4 Catch and Match 7. d 1. C 8. a 2. E 9. c 3. B 10. a 4. A 5. F 6. DPost-Test 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. d

HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 4 Marriage at Right Age What this module is all about One of the common health problems of married couples is infertility. In both men and women,various factors can account for it. Fortunately, major advances in medicine have been made in recentyears to solve the problems of infertility. But what really causes infertility? How can it be prevented? Isit curable? All these and appropriate attitudes towards infertility will be discussed in this module. Likewise the importance of getting married at appropriate time and the ways of uplifting the qualityof life will be explained in this module. You will realize that it is not to your advantage if you get marriedat a young age. Research studies conclude that early marriages are not likely to survive as compared tomarriages done in appropriate time. Young couples may not yet be ready to meet the demands ofmarriage. They may not have developed enough emotional maturity to handle marital problems. What you are expected to learn from this module At the end of the module, you shall have: 1. analyzed the causes, prevention and cure of infertility, 2. evaluated the appropriate attitude towards infertility, 3. explained the factors to be considered in determining the readiness for marriage, 4. realized the importance of getting married at appropriate time, 5. explained the ways of uplifting the quality of life.

How to learn from this module This module is specially made to help you learn the lessons on fertility and marriage. To understandthe lesson very well, you have to follow some guidelines: 1. read and answer the pre-test, 2. try to give your best in doing the activities, 3. observe absolute honesty in doing the activities, 4. do not allow anybody to do the activities for you. However, you may ask help from knowledgeable persons like your teacher for clarification of certain issues/problems, 5. do not leave an unaccomplished page, 6. have a special notebook for your notes and answers, 7. have fun in doing the activities, 8. take good care of this module. PRETESTDirection: Read each statement carefully. Choose and write the letter of the best answer in your notebook.1. Research shows there is no higher risk of genetic abnormalities in the child conceived withAssisted Reproductive Technology (ART)a. true c. not certainb. false d. not known2. The complete absence of sperm in the semen.a. anemia c. azoospermiab. oligospermia d. hyper prolactinemia3. A problem of varicose changes in vein surrounding the testicles.a. varicosities c. luteal-phase defectsb. varicocele d. vasectomy4. Failure to release an egg each menstrual cyclea. anovulation c. superovulationb. ovulation d. gonadotropia5. Cause of infertility among men c. orchitis a. diabetes d. cervical factor b. endometriosis6. Which is not a therapy for impotence?a. psychological therapy c. penile injectionb. vacuum constriction device d. treatment of superovulation therapy

7. The most commonly used technique of Assisted Reproductive Technologya. Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) c. Intracytoplasmic Injectionb. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) d. Gamete Intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)8. Attitudes towards conception vary greatly.a. agree c. undecidedb. disagree d. uncertain9. Sperm allergic women produce antibodies that kill sperm before it penetrates an egg.a. uterine factor c. cervical factorb. immunologic factor d. pelvic inflammatory disease10. Which of the following does not belong to the risks of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) involving the medication and procedure used to remove the eggs? a. increased chance of multiple pregnancy b. over stimulation of ovaries c. abdominal discomfort d. damage to adjacent organsHow many correct answers did you get? You may refer to the key of correctionsLesson 1 Infertility - Its Cause The Philippine population is about 80 millions. The figure speaks of the overpopulationproblem besetting our country. On the other hand, do you know that there are couples who haveproblem of not having children born to them? One of the main reasons is infertility. Infertility is thelack of capability of a woman to conceive a child. There are a variety of factors which cause infertility.The reasons can involve the man, the woman or both.

Activity 1 Infertilitygram Study the diagram below and answer the questions. INFERTILITY CAUSES MAN WOMANƒ Mechanical problems ƒ Anovulation - Impotence - Hyperprolactinemia - Premature ejaculation - Chronic debilitating (diabetes or thyroid disease)ƒ Problem with sperm - Azoospermia ƒ Abnormalities of fallopian tube - Obligospermia - Tumor or irregularities in formation block passage of eggƒ Varicocele - Varicosities ƒ Endometriosis ƒ Lutcal-phase defectsƒ Hormonal disordersƒ Infections of sexually - Hormonal abnormality ƒ Uterine factors transmitted diseasesƒ Injuries - Irregular shape of the uterus or tumors ƒ Cervical factors - Orchitisƒ Sperms are ejaculated into the - Irregularities or growths ƒ Immunological factors bladder - Sperm allergic women produce antibodies that kills sperms before they penetrate an egg ƒ Pelvic inflammatory disease - Caused by sexually transmitted disease 1. What are the causes of infertility among men? Among women? 2. Enumerate the mechanical problems which cause infertility among men. 3. What are the problems with sperm which causes infertility? 4. What disease causes orchitis? 5. Give examples of sexually transmitted diseases. 6. What are the factors which cause anovulation? There are medical terms in the diagram which may be difficult for you. Have fun in doing theactivity as you discover the meaning of these words. Get your notebook ready!

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